def extract_fit_displacement(dsfile, expttype='size_contrast_opto_0'): displacement = {} with ut.hdf5read(dsfile) as f: keylist = [key for key in f.keys()] for ikey in range(len(keylist)): session = f[keylist[ikey]] if expttype in session: sc0 = session[expttype] if 'rf_displacement_deg' in sc0: pval = sc0['rf_mapping_pval'][:] sigma = session['retinotopy_0']['rf_sigma'][:] X = session['cell_center'][:] y = sc0['rf_displacement_deg'][:].T if sigma.max() > 0: lkat = ut.k_and(pval < 0.05, ~np.isnan(X[:, 0]), ~np.isnan(y[:, 0]), sigma > 5) else: lkat = ut.k_and(pval < 0.05, ~np.isnan(X[:, 0]), ~np.isnan(y[:, 0])) linreg = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression().fit( X[lkat], y[lkat]) displacement[keylist[ikey]] = np.zeros_like(y) displacement[ keylist[ikey]][~np.isnan(X[:, 0])] = linreg.predict( X[~np.isnan(X[:, 0])]) return displacement
def compute_encoding_axis_auroc(reg, proc): auroc = [None for k in range(len(proc))] uangle, usize, ucontrast, ulight = [[None for k in range(len(proc))] for iparam in range(4)] icutoff = 0 for iexpt in range(len(proc)): if not reg[iexpt] is None and not reg[iexpt][icutoff] is None: cutoff = proc[iexpt]['cutoffs'][icutoff] desired_outputs = [ 'angle', 'size', 'contrast', 'light', 'running', 'sigma', 'v', 'uangle', 'usize', 'ucontrast', 'ulight', 'train' ] angle, size, contrast, light, running, sigma, v, uangle[ iexpt], usize[iexpt], ucontrast[iexpt], ulight[ iexpt], train = [ proc[iexpt][output].copy() for output in desired_outputs ] zero_contrast = ut.k_and( contrast == 0, running) #,eye_dist < np.nanpercentile(eye_dist,50)) nsize = len(usize[iexpt]) ncontrast = len(ucontrast[iexpt]) nangle = len(uangle[iexpt]) nlight = len(ulight[iexpt]) auroc[iexpt] = np.zeros((nlight, nsize, ncontrast, nangle)) for ilight in range(nlight): for isize in range(nsize): for icontrast in range(ncontrast): for iangle in range(nangle): this_contrast = ut.k_and( light == ilight, angle == iangle, size == isize, contrast == icontrast, running, ~train ) #,eye_dist < np.nanpercentile(eye_dist,50)) if this_contrast.sum(): X0 = (np.diag(sigma[:cutoff]) @ v[:cutoff, :]).T[zero_contrast] X1 = (np.diag(sigma[:cutoff]) @ v[:cutoff, :]).T[this_contrast] # this_model = reg[iexpt][icutoff][isize][iangle].copy() y0 = reg[iexpt][icutoff][ilight][isize][ iangle].predict(X0) y1 = reg[iexpt][icutoff][ilight][isize][ iangle].predict(X1) auroc[iexpt][ilight, isize, icontrast, iangle] = ut.compute_auroc( y0, y1) else: auroc[iexpt][ilight, isize, icontrast, iangle] = np.nan return auroc
def keep_rois_ret_aligned(subdict, dcutoff=20): r0 = subdict['retinotopy_0'] to_keep = [None for rtype in r0] for itype, rtype in enumerate(r0): sig = rtype[:, paramname_to_ind('rf_mapping_pval')] < 0.05 well_fit = rtype[:, paramname_to_ind('rf_sq_error')] < 1 near = rtype[:, paramname_to_ind('rf_distance_deg')] < dcutoff to_keep[itype] = ut.k_and(sig, well_fit, near) return to_keep
def compute_tuning(dsfile, running=True, center=True, fieldname='decon', keylist=None, pval_cutoff=np.inf, dcutoff=np.inf, nbefore=8, nafter=8, run_cutoff=10): with ut.hdf5read(dsfile) as f: if keylist is None: keylist = [key for key in f.keys()] tuning = [None for ikey in range(len(keylist))] cell_criteria = [None for ikey in range(len(keylist))] uparam = [None for ikey in range(len(keylist))] for ikey in range(len(keylist)): session = f[keylist[ikey]] if 'size_contrast_opto_0' in session: sc0 = session['size_contrast_opto_0'] # print([key for key in session.keys()]) data = sc0[fieldname][:] stim_id = sc0['stimulus_id'][:] paramnames = params = sc0['stimulus_parameters'] uparam[ikey] = [sc0[paramname][:] for paramname in paramnames] trialrun = sc0['running_speed_cm_s'][:, nbefore:-nafter].mean( -1) > run_cutoff if not running: trialrun = ~trialrun if 'rf_displacement_deg' in sc0: pval = sc0['rf_mapping_pval'][:] X = session['cell_center'][:] y = sc0['rf_displacement_deg'][:].T lkat = ut.k_and(pval < 0.05, ~np.isnan(X[:, 0]), ~np.isnan(y[:, 0])) linreg = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression().fit( X[lkat], y[lkat]) displacement = np.zeros_like(y) displacement[~np.isnan(X[:, 0])] = linreg.predict( X[~np.isnan(X[:, 0])]) if center: cell_criteria[ikey] = (np.sqrt((displacement**2).sum(1)) < dcutoff) & (pval < pval_cutoff) else: cell_criteria[ikey] = (np.sqrt((displacement**2).sum(1)) > dcutoff) & (pval < pval_cutoff) tuning[ikey] = ut.compute_tuning( data, stim_id, cell_criteria=cell_criteria[ikey], trial_criteria=trialrun) #cell_criteria print('%s: %.1f' % (keylist[ikey], trialrun.mean())) else: print('could not do ' + keylist[ikey]) return tuning, cell_criteria, uparam
def run_mi_plotting(network_resps, target_bin, plot_mi_fn=plot_smi_errorbars, plot_mi_lbl='pc_smi_vs_contrast_l4', ext='eps', iconns=[0, 2, 3, 4], itype=0, opt={}): # run a plotting function e.g. plot_mi_errorbars, or plot_mimi_bars_with_lines # on each of many opto stim directions, and many perturbations of the modeled network # with a given desired metric, plotting the outcome of that metric on PCs # network_resps a list of lists, opto stim direction x perturbation x (fit x size x contrast x cell type) # save the figure, indicating the type of plot, opto stim direction, perturbation, filename and extension ibaseline = 15 idir = 2 lkat = ut.k_and(*[ network_resps[idir][iconn].max(1).max(1).max(1) < 10 for iconn in [0, 2, 3, 4] ]) light_lbls = ['silencing', 'activation'] conn_lbls = [ 'baseline', 'pcpc_deleted', 'pcpv_deleted', 'pcvip_deleted', 'pcsst_deleted', '' ] cs = [np.array((1, 0.8, 0)), np.array((1, 0, 0))] for iconn in iconns: #[0,2,3,4]: ihigh = int( np.round(np.mean(target_bin[lkat])) ) #np.minimum(np.maximum(target_bin[lkat],0),20)#np.maximum(target_bin[lkat]-2,15)#ilight_drmax[2][iconn][lkat] ilow = ihigh #30-ihigh#4#ilight_drmax[1][iconn][lkat] idir = 0 xdata = network_resps[idir][iconn][lkat][:, ibaseline, :, itype].reshape((-1, 6, 6)) xdata_norm = xdata / xdata.mean(1).mean(1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] ylims = [None, None] for idir, ilight, light_lbl, c, ylim in zip([1, 2], [ilow, ihigh], light_lbls, cs, ylims): #ydata = network_resps[idir][iconn][lkat][:,:,:,itype][np.arange(lkat.sum()),ilight].reshape((-1,6,6)) ydata = network_resps[idir][iconn][lkat][:, ilight, :, itype].reshape((-1, 6, 6)) ydata_norm = ydata / xdata.mean(1).mean(1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] save_string = 'figures/%s_%s_%s.%s' % (plot_mi_lbl, light_lbl, conn_lbls[iconn], ext) opt['c'] = cs[idir - 1] opt['save_string'] = save_string plot_mi_fn(xdata_norm, ydata_norm, **opt)
def get_ret_info(dsfile, expttype='size_contrast_0'): # take in an HDF5 data struct, and convert to an n-dimensional matrix # describing the tuning curve of each neuron. For size-contrast stimuli, # the dimensions of this matrix are ROI index x size x contrast x direction x time. # This outputs a list of such matrices, where each element is one imaging session with h5py.File(dsfile, mode='r') as f: keylist = [key for key in f.keys()] ret_info = [None for i in range(len(keylist))] for ikey in range(len(keylist)): session = f[keylist[ikey]] print(session) #print([key for key in session.keys()]) if expttype in session: sc0 = session[expttype] if 'rf_displacement_deg' in sc0: pval = sc0['rf_mapping_pval'][:] sqerror = session['retinotopy_0']['rf_sq_error'][:] sigma = session['retinotopy_0']['rf_sigma'][:] try: amplitude = session['retinotopy_0']['rf_amplitude'][:] except: amplitude = np.nan * np.ones_like(sigma) cell_center = session['cell_center'][:] rf_center = sc0['rf_displacement_deg'][:].T X = cell_center y = rf_center rf_conditions = [ ut.k_and(~np.isnan(X[:, 0]), ~np.isnan(y[:, 0])), sqerror < 0.75, sigma > 3.3, pval < 0.1 ] lkat = np.ones((X.shape[0], ), dtype='bool') for cond in rf_conditions: lkat_new = (lkat & cond) if lkat_new.sum() >= 5: lkat = lkat_new.copy() linreg = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression().fit( X[lkat], y[lkat]) ret_map_loc = np.zeros_like(y) ret_map_loc[~np.isnan(X[:, 0])] = linreg.predict( X[~np.isnan(X[:, 0])]) ret_info[ikey] = {'pval':pval,'sqerror':sqerror,'sigma':sigma,\ 'cell_center':cell_center,'rf_center':rf_center,\ 'ret_map_loc':ret_map_loc,'amplitude':amplitude} return ret_info
def compute_tuning(dsfile, datafield='decon', running=True, expttype='size_contrast_0', running_pct_cutoff=default_running_pct_cutoff, fill_nans_under_cutoff=False, run_speed_cutoff=default_run_speed_cutoff): # take in an HDF5 data struct, and convert to an n-dimensional matrix # describing the tuning curve of each neuron. For size-contrast stimuli, # the dimensions of this matrix are ROI index x size x contrast x direction x time. # This outputs a list of such matrices, where each element is one imaging session with h5py.File(dsfile, mode='r') as f: keylist = [key for key in f.keys()] tuning = [None for i in range(len(keylist))] uparam = [None for i in range(len(keylist))] displacement = [None for i in range(len(keylist))] pval = [None for i in range(len(keylist))] for ikey in range(len(keylist)): session = f[keylist[ikey]] print(session) #print([key for key in session.keys()]) if expttype in session and datafield in session[expttype]: sc0 = session[expttype] print(datafield) data = sc0[datafield][:] stim_id = sc0['stimulus_id'][:] nbefore = sc0['nbefore'][()] nafter = sc0['nafter'][()] if running: trialrun = sc0[ 'running_speed_cm_s'][:, nbefore:-nafter].mean( -1) > run_speed_cutoff # else: trialrun = sc0['running_speed_cm_s'][:, nbefore:-nafter].mean( -1 ) < run_speed_cutoff #print(sc0['running_speed_cm_s'].shape) print(np.nanmean(trialrun)) if np.nanmean(trialrun) > running_pct_cutoff: tuning[ikey] = ut.compute_tuning( data, stim_id, trial_criteria=trialrun)[:] elif fill_nans_under_cutoff: tuning[ikey] = ut.compute_tuning( data, stim_id, trial_criteria=trialrun)[:] tuning[ikey] = np.nan * np.ones_like(tuning[ikey]) uparam[ikey] = [] for param in sc0['stimulus_parameters']: uparam[ikey] = uparam[ikey] + [sc0[param][:]] if 'rf_displacement_deg' in sc0: pval[ikey] = sc0['rf_mapping_pval'][:] sqerror = session['retinotopy_0']['rf_sq_error'][:] sigma = session['retinotopy_0']['rf_sigma'][:] X = session['cell_center'][:] y = sc0['rf_displacement_deg'][:].T rf_conditions = [ ut.k_and(~np.isnan(X[:, 0]), ~np.isnan(y[:, 0])), sqerror < 0.75, sigma > 3.3, pval[ikey] < 0.1 ] lkat = np.ones((X.shape[0], ), dtype='bool') for cond in rf_conditions: lkat_new = (lkat & cond) if lkat_new.sum() >= 5: lkat = lkat_new.copy() linreg = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression().fit( X[lkat], y[lkat]) displacement[ikey] = np.zeros_like(y) displacement[ikey][~np.isnan(X[:, 0])] = linreg.predict( X[~np.isnan(X[:, 0])]) return tuning, uparam, displacement, pval
def compute_encoding_axes(dsname, expttype='size_contrast_0', cutoffs=(20, ), alphas=np.logspace(-2, 2, 50), running_trials=False, training_set=None): na = len(alphas) with ut.hdf5read(dsname) as ds: keylist = list(ds.keys()) nkey = len(keylist) R = [None for k in range(nkey)] reg = [None for k in range(nkey)] # pred = [None for k in range(nkey)] top_score = [None for k in range(nkey)] proc = [{} for k in range(nkey)] auroc = [None for k in range(nkey)] for k in range(len(keylist)): if expttype in ds[keylist[k]]: R[k] = [None for icutoff in range(len(cutoffs))] reg[k] = [None for icutoff in range(len(cutoffs))] # pred[k] = [None for icutoff in range(len(cutoffs))] sc0 = ds[keylist[k]][expttype] nbefore = sc0['nbefore'][()] nafter = sc0['nafter'][()] decon = np.nanmean(sc0['decon'][()][:, :, nbefore:-nafter], -1) data = sst.zscore(decon, axis=1) data[np.isnan(data)] = 0 if training_set is None: train = np.ones((decon.shape[1], ), dtype='bool') else: if isinstance(training_set[keylist[k]], list): train = training_set[keylist[k]][0] else: train = training_set[keylist[k]] pval_ret = sc0['rf_mapping_pval'][()] dist_ret = sc0['rf_distance_deg'][()] ontarget_ret_lax = np.logical_and(dist_ret < 40, pval_ret < 0.05) #ntokeep = 20 #if ontarget_ret_lax.sum() > ntokeep: # ot = np.where(ontarget_ret_lax)[0] # throw_out = ot[np.random.choice(len(ot),len(ot)-ntokeep,replace=False)] # ontarget_ret_lax[throw_out] = False ntokeep = -np.inf data = data[ontarget_ret_lax] print(data.shape[0]) u, sigma, v = np.linalg.svd(data) running_speed_cm_s = sc0['running_speed_cm_s'][()] running = np.nanmean(running_speed_cm_s[:, nbefore:-nafter], 1) > 7 if not running_trials: running = ~running size = sc0['stimulus_id'][()][0] contrast = sc0['stimulus_id'][()][1] angle = sc0['stimulus_id'][()][2] light = sc0['stimulus_id'][()][3] proc[k]['u'] = u proc[k]['sigma'] = sigma proc[k]['v'] = v proc[k]['pval_ret'] = pval_ret proc[k]['dist_ret'] = dist_ret proc[k]['ontarget_ret_lax'] = ontarget_ret_lax proc[k]['running_speed_cm_s'] = running_speed_cm_s proc[k]['running'] = running proc[k]['size'] = size proc[k]['contrast'] = contrast proc[k]['angle'] = angle proc[k]['light'] = light proc[k]['cutoffs'] = cutoffs proc[k]['train'] = train uangle, usize, ucontrast, ulight = [ sc0[key][()] for key in [ 'stimulus_direction_deg', 'stimulus_size_deg', 'stimulus_contrast', 'stimulus_light' ] ] proc[k]['uangle'], proc[k]['usize'], proc[k][ 'ucontrast'], proc[k][ 'ulight'] = uangle, usize, ucontrast, ulight if np.logical_and(ontarget_ret_lax.sum() >= ntokeep, running.mean() > 0.5): #uangle,usize,ucontrast = [np.unique(arr) for arr in [angle,size,contrast]] nlight = len(ulight) nsize = len(usize) ncontrast = len(ucontrast) nangle = len(uangle) top_score[k] = np.zeros( (len(cutoffs), nlight, nsize, nangle)) auroc[k] = np.zeros((nlight, nsize, ncontrast - 1, nangle)) for icutoff, cutoff in enumerate(cutoffs): R[k][icutoff] = np.zeros( (nlight, nsize, nangle, cutoff)) reg[k][icutoff] = [None for ilight in range(nlight)] # pred[k][icutoff] = [None for ilight in range(nlight)] # actual[k][icutoff][ilight] = [None for ilight in range(nlight)] for ilight in range(nlight): reg[k][icutoff][ilight] = [ None for s in range(nsize) ] # pred[k][icutoff][ilight] = [None for s in range(nsize)] # actual[k][icutoff][ilight] = [None for s in range(nsize)] for s in range(nsize): reg[k][icutoff][ilight][s] = [ None for i in range(nangle) ] # pred[k][icutoff][ilight][s] = [None for i in range(nangle)] # actual[k][icutoff][ilight][s] = [None for i in range(nangle)] for i in range(nangle): stim_of_interest_all_contrast = ut.k_and( np.logical_or( np.logical_and( angle == i, size == s), contrast == 0), running, light == ilight, train ) #,eye_dist < np.nanpercentile(eye_dist,50)) X = ( np.diag(sigma[:cutoff]) @ v[:cutoff, :] ).T[stim_of_interest_all_contrast] y = contrast[ stim_of_interest_all_contrast] #>0 sc = np.zeros((na, )) for ia, alpha in enumerate(alphas): linreg = sklearn.linear_model.Ridge( alpha=alpha, normalize=True) reg1 =, y) scores = sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate( linreg, X, y, cv=5) sc[ia] = scores['test_score'].mean() best_alpha = np.argmax(sc) top_score[k][icutoff, ilight, s, i] = sc.max() linreg = sklearn.linear_model.Ridge( alpha=alphas[best_alpha], normalize=True) pred = sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_predict( linreg, X, y, cv=5) actual = y # [k][icutoff][ilight][s][i] auroc[k][ilight, s, :, i] = compute_detection_auroc( pred, actual, nvals=contrast.max()) reg[k][icutoff][ilight][s][i] = X, y) return reg, proc, top_score, auroc