Exemplo n.º 1
            df=df.ix[sp.x_min: sp.x_max] 
        except Exception:
            lf.write('Parameters Error: unable to slice x_min and x_max range in directory %s\n\n'%folder)      

        transfer_attr(df_full, df, speakup=False)
        df.columns.name=timeunit  #Useful for plotting 2d-3d for autodetection, but not necessary       

        ###### Polygon Plot
        spec_poly3d(df, title=options.rname+'3d Poly Spec')
        plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname+'polygon')

        ##### Basic spectral and absorbance plots    
        specplot(df, title=options.rname+'Full spectrum')
        plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname+'full_spectrum')

        absplot(divby(df), title=options.rname+'Relative spectrum' )
        plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname+'relative')

        ### Look for uv-vis ranges in data, if not found, default to equally slicing spectrum by 7
            if isinstance(uv_ranges, float) or isinstance(uv_ranges, int):
                uv_ranges=spec_slice(df.index, uv_ranges)   

        except AttributeError:
            uv_ranges=spec_slice(df.index, 8)   

        ### Time averaged plot, not scaled to 1 (relative intenisty dependson bin width and actual intensity)
Exemplo n.º 2

            df = df.ix[sp.x_min : sp.x_max]
        except Exception:
            lf.write("Parameters Error: unable to slice x_min and x_max range in directory %s\n\n" % folder)

        transfer_attr(ts_full, df, speakup=False)
        df.columns.name = timeunit  # Useful for plotting 2d-3d for autodetection, but not necessary

        ###### Polygon Plot
        spec_poly3d(df, title=options.rname + "3d Poly Spec")
        plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname + "polygon")

        ##### Basic spectral and absorbance plots
        specplot(df, title=options.rname + "Full spectrum")
        plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname + "full_spectrum")

        absplot(divby(df), title=options.rname + "Relative spectrum")
        plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname + "relative")

        ### Look for uv-vis ranges in data, if not found, default to equally slicing spectrum by 7
            uv_ranges = sp.uv_ranges
            if isinstance(uv_ranges, float) or isinstance(uv_ranges, int):
                uv_ranges = spec_slice(df.index, uv_ranges)

        except AttributeError:
            uv_ranges = spec_slice(df.index, 8)

        ### Time averaged plot, not scaled to 1 (relative intenisty dependson bin width and actual intensity)
Exemplo n.º 3
        #uv_ranges=spec_slice(df.index, 8)   
    #### Time averaged plot, not scaled to 1 (relative intenisty dependson bin width and actual intensity)
    #dfsliced=wavelength_slices(df, ranges=uv_ranges, apply_fcn='mean')
    #range_timeplot(dfsliced, ylabel='Average Intensity', xlabel='Time ('+timeunit+')' ) #legstyle =1 for upper left
    #plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname+'raw_time')
    #### Now scale curves to 1 for objective comparison
    #dfsliced_norm=dfsliced.apply(lambda x: x/x[0], axis=1)
    #range_timeplot(dfsliced_norm, title='Normalized Range Timeplot', ylabel='Scaled Average Intensity',\
                   #xlabel='Time ('+timeunit+')', legstyle=1 )
    #plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname+'norm_time')        
    #### Area plot using simpson method of integration
    #dfarea=wavelength_slices(df, ranges=(min(df.index), max(df.index)), apply_fcn='simps')                
    #range_timeplot(dfarea, ylabel='Power', xlabel='Time ('+timeunit+')', legend=False,
                   #title='Spectral Power vs. Time (%i nm - %i nm)'%  ## Eventually make nm a paremeter and class method
                   #(min(df.index), max(df.index)), color='r')
    #plt_clrsave(outdir, options.rname+'full_area')

if __name__=='__main__':
    print 'ya'
    quadplot(df, s, a)