Exemplo n.º 1
def test_qt_interactor(qtbot):
    from pyvista.plotting.plotting import close_all, _ALL_PLOTTERS
    close_all()  # this is necessary to test _ALL_PLOTTERS
    assert len(_ALL_PLOTTERS) == 0

    window = TstWindow(show=False, off_screen=False)
    qtbot.addWidget(window)  # register the main widget

    # check that TstWindow.__init__() is called
    assert _hasattr(window, "vtk_widget", QtInteractor)

    vtk_widget = window.vtk_widget  # QtInteractor

    # check that QtInteractor.__init__() is called
    assert _hasattr(vtk_widget, "iren", vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor)
    assert _hasattr(vtk_widget, "render_timer", QTimer)
    # check that BasePlotter.__init__() is called
    assert _hasattr(vtk_widget, "_style", vtk.vtkInteractorStyle)
    assert _hasattr(vtk_widget, "_closed", bool)
    # check that QVTKRenderWindowInteractorAdapter.__init__() is called
    assert _hasattr(vtk_widget, "interactor", QVTKRenderWindowInteractor)

    interactor = vtk_widget.interactor  # QVTKRenderWindowInteractor
    render_timer = vtk_widget.render_timer  # QTimer

    # ensure that self.render is called by the timer
    render_blocker = qtbot.wait_signals([render_timer.timeout], timeout=500)

    assert np.any(window.vtk_widget.mesh.points)

    with qtbot.wait_exposed(window, timeout=5000):
    with qtbot.wait_exposed(interactor, timeout=5000):

    assert window.isVisible()
    assert interactor.isVisible()
    assert render_timer.isActive()
    assert not vtk_widget._closed


    assert not window.isVisible()
    assert not interactor.isVisible()
    assert not render_timer.isActive()

    # check that BasePlotter.close() is called
    assert not hasattr(vtk_widget, "_style")
    assert not hasattr(vtk_widget, "iren")
    assert vtk_widget._closed

    # check that BasePlotter.__init__() is called only once
    assert len(_ALL_PLOTTERS) == 1
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_background_plotting_close(qtbot, close_event, empty_scene, plotting):
    from pyvista.plotting.plotting import _ALL_PLOTTERS, close_all
    close_all()  # this is necessary to test _ALL_PLOTTERS
    assert len(_ALL_PLOTTERS) == 0

    plotter = _create_testing_scene(empty_scene)

    # check that BackgroundPlotter.__init__() is called
    assert_hasattr(plotter, "app_window", MainWindow)
    assert_hasattr(plotter, "main_menu", QMenuBar)
    # check that QtInteractor.__init__() is called
    assert hasattr(plotter, "iren")
    assert_hasattr(plotter, "render_timer", QTimer)
    # check that BasePlotter.__init__() is called
    assert_hasattr(plotter, "_closed", bool)
    # check that QVTKRenderWindowInteractorAdapter._init__() is called
    assert_hasattr(plotter, "interactor", QVTKRenderWindowInteractor)

    window = plotter.app_window  # MainWindow
    main_menu = plotter.main_menu
    assert not main_menu.isNativeMenuBar()
    interactor = plotter.interactor  # QVTKRenderWindowInteractor
    render_timer = plotter.render_timer  # QTimer

    qtbot.addWidget(window)  # register the main widget

    # ensure that self.render is called by the timer
    render_blocker = qtbot.wait_signals([render_timer.timeout], timeout=500)

    # ensure that the widgets are showed
    with qtbot.wait_exposed(window, timeout=10000):
    with qtbot.wait_exposed(interactor, timeout=10000):

    # check that the widgets are showed properly
    assert window.isVisible()
    assert interactor.isVisible()
    assert main_menu.isVisible()
    assert render_timer.isActive()
    assert not plotter._closed

    with qtbot.wait_signals([window.signal_close], timeout=500):
        if close_event == "plotter_close":
        elif close_event == "window_close":
        elif close_event == "q_key_press":
            qtbot.keyClick(interactor, "q")
        elif close_event == "menu_exit":
        elif close_event == "del_finalizer":

    # check that the widgets are closed
    assert not window.isVisible()
    assert not interactor.isVisible()
    assert not main_menu.isVisible()
    assert not render_timer.isActive()

    # check that BasePlotter.close() is called
    if LooseVersion(pyvista.__version__) < '0.27.0':
        assert not hasattr(vtk_widget, "iren")
    assert plotter._closed

    # check that BasePlotter.__init__() is called only once
    assert len(_ALL_PLOTTERS) == 1