Exemplo n.º 1
def closefile(mydict, lineno):
    if nodes is not None:
        if len(nodes) > 1:
            err_message = ("End of WML file reached, but some tags were " + 
                            "not properly closed.\n"
                            "(nearest unclosed tag is: " + 
                            nodes[-1].tagname + ")" )
            finfo = fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
            wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
Exemplo n.º 2
def closefile(mydict, lineno):
    if nodes is not None:
        if len(nodes) > 1:
            err_message = ("End of WML file reached, but some tags were " +
                           "not properly closed.\n"
                           "(nearest unclosed tag is: " + nodes[-1].tagname +
            finfo = fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
            wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
Exemplo n.º 3
def closenode(closetag, mydict, lineno):
    global fileref
    global fileno
    global nodes
    if nodes is None:
        err_message = ("unexpected closing tag '" + 
                            closetag + "' outside any scope.")
        finfo = fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
        wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
        # node to close is the LAST element in self.nodes list
        mytag = nodes[-1].tagname
        mynode = nodes[-1]
        expected_closetag = re.sub(r'\[', r'[/', mytag)
        finfo = fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
        if mynode.tagname == "": 
            err_message = ("unexpected closing tag '" + 
                            closetag + "' outside any scope.")
            wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
            if closetag != expected_closetag:
                err_message = ("expected closing tag '" + 
                                expected_closetag + "' but '" +
                                closetag + "' found.")
                wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
Exemplo n.º 4
def closenode(closetag, mydict, lineno):
    global fileref
    global fileno
    global nodes
    if nodes is None:
        err_message = ("unexpected closing tag '" + closetag +
                       "' outside any scope.")
        finfo = fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
        wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
        # node to close is the LAST element in self.nodes list
        mytag = nodes[-1].tagname
        mynode = nodes[-1]
        expected_closetag = re.sub(r'\[', r'[/', mytag)
        finfo = fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
        if mynode.tagname == "":
            err_message = ("unexpected closing tag '" + closetag +
                           "' outside any scope.")
            wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
            if closetag != expected_closetag:
                err_message = ("expected closing tag '" + expected_closetag +
                               "' but '" + closetag + "' found.")
                wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def run(self, xline, lineno, match):
     status = pywmlx.state.machine._pending_luastring.plural.status
     realmatch = re.match(r'\s*(\S)', xline)
     if realmatch:
         _nextstate = 'lua_idle'
         if realmatch.group(1) == '"':
             _nextstate = 'lua_pl01'
         elif realmatch.group(1) == "'":
             _nextstate = 'lua_pl02'
         elif realmatch.group(1) == '[':
             _nextstate = 'lua_pl03'
         elif realmatch.group(1) == ')':
             if status == 'wait_string':
                 finfo = pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
                 errmsg = ("first argument of function '_ (...)' must be a "
                 wmlerr(finfo, errmsg)
                 # if parenthesis is closed rightly after first argument
                 # this is not a plural form. So we set 
                 # PendingLuaString.plural to None
                 if status == 'wait_plural':
                     pywmlx.state.machine._pending_luastring.plural = None
                 xline = xline [ realmatch.end(): ]
                 return (xline, 'lua_idle')
             # this should never happen. But if the first value after _ (
             # does not start with a string marker, than wmlxgettext will
             # finish with an error
             finfo = pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
             errmsg = "first argument of function '_ (...)' must be a string"
             wmlerr(finfo, errmsg)
         xline = xline [ realmatch.end(): ]
         xline = realmatch.group(1) + xline
         return (xline, _nextstate)
         # You can find a new line rigthly after _ (. In this case, we will
         # continue to search a string into the next line
         return (None, 'lua_plidle1')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self, xline, lineno, match):
        status = pywmlx.state.machine._pending_luastring.plural.status
        realmatch = re.match(r'\s*(\S)', xline)
        if realmatch:
            _nextstate = 'lua_idle'
            if realmatch.group(1) == '"':
                _nextstate = 'lua_pl01'
            elif realmatch.group(1) == "'":
                _nextstate = 'lua_pl02'
            elif realmatch.group(1) == '[':
                _nextstate = 'lua_pl03'
            elif realmatch.group(1) == ')':
                if status == 'wait_string':
                    finfo = pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
                    errmsg = ("first argument of function '_ (...)' must be a "
                    wmlerr(finfo, errmsg)
                    # if parenthesis is closed rightly after first argument
                    # this is not a plural form. So we set
                    # PendingLuaString.plural to None
                    if status == 'wait_plural':
                        pywmlx.state.machine._pending_luastring.plural = None
                    xline = xline[realmatch.end():]
                    return (xline, 'lua_idle')
                # this should never happen. But if the first value after _ (
                # does not start with a string marker, than wmlxgettext will
                # finish with an error
                finfo = pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
                errmsg = "first argument of function '_ (...)' must be a string"
                wmlerr(finfo, errmsg)
            xline = xline[realmatch.end():]
            xline = realmatch.group(1) + xline
            return (xline, _nextstate)

            # You can find a new line rigthly after _ (. In this case, we will
            # continue to search a string into the next line
            return (None, 'lua_plidle1')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def run(self, xline, lineno, match):
     # if will ever happen 'wmlstr02 assertion error' than you could
     # turn 'mydebug' to 'True' to inspect what exactly happened.
     # However this should be never necessary
     mydebug = False
     _nextstate = 'wml_idle'
     loc_translatable = True
     loc_multiline = False
     loc_string = None
     # match group(1) exists, so it is a single line string
     # (group(2) will not exist, than)
     if match.group(1) is not None:
         loc_multiline = False
         loc_string = match.group(1)
         xline = xline [ match.end(): ]
     # match.group(2) exists, so it is a multi-line string
     # (group(1) will not exist, than)
     elif match.group(2) is not None:
         loc_multiline = True
         loc_string = match.group(2)
         _nextstate = 'wml_str20'
         xline = None
         if mydebug:
             err_message = ("wmlstr02 assertion error (DEBUGGING)\n" +
                            'g1: ' + str(match.group(1)) + '\n' +
                            'g2: ' + str(match.group(2)) )
             finfo = pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref + ":" + str(lineno)
             wmlerr(finfo, err_message)
             wmlerr('wmlxgettext python sources', 
                'wmlstr02 assertion error\n'
                'please report a bug if you encounter this error message')    
     pywmlx.state.machine._pending_wmlstring = (
             lineno, loc_string, loc_multiline, loc_translatable
     return (xline, _nextstate)
Exemplo n.º 8
def run(*, filebuf, fileref, fileno, startstate, waitwml=True):
    global _states
    global _current_lineno
    global _linenosub
    global _waitwml
    global _currentdomain
    global _dictionary
    global _pending_luafuncname
    global _on_luatag
    _pending_luafuncname = None
    _on_luatag = False
    # cs is "current state"
    cs = _states.get(startstate)
    cs_debug = startstate
    _current_lineno = 0
    _linenosub = 0
    _waitwml = waitwml
    _currentdomain = _initialdomain
    pywmlx.nodemanip.newfile(fileref, fileno)
    # debug_cs = startstate
        for xline in filebuf:
            xline = xline.strip('\n\r')
            _current_lineno += 1
            # on new line, debug file will write another marker
            if _debugmode:
            while xline is not None:
                # print debug infos (if debugmode is on)
                if _debugmode:
                    lno = '%05d' % _current_lineno
                    print('LINE', lno, '|', xline, file=_fdebug)
                # action number is used to know what function we should run
                action = 0
                v = None
                m = None
                if cs.regex is None:
                    # action = 1 --> execute state.run
                    action = 1
                    if _debugmode:
                        print('ALWAYS-RUN x', cs_debug, file=_fdebug)
                    # m is match
                    m = re.match(cs.regex, xline)
                    if m:
                        # action = 1 --> execute state.run
                        action = 1
                        if _debugmode:
                            print('RUN state  \\', cs_debug, file=_fdebug)
                        # action = 2 --> change to the state pointed by
                        #                state.iffail
                        action = 2
                        if _debugmode:
                            print('FAIL state |', cs_debug, file=_fdebug)
                if action == 1:
                    # xline, ns: xline --> override xline with new value
                    #            ns --> value of next state
                    xline, ns = cs.run(xline, _current_lineno, m)
                    cs_debug = ns
                    cs = _states.get(ns)
                    cs_debug = cs.iffail
                    cs = _states.get(cs.iffail)
            # end while xline
        # end for xline
    except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
        if "test_cve_2018_1999023_2.cfg" in pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref:
            # This unit test is allowed to contain invalid UTF-8. Ignore it.
        errpos = int(e.start)  # error position on file object with UTF-8 error
        errbval = hex(e.object[errpos]) # value of byte wich causes UTF-8 error
        # well... when exception occurred, the _current_lineno value
        # was not updated at all due to the failure of the try block.
        # (it is = 0)
        # this means we need to make a workaround to obtain in what line of the
        # file the problem happened.
        # In order to perform this task (and not only) we create a temporary
        # string wich contains all the file text UNTIL the UTF-8
        untilerr_buf = e.object[0:errpos] # buffer containing file text
        untilerr = "".join(map(chr, untilerr_buf))
        # splituntil will be a array of strings (each item is a line of text).
        # the last item will show the point where the invalid UTF-8 character
        # was found.
        splituntil = untilerr.split('\n')
        # error line is equal of lines of text until error occurs (number of
        # items on splituntil string array)
        errlineno = len(splituntil)
        # finally we can know the actual file info
        finfo = pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref + ":" + str(errlineno)
        errmsg = (
            "UTF-8 Format error.\nCan't decode byte " + str(errbval) + ' (' +
            e.reason + ').\n' +
            'Probably your file is not encoded with UTF-8 encoding: you ' +
            'should open the file with an advanced text editor, and re-save ' +
            'it with UTF-8 encoding.\n' +
            'To avoid this problem in the future, you might want to set ' +
            'the default encoding of your editor to UTF-8.\n\n' +
            'Text preceding the invalid byte (source file, line ' +
            str(errlineno) + '):\n' + splituntil[-1] + '\n'
        wmlerr(finfo, errmsg)
    pywmlx.nodemanip.closefile(_dictionary, _current_lineno)
Exemplo n.º 9
def run(*, filebuf, fileref, fileno, startstate, waitwml=True):
    global _states
    global _current_lineno
    global _linenosub
    global _waitwml
    global _currentdomain
    global _dictionary
    global _pending_luafuncname
    global _on_luatag
    _pending_luafuncname = None
    _on_luatag = False
    # cs is "current state"
    cs = _states.get(startstate)
    cs_debug = startstate
    _current_lineno = 0
    _linenosub = 0
    _waitwml = waitwml
    _currentdomain = _initialdomain
    pywmlx.nodemanip.newfile(fileref, fileno)
    # debug_cs = startstate
        for xline in filebuf:
            xline = xline.strip('\n\r')
            _current_lineno += 1
            # on new line, debug file will write another marker
            if _debugmode:
            while xline is not None:
                # print debug infos (if debugmode is on)
                if _debugmode:
                    lno = '%05d' % _current_lineno
                    print('LINE', lno, '|', xline, file=_fdebug)
                # action number is used to know what function we should run
                action = 0
                v = None
                m = None
                if cs.regex is None:
                    # action = 1 --> execute state.run
                    action = 1
                    if _debugmode:
                        print('ALWAYS-RUN x', cs_debug, file=_fdebug)
                    # m is match
                    m = re.match(cs.regex, xline)
                    if m:
                        # action = 1 --> execute state.run
                        action = 1
                        if _debugmode:
                            print('RUN state  \\', cs_debug, file=_fdebug)
                        # action = 2 --> change to the state pointed by
                        #                state.iffail
                        action = 2
                        if _debugmode:
                            print('FAIL state |', cs_debug, file=_fdebug)
                if action == 1:
                    # xline, ns: xline --> override xline with new value
                    #            ns --> value of next state
                    xline, ns = cs.run(xline, _current_lineno, m)
                    cs_debug = ns
                    cs = _states.get(ns)
                    cs_debug = cs.iffail
                    cs = _states.get(cs.iffail)
            # end while xline
        # end for xline
    except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
        errpos = int(e.start)  # error position on file object with UTF-8 error
        errbval = hex(
            e.object[errpos])  # value of byte wich causes UTF-8 error
        # well... when exception occurred, the _current_lineno value
        # was not updated at all due to the failure of the try block.
        # (it is = 0)
        # this means we need to make a workaround to obtain in what line of the
        # file the problem happened.
        # In order to perform this task (and not only) we create a temporary
        # string wich contains all the file text UNTIL the UTF-8
        untilerr_buf = e.object[0:errpos]  # buffer containing file text
        untilerr = "".join(map(chr, untilerr_buf))
        # splituntil will be a array of strings (each item is a line of text).
        # the last item will show the point where the invalid UTF-8 character
        # was found.
        splituntil = untilerr.split('\n')
        # error line is equal of lines of text until error occurs (number of
        # items on splituntil string array)
        errlineno = len(splituntil)
        # finally we can know the actual file info
        finfo = pywmlx.nodemanip.fileref + ":" + str(errlineno)
        errmsg = (
            "UTF-8 Format error.\nCan't decode byte " + str(errbval) + ' (' +
            e.reason + ').\n' +
            'Probably your file is not encoded with UTF-8 encoding: you ' +
            'should open the file with an advanced text editor, and re-save ' +
            'it with UTF-8 encoding.\n' +
            'To avoid this problem in the future, you might want to set ' +
            'the default encoding of your editor to UTF-8.\n\n' +
            'Text preceding the invalid byte (source file, line ' +
            str(errlineno) + '):\n' + splituntil[-1] + '\n')
        wmlerr(finfo, errmsg)
    pywmlx.nodemanip.closefile(_dictionary, _current_lineno)