Exemplo n.º 1
    def importCoordinates(self, fileName, addCoordinate):
        if exists(fileName):
            ext = getExt(fileName)
            if ext == ".json":
                jsonPosDict = loadJson(fileName)
                if jsonPosDict.has_key("boxes"):
                    boxes = jsonPosDict["boxes"]

                    for box in boxes:
                        x, y = box[:2]
                        coord = Coordinate()
                        coord.setPosition(x, y)
            elif ext == ".box":
                md = MetaData()
                md.readPlain(fileName, "xcoor ycoor particleSize")
                size = md.getValue(MDL_PICKING_PARTICLE_SIZE, md.firstObject())
                if size is None:
                    print ">>> WARNING: Error parsing coordinate file: %s" % fileName
                    print "             Skipping this file."
                    half = size / 2
                    for objId in md:
                        x = md.getValue(MDL_XCOOR, objId)
                        y = md.getValue(MDL_YCOOR, objId)
                        coord = Coordinate()
                        coord.setPosition(x+half, y+half)
                raise Exception('Unknown extension "%s" to import Eman coordinates' % ext)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def importCoordinates(self, fileName, addCoordinate):

        if exists(fileName):
            ext = getExt(fileName)
            if ext == ".json":
                print "importando un json"
                jsonPosDict = loadJson(fileName)

                if jsonPosDict.has_key("boxes"):
                    boxes = jsonPosDict["boxes"]

                    for box in boxes:
                        x, y = box[:2]
                        coord = Coordinate()
                        coord.setPosition(x, y)
            elif ext == ".box":
                md = MetaData()
                md.readPlain(fileName, 'xcoor ycoor xSize ySize')
                for objId in md:
                    x = md.getValue(MDL_XCOOR, objId)
                    y = md.getValue(MDL_YCOOR, objId)
                    coord = Coordinate()
                    coord.setPosition(x, y)
                print "importando un queseyo"
Exemplo n.º 3
def convertBinaryFiles(imgSet, outputDir, extension='mrcs'):
    """ Convert binary images files to a format read by Relion.
        imgSet: input image set to be converted.
        outputDir: where to put the converted file(s)
        A dictionary with old-file as key and new-file as value
        If empty, not conversion was done.
    filesDict = {}
    ih = em.ImageHandler()
    # This approach can be extended when
    # converting from a binary file format that
    # is not read from Relion
    def createBinaryLink(fn):
        """ Just create a link named .mrcs to Relion understand 
        that it is a binary stack file and not a volume.
        newFn = join(outputDir, replaceBaseExt(fn, extension))
        createLink(fn, newFn)
        return newFn
    def convertStack(fn):
        """ Convert from a format that is not read by Relion
        to an spider stack.
        newFn = join(outputDir, replaceBaseExt(fn, 'stk'))
        ih.convertStack(fn, newFn)
        return newFn
    ext = getExt(imgSet.getFirstItem().getFileName())[1:] # remove dot in extension
    print "extension = ", extension
    print "ext = ", ext
    if ext == extension:
        mapFunc = createBinaryLink
    elif ext == 'mrc' and extension == 'mrcs':
        mapFunc = createBinaryLink
    elif ext.endswith('.hdf'): # assume eman .hdf format
        mapFunc = convertStack
        mapFunc = None
    if mapFunc is not None:
        for fn in imgSet.getFiles():
            filesDict[fn] = mapFunc(fn) # convert and map new filename

    return filesDict
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _warnings(self):
        warnings = []
        firstMic = self.inputMicrographs.get().getFirstItem()
        fnLower = firstMic.getFileName().lower()

        ext = getExt(fnLower)

        if ext in ['.tif', '.dm3'] and not self.invertY.get():
                'We have seen a flip in Y when using %s files in EMAN2' % ext)
                'The generated coordinates may or may not be valid in Scipion.'
                'TIP: Activate "Invert Y coordinates" if you find it wrong.')
        return warnings
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _insertAllSteps(self):

        self._params = {}
        # diameter must be passed in Armstrongs and therefore should be converted
        self._params['diam'] = self.diameter.get() * self.getInputMicrographs().getSamplingRate()
        # self._params['num-slices'] = self.numberSizes.get()
        # self._params['size-range'] = self.sizeRange.get()
        self._params['apix'] = self.inputMicrographs.get().getSamplingRate()
        self._params['thresh'] = self.threshold.get()
        # self._params['max-thresh'] = self.maxThreshold.get()
        # self._params['max-area'] = self.maxArea.get()
        # self._params['max-peaks'] = self.maxPeaks.get()

        args = ""
        for par, val in self._params.iteritems():
            args += " --%s=%s" % (par, str(val))

        if self.invert:
            args += " --invert"

        args += " " + self.extraParams.get('')

        deps = [] # Store all steps ids, final step createOutput depends on all of them

        ih = ImageHandler()

        for mic in self.inputMicrographs.get():
            # Create micrograph folder
            micName = mic.getFileName()
            micDir = self._getTmpPath(removeBaseExt(micName))

            # If needed convert micrograph to mrc format, otherwise link it
            if getExt(micName) != ".mrc":
                fnMicBase = replaceBaseExt(micName, 'mrc')
                inputMic = join(micDir, fnMicBase)
                ih.convert(mic.getLocation(), inputMic)
                inputMic = join(micDir, basename(micName))
                createLink(micName, inputMic)

            # Insert step to execute program
            stepId = self._insertFunctionStep('executeDogpickerStep', inputMic, args)

Exemplo n.º 6
    def _insertAllSteps(self):

        self._params = {}
        # diameter must be passed in Angstrongs and therefore should be converted
        self._params['diam'] = self.diameter.get() * self.getInputMicrographs().getSamplingRate()
        # self._params['num-slices'] = self.numberSizes.get()
        # self._params['size-range'] = self.sizeRange.get()
        self._params['apix'] = self.inputMicrographs.get().getSamplingRate()
        self._params['thresh'] = self.threshold.get()
        # self._params['max-thresh'] = self.maxThreshold.get()
        # self._params['max-area'] = self.maxArea.get()
        # self._params['max-peaks'] = self.maxPeaks.get()

        args = ""
        for par, val in self._params.iteritems():
            args += " --%s=%s" % (par, str(val))

        if self.invert:
            args += " --invert"

        args += " " + self.extraParams.get('')

        deps = [] # Store all steps ids, final step createOutput depends on all of them

        ih = ImageHandler()

        for mic in self.inputMicrographs.get():
            # Create micrograph folder
            micName = mic.getFileName()
            micDir = self._getTmpPath(removeBaseExt(micName))

            # If needed convert micrograph to mrc format, otherwise link it
            if getExt(micName) != ".mrc":
                fnMicBase = replaceBaseExt(micName, 'mrc')
                inputMic = join(micDir, fnMicBase)
                ih.convert(mic.getLocation(), inputMic)
                inputMic = join(micDir, basename(micName))
                createLink(micName, inputMic)

            # Insert step to execute program
            stepId = self._insertFunctionStep('executeDogpickerStep', inputMic, args)

Exemplo n.º 7
def convertBinaryFiles(imgSet, outputDir, extension='mrcs'):
    """ Convert binary images files to a format read by Relion.
        imgSet: input image set to be converted.
        outputDir: where to put the converted file(s)
        A dictionary with old-file as key and new-file as value
        If empty, not conversion was done.
    filesDict = {}
    ih = em.ImageHandler()
    def getUniqueFileName(fn, extension):
        """ Get an unique file for either link or convert files.
        It is possible that the base name overlap if they come
        from different runs. (like partices.mrcs after relion preprocess)
        newFn = join(outputDir, replaceBaseExt(fn, extension))
        newRoot = removeExt(newFn)
        values = filesDict.values()
        counter = 1
        while newFn in values:
            counter += 1
            newFn = '%s_%05d.%s' % (newRoot, counter, extension)
        return newFn

    def createBinaryLink(fn):
        """ Just create a link named .mrcs to Relion understand 
        that it is a binary stack file and not a volume.
        newFn = getUniqueFileName(fn, extension)
        createLink(fn, newFn)
        return newFn
    def convertStack(fn):
        """ Convert from a format that is not read by Relion
        to an spider stack.
        newFn = getUniqueFileName(fn, 'stk')
        ih.convertStack(fn, newFn)
        return newFn
    ext = getExt(imgSet.getFirstItem().getFileName())[1:] # remove dot in extension
    if ext == extension:
        mapFunc = createBinaryLink
        print "convertBinaryFiles: creating soft links."
    elif ext == 'mrc' and extension == 'mrcs':
        mapFunc = createBinaryLink
        print "convertBinaryFiles: creating soft links (mrcs -> mrc)."
    elif ext.endswith('hdf'): # assume eman .hdf format
        mapFunc = convertStack
        print "convertBinaryFiles: converting stacks. (%s -> %s)" % (extension, ext)
        mapFunc = None
    if mapFunc is not None:
        for fn in imgSet.getFiles():
            newFn = mapFunc(fn) # convert or link 
            filesDict[fn] = newFn # map new filename
            print "   %s -> %s" % (newFn, fn)

    return filesDict
Exemplo n.º 8
def convertBinaryFiles(imgSet, outputDir, extension='mrcs'):
    """ Convert binary images files to a format read by Relion.
        imgSet: input image set to be converted.
        outputDir: where to put the converted file(s)
        A dictionary with old-file as key and new-file as value
        If empty, not conversion was done.
    filesDict = {}
    ih = em.ImageHandler()

    def getUniqueFileName(fn, extension):
        """ Get an unique file for either link or convert files.
        It is possible that the base name overlap if they come
        from different runs. (like partices.mrcs after relion preprocess)
        newFn = join(outputDir, replaceBaseExt(fn, extension))
        newRoot = removeExt(newFn)

        values = filesDict.values()
        counter = 1

        while newFn in values:
            counter += 1
            newFn = '%s_%05d.%s' % (newRoot, counter, extension)

        return newFn

    def createBinaryLink(fn):
        """ Just create a link named .mrcs to Relion understand 
        that it is a binary stack file and not a volume.
        newFn = getUniqueFileName(fn, extension)
        createLink(fn, newFn)
        return newFn

    def convertStack(fn):
        """ Convert from a format that is not read by Relion
        to an spider stack.
        newFn = getUniqueFileName(fn, 'stk')
        ih.convertStack(fn, newFn)
        return newFn

    ext = getExt(
        imgSet.getFirstItem().getFileName())[1:]  # remove dot in extension

    if ext == extension:
        mapFunc = createBinaryLink
        print "convertBinaryFiles: creating soft links."
    elif ext == 'mrc' and extension == 'mrcs':
        mapFunc = createBinaryLink
        print "convertBinaryFiles: creating soft links (mrcs -> mrc)."
    elif ext.endswith('hdf'):  # assume eman .hdf format
        mapFunc = convertStack
        print "convertBinaryFiles: converting stacks. (%s -> %s)" % (extension,
        mapFunc = None

    if mapFunc is not None:
        for fn in imgSet.getFiles():
            newFn = mapFunc(fn)  # convert or link
            filesDict[fn] = newFn  # map new filename
            print "   %s -> %s" % (newFn, fn)

    return filesDict