Exemplo n.º 1
def _create_job(config, internal_storage, executor_id, job_id, func, data, runtime_meta,
                runtime_memory=None, extra_env=None, invoke_pool_threads=128, include_modules=[],
                exclude_modules=[], original_func_name=None, remote_invocation=False,
                original_total_tasks=None, execution_timeout=EXECUTION_TIMEOUT):
    :param func: the function to map over the data
    :param iterdata: An iterable of input data
    :param extra_env: Additional environment variables for CF environment. Default None.
    :param extra_meta: Additional metadata to pass to CF. Default None.
    :param remote_invocation: Enable remote invocation. Default False.
    :param invoke_pool_threads: Number of threads to use to invoke.
    :param data_all_as_one: upload the data as a single object. Default True
    :param overwrite_invoke_args: Overwrite other args. Mainly used for testing.
    :param exclude_modules: Explicitly keep these modules from pickled dependencies.
    :param original_func_name: Name of the function to invoke.
    :return: A list with size `len(iterdata)` of futures for each job
    :rtype:  list of futures.
    log_level = os.getenv('CB_LOG_LEVEL')

    runtime_name = config['pywren']['runtime']
    if runtime_memory is None:
        runtime_memory = config['pywren']['runtime_memory']

    if original_func_name:
        func_name = original_func_name
        func_name = func.__name__

    if extra_env is not None:
        extra_env = utils.convert_bools_to_string(extra_env)

    if not data:
        return []

    host_job_meta = {}
    job_description = {}

    job_description['runtime_name'] = runtime_name
    job_description['runtime_memory'] = int(runtime_memory)
    job_description['execution_timeout'] = execution_timeout
    job_description['func_name'] = func_name
    job_description['extra_env'] = extra_env
    job_description['total_calls'] = len(data)
    job_description['invoke_pool_threads'] = invoke_pool_threads
    job_description['job_id'] = job_id
    job_description['remote_invocation'] = remote_invocation
    job_description['original_total_calls'] = original_total_tasks

    log_msg = 'ExecutorID {} | JobID {} - Serializing function and data'.format(executor_id, job_id)

    # pickle func and all data (to capture module dependencies)
    exclude_modules.extend(config['pywren'].get('exclude_modules', []))
    include_modules_cfg = config['pywren'].get('include_modules', [])
    if include_modules is not None and include_modules_cfg is not None:
    serializer = SerializeIndependent(runtime_meta['preinstalls'])
    func_and_data_ser, mod_paths = serializer([func] + data, include_modules, exclude_modules)

    func_str = func_and_data_ser[0]
    data_strs = func_and_data_ser[1:]
    data_size_bytes = sum(len(x) for x in data_strs)

    host_job_meta['agg_data'] = False
    host_job_meta['data_size_bytes'] = data_size_bytes

    log_msg = 'ExecutorID {} | JobID {} - Uploading function and data'.format(executor_id, job_id)
    if not log_level:
        print(log_msg, end=' ')

    if data_size_bytes < MAX_AGG_DATA_SIZE:
        agg_data_key = create_agg_data_key(internal_storage.prefix, executor_id, job_id)
        job_description['data_key'] = agg_data_key
        agg_data_bytes, agg_data_ranges = _agg_data(data_strs)
        job_description['data_ranges'] = agg_data_ranges
        agg_upload_time = time.time()
        internal_storage.put_data(agg_data_key, agg_data_bytes)
        host_job_meta['agg_data'] = True
        host_job_meta['data_upload_time'] = time.time() - agg_upload_time
        host_job_meta['data_upload_timestamp'] = time.time()
        log_msg = ('ExecutorID {} | JobID {} - Total data exceeded '
                   'maximum size of {} bytes'.format(executor_id, job_id, MAX_AGG_DATA_SIZE))
        raise Exception(log_msg)

    module_data = create_module_data(mod_paths)
    # Create func and upload
    host_job_meta['func_name'] = func_name
    func_module_str = pickle.dumps({'func': func_str, 'module_data': module_data}, -1)
    host_job_meta['func_module_bytes'] = len(func_module_str)

    func_upload_time = time.time()
    func_key = create_func_key(internal_storage.prefix, executor_id, job_id)
    job_description['func_key'] = func_key
    internal_storage.put_func(func_key, func_module_str)
    host_job_meta['func_upload_time'] = time.time() - func_upload_time
    host_job_meta['func_upload_timestamp'] = time.time()

    if not log_level:
        func_and_data_size = utils.sizeof_fmt(host_job_meta['func_module_bytes']+host_job_meta['data_size_bytes'])
        log_msg = '- Total: {}'.format(func_and_data_size)

    job_description['host_job_meta'] = host_job_meta

    return job_description
Exemplo n.º 2
def _create_job(config,
    :param func: the function to map over the data
    :param iterdata: An iterable of input data
    :param extra_env: Additional environment variables for CF environment. Default None.
    :param extra_meta: Additional metadata to pass to CF. Default None.
    :param remote_invocation: Enable remote invocation. Default False.
    :param invoke_pool_threads: Number of threads to use to invoke.
    :param data_all_as_one: upload the data as a single object. Default True
    :param overwrite_invoke_args: Overwrite other args. Mainly used for testing.
    :param exclude_modules: Explicitly keep these modules from pickled dependencies.
    :return: A list with size `len(iterdata)` of futures for each job
    :rtype:  list of futures.
    log_level = os.getenv('PYWREN_LOGLEVEL')

    runtime_name = config['pywren']['runtime']
    if runtime_memory is None:
        runtime_memory = config['pywren']['runtime_memory']

    ext_env = {} if extra_env is None else extra_env.copy()
    if ext_env:
        ext_env = utils.convert_bools_to_string(ext_env)
        logger.debug("Extra environment vars {}".format(ext_env))

    if not data:
        return []

    if execution_timeout is None:
        execution_timeout = config['pywren']['runtime_timeout'] - 5

    job_description = {}
    job_description['runtime_name'] = runtime_name
    job_description['runtime_memory'] = int(runtime_memory)
    job_description['execution_timeout'] = execution_timeout
    job_description['function_name'] = func.__name__
    job_description['extra_env'] = ext_env
    job_description['total_calls'] = len(data)
    job_description['invoke_pool_threads'] = invoke_pool_threads
    job_description['executor_id'] = executor_id
    job_description['job_id'] = job_id

    exclude_modules_cfg = config['pywren'].get('exclude_modules', [])
    include_modules_cfg = config['pywren'].get('include_modules', [])

    exc_modules = set()
    inc_modules = set()
    if exclude_modules_cfg:
    if exclude_modules:
    if include_modules_cfg is not None:
    if include_modules_cfg is None and not include_modules:
        inc_modules = None
    if include_modules is not None and include_modules:
    if include_modules is None:
        inc_modules = None

    host_job_meta = {'job_created_timestamp': job_created_timestamp}

        'ExecutorID {} | JobID {} - Serializing function and data'.format(
            executor_id, job_id))
    serializer = SerializeIndependent(runtime_meta['preinstalls'])
    func_and_data_ser, mod_paths = serializer([func] + data, inc_modules,
    data_strs = func_and_data_ser[1:]
    data_size_bytes = sum(len(x) for x in data_strs)
    module_data = create_module_data(mod_paths)
    func_str = func_and_data_ser[0]
    func_module_str = pickle.dumps(
            'func': func_str,
            'module_data': module_data
        }, -1)
    func_module_size_bytes = len(func_module_str)
    total_size = utils.sizeof_fmt(data_size_bytes + func_module_size_bytes)

    host_job_meta['data_size_bytes'] = data_size_bytes
    host_job_meta['func_module_size_bytes'] = func_module_size_bytes

    if 'data_limit' in config['pywren']:
        data_limit = config['pywren']['data_limit']
        data_limit = MAX_AGG_DATA_SIZE

    if data_limit and data_size_bytes > data_limit * 1024**2:
        log_msg = (
            'ExecutorID {} | JobID {} - Total data exceeded maximum size '
            'of {}'.format(executor_id, job_id,
                           sizeof_fmt(data_limit * 1024**2)))
        raise Exception(log_msg)

    log_msg = ('ExecutorID {} | JobID {} - Uploading function and data '
               '- Total: {}'.format(executor_id, job_id, total_size))
    print(log_msg) if not log_level else logger.info(log_msg)
    # Upload data
    data_key = create_agg_data_key(JOBS_PREFIX, executor_id, job_id)
    job_description['data_key'] = data_key
    data_bytes, data_ranges = utils.agg_data(data_strs)
    job_description['data_ranges'] = data_ranges
    data_upload_time = time.time()
    internal_storage.put_data(data_key, data_bytes)
    host_job_meta['data_upload_time'] = time.time() - data_upload_time
    host_job_meta['data_upload_timestamp'] = time.time()
    # Upload function and modules
    func_upload_time = time.time()
    func_key = create_func_key(JOBS_PREFIX, executor_id, job_id)
    job_description['func_key'] = func_key
    internal_storage.put_func(func_key, func_module_str)
    host_job_meta['func_upload_time'] = time.time() - func_upload_time
    host_job_meta['func_upload_timestamp'] = time.time()

    job_description['metadata'] = host_job_meta

    return job_description