Exemplo n.º 1
def write(size, color):
    size = size * 0.3
    cwrite = canvas.canvas()
    p = path.path(path.moveto(-0.2, 0.8), path.lineto(0.2, 0.8),
                  path.lineto(0.2, 0), path.lineto(0, -0.2),
                  path.lineto(-0.2, 0), path.lineto(-0.2, 0.8),
                  path.closepath(), path.moveto(0, 0.8), path.lineto(0, 0.05),
                  path.moveto(-0.2, 0), path.arcn(-0.1, 0, 0.1, 180, 20),
                  path.arcn(0.1, 0, 0.1, 160, 0))
        p, [color,
            trafo.scale(size).rotated(-30).translated(0, -0.4 * size)])
    return cwrite
Exemplo n.º 2
    def draw_sector(self, end):
        """draw the sector"""
        segment = path.path(
            path.arc(self.xo, self.yo, self.inner_r, self.start_angle,
            path.arcn(self.xo, self.yo, self.sector_width + self.inner_r,
                      self.end_angle, self.start_angle), path.closepath())
        self.shape_canvas.fill(segment, [self.sector_color])

        # draw a delimiting line between sectors
        line_color = color.gray(0.15)
        if end and (self.end_angle - self.start_angle) < 0.25:
            line_color = color.rgb.red

        r = self.inner_r + self.sector_width
        start_radians = self.start_angle * pi / 180.0
        end_radians = self.end_angle * pi / 180.0
        x0 = self.inner_r * cos(start_radians) + self.xo
        y0 = self.inner_r * sin(start_radians) + self.yo
        x1 = r * cos(start_radians) + self.xo
        y1 = r * sin(start_radians) + self.yo

        self.shape_canvas.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1),
                                 [style.linewidth(0.01), line_color])

        x0 = self.inner_r * cos(end_radians) + self.xo
        y0 = self.inner_r * sin(end_radians) + self.yo
        x1 = r * cos(end_radians) + self.xo
        y1 = r * sin(end_radians) + self.yo

        self.shape_canvas.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1),
                                 [style.linewidth(0.01), line_color])
Exemplo n.º 3
def server(r, servercolor=color.rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.8)):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    c.fill(path.circle(0, 0, r), [servercolor, trafo.scale(1, 0.5)])
    h = 2 * r
    p = path.path(path.moveto(-r, 0), path.lineto(-r, -h),
                  path.arc(0, -h, r, 180, 0), path.lineto(r, 0),
                  path.arcn(0, 0, r, 0, 180), path.closepath())
    c.fill(p, [servercolor, trafo.scale(1, 0.5).translated(0, -0.08 * r)])
    return c
Exemplo n.º 4
c.text(width, labelypos, '$L$', [text.halign.center])
for q, label in ((qi, r'$q_\text{i}$'),
                 (qf, r'$q_\text{f}$')):
    c.stroke(path.line(q, 0, q, height), [style.linestyle.dashed])
    c.text(q, labelypos, label, [text.halign.center])
pathsegments = [path.path(path.moveto(qi, 0),
                          path.lineto(qf, 0)),
                path.path(path.moveto(qf, 0),
                          path.lineto(width-radius, 0),
                          path.arc(width-radius, radius, radius, -90, 90),
                          path.lineto(qf, 2*radius)),
                path.path(path.moveto(qf, 0),
                          path.lineto(qi, 0)),
                path.path(path.moveto(qi, 0),
                          path.lineto(radius, 0),
                          path.arcn(radius, radius, radius, 270, 90),
                          path.lineto(qi, 2*radius))]
anzahl_segmente = (1, 2, 2, 3)
ypos = 0.5*dy
for n in range(1, ntraj+1):
    offset = 0
    if n % 2 == 0:
        offset = -1
    nsegmente = anzahl_segmente[(n-1) % 4] + (n-1)//4*4
    for nsegment in range(1, nsegmente+1):
        yshift = (-offset+nsegment-1)//2*2*radius
        c.stroke(pathsegments[(offset+nsegment-1) % 4],
                 [trafo.translate(0, ypos+yshift),
                  linecolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
    c.stroke(path.circle(qi, ypos, 0.06),
             [style.linewidth.thick, linecolor, deco.filled([color.grey(1)])])
Exemplo n.º 5

c = canvas.canvas()

R = 1.7*r

for i in range(3):
    theta = 2*i*pi/3
    x, y = R*sin(theta), R*cos(theta)
    tetra(x, y, [1, 0, 2][i], reflect=(i in [0,1]))

    w = 30 + 120*i
    c.stroke(path.path(path.arc(0., 0., 1.1*R, w-20, w+20)), [deco.earrow()])
    c.stroke(path.path(path.arcn(0., 0., 1.1*R, w+20, w-20)), [deco.earrow()])
    theta = 2*(i+0.5)*pi/3
    x, y = 1.3*R*sin(theta), 1.3*R*cos(theta)
    c.text(x, y, "$F$", center)


c = canvas.canvas()

R = 1.7*r

for i in range(3):
    theta = 2*i*pi/3
    x, y = R*sin(theta), R*cos(theta)
    tetra(x, y, [2, 1, 0][i], reflect=(i in [0,2]))