Exemplo n.º 1
 def drawCircle(self, r, steps=20):
     Draws a circle of radius r centered on the pen.
     The center of the circle is the current pen coordinates. When done, the position 
     of the pen will remain unchanged
     :param r: radius of the circle
     :type r:  ``int`` or ``float``
     from pyx import path
     import math
     assert (type(r) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(r)
     for s in range(steps):
         a = (math.pi * 2 * s) / float(steps)
         x = math.cos(a) * r + self._x
         y = math.sin(a) * r + self._y
         if s == 0:
             self._pather.append(path.moveto(x, y))
             self._pather.append(path.lineto(x, y))
     x = r + self._x
     y = self._y
     self._pather.append(path.lineto(x, y))
     self._dirty = True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def signature(self, deg_max=6, padded=False, has_border=False):
        """ For a visualization of glyphs, lay out in a 2D grid PNG file. """
        sig = canvas.canvas([trafo.rotate(90), trafo.mirror(0)])
        scale = 1.5
        if padded or has_border:
            sig_margin = 0.2
            x = (deg_max + 1) * scale + (1.5 * sig_margin)
            border_path = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.lineto(0, x),
                                    path.lineto(x, x), path.lineto(x, 0),
            if padded:
                border_color = color.cmyk.White
            if has_border:
                border_color = color.cmyk.Gray
            sig.stroke(border_path, [
                trafo.translate(-sig_margin * 2, -sig_margin * 2),

        for index in self.glist:
            if len(index) > 2:
                c = degree_glyph(index[0], index[1], index[2],
                                 (self.mincount, self.maxcount))
                c = degree_glyph(index[0], index[1], 1,
                                 (self.mincount, self.maxcount))
                       [trafo.translate(index[0] * scale, (index[1]) * scale)
                        ])  # text writing requires full latex
        return sig
Exemplo n.º 3
def makebinaries(number, y0):
    size = 0.4
    dist = 0.1
    for n in range(32):
        c.stroke(path.rect(n * size + (n / 8) * dist, y0, size, size))
        c.text((n + 0.5) * size + (n / 8) * dist, y0 + 0.07,
               r"\sffamily %i" % ((number >> 31 - n) & 1),

    if number >> 31:
        c.text(32.2 * size + 5 * dist, y0 + 0.07,
               r"\sffamily = -%i" % ((number ^ 0xffffffff) + 1))
        c.text(32.2 * size + 5 * dist, y0 + 0.07, r"\sffamily = %i" % number)

    p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2 * size, size + 0.03),
                  path.lineto(0.2 * size, size + 0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.03))
    for n in range(4):
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n * (8 * size + dist), y0)])
        c.text(n * (8 * size + dist) + 2 * size, size + 0.14 + y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >> ((3 - n) * 8 + 4)) & 15),
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n * (8 * size + dist) + 4 * size, y0)])
        c.text(n * (8 * size + dist) + 6 * size, size + 0.14 + y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >>
                                   ((3 - n) * 8)) & 15), [text.halign.center])
Exemplo n.º 4
def makebinaries(number, y0):
    size = 0.4
    dist = 0.1
    for n in range(32):
        c.stroke(path.rect(n*size+(n/8)*dist, y0, size, size))
        c.text((n+0.5)*size+(n/8)*dist, y0+0.07,
               r"\sffamily %i" % ((number >> 31-n) & 1),

    if number >> 31:
        c.text(32.2*size+5*dist, y0+0.07,
               r"\sffamily = -%i" % ((number ^ 0xffffffff)+1))
        c.text(32.2*size+5*dist, y0+0.07, r"\sffamily = %i" % number)

    p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2*size, size+0.03),
                  path.lineto(0.2*size, size+0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.03))
    for n in range(4):
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n*(8*size+dist), y0)])
        c.text(n*(8*size+dist)+2*size, size+0.14+y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >> ((3-n)*8+4)) & 15),
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n*(8*size+dist)+4*size, y0)])
        c.text(n*(8*size+dist)+6*size, size+0.14+y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >> ((3-n)*8)) & 15),
Exemplo n.º 5
def server(r, servercolor=color.rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.8)):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    c.fill(path.circle(0, 0, r), [servercolor, trafo.scale(1, 0.5)])
    h = 2 * r
    p = path.path(path.moveto(-r, 0), path.lineto(-r, -h),
                  path.arc(0, -h, r, 180, 0), path.lineto(r, 0),
                  path.arcn(0, 0, r, 0, 180), path.closepath())
    c.fill(p, [servercolor, trafo.scale(1, 0.5).translated(0, -0.08 * r)])
    return c
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _fret(self, x, y):
     p = path.path(
         path.moveto(x, y),
         path.lineto(x, y+5*self.fret_height),
         path.moveto(x+self.fret_width, y),
         path.lineto(x+self.fret_width, y+5*self.fret_height),
     for i in range(0, 6):
         p.append(path.moveto(x, y+i*self.fret_height))
         p.append(path.lineto(x+self.fret_width, y+i*self.fret_height))
     return p
Exemplo n.º 7
class Promoter(Brick):
    _default_color = cmyk.ForestGreen
    _offset = (0, -0.5)
    _path = path(moveto(0, 0), lineto(1, 0), lineto(1, 0.75), lineto(3, 0.75),
                 lineto(3, 0.25), lineto(3 + sqrt(3) * 0.75, 1.125),
                 lineto(3, 2.0), lineto(3, 1.5), lineto(1, 1.5),
                 curveto(0.5, 1.5, 0.125, 1.5, 0, 1), lineto(0, 0),
Exemplo n.º 8
def tetra(x, y, count=None, subcount=None, rev=1, back=True, front=True, reflect=False):

    if back:
        circle(x, y, r, shade)

    rr = 1.0*r
    if subcount is not None:
        ps = []
        for i in range(3):
            theta1 = rev*2*(i+subcount)*pi/3
            if i==0:
                # start of curve
                x1, y1 = x+rr*sin(theta1), y+rr*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))
            if i==1:
                x1, y1 = x+0.7*r*sin(theta1), y+0.7*r*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))
                x1, y1 = x+0.4*r*sin(theta1), y+0.4*r*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))
            if i==2:
                # end of curve
                x1, y1 = x+1.0*rr*sin(theta1), y+1.0*rr*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))

    if front:
        for theta1 in [0., 2*pi/3, 4*pi/3]:
            x1, y1 = x+0.5*r*sin(theta1), y+0.5*r*cos(theta1)
            circle(x1, y1, r0, white)

    if count is not None:

        assert 0<=count<=2
        s = 0.86*r
        r1 = 2.4*r0
        extra = []
        #c.text(x, y, count)
        if reflect:
            #count = [0, 1, 2][count]
            extra.append(trafo.scale(x=x, y=y, sx=-1, sy=1))
        extra += [trafo.rotate(-count*120, x=x, y=y)]
        t = Turtle(x1, y1-r1, -pi/2).right(pi, r1).fwd(s).right(pi, r1).fwd(s)
 def draw(self):
     p = path.path(path.moveto(*self.corners[0]),
     fillcolor = color.hsb(2/3*(1-(self.counter-1)/(self.nsquares-1)), 0.2, 1)
     self.c.stroke(p, [deco.filled([fillcolor])])
     x, y = 0.5*(self.corners[0]+self.corners[2])
     s = int(np.sum(np.abs(self.corners[1]-self.corners[0])))
     self.c.text(x, y, str(s),
                 [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle,
                  text.size(min(s, 5))])
     self.counter = self.counter+1
Exemplo n.º 10
def frontplane(z, nxmax, mymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(0, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, nymax)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(0, z, nymax)), path.closepath())
    c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
    for nx in range(1, nxmax):
        x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, 0)
        x1, y1 = projector(nx, z, nymax)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
    for ny in range(1, nymax):
        x0, y0 = projector(0, z, ny)
        x1, y1 = projector(nxmax, z, ny)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
 def draw(self):
     p = path.path(path.moveto(*self.corners[0]),
                   path.lineto(*self.corners[3]), path.closepath())
     fillcolor = color.hsb(
         2 / 3 * (1 - (self.counter - 1) / (self.nsquares - 1)), 0.2, 1)
     self.c.stroke(p, [deco.filled([fillcolor])])
     x, y = 0.5 * (self.corners[0] + self.corners[2])
     s = int(np.sum(np.abs(self.corners[1] - self.corners[0])))
         x, y, str(s),
         [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle,
          text.size(min(s, 5))])
     self.counter = self.counter + 1
Exemplo n.º 12
    def forward(self, distance):
        Moves the turtle forward by the given amount.
        This method draws a line if drawmode is True.
        :param distance: distance to move in pixels
        :type distance:  ``int`` or ``float``
        import math
        from pyx import path
        assert (type(distance)
                in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(distance)

        # Compute where we are going to
        dx = math.cos(self.radangle) * distance
        dy = math.sin(self.radangle) * distance

        self._x += dx
        self._y += dy

        if (self._isdown):
            self._pather.append(path.lineto(self.x, self.y))
            self._pather.append(path.moveto(self.x, self.y))
        self._dirty = True
Exemplo n.º 13
 def place(self, x, y):
     x0, y0 = self.coords[0]
     paths = [path.moveto(x + x0, y + y0)]
     for point in self.coords[1:]:
         paths.append(path.lineto(x + point[0], y + point[1]))
     return (path.path(*paths), self.color, self.stroke_color)
def frontplane(z, nxmax, mymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(0, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, nymax)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(0, z, nymax)),
    c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
    for nx in range(1, nxmax):
        x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, 0)
        x1, y1 = projector(nx, z, nymax)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
    for ny in range(1, nymax):
        x0, y0 = projector(0, z, ny)
        x1, y1 = projector(nxmax, z, ny)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
Exemplo n.º 15
def braid(n, i, t, inverse=False):

    if not isinstance(t, list):
        t = [t]

    t = t + [style.linewidth.Thick, red, style.linecap.round]

    N = 10

    if i is None:
        items = range(n)
        assert 0<=i<i+1<n
        items = range(i)+range(i+2, n)
    for k in items:
        c.stroke(path.line(0.5*k, 0., 0.5*k, 1.), t)

    if i is None:

    pts0 = []
    for j in range(N):
        theta = pi*j/(N-1)
        x = 0.5 * 0.5 * (cos(theta)-1.) + 0.5*(i+1)
        y = 1.*j/(N-1)
        pts0.append((x, y))

    pts1 = []
    for j in range(N):
        theta = pi*j/(N-1)
        x = 0.5 * 0.5 * (1.-cos(theta)) + 0.5*i
        y = 1.*j/(N-1)
        pts1.append((x, y))

    if inverse:
        pts0, pts1 = pts1, pts0

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts0[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts0[1:]]
    wiggle = path.path(*pts)
    c.stroke(wiggle, [deformer.smoothed(2.0)]+t)

    c.fill(path.circle(0.5*(i+0.5), 0.5, 0.15), t+[white])

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts1[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts1[1:]]
    wiggle = path.path(*pts)
    c.stroke(wiggle, [deformer.smoothed(2.0)]+t)
Exemplo n.º 16
def dopath(ps, extra=[], fill=False, closepath=True):
    ps = [path.moveto(*ps[0])]+[path.lineto(*p) for p in ps[1:]]
    if closepath:
    p = path.path(*ps)
    if fill:
        c.fill(p, [deformer.smoothed(0.3)]+extra+[color.rgb.white])
    c.stroke(p, [deformer.smoothed(0.3)]+extra)
Exemplo n.º 17
def dopath(ps, extra=[], fill=[], closepath=True, smooth=0.3):
    ps = [path.moveto(*ps[0])]+[path.lineto(*p) for p in ps[1:]]
    if closepath:
    p = path.path(*ps)
    if fill:
        c.fill(p, [deformer.smoothed(smooth)]+extra+fill)
    c.stroke(p, [deformer.smoothed(smooth)]+extra)
Exemplo n.º 18
def wiggle(x0, y0, radius, wiggle=0.3, n=1):
    items = []
#    theta = 0.
    theta = 2*pi
    while theta > 0:
        r = radius + wiggle*random()
        p = [x0+r*sin(theta), y0+r*cos(theta)]
        theta -= 0.3*pi*random()
    #print items
    items = [path.moveto(*items[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in items[1:]]\
        + [path.lineto(*items[0])] 
    items = path.path(*items)

    return items
Exemplo n.º 19
def mkpath(x, y, radius=1.):

    pts = []
    pts.append((x+0.07*radius, y+0.05*radius))
    pts.append((x+0.5*radius, y+0.3*radius))
    pts.append((x+0.5*radius, y-0.3*radius))
    pts.append((x+0.07*radius, y-0.05*radius))

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts[1:]]

    pts = path.path(*pts)
    return pts
Exemplo n.º 20
def spiral(radius, angle, n, dphi=5):
    phif = angle + n * 360
    npts = abs(phif) // dphi
    if abs(phif) >= 360:
        dr = 0.1 * abs(phif) / 360
        dr = 0
    p = path.path(path.moveto(radius - 0.5 * dr, 0))
    for nphi in range(1, npts + 1):
        phi = radians(phif * nphi / npts)
        r = radius - 0.5 * dr + dr * nphi / npts
        p.append(path.lineto(r * cos(phi), r * sin(phi)))
    return p
Exemplo n.º 21
def dopath(ps, extra=[], fill=[], closepath=False, smooth=0.0):
    if not ps:
        print "dopath: empty"
    ps = [path.moveto(*ps[0])]+[path.lineto(*p) for p in ps[1:]]
    if closepath:
    p = path.path(*ps)
    extra = list(extra)
    if smooth:
    if fill:
        c.fill(p, extra+fill)
    c.stroke(p, extra)
Exemplo n.º 22
def mkpath(x, y, radius=1.):

    pts = [
        ((x+0.05*radius, y+0.04*radius)),
        ((x+0.5*radius, y+0.20*radius)),
        ((x+0.5*radius, y-0.20*radius)),
        ((x+0.07*radius, y-0.05*radius)),

    pts = [(xx+0.8*yy, yy) for (xx, yy) in pts]

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts[1:]]

    pts = path.path(*pts)
    return pts
Exemplo n.º 23
def event_to_path(event, chart, do_check=True, xoffset=0.0, yoffset=0.0) :
    '''accepts an array of points representing an event, converts this
       event to a path'''
    x, y = to_chart_coord(event[0], chart)
    p = path.path(path.moveto(x,y))
    for e in event[1:] :
        old_x = x
        old_y = y
        x, y = to_chart_coord(e, chart)
        if (do_check == False or 
            (fabs(old_x - x) < chart.width/2.0  and
             fabs(old_y - y) < chart.height/2.0)) :  
            p.append(path.lineto(x+xoffset, y+yoffset))
        else :
            p.append(path.moveto(x+xoffset, y+yoffset))
    return p
Exemplo n.º 24
def filesymbol(size, symbolcolor):
    wd = size
    ht = size * 1.414
    knick = 0.25 * wd
    p = path.path(path.moveto(0.5 * wd - knick, 0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd, 0.5 * ht - knick),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd, -0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(-0.5 * wd, -0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(-0.5 * wd, 0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd - knick, 0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd - knick, 0.5 * ht - knick),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd, 0.5 * ht - knick))
    cf = canvas.canvas()
    cf.stroke(p, [symbolcolor, style.linewidth.Thick, style.linejoin.round])
    return cf
Exemplo n.º 25
def write(size, color):
    size = size * 0.3
    cwrite = canvas.canvas()
    p = path.path(path.moveto(-0.2, 0.8), path.lineto(0.2, 0.8),
                  path.lineto(0.2, 0), path.lineto(0, -0.2),
                  path.lineto(-0.2, 0), path.lineto(-0.2, 0.8),
                  path.closepath(), path.moveto(0, 0.8), path.lineto(0, 0.05),
                  path.moveto(-0.2, 0), path.arcn(-0.1, 0, 0.1, 180, 20),
                  path.arcn(0.1, 0, 0.1, 160, 0))
        p, [color,
            trafo.scale(size).rotated(-30).translated(0, -0.4 * size)])
    return cwrite
Exemplo n.º 26
 def drawTo(self, x, y):
     Draws a line from the current pen position to (x,y)
     When done, the pen will be at (x, y).
     :param x: finishing x position for line
     :type x:  ``int`` or ``float``
     :param y: finishing y position for line
     :type y:  ``int`` or ``float``
     from pyx import path
     assert (type(x) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(x)
     assert (type(y) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(y)
     self._x = x
     self._y = y
     self._pather.append(path.lineto(x, y))
     self._dirty = True
Exemplo n.º 27
def corner(nx, ny, z, facecolor, edgecolor, trans, xdir, ydir):
    if xdir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx - 1, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx - 1, z + 1, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny)), path.closepath())
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    if ydir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z, ny + 1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny + 1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny)), path.closepath())
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, ny)
    x1, y1 = projector(nx, z + 1, ny)
    c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
Exemplo n.º 28
 def drawLine(self, dx, dy):
     Draws a line segment (dx,dy) from the current pen position
     The line segment will run from (x,y) to (x+dx,y+dy), where (x,y) is the current 
     pen position.  When done, the pen will be at position (x+dx,y+dy)
     :param dx: change in the x position
     :type dx:  ``int`` or ``float``
     :param dy: change in the y position
     :type dy:  ``int`` or ``float``
     from pyx import path
     assert (type(dx) in [int,
                          float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(dx)
     assert (type(dy) in [int,
                          float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(dy)
     self._x += dx
     self._y += dy
     self._pather.append(path.lineto(self._x, self._y))
     self._dirty = True
Exemplo n.º 29
    def pyx_plotter(self):
        from pyx import canvas, path, color

        st = Stats(self.points)

        if self.plot_range == AUTO:
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox_auto(self.points)
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox()
        wd, ht = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin

        sx = self.default_width / wd
        sy = self.aspect_ratio * self.default_width / ht
        #print 'WD:', wd, 'HT:', ht, sx, sy

        clip = canvas.clip(path.rect(sx * xmin, sy * ymin, sx * wd, sy * ht))

        c = canvas.canvas([clip])
        #c.stroke(path.rect(sx*xmin, sy*ymin, sx*wd, sy*ht))

        pth = path.path()
        first_point = True

        for p in self.points:
            if first_point:
                pth.append(path.moveto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))
                first_point = False
                pth.append(path.lineto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))


        for p in self.points:
            if st.is_extreme_outlier(p):
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03), [color.rgb.red])
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03))
        return c
Exemplo n.º 30
    def pyx_plotter(self):
        from pyx import canvas, path, color

        st = Stats(self.points)

        if self.plot_range == AUTO:
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox_auto(self.points)
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox()
        wd, ht = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin

        sx = self.default_width / wd
        sy = self.aspect_ratio * self.default_width / ht
        #print 'WD:', wd, 'HT:', ht, sx, sy

        clip = canvas.clip(path.rect(sx * xmin, sy * ymin, sx * wd, sy * ht))

        c = canvas.canvas([clip])
        #c.stroke(path.rect(sx*xmin, sy*ymin, sx*wd, sy*ht))

        pth = path.path()
        first_point = True

        for p in self.points:
            if first_point:
                pth.append(path.moveto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))
                first_point = False
                pth.append(path.lineto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))


        for p in self.points:
            if st.is_extreme_outlier(p):
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03), [color.rgb.red])
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03))
        return c
def corner(nx, ny, z, facecolor, edgecolor, trans, xdir, ydir):
    if xdir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx-1, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx-1, z+1, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z+1, ny)),
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    if ydir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z, ny+1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z+1, ny+1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z+1, ny)),
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, ny)
    x1, y1 = projector(nx, z+1, ny)
    c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
Exemplo n.º 32
def file(c, size=1, xoff=0, yoff=0, attrs=[], title=''):
    w = 3
    h = 2.1
    fold = 0.6
    outline = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.lineto(w, 0),
                        path.lineto(w, h - fold), path.lineto(w - fold, h),
                        path.lineto(0, h), path.closepath())
    foldpath = path.path(path.moveto(w - fold, h),
                         path.lineto(w - fold, h - fold),
                         path.lineto(w, h - fold))
    c1 = canvas.canvas()
    c1.stroke(outline, attrs)
    d = deformer.smoothed(0.2)
    c1.stroke(d.deform(foldpath), attrs)
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.3 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.45 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.text(0.1, 0.1, r'\sffamily ' + title, [trafo.scale(0.7)])
    myattrs = [trafo.translate(xoff, yoff), trafo.scale(size)]
    c.insert(c1, myattrs)
Exemplo n.º 33
from math import atan, degrees
from pyx import canvas, color, path, style, text, unit

c = canvas.canvas()
c.fill(path.circle(0, 0, 0.1), [color.grey(0.5)])
c.fill(path.circle(2, 1, 0.1), [color.grey(0.5)])
c.stroke(path.line(0, 0, -1., -0.2),
         [style.linewidth.Thick, style.linestyle.dotted])
c.stroke(path.line(2, 1, 2.7, 1.7),
         [style.linewidth.Thick, style.linestyle.dotted])
c.stroke(path.line(0, 0, 2, 1), [style.linewidth.thick])
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.lineto(2, 0), path.lineto(2, 1)))
c.text(0.5, 0.1, r'$\varphi$')
c.stroke(path.path(path.arc(0, 0, 0.8, 0, degrees(atan(0.5)))))
c.text(1, 0.6, r'$\ell=1$', [text.halign.right])
c.text(1, -0.1, r'$\cos(\varphi)$', [text.halign.center, text.valign.top])
c.text(2.1, 0.5, r'$\sin(\varphi)$', [text.valign.middle])
c.writeGSfile(device='pnggray', resolution=200)
Exemplo n.º 34
def plot_bargraph(data, width, height):
    methods = ['HiCLib', 'HiCPipe', 'HiCNorm', 'HiFive-Probability', 'HiFive-Binning', 'HiFive-Express',
               'HiFive-ExpressKR', 'HiFive-ExpressKR w/distance']
    ho = 4.0
    left_width = (width - ho) * 0.45
    mid_width1 = (width - ho) * 0.3
    mid_width2 = (width - ho) * 0.125
    right_width = (width - ho) * 0.125
    bar_height = height / len(methods) - 0.1
    data_totals = {}
    ranges = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for meth in data:
        data_totals[meth] = find_total(data[meth])
        if meth == 'HiCPipe':
            ranges[1, 1] = data_totals[meth]
        elif meth == 'HiCNorm':
            ranges[2, 1] = data_totals[meth]
        elif meth == 'HiFive-Probability':
            ranges[3, 1] = data_totals[meth]
            ranges[0, 1] = max(ranges[0, 1], data_totals[meth])
    ranges /= 60.0
    ranges[0, 1] = 28.0
    ranges[1, 0] = ranges[1, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.3 * 0.9
    ranges[1, 1] = ranges[1, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.3 * 0.1
    ranges[2, 0] = ranges[2, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[2, 1] = ranges[2, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[3, 0] = ranges[3, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[3, 1] = ranges[3, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    c = canvas.canvas()
    g1 = graph.graphxy(width=left_width, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=0, max=ranges[0, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=ranges[0, 1]),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    g2 = graph.graphxy(width=mid_width1, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=ranges[1, 0], max=ranges[1, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=ranges[1, 0], max=ranges[1, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g2, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    g3 = graph.graphxy(width=mid_width2, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=ranges[2, 0], max=ranges[2, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=ranges[2, 0], max=ranges[2, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g3, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, 0)])
    g4 = graph.graphxy(width=right_width, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=ranges[3, 0], max=ranges[3, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=ranges[3, 0], max=ranges[3, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g4, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, 0)])
    split = canvas.canvas()
    split.fill(path.path(path.moveto(-0.15, -0.2), path.lineto(0.05, 0.2), path.lineto(.15, 0.2),
               path.lineto(-0.05, -0.2), path.closepath()), [color.cmyk.White])
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.15, -0.2, 0.05, 0.2))
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.05, -0.2, 0.15, 0.2))
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, height)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, height)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, height)])
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods):
        c.insert(plot_bar(data[meth], ranges, bar_height, left_width / ranges[0, 1], split),
                 [trafo.translate(0, height - 0.05 - bar_height * (i + 1) - i * 0.1)])
        c.text(-0.1, height * (len(methods) - i - 0.5) / len(methods), meth,
               [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle, text.size(-2)])
    c.text((width - ho) / 2.0, -0.35, "Runtime (minutes)",
           [text.halign.center, text.valign.top, text.size(-2)])
    return c
Exemplo n.º 35
def polygon(*points):  # pragma: no cover
    args = []
    for i, point in enumerate(points):
        args.append(path.moveto(*point) if i == 0 else path.lineto(*point))
    return path.path(*args)
Exemplo n.º 36
c.text(0., 0.5*h, "(a)")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

#x0, y0 = 0.6, 0.
#c.text(x0-0.8, y0, "(b)")

c.stroke(path.rect(x0, y0, w, h), dashed)
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+w+m, y0, w, h), dotted)

p = path.path(
    path.moveto(x0+0.5*w, y0-0.3*h), 
    path.lineto(x0+0.5*w, y0+0.3*h), 
    path.lineto(x0+1.5*w+m, y0+0.3*h),
    path.lineto(x0+1.5*w+m, y0+0.7*h), 
    path.lineto(x0+0.5*w, y0+0.7*h),
    path.lineto(x0+0.5*w, y0+1.3*h),
c.stroke(p, [deformer.smoothed(0.3)]+grarrow)

y = y0+0.3*h
anyon(x0+0.8*w, y)
anyon(x0+m+1.2*w, y)
y = y0+0.7*h
anyon(x0+0.8*w, y)
anyon(x0+m+1.2*w, y)
Exemplo n.º 37
def plot_bargraph(data, width, height):
    methods = [
        'HiCLib', 'HiCPipe', 'HiCNorm', 'HiFive-Probability', 'HiFive-Binning',
        'HiFive-Express', 'HiFive-ExpressKR', 'HiFive-ExpressKR w/distance'
    ho = 4.0
    left_width = (width - ho) * 0.45
    mid_width1 = (width - ho) * 0.3
    mid_width2 = (width - ho) * 0.125
    right_width = (width - ho) * 0.125
    bar_height = height / len(methods) - 0.1
    data_totals = {}
    ranges = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for meth in data:
        data_totals[meth] = find_total(data[meth])
        if meth == 'HiCPipe':
            ranges[1, 1] = data_totals[meth]
        elif meth == 'HiCNorm':
            ranges[2, 1] = data_totals[meth]
        elif meth == 'HiFive-Probability':
            ranges[3, 1] = data_totals[meth]
            ranges[0, 1] = max(ranges[0, 1], data_totals[meth])
    ranges /= 60.0
    ranges[0, 1] = 28.0
    ranges[1, 0] = ranges[1, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.3 * 0.9
    ranges[1, 1] = ranges[1, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.3 * 0.1
    ranges[2, 0] = ranges[2, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[2, 1] = ranges[2, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[3, 0] = ranges[3, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[3, 1] = ranges[3, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    c = canvas.canvas()
    g1 = graph.graphxy(width=left_width,
                                        max=ranges[0, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=ranges[0, 1]),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    g2 = graph.graphxy(width=mid_width1,
                                        min=ranges[1, 0],
                                        max=ranges[1, 1]),
                                         min=ranges[1, 0],
                                         max=ranges[1, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g2, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    g3 = graph.graphxy(width=mid_width2,
                                        min=ranges[2, 0],
                                        max=ranges[2, 1]),
                                         min=ranges[2, 0],
                                         max=ranges[2, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g3, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, 0)])
    g4 = graph.graphxy(width=right_width,
                                        min=ranges[3, 0],
                                        max=ranges[3, 1]),
                                         min=ranges[3, 0],
                                         max=ranges[3, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g4, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, 0)])
    split = canvas.canvas()
        path.path(path.moveto(-0.15, -0.2), path.lineto(0.05, 0.2),
                  path.lineto(.15, 0.2), path.lineto(-0.05, -0.2),
                  path.closepath()), [color.cmyk.White])
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.15, -0.2, 0.05, 0.2))
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.05, -0.2, 0.15, 0.2))
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, height)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, height)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, 0)])
             [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, height)])
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods):
            plot_bar(data[meth], ranges, bar_height, left_width / ranges[0, 1],
                trafo.translate(0, height - 0.05 - bar_height *
                                (i + 1) - i * 0.1)
               height * (len(methods) - i - 0.5) / len(methods), meth,
               [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle,
    c.text((width - ho) / 2.0, -0.35, "Runtime (minutes)",
           [text.halign.center, text.valign.top,
    return c
Exemplo n.º 38
    def plot_scores(self,
        """Plot a PDF of score data with optional indicators of partitions, "
        partition means, LADs, and DIPs."""
        # Make sure that the PYX module is available
            from pyx import canvas, path, document, color, text, style
        except ImportError:
            self.logger.warn("The package pyx must be installed to plot data")
            return None
        # Make sure desired data is present
        if self.focus != 'binned':
            if (self.data is None or numpy.nanmin(self.data['score']) == 0):
                self.logger.warn("Requested data is not available for "
                return None
        elif (self.binned is None or numpy.nanmin(self.binned['score']) == 0):
            self.logger.warn("Requested binned data is not available for "
            return None
        self.logger.info("Plotting data")
        # Determine which data to use
        if self.focus == 'binned':
            data = self.binned
            chr_indices = self.bin_indices
            data = self.data
            chr_indices = self.chr_indices
        # Plot each chromosome on its own page
        pages = []
        for i in range(self.chroms.shape[0]):
            valid = numpy.where(
                        data['score'][chr_indices[i]:chr_indices[i + 1]])))[0]
            valid += chr_indices[i]
            # Skip chromosomes without valid data
            if valid.shape[0] == 0:
            mids = (data['coords'][valid, 0] + data['coords'][valid, 1]) // 2
            if binsize > 0:
                # Bin data to the resolution requested
                start = (mids[0] // binsize) * binsize
                stop = (mids[-1] // binsize + 1) * binsize
                indices = (mids - start) // binsize
                counts = numpy.bincount(indices)
                Ys = numpy.bincount(
                    indices, weights=data['score'][valid]) / numpy.maximum(
                        1, counts)
                mids = (start + numpy.arange(
                    (stop - start) // binsize) * binsize + binsize / 2)
                valid = numpy.where(counts > 0)[0]
                Ys = Ys[valid]
                mids = mids[valid]
                coords = numpy.zeros((Ys.shape[0], 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
                coords[:, 0] = start + valid * binsize
                coords[:, 1] = start + valid * binsize + binsize
                Ys = data['score'][valid]
                start = data['coords'][valid, 0]
                stop = data['coords'][valid[-1], 1]
                coords = data['coords'][valid, :].astype(numpy.float64)
            c = canvas.canvas()
            width = (stop - start) / 5000000.
            height = 5.
            maxscore = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(Ys))
            if show_means and self.partitions is not None:
                where = numpy.where(self.partitions['chr'] == i)[0]
                maxscore = max(
            Ys /= maxscore
            Ys *= height * 0.5
            Xs = (mids - start) / float(stop - start) * width
            coords -= start
            coords /= (stop - start)
            coords *= width
            lpath = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0))
            for j in range(valid.shape[0]):
                if j == 0 or valid[j] - valid[j - 1] > 1:
                    lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 0], 0))
                lpath.append(path.lineto(Xs[j], Ys[j]))
                if j == Xs.shape[0] - 1 or valid[j + 1] - valid[j] > 1:
                    lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 1], 0))
            lpath.append(path.lineto(width, 0))

            # add lads if requests and already determined
            if show_lads and self.LADs is not None:
                where = numpy.where(self.LADs['chr'] == i)[0]
                if where.shape[0] == 0:
                for j in where:
                    X0 = ((self.LADs['coords'][j, 0] - start) /
                          float(stop - start) * width)
                    X1 = ((self.LADs['coords'][j, 1] - start) /
                          float(stop - start) * width)
                    c.fill(path.rect(X0, -height / 2, X1 - X0, height),

            # add dips if requests and already determined
            if show_dips and self.DIPs is not None:
                where = numpy.where(self.DIPs['chr'] == i)[0]
                if where.shape[0] == 0:
                for j in where:
                    X0 = ((self.DIPs['coords'][j, 0] - start) /
                          float(stop - start) * width)
                    X1 = ((self.DIPs['coords'][j, 1] - start) /
                          float(stop - start) * width)
                    c.fill(path.rect(X0, -height / 2, X1 - X0, height),

            # add signal track
            c.stroke(path.line(0, -height / 2, width, -height / 2))

            # add partition mean line if requested and already determined
            if show_means and self.partitions is not None:
                where = numpy.where(self.partitions['chr'] == i)[0]
                coords = ((self.partitions['coords'][where, :] - start) /
                          float(stop - start) * width)
                Ys = ((self.partitions['score'][where] / maxscore) * height *
                lpath = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0))
                for j in range(Ys.shape[0]):
                    if j == 0 or coords[j, 0] != coords[j - 1, 1]:
                        lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 0], 0))
                    lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 0], Ys[j]))
                    lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 1], Ys[j]))
                    if (j == Ys.shape[0] - 1
                            or coords[j, 1] != coords[j + 1, 0]):
                        lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 1], 0))
                lpath.append(path.lineto(width, 0))
                c.stroke(lpath, [
                    color.rgb.blue, style.linewidth.THIN,

            # add partition lines if requested and already determined
            if show_partitions and self.partitions is not None:
                where = numpy.where(self.partitions['chr'] == i)[0]
                coords = ((self.partitions['coords'][where, :] - start) /
                          float(stop - start) * width)
                for j in range(coords.shape[0] - 1):
                        path.line(coords[j, 1], -height * 0.5, coords[j, 1],
                                  height * 0.5), [style.linewidth.THin])
                    if coords[j, 1] != coords[j + 1, 0]:
                            path.line(coords[j + 1, 0], -height * 0.5,
                                      coords[j + 1, 0], height * 0.5),

            # add coordinates
            for j in range(int(numpy.ceil(start / 10000000.)),
                           int(numpy.floor(stop / 10000000.) + 1)):
                X = (j * 10000000. - start) / (stop - start) * width
                c.stroke(path.line(X, -height / 2, X, -height / 2 - 0.2))
                c.text(X, -height / 2 - 0.25, "%i Mb" % (j * 10),
                       [text.halign.center, text.valign.top])
            c.text(width * 0.5, -height / 2 - 0.6,
                   "%s" % self.chroms[i].replace('_', ' '),
                   [text.halign.center, text.valign.top])
        doc = document.document(pages)
Exemplo n.º 39
unit.set(vscale=1.2, wscale=1.3, xscale=1.3)
c = canvas.canvas()
c.stroke(path.line(0, 0, width, 0), [deco.earrow])
c.text(width + 0.1, 0, '$t$', [text.valign.middle])
c.stroke(path.line(0, lowertick, 0, height), [deco.earrow])
c.text(0.2, height, '$q$', [text.valign.top])
n = 6
for nt in range(n + 1):
    t = nt * tmax / n
    c.stroke(path.line(t, 0, t, lowertick))
    c.stroke(path.line(t, 0, t, height - 0.26), [style.linestyle.dashed])
positions = [(height - 0.3) * random() for _ in range(n - 1)]
p = path.path(path.moveto(0, qi))
for nt, q in enumerate(positions):
    p.append(path.lineto((nt + 1) * tmax / n, q))
c.stroke(p, [style.linejoin.round, color.rgb(0.2, 0, 0.8)])
c.text(0, -0.55, '$0$', [text.halign.center])
c.text(3 * tmax / n, -0.55, '$n{-}1$', [text.halign.center])
c.text(4 * tmax / n, -0.55, '$n$', [text.halign.center])
c.text(tmax, -0.55, '$N$', [text.halign.center])
for x, y in ((0, qi), (tmax, qf)):
    c.fill(path.circle(x, y, 0.04),
           [color.grey(1), deco.stroked([color.grey(0)])])
c.text(-0.1, qi, r'$q_\text{i}$', [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle])
c.text(tmax + 0.1, qf, r'$q_\text{f}$', [text.valign.middle])
c.text(width - 0.2, height - 0.26, '$N={}$'.format(n), [text.valign.top])
Exemplo n.º 40
from pyx import canvas, path, style, text, unit


b = 0.8

c = canvas.canvas()
offset = 0
c.stroke(path.rect(offset, 0, b, b))
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(offset+0.1*b, -0.1),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.1*b, -1.2),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.3*b, -1.2)), [style.linewidth.thin])
c.text(offset+0.2*b, -1.1, r"\sffamily Vorzeichen")
c.text(0.5*b, 1.1*b, r"\sffamily 1 Bit", [text.halign.center])
c.text(0.5*b, 0.5*b, r"\sffamily S", [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])
offset = 1.2*b
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(offset+0.5*b, b),
                   path.lineto(offset, b),
                   path.lineto(offset, 0),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.5*b, 0)))
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(offset+0.1*b, -0.1),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.1*b, -0.7),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.3*b, -0.7)), [style.linewidth.thin])
c.text(offset+0.2*b, -0.6, r"\sffamily Exponent")
offset = offset+0.5*b
c.stroke(path.line(offset, 0, offset+b, 0), [style.linestyle.dotted])
c.stroke(path.line(offset, b, offset+b, b), [style.linestyle.dotted])
c.text(offset+0.5*b, 1.1*b, r"\sffamily 11 Bits", [text.halign.center])
c.text(offset+0.5*b, 0.5*b, r"\sffamily E",
       [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])
projector = graph.graphxyz.central(60, -50, 25).point

c = canvas.canvas()
nxmax = 7
nymax = 5
trans = 0.4
edgecolors = (color.rgb(0, 0, 0.8),
              color.rgb(0, 0.6, 0),
              color.rgb(0.8, 0, 0))
w = 0.3
facecolors = (color.rgb(w, w, 1),
              color.rgb(w, 1, w),
              color.rgb(1, w, w))
for nplane, (edgecolor, facecolor) in enumerate(zip(edgecolors, facecolors)):
    zoff = 1.04*(2-nplane)
    frontplane(zoff+1, nxmax, nymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans)
    for nx in range(nxmax, -1, -1):
        for ny in range(nymax+1):
            corner(nx, ny, zoff, facecolor, edgecolor, trans,
                   nx != 0, ny != nymax)
    frontplane(zoff, nxmax, nymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans)
    x0, y0 = projector(nxmax, zoff+1, nymax)
    x1, y1 = projector(0, zoff+1, nymax)
    x2, y2 = projector(0, zoff+1, 0)
    p = path.path(path.moveto(x0, y0), path.lineto(x1, y1),
                  path.lineto(x2, y2))
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
Exemplo n.º 42
    x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, ny)
    x1, y1 = projector(nx, z + 1, ny)
    c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])

projector = graph.graphxyz.central(60, -50, 25).point

c = canvas.canvas()
nxmax = 7
nymax = 5
trans = 0.4
edgecolors = (color.rgb(0, 0, 0.8), color.rgb(0, 0.6, 0), color.rgb(0.8, 0, 0))
w = 0.3
facecolors = (color.rgb(w, w, 1), color.rgb(w, 1, w), color.rgb(1, w, w))
for nplane, (edgecolor, facecolor) in enumerate(zip(edgecolors, facecolors)):
    zoff = 1.04 * (2 - nplane)
    frontplane(zoff + 1, nxmax, nymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans)
    for nx in range(nxmax, -1, -1):
        for ny in range(nymax + 1):
            corner(nx, ny, zoff, facecolor, edgecolor, trans, nx != 0,
                   ny != nymax)
    frontplane(zoff, nxmax, nymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans)
    x0, y0 = projector(nxmax, zoff + 1, nymax)
    x1, y1 = projector(0, zoff + 1, nymax)
    x2, y2 = projector(0, zoff + 1, 0)
    p = path.path(path.moveto(x0, y0), path.lineto(x1, y1),
                  path.lineto(x2, y2))
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
Exemplo n.º 43
def plot_memory(data, width, height):
    plot_width = width - 4.0
    plot_height = height - 0.8
    left_width = plot_width * 0.6
    right_width = plot_width * 0.2
    prob = data['HiFive-Probability']['3']
    norm = data['HiCNorm']['3']
    prob_min = prob - right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.7
    prob_max = prob + right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.3
    norm_min = norm - right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.6
    norm_max = norm + right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.4
    c1 = canvas.canvas()
    g1 = graph.graphxy(width=left_width, height=plot_height,
                      x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, texter=graph.axis.texter.exponential(mantissaexp=r"{{%s}e%s}", nomantissaexp=r"{e%s}"), min=0, max=2.2e4),
                      x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c1.insert(g1, [trafo.translate(0, 0)])
    g2 = graph.graphxy(width=right_width, height=plot_height,
                      y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, texter=graph.axis.texter.exponential(mantissaexp=r"{{%s}e%s}", nomantissaexp=r"{e%s}"), min=prob_min, max=prob_max),
                      x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c1.insert(g2, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    g3 = graph.graphxy(width=right_width, height=plot_height,
                      y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, texter=graph.axis.texter.exponential(mantissaexp=r"{{%s}e%s}", nomantissaexp=r"{e%s}"), parter=graph.axis.parter.linear(tickdists=[5000]), min=norm_min, max=norm_max),
                      x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      y2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c1.insert(g3, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, 0)])
    split = canvas.canvas()
    split.fill(path.path(path.moveto(-0.15, -0.2), path.lineto(0.05, 0.2), path.lineto(.15, 0.2),
               path.lineto(-0.05, -0.2), path.closepath()), [color.cmyk.White])
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.15, -0.2, 0.05, 0.2))
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.05, -0.2, 0.15, 0.2))
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, plot_height)])
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, 0)])
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, plot_height)])
    methods = ['HiCLib', 'HiCPipe', 'HiCNorm', 'HiFive-Probability', 'HiFive-Binning', 'HiFive-Express',
               'HiFive-ExpressKR', 'HiFive-ExpressKR w/distance']
    hstep = plot_height / len(methods)
    substep = hstep / 6.0
    scale = left_width / 2.2e4
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods[::-1]):
        for j in range(5):
            if str(j) not in data[meth]:
            if meth not in ['HiCNorm', 'HiFive-Probability'] or j != 3:
                c1.fill(path.rect(0, hstep * i + (4.5 - j) * substep, data[meth][str(j)] * scale, substep),
            elif meth == 'HiCNorm':
                c1.fill(path.rect(0, hstep * i + (4.5 - j) * substep, left_width + right_width * 1.7, substep),
                c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, hstep * i + (5 - j) * substep)])
                c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, hstep * i + (5 - j) * substep)])
                c1.fill(path.rect(0, hstep * i + (4.5 - j) * substep, left_width + right_width * 0.6, substep),
                c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, hstep * i + (5 - j) * substep)])
    c = canvas.canvas()
    c.insert(c1, [trafo.translate(4.0, 0.8)])
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods):
        c.text(3.9, height - plot_height / len(methods) * (i + 0.5), meth,
               [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle, text.size(-2)])
    c.text(4.0 + plot_width / 2, 0, "Maximum RAM usage (resident set size, Mbytes)",
           [text.halign.center, text.valign.bottom, text.size(-2)])
    return c
Exemplo n.º 44
c = canvas.canvas()

x = 0.
y = 0.
m = 0.1*w
m0 = m/2
r = 0.3*w

c.fill(path.rect(x-m0, y-m0, 2*m0+w, 2*m0+h), [shade])
c.stroke(path.rect(x, y, w, h))

p = path.path(
    path.moveto(x+r, y-m), 
    path.lineto(x+r, y),
    path.arc(x, y, r, 0, 90),
    path.lineto(x-m, y+r), 
c.stroke(p, g_curve+[trafo.scale(1.0, 1.3, x=x, y=y-m)])

c.stroke(path.line(x+0.5*w, y-m, x+0.5*w, y+h+m), g_curve)

r = 0.2*w
p = path.path(
    path.moveto(x+w+m, y+0.5*h+r), 
    path.lineto(x+w, y+0.5*h+r), 
    path.arc(x+w, y+0.5*h, r, 90, 270),
    path.lineto(x+w+m, y+0.5*h-r), 
c.stroke(p, g_curve+[trafo.scale(1.4, 1.0, x=x+1.*w+m, y=y+0.5*h)])
Exemplo n.º 45


c = canvas.canvas()

# prepare the limits of the chart and a clippath
ulx, uly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[0], chart)
urx, ury = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[0], chart)
top_line = path.path(path.moveto(ulx, uly),
                     path.lineto(urx, ury))

llx, lly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[-1], chart)
lrx, lry = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[-1], chart)
bot_line = path.path(path.moveto(llx, lly),
                     path.lineto(lrx, lry))

rev_sun_set = sun_set[:]
clippath = event_to_path(rev_sun_set[:] + sun_rise[:], chart, do_check=False)

clc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for paths, text and moon
bclc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for the background and the dots

# a seperate (larger) clipping canvas for Moon phases
Exemplo n.º 46
name = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] + '_{}'
for norder in range(4):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    file(c, yoff=2.5, title='JuliaSet', attrs=set_myattrs(norder, 0))
         attrs=set_myattrs(norder, 1))
         attrs=set_myattrs(norder, 2))
         attrs=set_myattrs(norder, 3))
        path.path(path.moveto(0.3, 2.4), path.lineto(0.3, 0.2),
                  path.lineto(0.9, 0.2)), [deco.earrow])
        path.path(path.moveto(0.3, 0.1), path.lineto(0.3, -2.3),
                  path.lineto(0.9, -2.3)), [deco.earrow])
        path.path(path.moveto(0.3, -2.4), path.lineto(0.3, -4.8),
                  path.lineto(0.9, -4.8)), [deco.earrow])
    c.writePDFfile(name.format(norder + 1))
Exemplo n.º 47
    for sb in setting_bodies :


c = canvas.canvas()

# prepare the limits of the chart and a clippath
ulx, uly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[0], chart)
urx, ury = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[0], chart)
top_line = path.path(path.moveto(ulx, uly), path.lineto(urx, ury))

llx, lly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[-1], chart)
lrx, lry = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[-1], chart)
bot_line = path.path(path.moveto(llx, lly), path.lineto(lrx, lry))

rev_sun_set = sun_set[:]
clippath = event_to_path(rev_sun_set[:] + sun_rise[:], chart, do_check=False)

clc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for paths, text and moon
bclc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for the background and the dots

# a seperate (larger) clipping canvas for Moon phases
clippath2 = event_to_path([rev_sun_set[0]+2.0] +
    preamble = preamble+r'\definecolor{{ex{}color}}{{rgb}}{{{}, {}, {}}}'.format(
                  nr+1, elem.r, elem.g, elem.b)

c = canvas.canvas()
for n in range(5):
    framebox(n+1, ncols-n-1, ex1color)
for nx in (0, 2, 5):
    framebox(nx, 0, ex2color, nh=3, reducedsize=True)
for n in (0, 2, 5):
    framebox(2, (ncols-n-1), ex3color)

for nx in range(ncols+1):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(nx*boxsize, 0),
                  path.lineto(nx*boxsize, ncols*boxsize),
                  path.rlineto(reducedboxsize*cos(angle), reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))
for ny in range(nrows+1):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(0, ny*boxsize),
                  path.lineto(nrows*boxsize, ny*boxsize),
                  path.rlineto(reducedboxsize*cos(angle), reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))
p = path.path(path.moveto(ncols*boxsize+reducedboxsize*cos(angle),
              path.rlineto(0, ncols*boxsize),
              path.rlineto(-nrows*boxsize, 0),
              path.rlineto(-reducedboxsize*cos(angle), -reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))

for nx in range(ncols):
Exemplo n.º 49
def make_line(a, b):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(a.real, a.imag))
    p.append(path.lineto(b.real, b.imag))
    return p
Exemplo n.º 50

size = 0.4
x0 = 0
y0 = 3
dy = 0.07
c.fill(path.rect(x0, y0, 5*size, size),
       [color.grey(0.5), deco.stroked([color.grey(0.5)])])
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+5*size, y0, 5*size, size))
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+10*size, y0, 6*size, size))
for n in range(len(codepointbinary)):
    c.text(x0+(n+0.5)*size, y0+dy, r"\sffamily %i" % codepointbinary[n],

p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2*size, size+0.03),
              path.lineto(0.2*size, size+0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.03))
for n in range(bits//4):
    c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(4*n*size, y0)])
    c.text((4*n+2)*size, size+0.14+y0, r"\sffamily %X" %
           (codepoint >> (bits//4-n-1)*4 & 0x0f),

utf8code = 0xC080 \
           + (((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1f) << 8) \
           + (codepoint & 0x3f)
utf8codebinary = [(utf8code & 2**n)/2**n for n in range(bits)]

y1 = 2
Exemplo n.º 51
def polygon(*points):  # pragma: no cover
    args = []
    for i, point in enumerate(points):
        args.append(path.moveto(*point) if i == 0 else path.lineto(*point))
    return path.path(*args)
Exemplo n.º 52
axislen = 3

unit.set(vscale=1.2, wscale=1.3, xscale=1.3)
c = canvas.canvas()
c.stroke(path.line(-0.2*axislen, 0, axislen, 0), [deco.earrow])
c.text(axislen+0.1, 0, 'Re($x$)', [text.valign.middle])
c.stroke(path.line(0, -0.2*axislen, 0, axislen), [deco.earrow])
c.text(0.2, axislen, 'Im($x$)', [text.valign.top])
r = 0.85*axislen
p = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0),
              path.lineto(r, 0),
              path.arc(0, 0, r, 0, 45),
              path.lineto(0, 0),
pathcolor = color.rgb(0.2, 0, 0.8)
c.stroke(p, [style.linewidth.thick, style.linejoin.round, pathcolor])
c.stroke(path.line(0, 0, 0.53*axislen, 0), [deco.earrow, pathcolor])
c.stroke(path.path(path.arc(0, 0, r, 0, 23)), [deco.earrow, pathcolor])
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(r/sqrt(2), r/sqrt(2)),
                   path.lineto(0.48*r/sqrt(2), 0.48*r/sqrt(2))),
         [deco.earrow, pathcolor])
c.text(0.33, 0.11, r'\footnotesize$\nicefrac{\pi}{4}$', [pathcolor])
c.stroke(path.path(path.arc(0, 0, 0.82, 0, 45)),
         [style.linewidth.thin, pathcolor])

Exemplo n.º 53
class ProteinDomain(Brick):
    _default_color = cmyk.Purple
    _offset = (0, -0.5)
    _path = path(
        moveto(0, 0),
        lineto(1, 0),
        lineto(1, 1),
        lineto(0, 1),
        lineto(0, 0),
        moveto(1.4, 0),
        lineto(2.4, 0),
        lineto(2.4, 1),
        lineto(1.4, 1),
        lineto(1.4, 0),
        moveto(2.8, 0),
        lineto(4, 0),
        lineto(4, -0.5),
        lineto(4+sqrt(3), 0.5),
        lineto(4, 1.5),
        lineto(4, 1),
        lineto(2.8, 1),
        lineto(2.8, 0),
Exemplo n.º 54
y0 = 3
dy = 0.07
c.fill(path.rect(x0, y0, 8 * size, size),
       [markercolor, deco.stroked([markercolor])])
c.stroke(path.rect(x0 + 8 * size, y0, 4 * size, size),
c.stroke(path.rect(x0 + 12 * size, y0, 6 * size, size),
c.stroke(path.rect(x0 + 18 * size, y0, 6 * size, size),
for n in range(len(codepointbinary)):
    c.text(x0 + (n + 0.5) * size, y0 + dy,
           r"\sffamily %i" % codepointbinary[n], [text.halign.center])

p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2 * size, size + 0.03),
              path.lineto(0.2 * size, size + 0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.03))
for n in range(bits // 4):
    c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(4 * n * size, y0)])
    c.text((4 * n + 2) * size, size + 0.14 + y0,
           r"\sffamily %X" % (codepoint >> (bits // 4 - n - 1) * 4 & 0x0f),

utf8code = 0xE08080 \
           + (((codepoint >> 12) & 0x0f) << 16) \
           + (((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f) << 8) \
           + (codepoint & 0x3f)
utf8codebinary = [(utf8code & 2**n) / 2**n for n in range(bits)]
from pyx import canvas, color, path, text, unit

unit.set(xscale=1.6, wscale=1.2)

c = canvas.canvas()
side = 4
lightcolor = color.hsb(0.65, 0.2, 1)
darkcolor = color.hsb(0.65, 1, 1)
c.fill(path.path(path.moveto(0, 0),
                 path.lineto(side, 0),
                 path.arc(0, 0, side, 0, 90),
                 path.closepath()), [lightcolor])
c.stroke(path.path(path.arc(0, 0, side, 0, 90)), [darkcolor])
c.stroke(path.rect(0, 0, side, side))
ticklen = 0.15
for tick in (0, 1):
    dist = tick*side
    c.stroke(path.line(dist, 0, dist, -ticklen))
    c.text(dist, -1.5*ticklen, str(tick), [text.halign.center, text.valign.top])
    c.stroke(path.line(0, dist, -ticklen, dist))
    c.text(-1.5*ticklen, dist, str(tick), [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle])
c.text(0.4*side, 0.4*side, r'\huge$\nicefrac{\pi}{4}$',
       [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle, darkcolor])
Exemplo n.º 56
points.insert(idx, (1.3*dx, -0.7*dy)); idx+=3 # next pair
points.insert(idx, (1.3*dx, -2.7*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.5*dx, -2.7*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.5*dx, -2.*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.5*dx, -1.4*dy)); idx+=3 # next pair
points.insert(idx, (3.7*dx, -1.4*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (3.7*dx, -1.6*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.7*dx, -1.6*dy)); idx+=3 # next pair
points.insert(idx, (1.7*dx, -3.3*dy)); # end

items = []
for i, p in enumerate(points):
    if i==0:

    [trafo.translate(tx0, ty0), lred, deformer.smoothed(2.0),
    style.linewidth.THICk, deco.earrow(size=0.3)])

for (s, t) in [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)]:
    pair(points0[s], points0[t])

y -= 4.*dy
c.text(x, y,
r"""When we yank the red line straight
we find out what braid moves to do:
Exemplo n.º 57

size = 0.4
x0 = 0
y0 = 3
dy = 0.07
c.fill(path.rect(x0, y0, 5*size, size),
       [markercolor, deco.stroked([markercolor])])
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+5*size, y0, 5*size, size), [deco.filled([codecolor])])
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+10*size, y0, 6*size, size), [deco.filled([codecolor])])
for n in range(len(codepointbinary)):
    c.text(x0+(n+0.5)*size, y0+dy, r"\sffamily %i" % codepointbinary[n],

p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2*size, size+0.03),
              path.lineto(0.2*size, size+0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.03))
for n in range(bits//4):
    c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(4*n*size, y0)])
    c.text((4*n+2)*size, size+0.14+y0, r"\sffamily %X" %
           (codepoint >> (bits//4-n-1)*4 & 0x0f),

utf8code = 0xC080 \
           + (((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1f) << 8) \
           + (codepoint & 0x3f)
utf8codebinary = [(utf8code & 2**n)/2**n for n in range(bits)]

y1 = 2