Exemplo n.º 1
    def testUnderfullVboxWarning(self, l):
                  r"\parindent=0pt\vbox to 1cm {hello, world, hello, world}",
        l.check(("pyx", "WARNING", r"""ignoring overfull/underfull box:
Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 0"""))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testUnderfullHboxWarning(self, l):
                  r"\hbadness=0hello, world, hello",
        l.check(("pyx", "WARNING", r"""ignoring overfull/underfull box:
Underfull \hbox (badness 171) detected at line 0
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 hello, world,"""))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testOverfullHboxWarning(self, l):
                  r"hello, world",
                  textattrs=[text.parbox(30 * unit.u_pt)])
        l.check(("pyx", "WARNING", r"""ignoring overfull/underfull box:
Overfull \hbox (8.22089pt too wide) detected at line 0
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 hello,"""))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testOverfullHboxWarning(self, l):
        text.text(0, 0, r"hello, world", textattrs=[text.parbox(30 * unit.u_pt)])
                r"""ignoring overfull/underfull box:
Overfull \hbox (8.22089pt too wide) detected at line 0
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 hello,""",
Exemplo n.º 5
    def testUnderfullHboxWarning(self, l):
        text.text(0, 0, r"\hbadness=0hello, world, hello", textattrs=[text.parbox(2.5)])
                r"""ignoring overfull/underfull box:
Underfull \hbox (badness 171) detected at line 0
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 hello, world,""",
def generate_tile(item):
    title = item['title']
    image = item['image']

    if item['quantity'] > 1:

    #72dpi is illustrator default
    drawing = svgfile.svgfile(0, 0, 'images%s' % image, parsed=True, resolution=72)
    canvas_size = get_canvas_size(item)
    drawing_size = (drawing.bbox().width(), drawing.bbox().height())

    dir = 'tiles/%s' % item['type']
    if not os.path.exists(dir):
    c = canvas.canvas()

    center = ( (canvas_size[0] - drawing_size[0]) / 2, (canvas_size[1] - drawing_size[1]) / 2 )
    c.insert(drawing, [trafo.translate(center[0], center[1])])

    yMargin = (canvas_size[1] - drawing_size[1]) / 2
    yPos = yMargin - yMargin / 2
    baseline = text.parbox.middle
    textbox = '{\large %s}' % title
    if 'subtitle' in item:
        textbox += '\n\n'
        textbox += item['subtitle']

    if yPos < (unit.t_inch / 2):
        baseline = text.parbox.bottom

    c.text(canvas_size[0] / 2, yPos, textbox, [
            text.parbox(canvas_size[0] - .25 * unit.t_inch, baseline = baseline)

    #draw Cut line
    if CUT_LINE:
            path.rect(0, 0, canvas_size[0], canvas_size[1]),
            [ style.linewidth(0.001), color.rgb.red ]

    p = document.page(c, bbox=bbox.bbox(0, 0, canvas_size[0], canvas_size[1]))
    d = document.document([p])
    d.writeSVGfile('%s/%s.svg' % (dir, slugify(title)))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def flush(self):
        Writes all graphics to the page, preparing it for output.
        This method also clears the canvas to allow it to be reused.
        This method draws the student and instructor submissions at the top, and places 
        the grading comments below
        from pyx import text
        # Determine the margins relative to US letter
        bdx = max(self.x, 36)
        bdy = max(self.y, 36)
        bdw = min(self.width, 540)
        bdh = min(self.height, 720)

        xoff = (self.width - bdw) / 2.0

        self.submitted.scale = 0.45
        yoff = (self.height - bdy -
                self.submitted.height * self.submitted.scale)
        self.submitted.embed(self._canvas, x=xoff, y=yoff)
        self.solution.scale = 0.45
        yoff = (self.height - bdy - self.solution.height * self.solution.scale)
        self.solution.embed(self._canvas, x=self.width / 2.0, y=yoff)

        header = 'Autograder Comments' if self.title == '' else 'Autograder Comments on ' + self.title
        self._canvas.text(bdx, self.height / 2.0,
                          "{\\Large\\textbf{%s}:} " % header)

        # Internal offset for comments
        yoff = self.height / 2.0 - 30

        # Add the comments
        body = "\large\\noindent "
        frst = True
        for line in self._comments:
            if frst:
                frst = False
                body += " \\\\"
            body += line
        self._canvas.text(xoff, yoff, body, [text.parbox(bdw)])

        # Store canvas in page list and clear
              path.rlineto(0, ncols*boxsize),
              path.rlineto(-nrows*boxsize, 0),
              path.rlineto(-reducedboxsize*cos(angle), -reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))

for nx in range(ncols):
    x = (nx+0.5)*boxsize
    for ny in range(nrows):
        y = (ncols-ny-0.5)*boxsize
        c.text(x, y, r'\textbf{{{}}}'.format(ny*10+nx),
               [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])

parwidth = 10.6
inputtemplate = r'\noindent\textcolor{{ex{}color}}{{\bfseries>{{}}>{{}}> {}}}'
resulttemplate = r'\textcolor{{ex{}color}}{{{}}}'
myattrs = [text.valign.top, text.parbox(parwidth)]
textblockdist = 0.5
ytop = ncols*boxsize

for s in ((inputtemplate.format('1', 'a[(0,1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4,5)]')
           + r'\\[0.1\baselineskip]'
           + resulttemplate.format('1', r'array([1, 12, 23, 34, 45])')
          (inputtemplate.format('2', 'a[3:, [0,2,5]]')
           + r'\\[0.1\baselineskip]'
           + resulttemplate.format('2', 'array([[30, 32, 35],')
           + r'\\'
           + resulttemplate.format('2', r'\hphantom{array([}[40, 42, 45],')
           + r'\\'
           + resulttemplate.format('2', r'\hphantom{array([}[50, 52, 55]])')
              path.rlineto(0, ncols*boxsize),
              path.rlineto(-nrows*boxsize, 0),
              path.rlineto(-reducedboxsize*cos(angle), -reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))
for nx in range(ncols):
    x = (nx+0.5)*boxsize
    for ny in range(nrows):
        y = (ncols-ny-0.5)*boxsize
        c.text(x, y, r'\textbf{{{}}}'.format(ny*10+nx), [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])

parwidth = 10.6
s = r'''\noindent\textcolor{ex2}{\bfseries>{}>{}> a[(0,1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4,5)]}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
        \textcolor{ex2}{array([1, 12, 23, 34, 45])}
c.text(-parwidth-0.5, ncols*boxsize, s, [text.valign.top, text.parbox(parwidth)])

s = r'''\noindent\textcolor{ex1}{{\bfseries>{}>{}> a[3:, [0,2,5]]}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
        \textcolor{ex1}{array([[30, 32, 35],}\\
        \textcolor{ex1}{\hphantom{array([}[40, 42, 45],}\\
        \textcolor{ex1}{\hphantom{array([}[50, 52, 55]])}}
c.text(-parwidth-0.5, ncols*boxsize-1.5, s, [text.valign.top, text.parbox(parwidth)])

s = r'''\noindent\textcolor{ex3}{\bfseries>{}>{}> mask = np.array([1,0,1,0,0,1], dtype=bool)}\\
        \textcolor{ex3}{\bfseries>{}>{}> a[mask, 2]}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
        \textcolor{ex3}{array([2, 22, 52])}
c.text(-parwidth-0.5, ncols*boxsize-4, s, [text.valign.top, text.parbox(parwidth)])

basename = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0]
Exemplo n.º 10
dx = 0.3
h = 4
w = 6.5
p = path.rect(-dx, -dx, w+2*dx, h+2*dx)
p = deformer.smoothed(0.5).deform(p)
c.fill(p, [color.grey(0.5), trafo.translate(0.05, -0.05)])
c.fill(p, [color.grey(0.9)])

c1 = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(p)])
c2 = canvas.canvas()
textcolor = color.hsb(0.6, 0.3, 1)
t = """\Huge

p1 = \{4: 2, 3: 10\}


p2 = \{2: 5, 1: -1, 0: 32\}

multiply(p1, p2)
c2.text(0, 0, t, [text.parbox(2*w), textcolor])
c1.insert(c2, [trafo.rotate(20).translated(-0.2*w, 0.9*h)])

t = r'\Large $(2x^4+10x^3)(5x^2-x+32)$'
c.text(w/2, h/2, t, [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle,
                     color.hsb(0.05, 0.9, 0.6)])
c.writeGSfile(device="png16m", resolution=300)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def testOverfullVboxWarning(self, l):
            0, 0, r"\parindent=0pt\vbox to 1cm {hello, world, hello, world, hello, world}", textattrs=[text.parbox(1.9)]
                r"""ignoring overfull/underfull box:
Overfull \vbox (2.4917pt too high) detected at line 0""",
Exemplo n.º 12
# c.stroke(path.line(4, 3, 6, 3), [style.linestyle.dashed])
# c.stroke(path.line(4, 1, 6, 1), [style.linestyle.dashed])
# c.stroke(path.line(4, -1, 6, -1), [style.linestyle.dashed])
# c.stroke(path.line(4, -3, 6, -3), [style.linestyle.dashed])
# c.text(4, 3, r"$$p \in Z$$", [text.parbox(1), text.valign.bottom, text.halign.left])
# c.text(4, 1, r"$$\frac{m + 1}{n} \in Z$$", [text.parbox(1), text.valign.bottom, text.halign.left])
# c.text(4, -1, r"$$\frac{m + 1}{n} + p \in Z$$", [text.parbox(1), text.valign.bottom, text.halign.left])
# c.text(4, -3, r"else", [text.parbox(1), text.valign.bottom, text.halign.left])
# c.text(6, 3, r"$$\left[ x = t^N \right], N\textrm{ -- общий знаменатель }m\textrm{ и }n", [text.parbox(10), text.valign.middle])
# c.writePDFfile("irrational_scheme_1.pdf")
# exit(0)

c.text(-1, 4, r"$$\int\frac{R(x) dx}{\sqrt{ax^2 + bx + c}}$$",
       [text.parbox(2), text.valign.middle])
c.stroke(path.line(2, 4, 3, 4))
c.stroke(path.line(3, 10, 3, 1))

c.stroke(path.line(3, 10, 4, 10))
c.text(3.6, 10, r"2.1", [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle])
c.stroke(path.circle(4.35, 10, 0.3))
    4.2, 10,
    r"$$\int\frac{P(x) dx}{\sqrt{ax^2 + bx + c}} = Q(x)\sqrt{ax^2 + bx + c} + \lambda \int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{ax^2 + bx + c}},\textrm{ deg} Q(x) < \textrm{deg} P(x)$$",
    [text.parbox(15), text.valign.middle])

c.stroke(path.line(3, 8, 4, 8))
c.text(3.6, 8, r"2.2", [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle])
c.stroke(path.circle(4.35, 8, 0.3))
Exemplo n.º 13
from pyx import canvas, color, deformer, path, text, trafo, unit

pistring = '3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852'
char_per_line = 25
pistring = ' '.join(
    [pistring[n * char_per_line:(n + 1) * char_per_line] for n in range(10)])

c = canvas.canvas()
dx = 0.3
h = 4
w = 6.5
p = path.rect(-dx, -dx, w + 2 * dx, h + 2 * dx)
p = deformer.smoothed(0.5).deform(p)
c.fill(p, [color.grey(0.5), trafo.translate(0.05, -0.05)])
c.fill(p, [color.grey(0.9)])
c.text(0, 0, r'\noindent\texttt{{{}}}'.format(pistring),
       [text.valign.bottom, text.parbox(5)])
c.text(0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, r'\Huge $\pi$', [
    text.halign.center, text.valign.middle,
    color.hsb(0.66, 0.8, 1),

Exemplo n.º 14
                reducedboxsize * sin(angle)), path.rlineto(0, ncols * boxsize),
    path.rlineto(-nrows * boxsize, 0),
    path.rlineto(-reducedboxsize * cos(angle), -reducedboxsize * sin(angle)))

for nx in range(ncols):
    x = (nx + 0.5) * boxsize
    for ny in range(nrows):
        y = (ncols - ny - 0.5) * boxsize
        c.text(x, y, r'\textbf{{{}}}'.format(ny * 10 + nx),
               [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])

parwidth = 6
inputtemplate = r'\noindent\textcolor{{ex{}color}}{{\bfseries>{{}}>{{}}> {}}}'
resulttemplate = r'\textcolor{{ex{}color}}{{{}}}'
myattrs = [text.valign.top, text.parbox(parwidth)]
textblockdist = 0.5
ytop = ncols * boxsize + 0.4

for s in ((inputtemplate.format('1', 'a[0, 3:5]') + r'\\[0.1\baselineskip]' +
           resulttemplate.format('1', 'array([3, 4])')),
          (inputtemplate.format('2', 'a[4:, 4:]') + r'\\[0.1\baselineskip]' +
           resulttemplate.format('2', 'array([[44, 55],') + r'\\' +
           resulttemplate.format('2', r'\hphantom{array([}[54, 55]])')),
          (inputtemplate.format('3', 'a[:, 2]') + r'\\[0.1\baselineskip]' +
           resulttemplate.format('3', 'a([2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52])')),
          (inputtemplate.format('4', 'a[2::2, ::2]') +
           r'\\[0.1\baselineskip]' +
           resulttemplate.format('4', r'array([[20, 22, 24],') + r'\\' +
           resulttemplate.format('4', r'\hphantom{array([}[40, 42, 44]])'))):
    t = text.text(-parwidth - 0.5, ytop, s, myattrs)
Exemplo n.º 15
from pyx import canvas, path, deco, style, color, text
from math import sqrt

c = canvas.canvas()

c.stroke(path.circle(0, 0, 1))
c.stroke(path.circle(5, 0, 1))
c.stroke(path.circle(15, 0, 1))
c.stroke(path.circle(20, 5, 1))

c.stroke(path.circle(9, 0, 0.1), [style.linewidth.THICK])
c.stroke(path.circle(10, 0, 0.1), [style.linewidth.THICK])
c.stroke(path.circle(11, 0, 0.1), [style.linewidth.THICK])

c.text(0, 0, r'\Huge{1}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(5, 0, r'\Huge{2}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(15, 0, r'\Huge{K}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(20, 5, r'\Huge{0}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])

c.stroke(path.curve(1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 2, 2, 3, 2,  5 - 1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.curve(5 - 1 / sqrt(2), -1 / sqrt(2), 3, -2, 2, -2,  1 / sqrt(2), -1 / sqrt(2)), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.curve(1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 1, 5, 10, 5,  19, 5), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.curve(5 + 1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 7, 5, 12, 5,  19, 5), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.line(15 + 1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 20 - 1 / sqrt(2), 5 - 1 / sqrt(2)), [deco.earrow(size=1)])

c.text(2.5, 2.5, r'\huge{$p_1^2$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(2.5, -1, r'\huge{$p_2^1$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(2.5, 4, r'\huge{$p_1^0$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(8, 3, r'\huge{$p_2^0$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
Exemplo n.º 16
y = h-9*dr

#for i in range(30):
#    y0 = y-i*dr
#    if y0 < 0.:
#        break
#    cross(0, y0)

box = c.text(x, y, r"""
Here we consider a two dimensional system with Fibonacci
anyon excitations. %What does this mean?

The total charge enclosed in a region may be measured with possible
outcomes $\tau$ which indicates a Fibonacci anyon charge, or ${\mathbb{I}}$
which indicates vacuum:
""".strip(), [text.parbox(dw-2*m), ])
#print repr(box.height)
#print unit.tocm(box.height)

y -= 5*dr
rect(x+dw/2-1., y-1., 1., 1., r"$\I$ or $\tau$")

y -= 3.*dr
box = c.text(x, y, r"""
Two such measurements commute when the two regions are either disjoint
or one is wholly contained within the other.

The following rules constrain measurment outcomes:
""".strip(), [text.parbox(dw-2*m), ])

y -= 6*dr
Exemplo n.º 17

braid(3, 1, trafo.translate(-m-0.5, 0.))
braid(3, 1, trafo.translate(-m-0.5, 1.))

slice(-m, 2.)
c.text(x, 2., r"$\sigma_2^{2}\ket{\psi}$", st)

s = [style.linewidth.Thick, deco.earrow(size=0.2)]
c.stroke(path.line(x, 0.3, x, 1.7), s)
flat = [deco.earrow(angle=170, size=0.1)]
c.stroke(path.line(x, 1.7, x, 0.3), flat+[style.linewidth.Thick])

c.text(x-0.5, -1.0,
    "Braid group acts on states:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \  ``Schrodinger picture''",
    [text.parbox(4.), text.valign.top, text.halign.flushleft])

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

x = +0.5

slice(+m, +2.)
c.stroke(path.circle(m-0.25, 2., 0.5), [trafo.scale(1., 0.3, m-0.25, 2.)])
c.text(x, 2., r"$D_3$", st)

slice(+m, 0.)
c.stroke(wiggle, [trafo.translate(m, 0.), trafo.scale(1., 0.4, m, 0.)])

c.text(x, 0., r"$D_3$", st)
c.text(x-0.2, 1., r"$f$", st)
s = [style.linewidth.Thick, deco.earrow(size=0.2)]