Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, call=None, *args):
        # Delay import until use of class instance.  We were getting some very
        # odd build-as-we-go errors running tests and documentation otherwise
        import pyximport


            ext = os.path.splitext(call)[1].lower()
            print('ext', ext)
            if ext == '.py' or ext == '.pyx':  # python/cython file
                print('profiling python/cython file ...')
                subprocess.call(['python', '-m', 'cProfile',
                                 '-o', 'profile.prof', call])
                s = pstats.Stats('profile.prof')
                stats = s.strip_dirs().sort_stats('time')
                self.stats = stats


            print('profiling function call ...')
            self.args = args
            self.call = call

            cProfile.runctx('self._profile_function()', globals(), locals(),
            s = pstats.Stats('profile.prof')
            stats = s.strip_dirs().sort_stats('time')
            self.stats = stats
Exemplo n.º 2
	def test_cython_quicksort(self):

		import pyximport; pyximport.install()
		import quick_cython
		l = [5, 1, 3, 5, 2]
		self.assertEqual(sorted(l), quick_cython.quicksort(l))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def call(self, fun, arg=list()):
        Call a function in the load path.
        name = fun[:fun.rindex('.')]
            fn_, path, desc = imp.find_module(name, self.module_dirs)
            mod = imp.load_module(name, fn_, path, desc)
        except ImportError:
            if self.opts.get('cython_enable', True) is True:
                # The module was not found, try to find a cython module
                    import pyximport

                    for mod_dir in self.module_dirs:
                        for fn_ in os.listdir(mod_dir):
                            if name == fn_[:fn_.rindex('.')]:
                                # Found it, load the mod and break the loop
                                mod = pyximport.load_module(
                                    name, os.path.join(mod_dir, fn_)
                                return getattr(
                                    mod, fun[fun.rindex('.') + 1:])(*arg)
                except ImportError:
                    log.info("Cython is enabled in options though it's not "
                             "present in the system path. Skipping Cython "
        return getattr(mod, fun[fun.rindex('.') + 1:])(*arg)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def cython_pyximport(self, line, cell):
        """Compile and import a Cython code cell using pyximport.

        The contents of the cell are written to a `.pyx` file in the current
        working directory, which is then imported using `pyximport`. This
        magic requires a module name to be passed::

            %%cython_pyximport modulename
            def f(x):
                return 2.0*x

        The compiled module is then imported and all of its symbols are
        injected into the user's namespace. For most purposes, we recommend
        the usage of the `%%cython` magic.
        module_name = line.strip()
        if not module_name:
            raise ValueError('module name must be given')
        fname = module_name + '.pyx'
        with io.open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        if 'pyximport' not in sys.modules:
            import pyximport
        if module_name in self._reloads:
            module = self._reloads[module_name]
            module = sys.modules[module_name]
            self._reloads[module_name] = module
Exemplo n.º 5
def write_spline_data():
    """Precompute spline coefficients and save them to data files that
    are #included in the remaining c source code. This is a little devious.
    import scipy.special
    import pyximport

    pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": [np.get_include()]})
    sys.path.insert(0, "src/vonmises")
    import buildspline

    del sys.path[0]
    n_points = 1024
    miny, maxy = 1e-5, 700
    y = np.logspace(np.log10(miny), np.log10(maxy), n_points)
    x = scipy.special.iv(1, y) / scipy.special.iv(0, y)

    # fit the inverse function
    derivs = buildspline.createNaturalSpline(x, np.log(y))
    if not os.path.exists("src/vonmises/data/inv_mbessel_x.dat"):
        np.savetxt("src/vonmises/data/inv_mbessel_x.dat", x, newline=",\n")
    if not os.path.exists("src/vonmises/data/inv_mbessel_y.dat"):
        np.savetxt("src/vonmises/data/inv_mbessel_y.dat", np.log(y), newline=",\n")
    if not os.path.exists("src/vonmises/data/inv_mbessel_deriv.dat"):
        np.savetxt("src/vonmises/data/inv_mbessel_deriv.dat", derivs, newline=",\n")
def load_matrix(f):
    if not f.endswith('.bin'):
        f += ".bin"
    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()})
    from representations import sparse_io
    return sparse_io.retrieve_mat_as_coo(f).tocsr()
def test_hamming_speed_01():
    import time

    #Importing cython module:
    import pyximport; pyximport.install()
    import hamming_cython

    num_peptide = 1000
    protein_length = 1000
    peptide_list = get_peptide_list_random(n=num_peptide)
    protein_seq = get_protein_seq_random(protein_length=protein_length)

    xi = time.time()
    match_list = get_match_list(peptide_list, protein_seq, sim_fraction_cutoff=0.5)
    xj = time.time()
    dx = xj-xi
    print ['%.2fs' % dx, 'num_peptide=',num_peptide, 'protein_length=',protein_length, 'len(match_list)', len(match_list)]
    #print match_list[0:5]

    xi = time.time()
    match_list = hamming_cython.get_match_list_cython(peptide_list, protein_seq, 0.5)
    xj = time.time()
    dx = xj-xi
    print ['%.2fs' % dx, 'num_peptide=',num_peptide, 'protein_length=',protein_length, 'len(match_list)', len(match_list)]
    #print match_list[0:5]

    xi = time.time()
    match_list = hamming_cython.get_match_list_numpy(peptide_list, protein_seq, 0.5)
    xj = time.time()
    dx = xj-xi
    print ['%.2fs' % dx, 'num_peptide=',num_peptide, 'protein_length=',protein_length, 'len(match_list)', len(match_list)]
Exemplo n.º 8
def install_pyx():
      import pyximport
      log.info('Gearing up with Cython')
    except Exception, e:
Exemplo n.º 9
def benchmark(v, pyx, b='b'):
    # write each .pyx iteration
    with open('faster_hash_v{}.pyx'.format(v), mode='w') as f:
    # install .pyx
    # timeit
    print('v{}:'.format(v), timeit.timeit('fnv1a(b)', setup='from faster_hash_v{v} import fnv1a; b = {b}"{u}"'.format(v=v, u=u, b=b)))
Exemplo n.º 10
	def test_cython2_quicksort(self):

		import pyximport; pyximport.install()
		import quick_cython_2
		l = [3, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5]
		self.assertEqual(sorted(l), l)
Exemplo n.º 11
def init():
	global _initialized
	if not _initialized:
			setup_args = {
				'include_dirs': [np.get_include()]
		_initialized = True
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_PyDecay():
    import pyximport
    from _cvodes_anyode import PyDecay

    pd = PyDecay(1.0)
    tout, yout = pd.adaptive(1.0, 1.0)
    for t, y in zip(tout, yout):
        assert abs(y - exp(-t)) < 1e-9
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_PyDecay_mxsteps():
    import pyximport
    from _odeint_anyode import PyDecay

    import pytest
    pd = PyDecay(1.0)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        tout, yout = pd.adaptive(1.0, 1.0, mxsteps=1)
Exemplo n.º 14
        def mu_q_method(e):
            cython_header = 'import numpy as np\ncimport numpy as np\nctypedef np.double_t DTYPE_t\ncimport cython\n\[email protected](False)\[email protected](False)\[email protected](True)\ndef mu_q(%s):\n\tcdef double mu_q\n'
            #@todo - for Cython cdef variables and generalize function def() 
            arg_values = {}
            eps_arr = e
            arg_values['e_arr'] = eps_arr
            for name, theta_arr in zip(self.rand_var_names, self.theta_arrs):
                arg_values[ '%s_flat' % name ] = theta_arr
            def_dec = 'np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] '
            def_dec += ', np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] '.join(arg_values)
            cython_header = cython_header % def_dec
            cython_header += '    cdef double '
            cython_header += ', '.join(self.var_names) + ', eps, dG, q\n'
            cython_header += '    cdef int i_'
            cython_header += ', i_'.join(self.var_names) + '\n'
            if self.cached_dG:
                cython_header = cython_header.replace(r'1] dG_grid', r'%i] dG_grid' % self.n_rand_vars)
            if self.compiled_eps_loop == False:
                cython_header = cython_header.replace(r'np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] e_arr', r'double e_arr')
                cython_header = cython_header.replace(r'eps,', r'eps = e_arr,')
            cython_code = (cython_header + self.code).replace('\t', '    ')
            cython_file_name = 'spirrid_cython.pyx'

            regenerate_code = True
            if os.path.exists(cython_file_name):
                f_in = open(cython_file_name, 'r').read()
                if f_in == cython_code:
                    regenerate_code = False

            if regenerate_code:
                infile = open('spirrid_cython.pyx', 'w')
                print 'pyx file updated'

            import pyximport
            pyximport.install(reload_support = True)
            import spirrid_cython
            if regenerate_code:
            mu_q = spirrid_cython.mu_q
            if self.compiled_eps_loop:
                mu_q_arr = mu_q(**arg_values)
                # Python loop over eps
                mu_q_arr = np.zeros_like(eps_arr)
                for idx, e in enumerate(eps_arr):
                    # C loop over random dimensions
                    arg_values['e_arr'] = e # prepare the parameter
                    mu_q_val = mu_q(**arg_values)
                    # add the value to the return array
                    mu_q_arr[idx] = mu_q_val
            return  mu_q_arr, None
    def fit_transform(self, X:Union[csr_matrix, memmap],
        """Main method of PMI class.
        assert isinstance(X, (memmap, csr_matrix))
        assert isinstance(n_docs_distribution, numpy.ndarray)

        matrix_size = X.shape
        sample_range = list(range(0, matrix_size[0]))
        feature_range = list(range(0, matrix_size[1]))
        n_total_document = sum(n_docs_distribution)

        logger.debug(msg='Start calculating PMI with n(process)={}'.format(n_jobs))
        logger.debug(msg='size(input_matrix)={} * {}'.format(X.shape[0], X.shape[1]))

        if use_cython:
            import pyximport; pyximport.install()
            from DocumentFeatureSelection.pmi.pmi_cython import main
            logger.warning(msg='n_jobs parameter is invalid when use_cython=True')
            pmi_score_csr_source = main(X=X,

            self.pmi = pmi
            pmi_score_csr_source = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend=joblib_backend)(
                for sample_index in sample_range
                for feature_index in feature_range

        row_list = [t[0] for t in pmi_score_csr_source]
        col_list = [t[1] for t in pmi_score_csr_source]
        data_list = [t[2] for t in pmi_score_csr_source]

        pmi_featured_csr_matrix = csr_matrix((data_list, (row_list, col_list)),

        logging.debug(msg='End calculating PMI')

        return pmi_featured_csr_matrix
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_nv(neifile):

        import pyximport; pyximport.install()
        import get_nv as gnv
        neifile['trigrid'] = mplt.Triangulation(neifile['lon'], neifile['lat'],neifile['nv'])  
        print('There was an issue with during using cython falling back to python.')

        for i in range(neifile['nnodes']-2):
            for ii in range(neifile['maxnei']-1):
                if neighbours[i,ii+1]==0:
                if neighbours[i,ii]<=(i+1):
                if neighbours[i,ii+1]<=(i+1):
                for j in range(neifile['maxnei']):
                    if neighbours[neighbours[i,ii]-1,j]!=neighbours[i,ii+1]:

            if (nei_cnt>1):
                for j in range(neifile['maxnei']):
                    if neighbours[i,0]<=(i+1):
                    if neighbours[i,nei_cnt]<=(i+1):
                    if neighbours[neighbours[i,0]-1,j] ==0:
                    if neighbours[neighbours[i,0]-1,j] !=neighbours[i,nei_cnt]:
                    nv[kk,:]=[i+1,neighbours[i,nei_cnt],neighbours[i,0] ]
        neifile['trigrid'] = mplt.Triangulation(neifile['lon'], neifile['lat'],neifile['nv'])   
    return neifile
Exemplo n.º 17
def run(word_gen, index, window_size, out_file):
    context = []
    pair_counts = Counter()
    for word in word_gen:
        if len(context) > window_size * 2 + 1:
        pair_counts = _process_context(context, pair_counts, window_size)
    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()})
    from representations import sparse_io
    sparse_io.export_mat_from_dict(pair_counts, out_file)
Exemplo n.º 18
def load_module(module_name, module_path):
    """Load the module named `module_name` from  `module_path`
    independently of the Python version."""
    if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
        import pyximport
        return __import__(module_name)
        import imp
        module_info = imp.find_module(module_name, [module_path])
        return imp.load_module(module_name, *module_info)
Exemplo n.º 19
def scanfuncs(filename, prefixes, cython=False):
    """ Return list of function names from ``filename`` that begin with prefix.

    This *does not* import the Python file, so this is safe to use, but
    functionality is limited to retrieving names of basic functions defined
    within global scope of the file.

    This *does*, however, import Cython files (if applicable).
    # Used by: findarenas, findbenchmarks
    path, name = os.path.split(filename)
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
    # Should `cython` be a keyword argument, or should we just infer it?
    cython = cython or ext == '.pyx'
    if not cython:
        funcs = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(name, [path])
        funcnames = []
        for key, val in funcs.items():
            if (any(key.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes) and
                    val.file == filename):
        return funcnames

    # Scan Cython file.  We need to import it.
    import pyximport
    sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
    # Make sure local imports work for the given file
    sys.path.insert(0, path)
    pyximport.build_module(name, filename)
        mod = pyximport.load_module(name, filename)
    except ImportError:
        # There is most likely a '*.py' file that shares the same
        # base name as the '*.pyx' file we are trying to import.
        # Removing the directory from sys.path should fix this,
        # but will disable local importing.
        mod = pyximport.load_module(name, filename)
    # Undo making local imports work
    if sys.path[0] == path:
    funcnames = []
    for funcname in mod.__dict__:
        if any(funcname.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes):
    return funcnames
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():

    usage = "python profile.py <package>.<module>\n"

    if len(sys.argv) != 2:

    arg = sys.argv[1]
    if arg in entries:
        command = entries[arg].__module__ + '.main()'
        cProfile.runctx(command, globals(), locals(), "Profile.prof")

        s = pstats.Stats("Profile.prof")
        sys.stderr.write("Invalid module `%s'.\n" % arg)
def compare_fingerprints(fp1, fp2, threshold = 5, optimize=False, CYTHON=False):
    if optimize:
        fp1, fp2 = remove_unmatched_hash_values(fp1, fp2)
    fp1_hashes = [f[2] for f in fp1]
    fp2_hashes = [f[2] for f in fp2]

    if CYTHON:
            import pyximport; pyximport.install()
            from cython_fingerprints import cython_match
        except ImportError:
            sys.exit('Cython does not appear to be properly configured on your system. Try comparing fingerprints using CYTHON=False')        
        match_results = cython_match(fp1, fp2, fp1_hashes, fp2_hashes, threshold)
        match_results = do_matching(fp1, fp2, fp1_hashes, fp2_hashes, threshold)

    return match_results
Exemplo n.º 22
def BootstrapCython(id, base_dir='~'):
  """Bootstrap Cython compilation, with a process-specific build directory. The
  specified id will be used to uniquely identify this process. Using id's that
  are durable across restarts makes the bootstrapping process more efficient.

    id - ID unique to this process.
  import shutil

  pyx_build_dir = os.path.expanduser('%s/.pyxbld-%s' % (base_dir, id))

  # Clean up stale Cython pyximport state.
  if os.path.exists(pyx_build_dir):


  import pyximport
Exemplo n.º 23
def cyimport(import_path):
    Import a Cython module if available, otherwise return None
    (and skip any relevant tests).
        import pyximport
        py_importer, pyx_importer = pyximport.install()
        mod = __import__(import_path, fromlist=[True])
        pyximport.uninstall(py_importer, pyx_importer)
        return mod
Exemplo n.º 24
    def run(self, argv):

        with logging.LogManager(self.runtime_settings):
            self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

            if self.runtime_settings.dev_mode:
                import pyximport

            for sig in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM):
                    sig, functools.partial(self.handle_signal, sig))


        return self.returncode
Exemplo n.º 25
def run(count_path, out_path, smooth=0, cds=True, normalize=False, neg=1):
    counts = create_representation("Explicit", count_path, normalize=False)
    old_mat = counts.m
    index = counts.wi
    smooth = old_mat.sum() * smooth

    # getting marginal probs
    row_probs = old_mat.sum(1) + smooth
    col_probs = old_mat.sum(0) + smooth
    if cds:
        col_probs = np.power(col_probs, 0.75)
    row_probs = row_probs / row_probs.sum()
    col_probs = col_probs / col_probs.sum()

    # building PPMI matrix
    ppmi_mat = make_ppmi_mat(old_mat, row_probs, col_probs, smooth, neg=neg, normalize=normalize)
    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()})
    from representations import sparse_io
    sparse_io.export_mat_eff(ppmi_mat.row, ppmi_mat.col, ppmi_mat.data, out_path + ".bin")
    util.write_pickle(index, out_path + "-index.pkl")
Exemplo n.º 26
def install():
    global get_distutils_extension
    if not get_distutils_extension:
        old_get_distutils_extension = pyximport.pyximport.get_distutils_extension
        def get_distutils_extension(modname, pyxfilename, language_level=None):
            #logging.log("modname: %s" % modname, color="cyan")
            #logging.log("pyxfilename: %s" % pyxfilename, color="cyan")
            #logging.log("language_level: %s" % language_level, color="cyan")
            global extension_mod, setup_args
            extension_mod, setup_args = old_get_distutils_extension(modname, pyxfilename, language_level)
            #logging.log("extension_mod: %s" % extension_mod, color="cyan")
            #logging.log("setup_args: %s" % setup_args, color="cyan")
            #logging.log("extension_mod.language: %s" % extension_mod.language, color="cyan")
            #logging.log("extension_mod.extra_compile_args: %s" % extension_mod.extra_compile_args, color="cyan")
            #logging.log("extension_mod.include_dirs: %s" % extension_mod.include_dirs, color="cyan")
            if have_numpy:
            #extension_mod.define_macros.append( ('CYTHON_TRACE', '1') )
            return extension_mod,setup_args
        pyximport.pyximport.get_distutils_extension = get_distutils_extension
    if sys.platform == 'linux2':
        # Omitting 'strict-prototypes' warning For Python 2.x
        opt = sysconfig.get_config_vars().get('OPT', '')
        opt = opt.replace('-Wstrict-prototypes', '')
        sysconfig.get_config_vars()['OPT'] = opt
        # Omitting 'strict-prototypes' warning For Python 3.x
        cflags = sysconfig.get_config_vars().get('CFLAGS', '')
        cflags = cflags.replace('-Wstrict-prototypes', '')
        sysconfig.get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = cflags
    #directive_defaults['binding'] = True
    #directive_defaults['linetrace'] = True
Exemplo n.º 27
    def cython_pyximport(self, line, cell):
        """Compile and import a Cython code cell using pyximport.

        The contents of the cell are written to a `.pyx` file in the current
        working directory, which is then imported using `pyximport`. This
        magic requires a module name to be passed::

            %%cython_pyximport modulename
            def f(x):
                return 2.0*x

        The compiled module is then imported and all of its symbols are
        injected into the user's namespace. For most purposes, we recommend
        the usage of the `%%cython` magic.
        module_name = line.strip()
        if not module_name:
            raise ValueError('module name must be given')
        fname = module_name + '.pyx'
        with io.open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        if 'pyximport' not in sys.modules or not self._pyximport_installed:
            import pyximport
            self._pyximport_installed = True
        if module_name in self._reloads:
            module = self._reloads[module_name]
            # Note: reloading extension modules is not actually supported
            # (requires PEP-489 reinitialisation support).
            # Don't know why this should ever have worked as it reads here.
            # All we really need to do is to update the globals below.
            module = sys.modules[module_name]
            self._reloads[module_name] = module
Exemplo n.º 28
    def profile_scd_cy(self, xtr, ytr, xte, yte):
        import pstats
        import cProfile
        import pyximport
        self.set_test_kernel(xtr, xte)
        self.ytr = ytr
        T = self.nsweep * self.n - 1
        str = "coor_cy.scd_cy(ktr=self.ktr, ytr=self.ytr, kte=self.kte, yte=self.yte, lmda=self.lmda,\
                       nsweep=np.int(self.nsweep), T=int(T), batchsize=np.int(self.batchsize))"
        cProfile.runctx(str, globals(), locals(), "Profile.prof")
        s = pstats.Stats("Profile.prof")

        def tune_parameter(x, y, gmlist=[0.1], Clist=[1.0], algo_type='scg_da'):
            # cross validation to tweak the parameter
            n, p = x.shape
            err = np.zeros((len(gmlist), len(Clist)))
            kf = cv.KFold(n, n_folds=3)
            for train_ind, valid_ind in kf:
                xtrain = x[train_ind, :]
                ytrain = y[train_ind]
                ntrain = ytrain.size
                xvalid = x[valid_ind, :]
                yvalid = y[valid_ind]
                for i, gm in enumerate(gmlist):
                    for j, C in enumerate(Clist):
                        clf = DualKSVM(lmda=C / ntrain, gm=gm, kernelstr='rbf', rho=0.1, b=5, c=1, verbose=False,
                        clf.fit(xtrain, ytrain)
                        pred = clf.predict(xvalid)
                        err[i, j] += zero_one_loss(pred, yvalid)
            row, col = np.unravel_index(err.argmin(), err.shape)
            return gmlist[row], Clist[col]
Exemplo n.º 29
import os
os.chdir('H:/Google Drive/trading/futures')

# cython setup
import pyximport

import datetime
import importlib
import strategies.cstrategy
import strategies.cstrategy

from vnpy.app.cta_strategy.backtesting import BacktestingEngine, OptimizationSetting
from vnpy.app.cta_strategy.strategies.atr_rsi_strategy import (
    AtrRsiStrategy, )
# from datetime import datetime
# from vnpy_extension.template import CustomTemplate

import vnpy_extension.array_manager

import vnpy_extension.template

# DualThrust = type('DualThrust', (vnpy_extension.template.CustomTemplate, ), {
#     'strategies': [strategies.cstrategy.DUAL_THRUST(
#         n_days = 2,
#         fix_loss = 25,
#         upper_scale = 0.25,
#         lower_scale = 0.75
Exemplo n.º 30
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter

import numpy as np
import six
from pythomics.proteomics.config import CARBON_NEUTRON
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.signal import convolve, kaiser

if os.environ.get('PYQUANT_DEV', False) == 'True':
        import pyximport
        pyximport.install(setup_args={'include_dirs': np.get_include()},
    except Exception as e:
        import traceback

from pyquant.cpeaks import bigauss_func, gauss_func, bigauss_ndim, gauss_ndim, bigauss_jac,\
    gauss_jac, find_nearest, find_nearest_index, get_ppm
from .logger import logger
from .utils import divide_peaks, find_possible_peaks, estimate_peak_parameters, interpolate_data, savgol_smooth

if six.PY3:
    xrange = range

_epsilon = np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)
Exemplo n.º 31
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyximport
pyximport.install(setup_args = {'options' :
                                {'build_ext' :
                                 {'libraries' : 'lapack',
                                  'include_dirs' : np.get_include(),

import voronoi_cython as voronoi

if False:
    """ Plot periodic Voronoi diagram made using tiles method
    and overlay the center tile """
    segments    = voronoi.voronoi(100, periodic=True)
    center_tile = voronoi.periodic_voronoi(segments=segments)
    """ Plot all segments: """
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)
    lines = mpl.collections.LineCollection(segments, color='0.75')

    """ Overlay those that cross into the unit square centered on (0,0): """
    goodlines = mpl.collections.LineCollection(center_tile, color='0.15')

    """ Add a box from (0,0) to (1,1) to show boundaries """
Exemplo n.º 32
def import_module(module):
    """This will try to import the passed module. This will return
       the module if it was imported, or will return 'None' if
       it should not be imported.

       module: str
         The name of the module to import

    from ._console import Console

        import importlib
        m = importlib.import_module(module)
    except SyntaxError as e:
        Console.error(f"\nSyntax error when importing {module}\n"
                      f"Line {e.lineno}.{e.offset}:{(e.offset-1)*' '} |\n"
                      f"Line {e.lineno}.{e.offset}:{(e.offset-1)*' '}\\|/\n"
                      f"Line {e.lineno}.{e.offset}: {e.text}")
        m = None
    except ImportError:
        # this is ok and expected if the module is in a python file
        # that will be loaded below
        m = None
    except Exception:
        # something else went wrong
        m = None

    if m is None:
            import os

            if os.path.exists(module):
                pyfile = module
            elif os.path.exists(f"{module}.py"):
                pyfile = f"{module}.py"
            elif os.path.exists(f"{module}.pyx"):
                pyfile = f"{module}.pyx"
                pyfile = None

            if pyfile:
                from pathlib import Path as _Path
                module = _Path(pyfile).stem

                if pyfile.endswith(".pyx"):
                        import pyximport
                        pyfile = _clean_cython(pyfile)
                        Console.print(f"Compiling cython plugin from {pyfile}")
                        m = pyximport.load_module(module,
                        Console.print(f"Loaded cython {module} from {pyfile}")
                    except Exception as e:
                            f"Cannot compile and load the cython plugin "
                            f"{pyfile}. Error is {e.__class__}: {e}")
                    import importlib.util
                    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
                        module, pyfile)

                    if spec is None:
                        raise ImportError(
                            f"Cannot build a spec for the module from "
                            f"the file {pyfile}")

                    m = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

                    Console.print(f"Loaded {module} from {pyfile}")

        except SyntaxError as e:
                f"\nSyntax error when reading {pyfile}\n"
                f"Line {e.lineno}.{e.offset}:{(e.offset-1)*' '} |\n"
                f"Line {e.lineno}.{e.offset}:{(e.offset-1)*' '}\\|/\n"
                f"Line {e.lineno}.{e.offset}: {e.text}")
        except Exception as e:
            Console.error(f"\nError when importing {module}\n"
                          f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}\n")
            m = None

    if m is not None:
        Console.print(f"IMPORT {m}")

    return m
Exemplo n.º 33
# set up easy cython import
import numpy as np
import pyximport, os
from distutils.extension import Extension
ext_modules = [
    Extension('_mandelbrot', ['_mandelbrot.pyx'],
              extra_compile_args=['-fopenmp', '-O3', '-march=native'],
    "include_dirs": [np.get_include(), os.curdir],
    'ext_modules': ext_modules
from _mandelbrot import mandelbrot

# a helpful timer class that can be used by the "with" statement
import time

class Timer(object):
    def __enter__(self):
        self.start = time.time()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        self.end = time.time()
        self.interval = self.end - self.start

# create coordinates, along with output count array
def make_coords(center=(-0.575 - 0.575j), width=0.0025, count=4000):
Exemplo n.º 34
Arquivo: loader.py Projeto: dlax/salt
    def load_modules(self):
        Loads all of the modules from module_dirs and returns a list of them
        self.modules = []

        log.trace('loading {0} in {1}'.format(self.tag, self.module_dirs))
        names = {}
        disable = set(self.opts.get('disable_{0}s'.format(self.tag), []))

        cython_enabled = False
        if self.opts.get('cython_enable', True) is True:
                import pyximport
                cython_enabled = True
            except ImportError:
                log.info('Cython is enabled in the options but not present '
                         'in the system path. Skipping Cython modules.')
        for mod_dir in self.module_dirs:
            if not os.path.isabs(mod_dir):
                    'Skipping {0}, it is not an absolute path'.format(mod_dir))
            if not os.path.isdir(mod_dir):
                    'Skipping {0}, it is not a directory'.format(mod_dir))
            for fn_ in os.listdir(mod_dir):
                if fn_.startswith('_'):
                    # skip private modules
                    # log messages omitted for obviousness
                if fn_.split('.')[0] in disable:
                        'Skipping {0}, it is disabled by configuration'.format(
                if (fn_.endswith(('.py', '.pyc', '.pyo', '.so'))
                        or (cython_enabled and fn_.endswith('.pyx'))
                        or os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mod_dir, fn_))):

                    extpos = fn_.rfind('.')
                    if extpos > 0:
                        _name = fn_[:extpos]
                        _name = fn_
                    names[_name] = os.path.join(mod_dir, fn_)
                    log.trace('Skipping {0}, it does not end with an expected '
        for name in names:
                if names[name].endswith('.pyx'):
                    # If there's a name which ends in .pyx it means the above
                    # cython_enabled is True. Continue...
                    mod = pyximport.load_module(
                            self.mod_type_check(names[name]), self.tag, name),
                        names[name], tempfile.gettempdir())
                    fn_, path, desc = imp.find_module(name, self.module_dirs)
                    mod = imp.load_module(
                                                 self.tag, name), fn_, path,
                    # reload all submodules if necessary
                    submodules = [
                        getattr(mod, sname) for sname in dir(mod)
                        if isinstance(getattr(mod, sname), mod.__class__)

                    # reload only custom "sub"modules i.e is a submodule in
                    # parent module that are still available on disk (i.e. not
                    # removed during sync_modules)
                    for submodule in submodules:
                            smname = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(
                                self.loaded_base_name, self.tag, name)
                            smfile = '{0}.py'.format(
                            if submodule.__name__.startswith(smname) and \
                        except AttributeError:
            except ImportError:
                    'Failed to import {0} {1}, this is most likely NOT a '
                    'problem:\n'.format(self.tag, name),
            except Exception:
                    'Failed to import {0} {1}, this is due most likely to a '
                    'syntax error. Traceback raised:\n'.format(self.tag, name),
Exemplo n.º 35
import pyximport
import numpy as np
import math

pyximport.install(setup_args={'include_dirs': [np.get_include()]},

from _glcm_loop import _3d_glcm_vector_loop

import profiling_tools
Group 3 : Textural features (Class version)

def glcm_vector_loop(volume, distance, dx, dy, dz, bin_width):

    bin_width = int(bin_width)

    volume = (volume / bin_width) * bin_width

    return _3d_glcm_vector_loop(volume, distance, dx, dy, dz)

class GLCM_Matrices:
    def __init__(self, volume, bin_width):

        self.volume = volume
        self.bin_width = bin_width

        self.vectors = [[0, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, -1, 1],
Exemplo n.º 36
from operator import itemgetter

import dynet as dn
import numpy as np
from os.path import dirname

import nn

import pyximport

pyximport.install(build_dir=dirname(__file__) + "/.cache/")
from tagger_base.cviterbi import viterbi

class ViterbiDecoder(nn.DynetSaveable):
    def add_parser_arguments(cls, arg_parser):
        group = arg_parser.add_argument_group(cls.__name__)

    def __init__(self, model, tag_dict, options):
        super(ViterbiDecoder, self).__init__(model)
        self.index_to_tag = tag_dict.int_to_word
        self.tag_to_index = tag_dict.word_to_int
        self.tag_count = len(self.index_to_tag)
        self.virtual_start = self.tag_count
        self.virtual_end = self.tag_count + 1
Exemplo n.º 37
logger = logging.getLogger("gensim.models.word2vec")

from gensim import utils, matutils  # utility fnc for pickling, common scipy operations etc
from six import iteritems, itervalues, string_types
from six.moves import xrange

    from gensim_addons.models.word2vec_inner import train_sentence_sg, train_sentence_cbow, FAST_VERSION
except ImportError:
        # try to compile and use the faster cython version
        import pyximport
        models_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) or os.getcwd()
        pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": [models_dir, get_include()]})
        from word2vec_inner import train_sentence_sg, train_sentence_cbow, FAST_VERSION
        # failed... fall back to plain numpy (20-80x slower training than the above)
        FAST_VERSION = -1

        def train_sentence_sg(model, sentence, alpha, work=None):
            Update skip-gram model by training on a single sentence.

            The sentence is a list of Vocab objects (or None, where the corresponding
            word is not in the vocabulary. Called internally from `Word2Vec.train()`.

            This is the non-optimized, Python version. If you have cython installed, gensim
            will use the optimized version from word2vec_inner instead.
Exemplo n.º 38
 def _currentPath(self):
     if self.__path == "":
         self.__path = j.sal.fs.getDirName(inspect.getsourcefile(self.__init__))
     return self.__path
Exemplo n.º 39
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import py_primes
import numba_primes
import pyximport
pyximport.install()  # <1>
import cy_primes  # <2>

NUM_PRIMES = 50000  # <3>

for mod in numba_primes, cy_primes, py_primes:  # <4>

    timestamp = time.time()  # <5>

    prime_list = mod.get_primes(NUM_PRIMES)  # <6>

    timestamp2 = time.time()  # <7>

    elapsed = timestamp2 - timestamp  # <8>

    print(prime_list[:20], prime_list[-20:])

    print("{} took {:.3f} seconds to find {} primes".format(
        mod.__name__, elapsed, len(prime_list)))  # <9>
Exemplo n.º 40
import os
import numpy as np
import pyximport
from sidetopics.model.common import DataSet

from os.path import dirname, realpath
from distutils.core import setup

os.environ['CC'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/bin/cc'
pyximport.install( \
    build_in_temp=False, \
    inplace=True, \
    build_dir=dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))) + '/lib', \
    setup_args={ \
        'include_dirs':       np.get_include(), \
        'libraries':          [('m', dict()), ('gomp', dict()), ('gsl', dict()), ('gslcblas', dict())], \
        'extra_compile_args': '-fopenmp'
    }, \
Exemplo n.º 41
import sys, time, datetime, copy, subprocess, itertools, pickle, warnings, numbers

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

from scipy.special import gamma, digamma

from .tools import Quasi_Newton, merge_stg, loglinear_COS, plinear

    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args={'include_dirs': np.get_include()},
    from .Hawkes_C import LG_kernel_SUM_exp_cython, LG_kernel_SUM_pow_cython, preprocess_data_nonpara_cython, LG_kernel_SUM_nonpara_cython
    cython_import = True
    cython_import = False

## class
class base_class:

    ### initialize
    def set_kernel(self, type, **kwargs):
Exemplo n.º 42
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import enigmaC
import os, operator

def read(adress = "D:/code/UE_Crypto_Charpak/Codes/message8.txt"):
    with open(adress, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
        message = file.read() 
    return message

gears = [
            [211, 173, 77, 35, 89, 44, 92, 214, 80, 54, 3, 157, 191, 72, 16, 21, 200, 164, 202, 61, 31, 34, 129, 68, 63, 43, 232, 136, 87, 197, 251, 74, 250, 1, 193, 104, 47, 10, 110, 160, 188, 124, 153, 171, 170, 6, 206, 161, 152, 96, 40, 62, 172, 144, 175, 168, 123, 38, 18, 242, 79, 53, 228, 48, 186, 184, 210, 140, 162, 143, 253, 150, 235, 145, 45, 91, 134, 248, 5, 90, 59, 75, 84, 249, 127, 76, 132, 66, 165, 57, 128, 217, 33, 11, 100, 203, 26, 121, 213, 247, 216, 199, 46, 114, 154, 101, 0, 115, 105, 4, 155, 187, 130, 147, 12, 41, 149, 219, 239, 107, 56, 39, 69, 70, 238, 234, 158, 15, 19, 196, 221, 236, 86, 65, 243, 231, 98, 182, 51, 177, 28, 71, 169, 241, 222, 117, 178, 112, 131, 167, 111, 141, 205, 25, 183, 229, 230, 122, 208, 135, 245, 113, 24, 223, 201, 13, 190, 64, 156, 106, 94, 185, 93, 126, 254, 212, 109, 81, 240, 237, 224, 218, 17, 215, 176, 194, 226, 220, 166, 83, 50, 73, 225, 118, 20, 108, 36, 14, 138, 244, 78, 67, 174, 8, 95, 159, 116, 37, 32, 2, 133, 139, 85, 227, 9, 179, 255, 102, 97, 233, 27, 42, 82, 195, 55, 246, 252, 30, 189, 207, 198, 58, 99, 7, 103, 163, 60, 120, 137, 142, 125, 22, 181, 209, 119, 23, 180, 88, 204, 52, 29, 146, 49, 148, 192, 151],
            [70, 36, 41, 129, 87, 233, 155, 96, 185, 204, 65, 80, 137, 221, 89, 167, 220, 58, 131, 23, 20, 237, 132, 53, 15, 180, 85, 195, 38, 149, 72, 218, 173, 120, 123, 110, 94, 81, 148, 127, 77, 251, 62, 56, 230, 44, 34, 71, 136, 54, 166, 236, 21, 108, 249, 29, 223, 106, 12, 18, 217, 184, 203, 210, 39, 60, 78, 152, 197, 244, 189, 206, 143, 156, 27, 7, 103, 198, 107, 145, 69, 135, 182, 164, 74, 10, 202, 99, 111, 224, 199, 196, 254, 215, 250, 97, 178, 101, 47, 208, 19, 227, 33, 248, 43, 128, 64, 40, 109, 162, 1, 138, 86, 134, 46, 207, 95, 122, 79, 126, 9, 209, 90, 124, 214, 246, 228, 229, 37, 200, 0, 76, 13, 133, 98, 165, 187, 91, 179, 193, 172, 48, 157, 114, 175, 168, 255, 8, 66, 75, 125, 57, 102, 51, 119, 240, 118, 211, 243, 11, 88, 235, 216, 141, 183, 159, 55, 24, 150, 192, 194, 6, 231, 28, 100, 219, 68, 144, 186, 82, 139, 73, 130, 176, 161, 245, 45, 63, 61, 239, 14, 117, 4, 234, 190, 42, 242, 169, 59, 163, 17, 121, 147, 154, 112, 225, 191, 35, 52, 116, 22, 212, 142, 232, 188, 151, 158, 174, 226, 32, 238, 140, 5, 25, 213, 253, 252, 205, 83, 105, 67, 201, 3, 104, 31, 146, 93, 16, 92, 171, 49, 50, 2, 170, 241, 181, 153, 160, 247, 177, 30, 115, 113, 26, 84, 222],
            [7, 106, 109, 229, 172, 34, 253, 174, 130, 14, 99, 107, 157, 79, 30, 147, 39, 19, 35, 24, 47, 205, 124, 67, 136, 246, 27, 237, 149, 142, 55, 245, 105, 21, 74, 101, 91, 10, 120, 137, 233, 8, 72, 73, 1, 119, 122, 20, 100, 251, 203, 85, 81, 153, 150, 83, 127, 50, 48, 144, 197, 70, 133, 210, 234, 227, 179, 68, 219, 71, 76, 173, 22, 167, 90, 190, 58, 64, 60, 244, 5, 28, 95, 63, 159, 195, 140, 236, 56, 115, 193, 65, 213, 89, 239, 145, 108, 23, 97, 6, 61, 25, 31, 228, 254, 231, 206, 164, 217, 32, 148, 232, 126, 141, 16, 11, 77, 188, 112, 154, 138, 255, 57, 135, 146, 88, 3, 121, 224, 223, 160, 152, 215, 46, 62, 132, 249, 111, 176, 170, 184, 93, 202, 103, 104, 87, 177, 86, 118, 171, 41, 165, 155, 230, 44, 175, 15, 163, 13, 98, 180, 94, 226, 114, 194, 207, 26, 162, 178, 9, 182, 183, 216, 143, 123, 196, 158, 169, 218, 186, 38, 116, 51, 204, 29, 198, 250, 185, 80, 12, 211, 191, 78, 125, 161, 208, 54, 200, 247, 17, 168, 252, 37, 166, 0, 181, 242, 187, 139, 241, 151, 53, 201, 36, 243, 214, 238, 43, 192, 220, 18, 225, 113, 134, 45, 129, 96, 40, 156, 248, 84, 75, 209, 235, 52, 42, 92, 240, 110, 4, 189, 66, 49, 221, 117, 199, 102, 59, 82, 128, 212, 33, 2, 222, 131, 69],
            [24, 210, 76, 63, 167, 40, 13, 203, 90, 34, 102, 163, 15, 230, 100, 182, 179, 31, 58, 255, 57, 0, 122, 137, 104, 98, 231, 26, 70, 254, 33, 4, 1, 88, 206, 28, 65, 125, 164, 93, 186, 187, 16, 223, 87, 127, 64, 123, 101, 99, 83, 154, 66, 191, 121, 29, 218, 174, 138, 77, 142, 9, 194, 132, 247, 215, 89, 113, 107, 216, 196, 162, 43, 32, 213, 151, 190, 81, 124, 69, 169, 112, 176, 59, 51, 165, 68, 193, 80, 141, 156, 211, 135, 120, 208, 160, 228, 140, 35, 12, 25, 229, 147, 38, 133, 131, 168, 92, 245, 62, 157, 114, 67, 136, 202, 242, 105, 6, 42, 48, 253, 184, 204, 61, 241, 220, 161, 158, 39, 183, 198, 18, 209, 119, 172, 175, 106, 221, 177, 235, 11, 27, 94, 170, 181, 129, 30, 188, 19, 47, 7, 199, 145, 139, 23, 74, 91, 71, 95, 244, 224, 152, 53, 75, 251, 201, 45, 10, 17, 200, 207, 195, 5, 116, 236, 166, 60, 205, 14, 72, 185, 2, 49, 130, 79, 3, 178, 149, 180, 134, 252, 86, 148, 243, 20, 238, 85, 37, 155, 82, 197, 84, 217, 171, 212, 246, 21, 227, 111, 54, 55, 240, 219, 143, 225, 97, 233, 128, 234, 36, 73, 44, 249, 150, 117, 248, 126, 214, 46, 108, 118, 22, 250, 52, 153, 232, 78, 56, 96, 159, 222, 8, 103, 144, 146, 239, 189, 50, 41, 226, 110, 237, 192, 173, 115, 109],
            [179, 102, 107, 105, 6, 147, 40, 66, 8, 160, 89, 116, 126, 244, 176, 118, 167, 57, 86, 163, 17, 70, 1, 157, 231, 219, 187, 191, 196, 58, 199, 141, 183, 59, 100, 53, 43, 148, 245, 54, 65, 158, 241, 227, 60, 82, 52, 5, 72, 139, 207, 228, 90, 161, 20, 4, 31, 75, 96, 240, 106, 251, 37, 223, 128, 62, 94, 42, 190, 173, 172, 47, 101, 35, 152, 236, 119, 92, 253, 204, 93, 229, 188, 115, 230, 64, 117, 211, 136, 169, 170, 249, 175, 131, 88, 24, 14, 224, 125, 193, 138, 233, 248, 95, 22, 151, 28, 71, 41, 25, 132, 174, 255, 87, 239, 149, 130, 153, 69, 155, 192, 171, 74, 9, 112, 56, 83, 232, 39, 144, 97, 21, 242, 2, 213, 79, 78, 68, 111, 225, 7, 142, 80, 146, 206, 134, 137, 0, 30, 216, 184, 209, 98, 33, 217, 159, 198, 124, 122, 91, 135, 210, 23, 181, 154, 182, 252, 76, 156, 189, 77, 49, 61, 16, 12, 104, 45, 15, 11, 195, 178, 18, 208, 113, 127, 212, 34, 38, 108, 254, 203, 50, 166, 238, 202, 150, 3, 214, 200, 143, 63, 32, 205, 109, 44, 129, 13, 27, 180, 215, 48, 145, 140, 162, 234, 84, 36, 243, 221, 26, 19, 29, 120, 67, 168, 226, 177, 218, 73, 237, 103, 247, 81, 194, 10, 165, 110, 114, 121, 164, 250, 197, 133, 85, 186, 235, 51, 46, 246, 185, 201, 55, 222, 123, 99, 220],
            [7, 188, 27, 179, 50, 254, 167, 117, 35, 149, 89, 81, 186, 39, 133, 28, 83, 112, 249, 165, 31, 194, 86, 237, 64, 203, 45, 241, 6, 226, 156, 171, 172, 43, 200, 41, 24, 90, 131, 122, 127, 232, 168, 180, 139, 78, 108, 0, 22, 94, 107, 162, 14, 59, 175, 84, 98, 132, 251, 46, 116, 70, 99, 29, 74, 135, 182, 44, 15, 192, 229, 138, 201, 198, 79, 92, 77, 69, 208, 75, 253, 148, 109, 134, 174, 96, 34, 5, 93, 151, 185, 189, 164, 8, 72, 227, 114, 20, 106, 142, 231, 103, 204, 129, 244, 19, 217, 25, 80, 71, 145, 23, 17, 178, 221, 169, 88, 214, 215, 219, 32, 143, 230, 42, 195, 177, 255, 121, 85, 36, 157, 183, 225, 222, 216, 181, 144, 191, 193, 212, 243, 202, 250, 38, 110, 58, 209, 240, 111, 205, 224, 223, 37, 82, 245, 115, 21, 102, 128, 210, 239, 68, 147, 234, 54, 52, 206, 238, 176, 100, 53, 137, 118, 40, 184, 155, 4, 220, 199, 247, 150, 57, 30, 48, 10, 26, 236, 197, 158, 130, 2, 63, 55, 166, 16, 124, 228, 60, 95, 65, 153, 213, 190, 163, 126, 97, 62, 161, 141, 123, 104, 207, 76, 3, 125, 218, 146, 91, 140, 9, 196, 119, 47, 235, 12, 1, 11, 105, 18, 173, 13, 154, 51, 152, 67, 160, 248, 33, 73, 211, 66, 242, 56, 61, 170, 233, 187, 252, 120, 136, 87, 49, 113, 246, 159, 101],
            [106, 72, 252, 44, 50, 129, 83, 110, 116, 119, 183, 182, 202, 22, 100, 225, 228, 181, 126, 26, 130, 36, 78, 209, 164, 5, 59, 43, 82, 24, 174, 138, 150, 97, 180, 233, 84, 235, 237, 96, 28, 221, 109, 159, 142, 132, 111, 128, 205, 11, 55, 191, 62, 115, 87, 18, 239, 224, 108, 139, 77, 135, 167, 219, 34, 112, 215, 236, 158, 151, 105, 157, 89, 155, 49, 67, 136, 131, 14, 52, 127, 73, 208, 211, 234, 216, 196, 254, 71, 137, 41, 51, 147, 247, 107, 161, 251, 194, 162, 39, 58, 175, 133, 206, 120, 184, 192, 232, 88, 148, 94, 91, 45, 176, 60, 122, 144, 65, 203, 198, 156, 1, 117, 10, 85, 160, 134, 190, 3, 32, 226, 249, 80, 21, 231, 223, 230, 118, 61, 48, 19, 171, 35, 245, 213, 4, 253, 57, 66, 165, 0, 244, 76, 204, 199, 143, 74, 125, 113, 99, 30, 248, 218, 47, 40, 163, 177, 20, 69, 93, 121, 27, 255, 238, 246, 222, 166, 200, 217, 29, 90, 68, 124, 243, 152, 146, 141, 12, 70, 170, 33, 86, 197, 63, 104, 229, 242, 186, 114, 101, 227, 95, 16, 212, 220, 201, 64, 98, 46, 240, 42, 2, 102, 38, 179, 9, 75, 189, 178, 154, 53, 241, 250, 37, 140, 8, 13, 145, 149, 31, 210, 25, 153, 17, 123, 185, 103, 168, 56, 173, 79, 188, 7, 92, 172, 54, 169, 193, 187, 214, 81, 207, 15, 195, 6, 23],
            [215, 216, 89, 97, 48, 193, 179, 241, 131, 172, 17, 102, 107, 10, 2, 121, 153, 164, 175, 143, 43, 203, 122, 134, 126, 64, 132, 23, 79, 250, 53, 152, 83, 56, 58, 184, 211, 69, 86, 19, 112, 162, 37, 125, 156, 151, 123, 109, 44, 88, 42, 251, 174, 142, 199, 113, 26, 163, 210, 65, 117, 232, 141, 50, 106, 15, 252, 81, 165, 119, 249, 66, 243, 205, 104, 240, 234, 183, 192, 130, 227, 185, 3, 39, 74, 145, 24, 35, 32, 218, 182, 148, 78, 129, 76, 248, 6, 140, 133, 136, 59, 194, 173, 25, 30, 222, 186, 105, 57, 158, 63, 84, 223, 157, 114, 159, 221, 92, 235, 9, 45, 225, 101, 54, 146, 49, 244, 36, 99, 233, 238, 47, 237, 91, 67, 128, 189, 100, 209, 188, 80, 93, 254, 161, 155, 41, 177, 33, 21, 85, 217, 51, 170, 62, 77, 70, 96, 168, 4, 94, 11, 61, 214, 0, 14, 231, 195, 190, 87, 7, 71, 207, 60, 236, 230, 180, 137, 213, 191, 68, 72, 197, 29, 147, 115, 187, 46, 12, 181, 38, 138, 246, 124, 166, 40, 27, 202, 201, 226, 176, 212, 204, 52, 149, 167, 196, 34, 220, 28, 98, 228, 13, 90, 224, 169, 135, 20, 16, 229, 75, 55, 154, 82, 150, 160, 198, 255, 1, 95, 118, 206, 120, 242, 116, 200, 110, 103, 22, 111, 178, 171, 5, 245, 139, 18, 253, 247, 31, 108, 208, 127, 8, 144, 239, 73, 219]

inv_gears = [[106,33,209,10,109,78,45,233,203,214,37,93,114,165,197,127,14,182,58,128,194,15,241,245,162,153,96,220,140,250,227,20,208,92,21,3,196,207,57,121,50,115,221,25,5,74,102,36,63,252,190,138,249,61,9,224,120,89,231,80,236,19,51,24,167,133,87,201,23,122,123,141,13,191,31,81,85,2,200,60,8,177,222,189,82,212,132,28,247,4,79,75,6,172,170,204,49,218,136,232,94,105,217,234,35,108,169,119,195,176,38,150,147,161,103,107,206,145,193,244,237,97,157,56,41,240,173,84,90,22,112,148,86,210,76,159,27,238,198,211,67,151,239,69,53,73,251,113,253,116,71,255,48,42,104,110,168,11,126,205,39,47,68,235,17,88,188,149,55,142,44,43,52,1,202,54,184,139,146,215,246,242,137,154,65,171,64,111,40,228,166,12,254,34,185,223,129,29,230,101,16,164,18,95,248,152,46,229,158,243,66,0,175,98,7,183,100,91,181,117,187,130,144,163,180,192,186,213,62,155,156,135,26,219,125,72,131,179,124,118,178,143,59,134,199,160,225,99,77,83,32,30,226,70,174,216],[130,110,242,232,192,222,171,75,147,120,85,159,58,132,190,24,237,200,59,100,20,52,210,19,167,223,253,74,173,55,250,234,219,102,46,207,1,128,28,64,107,2,195,104,45,186,114,98,141,240,241,153,208,23,49,166,43,151,17,198,65,188,42,187,106,10,148,230,176,80,0,47,30,181,84,149,131,40,66,118,11,37,179,228,254,26,112,4,160,14,122,137,238,236,36,116,7,95,134,87,174,97,152,76,233,229,57,78,53,108,35,88,204,252,143,251,209,191,156,154,33,201,117,34,123,150,119,39,105,3,182,18,22,133,113,81,48,12,111,180,221,163,212,72,177,79,235,202,38,29,168,215,67,246,203,6,73,142,216,165,247,184,109,199,83,135,50,15,145,197,243,239,140,32,217,144,183,249,96,138,25,245,82,164,61,8,178,136,214,70,194,206,169,139,170,27,91,68,77,90,129,231,86,62,9,227,71,115,99,121,63,157,211,224,124,93,162,60,31,175,16,13,255,56,89,205,218,101,126,127,44,172,213,5,193,161,51,21,220,189,155,244,196,158,69,185,125,248,103,54,94,41,226,225,92,146],[204,44,252,126,239,80,99,0,41,169,37,115,189,158,9,156,114,199,220,17,47,33,72,97,19,101,166,26,81,184,14,102,109,251,5,18,213,202,180,16,227,150,235,217,154,224,133,20,58,242,57,182,234,211,196,30,88,122,76,247,78,100,134,83,77,91,241,23,67,255,61,69,42,43,34,231,70,116,192,13,188,52,248,55,230,51,147,145,125,93,74,36,236,141,161,82,226,98,159,10,48,35,246,143,144,32,1,11,96,2,238,137,118,222,163,89,181,244,148,45,38,127,46,174,22,193,112,56,249,225,8,254,135,62,223,123,24,39,120,208,86,113,29,173,59,95,124,15,110,28,54,210,131,53,119,152,228,12,176,84,130,194,167,157,107,151,203,73,200,177,139,149,4,71,7,155,138,146,168,66,160,205,170,171,140,187,179,207,117,240,75,191,218,90,164,85,175,60,185,245,197,212,142,50,183,21,106,165,195,232,63,190,250,92,215,132,172,108,178,68,219,243,253,129,128,221,162,65,103,3,153,105,111,40,64,233,87,27,216,94,237,209,206,214,79,31,25,198,229,136,186,49,201,6,104,121],[21,32,181,185,31,172,117,150,241,61,167,140,99,6,178,12,42,168,131,148,194,206,231,154,0,100,27,141,35,55,146,17,73,30,9,98,219,197,103,128,5,248,118,72,221,166,228,149,119,182,247,84,233,162,209,210,237,20,18,83,176,123,109,3,46,36,52,112,86,79,28,157,179,220,155,163,2,59,236,184,88,77,199,50,201,196,191,44,33,66,8,156,107,39,142,158,238,215,25,49,14,48,10,242,24,116,136,68,229,255,250,208,81,67,111,254,173,224,230,133,93,54,22,47,78,37,226,45,217,145,183,105,63,104,189,92,113,23,58,153,97,89,60,213,243,152,244,102,192,187,223,75,161,234,51,198,90,110,127,239,95,126,71,11,38,85,175,4,106,80,143,203,134,253,57,135,82,138,186,16,188,144,15,129,121,180,40,41,147,246,76,53,252,87,62,171,70,200,130,151,169,165,114,7,122,177,34,170,94,132,1,91,204,74,227,65,69,202,56,212,125,137,240,43,160,214,249,207,96,101,13,26,235,216,218,139,174,251,195,245,211,124,115,193,159,108,205,64,225,222,232,164,190,120,29,19],[147,22,133,196,55,47,4,140,8,123,234,178,174,206,96,177,173,20,181,220,54,131,104,162,95,109,219,207,106,221,148,56,201,153,186,73,216,62,187,128,6,108,67,36,204,176,247,71,210,171,191,246,46,35,39,251,125,17,29,33,44,172,65,200,85,40,7,223,137,118,21,107,48,228,122,57,167,170,136,135,142,232,45,126,215,243,18,113,94,10,52,159,77,80,66,103,58,130,152,254,34,72,1,230,175,3,60,2,188,203,236,138,124,183,237,83,11,86,15,76,222,238,158,253,157,98,12,184,64,205,116,93,110,242,145,160,88,146,100,49,212,31,141,199,129,211,143,5,37,115,195,105,74,117,164,119,168,23,41,155,9,53,213,19,239,235,192,16,224,89,90,121,70,69,111,92,14,226,180,0,208,163,165,32,150,249,244,26,82,169,68,27,120,99,233,179,28,241,156,30,198,250,194,190,79,202,144,50,182,151,161,87,185,134,197,209,149,154,227,25,255,218,252,63,97,139,225,43,51,81,84,24,127,101,214,245,75,229,193,114,59,42,132,217,13,38,248,231,102,91,240,61,166,78,189,112],[47,225,190,213,176,87,28,0,93,219,184,226,224,230,52,68,194,112,228,105,97,156,48,111,36,107,185,2,15,63,182,20,120,237,86,8,129,152,143,13,173,35,123,33,67,26,59,222,183,251,4,232,165,170,164,192,242,181,145,53,197,243,206,191,24,199,240,234,161,77,61,109,94,238,64,79,212,76,45,74,108,11,153,16,55,128,22,250,116,10,37,217,75,88,49,198,85,205,56,62,169,255,157,101,210,227,98,50,46,82,144,148,17,252,96,155,60,7,172,221,248,127,39,209,195,214,204,40,158,103,189,38,57,14,83,65,249,171,71,44,218,208,99,121,136,110,216,162,81,9,180,89,233,200,231,175,30,130,188,254,235,207,51,203,92,19,193,6,42,115,244,31,32,229,84,54,168,125,113,3,43,135,66,131,174,90,12,246,1,91,202,137,69,138,21,124,220,187,73,178,34,72,141,25,102,149,166,211,78,146,159,239,139,201,117,118,134,106,215,119,177,114,133,151,150,132,29,95,196,70,122,100,41,245,163,223,186,23,167,160,147,27,241,140,104,154,253,179,236,18,142,58,247,80,5,126],[150,121,211,128,145,25,254,242,225,215,123,49,187,226,78,252,202,233,55,140,167,133,13,255,29,231,19,171,40,179,160,229,129,190,64,142,21,223,213,99,164,90,210,27,3,112,208,163,139,74,4,91,79,220,245,50,238,147,100,26,114,138,52,193,206,117,148,75,181,168,188,88,1,81,156,216,152,60,22,240,132,250,28,6,36,124,191,54,108,72,180,111,243,169,110,201,39,33,207,159,14,199,212,236,194,70,0,94,58,42,7,46,65,158,198,53,8,122,137,9,104,170,115,234,182,157,18,80,47,5,20,77,45,102,126,61,76,89,31,59,224,186,44,155,116,227,185,92,109,228,32,69,184,232,219,73,120,71,68,43,125,95,98,165,24,149,176,62,237,246,189,141,244,239,30,101,113,166,218,214,34,17,11,10,105,235,197,248,241,217,127,51,106,247,97,253,86,192,119,154,177,205,12,118,153,48,103,251,82,23,230,83,203,144,249,66,85,178,162,63,204,41,175,135,57,15,130,200,16,195,136,134,107,35,84,37,67,38,173,56,209,221,196,183,151,143,174,93,161,131,222,96,2,146,87,172],[163,227,14,82,158,241,96,169,251,119,13,160,187,211,164,65,217,10,244,39,216,148,237,27,86,103,56,195,208,182,104,247,88,147,206,87,127,42,189,83,194,145,50,20,48,120,186,131,4,125,63,151,202,30,123,220,33,108,34,100,172,161,153,110,25,59,71,134,179,37,155,170,180,254,84,219,94,154,92,28,140,67,222,32,111,149,38,168,49,2,212,133,117,141,159,228,156,3,209,128,137,122,11,236,74,107,64,12,248,47,235,238,40,55,114,184,233,60,229,69,231,15,22,46,192,43,24,250,135,93,79,8,26,98,23,215,99,176,190,243,97,62,53,19,252,85,124,183,91,203,223,45,31,16,221,144,44,113,109,115,224,143,41,57,17,68,193,204,157,214,152,240,9,102,52,18,199,146,239,6,175,188,90,77,35,81,106,185,139,136,167,178,78,5,101,166,205,181,225,54,234,197,196,21,201,73,230,171,249,138,58,36,200,177,162,0,1,150,89,255,207,116,105,112,213,121,198,80,210,218,174,165,61,129,76,118,173,132,130,253,75,7,232,72,126,242,191,246,95,70,29,51,66,245,142,226]]

message8 = read("D:/code/UE_Crypto_Charpak/Codes/message8.txt")
brutforce(message8[:13], inv_gears)
Exemplo n.º 43
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import List
import pyximport

importers = pyximport.install()
from cape_splitter.fast_tokenizer.word_tokenizer import word_tokenizer, sentence_tokenizer

import pytest

def _spans_to_token_list(text: str, spans: List[List[int]]) -> List[str]:
    return [text[span[0]:span[1] + 1] for span in spans]

    ("  Hello World whaît a\nwonderful\tplace.!! ",
     ['  ', 'Hello ', 'World ', 'whaît ', 'a\n', 'wonderful\t', 'place.!! ']),
    ("This-is-a= two[word&sentence", ["This-is-a= ", "two[word&sentence"]),
    ("*****@*****.**", ["*****@*****.**"]),
Exemplo n.º 44
Command line options


import os
import sys
import re
import optparse
import pysam

import CGAT.Experiment as E

    import pyximport
    import _bam2bed
except ImportError:
    import CGAT._bam2bed as _bam2bed

def main(argv=None):
    """script main.

    parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given.

    if not argv: argv = sys.argv

    # setup command line parser
    parser = E.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$",
Exemplo n.º 45
Arquivo: loader.py Projeto: dlax/salt
    def gen_module(self, name, functions, pack=None):
        Load a single module and pack it with the functions passed
        full = ''
        mod = None
        for mod_dir in self.module_dirs:
            if not os.path.isabs(mod_dir):
            if not os.path.isdir(mod_dir):
            fn_ = os.path.join(mod_dir, name)
            if os.path.isdir(fn_):
                full = fn_
                for ext in ('.py', '.pyo', '.pyc', '.so'):
                    full_test = '{0}{1}'.format(fn_, ext)
                    if os.path.isfile(full_test):
                        full = full_test
                if full:
        if not full:
            return None

        cython_enabled = False
        if self.opts.get('cython_enable', True) is True:
                import pyximport
                cython_enabled = True
            except ImportError:
                log.info('Cython is enabled in the options but not present '
                         'in the system path. Skipping Cython modules.')
            if full.endswith('.pyx') and cython_enabled:
                # If there's a name which ends in .pyx it means the above
                # cython_enabled is True. Continue...
                mod = pyximport.load_module(name, full, tempfile.gettempdir())
                fn_, path, desc = imp.find_module(name, self.module_dirs)
                mod = imp.load_module(
                                             self.tag, name), fn_, path, desc)
        except ImportError:
            log.debug('Failed to import {0} {1}:\n'.format(self.tag, name),
            return mod
        except Exception:
            log.error('Failed to import {0} {1}, this is due most likely to a '
                      'syntax error:\n'.format(self.tag, name),
            return mod
        if hasattr(mod, '__opts__'):
            mod.__opts__ = self.opts

        mod.__grains__ = self.grains

        if pack:
            if isinstance(pack, list):
                for chunk in pack:
                        setattr(mod, chunk['name'], chunk['value'])
                    except KeyError:
                setattr(mod, pack['name'], pack['value'])

        # Call a module's initialization method if it exists
        module_init = getattr(mod, '__init__', None)
        if inspect.isfunction(module_init):
            except TypeError:
        funcs = {}
        module_name = mod.__name__[mod.__name__.rindex('.') + 1:]
        if getattr(mod, '__load__', False) is not False:
                'The functions from module {0!r} are being loaded from the '
                'provided __load__ attribute'.format(module_name))
        for attr in getattr(mod, '__load__', dir(mod)):
            if attr.startswith('_'):
                # private functions are skipped
            func = getattr(mod, attr)
            if not inspect.isfunction(func):
                # Not a function!? Skip it!!!

            # Let's get the function name.
            # If the module has the __func_alias__ attribute, it must be a
            # dictionary mapping in the form of(key -> value):
            #   <real-func-name> -> <desired-func-name>
            # It default's of course to the found callable attribute name
            # if no alias is defined.
            funcname = getattr(mod, '__func_alias__', {}).get(attr, attr)
            funcs['{0}.{1}'.format(module_name, funcname)] = func
            self._apply_outputter(func, mod)
        if not hasattr(mod, '__salt__'):
            mod.__salt__ = functions
            context = sys.modules[functions[functions.keys()
        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
            context = {}
        mod.__context__ = context
        return funcs
Exemplo n.º 46
import numpy as np
# import time
# from Cython.Build import cythonize
import pyximport
    setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()},
import models.transformations.emerging.inverse_op_cython as inverse_op_cython

class Inverse():
    def __init__(self):

    def __call__(self, z, w, b):
        if np.isnan(z).any():
            return z

        z = z - b

        z_np = np.array(z, dtype='float64')
        w_np = np.array(w, dtype='float64')

        x_np = inverse_op_cython.inverse_conv(z_np, w_np)

        return x_np.astype('float32')
Exemplo n.º 47
import re, gzip, time
    # Python 2 compat
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
import threading
import numpy as np
import logging
import scipy
import pyximport
pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()})

from multiprocessing import Queue, Lock, cpu_count
from collections import OrderedDict
from .glove_inner import train_glove

    # Python 2 compat
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

class Glove(object):
    def __init__(self, cooccurence, alpha=0.75, x_max=100.0, d=50, seed=1234):
        Glove model for obtaining dense embeddings from a
        co-occurence (sparse) matrix.
        self.alpha = alpha
Exemplo n.º 48
import numpy as np
import pyximport


#faces have ID,faceVector ; observed faces a list of faceVectors,rects
def compare(listStudentFaces, listOfObservedFaces):
    comparedFaces = {
    }  #a dictionary that will hold a comparisons for a face except of the best result
    bestResultPerStudent = [
    ]  # alist of the best results per person [valueOfComparison, theStudentID ,idOfObservedFace, rectangleOfObservedFace]
    #go through the individuals faces
    for i in listStudentFaces:
        fvec = i[1]  #get the faceVector for current person
        tmpList = [
        ]  #the calculation per person that will be added to compared faces
        j = 0  #j will be used as an ID of observed faces hence they will all will have ID range [0-N)
        #go through all the observed faces
        while j < len(listOfObservedFaces):
            #get the comparison value
            d = fvec - listOfObservedFaces[j][0]
            result = np.dot(d, d)
            tmpList.append([result, j, listOfObservedFaces[j][1]])
            j = j + 1
        #sort the observed faces compared with the current person based on their valueOfComparison; sorted based on increasing order
        tmpList = sorted(tmpList, key=lambda x: x[0])
        #remove the best result
        tmp = tmpList.pop(0)
Exemplo n.º 49
import pytest
from unittestmock import UnitTestMock

import pyximport
pyximport.install(setup_args={"script_args": ["--force"]}, language_level=3)

from cykhash import unique_int64, unique_int32, unique_float64, unique_float32
from cykhash import unique_stable_int64, unique_stable_int32, unique_stable_float64, unique_stable_float32
from uniqueinterfacetester import use_unique_int64, use_unique_int32, use_unique_float64, use_unique_float32
from uniqueinterfacetester import use_unique_stable_int64, use_unique_stable_int32, use_unique_stable_float64, use_unique_stable_float32

    'int64': unique_int64,
    'int32': unique_int32,
    'float64': unique_float64,
    'float32': unique_float32,

    'int64': unique_stable_int64,
    'int32': unique_stable_int32,
    'float64': unique_stable_float64,
    'float32': unique_stable_float32,

    'int64': use_unique_int64,
    'int32': use_unique_int32,
    'float64': use_unique_float64,
    'float32': use_unique_float32,
Exemplo n.º 50
import scipy.optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import RMS.ConfigReader as cr
from RMS.Formats import Platepar
from RMS.Formats import CALSTARS
from RMS.Formats import StarCatalog
from RMS.Formats import FFfile
from RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry import raDec2AltAz, raDecToXYPP, xyToRaDecPP, rotationWrtHorizon
from RMS.Astrometry.Conversions import date2JD, jd2Date
from RMS.Astrometry.FFTalign import alignPlatepar
from RMS.Math import angularSeparation

# Import Cython functions
import pyximport
pyximport.install(setup_args={'include_dirs': [np.get_include()]})
from RMS.Astrometry.CyFunctions import matchStars, subsetCatalog, cyraDecToXY

def computeMinimizationTolerances(config, platepar, star_dict_len):
    """ Compute tolerances for minimization. """

    # Calculate the function tolerance, so the desired precision can be reached (the number is calculated
    # in the same regard as the cost function)
    fatol = (config.dist_check_threshold**
             2) / np.sqrt(star_dict_len * config.min_matched_stars + 1)

    # Parameter estimation tolerance for angular values
    fov_w = platepar.X_res / platepar.F_scale
    xatol_ang = config.dist_check_threshold * fov_w / platepar.X_res
Exemplo n.º 51
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on %(date)s

@author: %(username)s
import os
import timeit
import time

import numpy as np

import pyximport
from .idw_nebs import slct_nebrs_cy, get_idw

from krig_single_pts import (OrdinaryKriging, SimpleKriging,

def get_all_grid(interp_x_coords_arr,
Exemplo n.º 52
import errno
import uuid
import time
import platform
import tempfile
import os.path
from contextlib import contextmanager
from zlib import compress as _compress
from dpark.utils.crc32c import crc32c

    from dpark.portable_hash import portable_hash as _hash
except ImportError:
    import pyximport

    from dpark.portable_hash import portable_hash as _hash

    import pwd

    def getuser():
        return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
    import getpass

    def getuser():
        return getpass.getuser()

COMPRESS = 'zlib'
Exemplo n.º 53
    for i in range(kn - 1, len_x):
        for j in range(kn - 1, len_y):
            # hard matching
            if hard_matching:
                if x[i] == y[j]:
                    sum_ += lamda * lamda * Kd[(kn - 1) % 2][i*y_dim + j]
                # soft matching, regulated from models.h, amminoacidic model
                sum_ += lamda * lamda * \
                      aa_model[(ord(x[i])-65)*26 + ord(y[j])-65] * \
                      Kd[(kn - 1) % 2][i*y_dim + j];
    return sum_

    import pyximport; pyximport.install(pyimport=True, reload_support=True)
    import sk_fast
    _core_function = sk_fast._core_stringkernel
except ImportError:
    _core_function = _core_stringkernel

def _stringkernel_unsymmetric(X, X_train_, kn=1, lamda=.5,
                              hard_matching=True, normalize=True,
                              aa_model=None, return_norms=False, n_jobs=1):
    # X != X_train_
    x_len = len(X)
    y_len = len(X_train_)
    kernel = np.empty((x_len, y_len))
    function = partial(_core_function, kn=kn, lamda=lamda,
                       hard_matching=hard_matching, aa_model=aa_model)
Exemplo n.º 54
warned = False

# Code to compile the Cython extensions
# Extensions tested on Linux and Mac OS X, but not on Windows
# please report any bug (or patches!) on
# https://github.com/ggventurini/python-deltasigma/issues

    if 'nt' in os.name:
        # if somebody actually goes through the trouble of compiling
        # it on Windows, we'll make available a patch to re-enable it.
        # In most cases now, users only get error messages from BLAS
        # not being available.
        raise ImportError('CBLAS extension disabled on Windows')
    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args=setup_args, language_level=3)
    from ._simulateDSM_cblas import simulateDSM as _simulateDSM_cblas
except ImportError as e:
    if _debug:
    _simulateDSM_cblas = None

    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args=setup_args, inplace=True, language_level=3)
    from ._simulateDSM_scipy_blas import simulateDSM as _simulateDSM_scipy_blas
except ImportError as e:
    if _debug:
    _simulateDSM_scipy_blas = None
Exemplo n.º 55
#Analysis script for Verdiem data from CalPlug 2014 study - Idle Time Reporter using XOR
#Developed by M. Klopfer Sept 11, 2018 - V1.5
#Operation:  This script is a stand-alone processor that takes the Verdiem data and formats it into a style used as a .CSV input into the PLSin program.  This script will not actually output a .CSV file its current state, just format the text in a way that can be quickly formatted into the specific PLSim format.   
            #The script reads from a database/table with the following entries:  record_id    subject_identifier    desktop_type    MPID    device    status    int_record    date    day_of_week P1  P2...[There are 96 entries that correspond to 15 minute periods across the day]

#Dependencies and setup considerations:  This program uses Miniconda/Eclipse in development and is within an Eclipse workshop - it shares identical dependencies as PLSim:  https://github.com/CalPlug/PlugLoadSimulator-PLSim
#Note, if the console is not large enough in Eclipse to display the return, consider the following:  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2600653/adjusting-eclipse-console-size

import sys
import calendar
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date, time
from time import mktime
import pyximport; pyximport.install() #pyximport cython accelerator
import mysql.connector
#from distutils.core import setup
#from Cython.Build import cythonize

#Run Options for Output Formatting
elapsedminortime=True #Print headers as time (False) or minutes since 00:00 (True)
writetosummarydb = True #Option allows summary to be written to a summary table in the database
dbrecordpost = 0  #counter for posted records
finaldeltalist =[] #holder for the total collected delta values across all days
periodlength=15  #assume a standard 15 min period length
totalperiods = 96  #total number of columns devoted to the periods
periodstartcolumn = 9 #column which the period info starts in
record_idrow = 0 #position original identifier is in
subjectrow = 1 #Row the subject info is in
desktop_typerow = 2 #position for the desktop type info
MPIDrow = 3 #row MPID info is placed in
Exemplo n.º 56
import numpy as np
import pyximport

# Cython Compilation
pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()},

from .rank_cy import evaluate_cy  # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level

def compute_CMC_mAP(distmat,
    """Evaluates CMC rank.

        distmat (numpy.ndarray): distance matrix of shape (num_query, num_gallery).
        q_pids (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array containing person identities
            of each query instance.
        g_pids (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array containing person identities
            of each gallery instance.
        q_camids (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array containing camera views under
            which each query instance is captured.
        g_camids (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array containing camera views under
            which each gallery instance is captured.
        max_rank (int, optional): maximum CMC rank to be computed. Default is 20.
        use_metric_cuhk03 (bool, optional): use single-gallery-shot setting for cuhk03.
Exemplo n.º 57
    import pyximport; pyximport.install()
except ImportError:
from cydmx import dmxwidget
import sys

def main():
    modname = sys.argv[1]
    module = __import__(modname.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
    widgets = []
    for name in dir(module):
        val = getattr(module, name)
            if issubclass(val, dmxwidget.Widget) and val != dmxwidget.Widget:
        except TypeError:
    ws = dmxwidget.WidgetServer()

if __name__ == "__main__":
This module provides methods for checking webpage type.
@ author: Ziming Sheng
@ date: 2019-07-25

import collections
import re
from urllib import parse
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html import clean, defs
import numpy
import pyximport
from cyGaussian import gaussian

def collect_text_and_a_tag(root):
    Collect node index, path and depth information of text tags and a tags
    :param root: lxml etree root object
    :return: A dict maps tag path to the corresponding tag info. For instance:
            {"html/div/div/p": [(34, "Best places to visit...", 4)],
             "html/div/div/div/p": [(40, "What's your problem?", 5)]}
            {"html/div/h/a": [(48, "back to top", "html/div/h/a")],
             "html/div/div/li/a": [(59, "python is fun", "html/div/div/li/a")]}
    # initialize dict to store info of link nodes and text nodes
    # initialize visit index and depth to 0
    a_path = collections.defaultdict(list)
Exemplo n.º 59
Created on Mar 12, 2012

@author: dsussman
import pyximport;

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as sp
import roi
import fibergraph
import zindex
from scipy.io import loadmat, savemat
from collections import Counter
#from mayavi import mlab # DISA - I don't have
import itertools as itt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import fa
#import mprage # DISA - I don't have
import argparse
import os

class ConnectedComponent(object):
    vertexCC = None
    ccsize = None
    ncc = 0
    n = 0

    def __init__(self,G=None, fn=None):
        if G is not None:
Exemplo n.º 60
from fixed import FixedImportanceSampler
import numpy as n
import geom

import pyximport; pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs":n.get_include()},reload_support=True)
import fisher_util

class FixedBinghamImportanceSampler(FixedImportanceSampler):
    def __init__(self,suffix,symmetry=None):

        self.symmetry = symmetry

        # Compute symmetry operator
        if self.symmetry is not None:
            Rs = self.symmetry.get_rotations()
            self.symmetry_quats = n.array([geom.rotmat3D_to_quat(R) for R in Rs])
            self.symmetry_quats = None

    def evaluate_kernel(self,inds,vals,odomain,params,logspace=False):
        Evaluate the kernel at all points in the current domain at the
        inds of odomain with value vals
        dirs1 = self.domain.get_dirs()
        dirs2 = odomain.get_dirs(inds)

        pscale = params.get('is_bingham_pscale'+self.suffix,params.get('is_bingham_pscale',1.0))
        kappa = n.log((2**odomain.dim)*pscale)/(1-n.cos(odomain.resolution/2.0)**2)
        chiral_flip = params.get('is_bingham_chirality_flip'+self.suffix,params.get('is_bingham_chirality_flip',True))