def __init__(self, data_retention_time):
        BatchSystemHandler constructor
            data_retention_time (int): time to keep data in queue (in seconds)
        self.batch_data_retention = data_retention_time

        self.init_app_ts = sl.Timestamp()
        self.init_queue_ts = sl.Timestamp()
        self.objects_tracked_queue = deque()  # deque of sl.Objects
        self.cam_world_pose_map_ms = {}  # dict timestamp -> sl.Pose
        self.cam_local_pose_map_ms = {}  # dict timestamp -> sl.Pose
        self.image_map_ms = {}  # dict timestamp -> image sl.Mat
        self.depth_map_ms = {}  # dict timestamp -> depth sl.Mat
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.t_imu = sl.Timestamp()
     self.t_baro = sl.Timestamp()
     self.t_mag = sl.Timestamp()
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # Create a Camera object
    zed = sl.Camera()

    # Create a InitParameters object and set configuration parameters
    init_params = sl.InitParameters()
    init_params.camera_resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.HD720  # Use HD720 video mode
    init_params.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP
    init_params.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER

    # Open the camera
    err =
    if err != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:

    cam_model = zed.get_camera_information().camera_model
    if cam_model == sl.MODEL.ZED:
        print("This tutorial only supports ZED-M and ZED2 camera models")

    # Get Sensor Data for 2 seconds (800 samples)
    i = 0
    data = sl.SensorsData()
    first_ts = sl.Timestamp()
    prev_imu_ts = sl.Timestamp()
    prev_baro_ts = sl.Timestamp()
    prev_mag_ts = sl.Timestamp()
    while i < 800:
        # Get Sensor Data not synced with image frames
        if zed.get_sensors_data(
                data, sl.TIME_REFERENCE.CURRENT) != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
            print("Error retrieving Sensor Data")

        imu_ts = data.get_imu_data().timestamp

        if i == 0:
            first_ts = imu_ts

        # Check if Sensors Data are updated
        if prev_imu_ts.data_ns == imu_ts.data_ns:

        prev_imu_ts = imu_ts

        print("*** Sample #" + str(i))

        seconds = data.get_imu_data().timestamp.get_seconds(
        ) - first_ts.get_seconds()
        print(" * Relative timestamp: " + str(seconds) + " sec")

        # Filtered orientation quaternion
        zed_imu = data.get_imu_data()

        #Display the IMU acceleratoin
        acceleration = [0, 0, 0]
        ax = round(acceleration[0], 3)
        ay = round(acceleration[1], 3)
        az = round(acceleration[2], 3)
        print("IMU Acceleration: Ax: {0}, Ay: {1}, Az {2}\n".format(
            ax, ay, az))

        #Display the IMU angular velocity
        a_velocity = [0, 0, 0]
        vx = round(a_velocity[0], 3)
        vy = round(a_velocity[1], 3)
        vz = round(a_velocity[2], 3)
        print("IMU Angular Velocity: Vx: {0}, Vy: {1}, Vz {2}\n".format(
            vx, vy, vz))

        # Display the IMU orientation quaternion
        zed_imu_pose = sl.Transform()
        ox = round(
            zed_imu.get_pose(zed_imu_pose).get_orientation().get()[0], 3)
        oy = round(
            zed_imu.get_pose(zed_imu_pose).get_orientation().get()[1], 3)
        oz = round(
            zed_imu.get_pose(zed_imu_pose).get_orientation().get()[2], 3)
        ow = round(
            zed_imu.get_pose(zed_imu_pose).get_orientation().get()[3], 3)
        print("IMU Orientation: Ox: {0}, Oy: {1}, Oz {2}, Ow: {3}\n".format(
            ox, oy, oz, ow))

        if cam_model == sl.MODEL.ZED2:

            # IMU temperature
            location = sl.SENSOR_LOCATION.IMU
            temp = data.get_temperature_data().get(location)
            if temp != -1:
                print(" *  IMU temperature: " + str(temp) + "C")

            # Check if Magnetometer Data are updated
            mag_ts = data.get_magnetometer_data().timestamp
            if (prev_mag_ts.data_ns != mag_ts.data_ns):
                prev_mag_ts = mag_ts
                mx = round(data.get_magnetometer_data().
                my = round(data.get_magnetometer_data().
                mz = round(data.get_magnetometer_data().
                print(" * Magnetic Fields [uT]: x: {0}, y: {1}, z: {2}".format(
                    mx, my, mz))

            baro_ts = data.get_barometer_data().timestamp
            if (prev_baro_ts.data_ns != baro_ts.data_ns):
                prev_baro_ts = baro_ts

                # Atmospheric pressure
                print(" * Atmospheric pressure [hPa]: " +

                # Barometer temperature
                location = sl.SENSOR_LOCATION.BAROMETER
                baro_temp = data.get_temperature_data().get(location)
                if baro_temp != -1:
                    print(" * Barometer temperature: " + str(temp) + "C")

                # Camera temperatures
                location_left = sl.SENSOR_LOCATION.ONBOARD_LEFT
                location_right = sl.SENSOR_LOCATION.ONBOARD_RIGHT

                left_temp = data.get_temperature_data().get(location_left)
                right_temp = data.get_temperature_data().get(location_right)
                print(" * Camera left temperature: " + str(left_temp))
                print(" * Camera right temperature: " + str(right_temp))

        i = i + 1

    return 0