def getSentiment():

    dataSet = StanfordSentiment()
    tokens = dataSet.tokens()

    # Load the word vectors we trained earlier
    _, wordVectors, _ = load_saved_params()
    dimVectors = wordVectors.shape[1]

    # Load the test sentences
    sentences = dataSet.getTestSentences()
    print sentences
    nSentences = len(sentences)
    sentenceFeatures = np.zeros((nSentences, dimVectors))
    sentenceLabels = np.zeros((nSentences, ), dtype=np.int32)
    for i in xrange(nSentences):
        words, sentenceLabels[i] = sentences[i]
        #print sentences[i]
        #print words
        #print sentenceLabels[i]
        sentenceFeatures[i, :] = getSentenceFeature(tokens, wordVectors, words)

    #train weights
    weights = np.random.randn(dimVectors, nSentences)
    regularization = 0.00001
    weights = sgd(lambda weights: softmax_wrapper(
        sentenceFeatures, sentenceLabels, weights, regularization),

    #pred = np.sum((weights * sentenceFeatures.T).T, axis = 1)
    #pred = softmax(pred)
    #testAccuracy = accuracy(sentenceLabels, pred)

    prob = softmax(
    #prob = normalizeRows(prob)
    _, _, pred = softmaxRegression(sentenceFeatures, sentenceLabels, weights)
    pred = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-pred))

    #for polarity in pred:
    #print categorify(polarity)
    #_, _, pred = softmaxRegression(sentenceFeatures, sentenceLabels, weights)
    for label in pred:
        print categorify(label)
    #pred = categorify(pred)
    print prob
    print pred
tokens = dataset.tokens()
nWords = len(tokens)

# Load the word vectors we trained earlier
_, wordVectors0, _ = load_saved_params()
wordVectors = (wordVectors0[:nWords, :] + wordVectors0[nWords:, :])
dimVectors = wordVectors.shape[1]

# Load the train set
trainset = dataset.getTrainSentences()
nTrain = len(trainset)
trainFeatures = np.zeros((nTrain, dimVectors))
trainLabels = np.zeros((nTrain, ), dtype=np.int32)
for i in xrange(nTrain):
    words, trainLabels[i] = trainset[i]
    trainFeatures[i, :] = getSentenceFeature(tokens, wordVectors, words)

# Prepare dev set features
devset = dataset.getDevSentences()
nDev = len(devset)
devFeatures = np.zeros((nDev, dimVectors))
devLabels = np.zeros((nDev, ), dtype=np.int32)
for i in xrange(nDev):
    words, devLabels[i] = devset[i]
    devFeatures[i, :] = getSentenceFeature(tokens, wordVectors, words)

# Try our regularization parameters
results = []
for regularization in REGULARIZATION:
Exemplo n.º 3
tokens = dataset.tokens()
nWords = len(tokens)

# Load the word vectors we trained earlier 
_, wordVectors0, _ = load_saved_params()
wordVectors = (wordVectors0[:nWords,:] + wordVectors0[nWords:,:])
dimVectors = wordVectors.shape[1]

# Load the train set
trainset = dataset.getTrainSentences()
nTrain = len(trainset)
trainFeatures = np.zeros((nTrain, dimVectors))
trainLabels = np.zeros((nTrain,), dtype=np.int32)
for i in xrange(nTrain):
    words, trainLabels[i] = trainset[i]
    trainFeatures[i, :] = getSentenceFeature(tokens, wordVectors, words)

# Prepare dev set features
devset = dataset.getDevSentences()
nDev = len(devset)
devFeatures = np.zeros((nDev, dimVectors))
devLabels = np.zeros((nDev,), dtype=np.int32)
for i in xrange(nDev):
    words, devLabels[i] = devset[i]
    devFeatures[i, :] = getSentenceFeature(tokens, wordVectors, words)

# Try our regularization parameters
results = []
for regularization in REGULARIZATION: