Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_BooleanFilter(self):
     testType = 'is_student'
     testVal = 'true'
     want = 'FILTER(?is_student="true"^^xsd:boolean)\n'
     self.assertTrue(qbuilder.boolean_filter(testType, custom=testVal)==want)
Exemplo n.º 2
def results():
    '''Perfoms a search of speakers and display the results as a table. Saves the results in the session so they can be retrieved later'''

    session = bottle.request.environ.get('beaker.session')  #@UndefinedVariable
    client = session.get('client',None)
    if client is None:
        session['message'] = "You must log in to view this page!"

    quer = alquery.AlQuery(client)

    query = PREFIXES+ """

    SELECT distinct ?id ?gender ?age ?institution ?first_language_name ?pob_country ?pob_town"""

    query = query + """
    WHERE {
        ?id a foaf:Person .
        ?id austalk:recording_site ?recording_site .
        ?recording_site austalk:institution ?institution .
        ?id foaf:age ?age .
        ?id foaf:gender ?gender .
        OPTIONAL { ?id austalk:residential_history ?rh . 
        OPTIONAL { ?rh austalk:country ?hist_country . }
        OPTIONAL { ?rh austalk:state ?hist_state . }
        OPTIONAL { ?rh austalk:town ?hist_town . }
        OPTIONAL { ?rh austalk:age_from ?age_from . }
        OPTIONAL { ?rh austalk:age_to ?age_to . } }
        OPTIONAL { ?id austalk:first_language ?first_language . 
                   ?first_language iso639schema:name ?first_language_name . }
        OPTIONAL { ?id austalk:pob_country ?pob_country . }
        OPTIONAL { ?id austalk:pob_town ?pob_town . }
    #special args is anything all the form arguments that need something more than a simple filter.
    filterTable = {

    searchArgs = [arg for arg in bottle.request.forms.allitems() if len(arg[1])>0]
    #build up the where clause
    for item in searchArgs:
        #to avoid having two lines of the same thing rfom multiselect and the predefined elements.
        if item[0] in filterTable['multiselect'] or item[0] in filterTable['original_where']:
            if query.find(item[0])==-1:
                qfilter = qfilter + """?id austalk:%s ?%s .\n""" % (item[0],item[0])
            qfilter = qfilter + """?id austalk:%s ?%s .\n""" % (item[0],item[0])

    #now build the filters
    regexList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['regex']]
    for item in regexList:
        if item[0]=='id':
            id = item[1].strip()
            if not ((id[0]=='"' and id[-1]=='"') or (id[0]=="'" and id[-1]=="'")):
                id = '"'+id+'"'
            qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.regex_filter('id',custom=id,toString=True,prepend="https://app.alveo.edu.au/speakers/%s/"%session.get('corpus','austalk'))
            qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.regex_filter(item[0])

    #we want only unique listings in the multiselect list
    unique = []
    multiselectList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['multiselect']]
    for item in multiselectList:
        if item[0] not in unique:
            #since birth country is a multipple select, it can be gotten as a list. We can now put it together so it's as
            #if it's a normal user entered list of items.
            customStr = "".join('''"%s",''' % s for s in bottle.request.forms.getall(item[0]))[0:-1]
            qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.regex_filter(item[0],custom=customStr)

    numRangeList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['num_range']]
    for item in numRangeList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.num_range_filter(item[0])

    toStrList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['to_str']]
    for item in toStrList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.to_str_filter(item[0])

    booleanList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['boolean']]
    for item in booleanList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.boolean_filter(item[0])

    simpleList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['simple']]
    for item in simpleList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.simple_filter(item[0])

    query = query + qfilter + "} \nORDER BY ?id"
    resultsList = quer.results_dict_list(session.get('corpus','austalk'), query)
    session['partfilters'] = qfilter #so we can use the filters later again
    session['partlist'] = resultsList
    session['partcount'] = session['resultscount']
    session['searchedcount'] = session['resultscount']

    undoExists = 'backupPartList' in session.itervalues()

    return bottle.template('presults', 
Exemplo n.º 3
def results():
    '''Perfoms a search of participants and display the results as a table. Saves the results in the session so they can be retrieved later'''

    session = bottle.request.environ.get('beaker.session')  #@UndefinedVariable

        apiKey = session['apikey']
        client = pyalveo.Client(apiKey, BASE_URL)
        quer = alquery.AlQuery(client)
    except KeyError:
        global USER_MESSAGE
        USER_MESSAGE = "You must log in to view this page!"

        message = session['message']
        session['message'] = ""
    except KeyError:
        session['message'] = ""
        message = session['message']

    query = PREFIXES+ """

    SELECT ?id ?gender ?age ?city ?first_language ?pob_country ?pob_town"""

    query = query + """
    WHERE {
        ?id a foaf:Person .
        ?id austalk:recording_site ?recording_site .
        ?recording_site austalk:city ?city .
        ?id foaf:age ?age .
        ?id foaf:gender ?gender .
        OPTIONAL { ?id austalk:first_language ?fl . }
        OPTIONAL { ?fl iso639schema:name ?first_language . }
        OPTIONAL { ?id austalk:pob_country ?pob_country . }
        OPTIONAL { ?id austalk:pob_town ?pob_town . }
    #special args is anything all the form arguments that need something more than a simple filter.
    filterTable = {

    searchArgs = [arg for arg in bottle.request.forms.allitems() if len(arg[1])>0]
    #build up the where clause
    for item in searchArgs:
        #to avoid having two lines of the same thing rfom multiselect and the predefined elements.
        if item[0] in filterTable['multiselect'] or item[0] in filterTable['original_where']:
            if query.find(item[0])==-1:
                qfilter = qfilter + """?id austalk:%s ?%s .\n""" % (item[0],item[0])
            qfilter = qfilter + """?id austalk:%s ?%s .\n""" % (item[0],item[0])

    #now build the filters
    regexList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['regex']]
    for item in regexList:
        if item[0]=='id':
            qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.regex_filter('id',toString=True,prepend="http://id.austalk.edu.au/participant/")
            qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.regex_filter(item[0])

    multiselectList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['multiselect']]
    for item in multiselectList:
        #since birth country is a multipple select, it can be gotten as a list. We can now put it together so it's as
        #if it's a normal user entered list of items.
        customStr = "".join('''"%s",''' % s for s in bottle.request.forms.getall(item[0]))[0:-1]

        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.regex_filter(item[0],custom=customStr)

    numRangeList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['num_range']]
    for item in numRangeList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.num_range_filter(item[0])

    toStrList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['to_str']]
    for item in toStrList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.to_str_filter(item[0])

    booleanList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['boolean']]
    for item in booleanList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.boolean_filter(item[0])

    simpleList = [arg for arg in searchArgs if arg[0] in filterTable['simple']]
    for item in simpleList:
        qfilter = qfilter + qbuilder.simple_filter(item[0])

    query = query + qfilter + "} \nORDER BY ?id"

    resultsList = quer.results_dict_list("austalk", query)
    session['partfilters'] = qfilter #so we can use the filters later again
    session['partlist'] = resultsList
    session['partcount'] = session['resultscount']

    undoExists = 'backupPartList' in session.itervalues()

    return bottle.template('presults', resultsList=resultsList, resultCount=session['partcount'],message=message,undo=undoExists, apiKey=apiKey)