def load_table(name, external=False, sep=','):
        This function loads a csv file to into a Qtable

        # Here we're just finding the delimiters in case someone
        # wants tab separation or whatever other crazy formats
        # someone might try to stuff through here. Note: Autodetecting
        # the delimiter with sniffer does not work very well for online
        # csv files, at least how I tried it. So I guess we can write this:
        # TODO: figure out how to make csv.sniffer work well with online files
        # so we can autodetect the delimiters.

        # Probably not the best way of doing this...
        extension = name.split(".")[-1]
        if extension != 'csv':
            print("The file " + name +
                  " needs to be a .csv file to load properly")

        # The tables made by the QtableWidget have a little bit of a different
        # format that caouses the index to be topsy-turvy as compared to regular
        # csv files, this flag prevents us from accidentally using data as an index
            if not external:
                df = pd.read_csv(name, index_col=0, sep=sep)
            if external:
                df = pd.read_csv(name, sep=sep)

        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("Cannot find the file " + name +
                  ", please check that the path is correct.")

        return qgrid.QgridWidget(df=df, show_toolbar=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
def show_df(df=None):
    if not isinstance(df, DataFrame):
        return None
    grid_options = {
        'fullWidthRows': True,
        'syncColumnCellResize': True,
        'forceFitColumns': False,
        'defaultColumnWidth': 150,
        'rowHeight': 28,
        'enableColumnReorder': False,
        'enableTextSelectionOnCells': True,
        'editable': True,
        'autoEdit': True,
        'explicitInitialization': True,
        'maxVisibleRows': 15,
        'minVisibleRows': 8,
        'sortable': True,
        'filterable': True,
        'highlightSelectedCell': False,
        'highlightSelectedRow': True
    qgrid_widget = qgrid.QgridWidget(df=df,
    return qgrid_widget
Exemplo n.º 3
def ask_parts(registry, qgrid_plasmids):
    Use the selector to choose which parts to use in each plasmid. Parts are
    sorted by YTK type. When finished, run the next cell.
    # Extract user plasmids IDs and names
    df_plasmids = qgrid_plasmids.get_changed_df()
    names = {row["id"]: row["name"] for _, row in df_plasmids.iterrows()}
    # Input parts dataframe
    types = {"YTKPart(.*)", cls.__name__).group(1): cls
        for cls in ytk.YTKPart.__subclasses__()
    # Create a small selected with part ID and name
    # for each possible part
    parts = {}
    for colname, part_type in types.items():
        categories = {
            "{} - {}".format(, p.entity.record.description)
            for p in registry.values() if isinstance(p.entity, part_type)
        parts[colname] = pandas.Categorical([""] * len(names),
                                            categories=[""] +
    # Create the dataframe
    df_parts = pandas.DataFrame(parts)
    df_parts["id"] = df_plasmids["id"]
    df_parts["name"] = df_plasmids["name"]
    qgrid_parts = qgrid.QgridWidget(df=df_parts, show_toolbar=False)
    return qgrid_parts
Exemplo n.º 4
def ask_plasmids():
    Fill the table with as many plasmids as desired, using the "Add Row" button
    to add more rows. When finished, run the next cell.
    df_plasmids = pandas.DataFrame({"id": ["psXXX"], "name": ["plasmid_name"]})
    qgrid_plasmids = qgrid.QgridWidget(df=df_plasmids, show_toolbar=True)
    return qgrid_plasmids
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _inputScreen(self):
        self.dfInput = pd.DataFrame({
            'Notional Amount': [self.notional_amount],
            'Term in Months': [self.term_in_tenor],
            'APR': [self.annual_percentage_rate],
            'Repayment Day': [self.repayment_day],
            'Effective Date': [self.effective_date]

        self.dfInputQG = qgrid.QgridWidget(df=self.dfInput, show_toolbar=False)
        tab_content = ['Loan Details']
        children = [self.dfInputQG]
        tab = widgets.Tab()
        tab.children = children
        for i in range(len(children)):
            tab.set_title(i, str(tab_content[i]))
        self.input = tab
Exemplo n.º 6
def table_for_figure(df, fig):
    df_stacked = df.stack()
    df_stacked = pd.DataFrame({
        'checked': [False for i in range(len(df_stacked))]
    df_stacked = df_stacked[['values', 'checked']]

    qgrid_widget = qgrid.QgridWidget(df=df_stacked, show_toolbar=True)

    pos = []

    def onclick(event):
        x = int(round(event.xdata))
        y = int(round(event.ydata))
        pos.append([x, y])
        qgrid_widget.df = sort_by_x_y(df_stacked, x, y)

    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)
    return qgrid_widget
Exemplo n.º 7
    def interactive_df_open(self, itype='all',  numeric=False, verbosity=0):

        toolbar = True

        if itype is 'all':
            toolbar = False
        elif itype is 'formations':
            toolbar = False
        elif itype is 'faults':
            toolbar = False
        elif itype is 'faults_relations':
            toolbar = False

        if not toolbar:
            warnings.warn('for this itype Add Row does not work. If needed try using interfaces or orientations'

        df_ = self.get_data(itype=itype, verbosity=verbosity)
        self.qgrid_widget = qgrid.QgridWidget(df=df_, show_toolbar=toolbar)

        return self.qgrid_widget
Exemplo n.º 8
def getcorrections(toadjust, to_correct='to_correct', corrected='corrected'):
    cc = pd.DataFrame(toadjust)
    cc.columns = ['to_correct']
    cc['corrected'] = ''
    qgrid_widget = qgrid.QgridWidget(df=cc) 
    return qgrid_widget