Exemplo n.º 1
def validate_rdp_version(rdp_jarpath=None):
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "RDP classifier is not installed or not accessible to QIIME. "
            "See install instructions here: "

    rdp_jarname = os.path.basename(rdp_jarpath)
    version_match = re.search("\d\.\d", rdp_jarname)
    if version_match is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Unable to detect RDP Classifier version in file %s" % rdp_jarname

    version = float(version_match.group())
    if version < 2.1:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "RDP Classifier does not look like version 2.2 or greater."
            "Versions of the software prior to 2.2 have different "
            "formatting conventions and are no longer supported by QIIME. "
            "Detected version %s from file %s" % (version, rdp_jarpath)
    return version
Exemplo n.º 2
def validate_rdp_version(rdp_jarpath=None):
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "RDP classifier is not installed or not accessible to QIIME. "
            "See install instructions here: "

    rdp_jarname = os.path.basename(rdp_jarpath)
    version_match = re.search("\d\.\d", rdp_jarname)
    if version_match is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Unable to detect RDP Classifier version in file %s" % rdp_jarname

    version = float(version_match.group())
    if version < 2.1:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "RDP Classifier does not look like version 2.2 or greater."
            "Versions of the software prior to 2.2 have different "
            "formatting conventions and are no longer supported by QIIME. "
            "Detected version %s from file %s" % (version, rdp_jarpath)
    return version
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    qiime_config = load_qiime_config()
    rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath == None:
        rdp_version = "Not installed."
        rdp_version = split(rdp_jarpath)[1]

    java_version = get_java_version()
    if java_version is None:
        java_version = "Not installed."

    system_info = [
     ("Platform", platform),
     ("Python version",python_version.replace('\n', ' ')),
     ("Python executable",executable)]
    max_len =  max([len(e[0]) for e in system_info])
    print "\nSystem information"
    print  "==================" 
    for v in system_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len,v[0],v[1])

    version_info = [
     ("PyCogent version", pycogent_lib_version),
     ("NumPy version", numpy_lib_version),
     ("matplotlib version", matplotlib_lib_version),
     ("biom-format version", biom_lib_version),
     ("qcli version", qcli_lib_version),
     ("QIIME library version", get_qiime_library_version()),
     ("QIIME script version", __version__),
     ("PyNAST version (if installed)", pynast_lib_version),
     ("RDP Classifier version (if installed)", rdp_version),
     ("Java version (if installed)", java_version),
     ("Emperor version", emperor_lib_version)]

    max_len =  max([len(e[0]) for e in version_info])
    print "\nDependency versions"
    print  "===================" 
    for v in version_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len,v[0],v[1])
    print "\nQIIME config values"
    print  "==================="    
    max_len =  max([len(key) for key in qiime_config])
    for key,value in  qiime_config.items():
        print "%*s:\t%s"%(max_len,key,value)

    #run the Testcase.main function to do the tests
    # need to mess with the arg string, otherwise TestCase complains
    if (opts.test):
        print "\n\nrunning checks:\n"
Exemplo n.º 4
def guess_rdp_version():
    rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath == None:
        raise ValueError, \
         ("RDP classifier is not installed or "
          "not accessible to QIIME. See install instructions here: "
    elif "2.2" in rdp_jarpath:
        return "rdp22"
    elif "2.0" in rdp_jarpath:
        return "rdp20"
        raise ValueError,\
         ("Can't determine RDP version number. Only versions 2.0, 2.0.1,"
          " and 2.2 are supported by QIIME. RDP jar path is:"
          " %s" % rdp_jarpath)
Exemplo n.º 5
def error_on_bad_rdp_version(option_parser,assignment_method):
        rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
        if rdp_jarpath == None:
            option_parser.error("RDP classifier is not installed or "
             "not accessible to QIIME. See install instructions here: "
        elif assignment_method == 'rdp':
            if not check_rdp_version(rdp_jarpath,"2.2"):
                option_parser.error("Specified RDP version 2.2 (default), "
                "but that version is not installed. Pass -m rdp20 for RDP "
                "classifier versions 2.0 and 2.0.1.")
        elif assignment_method == 'rdp20':
            if not check_rdp_version(rdp_jarpath,"2.0"):
                option_parser.error("Specified RDP version 2.0 (default), "
                "but that version is not installed. Pass -m rdp for RDP "
                "classifier versions 2.2.")
            # not possible to get here, but don't like if/elif without else
            raise ValueError,\
             "Unknown assignment method: %s" % assignment_method
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    if opts.haiku:
        print "QIIME provides insight\nmicrobial in nature\nto ecology"

    qiime_config = load_qiime_config()
    test = opts.test
    qiime_base_install = opts.qiime_base_install

    rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        rdp_version = "Not installed."
        rdp_version = split(rdp_jarpath)[1]

    java_version = get_java_version()
    if java_version is None:
        java_version = "Not installed."

    system_info = [
        ("Platform", platform),
        ("Python version", python_version.replace('\n', ' ')),
        ("Python executable", executable)]
    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in system_info])
    print "\nSystem information"
    print "=================="
    for v in system_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    version_info = [
        ("PyCogent version", pycogent_lib_version),
        ("NumPy version", numpy_lib_version),
        ("SciPy version", scipy_lib_version),
        ("matplotlib version", matplotlib_lib_version),
        ("biom-format version", biom_lib_version),
        ("qcli version", qcli_lib_version),
        ("pyqi version", pyqi_lib_version),
        ("scikit-bio version", skbio_lib_version),
        ("QIIME library version", get_qiime_library_version()),
        ("QIIME script version", __version__),
        ("PyNAST version (if installed)", pynast_lib_version),
        ("Emperor version", emperor_lib_version)]
    if not qiime_base_install:
        version_info += [
            ("RDP Classifier version (if installed)", rdp_version),
            ("Java version (if installed)", java_version)]

    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in version_info])
    print "\nDependency versions"
    print "==================="
    for v in version_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    print "\nQIIME config values"
    print "==================="
    max_len = max([len(key) for key in qiime_config])
    for key, value in qiime_config.items():
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, key, value)

    if test:
        if qiime_base_install:
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyBase)
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyFull)
        if opts.verbose:
            verbosity = 2
            verbosity = 1
        TextTestRunner(stream=stdout, verbosity=verbosity).run(suite)
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    if opts.haiku:
        print "QIIME provides insight\nmicrobial in nature\nto ecology"

    qiime_config = load_qiime_config()
    test = opts.test
    qiime_full_install = opts.qiime_full_install

    rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        rdp_version = "Not installed."
        rdp_version = split(rdp_jarpath)[1]

    java_version = get_java_version()
    if java_version is None:
        java_version = "Not installed."

    system_info = [("Platform", platform),
                   ("Python version", python_version.replace('\n', ' ')),
                   ("Python executable", executable)]
    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in system_info])
    print "\nSystem information"
    print "=================="
    for v in system_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    print "\nQIIME default reference information"
    print "==================================="
    print "For details on what files are used as QIIME's default references, see here:"
    print " https://github.com/biocore/qiime-default-reference/releases/tag/%s" % qdr_lib_version

    version_info = [("QIIME library version", get_qiime_library_version()),
                    ("QIIME script version", __version__),
                    ("qiime-default-reference version", qdr_lib_version),
                    ("NumPy version", numpy_lib_version),
                    ("SciPy version", scipy_lib_version),
                    ("pandas version", pandas_lib_version),
                    ("matplotlib version", matplotlib_lib_version),
                    ("biom-format version", biom_lib_version),
                    ("h5py version", h5py_lib_version),
                    ("qcli version", qcli_lib_version),
                    ("pyqi version", pyqi_lib_version),
                    ("scikit-bio version", skbio_lib_version),
                    ("PyNAST version", pynast_lib_version),
                    ("Emperor version", emperor_lib_version),
                    ("burrito version", burrito_lib_version),
                    ("burrito-fillings version", bfillings_lib_version),
                    ("sortmerna version", sortmerna_lib_version),
                    ("sumaclust version", sumaclust_lib_version),
                    ("swarm version", swarm_lib_version),
                    ("gdata", gdata_installed)]

    if qiime_full_install:
        version_info += [("RDP Classifier version (if installed)",
                         ("Java version (if installed)", java_version)]

    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in version_info])
    print "\nDependency versions"
    print "==================="
    for v in version_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    print "\nQIIME config values"
    print "==================="
    print "For definitions of these settings and to learn how to configure QIIME, see here:"
    print " http://qiime.org/install/qiime_config.html"
    print " http://qiime.org/tutorials/parallel_qiime.html\n"
    max_len = max([len(key) for key in qiime_config])
    for key, value in qiime_config.items():
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, key, value)

    if test:
        if qiime_full_install:
            print "\nQIIME full install test results"
            print "==============================="
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyFull)
            print "\nQIIME base install test results"
            print "==============================="
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyBase)
        if opts.verbose:
            verbosity = 2
            verbosity = 1
        TextTestRunner(stream=stdout, verbosity=verbosity).run(suite)
    test.assertTrue(exists(fp), "%s set to an invalid file path: %s" %\

    modes = {R_OK:"readable",
    #test if file readable    
    test.assertTrue(access(fp, access_var),
                    "%s is not %s: %s" % (variable, modes[access_var], fp))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    qiime_config = load_qiime_config()
    rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath == None:
        rdp_version = "Not installed."
        rdp_version = split(rdp_jarpath)[1]

    system_info = [
     ("Platform", platform),
     ("Python version",python_version.replace('\n', ' ')),
     ("Python executable",executable)]
    max_len =  max([len(e[0]) for e in system_info])
    print "\nSystem information"
    print  "==================" 
    for v in system_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len,v[0],v[1])
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    if opts.haiku:
        print "QIIME provides insight\nmicrobial in nature\nto ecology"

    qiime_config = load_qiime_config()
    test = opts.test
    qiime_base_install = opts.qiime_base_install

    rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        rdp_version = "Not installed."
        rdp_version = split(rdp_jarpath)[1]

    java_version = get_java_version()
    if java_version is None:
        java_version = "Not installed."

    system_info = [("Platform", platform),
                   ("Python version", python_version.replace('\n', ' ')),
                   ("Python executable", executable)]
    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in system_info])
    print "\nSystem information"
    print "=================="
    for v in system_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    version_info = [("NumPy version", numpy_lib_version),
                    ("SciPy version", scipy_lib_version),
                    ("matplotlib version", matplotlib_lib_version),
                    ("biom-format version", biom_lib_version),
                    ("qcli version", qcli_lib_version),
                    ("pyqi version", pyqi_lib_version),
                    ("scikit-bio version", skbio_lib_version),
                    ("QIIME library version", get_qiime_library_version()),
                    ("QIIME script version", __version__),
                    ("PyNAST version (if installed)", pynast_lib_version),
                    ("Emperor version", emperor_lib_version)]
    if not qiime_base_install:
        version_info += [("RDP Classifier version (if installed)",
                         ("Java version (if installed)", java_version)]

    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in version_info])
    print "\nDependency versions"
    print "==================="
    for v in version_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    print "\nQIIME config values"
    print "==================="
    max_len = max([len(key) for key in qiime_config])
    for key, value in qiime_config.items():
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, key, value)

    if test:
        if qiime_base_install:
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyBase)
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyFull)
        if opts.verbose:
            verbosity = 2
            verbosity = 1
        TextTestRunner(stream=stdout, verbosity=verbosity).run(suite)
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    if opts.haiku:
        print "QIIME provides insight\nmicrobial in nature\nto ecology"

    qiime_config = load_qiime_config()
    test = opts.test
    qiime_full_install = opts.qiime_full_install

    rdp_jarpath = get_rdp_jarpath()
    if rdp_jarpath is None:
        rdp_version = "Not installed."
        rdp_version = split(rdp_jarpath)[1]

    java_version = get_java_version()
    if java_version is None:
        java_version = "Not installed."

    system_info = [
        ("Platform", platform),
        ("Python version", python_version.replace('\n', ' ')),
        ("Python executable", executable)]
    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in system_info])
    print "\nSystem information"
    print "=================="
    for v in system_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    print "\nQIIME default reference information"
    print "==================================="
    print "For details on what files are used as QIIME's default references, see here:"
    print " https://github.com/biocore/qiime-default-reference/releases/tag/%s" % qdr_lib_version

    version_info = [
        ("QIIME library version", get_qiime_library_version()),
        ("QIIME script version", __version__),
        ("qiime-default-reference version", qdr_lib_version),
        ("NumPy version", numpy_lib_version),
        ("SciPy version", scipy_lib_version),
        ("pandas version", pandas_lib_version),
        ("matplotlib version", matplotlib_lib_version),
        ("biom-format version", biom_lib_version),
        ("h5py version", h5py_lib_version),
        ("qcli version", qcli_lib_version),
        ("pyqi version", pyqi_lib_version),
        ("scikit-bio version", skbio_lib_version),
        ("PyNAST version", pynast_lib_version),
        ("Emperor version", emperor_lib_version),
        ("burrito version", burrito_lib_version),
        ("burrito-fillings version", bfillings_lib_version),
        ("sortmerna version", sortmerna_lib_version),
        ("sumaclust version", sumaclust_lib_version),
        ("swarm version", swarm_lib_version),
        ("gdata", gdata_installed)

    if qiime_full_install:
        version_info += [
            ("RDP Classifier version (if installed)", rdp_version),
            ("Java version (if installed)", java_version)]

    max_len = max([len(e[0]) for e in version_info])
    print "\nDependency versions"
    print "==================="
    for v in version_info:
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, v[0], v[1])

    print "\nQIIME config values"
    print "==================="
    print "For definitions of these settings and to learn how to configure QIIME, see here:"
    print " http://qiime.org/install/qiime_config.html"
    print " http://qiime.org/tutorials/parallel_qiime.html\n"
    max_len = max([len(key) for key in qiime_config])
    for key, value in qiime_config.items():
        print "%*s:\t%s" % (max_len, key, value)

    if test:
        if qiime_full_install:
            print "\nQIIME full install test results"
            print "==============================="
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyFull)
            print "\nQIIME base install test results"
            print "==============================="
            suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QIIMEDependencyBase)
        if opts.verbose:
            verbosity = 2
            verbosity = 1
        TextTestRunner(stream=stdout, verbosity=verbosity).run(suite)