Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_huge_queue(self):
        self.conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        # add tons of inserts to queue
        for x in range(120):
                "INSERT INTO qiita.qiita_user (email, name, password) VALUES "
                "(%s, %s, %s)", ['*****@*****.**' % x, 'Toy', 'pass'])
        # add failing insert as final item in queue
            "INSERT INTO qiita.qiita_BADTABLE (email, name, password) VALUES "
            "(%s, %s, %s)", ['*****@*****.**' % x, 'Toy', 'pass'])
            "toy_queue", "UPDATE qiita.qiita_user SET user_level_id = 1 "
            "WHERE email = %s and password = %s", [{0}, {1}])
        with self.assertRaises(QiitaDBExecutionError):

        # make sure roll back correctly
        obs = self.conn_handler.execute_fetchall(
            "SELECT * from qiita.qiita_user WHERE email LIKE "
            "'%[email protected]%'")
        self.assertEqual(obs, [])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def class_modifier(cls):
        # First, we check that we are not in a production environment
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        # It is possible that we are connecting to a production database
        test_db = conn_handler.execute_fetchone("SELECT test FROM settings")[0]
        # Or the loaded configuration file belongs to a production environment
        # or the test database is not qiita_test
        if not qiita_config.test_environment or not test_db \
                or qiita_config.database != 'qiita_test':
            raise RuntimeError("Working in a production environment. Not "
                               "executing the tests to keep the production "
                               "database safe.")

        # Now, we decorate the setup and teardown functions
        class DecoratedClass(cls):
            def setUp(self):
                super(DecoratedClass, self).setUp()
                self.conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()

            def tearDown(self):
                super(DecoratedClass, self).tearDown()
                del self.conn_handler

        return DecoratedClass
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setUp(self):
     if self.database:
         self.conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
         # Drop the schema
         self.conn_handler.execute("DROP SCHEMA qiita CASCADE")
         # Create the schema
         with open(LAYOUT_FP, 'U') as f:
         # Initialize the database
         with open(INITIALIZE_FP, 'U') as f:
         # Populate the database
         with open(POPULATE_FP, 'U') as f:
     super(TestHandlerBase, self).setUp()
Exemplo n.º 4
class TestHandlerBase(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
    database = False
    conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
    app = Application()

    def get_app(self):
        BaseHandler.get_current_user = Mock(return_value=User("*****@*****.**"))
        return self.app

    def setUp(self):
        if self.database:
            # First, we check that we are not in a production environment
            # It is possible that we are connecting to a production database
            test_db = self.conn_handler.execute_fetchone(
                "SELECT test FROM settings")[0]
            # Or the loaded config file belongs to a production environment
            if not qiita_config.test_environment or not test_db:
                raise RuntimeError("Working in a production environment. Not "
                                   "executing the tests to keep the production"
                                   " database safe.")

            # Drop the schema and rebuild the test database

        super(TestHandlerBase, self).setUp()

    # helpers from http://www.peterbe.com/plog/tricks-asynchttpclient-tornado
    def get(self, url, data=None, headers=None, doseq=True):
        if data is not None:
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                data = urlencode(data, doseq=doseq)
            if '?' in url:
                url += '&%s' % data
                url += '?%s' % data
        return self._fetch(url, 'GET', headers=headers)

    def post(self, url, data, headers=None, doseq=True):
        if data is not None:
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                data = urlencode(data, doseq=doseq)
        return self._fetch(url, 'POST', data, headers)

    def _fetch(self, url, method, data=None, headers=None):
        self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url(url), self.stop, method=method,
                               body=data, headers=headers)
        return self.wait()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(self, searchstr, user):
        """Runs a Study query and returns matching studies and samples

        searchstr : str
            Search string to use
        user : User object
            User making the search. Needed for permissions checks.

            Found samples in format
            {study_id: [[samp_id1, meta1, meta2, ...],
                        [samp_id2, meta1, meta2, ...], ...}
            metadata column names searched for

        Metadata information for each sample is in the same order as the
        metadata columns list returned

        Metadata column names and string searches are case-sensitive
        study_sql, sample_sql, meta_headers = \
            self._parse_study_search_string(searchstr, True)
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        # get all studies containing the metadata headers requested
        study_ids = {x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(study_sql)}
        # strip to only studies user has access to
        if user.level not in {'admin', 'dev', 'superuser'}:
            study_ids = study_ids.intersection(
                Study.get_by_status('public') + user.user_studies +

        results = {}
        # run search on each study to get out the matching samples
        for sid in study_ids:
            study_res = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sample_sql.format(sid))
            if study_res:
                # only add study to results if actually has samples in results
                results[sid] = study_res
        return results, meta_headers
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_queue_fail(self):
        """Fail if no results data exists for substitution"""
        self.conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
            "INSERT INTO qiita.qiita_user (email, name, password) VALUES "
            "(%s, %s, %s)", ['*****@*****.**', 'Toy', 'pass'])
            "toy_queue", "UPDATE qiita.qiita_user SET user_level_id = 1 "
            "WHERE email = %s and password = %s", [{0}, {1}])

        with self.assertRaises(QiitaDBExecutionError):

        # make sure roll back correctly
        obs = self.conn_handler.execute_fetchall(
            "SELECT * from qiita.qiita_user WHERE email = %s",
        self.assertEqual(obs, [])
Exemplo n.º 7
def reset_test_database(wrapped_fn):
    """Decorator that drops the qiita schema, rebuilds and repopulates the
    schema with test data, then executes wrapped_fn
    conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()

    def decorated_wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs):
        # Drop the schema
        conn_handler.execute("DROP SCHEMA qiita CASCADE")
        # Create the schema
        with open(LAYOUT_FP, 'U') as f:
        # Initialize the database
        with open(INITIALIZE_FP, 'U') as f:
        # Populate the database
        with open(POPULATE_FP, 'U') as f:
        # Execute the wrapped function
        return wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs)

    return decorated_wrapped_fn
Exemplo n.º 8
# 23 Nov, 2014
# This patch creates all the qiime mapping files for the existing
# prep templates

from qiita_db.util import get_mountpoint
from qiita_db.sql_connection import SQLConnectionHandler
from qiita_db.metadata_template import PrepTemplate

conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()

_id, fp_base = get_mountpoint('templates')[0]

for prep_template_id in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(
        "SELECT prep_template_id FROM qiita.prep_template"):
    prep_template_id = prep_template_id[0]
    pt = PrepTemplate(prep_template_id)
    study_id = pt.study_id

    for _, fpt in pt.get_filepaths():
Exemplo n.º 9
 def setUp(self):
     super(DecoratedClass, self).setUp()
     self.conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
Exemplo n.º 10
 def postgres_test(**kwargs):
     """Open a connection and query postgres"""
     from qiita_db.sql_connection import SQLConnectionHandler
     c = SQLConnectionHandler()
     return c.execute_fetchone("SELECT 42")[0]