Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_qfi(self, method):
        """Test if the quantum fisher information calculation is correct

        QFI = [[1, 0], [0, 1]] - [[0, 0], [0, cos^2(a)]]

        a = Parameter('a')
        b = Parameter('b')
        params = [a, b]

        q = QuantumRegister(1)
        qc = QuantumCircuit(q)
        qc.rz(params[0], q[0])
        qc.rx(params[1], q[0])

        op = CircuitStateFn(primitive=qc, coeff=1.)
        qfi = QFI(qfi_method=method).convert(operator=op, params=params)
        values_dict = [{
            params[0]: np.pi / 4,
            params[1]: 0.1
        }, {
            params[0]: np.pi,
            params[1]: 0.1
        }, {
            params[0]: np.pi / 2,
            params[1]: 0.1
        correct_values = [[[1, 0], [0, 0.5]], [[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[1, 0],
                                                                 [0, 1]]]
        for i, value_dict in enumerate(values_dict):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
                 grad_method: Union[str, CircuitGradient] = 'lin_comb',
                 qfi_method: Union[str, CircuitQFI] = 'lin_comb_full',
                 regularization: Optional[str] = None,
            grad_method: The method used to compute the state gradient. Can be either
                ``'param_shift'`` or ``'lin_comb'`` or ``'fin_diff'``.
            qfi_method: The method used to compute the QFI. Can be either
                ``'lin_comb_full'`` or ``'overlap_block_diag'`` or ``'overlap_diag'``.
            regularization: Use the following regularization with a least square method to solve the
                underlying system of linear equations
                Can be either None or ``'ridge'`` or ``'lasso'`` or ``'perturb_diag'``
                ``'ridge'`` and ``'lasso'`` use an automatic optimal parameter search
                If regularization is None but the metric is ill-conditioned or singular then
                a least square solver is used without regularization
            kwargs (dict): Optional parameters for a CircuitGradient

        self._qfi_method = QFI(qfi_method)
        self._regularization = regularization
        self._epsilon = kwargs.get('epsilon', 1e-6)
Exemplo n.º 3
class NaturalGradient(GradientBase):
    r"""Convert an operator expression to the first-order gradient.

    Given an ill-posed inverse problem

        x = arg min{||Ax-C||^2} (1)

    one can use regularization schemes can be used to stabilize the system and find a numerical

        x_lambda = arg min{||Ax-C||^2 + lambda*R(x)} (2)

    where R(x) represents the penalization term.

    def __init__(self,
                 grad_method: Union[str, CircuitGradient] = 'lin_comb',
                 qfi_method: Union[str, CircuitQFI] = 'lin_comb_full',
                 regularization: Optional[str] = None,
            grad_method: The method used to compute the state gradient. Can be either
                ``'param_shift'`` or ``'lin_comb'`` or ``'fin_diff'``.
            qfi_method: The method used to compute the QFI. Can be either
                ``'lin_comb_full'`` or ``'overlap_block_diag'`` or ``'overlap_diag'``.
            regularization: Use the following regularization with a least square method to solve the
                underlying system of linear equations
                Can be either None or ``'ridge'`` or ``'lasso'`` or ``'perturb_diag'``
                ``'ridge'`` and ``'lasso'`` use an automatic optimal parameter search
                If regularization is None but the metric is ill-conditioned or singular then
                a least square solver is used without regularization
            kwargs (dict): Optional parameters for a CircuitGradient

        self._qfi_method = QFI(qfi_method)
        self._regularization = regularization
        self._epsilon = kwargs.get('epsilon', 1e-6)

    # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
    def convert(self,
                operator: OperatorBase,
                params: Optional[Union[ParameterVector, ParameterExpression,
                                       List[ParameterExpression]]] = None
                ) -> OperatorBase:
            operator: The operator we are taking the gradient of.
            params: The parameters we are taking the gradient with respect to.

            An operator whose evaluation yields the NaturalGradient.

            TypeError: If ``operator`` does not represent an expectation value or the quantum
                state is not ``CircuitStateFn``.
            ValueError: If ``params`` contains a parameter not present in ``operator``.
        if not isinstance(operator, ComposedOp) or not isinstance(operator[-1], CircuitStateFn):
            raise TypeError(
                'Please make sure that the operator for which you want to compute Quantum '
                'Fisher Information represents an expectation value and that the quantum '
                'state is given as CircuitStateFn.')
        if not isinstance(params, Iterable):
            params = [params]
        grad = Gradient(self._grad_method, epsilon=self._epsilon).convert(operator, params)
        metric = self._qfi_method.convert(operator[-1], params) * 0.25

        def combo_fn(x):
            c = np.real(x[0])
            a = np.real(x[1])
            if self.regularization:
                nat_grad = NaturalGradient._regularized_sle_solver(
                    a, c, regularization=self.regularization)
                    nat_grad = np.linalg.solve(a, c)
                except np.LinAlgError:
                    nat_grad = np.linalg.lstsq(a, c)
            return np.real(nat_grad)

        return ListOp([grad, metric], combo_fn=combo_fn)

    def qfi_method(self) -> CircuitQFI:
        """Returns ``CircuitQFI``.

        Returns: ``CircuitQFI``

        return self._qfi_method.qfi_method

    def regularization(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Returns the regularization option.

        Returns: the regularization option.

        return self._regularization

    def _reg_term_search(a: np.ndarray,
                         c: np.ndarray,
                         reg_method: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float], float],
                         lambda1: float = 1e-3,
                         lambda4: float = 1.,
                         tol: float = 1e-8) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
        This method implements a search for a regularization parameter lambda by finding for the
        corner of the L-curve
        More explicitly, one has to evaluate a suitable lambda by finding a compromise between
        the error in the solution and the norm of the regularization.
        This function implements a method presented in
        `A simple algorithm to find the L-curve corner in the regularization of inverse problems
            a: see (1) and (2)
            c: see (1) and (2)
            reg_method: Given A, C and lambda the regularization method must return x_lambda
            - see (2)
            lambda1: left starting point for L-curve corner search
            lambda4: right starting point for L-curve corner search
            tol: termination threshold

            regularization coefficient, solution to the regularization inverse problem

        def _get_curvature(x_lambda: List) -> Union[int, float]:
            """Calculate Menger curvature

            Menger, K. (1930).  Untersuchungen  ̈uber Allgemeine Metrik. Math. Ann.,103(1), 466–501

                x_lambda: [[x_lambdaj], [x_lambdak], [x_lambdal]]
                    lambdaj < lambdak < lambdal

                Menger Curvature

            eps = []
            eta = []
            for x in x_lambda:
                    eps.append(np.log(np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(a, x) - c) ** 2))
                except ValueError:
                    eps.append(np.log(np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(a, np.transpose(x)) - c) ** 2))
                eta.append(np.log(max(np.linalg.norm(x) ** 2, 1e-6)))
            p_temp = 1
            c_k = 0
            for i in range(3):
                p_temp *= (eps[np.mod(i + 1, 3)] - eps[i]) ** 2 + (eta[np.mod(i + 1, 3)] - eta[i]) \
                          ** 2
                c_k += eps[i] * eta[np.mod(i + 1, 3)] - eps[np.mod(i + 1, 3)] * eta[i]
            c_k = 2 * c_k / max(1e-4, np.sqrt(p_temp))
            return c_k

        def get_lambda2_lambda3(lambda1, lambda4):
            gold_sec = (1 + np.sqrt(5)) / 2.
            lambda2 = 10 ** ((np.log10(lambda4) + np.log10(lambda1) * gold_sec) / (1 + gold_sec))
            lambda3 = 10 ** (np.log10(lambda1) + np.log10(lambda4) - np.log10(lambda2))
            return lambda2, lambda3

        lambda2, lambda3 = get_lambda2_lambda3(lambda1, lambda4)
        lambda_ = [lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, lambda4]
        x_lambda = []
        for lam in lambda_:
            x_lambda.append(reg_method(a, c, lam))
        counter = 0
        while (lambda_[3] - lambda_[0]) / lambda_[3] >= tol:
            counter += 1
            c_2 = _get_curvature(x_lambda[:-1])
            c_3 = _get_curvature(x_lambda[1:])
            while c_3 < 0:
                lambda_[3] = lambda_[2]
                x_lambda[3] = x_lambda[2]
                lambda_[2] = lambda_[1]
                x_lambda[2] = x_lambda[1]
                lambda2, _ = get_lambda2_lambda3(lambda_[0], lambda_[3])
                lambda_[1] = lambda2
                x_lambda[1] = reg_method(a, c, lambda_[1])
                c_3 = _get_curvature(x_lambda[1:])

            if c_2 > c_3:
                lambda_mc = lambda_[1]
                x_mc = x_lambda[1]
                lambda_[3] = lambda_[2]
                x_lambda[3] = x_lambda[2]
                lambda_[2] = lambda_[1]
                x_lambda[2] = x_lambda[1]
                lambda2, _ = get_lambda2_lambda3(lambda_[0], lambda_[3])
                lambda_[1] = lambda2
                x_lambda[1] = reg_method(a, c, lambda_[1])
                lambda_mc = lambda_[2]
                x_mc = x_lambda[2]
                lambda_[0] = lambda_[1]
                x_lambda[0] = x_lambda[1]
                lambda_[1] = lambda_[2]
                x_lambda[1] = x_lambda[2]
                _, lambda3 = get_lambda2_lambda3(lambda_[0], lambda_[3])
                lambda_[2] = lambda3
                x_lambda[2] = reg_method(a, c, lambda_[2])
        return lambda_mc, x_mc

    def _ridge(a: np.ndarray,
               c: np.ndarray,
               lambda_: float = 1.,
               lambda1: float = 1e-4,
               lambda4: float = 1e-1,
               tol_search: float = 1e-8,
               fit_intercept: bool = True,
               normalize: bool = False,
               copy_a: bool = True,
               max_iter: int = 1000,
               tol: float = 0.0001,
               solver: str = 'auto',
               random_state: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
        Ridge Regression with automatic search for a good regularization term lambda
        x_lambda = arg min{||Ax-C||^2 + lambda*||x||_2^2} (3)
        `Scikit Learn Ridge Regression
            a: see (1) and (2)
            c: see (1) and (2)
            lambda_ : regularization parameter used if auto_search = False
            lambda1: left starting point for L-curve corner search
            lambda4: right starting point for L-curve corner search
            tol_search: termination threshold for regularization parameter search
            fit_intercept: if True calculate intercept
            normalize: deprecated if fit_intercept=False, if True normalize A for regression
            copy_a: if True A is copied, else overwritten
            max_iter: max. number of iterations if solver is CG
            tol: precision of the regression solution
            solver: solver {‘auto’, ‘svd’, ‘cholesky’, ‘lsqr’, ‘sparse_cg’, ‘sag’, ‘saga’}
            random_state: seed for the pseudo random number generator used when data is shuffled

           regularization coefficient, solution to the regularization inverse problem


        from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
        reg = Ridge(alpha=lambda_, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, copy_X=copy_a,
                    tol=tol, solver=solver, random_state=random_state)

        def reg_method(a, c, alpha):
            reg.fit(a, c)
            return reg.coef_

        lambda_mc, x_mc = NaturalGradient._reg_term_search(a, c, reg_method, lambda1=lambda1,
                                                           lambda4=lambda4, tol=tol_search)
        return lambda_mc, np.transpose(x_mc)

    def _lasso(a: np.ndarray,
               c: np.ndarray,
               lambda_: float = 1.,
               lambda1: float = 1e-4,
               lambda4: float = 1e-1,
               tol_search: float = 1e-8,
               fit_intercept: bool = True,
               normalize: bool = False,
               precompute: Union[bool, Iterable] = False,
               copy_a: bool = True,
               max_iter: int = 1000,
               tol: float = 0.0001,
               warm_start: bool = False,
               positive: bool = False,
               random_state: Optional[int] = None,
               selection: str = 'random') -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
        Lasso Regression with automatic search for a good regularization term lambda
        x_lambda = arg min{||Ax-C||^2/(2*n_samples) + lambda*||x||_1} (4)
        `Scikit Learn Lasso Regression

            a: mxn matrix
            c: m vector
            lambda_ : regularization parameter used if auto_search = False
            lambda1: left starting point for L-curve corner search
            lambda4: right starting point for L-curve corner search
            tol_search: termination threshold for regularization parameter search
            fit_intercept: if True calculate intercept
            normalize: deprecated if fit_intercept=False, if True normalize A for regression
            precompute: If True compute and use Gram matrix to speed up calculations.
                                             Gram matrix can also be given explicitly
            copy_a: if True A is copied, else overwritten
            max_iter: max. number of iterations if solver is CG
            tol: precision of the regression solution
            warm_start: if True reuse solution from previous fit as initialization
            positive: if True force positive coefficients
            random_state: seed for the pseudo random number generator used when data is shuffled
            selection: {'cyclic', 'random'}

            regularization coefficient, solution to the regularization inverse problem

        from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
        reg = Lasso(alpha=lambda_, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize,
                    copy_X=copy_a, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, warm_start=warm_start,
                    random_state=random_state, selection=selection)

        def reg_method(a, c, alpha):
            reg.fit(a, c)
            return reg.coef_

        lambda_mc, x_mc = NaturalGradient._reg_term_search(a, c, reg_method, lambda1=lambda1,
                                                           lambda4=lambda4, tol=tol_search)

        return lambda_mc, x_mc

    def _regularized_sle_solver(a: np.ndarray,
                                c: np.ndarray,
                                regularization: str = 'perturb_diag',
                                lambda1: float = 1e-3,
                                lambda4: float = 1.,
                                alpha: float = 0.,
                                tol_norm_x: Tuple[float, float] = (1e-8, 5.),
                                tol_cond_a: float = 1000.) -> np.ndarray:
        Solve a linear system of equations with a regularization method and automatic lambda fitting
            a: mxn matrix
            c: m vector
            regularization: Regularization scheme to be used: 'ridge', 'lasso',
                'perturb_diag_elements' or 'perturb_diag'
            lambda1: left starting point for L-curve corner search (for 'ridge' and 'lasso')
            lambda4: right starting point for L-curve corner search (for 'ridge' and 'lasso')
            alpha: perturbation coefficient for 'perturb_diag_elements' and 'perturb_diag'
            tol_norm_x: tolerance for the norm of x
            tol_cond_a: tolerance for the condition number of A

            solution to the regularized system of linear equations

        if regularization == 'ridge':
            _, x = NaturalGradient._ridge(a, c, lambda1=lambda1)
        elif regularization == 'lasso':
            _, x = NaturalGradient._lasso(a, c, lambda1=lambda1)
        elif regularization == 'perturb_diag_elements':
            alpha = 1e-7
            while np.linalg.cond(a + alpha * np.diag(a)) > tol_cond_a:
                alpha *= 10
            # include perturbation in A to avoid singularity
            x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a + alpha * np.diag(a), c, rcond=None)
        elif regularization == 'perturb_diag':
            alpha = 1e-7
            while np.linalg.cond(a + alpha * np.eye(len(c))) > tol_cond_a:
                alpha *= 10
            # include perturbation in A to avoid singularity
            x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a + alpha * np.eye(len(c)), c, rcond=None)
            # include perturbation in A to avoid singularity
            x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a, c, rcond=None)

        if np.linalg.norm(x) > tol_norm_x[1] or np.linalg.norm(x) < tol_norm_x[0]:
            if regularization == 'ridge':
                lambda1 = lambda1 / 10.
                _, x = NaturalGradient._ridge(a, c, lambda1=lambda1, lambda4=lambda4)
            elif regularization == 'lasso':
                lambda1 = lambda1 / 10.
                _, x = NaturalGradient._lasso(a, c, lambda1=lambda1)
            elif regularization == 'perturb_diag_elements':
                while np.linalg.cond(a + alpha * np.diag(a)) > tol_cond_a:
                    if alpha == 0:
                        alpha = 1e-7
                        alpha *= 10
                # include perturbation in A to avoid singularity
                x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a + alpha * np.diag(a), c, rcond=None)
                if alpha == 0:
                    alpha = 1e-7
                    alpha *= 10
                while np.linalg.cond(a + alpha * np.eye(len(c))) > tol_cond_a:
                    # include perturbation in A to avoid singularity
                    x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a + alpha * np.eye(len(c)), c, rcond=None)
                    alpha *= 10
        return x