Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self,
              operator: BaseOperator,
              initial_state: InitialState,
              evo_operator: BaseOperator,
              evo_time: float = 1,
              num_time_slices: int = 1,
              expansion_mode: str = 'trotter',
              expansion_order: int = 1) -> None:
         operator: Operator to evaluate
         initial_state: Initial state for evolution
         evo_operator: Operator to evolve
         evo_time: Evolution time, has min value of 0
         num_time_slices: Number of time slices, has minimum value of 1
         expansion_mode: Either ``"trotter"`` (Lloyd's method) or ``"suzuki"``
             (for Trotter-Suzuki expansion)
         expansion_order: The Trotter-Suzuki expansion order.
     validate_min('evo_time', evo_time, 0)
     validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
     validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode,
                     {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
     validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
     self._operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(operator)
     self._initial_state = initial_state
     self._evo_operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(
     self._evo_time = evo_time
     self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
     self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
     self._expansion_order = expansion_order
     self._ret = {}
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, operator: LegacyBaseOperator,
              initial_state: Union[InitialState, QuantumCircuit],
              evo_operator: LegacyBaseOperator,
              evo_time: float = 1,
              num_time_slices: int = 1,
              expansion_mode: str = 'trotter',
              expansion_order: int = 1,
              quantum_instance: Optional[
                  Union[QuantumInstance, BaseBackend, Backend]] = None) -> None:
         operator: Operator to evaluate
         initial_state: Initial state for evolution
         evo_operator: Operator to evolve
         evo_time: Evolution time, has min value of 0
         num_time_slices: Number of time slices, has minimum value of 1
         expansion_mode: Either ``"trotter"`` (Lloyd's method) or ``"suzuki"``
             (for Trotter-Suzuki expansion)
         expansion_order: The Trotter-Suzuki expansion order.
         quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend
     validate_min('evo_time', evo_time, 0)
     validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
     validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode, {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
     validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
     self._operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(operator)
     self._initial_state = initial_state
     self._evo_operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(evo_operator)
     self._evo_time = evo_time
     self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
     self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
     self._expansion_order = expansion_order
     self._ret = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self,
              feature_dimension: int,
              depth: int = 2,
              entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
              entanglement: str = 'full',
              data_map_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], float] = self_product) -> None:
         feature_dimension: The number of features
         depth: The number of repeated circuits. Defaults to 2, has a minimum value of 1.
         entangler_map: Describes the connectivity of qubits, each list in the overall list
             describes [source, target]. Defaults to ``None`` where the map is created as per
             *entanglement* parameter.
             Note that the order in the list is the order of applying the two-qubit gate.
         entanglement: ('full' | 'linear'), generate the qubit connectivity by a predefined
             topology. Defaults to full which connects every qubit to each other. Linear
             connects each qubit to the next.
         data_map_func: A mapping function for data x which can be supplied to override the
             default mapping from :meth:`self_product`.
     warnings.warn('The qiskit.aqua.components.feature_maps.SecondOrderExpansion object is '
                   'deprecated as of 0.7.0 and will be removed no sooner than 3 months after '
                   'the release. You should use qiskit.circuit.library.ZZFeatureMap instead.',
                   DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
     validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
     validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
     super().__init__(feature_dimension, depth, entangler_map, entanglement,
                      z_order=2, data_map_func=data_map_func)
    def __init__(
            feature_dimension: int,
            depth: int = 2,
            entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
            entanglement: str = 'full',
            data_map_func: Callable[[np.ndarray],
                                    float] = self_product) -> None:

            feature_dimension: number of features
            depth: the number of repeated circuits, has a min. value of 1.
            entangler_map: describe the connectivity of qubits, each list describes
                                        [source, target], or None for full entanglement.
                                        Note that the order is the list is the order of
                                        applying the two-qubit gate.
            entanglement: ['full', 'linear'], generate the qubit connectivity by predefined
            data_map_func: a mapping function for data x
        validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
        validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(
            self, operator: BaseOperator, state_in: Optional[InitialState],
            iqft: IQFT, num_time_slices: int = 1,
            num_ancillae: int = 1, expansion_mode: str = 'trotter',
            expansion_order: int = 1, shallow_circuit_concat: bool = False) -> None:

            operator: The Hamiltonian Operator
            state_in: An optional InitialState component representing an initial quantum state.
                ``None`` may be supplied.
            iqft: A Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform component
            num_time_slices: The number of time slices, has a minimum value of 1.
            num_ancillae: The number of ancillary qubits to use for the measurement,
                has a min. value of 1.
            expansion_mode: The expansion mode ('trotter'|'suzuki')
            expansion_order: The suzuki expansion order, has a min. value of 1.
            shallow_circuit_concat: Set True to use shallow (cheap) mode for circuit concatenation
                of evolution slices. By default this is False.
                See :meth:`qiskit.aqua.operators.common.evolution_instruction` for more information.
        validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
        validate_min('num_ancillae', num_ancillae, 1)
        validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode, {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
        validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
        self._operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(operator.copy())
        self._num_ancillae = num_ancillae
        self._ret = {}

        self._ret['translation'] = sum([abs(p[0]) for p in self._operator.reorder_paulis()])
        self._ret['stretch'] = 0.5 / self._ret['translation']

        # translate the operator
        translation_op = WeightedPauliOperator([
        self._operator += translation_op
        self._pauli_list = self._operator.reorder_paulis()

        # stretch the operator
        for p in self._pauli_list:
            p[0] = p[0] * self._ret['stretch']

        self._phase_estimation_circuit = PhaseEstimationCircuit(
            operator=self._operator, state_in=state_in, iqft=iqft,
            num_time_slices=num_time_slices, num_ancillae=num_ancillae,
            expansion_mode=expansion_mode, expansion_order=expansion_order,
            shallow_circuit_concat=shallow_circuit_concat, pauli_list=self._pauli_list
        self._binary_fractions = [1 / 2 ** p for p in range(1, num_ancillae + 1)]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,
                 num_qubits: int,
                 depth: int = 3,
                 entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
                 entanglement: str = 'full',
                 initial_state: Optional[InitialState] = None,
                 entanglement_gate: str = 'cz',
                 skip_unentangled_qubits: bool = False) -> None:
            num_qubits: Number of qubits, has a minimum value of 1.
            depth: Number of rotation layers, has a minimum value of 1.
            entangler_map: Describe the connectivity of qubits, each list pair describes
                [source, target], or None for as defined by `entanglement`.
                Note that the order is the list is the order of applying the two-qubit gate.
            entanglement: ('full' | 'linear') overridden by 'entangler_map` if its
                provided. 'full' is all-to-all entanglement, 'linear' is nearest-neighbor.
            initial_state: An initial state object
            entanglement_gate: ('cz' | 'cx')
            skip_unentangled_qubits: Skip the qubits not in the entangler_map
            'The qiskit.aqua.components.variational_forms.RYRZ object is deprecated as '
            'of 0.7.0 and will be removed no sooner than 3 months after the release. You '
            'should use qiskit.circuit.library.EfficientSU2 (uses CX entangling) or '
            'qiskit.circuit.library.TwoLocal instead.',

        validate_min('num_qubits', num_qubits, 1)
        validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
        validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
        validate_in_set('entanglement_gate', entanglement_gate, {'cz', 'cx'})
        self._num_qubits = num_qubits
        self._depth = depth
        if entangler_map is None:
            self._entangler_map = VariationalForm.get_entangler_map(
                entanglement, num_qubits)
            self._entangler_map = VariationalForm.validate_entangler_map(
                entangler_map, num_qubits)
        # determine the entangled qubits
        all_qubits = []
        for src, targ in self._entangler_map:
            all_qubits.extend([src, targ])
        self._entangled_qubits = sorted(list(set(all_qubits)))
        self._initial_state = initial_state
        self._entanglement_gate = entanglement_gate
        self._skip_unentangled_qubits = skip_unentangled_qubits

        # for the first layer
        self._num_parameters = len(self._entangled_qubits) * 2 if self._skip_unentangled_qubits \
            else self._num_qubits * 2
        # for repeated block
        self._num_parameters += len(self._entangled_qubits) * depth * 2
        self._bounds = [(-np.pi, np.pi)] * self._num_parameters
        self._support_parameterized_circuit = True
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self,
              num_qubits: int,
              state: str = 'zero',
              state_vector: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, StateFn]] = None,
              circuit: Optional[QuantumCircuit] = None) -> None:
         num_qubits: Number of qubits, has a minimum value of 1.
         state: Use a predefined state of ('zero' | 'uniform' | 'random')
         state_vector: An optional vector of ``complex`` or ``float`` representing the state as
             a probability distribution which will be normalized to a total probability of 1
             when initializing the qubits. The length of the vector must be :math:`2^q`, where
             :math:`q` is the *num_qubits* value. When provided takes precedence over *state*.
         circuit: A quantum circuit for the desired initial state. When provided takes
             precedence over both *state_vector* and *state*.
         AquaError: invalid input
     validate_min('num_qubits', num_qubits, 1)
     validate_in_set('state', state, {'zero', 'uniform', 'random'})
     self._num_qubits = num_qubits
     self._state = state
     size = np.power(2, self._num_qubits)
     self._circuit = None
     if isinstance(state_vector, StateFn):
         state_vector = state_vector.to_matrix()
     # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable
     if circuit is not None:
         if circuit.width() != num_qubits:
             logger.warning('The specified num_qubits and '
                            'the provided custom circuit do not match.')
         self._circuit = convert_to_basis_gates(circuit)
         if state_vector is not None:
             self._state = None
             self._state_vector = None
                 'The provided state_vector is ignored in favor of '
                 'the provided custom circuit.')
         if state_vector is None:
             if self._state == 'zero':
                 self._state_vector = np.array([1.0] + [0.0] * (size - 1))
             elif self._state == 'uniform':
                 self._state_vector = np.array([1.0 / np.sqrt(size)] * size)
             elif self._state == 'random':
                 self._state_vector = normalize_vector(
                 raise AquaError('Unknown state {}'.format(self._state))
             if len(state_vector) != np.power(2, self._num_qubits):
                 raise AquaError(
                     'The state vector length {} is incompatible with '
                     'the number of qubits {}'.format(
                         len(state_vector), self._num_qubits))
             self._state_vector = normalize_vector(state_vector)
             self._state = None
Exemplo n.º 8
def _check_deprecated_args(init_state, mct_mode, rotation_counts, lam,
    """Check the deprecated args, can be removed 3 months after 0.8.0."""

    # init_state has been renamed to state_preparation
    if init_state is not None:
            'The init_state argument is deprecated as of 0.8.0, and will be removed '
            'no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the '
            'state_preparation argument instead and pass a QuantumCircuit or '
            'Statevector instead of an InitialState.',

    if mct_mode is not None:
            'mct_mode', mct_mode,
            {'basic', 'basic-dirty-ancilla', 'advanced', 'noancilla'})
            'The mct_mode argument is deprecated as of 0.8.0, and will be removed no '
            'earlier than 3 months after the release date. If you want to use a '
            'special MCX mode you should use the GroverOperator in '
            'qiskit.circuit.library directly and pass it to the grover_operator '
            'keyword argument.',

    if rotation_counts is not None:
            'The rotation_counts argument is deprecated as of 0.8.0, and will be '
            'removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. '
            'If you want to use the incremental mode with the rotation_counts '
            'argument or you should use the iterations argument instead and pass '
            'a list of integers',

    if lam is not None:
            'The lam argument is deprecated as of 0.8.0, and will be '
            'removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. '
            'If you want to use the incremental mode with the lam argument, '
            'you should use the iterations argument instead and pass '
            'a list of integers calculated with the lam argument.',

    if num_iterations is not None:
        validate_min('num_iterations', num_iterations, 1)
            'The num_iterations argument is deprecated as of 0.8.0, and will be '
            'removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. '
            'If you want to use the num_iterations argument '
            'you should use the iterations argument instead and pass an integer '
            'for the number of iterations.',
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
                 oracle: Oracle,
                 init_state: Optional[InitialState] = None,
                 incremental: bool = False,
                 num_iterations: int = 1,
                 mct_mode: str = 'basic') -> None:

            oracle: the oracle component
            init_state: the initial quantum state preparation
            incremental: boolean flag for whether to use incremental search mode or not
            num_iterations: the number of iterations to use for amplitude amplification,
                            has a min. value of 1.
            mct_mode: mct mode
            AquaError: evaluate_classically() missing from the input oracle
        validate_min('num_iterations', num_iterations, 1)
            'mct_mode', mct_mode,
            {'basic', 'basic-dirty-ancilla', 'advanced', 'noancilla'})

        if not callable(getattr(oracle, "evaluate_classically", None)):
            raise AquaError(
                'Missing the evaluate_classically() method from the provided oracle instance.'

        self._oracle = oracle
        self._mct_mode = mct_mode
        self._init_state = \
            init_state if init_state else Custom(len(oracle.variable_register), state='uniform')
        self._init_state_circuit = \
            self._init_state.construct_circuit(mode='circuit', register=oracle.variable_register)
        self._init_state_circuit_inverse = self._init_state_circuit.inverse()

        self._diffusion_circuit = self._construct_diffusion_circuit()
        self._max_num_iterations = np.ceil(2**(len(oracle.variable_register) /
        self._incremental = incremental
        self._num_iterations = num_iterations if not incremental else 1
        if incremental:
                'Incremental mode specified, ignoring "num_iterations".')
            if num_iterations > self._max_num_iterations:
                    'The specified value %s for "num_iterations" '
                    'might be too high.', num_iterations)
        self._ret = {}
        self._qc_aa_iteration = None
        self._qc_amplitude_amplification = None
        self._qc_measurement = None
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(
        operator: Optional[Union[OperatorBase, LegacyBaseOperator]] = None,
        state_in: Optional[Union[InitialState, QuantumCircuit]] = None,
        iqft: Optional[QuantumCircuit] = None,
        num_time_slices: int = 1,
        num_ancillae: int = 1,
        expansion_mode: str = 'trotter',
        expansion_order: int = 1,
        shallow_circuit_concat: bool = False,
        quantum_instance: Optional[Union[QuantumInstance, BaseBackend,
                                         Backend]] = None
    ) -> None:

            operator: The Hamiltonian Operator
            state_in: An optional InitialState component representing an initial quantum state.
                ``None`` may be supplied.
            iqft: A Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform component
            num_time_slices: The number of time slices, has a minimum value of 1.
            num_ancillae: The number of ancillary qubits to use for the measurement,
                has a min. value of 1.
            expansion_mode: The expansion mode ('trotter'|'suzuki')
            expansion_order: The suzuki expansion order, has a min. value of 1.
            shallow_circuit_concat: Set True to use shallow (cheap) mode for circuit concatenation
                of evolution slices. By default this is False.
                See :meth:`qiskit.aqua.operators.common.evolution_instruction` for more information.
            quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend
        validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
        validate_min('num_ancillae', num_ancillae, 1)
        validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode,
                        {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
        validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)

        self._state_in = state_in
        self._iqft = iqft
        self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
        self._num_ancillae = num_ancillae
        self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
        self._expansion_order = expansion_order
        self._shallow_circuit_concat = shallow_circuit_concat
        self._binary_fractions = [
            1 / 2**p for p in range(1, self._num_ancillae + 1)
        self._in_operator = operator
        self._operator = None  # type: Optional[WeightedPauliOperator]
        self._ret = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        self._pauli_list = None  # type: Optional[List[List[Union[complex, Pauli]]]]
        self._phase_estimation_circuit = None
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self,
                 bitmaps: Union[str, List[str]],
                 optimization: bool = False,
                 mct_mode: str = 'basic'):
        Constructor for Truth Table-based Oracle

            bitmaps: A single binary string or a list of binary strings
                representing the desired single- and multi-value truth table.
            optimization: Boolean flag for attempting circuit optimization.
                When set, the Quine-McCluskey algorithm is used to compute the prime
                implicants of the truth table,
                and then its exact cover is computed to try to reduce the circuit.
            mct_mode: The mode to use when constructing multiple-control Toffoli.
            AquaError: invalid input
        if isinstance(bitmaps, str):
            bitmaps = [bitmaps]

            'mct_mode', mct_mode,
            {'basic', 'basic-dirty-ancilla', 'advanced', 'noancilla'})

        self._mct_mode = mct_mode.strip().lower()
        self._optimization = optimization

        self._bitmaps = bitmaps

        # check that the input bitmaps length is a power of 2
        if not is_power_of_2(len(bitmaps[0])):
            raise AquaError('Length of any bitmap must be a power of 2.')
        for bitmap in bitmaps[1:]:
            if not len(bitmap) == len(bitmaps[0]):
                raise AquaError('Length of all bitmaps must be the same.')
        self._nbits = int(math.log(len(bitmaps[0]), 2))
        self._num_outputs = len(bitmaps)

        self._lit_to_var = None
        self._var_to_lit = None

        esop_exprs = []
        for bitmap in bitmaps:
            esop_expr = self._get_esop_ast(bitmap)

        self._esops = [
            ESOP(esop_expr, num_vars=self._nbits) for esop_expr in esop_exprs
        ] if esop_exprs else None

Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self,
                 operator: BaseOperator,
                 num_orbitals: int,
                 num_particles: Union[List[int], int],
                 qubit_mapping: str = 'parity',
                 two_qubit_reduction: bool = True,
                 active_occupied: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                 active_unoccupied: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                 is_eom_matrix_symmetric: bool = True,
                 se_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
                 de_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
                 z2_symmetries: Optional[Z2Symmetries] = None,
                 untapered_op: Optional[BaseOperator] = None,
                 aux_operators: Optional[List[BaseOperator]] = None) -> None:
            operator: qubit operator
            num_orbitals:  total number of spin orbitals, has a min. value of 1.
            num_particles: number of particles, if it is a list,
                                        the first number is alpha and the second
                                        number if beta.
            qubit_mapping: qubit mapping type
            two_qubit_reduction: two qubit reduction is applied or not
            active_occupied: list of occupied orbitals to include, indices are
                                    0 to n where n is num particles // 2
            active_unoccupied: list of unoccupied orbitals to include, indices are
                                    0 to m where m is (num_orbitals - num particles) // 2
            is_eom_matrix_symmetric: is EoM matrix symmetric
            se_list: single excitation list, overwrite the setting in active space
            de_list: double excitation list, overwrite the setting in active space
            z2_symmetries: represent the Z2 symmetries
            untapered_op: if the operator is tapered, we need untapered operator
                                         to build element of EoM matrix
            aux_operators: Auxiliary operators to be evaluated at
                                                each eigenvalue
            ValueError: invalid parameter
        validate_min('num_orbitals', num_orbitals, 1)
        validate_in_set('qubit_mapping', qubit_mapping,
                        {'jordan_wigner', 'parity', 'bravyi_kitaev'})
        if isinstance(num_particles, list) and len(num_particles) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'Num particles value {}. Number of values allowed is 2'.format(
        super().__init__(operator, 1, aux_operators)

        self.qeom = QEquationOfMotion(operator, num_orbitals, num_particles,
                                      qubit_mapping, two_qubit_reduction,
                                      active_occupied, active_unoccupied,
                                      is_eom_matrix_symmetric, se_list,
                                      de_list, z2_symmetries, untapered_op)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self,
                 num_qubits: int,
                 state: str = 'zero',
                 state_vector: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
                 circuit: Optional[QuantumCircuit] = None) -> None:

            num_qubits: number of qubits, has a min. value of 1.
            state: `zero`, `uniform` or `random`
            state_vector: customized vector
            circuit: the actual custom circuit for the desired initial state
            AquaError: invalid input
        validate_min('num_qubits', num_qubits, 1)
        validate_in_set('state', state, {'zero', 'uniform', 'random'})
        self._num_qubits = num_qubits
        self._state = state
        size = np.power(2, self._num_qubits)
        self._circuit = None
        if circuit is not None:
            if circuit.width() != num_qubits:
                logger.warning('The specified num_qubits and '
                               'the provided custom circuit do not match.')
            self._circuit = convert_to_basis_gates(circuit)
            if state_vector is not None:
                self._state = None
                self._state_vector = None
                    'The provided state_vector is ignored in favor of '
                    'the provided custom circuit.')
            if state_vector is None:
                if self._state == 'zero':
                    self._state_vector = np.array([1.0] + [0.0] * (size - 1))
                elif self._state == 'uniform':
                    self._state_vector = np.array([1.0 / np.sqrt(size)] * size)
                elif self._state == 'random':
                    self._state_vector = normalize_vector(
                    raise AquaError('Unknown state {}'.format(self._state))
                if len(state_vector) != np.power(2, self._num_qubits):
                    raise AquaError(
                        'The state vector length {} is incompatible with '
                        'the number of qubits {}'.format(
                            len(state_vector), self._num_qubits))
                self._state_vector = normalize_vector(state_vector)
                self._state = None
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(
            feature_dimension: int,
            depth: int = 2,
            entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
            entanglement: str = 'full',
            paulis: Optional[List[str]] = None,
            data_map_func: Callable[[np.ndarray],
                                    float] = self_product) -> None:
            feature_dimension: The number of features
            depth: The number of repeated circuits. Defaults to 2, has a minimum value of 1.
            entangler_map: Describes the connectivity of qubits, each list in the overall list
                describes [source, target]. Defaults to ``None`` where the map is created as per
                *entanglement* parameter.
                Note that the order in the list is the order of applying the two-qubit gate.
            entanglement: ('full' | 'linear'), generate the qubit connectivity by a predefined
                topology. Defaults to full which connects every qubit to each other. Linear
                connects each qubit to the next.
            paulis: a list of strings for to-be-used paulis (a pauli is a any combination
                of I, X, Y ,Z). Note that the order of pauli label is counted from
                right to left as the notation used in Pauli class in Qiskit Terra.
                Defaults to ``None`` whereupon ['Z', 'ZZ'] will be used.
            data_map_func: A mapping function for data x which can be supplied to override the
                default mapping from :meth:`self_product`.
            'The qiskit.aqua.components.feature_maps.PauliExpansion object is '
            'deprecated as of 0.7.0 and will be removed no sooner than 3 months after '
            'the release. You should use qiskit.circuit.library.PauliFeatureMap instead.',

        paulis = paulis if paulis is not None else ['Z', 'ZZ']
        validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
        validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
        self._num_qubits = self._feature_dimension = feature_dimension
        self._depth = depth
        if entangler_map is None:
            self._entangler_map = self.get_entangler_map(
                entanglement, feature_dimension)
            self._entangler_map = self.validate_entangler_map(
                entangler_map, feature_dimension)

        self._pauli_strings = self._build_subset_paulis_string(paulis)
        self._data_map_func = data_map_func
        self._support_parameterized_circuit = True
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self,
                 num_qubits: int,
                 depth: int = 3,
                 entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
                 entanglement: str = 'full',
                 initial_state: Optional[InitialState] = None,
                 entanglement_gate: str = 'cz',
                 skip_unentangled_qubits: bool = False) -> None:
            num_qubits: Number of qubits, has a minimum value of 1.
            depth: Number of rotation layers, has a minimum value of 1.
            entangler_map: Describe the connectivity of qubits, each list pair describes
                [source, target], or None for as defined by `entanglement`.
                Note that the order is the list is the order of applying the two-qubit gate.
            entanglement: ('full' | 'linear') overridden by 'entangler_map` if its
                provided. 'full' is all-to-all entanglement, 'linear' is nearest-neighbor.
            initial_state: An initial state object
            entanglement_gate: ('cz' | 'cx')
            skip_unentangled_qubits: Skip the qubits not in the entangler_map
        validate_min('num_qubits', num_qubits, 1)
        validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
        validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
        validate_in_set('entanglement_gate', entanglement_gate, {'cz', 'cx'})
        self._num_qubits = num_qubits
        self._depth = depth
        if entangler_map is None:
            self._entangler_map = VariationalForm.get_entangler_map(entanglement, num_qubits)
            self._entangler_map = VariationalForm.validate_entangler_map(entangler_map, num_qubits)
        # determine the entangled qubits
        all_qubits = []
        for src, targ in self._entangler_map:
            all_qubits.extend([src, targ])
        self._entangled_qubits = sorted(list(set(all_qubits)))
        self._initial_state = initial_state
        self._entanglement_gate = entanglement_gate
        self._skip_unentangled_qubits = skip_unentangled_qubits

        # for the first layer
        self._num_parameters = len(self._entangled_qubits) * 2 if self._skip_unentangled_qubits \
            else self._num_qubits * 2
        # for repeated block
        self._num_parameters += len(self._entangled_qubits) * depth * 2
        self._bounds = [(-np.pi, np.pi)] * self._num_parameters
        self._support_parameterized_circuit = True
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self,
                 operator: LegacyBaseOperator,
                 iqft: QuantumCircuit,
                 num_time_slices: int = 1,
                 num_ancillae: int = 1,
                 expansion_mode: str = 'trotter',
                 expansion_order: int = 1,
                 evo_time: Optional[float] = None,
                 negative_evals: bool = False,
                 ne_qfts: Optional[List] = None) -> None:
            operator: The Hamiltonian Operator object
            iqft: The Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform circuit
            num_time_slices: The number of time slices, has a minimum value of 1.
            num_ancillae: The number of ancillary qubits to use for the measurement,
                has a minimum value of 1.
            expansion_mode: The expansion mode ('trotter' | 'suzuki')
            expansion_order: The suzuki expansion order, has a minimum value of 1.
            evo_time: An optional evolution time which should scale the eigenvalue onto the range
                :math:`(0,1]` (or :math:`(-0.5,0.5]` for negative eigenvalues). Defaults to
                ``None`` in which case a suitably estimated evolution time is internally computed.
            negative_evals: Set ``True`` to indicate negative eigenvalues need to be handled
            ne_qfts: The QFT and IQFT circuits for handling negative eigenvalues
        ne_qfts = ne_qfts if ne_qfts is not None else [None, None]
        validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
        validate_min('num_ancillae', num_ancillae, 1)
        validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode,
                        {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
        validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
        self._operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(operator)

        self._iqft = iqft
        self._num_ancillae = num_ancillae
        self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
        self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
        self._expansion_order = expansion_order
        self._evo_time = evo_time
        self._negative_evals = negative_evals
        self._ne_qfts = ne_qfts

        self._circuit = None
        self._output_register = None
        self._input_register = None
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(
        epsilon: float,
        alpha: float,
        confint_method: str = 'beta',
        min_ratio: float = 2.0,
        a_factory: Optional[CircuitFactory] = None,
        q_factory: Optional[CircuitFactory] = None,
        i_objective: Optional[int] = None,
        quantum_instance: Optional[Union[QuantumInstance, BaseBackend]] = None
    ) -> None:
        The output of the algorithm is an estimate for the amplitude `a`, that with at least
        probability 1 - alpha has an error of epsilon. The number of A operator calls scales
        linearly in 1/epsilon (up to a logarithmic factor).

            epsilon: Target precision for estimation target `a`, has values between 0 and 0.5
            alpha: Confidence level, the target probability is 1 - alpha, has values between 0 and 1
            confint_method: Statistical method used to estimate the confidence intervals in
                each iteration, can be 'chernoff' for the Chernoff intervals or 'beta' for the
                Clopper-Pearson intervals (default)
            min_ratio: Minimal q-ratio (K_{i+1} / K_i) for FindNextK
            a_factory: The A operator, specifying the QAE problem
            q_factory: The Q operator (Grover operator), constructed from the
                A operator
            i_objective: Index of the objective qubit, that marks the 'good/bad' states
            quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend

            AquaError: if the method to compute the confidence intervals is not supported
        # validate ranges of input arguments
        validate_range('epsilon', epsilon, 0, 0.5)
        validate_range('alpha', alpha, 0, 1)
        validate_in_set('confint_method', confint_method, {'chernoff', 'beta'})

        super().__init__(a_factory, q_factory, i_objective, quantum_instance)

        # store parameters
        self._epsilon = epsilon
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._min_ratio = min_ratio
        self._confint_method = confint_method

        # results dictionary
        self._ret = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(
        operator: Optional[Union[OperatorBase, LegacyBaseOperator]] = None,
        state_in: Optional[Union[QuantumCircuit, InitialState]] = None,
        num_time_slices: int = 1,
        num_iterations: int = 1,
        expansion_mode: str = 'suzuki',
        expansion_order: int = 2,
        shallow_circuit_concat: bool = False,
        quantum_instance: Optional[Union[QuantumInstance, BaseBackend,
                                         Backend]] = None
    ) -> None:

            operator: The hamiltonian Operator
            state_in: An InitialState component representing an initial quantum state.
            num_time_slices: The number of time slices, has a minimum value of 1.
            num_iterations: The number of iterations, has a minimum value of 1.
            expansion_mode: The expansion mode ('trotter'|'suzuki')
            expansion_order: The suzuki expansion order, has a min. value of 1.
            shallow_circuit_concat: Set True to use shallow (cheap) mode for circuit concatenation
                of evolution slices. By default this is False.
            quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend
        validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
        validate_min('num_iterations', num_iterations, 1)
        validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode,
                        {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
        validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
        self._state_in = state_in
        self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
        self._num_iterations = num_iterations
        self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
        self._expansion_order = expansion_order
        self._shallow_circuit_concat = shallow_circuit_concat
        self._state_register = None
        self._ancillary_register = None
        self._ancilla_phase_coef = None
        self._in_operator = operator
        self._operator = None  # type: Optional[WeightedPauliOperator]
        self._ret = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        self._pauli_list = None  # type: Optional[List[List[Union[complex, Pauli]]]]
        self._phase_estimation_circuit = None
        self._slice_pauli_list = None  # type: Optional[List[List[Union[complex, Pauli]]]]
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self,
                 num_qubits: int,
                 depth: int = 3,
                 entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
                 entanglement: str = 'full',
                 initial_state: Optional[InitialState] = None,
                 skip_unentangled_qubits: bool = False) -> None:

            num_qubits: number of qubits, has a min. value of 1.
            depth: number of rotation layers, has a min. value of 1.
            entangler_map: describe the connectivity of qubits, each list describes
                                        [source, target], or None for full entanglement.
                                        Note that the order is the list is the order of
                                        applying the two-qubit gate.
            entanglement: 'full' or 'linear'
            initial_state: an initial state object
            skip_unentangled_qubits: skip the qubits not in the entangler_map
        validate_min('num_qubits', num_qubits, 1)
        validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
        validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
        self._num_qubits = num_qubits
        self._depth = depth
        if entangler_map is None:
            self._entangler_map = VariationalForm.get_entangler_map(entanglement, num_qubits)
            self._entangler_map = VariationalForm.validate_entangler_map(entangler_map, num_qubits)
        # determine the entangled qubits
        all_qubits = []
        for src, targ in self._entangler_map:
            all_qubits.extend([src, targ])

        self._entangled_qubits = sorted(list(set(all_qubits)))
        self._initial_state = initial_state
        self._skip_unentangled_qubits = skip_unentangled_qubits

        # for the first layer
        self._num_parameters = len(self._entangled_qubits) if self._skip_unentangled_qubits \
            else self._num_qubits
        # for repeated block
        self._num_parameters += (len(self._entangled_qubits) + len(self._entangler_map)) * depth
        self._bounds = [(-np.pi, np.pi)] * self._num_parameters
        self._support_parameterized_circuit = True
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self,
                 expression: str,
                 optimization: bool = False,
                 mct_mode: str = 'basic') -> None:

            expression: The string of the desired logical expression.
                It could be either in the DIMACS CNF format,
                or a general boolean logical expression, such as 'a ^ b' and 'v[0] & (~v[1] | v[2])'
            optimization: Boolean flag for attempting logical expression optimization
            mct_mode: The mode to use for building Multiple-Control Toffoli.
            AquaError: invalid input
            'mct_mode', mct_mode,
            {'basic', 'basic-dirty-ancilla', 'advanced', 'noancilla'})

        self._mct_mode = mct_mode.strip().lower()
        self._optimization = optimization

        expression = re.sub('(?i)' + re.escape(' and '), ' & ', expression)
        expression = re.sub('(?i)' + re.escape(' xor '), ' ^ ', expression)
        expression = re.sub('(?i)' + re.escape(' or '), ' | ', expression)
        expression = re.sub('(?i)' + re.escape('not '), '~', expression)

        orig_expression = expression
        # try parsing as normal logical expression that sympy recognizes
            raw_expr = parse_expr(expression)
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            # try parsing as dimacs cnf
                expression = LogicalExpressionOracle._dimacs_cnf_to_expression(
                raw_expr = parse_expr(expression)
            except Exception:
                raise AquaError(
                    'Failed to parse the input expression: {}.'.format(
        self._expr = raw_expr
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(
            feature_dimension: int,
            depth: int = 2,
            entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
            entanglement: str = 'full',
            z_order: int = 2,
            data_map_func: Callable[[np.ndarray],
                                    float] = self_product) -> None:
            feature_dimension: The number of features
            depth: The number of repeated circuits. Defaults to 2, has a minimum value of 1.
            entangler_map: Describes the connectivity of qubits, each list in the overall list
                describes [source, target]. Defaults to ``None`` where the map is created as per
                *entanglement* parameter.
                Note that the order in the list is the order of applying the two-qubit gate.
            entanglement: ('full' | 'linear'), generate the qubit connectivity by a predefined
                topology. Defaults to full which connects every qubit to each other. Linear
                connects each qubit to the next.
            z_order: z order, has a min. value of 1. Creates *paulis* for superclass based on
                 the z order value, e.g. 3 would result in ['Z', 'ZZ', 'ZZZ'] where the paulis
                 contains strings of Z up to length of *z_order*
            data_map_func: A mapping function for data x which can be supplied to override the
                default mapping from :meth:`self_product`.
        # extra warning since this class will be removed entirely
            'The qiskit.aqua.components.feature_maps.PauliZExpansion class is deprecated '
            'as of 0.7.0 and will be removed no sooner than 3 months after the release. '
            'You should use qiskit.circuit.library.PauliFeatureMap instead.',

        validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
        validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
        validate_min('z_order', z_order, 1)
        pauli_string = []
        for i in range(1, z_order + 1):
            pauli_string.append('Z' * i)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self,
                 operator: BaseOperator,
                 iqft: IQFT,
                 num_time_slices: int = 1,
                 num_ancillae: int = 1,
                 expansion_mode: str = 'trotter',
                 expansion_order: int = 1,
                 evo_time: Optional[float] = None,
                 negative_evals: bool = False,
                 ne_qfts: Optional[List] = None) -> None:

            operator: the hamiltonian Operator object
            iqft: the Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform component
            num_time_slices: the number of time slices, has a min. value of 1.
            num_ancillae: the number of ancillary qubits to use for the measurement,
                            has a min. value of 1.
            expansion_mode: the expansion mode (trotter|suzuki)
            expansion_order: the suzuki expansion order, has a min. value of 1.
            evo_time: the evolution time
            negative_evals: indicate if negative eigenvalues need to be handled
            ne_qfts: the QFT and IQFT components for handling negative eigenvalues
        ne_qfts = ne_qfts if ne_qfts is not None else [None, None]
        validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
        validate_min('num_ancillae', num_ancillae, 1)
        validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode,
                        {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
        validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
        self._operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(operator)
        self._iqft = iqft
        self._num_ancillae = num_ancillae
        self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
        self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
        self._expansion_order = expansion_order
        self._evo_time = evo_time
        self._negative_evals = negative_evals
        self._ne_qfts = ne_qfts
        self._circuit = None
        self._output_register = None
        self._input_register = None
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(
            feature_dimension: int,
            depth: int = 2,
            entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
            entanglement: str = 'full',
            paulis: Optional[List[str]] = None,
            data_map_func: Callable[[np.ndarray],
                                    float] = self_product) -> None:

            feature_dimension: number of features
            depth: the number of repeated circuits. Defaults to 2,
                        has a min. value of 1.
            entangler_map: describe the connectivity of qubits, each list describes
                                        [source, target], or None for full entanglement.
                                        Note that the order is the list is the order of
                                        applying the two-qubit gate.
            entanglement: ['full', 'linear'], generate the qubit
                                          connectivity by predefined topology.
                                          Defaults to full
            paulis: a list of strings for to-be-used paulis.
                                    Defaults to None. If None, ['Z', 'ZZ'] will be used.
            data_map_func: a mapping function for data x
        paulis = paulis if paulis is not None else ['Z', 'ZZ']
        validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
        validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
        self._num_qubits = self._feature_dimension = feature_dimension
        self._depth = depth
        if entangler_map is None:
            self._entangler_map = self.get_entangler_map(
                entanglement, feature_dimension)
            self._entangler_map = self.validate_entangler_map(
                entangler_map, feature_dimension)

        self._pauli_strings = self._build_subset_paulis_string(paulis)
        self._data_map_func = data_map_func
        self._support_parameterized_circuit = True
Exemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self, operator: BaseOperator,
              initial_state: InitialState,
              evo_operator: BaseOperator,
              evo_time: int = 1,
              num_time_slices: int = 1,
              expansion_mode: str = 'trotter',
              expansion_order: int = 1) -> None:
     validate_min('evo_time', evo_time, 0)
     validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 0)
     validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode, {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
     validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
     self._operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(operator)
     self._initial_state = initial_state
     self._evo_operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(evo_operator)
     self._evo_time = evo_time
     self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
     self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
     self._expansion_order = expansion_order
     self._ret = {}
Exemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self,
                 operator: Optional[BaseOperator] = None,
                 state_in: Optional[InitialState] = None,
                 num_time_slices: int = 1,
                 num_iterations: int = 1,
                 expansion_mode: str = 'suzuki',
                 expansion_order: int = 2,
                 shallow_circuit_concat: bool = False) -> None:

            operator: The hamiltonian Operator
            state_in: An InitialState component representing an initial quantum state.
            num_time_slices: The number of time slices, has a minimum value of 1.
            num_iterations: The number of iterations, has a minimum value of 1.
            expansion_mode: The expansion mode ('trotter'|'suzuki')
            expansion_order: The suzuki expansion order, has a min. value of 1.
            shallow_circuit_concat: Set True to use shallow (cheap) mode for circuit concatenation
                of evolution slices. By default this is False.
        validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
        validate_min('num_iterations', num_iterations, 1)
        validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode, {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
        validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
        self._state_in = state_in
        self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
        self._num_iterations = num_iterations
        self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
        self._expansion_order = expansion_order
        self._shallow_circuit_concat = shallow_circuit_concat
        self._state_register = None
        self._ancillary_register = None
        self._ancilla_phase_coef = None
        self._in_operator = operator
        self._operator = None
        self._ret = {}
        self._pauli_list = None
        self._phase_estimation_circuit = None
        self._slice_pauli_list = None
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self,
                 operator: BaseOperator,
                 state_in: InitialState,
                 num_time_slices: int = 1,
                 num_iterations: int = 1,
                 expansion_mode: str = 'suzuki',
                 expansion_order: int = 2,
                 shallow_circuit_concat: bool = False) -> None:

            operator: the hamiltonian Operator object
            state_in: the InitialState component representing
                    the initial quantum state
            num_time_slices: the number of time slices, has a min. value of 1.
            num_iterations: the number of iterations, has a min. value of 1.
            expansion_mode: the expansion mode (trotter|suzuki)
            expansion_order: the suzuki expansion order, has a min. value of 1.
            shallow_circuit_concat: indicate whether to use shallow (cheap)
                    mode for circuit concatenation
        validate_min('num_time_slices', num_time_slices, 1)
        validate_min('num_iterations', num_iterations, 1)
        validate_in_set('expansion_mode', expansion_mode,
                        {'trotter', 'suzuki'})
        validate_min('expansion_order', expansion_order, 1)
        self._operator = op_converter.to_weighted_pauli_operator(
        self._state_in = state_in
        self._num_time_slices = num_time_slices
        self._num_iterations = num_iterations
        self._expansion_mode = expansion_mode
        self._expansion_order = expansion_order
        self._shallow_circuit_concat = shallow_circuit_concat
        self._state_register = None
        self._ancillary_register = None
        self._pauli_list = None
        self._ret = {}
        self._ancilla_phase_coef = None
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self,
                 num_orbitals: int,
                 num_particles: Union[List[int], int],
                 qubit_mapping: str = 'parity',
                 two_qubit_reduction: bool = True,
                 sq_list: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None:
            num_orbitals: number of spin orbitals, has a min. value of 1.
            num_particles: number of particles, if it is a list, the first number
                            is alpha and the second number if beta.
            qubit_mapping: mapping type for qubit operator
            two_qubit_reduction: flag indicating whether or not two qubit is reduced
            sq_list: position of the single-qubit operators that
                    anticommute with the cliffords

            ValueError: wrong setting in num_particles and num_orbitals.
            ValueError: wrong setting for computed num_qubits and supplied num_qubits.
        # validate the input
        validate_min('num_orbitals', num_orbitals, 1)
        validate_in_set('qubit_mapping', qubit_mapping,
                        {'jordan_wigner', 'parity', 'bravyi_kitaev'})

        if qubit_mapping != 'parity' and two_qubit_reduction:
            warnings.warn('two_qubit_reduction only works with parity qubit mapping '
                          'but you have %s. We switch two_qubit_reduction '
                          'to False.' % qubit_mapping)
            two_qubit_reduction = False


        # get the bitstring encoding the Hartree Fock state
        if isinstance(num_particles, list):
            num_particles = tuple(num_particles)  # type: ignore

        bitstr = hartree_fock_bitstring(num_orbitals, num_particles, qubit_mapping,
                                        two_qubit_reduction, sq_list)
        self._bitstr = bitstr
Exemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(
         feature_dimension: int,
         depth: int = 2,
         entangler_map: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
         entanglement: str = 'full',
         z_order: int = 2,
         data_map_func: Callable[[np.ndarray],
                                 float] = self_product) -> None:
         feature_dimension: The number of features
         depth: The number of repeated circuits. Defaults to 2, has a minimum value of 1.
         entangler_map: Describes the connectivity of qubits, each list in the overall list
             describes [source, target]. Defaults to ``None`` where the map is created as per
             *entanglement* parameter.
             Note that the order in the list is the order of applying the two-qubit gate.
         entanglement: ('full' | 'linear'), generate the qubit connectivity by a predefined
             topology. Defaults to full which connects every qubit to each other. Linear
             connects each qubit to the next.
         z_order: z order, has a min. value of 1. Creates *paulis* for superclass based on
              the z order value, e.g. 3 would result in ['Z', 'ZZ', 'ZZZ'] where the paulis
              contains strings of Z up to length of *z_order*
         data_map_func: A mapping function for data x which can be supplied to override the
             default mapping from :meth:`self_product`.
     validate_min('depth', depth, 1)
     validate_in_set('entanglement', entanglement, {'full', 'linear'})
     validate_min('z_order', z_order, 1)
     pauli_string = []
     for i in range(1, z_order + 1):
         pauli_string.append('Z' * i)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(
        operator: LegacyBaseOperator,
        var_form: Union[QuantumCircuit, VariationalForm],
        optimizer: Optimizer,
        num_orbitals: int,
        num_particles: Union[List[int], int],
        initial_point: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        max_evals_grouped: int = 1,
        callback: Optional[Callable[[int, np.ndarray, float, float],
                                    None]] = None,
        qubit_mapping: str = 'parity',
        two_qubit_reduction: bool = True,
        is_eom_matrix_symmetric: bool = True,
        active_occupied: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        active_unoccupied: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        se_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
        de_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
        z2_symmetries: Optional[Z2Symmetries] = None,
        untapered_op: Optional[LegacyBaseOperator] = None,
        aux_operators: Optional[List[LegacyBaseOperator]] = None,
        quantum_instance: Optional[Union[QuantumInstance, Backend,
                                         BaseBackend]] = None
    ) -> None:
            operator: qubit operator
            var_form: parameterized variational form.
            optimizer: the classical optimization algorithm.
            num_orbitals:  total number of spin orbitals, has a min. value of 1.
            num_particles: number of particles, if it is a list,
                                              the first number is
                                              alpha and the second number if beta.
            initial_point: optimizer initial point, 1-D vector
            max_evals_grouped: max number of evaluations performed simultaneously
            callback: a callback that can access the intermediate data during
                                 the optimization.
                                 Internally, four arguments are provided as follows
                                 the index of evaluation, parameters of variational form,
                                 evaluated mean, evaluated standard deviation.
            qubit_mapping: qubit mapping type
            two_qubit_reduction: two qubit reduction is applied or not
            is_eom_matrix_symmetric: is EoM matrix symmetric
            active_occupied: list of occupied orbitals to include, indices are
                                    0 to n where n is num particles // 2
            active_unoccupied: list of unoccupied orbitals to include, indices are
                                      0 to m where m is (num_orbitals - num particles) // 2
            se_list: single excitation list, overwrite the setting in active space
            de_list: double excitation list, overwrite the setting in active space
            z2_symmetries: represent the Z2 symmetries
            untapered_op: if the operator is tapered, we need untapered operator
                                         during building element of EoM matrix
            aux_operators: Auxiliary operators to be evaluated at each eigenvalue
            quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend
            ValueError: invalid parameter
        validate_min('num_orbitals', num_orbitals, 1)
        validate_in_set('qubit_mapping', qubit_mapping,
                        {'jordan_wigner', 'parity', 'bravyi_kitaev'})
        if isinstance(num_particles, list) and len(num_particles) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'Num particles value {}. Number of values allowed is 2'.format(

        self.qeom = QEquationOfMotion(operator, num_orbitals, num_particles,
                                      qubit_mapping, two_qubit_reduction,
                                      active_occupied, active_unoccupied,
                                      is_eom_matrix_symmetric, se_list,
                                      de_list, z2_symmetries, untapered_op)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self,
                 num_qubits: int,
                 num_orbitals: int,
                 num_particles: Union[List[int], int],
                 qubit_mapping: str = 'parity',
                 two_qubit_reduction: bool = True,
                 sq_list: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None:

            num_qubits: number of qubits
            num_orbitals: number of spin orbitals, has a min. value of 1.
            num_particles: number of particles, if it is a list, the first number
                            is alpha and the second number if beta.
            qubit_mapping: mapping type for qubit operator
            two_qubit_reduction: flag indicating whether or not two qubit is reduced
            sq_list: position of the single-qubit operators that
                    anticommute with the cliffords

            ValueError: wrong setting in num_particles and num_orbitals.
            ValueError: wrong setting for computed num_qubits and supplied num_qubits.
        validate_min('num_orbitals', num_orbitals, 1)
        if isinstance(num_particles, list) and len(num_particles) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'Num particles value {}. Number of values allowed is 2'.format(
        validate_in_set('qubit_mapping', qubit_mapping,
                        {'jordan_wigner', 'parity', 'bravyi_kitaev'})
        self._sq_list = sq_list
        self._qubit_tapering = bool(self._sq_list)
        self._qubit_mapping = qubit_mapping.lower()
        self._two_qubit_reduction = two_qubit_reduction
        if self._qubit_mapping != 'parity':
            if self._two_qubit_reduction:
                    "two_qubit_reduction only works with parity qubit mapping "
                    "but you have %s. We switch two_qubit_reduction "
                    "to False.", self._qubit_mapping)
                self._two_qubit_reduction = False

        self._num_orbitals = num_orbitals
        if isinstance(num_particles, list):
            self._num_alpha = num_particles[0]
            self._num_beta = num_particles[1]
                "We assume that the number of alphas and betas are the same.")
            self._num_alpha = num_particles // 2
            self._num_beta = num_particles // 2

        self._num_particles = self._num_alpha + self._num_beta

        if self._num_particles > self._num_orbitals:
            raise ValueError(
                "# of particles must be less than or equal to # of orbitals.")

        self._num_qubits = num_orbitals - 2 if self._two_qubit_reduction else self._num_orbitals
        self._num_qubits = self._num_qubits \
            if not self._qubit_tapering else self._num_qubits - len(sq_list)
        if self._num_qubits != num_qubits:
            raise ValueError("Computed num qubits {} does not match "
                             "actual {}".format(self._num_qubits, num_qubits))

        self._bitstr = None