Exemplo n.º 1
def reset_error(prob0, prob1=0):
    Return a single qubit reset quantum error channel.

    The error channel returned is given by the map

    .. math::

        E(ρ) = (1 - p_0 - p_1) ρ + \text{Tr}[ρ] \left(
                p_0 |0 \rangle\langle 0|
                + p_1 |1 \rangle\langle 1| \right)

    where the probability of no reset is given by :math:`1 - p_0 - p_1`.

        prob0 (double): reset probability to :math:`|0\rangle`.
        prob1 (double): reset probability to :math:`|1\rangle`.

        QuantumError: the quantum error object.

        NoiseError: If noise parameters are invalid.
    if prob0 < 0 or prob1 < 0 or prob0 > 1 or prob1 > 1 or (prob0 + prob1) > 1:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid reset probabilities.")
    noise_ops = [([(IGate(), [0])], 1 - prob0 - prob1),
                 ([(Reset(), [0])], prob0),
                 ([(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])], prob1)]
    return QuantumError(noise_ops)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def definition(self) -> List:
     """Return definition in terms of other basic gates. If the gate has
     open controls, as determined from `self.ctrl_state`, the returned
     definition is conjugated with X without changing the internal
     if self._open_ctrl:
         closed_gate = self.copy()
         closed_gate.ctrl_state = None
         # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
         from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import XGate
         bit_ctrl_state = bin(self.ctrl_state)[2:].zfill(
         qreg = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits, 'q')
         definition = [(closed_gate, qreg, [])]
         open_rules = []
         for qind, val in enumerate(bit_ctrl_state[::-1]):
             if val == '0':
                 open_rules.append([XGate(), [qreg[qind]], []])
         if open_rules:
             return open_rules + definition + open_rules
             return self._definition
         return super().definition
Exemplo n.º 3
    def to_instruction(self):
        """Convert to Pauli circuit instruction."""
        from math import pi

        pauli, phase = self._to_label(self.z,
        if len(pauli) == 1:
            gate = {
                "I": IGate(),
                "X": XGate(),
                "Y": YGate(),
                "Z": ZGate()
            gate = PauliGate(pauli)
        if not phase:
            return gate
        # Add global phase
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(self.num_qubits, name=str(self))
        circuit.global_phase = -phase * pi / 2
        circuit.append(gate, range(self.num_qubits))
        return circuit.to_instruction()
Exemplo n.º 4
def diffuser(list_values: list, circuit_type: str):
    n = len(list_values[0])
    assert n >= 2, 'Length of input should be greater or equal to 2.'

    if (circuit_type == 'noancilla' or n == 2):

        q1 = QuantumRegister(n, "q")
        a1 = QuantumCircuit(q1)

        a1.h(q1[n - 1])

        gate = XGate().control(n - 1)
        a1.append(gate, q1)

    elif circuit_type == 'ancilla':
        r = 0
        pn = r + 2
        jn = r
        kn = r + 1
        q1 = QuantumRegister(n * 2, "q")
        a1 = QuantumCircuit(q1)

        ######### Apply Hadamard and X gates.
        a1.h(q1[n -
                1])  # Apply Hadamrd gate on the left of the target qubit n.

        a1.ccx(q1[r], q1[r + 1], q1[r + n])
        for i in range(n - 3):
            a1.ccx(q1[pn], q1[n + jn], q1[n + kn])
            if i < n - 4:
                pn += 1
                jn += 1
                kn += 1

        a1.cx(q1[(n * 2) - 3], q1[(n - 1)])

        for i in range(n - 3):
            a1.ccx(q1[pn], q1[n + jn], q1[n + kn])
            if i < n - 4:
                pn += -1
                jn += -1
                kn += -1
        a1.ccx(q1[r], q1[r + 1], q1[r + n])

    ######### Apply Hadamard and X gates.
    a1.h(q1[n - 1])  # Apply Hadamrd gate on the right of the target qubit n.
    return a1
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     self.ops = {
         'X': XGate(),
         'Y': YGate(),
         'Z': ZGate(),
         'H': HGate(),
         'S': SGate()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_grover_oracle(self):
        oracle = compile_classical_function(examples.grover_oracle)
        quantum_circuit = QuantumCircuit(5)
        quantum_circuit.append(oracle, [2, 1, 0, 3, 4])

        expected = QuantumCircuit(5)
        expected.append(XGate().control(4, ctrl_state="1010"), [2, 1, 0, 3, 4])

        self.assertEqual(quantum_circuit.decompose(), expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_grover_oracle(self):
        """Synthesis of grover_oracle example"""
        oracle = compile_classical_function(examples.grover_oracle)
        quantum_circuit = oracle.synth()

        expected = QuantumCircuit(5)
        expected.append(XGate().control(4, ctrl_state="1010"), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

        self.assertEqual(quantum_circuit.name, "grover_oracle")
        self.assertEqual(quantum_circuit, expected)
    def _echo_rzx_dag(theta):
        """Return the following circuit

        .. parsed-literal::

            q_0: ┤0              ├┤ X ├┤0               ├┤ X ├
                 │  Rzx(theta/2) │└───┘│  Rzx(-theta/2) │└───┘
            q_1: ┤1              ├─────┤1               ├─────
                 └───────────────┘     └────────────────┘
        rzx_dag = DAGCircuit()
        qr = QuantumRegister(2)
        rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(RZXGate(theta / 2), [qr[0], qr[1]], [])
        rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(XGate(), [qr[0]], [])
        rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(RZXGate(-theta / 2), [qr[0], qr[1]], [])
        rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(XGate(), [qr[0]], [])
        return rzx_dag
Exemplo n.º 9
    def from_label(cls, label):
        """Return a tensor product of single-qubit operators.

            label (string): single-qubit operator string.

            Operator: The N-qubit operator.

            QiskitError: if the label contains invalid characters, or the
                         length of the label is larger than an explicitly
                         specified num_qubits.

        Additional Information:
            The labels correspond to the single-qubit matrices:
            'I': [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
            'X': [[0, 1], [1, 0]]
            'Y': [[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]
            'Z': [[1, 0], [0, -1]]
            'H': [[1, 1], [1, -1]] / sqrt(2)
            'S': [[1, 0], [0 , 1j]]
            'T': [[1, 0], [0, (1+1j) / sqrt(2)]]
            '0': [[1, 0], [0, 0]]
            '1': [[0, 0], [0, 1]]
            '+': [[0.5, 0.5], [0.5 , 0.5]]
            '-': [[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5 , 0.5]]
            'r': [[0.5, -0.5j], [0.5j , 0.5]]
            'l': [[0.5, 0.5j], [-0.5j , 0.5]]
        # Check label is valid
        label_mats = {
            'I': IGate().to_matrix(),
            'X': XGate().to_matrix(),
            'Y': YGate().to_matrix(),
            'Z': ZGate().to_matrix(),
            'H': HGate().to_matrix(),
            'S': SGate().to_matrix(),
            'T': TGate().to_matrix(),
            '0': np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=complex),
            '1': np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=complex),
            '+': np.array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
            '-': np.array([[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
            'r': np.array([[0.5, -0.5j], [0.5j, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
            'l': np.array([[0.5, 0.5j], [-0.5j, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
        if re.match(r'^[IXYZHST01rl\-+]+$', label) is None:
            raise QiskitError('Label contains invalid characters.')
        # Initialize an identity matrix and apply each gate
        num_qubits = len(label)
        op = Operator(np.eye(2 ** num_qubits, dtype=complex))
        for qubit, char in enumerate(reversed(label)):
            if char != 'I':
                op = op.compose(label_mats[char], qargs=[qubit])
        return op
Exemplo n.º 10
    def from_label(label):
        """Return a tensor product of single-qubit Clifford gates.

            label (string): single-qubit operator string.

            Clifford: The N-qubit Clifford operator.

            QiskitError: if the label contains invalid characters.

        Additional Information:
            The labels correspond to the single-qubit Cliffords are

            * - Label
              - Stabilizer
              - Destabilizer
            * - ``"I"``
              - +Z
              - +X
            * - ``"X"``
              - -Z
              - +X
            * - ``"Y"``
              - -Z
              - -X
            * - ``"Z"``
              - +Z
              - -X
            * - ``"H"``
              - +X
              - +Z
            * - ``"S"``
              - +Z
              - +Y
        # Check label is valid
        label_gates = {
            'I': IGate(),
            'X': XGate(),
            'Y': YGate(),
            'Z': ZGate(),
            'H': HGate(),
            'S': SGate()
        if re.match(r'^[IXYZHS\-+]+$', label) is None:
            raise QiskitError('Label contains invalid characters.')
        # Initialize an identity matrix and apply each gate
        num_qubits = len(label)
        op = Clifford(np.eye(2 * num_qubits, dtype=np.bool))
        for qubit, char in enumerate(reversed(label)):
            _append_circuit(op, label_gates[char], qargs=[qubit])
        return op
Exemplo n.º 11
def qor(n=2):
    q = QuantumRegister(n)
    a = QuantumRegister(1)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(q, a, name="Or(%i)" % n)

    qc.append(XGate().control(n), q[:] + [a])

    return qc
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _define(self):
        definition = []
        qr = QuantumRegister(self.num_ctrl_qubits + 1)

        ctrl_qr = qr[:self.num_ctrl_qubits]
        target_qubit = qr[self.num_ctrl_qubits]

        if self.qubit_values:
            for qubit_index, qubit_value in enumerate(self.qubit_values):
                if not qubit_value:
                    definition.append((XGate(), [ctrl_qr[qubit_index]], []))

                           list(ctrl_qr) + [target_qubit], []))

        if self.qubit_values:
            for qubit_index, qubit_value in enumerate(self.qubit_values):
                if not qubit_value:
                    definition.append((XGate(), [ctrl_qr[qubit_index]], []))

        self.definition = definition
Exemplo n.º 13
 def to_instruction(self):
     """Convert to Pauli circuit instruction."""
     from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
     from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, XGate, YGate, ZGate
     gates = {'I': IGate(), 'X': XGate(), 'Y': YGate(), 'Z': ZGate()}
     label = self.to_label()
     num_qubits = self.num_qubits
     qreg = QuantumRegister(num_qubits)
     circuit = QuantumCircuit(qreg, name='Pauli:{}'.format(label))
     for i, pauli in enumerate(reversed(label)):
         circuit.append(gates[pauli], [qreg[i]])
     return circuit.to_instruction()
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_pauli_error_1q_gate_from_string(self):
        """Test single-qubit pauli error as gate qobj from string label"""
        paulis = ['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
        probs = [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]
        actual = pauli_error(zip(paulis, probs))

        expected = QuantumError([(IGate(), 0.4), (XGate(), 0.3), (YGate(), 0.2), (ZGate(), 0.1)])
        for i in range(actual.size):
            circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
            expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
            self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
    def test_cx_1_0(self):
        """CX(1, 0)"""
        tweedledum_circuit = {'num_qubits': 2, 'gates': [{'gate': 'X',
                                                          'qubits': [0],
                                                          'control_qubits': [1],
                                                          'control_state': '1'}]}
        circuit = tweedledum2qiskit(tweedledum_circuit)

        expected = QuantumCircuit(2)
        expected.append(XGate().control(1, ctrl_state='1'), [1, 0])

        self.assertEqual(expected, circuit)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_thermal_relaxation_error_t1_equal_t2_1state(self):
     """Test qobj instructions return for t1=t2"""
     actual = thermal_relaxation_error(1, 1, 1, 1)
     expected = QuantumError([
         (IGate(), np.exp(-1)),
         ([(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])], 1 - np.exp(-1)),
     for i in range(actual.size):
         circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
         expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
         self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
         self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
    def test_cx_qreg(self):
        """CX(0, 1) with qregs parameter"""
        qr = QuantumRegister(2, 'qr')
        tweedledum_circuit = {'num_qubits': 2, 'gates': [{'gate': 'X',
                                                          'qubits': [0],
                                                          'control_qubits': [1],
                                                          'control_state': '1'}]}
        circuit = tweedledum2qiskit(tweedledum_circuit, qregs=[qr])

        expected = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        expected.append(XGate().control(1, ctrl_state='1'), [qr[1], qr[0]])

        self.assertEqual(expected, circuit)
    def judge(new_qc, gate, bitstrings):
        target_qubit = gate[1][-1]
        gate[0] : gate class
        gate[1] : qregs
        gate[2] : cregs

        # Toffoli gates
        if gate[0].name in ['ccx', 'rccx']:
            if '11' in bitstrings:
                if len(bitstrings) == 1:
                    new_qc.append(XGate(label=None), [target_qubit], gate[2])

                elif '10' not in bitstrings:
                    new_qc.append(XGate(label=None).control(1), [gate[1][1], target_qubit], gate[2])

                elif '01' not in bitstrings:
                    new_qc.append(XGate(label=None).control(1), [gate[1][0], target_qubit], gate[2])

                else: #11と00の時だけようにもう一つ作る?(Qubit connectionを一つ減らせる)

                pass # Delete CCX

        # Two-qubit gates
            if '1' in bitstrings:
                if '0' not in bitstrings:
                    new_qc.append(gate[0].base_gate, [target_qubit], gate[2])
                pass # Delete CU
        return new_qc
    def test_cx_1_0(self):
        """CX(1, 0)"""
        tweedledum_circuit = Circuit()
        qubits = list()
        tweedledum_circuit.apply_operator(X(), [qubits[1], qubits[0]])

        circuit = tweedledum2qiskit(tweedledum_circuit)

        expected = QuantumCircuit(2)
        expected.append(XGate().control(1, ctrl_state="1"), [1, 0])

        self.assertEqual(expected, circuit)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_cx_0_1(self):
        """CX(0, 1)"""
        tweedledum_circuit = Circuit()
        qubits = list()
        tweedledum_circuit.apply_operator(X(), [qubits[0], qubits[1]])

        circuit = tweedledum2qiskit(tweedledum_circuit)

        expected = QuantumCircuit(2)
        expected.append(XGate().control(1, ctrl_state='1'), [0, 1])

        self.assertEqual(circuit, expected)
    def _reverse_echo_rzx_dag(theta):
        """Return the following circuit

        .. parsed-literal::

                 ┌───┐┌───────────────┐     ┌────────────────┐┌───┐
            q_0: ┤ H ├┤1              ├─────┤1               ├┤ H ├─────
                 ├───┤│  Rzx(theta/2) │┌───┐│  Rzx(-theta/2) │├───┤┌───┐
            q_1: ┤ H ├┤0              ├┤ X ├┤0               ├┤ X ├┤ H ├
        reverse_rzx_dag = DAGCircuit()
        qr = QuantumRegister(2)
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(HGate(), [qr[0]], [])
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(HGate(), [qr[1]], [])
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(RZXGate(theta / 2), [qr[1], qr[0]], [])
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(XGate(), [qr[1]], [])
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(RZXGate(-theta / 2), [qr[1], qr[0]], [])
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(XGate(), [qr[1]], [])
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(HGate(), [qr[0]], [])
        reverse_rzx_dag.apply_operation_back(HGate(), [qr[1]], [])
        return reverse_rzx_dag
Exemplo n.º 22
def build_encode_circuit(num, qubits, register_size):
	""" Create the registery conversion circuit. Assume the last qubits are the register.
	qubits [int]: Total number of qubits in the global circuit
	register_size [int]: Total number of qubits allocated for the register.
	num [int]: target encoding

	# generate the X-gate configuration
	CGates, XGates = encode_X(num, qubits, register_size)
	# create a quantum circuit acting on the registers
	conv_register = MCMT(XGate(), len(CGates), len(XGates))
	XRange = [*CGates, *XGates]

	return conv_register, XRange
    def test_cx_qreg(self):
        """CX(0, 1) with qregs parameter"""
        tweedledum_circuit = Circuit()
        qubits = list()
        tweedledum_circuit.apply_operator(X(), [qubits[1], qubits[0]])

        qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        circuit = tweedledum2qiskit(tweedledum_circuit, qregs=[qr])

        expected = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        expected.append(XGate().control(1, ctrl_state="1"), [qr[1], qr[0]])

        self.assertEqual(expected, circuit)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self):
         description="A fake simple BackendV2 example",
     self._lam = Parameter("lambda")
     self._target = Target(num_qubits=20)
     self._runner = QasmSimulatorPy()
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_depolarizing_error_1q_gate(self):
        """Test 1-qubit depolarizing error as gate qobj"""
        p_depol = 0.3
        actual = depolarizing_error(p_depol, 1)

        expected = QuantumError([
            (IGate(), 1 - p_depol*3/4),
            (XGate(), p_depol/4),
            (YGate(), p_depol/4),
            (ZGate(), p_depol/4)
        for i in range(actual.size):
            circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
            expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
            self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
    def test_grover_oracle_arg_regs(self):
        """Synthesis of grover_oracle example with arg_regs"""
        oracle = compile_classical_function(examples.grover_oracle)
        quantum_circuit = oracle.synth(registerless=False)

        qr_a = QuantumRegister(1, 'a')
        qr_b = QuantumRegister(1, 'b')
        qr_c = QuantumRegister(1, 'c')
        qr_d = QuantumRegister(1, 'd')
        qr_return = QuantumRegister(1, 'return')
        expected = QuantumCircuit(qr_d, qr_c, qr_b, qr_a, qr_return)
        expected.append(XGate().control(4, ctrl_state='0101'),
                        [qr_d[0], qr_c[0], qr_b[0], qr_a[0], qr_return[0]])

        self.assertEqual(quantum_circuit.name, 'grover_oracle')
        self.assertEqual(quantum_circuit, expected)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_from_dict(self):
        noise_ops_1q = [((IGate(), [0]), 0.9),
                     ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)]

        noise_ops_2q = [((PauliGate('II'), [0, 1]), 0.9),
                     ((PauliGate('IX'), [0, 1]), 0.045),
                     ((PauliGate('XI'), [0, 1]), 0.045),
                     ((PauliGate('XX'), [0, 1]), 0.01)]

        noise_model = NoiseModel()
        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_1q, 1), 'h', [0])
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_1q, 1), 'h', [1])
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_2q, 2), 'cx', [0, 1])
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_2q, 2), 'cx', [1, 0])
            deserialized = NoiseModel.from_dict(noise_model.to_dict())
            self.assertEqual(noise_model, deserialized)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_thermal_relaxation_error_gate(self):
        """Test qobj instructions return for t2 < t1"""
        t1, t2, time, p1 = (2, 1, 1, 0.3)
        actual = thermal_relaxation_error(t1, t2, time, p1)

        p_z = 0.5 * np.exp(-1 / t1) * (1 - np.exp(-(1 / t2 - 1 / t1) * time))
        p_reset0 = (1 - p1) * (1 - np.exp(-1 / t1))
        p_reset1 = p1 * (1 - np.exp(-1 / t1))
        expected = QuantumError([
            (IGate(), 1 - p_z - p_reset0 - p_reset1),
            (ZGate(), p_z),
            (Reset(), p_reset0),
            ([(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])], p_reset1),
        for i in range(actual.size):
            circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
            expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
            self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
Exemplo n.º 29
def convert_to_target(conf_dict: dict,
                      props_dict: dict = None,
                      defs_dict: dict = None) -> Target:
    """Uses configuration, properties and pulse defaults dicts
    to construct and return Target class.
    name_mapping = {
        "id": IGate(),
        "sx": SXGate(),
        "x": XGate(),
        "cx": CXGate(),
        "rz": RZGate(Parameter("λ")),
        "reset": Reset(),
    custom_gates = {}
    qubit_props = None
    if props_dict:
        qubit_props = qubit_props_from_props(props_dict)
    target = Target(qubit_properties=qubit_props)
    # Parse from properties if it exsits
    if props_dict is not None:
        # Parse instructions
        gates = {}
        for gate in props_dict["gates"]:
            name = gate["gate"]
            if name in name_mapping:
                if name not in gates:
                    gates[name] = {}
            elif name not in custom_gates:
                custom_gate = Gate(name, len(gate["qubits"]), [])
                custom_gates[name] = custom_gate
                gates[name] = {}

            qubits = tuple(gate["qubits"])
            gate_props = {}
            for param in gate["parameters"]:
                if param["name"] == "gate_error":
                    gate_props["error"] = param["value"]
                if param["name"] == "gate_length":
                    gate_props["duration"] = apply_prefix(
                        param["value"], param["unit"])
            gates[name][qubits] = InstructionProperties(**gate_props)
        for gate, props in gates.items():
            if gate in name_mapping:
                inst = name_mapping.get(gate)
                inst = custom_gates[gate]
            target.add_instruction(inst, props)
        # Create measurement instructions:
        measure_props = {}
        count = 0
        for qubit in props_dict["qubits"]:
            qubit_prop = {}
            for prop in qubit:
                if prop["name"] == "readout_length":
                    qubit_prop["duration"] = apply_prefix(
                        prop["value"], prop["unit"])
                if prop["name"] == "readout_error":
                    qubit_prop["error"] = prop["value"]
            measure_props[(count, )] = InstructionProperties(**qubit_prop)
            count += 1
        target.add_instruction(Measure(), measure_props)
    # Parse from configuration because properties doesn't exist
        for gate in conf_dict["gates"]:
            name = gate["name"]
            gate_props = {tuple(x): None for x in gate["coupling_map"]}
            if name in name_mapping:
                target.add_instruction(name_mapping[name], gate_props)
                custom_gate = Gate(name, len(gate["coupling_map"][0]), [])
                target.add_instruction(custom_gate, gate_props)
        measure_props = {(n, ): None for n in range(conf_dict["n_qubits"])}
        target.add_instruction(Measure(), measure_props)
    # parse global configuration properties
    dt = conf_dict.get("dt")
    if dt:
        target.dt = dt * 1e-9
    if "timing_constraints" in conf_dict:
        target.granularity = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get("granularity")
        target.min_length = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get("min_length")
        target.pulse_alignment = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get(
        target.aquire_alignment = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get(
    # If pulse defaults exists use that as the source of truth
    if defs_dict is not None:
        # TODO remove the usage of PulseDefaults as it will be deprecated in the future
        pulse_defs = PulseDefaults.from_dict(defs_dict)
        inst_map = pulse_defs.instruction_schedule_map
        for inst in inst_map.instructions:
            for qarg in inst_map.qubits_with_instruction(inst):
                sched = inst_map.get(inst, qarg)
                if inst in target:
                        qarg = tuple(qarg)
                    except TypeError:
                        qarg = (qarg, )
                    if inst == "measure":
                        for qubit in qarg:
                            target[inst][(qubit, )].calibration = sched
                        target[inst][qarg].calibration = sched
                           {(bit, ): None
                            for bit in range(target.num_qubits)})
    return target
Exemplo n.º 30
def oracle(list_values: list, circuit_type: str):
    n = len(list_values[0])  # Number of elements in one string.
    assert n >= 2, 'Length of input should be greater or equal to 2.'
    assert len(set(map(len, list_values))
               ) == 1, 'The values on your list should have the same length.'

    if (circuit_type == 'noancilla' or n == 2):
        q1 = QuantumRegister(n + 1, "q")
        a1 = QuantumCircuit(q1)
        for element in list_values:
            ############ If an element in string equal 0 then apply X Gate on the left of the control dot.
            for i in range(n):
                if element[::-1][i] == '0':
            # Apply n-1 qubits control Toffoli gate.
            gate = XGate().control(n)
            a1.append(gate, q1)
            ############ If an element in string equal 0 then apply X Gate on the right of the control dot.
            for i in range(n):
                if element[::-1][i] == '0':

    elif circuit_type == 'ancilla':
        r = 0
        pn = r + 2
        jn = r
        kn = r + 1

        q1 = QuantumRegister(n * 2, "q")
        a1 = QuantumCircuit(q1)

        for element in list_values:
            for i in range(n):
                if element[::-1][i] == '0':

            # Apply n-1 qubits control Toffoli gate using 2-qubits control Toffoli gates.
            a1.ccx(q1[r], q1[r + 1], q1[r + n])
            for i in range(n - 2):
                a1.ccx(q1[pn], q1[n + jn], q1[n + kn])
                if i < n - 3:
                    pn += 1
                    jn += 1
                    kn += 1
            a1.cx(q1[(n * 2) - 2], q1[(n * 2) - 1])

            for i in range(n - 2):
                a1.ccx(q1[pn], q1[n + jn], q1[n + kn])
                if i < n - 3:
                    pn += -1
                    jn += -1
                    kn += -1
            a1.ccx(q1[r], q1[r + 1], q1[r + n])

            for i in range(n):
                if element[::-1][i] == '0':


    return a1