Exemplo n.º 1
def test_executors_sqlite(tmp_path):
    """test each executor type with an sqlite database
    from qme.main import Queue

    config_dir = os.path.join(str(tmp_path), ".qme")
    queue = Queue(config_dir=config_dir, database="sqlite")

    # The following commands should map to the following executors
    commands = ["ls"]
    executors = ["shell"]
    for i, command in enumerate(commands):

        # The executor name should be chosen based on the command
        name = executors[i]
        task = queue.run("ls")
        assert task.executor.name == name
        assert task.summary()

        # Task.load includes the file dump, the upper level keys should be same
        content = task.load()
        for key in ["executor", "uid", "data", "command"]:
            assert key in content

        # Task.export includes the executor specific data
        data = task.export()
        for key in ["pwd", "user", "timestamp"]:
            assert key in data
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args, extra):

    # Create a queue object
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)
    query = " ".join(args.query).strip()
    if not query:
        sys.exit("Please provide a query to search for.")
    results = queue.search(query)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args, extra):

    # Create a queue object, run the command to match to an executor
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)

    # Case 1: empty list indicates listing all
    if not args.executor:
        # Each in the list can be a full executor or a task id
        for executor in args.executor:
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(args, extra):

    # Create a queue object
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)
    query = " ".join(args.query).strip()
    if not query:
        sys.exit("Please provide a query to search for.")
    results = queue.search(query)
    results = [[r.taskid, r.command,
                str(r.executor)] for r in results]
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: server.py Projeto: vsoch/qme
def start(port=5000, debug=True, queue=None, host=None, level="DEBUG"):
    """Start can be invoked when this file is executed (see __main__ below)
    or used as a function to programmatically start a server. If started
    via qme view, we can add the queue to the server. If you want to change
    the hostname, set the environment variable QME_HOSTNAME or set on command
    line with qme start.
    host = host or QME_HOSTNAME
    bot.info(f"QueueMe: running on http://{host}:{port}")

    # If the user doesn't specify a queue, use default
    if not queue:
        from qme.main import Queue

        queue = Queue()

    # Customize the logger to log to the app folder
    file_handler = logging.FileHandler(
        os.path.join(queue.config_dir, "dashboard.log"))
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
    app.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, level))

    # Add the queue to the server
    app.queue = queue
    socketio.run(app, port=port, debug=debug, host=host)
Exemplo n.º 6
def run(args, extra):

    # Create a queue object, run the command to match to an executor
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)

    # Don't allow an empty command!
    if not args.cmd:
        sys.exit("Please provide a command for QueueMe to execute.")

    command = args.cmd

    # --help needs to be quoted, make sure if provided, gets parsed into command
    if any(["--help" in x for x in args.cmd]):
        command = []
        for item in args.cmd:
            command += shlex.split(item)

    # Extra might include unparsed arguments
    queue.run(command=command + extra, message=args.message)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: actions.py Projeto: vsoch/qme
def main(args, extra):

    result = None
    if not args.actions:
        sys.exit("Please provide an executor to list actions for, or an action.")

    # User has provided an executor to list actions for
    elif len(args.actions) == 1:

        # Assume looking for executor first, fall back to action on last job
            executor = get_named_executor(args.actions[0])
            actions = [[x] for x in executor.get_actions()]
            queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)
            task = queue.get()
            result = task.run_action(args.actions[0])

    # user provided exec <action> <taskid>
    elif len(args.actions) == 2:
        taskid, action = args.actions
        queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)
        task = queue.get(taskid)
        result = task.run_action(action)

    # Print result to terminal
    if result:
        if isinstance(result, list):
            result = " ".join(result)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_executor_shell(tmp_path):
    """Test the shell executor. A shell executor should have added a returncode,
       output, and error to it's data export.
    from qme.main import Queue

    config_dir = os.path.join(str(tmp_path), ".qme")
    queue = Queue(config_dir=config_dir)
    task = queue.run("ls")
    assert task.executor.name == "shell"
    assert task.filename == os.path.join(queue.config_dir, "database", "shell",
                                         "%s.json" % task.taskid)
    assert task.summary()

    # Task.load includes the file dump, the upper level keys should be same
    content = task.load()
    for key in ["executor", "uid", "data"]:
        assert key in content

    # Task.export includes the executor specific data
    data = task.export()
    for key in ["cmd", "pwd", "output", "error", "returncode"]:
        assert key in data
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: start.py Projeto: vsoch/qme
def main(args, extra):

    # Create a queue object, run the command to match to an executor
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)

    # Pass the queue object to start a server
        from qme.app.server import start

    except ModuleNotFoundError:
            "You must 'pip install qme[app]' 'pip install qme[all]' to use the dashboard."
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(args, extra):

    # Create a queue object
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)
    task = queue.get(args.taskid)
    print(json.dumps(task.load(), indent=4))
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_relational(tmp_path):
    """Test loading and using a queue with the filesystem database.
    from qme.main import Queue

    config_dir = os.path.join(str(tmp_path), ".qme")
    queue = Queue(config_dir=config_dir, database="sqlite")

    assert os.path.exists(config_dir)
    assert queue.config_dir == config_dir
    assert queue.config.configfile == os.path.join(queue.config_dir,
    assert queue.database == "sqlite"
    assert queue.db.database == "sqlite"

    # Test list, empty without anything
    assert not queue.list()

    # Run a task
    task = queue.run("ls")
    assert task.executor.name == "shell"
    assert task.taskid.startswith("shell")
    assert len(queue.list()) == 1

    # Rerun the task, should still only have one
    rerun = queue.rerun()
    assert rerun.taskid == task.taskid
    assert len(queue.list()) == 1

    # queue.get should return last task, given no id
    lasttask = queue.get()
    assert lasttask.taskid == task.taskid

    # Run a new task
    newtask = queue.run("whoami")
    assert len(queue.list()) == 2
    exports = newtask.export()

    # Search for tasks
    assert len(queue.search("ls")) > 0

    # Check exports
    for required in ["pwd", "output", "error", "cmd", "returncode"]:
        assert required in exports
    assert exports["pwd"] == os.getcwd()
    assert exports["cmd"] == ["whoami"]
    assert exports["returncode"] == 0

    # Get a task id that isn't the last task
    notlast = queue.get(task.taskid)
    assert task.taskid == notlast.taskid

    # Clean up a specific task (no prompt)
    queue.clear(task.taskid, noprompt=True)
    assert len(queue.list()) == 1
    assert not queue.list()
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: clear.py Projeto: vsoch/qme
def main(args, extra):

    # Clear an executor, taskid, or target
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)
    queue.clear(args.target, noprompt=args.force)
Exemplo n.º 13
def rerun(args, extra):

    # Create a queue object, run the command to match to an executor
    queue = Queue(config_dir=args.config_dir)
    queue.rerun(taskid=args.taskid, message=args.message)