Exemplo n.º 1
def main(pdb_path, splitAt, work_dir):

    monomers = create_monomers(pdb_path, splitAt, work_dir)

    settings = Settings()
    settings.basis = "DZP"
    #    settings.functional = "CAMY-B3LYP"
    settings.specific.adf.basis.core = "None"
    settings.specific.adf.symmetry = "Nosym"
    settings.specific.adf.xc.hybrid = "CAMY-B3LYP"
    settings.specific.adf.xc.xcfun = ""

    fde_settings = Settings()
    #    fde_settings.functional = "camy-b3lyp"
    fde_settings.specific.adf.xc.hybrid = "CAMY-B3LYP"
    fde_settings.specific.adf.xc.xcfun = ""
    fde_settings.basis = "DZP"
    fde_settings.specific.adf.symmetry = "Nosym"
    fde_settings.specific.adf.fde.PW91k = ""
    fde_settings.specific.adf.fde.fullgrid = ""
    fde_settings.specific.adf.allow = "Partialsuperfrags"
    fde_settings.specific.adf.fde.GGAPOTXFD = "Becke"
    fde_settings.specific.adf.fde.GGAPOTCFD = "LYP"

    # Read input from molfiles
    jobs = chain(*list(
        map(lambda xs: create_jobs(settings, fde_settings, *xs),

    run(gather(*jobs), n_processes=2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    # Current Work Directory
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # ========== Fill in the following variables
    # Varaible to define the Path ehere the Cp2K jobs will be computed
    scratch = "/path/to/scratch"
    project_name = 'My_awesome_project'  # name use to create folders

    # Path to the basis set used by Cp2k
    basisCP2K = "/Path/to/CP2K/BASIS_MOLOPT"
    potCP2K = "/Path/to/CP2K/GTH_POTENTIALS"

    path_to_trajectory = 'Path/to/trajectory/in/XYZ'

    # Number of MO used to compute the coupling
    nHOMO = None
    couplings_range = None

    # Basis
    basis = "DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH"

    # Algorithm to compute the NAC
    algorithm = 'levine'

    # Integation step used for the dynamics (femtoseconds)
    dt = 1

    # ============== End of User definitions ===================================

    cp2k_args = Settings()
    cp2k_args.basis = basis

    # Results folder
    results_dir = join(cwd, 'total_results')
    if not os.path.exists(results_dir):

    # Merge all the HDF5 files
    file_hdf5 = merge_hdf5(scratch, project_name, cwd, results_dir)

    # compute missing couplings
    script_name = "merge_data.py"

    write_python_script(scratch, 'total_results', path_to_trajectory,
                        project_name, basisCP2K, potCP2K, cp2k_args,
                        Settings(), 0, script_name, file_hdf5, nHOMO,
                        couplings_range, algorithm, dt)

    # Script using SLURM
    write_slurm_script(scratch, results_dir, script_name)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_opt_orca():
    Test Orca input generation and run functions.
    h2o = Molecule('test/test_files/h2o.xyz', 'xyz', charge=0, multiplicity=1)

    h2o_geometry = dftb(templates.geometry, h2o)

    s = Settings()
    # generic keyword "basis" must be present in the generic dictionary
    s.basis = "sto_dzp"
    # "specific" allows the user to apply specific keywords for a
    # package that are not in a generic dictionary
    # s.specific.adf.basis.core = "large"

    r = templates.singlepoint.overlay(s)
    h2o_singlepoint = orca(r, h2o_geometry.molecule)

    dipole = h2o_singlepoint.dipole

    final_result = run(dipole, n_processes=1)

    expected_dipole = [0.82409, 0.1933, -0.08316]
    diff = sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(final_result, expected_dipole)))
    print("Expected dipole computed with Orca 3.0.3 is:", expected_dipole)
    print("Actual dipole is:", final_result)

    assert diff < 1e-2
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_opt_gamess():
    Test Optimization in Gamess using methanol in water.
    methanol = Molecule('test/test_files/ion_methanol.xyz')
    methanol.properties['symmetry'] = 'Cs'

    s = Settings()
    s.specific.gamess.contrl.nzvar = 12
    s.specific.gamess.system.timlim = 2
    s.specific.gamess.system.mwords = 2
    s.specific.gamess.pcm.solvnt = 'water'
    s.specific.gamess.basis.gbasis = 'sto'
    s.specific.gamess.basis.ngauss = 3
    s.specific.gamess.guess.guess = 'huckel'
    s.specific.gamess.stapt.optol = '1d-5'
    s.specific.gamess.zmat["izmat(1)"] = "1,1,2,  1,2,3,  1,3,4,  1,3,5,  1,3,6, \n"\
                                         "2,1,2,3,  2,2,3,4,  2,2,3,5,  2,2,3,6, \n"\
                                         "3,1,2,3,4,  3,1,2,3,5,  3,1,2,3,6"

    inp = templates.geometry.overlay(s)
    methanol_geometry = gamess(inp, methanol, work_dir='/tmp')

    mol_opt = run(methanol_geometry.molecule)

    coords = concat([a.coords for a in mol_opt.atoms])

    expected_coords = [-0.9956983464, 0.9204754677, -0.0002616586, -0.72585581,
                       -0.0802380791, 2.18166e-05, 0.741292161, 0.0371204735,
                       -1.69738e-05, 1.1448441964, 0.5632291664, -0.9026112278,
                       1.1448447102, 0.562978981, 0.9027182521,
                       1.1454516521, -0.9993402516, 1.04943e-05]

    assert abs(sum(zipWith(operator.sub)(coords)(expected_coords))) < 1e-7
Exemplo n.º 5
def cp2k_input(range_orbitals,
    # create ``Settings`` for the Cp2K Jobs.
    # Main Cp2k Jobs
    cp2k_args = Settings()
    cp2k_args.basis = fun_format(basis)
    cp2k_args.potential = fun_format(potential)
    cp2k_args.cell_parameters = cell_parameters
    cp2k_args.cell_angles = cell_angles
    main_dft = cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft
    main_dft.scf.added_mos = added_mos
    main_dft.scf.max_scf = 40
    main_dft.scf.eps_scf = 5e-4
    main_dft['print']['mo']['mo_index_range'] = '"{} {}"'.format(
    cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.periodic = fun_format(

    # Setting to calculate the wave function used as guess
    cp2k_OT = Settings()
    cp2k_OT.basis = fun_format(basis)
    cp2k_OT.potential = fun_format(potential)
    cp2k_OT.cell_parameters = cell_parameters
    cp2k_OT.cell_angles = cell_angles
    ot_dft = cp2k_OT.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft
    ot_dft.scf.scf_guess = fun_format('atomic')
    ot_dft.scf.ot.minimizer = fun_format('DIIS')
    ot_dft.scf.ot.n_diis = 7
    ot_dft.scf.ot.preconditioner = fun_format('FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE')
    ot_dft.scf.added_mos = 0
    ot_dft.scf.eps_scf = 1e-06
    ot_dft.scf.scf_guess = fun_format('restart')
    cp2k_OT.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.periodic = fun_format('None')

    return cp2k_args, cp2k_OT
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_ADFGeometry_Constraint():
    Test "freeze" and "selected_atoms" keywords for constrained geometry
    an = plams.Molecule('test/test_files/an.xyz', 'xyz')
    # optimize only H atoms
    s = Settings()
    s.freeze = [1, 2, 3]
    result1 = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(s), an)
    geom1 = result1.molecule

    # optimize only H atoms
    s = Settings()
    s.selected_atoms = ['H']
    result2 = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(s), an)
    geom2 = result2.molecule

    r = run(gather(geom1, geom2), n_processes=1)

    assert str(r[0]) == str(r[1])
Exemplo n.º 7
def calc_productAndTS(name):
    smiles = 'C1' + name[0] + "=" + name[1:] + 'C=1'
    mol = rdkitTools.smiles2plams(smiles)
    mol.properties.smiles = smiles
    product = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings),
                  dftb(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), mol,
                       job_name=name + "_product_DFTB").molecule,
                  job_name=name + "_product")

    constraint1 = "dist 1 2"
    constraint2 = "dist 4 5"

    sv1 = startvalue[name[0]]
    sv2 = startvalue[name[2]]

    # scan input
    if name[0] == name[2]:
        # symmetric molecule
        scan = {'constraint': [constraint1, constraint2],
                'surface': {'nsteps': 4, 'start': [sv1, sv2],
                            'stepsize': [0.1, 0.1]}}
        scan = {'constraint': constraint1,
                'surface': {'nsteps': 4, 'start': sv1, 'stepsize': 0.1},
                'scan': {'constraint': constraint2,
                         'surface': {'nsteps': 4, 'start': sv2, 'stepsize': 0.1}

    # PES = gathered (promised) result objects for each point in the scan
    PES = PES_scan([dftb, adf], settings, product.molecule, scan,
                   job_name=name + "_PES")

    # get the object presenting the molecule with the maximum energy calculated from the scan
    apprTS = select_max(PES, 'energy')

    DFTB_freq = dftb(templates.freq.overlay(settings), apprTS.molecule,
                     job_name=name + "_DFTBfreq")

    t = Settings()
    t.inithess = DFTB_freq.hessian

    # Run the TS optimization, using the default TS template
    TS = adf(templates.ts.overlay(settings).overlay(t), DFTB_freq.molecule,
             job_name=name + "_TS")

    adf_freq = adf(templates.freq.overlay(settings), TS.molecule,
                   job_name=name + "_freq")

    return product, adf_freq
Exemplo n.º 8
def adf_fragmentsjob(settings, mol, *frozen_frags):
    mol_tot = Molecule()
    frag_settings = Settings()
    for i, frag in enumerate(frozen_frags):
        frag_id = "frag" + str(i + 1)
        for m in frag.mol_list:
            for a in m:
                a.fragment = frag_id
            mol_tot += m
        path = frag.result.kf.path + " type=FDE"
        frag_settings.specific.adf.fragments[frag_id] = path
        frag_settings.specific.adf.fde.PW91k = ""
    mol_tot += mol
    return adf(settings.overlay(frag_settings), mol_tot, job_name="fde")
Exemplo n.º 9
def subexc_job(settings, iso_frag1, iso_frag2, emb_frag, frozen_frag, jobname,
    subexc_settings = Settings()
    m_tot = add_fragments(iso_frag1, iso_frag2, switch)
    s_frag = subexc_settings.specific.adf.fragments
    s_frag['frag1'] = emb_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active'
    s_frag['frag2'] = frozen_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active type=FDE'
    subexc_settings.specific.adf.excitations.onlysing = ""
    subexc_settings.specific.adf.excitations.lowest = "5"
    subexc_settings.specific.adf.subexci.cthres = "10000.00"
    subexc_settings.specific.adf.subexci.sfthres = "0.00010000"
    subexc_settings.specific.adf.subexci.couplblock = ""
    subexc_settings.specific.adf.subexci.cicoupl = ""
    subexc_settings.specific.adf.subexci.tda = ""
    return adf(settings.overlay(subexc_settings), m_tot, job_name=jobname)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_overlay_cp2k_singlepoint():
    Test if the merging with the CP2K templates produces the same Settings that
    writing it by hand.
    s = Settings()
    dft = s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft
    force = s.specific.cp2k.force_eval
    dft.scf.scf_guess = 'atomic'
    dft.scf.ot.minimizer = 'diis'
    dft.scf.ot.n_diis = 7
    dft.scf.ot.preconditioner = 'full_single_inverse'
    dft.scf.added_mos = 0
    dft.scf.eps_scf = 5e-06

    r = templates.singlepoint.overlay(s)

    dft.basis_set_file_name = ''
    dft.mgrid.cutoff = 400
    dft.mgrid.ngrids = 4

    dft.potential_file_name = ''
    dft['print']['mo']['add_last'] = 'numeric'
    dft['print']['mo']['each']['qs_scf'] = 0
    dft['print']['mo']['eigenvalues'] = ''
    dft['print']['mo']['eigenvectors'] = ''
    dft['print']['mo']['filename'] = './mo.data'
    dft['print']['mo']['ndigits'] = 36
    dft['print']['mo']['occupation_numbers'] = ''

    dft.scf.max_scf = 200
    dft.scf.scf_guess = 'atomic'
    dft.xc.xc_functional = 'pbe'

    dft.qs.method = 'gpw'
    force.subsys.cell.periodic = 'xyz'
    force.subsys.topology.coordinate = 'xyz'
    force.subsys.topology.coord_file_name = ''

    g = s['specific']['cp2k']['global']
    g.print_level = 'low'
    g.project = "qmworks-cp2k"
    g.run_type = "energy_force"


    assert s.specific.cp2k == r.specific.cp2k
Exemplo n.º 11
def excitations_job(settings, iso1, iso2, emb_frag, frozen_frag, jobname,
    exc_settings = Settings()
    if not switch:
        m_tot = add_fragments(iso1, iso2, switch)
        m_tot = add_fragments(iso2, iso1, switch)
    s_frag = exc_settings.specific.adf.fragments
    if not switch:
        s_frag['frag1'] = emb_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active'
        s_frag['frag2'] = frozen_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active type=FDE'
        s_frag['frag2'] = emb_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active'
        s_frag['frag1'] = frozen_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active type=FDE'
    exc_settings.specific.adf.excitations.onlysing = ""
    exc_settings.specific.adf.excitations.lowest = "5"
    return adf(settings.overlay(exc_settings), m_tot, job_name=jobname)
Exemplo n.º 12
def embed_job(settings, emb_frag, frozen_frag, jobname, switch):
    Define different jobs
    frag_settings = Settings()
    m_tot = add_fragments(emb_frag, frozen_frag, switch)
    if not switch:
            'frag1'] = emb_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active'
            'frag2'] = frozen_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active type=FDE'
            'frag2'] = emb_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active'
            'frag1'] = frozen_frag.kf.path + ' subfrag=active type=FDE'
    return adf(settings.overlay(frag_settings), m_tot, job_name=jobname)
Exemplo n.º 13
def calc_productAndTS(name):
    smiles = 'C1' + name[0] + "=" + name[1:] + 'C1'
    mol = rdkitTools.smiles2plams(smiles)
    mol.properties.smiles = smiles
    product = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings),
                       job_name=name + "_product_DFTB").molecule,
                  job_name=name + "_product")

    constraint1 = Distance(1, 0)
    constraint2 = Distance(4, 3)

    # scan input
    pes = PES(product.molecule,
              constraints=[constraint1, constraint2],
              offset=[2.0, 2.0],
              stepsize=[0.1, 0.1])

    # PES = gathered (promised) result objects for each point in the scan
    pesscan = pes.scan([dftb, adf], settings, job_name=name + "_PES")

    # get the object presenting the molecule with the maximum energy
    # calculated from the scan
    apprTS = select_max(pesscan, 'energy')

    DFTB_freq = dftb(templates.freq.overlay(settings),
                     job_name=name + "_DFTBfreq")

    t = Settings()
    t.specific.adf.geometry.inithess = DFTB_freq.kf.path

    # Run the TS optimization, using the default TS template
    TS = adf(templates.ts.overlay(settings).overlay(t),
             job_name=name + "_TS")

    adf_freq = adf(templates.freq.overlay(settings),
                   job_name=name + "_freq")

    return product, adf_freq
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_overlay_adf_freq():
    Test if the overlay function produces the same Settings that a user would
    write by hand.
    s = Settings()
    s.specific.adf.xc.gga = "bp86"
    s.specific.adf.beckegrid.quality = "good"
    s.specific.adf.scf.iterations = "99"
    s.specific.adf.scf.converge = "0.0000001"

    r = templates.freq.overlay(s)

    s.specific.adf.basis.type = "DZP"
    s.specific.adf.basis.core = "None"

    assert s.specific.adf == r.specific.adf
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_methanol_opt_orca():
    Run a methanol optimization and retrieve the optimized geom.
    methanol = Molecule('test/test_files/methanol.xyz')

    s = Settings()
    s.specific.orca.main = "RKS B3LYP SVP Opt TightSCF SmallPrint"

    opt = orca(s, methanol)

    mol_opt = run(opt.molecule)

    expected_coords = [
        -1.311116, -0.051535, -0.000062, 0.097548, 0.033890, -0.000077,
        -1.683393, -1.092152, -0.000066, -1.734877, 0.448868, 0.891460,
        -1.734894, 0.448881, -0.891567, 0.460481, -0.857621, -0.000038

    coords = concat([a.coords for a in mol_opt.atoms])

    assert abs(sum(zipWith(operator.sub)(coords)(expected_coords))) < 1e-7
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_linear_ts():
    compute a first approximation to the TS.
    # Read the Molecule from file
    cnc = Molecule('test/test_files/C-N-C.mol', 'mol')

    # User define Settings
    settings = Settings()
    settings.functional = "pbe"
    settings.basis = "SZ"

    constraint1 = Distance(0, 4)
    constraint2 = Distance(2, 3)

    # scan input
    pes = PES(cnc,
              constraints=[constraint1, constraint2],
              offset=[2.3, 2.3],
              stepsize=[0.1, 0.1])

    # returns a set of results object containing the output of
    # each point in the scan
    lt = pes.scan([dftb, adf], settings)

    # Gets the object presenting the molecule
    # with the maximum energy calculated from the scan
    apprTS = select_max(lt, "energy")

    # Run the TS optimization, using the default TS template
    ts = run(apprTS)

    expected_energy = -3.219708290363864

    assert abs(ts.energy - expected_energy) < 0.02
Exemplo n.º 17
from noodles import gather

# User Defined imports
from math import sqrt
from qmworks.packages.SCM import dftb
from qmworks.components import PES_scan, select_max

import plams
# ========== =============


hartree2kcal = 627.5095
startvalue = {'C': 2.1, 'N': 1.9, 'O': 1.8}

settings = Settings()
settings.specific.dftb.dftb.scc.mixing = 0.15
settings.specific.dftb.dftb.scc.iterations = 200
settings.specific.dftb.geometry.iterations = 200
settings.specific.dftb.geometry.converge = "rad=0.002"

def calc_reactant(name):
    smiles = {'C': '[CH2]=', 'N': '[NH]=', 'O': 'O='}[name[0]] +\
             {'N': '[NH+]', 'O': '[O+]', 'S': '[S+]'}[name[1]] +\
             {'C': '[CH2-]', 'N': '[NH-]', 'O': '[O-]'}[name[2]]
    mol = rdkitTools.smiles2plams(smiles)
    mol.properties.smiles = smiles
    return dftb(templates.geometry.overlay(settings),
                job_name=name + "_reactant")
Exemplo n.º 18
                "settings_Frag2.specific.fragment2." + adfkey + '="' +
                keyval.strip("\n") + '"' for adfkey, keyval in adfinputLine

        elif key == "complex_EXTRA":
            f = open(val[0][0])
            adfinputLine = [(line.split("=", 1)) for line in f.readlines()]
            inputKeys[key] = [
                "settings_Fa.specific.complex." + adfkey + '="' +
                keyval.strip("\n") + '"' for adfkey, keyval in adfinputLine

            inputKeys[key] = [term for term in val]

settings = Settings()
settings_R1 = Settings()
settings_R2 = Settings()
settings_RC = Settings()
settings_TS = Settings()
settings_P = Settings()
settings_IRC = Settings()
settings_Frag1 = Settings()
settings_Frag2 = Settings()
settings_Fa = Settings()

for key, val in list(inputKeys.items()):
    if key == "adfinputfile":
        for option in inputKeys["adfinputfile"]:
for key, val in list(inputKeys.items()):
Exemplo n.º 19
def fun_ethylene(scratch_path):
    Test Ethylene singlw
    project_name = 'ethylene'

    # create Settings for the Cp2K Jobs
    s = Settings()
    s.basis = "DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH"
    s.potential = "GTH-PBE"
    s.cell_parameters = [12.74] * 3
    dft = s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft
    dft.scf.added_mos = 20
    dft.scf.eps_scf = 1e-4

    dft['print']['ao_matrices']['overlap'] = ''
    dft['print']['ao_matrices']['filename'] = join(scratch_path, 'overlap.out')

    # Copy the basis and potential to a tmp file
    shutil.copy('test/test_files/BASIS_MOLOPT', scratch_path)
    shutil.copy('test/test_files/GTH_POTENTIALS', scratch_path)
    # Cp2k configuration files
    basiscp2k = join(scratch_path, 'BASIS_MOLOPT')
    potcp2k = join(scratch_path, 'GTH_POTENTIALS')
    cp2k_config = {"basis": basiscp2k, "potential": potcp2k}

    # HDF5 path
    path_hdf5 = join(scratch_path, 'ethylene.hdf5')

    # all_geometries type :: [String]
    path_xyz = 'test/test_files/ethylene.xyz'
    geometries = split_file_geometries(path_xyz)

    # Input/Output Files
    file_xyz = join(scratch_path, 'coordinates.xyz')
    file_inp = join(scratch_path, 'ethylene.inp')
    file_out = join(scratch_path, 'ethylene.out')
    file_MO = join(scratch_path, 'mo_coeffs.out')

    files = JobFiles(file_xyz, file_inp, file_out, file_MO)

    schedule_job = schedule(prepare_job_cp2k)

    promise = schedule_job(geometries[0],

    cp2k_result = run(promise)

    path_properties = cp2k_result.orbitals

    with h5py.File(path_hdf5) as f5:
        assert (all(p in f5 for p in path_properties))