Exemplo n.º 1
def simple_graph(dt = .001):
    graph = nx.Graph()
    graph.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2])
    graph.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2)])
    psi0 = np.array([[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]]).T
    s = State(psi0, 3, is_ket=True)
    times = np.arange(0, 3, dt)
    hamiltonian = HamiltonianHeisenberg(graph)
    se = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(hamiltonians=[hamiltonian], is_ket=True)
    output = np.squeeze(se.run_ode_solver(s.state, 0,  3, dt), axis=-1)
    overlap = np.abs([email protected]())
    plt.plot(times, overlap)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def run(self, s, t0, tf, dt):
     # Compute probability that we have a jump
     times = np.arange(t0, tf, dt)
     outputs = np.zeros((times.shape[0], s.shape[0], s.shape[1]), dtype=np.complex128)
     se = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(hamiltonians=self.hamiltonians, is_ket=True)
     for (j, time) in zip(range(times.shape[0]), times):
         output = se.run_ode_solver(s, time, time+2*dt, dt)[-1]
         jump = self.jumps[0]
         jump_probability = jump.jump_rate(s)*dt
         if np.random.uniform() < jump_probability:
             print('jumping up')
             s = jump.random_jump(s)
             # Renormalize codes
             s = s / np.linalg.norm(s)
             jump_probability_integrated = 1 - np.linalg.norm(np.squeeze(output.T)) ** 2
             s = output/(1-jump_probability_integrated)**.5
         outputs[j,...] = s
     return outputs
def track_eigenstate_populations(graph, tails_graph, grid, k=2):
    n_points = 7
    times_exp = 2**np.linspace(-2.5, 4.5 / 6 *
                               (n_points - 1) - 2.5, n_points) + .312 * 2
    t_max = times_exp[6]
    cost = hamiltonian.HamiltonianMIS(graph, IS_subspace=True)
    # print('Starting driver')
    driver = hamiltonian.HamiltonianDriver(IS_subspace=True, graph=graph)
    # print('Starting rydberg')
    if tails_graph is not None:
        rydberg = hamiltonian.HamiltonianRydberg(tails_graph,
                                                 energies=(2 * np.pi, ))
    pulse = np.loadtxt('for_AWG_{}.000000.txt'.format(6))
    t_pulse_max = np.max(pulse[:, 0]) - 2 * 0.312
    max_detuning = np.max(pulse[:, 2])

    def schedule_old(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11 * 2 * (1 / 2 - t / T),
                         )  # (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,
                           )  # (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)

    def schedule_exp_optimized(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            t_pulse = (t - 0.312) / (T - 2 * 0.312) * t_pulse_max + 0.312
            driver.energies = (
                2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], pulse[:, 1] / 2), )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi *
                             np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], -pulse[:, 2]), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * max_detuning, )
        # print(t, cost.energies)

    def schedule_exp_linear(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / (T - 2 * .312) *
                                          (t - .312) + 15), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11, )

    def eigs(t):
        schedule_exp_linear(t, t_max)
        eigval, eigvec = eq.eig(which='S', k=k)
        return eigval - eigval[0], eigvec

    if tails_graph is not None:
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver, rydberg])

        ad = SimulateAdiabatic(graph=graph,
                               hamiltonian=[cost, driver, rydberg],
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver])

        ad = SimulateAdiabatic(graph=graph,
                               hamiltonian=[cost, driver],
    print('starting evolution')

    states, data = ad.run(t_max,
                          num=int(60 * t_max),
    print('finished evolution')
    times = data['t']
    start_index = len(times) // 2
    times = times[start_index:]
    states = states[start_index:]
    populations = np.zeros((len(times), k))
    energies = np.zeros((len(times), k))
    for (i, time) in enumerate(times):
        eigval, eigvecs = eigs(time)
        populations[i] = (np.abs(eigvecs @ states[i])**2).flatten()
        energies[i] = eigval / (2 * np.pi)
    populations = np.log10(populations)
    from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    norm = plt.Normalize(-5, np.max(populations))
    for i in range(energies.shape[1]):
        points = np.array([times, energies[:, i]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1)
        lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap='coolwarm', norm=norm)
        # Set the values used for colormapping
        lc.set_array(populations[:-1, i])
        line = ax.add_collection(lc)
    cbar = fig.colorbar(line, ax=ax)
    ax.set_xlim(np.min(times), np.max(times))
    ax.set_xlabel(r'Time ($\mu$s)')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Eigenenergy (MHz)')
    ax.set_ylim(np.min(energies) - .3, np.max(energies))
    # ax.annotate(r'$r_{0\rightarrow j} = \sum_\mu |\langle j |c_\mu |0\rangle |^2$', xy=(0.4, 0.1), xycoords='data')

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    deltas = np.zeros(len(times))
    for (i, time) in enumerate(times):
        schedule_exp_linear(time, t_max)
        deltas[i] = cost.energies[0] / (2 * np.pi)
    norm = plt.Normalize(-5, np.max(populations))
    for i in range(energies.shape[1]):
        points = np.array([deltas, energies[:, i]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1)
        lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap='coolwarm', norm=norm)
        # Set the values used for colormapping
        lc.set_array(populations[:-1, i])
        line = ax.add_collection(lc)
    cbar = fig.colorbar(line, ax=ax)
    ax.set_xlim(np.max(deltas), np.min(deltas))
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$ (MHz)')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Eigenenergy (MHz)')
    ax.set_ylim(np.min(energies) - .3, np.max(energies))
    # ax.annotate(r'$r_{0\rightarrow j} = \sum_\mu |\langle j |c_\mu |0\rangle |^2$', xy=(0.4, 0.1), xycoords='data')

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 5)

    probs = np.abs(eigvecs)**2
    print(probs[:, :10])
    for l in range(k):
        i = l // 5
        j = l % 5
        layout = grid.copy().flatten().astype(float)
        layout[layout == 0] = -5
        layout[layout == 1] = 0
        layout_temp = layout.copy()
        for m in range(probs.shape[1]):
            layout_temp[layout == 0] = layout_temp[
                layout == 0] + (1 - graph.independent_sets[m]) * probs[l, m]

def visualize_low_energy_subspace(graph, tails_graph, k=5):
    cost = hamiltonian.HamiltonianMIS(graph, IS_subspace=True)
    # print('Starting driver')
    n_points = 7
    times_exp = 2**np.linspace(-2.5, 4.5 / 6 *
                               (n_points - 1) - 2.5, n_points) + .312 * 2
    t_max = times_exp[4]
    driver = hamiltonian.HamiltonianDriver(IS_subspace=True, graph=graph)
    # print('Starting rydberg')
    rydberg = hamiltonian.HamiltonianRydberg(tails_graph,
                                             energies=(2 * np.pi, ))
    pulse = np.loadtxt('for_AWG_{}.000000.txt'.format(6))
    t_pulse_max = np.max(pulse[:, 0]) - 2 * 0.312

    def schedule(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15), )
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude, )

    def schedule_old(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11 * 2 * (1 / 2 - t / T),
                         )  # (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,
                           )  # (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)

    def schedule_exp_optimized(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            t_pulse = (t - 0.312) / (T - 2 * 0.312) * t_pulse_max + 0.312
            driver.energies = (
                2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], pulse[:, 1] / 2), )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi *
                             np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], -pulse[:, 2]), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11, )
        # print(t, cost.energies)

    def schedule_exp_linear(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / (T - 2 * .312) *
                                          (t - .312) + 15), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11, )

    # print(t, cost.energies)
    # Uncomment this to print the schedule at t=0
    # schedule(0, 1)
    # print(cost.hamiltonian*2*np.pi)

    def gap(t):
        schedule_exp_linear(t * t_max, t_max)
        eigval, eigvec = eq.eig(which='S', k=k)
        return np.abs(eigval - eigval[0]), eigvec

    # Uncomment this to print the schedule at t=0
    # schedule(0, 1)
    # print(cost.hamiltonian*2*np.pi)
    # print(driver.hamiltonian)
    eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
        hamiltonians=[cost, driver, rydberg])

    fig = plt.figure(tight_layout=True)
    k_cutoff = 5
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(k_cutoff, k_cutoff)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0:k_cutoff - 1])
    num = 50
    print('beginning computation')
    for (i, t) in enumerate(np.linspace(.5, .98, num)):
        g, eigvec = gap(t)
        if i == num - 1:
            probs = np.abs(eigvec)**2
            for l in range(k_cutoff):
                layout = grid.copy().flatten().astype(float)
                layout[layout == 0] = -5
                layout[layout == 1] = 0
                layout_temp = layout.copy()
                ax_im = fig.add_subplot(gs[k_cutoff - l - 1, -1])
                for j in range(probs.shape[1]):
                    layout_temp[layout == 0] = layout_temp[layout == 0] + (
                        1 - graph.independent_sets[j]) * probs[l, j]
        ax.scatter(np.ones(len(g)) * t, g, s=5, color='navy')
        ax.set_ylabel(r'Eigenenergy ($\Omega_{\max} = 1$)')
def find_ground_first_excited(graph, tails_graph, t, k=2):
    n_points = 7
    times_exp = 2**np.linspace(-2.5, 4.5 / 6 *
                               (n_points - 1) - 2.5, n_points) + .312 * 2
    t_max = times_exp[4]
    print('Starting cost')
    cost = hamiltonian.HamiltonianMIS(graph, IS_subspace=True)
    print('Starting driver')
    driver = hamiltonian.HamiltonianDriver(IS_subspace=True, graph=graph)
    if tails_graph is not None:
        print('Starting rydberg')
        rydberg = hamiltonian.HamiltonianRydberg(tails_graph,
                                                 energies=(2 * np.pi, ))
    pulse = np.loadtxt('for_AWG_{}.000000.txt'.format(6))
    t_pulse_max = np.max(pulse[:, 0]) - 2 * 0.312
    max_detuning = np.max(pulse[:, 2])

    def schedule_old(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11 * 2 * (1 / 2 - t / T),
                         )  # (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,
                           )  # (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)

    def schedule_exp_optimized(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            t_pulse = (t - 0.312) / (T - 2 * 0.312) * t_pulse_max + 0.312
            driver.energies = (
                2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], pulse[:, 1] / 2), )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi *
                             np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], -pulse[:, 2]), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * max_detuning, )
        # print(t, cost.energies)

    def schedule_exp_linear(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / (T - 2 * .312) *
                                          (t - .312) + 15), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11, )

    if tails_graph is None:
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver])
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver, rydberg])

    # Do minimization
    schedule = schedule_exp_linear
    t = t * t_max
    schedule(t, t_max)
    eigval, eigvec = eq.eig(which='S', k=k)
    print(eigval[0], eigval[1])
    return eigval, eigvec
def find_gap(graph, tails_graph, k=2, verbose=False):
    n_points = 7
    times_exp = 2**np.linspace(-2.5, 4.5 / 6 *
                               (n_points - 1) - 2.5, n_points) + .312 * 2
    t_max = times_exp[4]
    print('Starting cost')
    cost = hamiltonian.HamiltonianMIS(graph, IS_subspace=True)
    print('Starting driver')
    driver = hamiltonian.HamiltonianDriver(IS_subspace=True, graph=graph)
    if tails_graph is not None:
        print('Starting rydberg')
        rydberg = hamiltonian.HamiltonianRydberg(tails_graph,
                                                 energies=(2 * np.pi, ))
    pulse = np.loadtxt('for_AWG_{}.000000.txt'.format(6))
    t_pulse_max = np.max(pulse[:, 0]) - 2 * 0.312
    max_detuning = np.max(pulse[:, 2])

    def schedule_old(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11 * 2 * (1 / 2 - t / T),
                         )  # (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,
                           )  # (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)

    def schedule_exp_optimized(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            t_pulse = (t - 0.312) / (T - 2 * 0.312) * t_pulse_max + 0.312
            driver.energies = (
                2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], pulse[:, 1] / 2), )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi *
                             np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], -pulse[:, 2]), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * max_detuning, )
        # print(t, cost.energies)

    def schedule_exp_linear(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / (T - 2 * .312) *
                                          (t - .312) + 15), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11, )

    def gap(t):
        t = t[0]
        t = t * t_max
        schedule(t, t_max)
        eigval, eigvec = eq.eig(which='S', k=k)
        if verbose:
            print(np.abs(eigval[1] - eigval[0]), t / t_max)
        # print(t/t_max, np.abs(eigval[1] - eigval[0]))
        return np.abs(eigval[1] - eigval[0])

    if tails_graph is None:
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver])
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver, rydberg])

    # Do minimization
    schedule = schedule_exp_linear
    if tails_graph is None:
        # Previously .67
        upper = 0.8
        # Previously .55
        lower = .55
        init = np.array([.7])
        # Default: .77
        upper = 0.7860824  # 0.77
        lower = 0.7856305  # 0.8161#.77#.6
        # Default: .71
        init = np.array([0.7860309])  # 0.74
    print('Starting gap')
    res_linear = scipy.optimize.minimize(gap,
                                         bounds=[(lower, upper)],
    terminate = False
    while res_linear.x[0] == upper and not terminate:
        upper -= .01
        if upper <= lower:
            upper = .95
        res_linear = scipy.optimize.minimize(gap,
                                             bounds=[(lower, upper)],

    return res_linear.fun, res_linear.x[0]
Exemplo n.º 7
def track_eigenstate_composition(graph, tails_graph, num=1):
    cost = hamiltonian.HamiltonianMIS(graph, IS_subspace=True)
    # print('Starting driver')
    n_points = 7
    times_exp = 2 ** np.linspace(-2.5, 4.5 / 6 * (n_points - 1) - 2.5, n_points) + .312 * 2
    t_max = times_exp[4]
    driver = hamiltonian.HamiltonianDriver(IS_subspace=True, graph=graph)
    # print('Starting rydberg')
    if tails_graph is not None:
        rydberg = hamiltonian.HamiltonianRydberg(tails_graph, graph, IS_subspace=True, energies=(2 * np.pi,))
    pulse = np.loadtxt('for_AWG_{}.000000.txt'.format(6))
    t_pulse_max = np.max(pulse[:, 0]) - 2 * 0.312

    def schedule(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)

    def schedule_old(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11 * 2 * (1 / 2 - t / T),)  # (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)  # (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)

    def schedule_exp_optimized(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312,)
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15,)
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            t_pulse = (t - 0.312) / (T - 2 * 0.312) * t_pulse_max + 0.312
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], pulse[:, 1] / 2),)
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], -pulse[:, 2]),)
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312,)
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11,)
        # print(t, cost.energies)

    def schedule_exp_linear(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312,)
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15,)
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2,)
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / (T - 2 * .312) * (t - .312) + 15),)
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312,)
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11,)

    # print(t, cost.energies)
    # Uncomment this to print the schedule at t=0
    # schedule(0, 1)
    # print(cost.hamiltonian*2*np.pi)

    def eigs(t):
        schedule_exp_linear(t * t_max, t_max)
        if num == 0:
            eigval, eigvec = eq.eig(which='S', k=num+2)
            eigval, eigvec = eq.eig(which='S', k=num+1)

        return eigval, eigvec

    # Uncomment this to print the schedule at t=0
    # schedule(0, 1)
    # print(cost.hamiltonian*2*np.pi)
    # print(driver.hamiltonian)
    if tails_graph is not None:
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(hamiltonians=[cost, driver, rydberg])
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(hamiltonians=[cost, driver])
    #gap, loc = find_gap(graph, tails_graph)
    loc = 0.6403615396636326
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, num+2, sharex=True)

    print('Beginning computation')
    colors = ['blue', 'green', 'navy', 'orange', 'firebrick', 'purple', 'magenta', 'cornflowerblue', 'teal',
              'grey', 'cyan', 'limegreen', 'red', 'yellow', 'pink', 'orangered', 'salmon', 'violet']
    for (i, t) in enumerate(np.linspace(.6, .7, 50)):
        eigval, eigvec = eigs(t)
        ax[0].scatter(t, np.abs(eigval[0] - eigval[1]), color='k')
        for n in range(num + 1):
            if i == 0:
                ax[n+1].vlines(loc, 0, 1)
            vec = np.abs(eigvec[n])**2
            for j in range(graph.mis_size+1):
                population = np.sum(vec*(np.isclose(np.sum(1-graph.independent_sets, axis=1),j)))
                ax[n+1].scatter(t, population, color=colors[j])

    for j in range(graph.mis_size):
        ax[0].scatter([],[],color=colors[j], label='IS size '+str(j))
Exemplo n.º 8
def visualize_low_energy_subspace(graph, tails_graph, k=5):
    n_points = 7
    times_exp = 2**np.linspace(-2.5, 4.5 / 6 *
                               (n_points - 1) - 2.5, n_points) + .312 * 2
    t_max = times_exp[4]
    cost = hamiltonian.HamiltonianMIS(graph, IS_subspace=True)
    # print('Starting driver')
    driver = hamiltonian.HamiltonianDriver(IS_subspace=True, graph=graph)
    # print('Starting rydberg')
    if tails_graph is not None:
        rydberg = hamiltonian.HamiltonianRydberg(tails_graph,
                                                 energies=(2 * np.pi, ))
    pulse = np.loadtxt('for_AWG_{}.000000.txt'.format(6))
    max_detuning = np.max(pulse[:, 2])
    t_pulse_max = np.max(pulse[:, 0]) - 2 * 0.312

    def schedule(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15), )
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude, )

    def schedule_old(t, T):
        # Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
        k = 50
        a = .95
        b = 3.1
        x = t / T
        amplitude = (
                            -1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
                    (-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
                            (1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
        cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11 * 2 * (1 / 2 - t / T),
                         )  # (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
        driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,
                           )  # (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)

    def schedule_exp_optimized(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            t_pulse = (t - 0.312) / (T - 2 * 0.312) * t_pulse_max + 0.312
            driver.energies = (
                2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], pulse[:, 1] / 2), )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi *
                             np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], -pulse[:, 2]), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * max_detuning, )
        # print(t, cost.energies)

    def schedule_exp_linear(t, T):
        if t < .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15, )
        elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2, )
            cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / (T - 2 * .312) *
                                          (t - .312) + 15), )
            driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312, )
            cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11, )

    # print(t, cost.energies)
    # Uncomment this to print the schedule at t=0
    # schedule(0, 1)
    # print(cost.hamiltonian*2*np.pi)

    def gap(t):
        schedule_exp_linear(t, t_max)
        eigval, eigvec = eq.eig(which='S', k=k)
        return np.abs(eigval - eigval[0]), eigvec

    # Uncomment this to print the schedule at t=0
    # schedule(0, 1)
    # print(cost.hamiltonian*2*np.pi)
    # print(driver.hamiltonian)
    if tails_graph is None:
        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver])

        eq = schrodinger_equation.SchrodingerEquation(
            hamiltonians=[cost, driver, rydberg])

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    num = 100
    print('beginning computation')
    for (i, t) in enumerate(np.linspace(.5, .97, num) * t_max):
        g, eigvec = gap(t)
        schedule_exp_linear(t, t_max)
        detuning = cost.energies[0] / (2 * np.pi)
        g = g / (2 * np.pi)
        ax.scatter(-np.ones(len(g)) * detuning, g, s=3, color='navy')
        ax.set_xlabel(r'Detuning (MHz)')
        ax.set_ylabel(r'Eigenenergy (MHz))')