async def setup(): """ main function """ connection = await qtm.connect("") if connection is None: return -1 async with qtm.TakeControl(connection, "password"): state = await connection.get_state() if state != qtm.QRTEvent.EventConnected: await try: await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventConnected, timeout=10) except asyncio.TimeoutError: LOG.error("Failed to start new measurement") return -1 queue = asyncio.Queue() receiver_future = asyncio.ensure_future(package_receiver(queue)) await connection.stream_frames(components=["2d"], on_packet=queue.put_nowait) asyncio.ensure_future(shutdown(30, connection, receiver_future, queue))
async def setup(): """ main function """ connection = await qtm.connect("") if connection is None: return -1 async with qtm.TakeControl(connection, "password"): state = await connection.get_state() if state != qtm.QRTEvent.EventConnected: await try: await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventConnected, timeout=10) except asyncio.TimeoutError: LOG.error("Failed to start new measurement") return -1 try: cal_response = await connection.calibrate() except asyncio.TimeoutError: LOG.error("Timeout waiting for calibration result.") except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) else: root = etree.fromstring(cal_response) print(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True).decode()) # tell qtm to stop streaming await connection.stream_frames_stop() # stop the event loop, thus exiting the run_forever call loop.stop()
async def main(): # Connect to qtm connection = await qtm.connect("") # Connection failed? if connection is None: print("Failed to connect") return # Take control of qtm, context manager will automatically release control after scope end async with qtm.TakeControl(connection, "password"): realtime = False if realtime: # Start new realtime await else: # Load qtm file await connection.load(QTM_FILE) # start rtfromfile await connection.start(rtfromfile=True) # Get 6dof settings from qtm xml_string = await connection.get_parameters(parameters=["6d"]) body_index = create_body_index(xml_string) wanted_body = "L-frame" def on_packet(packet): info, bodies = packet.get_6d() print("Framenumber: {} - Body count: {}".format( packet.framenumber, info.body_count)) if wanted_body is not None and wanted_body in body_index: # Extract one specific body wanted_index = body_index[wanted_body] position, rotation = bodies[wanted_index] print("{} - Pos: {} - Rot: {}".format(wanted_body, position, rotation)) else: # Print all bodies for position, rotation in bodies: print("Pos: {} - Rot: {}".format(position, rotation)) # Start streaming frames await connection.stream_frames(components=["6d"], on_packet=on_packet) # Wait asynchronously 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Stop streaming await connection.stream_frames_stop()
async def main(interface=None): """ Main function """ qtm_ip = await choose_qtm_instance(interface) if qtm_ip is None: return while True: connection = await qtm.connect(qtm_ip, 22223, version="1.18") if connection is None: return await connection.get_state() await connection.byte_order() async with qtm.TakeControl(connection, "password"): result = await connection.close() if result == b"Closing connection": await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventConnectionClosed ) await connection.load(QTM_FILE) await connection.start(rtfromfile=True) (await connection.get_current_frame(components=["3d"])).get_3d_markers() queue = asyncio.Queue() asyncio.ensure_future(packet_receiver(queue)) try: await connection.stream_frames(components=["incorrect"], on_packet=queue.put_nowait) except qtm.QRTCommandException as exception:"exception %s", exception) await connection.stream_frames(components=["3d"], on_packet=queue.put_nowait) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await connection.byte_order() await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await connection.stream_frames_stop() queue.put_nowait(None) await connection.get_parameters(parameters=["3d"]) await connection.stop() await connection.await_event() await await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventConnected) await connection.start() await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventWaitingForTrigger) await connection.trig() await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventCaptureStarted) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await connection.set_qtm_event() await asyncio.sleep(0.001) await connection.set_qtm_event("with_label") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await connection.stop() await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventCaptureStopped) await"measurement.qtm") await asyncio.sleep(3) await connection.close() connection.disconnect()
async def main(network_config_file_name): # Read the configuration from the json file json_file = open(network_config_file_name) json_file_data = json.load(json_file) # 1 for realtime streaming, 0 for loading qtm file flag_realtime = int(json_file_data['FLAG_REALTIME']) # IP address for the mocap server IP_server = json_file_data['IP_SERVER'] # If you want to stream recorded data in a real-time way, change json file and load it here. # There might be a bug about file path. Will test it later. -- Sept. 08, 2020 file_name_qtm = json_file_data['NAME_FILE_LOADED_QTM'] QTM_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename("qtm", file_name_qtm) # Connect to qtm connection = await qtm.connect(IP_server) # Connection failed? if connection is None: print("Failed to connect") return # Take control of qtm, context manager will automatically release control after scope end async with qtm.TakeControl(connection, "password"): if not flag_realtime: # Load qtm file await connection.load(QTM_FILE) # start rtfromfile await connection.start(rtfromfile=True) # Get 6-DOF settings from QTM xml_string = await connection.get_parameters(parameters=["6d"]) # IP for listening data HOST = json_file_data['HOST_UDP'] # Port for listening data PORT = int(json_file_data['PORT_UDP']) server_address_udp = (HOST, PORT) # Create a UDP socket for data streaming loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() transport, protocol = await loop.create_datagram_endpoint( UdpProtocol, local_addr=None, remote_addr=server_address_udp) # parser for mocap rigid bodies indexing body_index = create_body_index(xml_string) wanted_body = json_file_data['NAME_SINGLE_BODY'] def on_packet(packet): # Get the 6-DOF data bodies = packet.get_6d()[1] if wanted_body is not None and wanted_body in body_index: # Extract one specific body wanted_index = body_index[wanted_body] position, rotation = bodies[wanted_index] # You can use position and rotation here. Notice that the unit for position is mm! # print(wanted_body) print("Position in numpy [meter]") position_np = np.array( [[position.x / 1000.0], [position.y / 1000.0], [position.z / 1000.0]], dtype=np.float64) print(position_np) # # rotation.matrix is a tuple with 9 elements. # print("Rotation matrix in numpy") # rotation_np = np.asarray(rotation.matrix, dtype=np.float64).reshape(3, 3) # print(rotation_np) # send 6-DOF data via UDP # concatenate the position and rotation matrix vertically msg = np.asarray( (position.x / 1000.0, position.y / 1000.0, position.z / 1000.0) + rotation.matrix, dtype=np.float64).tobytes() transport.sendto(msg, server_address_udp) print("6-DOF data sent via UDP!") else: # Print all bodies for position, rotation in bodies: print("There is no such a rigid body! Print all bodies.") print("Pos: {} - Rot: {}".format(position, rotation)) # Start streaming frames # Make sure the component matches with the data fetch function, for example: packet.get_6d() with "6d" # Reference: # while True: # await connection.stream_frames(components=["6d"], on_packet=on_packet) await connection.stream_frames(components=["6d"], on_packet=on_packet)
async def main(): # Delay to get in position for realtime measurement await asyncio.sleep(5) # Connect to qtm connection = await qtm.connect("") # Connection failed? if connection is None: print("Failed to connect") return # Take control of qtm, context manager will automatically release control after scope end async with qtm.TakeControl(connection, "password"): # New measurement await try: # Start capture await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventConnected, timeout=10) await connection.start() await connection.await_event(qtm.QRTEvent.EventCaptureStarted, timeout=10) print("Capture started") except: print("Failed to start new measurement") framesOfPositions = [] framesOfRotations = [] flexion_ind1 = [] flexion_ind2 = [] flexion_mid1 = [] flexion_mid2 = [] flexion_thumb1 = [] flexion_thumb2 = [] roll = [] pitch = [] yaw = [] # Labels need to be in the same order as in the AIM model used in QTM labels = [ 'wrist1', 'wrist2', 'wrist3', 'wrist4', 'ind1', 'ind2', 'ind3', 'mid1', 'mid2', 'mid3', 'thumb1', 'thumb2', 'thumb3' ] ################################################################################################################ # on_packet defines what happens for every streamed frame def on_packet(packet): info, bodies = packet.get_6d_euler() position, rotation = bodies[0] header, markers = packet.get_3d_markers() # print("Framenumber: {}".format(packet.framenumber)) df_pos = pd.DataFrame(markers, index=labels) framesOfPositions.append(df_pos) df_rot = pd.DataFrame(rotation, columns=["wrist"], index=['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']) framesOfRotations.append(df_rot) roll.append(rotation[0]) pitch.append(rotation[1]) yaw.append(rotation[2]) flexion_ind1.append(flexion_mcp('ind', df_pos)) flexion_ind2.append(flexion_pip('ind', df_pos)) flexion_mid1.append(flexion_mcp('mid', df_pos)) flexion_mid2.append(flexion_pip('mid', df_pos)) flexion_thumb1.append(flexion_mcp('thumb', df_pos)) flexion_thumb2.append(flexion_pip('thumb', df_pos)) # Start streaming frames # Frequency is reduced to 10Hz await connection.stream_frames(frames='frequency:10', components=["6deuler", "3d"], on_packet=on_packet) # Define ideal felxions if capture_new_ideal_mov: # Time to perform ideal movements await asyncio.sleep(8) # Initialize ideal movements flexions = [ flexion_ind1, flexion_ind2, flexion_mid1, flexion_mid2, flexion_thumb1, flexion_thumb2, roll, pitch, yaw ] ideal_flexions = init_ideal_mov(flexions) else: ideal_flexions = old_ideal_flexions print(ideal_flexions) ################################################################################################################ # Open serial port ser = serial.Serial() ser.baudrate = 115200 ser.port = 'COM4' ser.timeout = 1 print(ser) # Initial commands for FES device ser.write(b"iam DESKTOP\r\n") ser.write(b"elec 1 *pads_qty 16\r\n") ser.write(b"freq 35\r\n") ################################################################################################################ await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # Archive for deep searches deep_searches = pd.DataFrame(data={'time': [], 'finger': []}) # Initialize history of selected bandits active_bandits = [] # veritcal lines to visualize the stimulation sequences vlines = [] # Start 'normal' search for t in range(n): deeper_search = False print('\nt:', t) # aim defines which finger/ posterior distribution is used to pick the following action aim = aim_options[0] print(aim_options) print(aim) # Choose action based on maximum of success probability which comes from random sample of the posterior distributions of the bandits action = pick_action(aim, start_bandits) selected_bandit = start_bandits[action] # Define velec corresponding to selected bandit velec = selected_bandit.define_velec(ser) before_stim = len(framesOfPositions) # Pause between stimulations await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # Stimulate predefined velecs and set event markers await connection.set_qtm_event( velec.stim_on() # Stimulation time await asyncio.sleep(stim_time) velec.stim_off() await asyncio.sleep(0.5) after_stim = len(framesOfPositions) vlines.append(after_stim) print('Sequence:', before_stim, '-', after_stim) # Get flexions for the recent stimulation section flexions = [ flexion_ind1[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_ind2[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_mid1[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_mid2[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_thumb1[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_thumb2[before_stim:after_stim], roll[before_stim:after_stim], pitch[before_stim:after_stim], yaw[before_stim:after_stim] ] # Calculate rewards/accuracys for each finger accuracys = [] undesired_movs = [] for finger in ['ind', 'mid', 'thumb']: accuracy = (calc_reward(finger, flexions, ideal_flexions)) # Take mean of PIP and MCP joint accuracy merged_accuracy = (accuracy[0] + accuracy[1]) / 2 accuracys.append(merged_accuracy) # Undesired movements are the flexions of the other fingers and the wrist # especially the wrist flexion is not wanted and therefore the deep search is inhibit if the sum of wrist flexion is > 20degree undesired_mov = calc_undesired_mov(finger, flexions) undesired_movs.append(undesired_mov) undesired_wrist_mov = undesired_mov[2] # Check if observation is good enough for deeper search if merged_accuracy >= 0.5 and undesired_wrist_mov < ( 20 / 3) and finger in aim_options: # Check if deep search for this finger was applied recently without success previous_ds = deep_searches[deep_searches['finger'] == finger] if previous_ds.empty: deeper_search = True # Initial aim_accuracy aim = finger aim_accuracy = merged_accuracy else: numb_of_prev_ds = previous_ds.shape[0] time_since_last_ds = t - int( previous_ds.tail(1)['time']) # too recent deepsearch for the same finger or too many unsuccessful deepsearch attempts inhibit new deepsearch due to impending fatigue if time_since_last_ds > pause_between_ds and numb_of_prev_ds < max_numb_of_ds: deeper_search = True # Initial aim_accuracy aim = finger aim_accuracy = merged_accuracy # Update each distribution for selected bandit selected_bandit.update_observation(accuracys, undesired_movs) print(selected_bandit) print('Accuracys:', accuracys) print('Wrist movement:', undesired_wrist_mov) active_bandits.append([ selected_bandit.electrode, selected_bandit.amplitude, accuracys, undesired_movs ]) # save bandits with posterior distribution pickle.dump(bandits, open(new_file, 'wb')) ############################################################################################################ if deeper_search: print( 'Deep search was entered: With the %s an accuracy of %s for the movement of %s was achieved' % (selected_bandit, aim_accuracy, aim)) # Add deep search to deep search archive deep_searches = deep_searches.append({ 'time': t, 'finger': aim }, ignore_index=True) # Define new actionspace/bandits for deeper search combinations = neighbor_combinations(selected_bandit.electrode) new_bandits = [ x for x in bandits if x.electrode in combinations and x.amplitude in [8, 10] ] # Initialize iterator for deeper search iter = 0 time_exceeded = False # Stay in deeper search for n_deeper steps while aim_accuracy <= 0.75: iter += 1 print('iteration', iter) if iter == n_deeper: time_exceeded = True break # Pick action based on random sample of posterior distribution new_action = pick_action(aim, new_bandits) selected_bandit = new_bandits[new_action] # Define velec velec = selected_bandit.define_velec(ser) before_stim = len(framesOfPositions) # Pause between stimulations await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # Stimulate predefined velecs velec.stim_on() # Stimulation time await asyncio.sleep(stim_time) velec.stim_off() await asyncio.sleep(0.5) after_stim = len(framesOfPositions) vlines.append(after_stim) print('Sequence:', before_stim, '-', after_stim) # Get flexions for the recent stimulation section flexions = [ flexion_ind1[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_ind2[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_mid1[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_mid2[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_thumb1[before_stim:after_stim], flexion_thumb2[before_stim:after_stim], roll[before_stim:after_stim], pitch[before_stim:after_stim], yaw[before_stim:after_stim] ] # Calculate rewards/accuracys for each finger accuracys = [] undesired_movs = [] for finger in ['ind', 'mid', 'thumb']: accuracy = (calc_reward(finger, flexions, ideal_flexions)) # Take mean of PIP and MCP joint accuracy merged_accuracy = (accuracy[0] + accuracy[1]) / 2 accuracys.append(merged_accuracy) # Undesired movements are the flexions of the other fingers and the wrist undesired_mov = calc_undesired_mov(finger, flexions) undesired_movs.append(undesired_mov) # Check if other finger (than aim) achieved the desired accuracy if merged_accuracy >= 0.75 and finger != aim and finger in aim_options: print( 'Success: Good bandit found! With the %s an accuracy of %s for the movement of %s was achieved' % (selected_bandit, merged_accuracy, finger)) aim_options.remove(finger) if finger == aim: aim_accuracy = merged_accuracy # Update each distribution for selected bandit selected_bandit.update_observation(accuracys, undesired_movs) print(selected_bandit) print('Accuracys:', accuracys) print('Wrist movement:', undesired_mov[2]) active_bandits.append([ selected_bandit.electrode, selected_bandit.amplitude, accuracys, undesired_movs ]) # save bandits with posterior distribution pickle.dump(bandits, open(new_file, 'wb')) if time_exceeded: print('Failure: No good bandit found in given time!') else: print( 'Success: Good bandit found! With the %s an accuracy of %s for the movement of %s was achieved' % (selected_bandit, aim_accuracy, aim)) deeper_search = False if len(aim_options) != 0: aim_options.remove(aim) if len(aim_options) == 0: print( 'Finished! For each movement a good bandit has been found.' ) break # Save list of active bandits for eventual trace back of stimulation order pickle.dump(active_bandits, open(('active' + new_file), 'wb')) # Close serial port ser.close() ################################################################################################################ # Delay needed, otherwise error from connection.stop await asyncio.sleep(10) # Stop streaming await connection.stream_frames_stop() await connection.stop() # Save flexions to ease a new plot with open(('flexions' + new_file), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(flexions, f) # Plot the flexions for the whole measurement fulltime = len(framesOfPositions) fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharey=True) ax1.plot(range(fulltime), flexion_ind1, label=('mcp flex ind')) ax1.plot(range(fulltime), flexion_ind2, label=('pip flex ind')) ax1.set(xlabel='', ylabel='ind flexion (°)') ax1.legend() ax1.grid() ax1.vlines(vlines, 0, 75) ax2.plot(range(fulltime), flexion_mid1, label=('mcp flex mid')) ax2.plot(range(fulltime), flexion_mid2, label=('pip flex mid')) ax2.set(xlabel='', ylabel='mid flexion (°)') ax2.legend() ax2.grid() ax2.vlines(vlines, 0, 75) ax3.plot(range(fulltime), flexion_thumb1, label=('mcp flex thumb')) ax3.plot(range(fulltime), flexion_thumb2, label=('pip flex thumb')) ax3.set(xlabel='', ylabel='thumb flexion (°)') ax3.legend() ax3.grid() ax3.vlines(vlines, -20, 60) ax4.plot(range(fulltime), roll[:], label=('roll')) ax4.plot(range(fulltime), pitch[:], label=('pitch')) ax4.plot(range(fulltime), yaw[:], label=('yaw')) ax4.set(xlabel='frames', ylabel='rpy angles(°)') ax4.legend() ax4.grid()