Exemplo n.º 1
    def dropEvent(self, event):
        If the event data contains a workspace reference then
        request a plot of the workspace.

        :param event: A QDropEvent containing the MIME
                      data of the action
        from matplotlib.backend_bases import LocationEvent
        workspace_names = event.mimeData().text().split('\n')

        # This creates a matplotlib LocationEvent so that the axis in which the
        # drop event occurred can be calculated
            x, y = self._canvas.mouseEventCoords(event.pos())
        except AttributeError:  # matplotlib v1.5 does not have mouseEventCoords
                dpi_ratio = self._canvas.devicePixelRatio() or 1
            except AttributeError:
                dpi_ratio = 1
            x = dpi_ratio * event.pos().x()
            y = dpi_ratio * self._canvas.figure.bbox.height / dpi_ratio - event.pos(

        location_event = LocationEvent('AxesGetterEvent', self._canvas, x, y)
        ax = location_event.inaxes if location_event.inaxes else self._canvas.figure.axes[

        self._plot_on_here(workspace_names, ax)
        QMainWindow.dropEvent(self, event)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def dropEvent(self, event):
        If the event data contains a workspace reference then
        request a plot of the workspace.

        :param event: A QDropEvent containing the MIME
                      data of the action
        QMainWindow.dropEvent(self, event)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def dropEvent(self, event):
        If the event data contains a workspace reference then
        request a plot of the workspace.

        :param event: A QDropEvent containing the MIME
                      data of the action
        from matplotlib.backend_bases import LocationEvent
        workspace_names = event.mimeData().text().split('\n')

        # This creates a matplotlib LocationEvent so that the axis in which the drop event occurred can be calculated
        x, y = self._canvas.mouseEventCoords(event.pos())
        location_event = LocationEvent('AxesGetterEvent', self._canvas, x, y)
        ax = location_event.inaxes if location_event.inaxes else self._canvas.figure.axes[0]

        self._plot_on_here(workspace_names, ax)
        QMainWindow.dropEvent(self, event)