Exemplo n.º 1
    def plot_RxRz_interaction(self,
        '''plot the normal/shear-reaction forces as interaction diagram for all loading case combinations

        # get the list of all loading case combinations:
        lcc_list = self.lcc_list

        # run trough all loading case combinations:

        Rx_Ed_list = [
        ]  # normal reaction force (tangential to the shell geometry)
        Rz_Ed_list = []  # shear reaction force (radial to the shell geometry)
        for lcc in lcc_list:

            # get the ls_table object and retrieve its 'ls_class'
            # (= LSTable_ULS-object)
            ls_class = lcc.ls_table.ls_class

            # get Rx_Ed and Rz_Ed
            Rx_Ed = np.copy(getattr(ls_class, 'Rx'))
            Rz_Ed = np.copy(getattr(ls_class, 'Rz'))

            # add read in saved values to be superposed with currently read in values
            if add_max_min_RxRz_from_file != None:
                max_min_RxRz_arr = np.loadtxt(add_max_min_RxRz_from_file)
                max_Rx_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 0][:, None]
                min_Rx_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 1][:, None]
                max_Rz_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 2][:, None]
                min_Rz_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 3][:, None]

                # Rx_Ed
                cond_Rx_Ed_ge_0 = Rx_Ed >= 0.  # positive Rx value = shear force for the build-in srew
                bool_arr = cond_Rx_Ed_ge_0
                Rx_Ed[bool_arr] += max_Rx_Ed_arr[bool_arr]

                cond_Rx_Ed_lt_0 = Rx_Ed < 0.  # negative Rx value = compressive force in tangential direction at support (normal force)
                bool_arr = cond_Rx_Ed_lt_0
                Rx_Ed[bool_arr] += min_Rx_Ed_arr[bool_arr]

                # Rz_Ed
                cond_Rz_Ed_ge_0 = Rz_Ed >= 0.  # positive Rz value = compressive force in radial direction at the support
                bool_arr = cond_Rz_Ed_ge_0
                Rz_Ed[bool_arr] += max_Rz_Ed_arr[bool_arr]

                cond_Rz_Ed_lt_0 = Rz_Ed < 0.  # negative Rz value = pull-out force for the build-in srew
                bool_arr = cond_Rz_Ed_lt_0
                Rz_Ed[bool_arr] += min_Rz_Ed_arr[bool_arr]


        # stack the list to an array in order to use plot-function
        Rx_Ed_arr = hstack(Rx_Ed_list)
        Rz_Ed_arr = hstack(Rz_Ed_list)
        print 'Rz_Ed_arr.shape', Rz_Ed_arr.shape

        # get Rx_Rd, Rz_Rd
        Rx_Rd = getattr(ls_class, 'Rx_Rd')  # shear resistance
        Rz_Rd = getattr(ls_class, 'Rz_Rd')  # pull-out resistance

        # save min- and max-values to file in order to superpose them later
        if save_max_min_RxRz_to_file != None:

            # get maximum or minimum values for superposition depending on
            # weather Rx or Rz are positive or negative values

            # positive value for Rx
            max_Rx_Ed_arr = np.max(Rx_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # negative value for Rx
            min_Rx_Ed_arr = np.min(Rx_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # positive value for Rz
            max_Rz_Ed_arr = np.max(Rz_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # negative value for Rz
            min_Rz_Ed_arr = np.min(Rz_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # stack as four column array
            max_min_RxRz_arr = np.hstack([
                max_Rx_Ed_arr[:, None], min_Rx_Ed_arr[:, None],
                max_Rz_Ed_arr[:, None], min_Rz_Ed_arr[:, None]

            # save max and min values to file
            np.savetxt(save_max_min_RxRz_to_file, max_min_RxRz_arr)
            print 'max_min_RxRz_arr saved to file %s' % (

        # plot

#        p.figure(facecolor='white')  # white background
        p.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(8, 5))

               markerfacecolor='gray')  # blue dots
        print 'Rx_Ed_arr', Rx_Ed_arr
        print 'Rz_Ed_arr', Rz_Ed_arr
        x = np.array([0, Rx_Rd])
        y1 = np.array([-Rz_Rd, 0.])

        #        p.title('$RxRz$-Interaktionsdiagramm')

        ax = p.gca()
        if show_tension_only == False:
            p.axis([-10., 6, -6, 4.])  # set plotting range for axis
            ax.set_xticks([-10., 6])
            ax.set_yticks([-6., 4.])
            print 'show_tension_only == False'

        if show_tension_only == True:
            #            ax.set_xticks([0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1., 1.2])
            #            ax.set_yticks([140., 120, 100, 80., 60., 40., 20., 0.])
            p.axis([0., 1.05 * Rx_Rd, -1.2 * Rz_Rd,
                    0.])  # set plotting range for axis
            print 'show_tension_only == True'

        ax.spines['left'].set_position(('data', 0))
        ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', 0))

        #        p.plot(x, y1, 'k--', linewidth=2.0)  # black dashed line

        #        p.xlabel('$R_{x,Ed}$ [kN]                                             ', fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right')
        #        p.ylabel('$R_{z,Ed}$ [kN]                                                              ', fontsize=14)


        # save figure as png-file
        if save_fig_to_file != None:
            print 'figure saved to file %s' % (save_fig_to_file)
            p.savefig(save_fig_to_file, format='png')

Exemplo n.º 2
#                    ex_run.ex_type._plot_force_deflection_thirdpoints( p )

                # continuous fabrication with pause
#                path = join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'bending_tests', 'four_point', '2012-04-03_BT-4PT-12c-6cm-0-TU', 'BT-4PT-12c-6cm-SH4FF')
#                tests = [ 'BT-4PT-12c-6cm-SH4FF-V1.DAT', 'BT-4PT-12c-6cm-SH4FF-V2.DAT' ]
#                for t in tests:
#                    ex_path = join(path, t)
#                    ex_run = ExRun(ex_path)
#                    ex_run.ex_type._plot_force_deflection_center(p)

            # plot sim curve as time new roman within the predefined limits
            format_plot(p, xlim=55, ylim=14, xlabel='displacement [mm]', ylabel='force [kN]')
            png_file_path = join(png_path, param_key + '.png')
            p.title(param_key, fontsize=8)
            p.savefig(png_file_path, dpi=300.)
            print 'png-file saved to file: %s' % png_file_path


    # show last results

    if do == 'show_last_results':
        from matresdev.db.exdb.ex_run import ExRun
Exemplo n.º 3
# continuous fabrication with pause
#                path = join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'bending_tests', 'four_point', '2012-04-03_BT-4PT-12c-6cm-0-TU', 'BT-4PT-12c-6cm-SH4FF')
#                tests = [ 'BT-4PT-12c-6cm-SH4FF-V1.DAT', 'BT-4PT-12c-6cm-SH4FF-V2.DAT' ]
#                for t in tests:
#                    ex_path = join(path, t)
#                    ex_run = ExRun(ex_path)
#                    ex_run.ex_type._plot_force_deflection_center(p)

# plot sim curve as time new roman within the predefined limits
                        xlabel='displacement [mm]',
                        ylabel='force [kN]')
            png_file_path = join(png_path, param_key + '.png')
            p.title(param_key, fontsize=8)
            p.savefig(png_file_path, dpi=300.)
            print 'png-file saved to file: %s' % png_file_path


    # show last results

    if do == 'show_last_results':
Exemplo n.º 4
    print 'Y_r01.shape', Y_r01.shape

    do = 'N_ip'
#    do = 'V_op'

    fontsize = 20
    color = 'grey'

    if do == 'N_ip':
        ax1 = p.subplot(gs[1])
        ind = np.arange(N)
        ax1.plot(ind * step + step / 2. - width / 2., np.zeros_like(X_sym), linestyle='--', color=color)
        ax1.bar(ind * step + step / 2. - width / 2., N_ip_sym, width, color='grey', edgecolor='none', linewidth=0)
        format_plot(p, fontsize=fontsize, xlabel='$X\,\mathrm{[m]}$', ylabel='$N_\mathrm{ip}\,\mathrm{[kN]}$')
        ax2 = p.subplot(gs[0], sharey=ax1)
        ax2.set_title('Schnitt A-A')
        ind = np.arange(N / 2)
        ax2.plot(ind * step + step / 2. - width / 2., np.zeros_like(Y_r01), linestyle='--', color=color)
        ax2.bar(ind * step + step / 2. - width / 2., N_ip_r01, width, color='grey', edgecolor='none', linewidth=0)
        format_plot(p, fontsize=fontsize, xlabel='$Y\,\mathrm{[m]}$', ylabel='$N_\mathrm{ip}\,\mathrm{[kN]}$')

    if do == 'V_op':
        ax2 = p.subplot(gs[0])
        ax2.set_title('Schnitt A-A')
        ind = np.arange(N / 2)
        ax2.plot(ind * step + step / 2. - width / 2., np.zeros_like(Y_r01), linestyle='--', color=color)
        ax2.bar(ind * step + step / 2. - width / 2., V_op_r01, width, color='grey', edgecolor='none', linewidth=0)
        format_plot(p, fontsize=fontsize, yformat="%.1f", xlabel='$Y\,\mathrm{[m]}$', ylabel='$V_\mathrm{op}\,\mathrm{[kN]}$')
Exemplo n.º 5
            fw_arr = np.hstack([f_asc[:, None], w_asc[:, None]])
            print 'fw_arr.shape', fw_arr.shape
            np.savetxt(param_key + '.csv', fw_arr, delimiter=';')

            # experiments

            if test_series == 'ST-12c':
                # ST-12c-6cm-TU
                ex_path = os.path.join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'slab_tests',
                               '2011-12-15_ST-12c-6cm-u-TU', 'ST-12c-6cm-u-TU.DAT')
                ex_run = ExRun(ex_path)
                    p, xlim=35, ylim=100, xlabel='$w_\mathrm{Mitte}$ [mm]', ylabel='$F$ [kN]')

            if test_series == 'ST-10g':
                # ST-10a
                ex_path_TRC10 = os.path.join(
                    simdb.exdata_dir, 'slab_tests', '2010-03-08_ST-10g-3cm-a-FR_TRC10', 'ST-10g-3cm-a-FR-TRC10.DAT')
                ex_path_TRC11 = os.path.join(
                    simdb.exdata_dir, 'slab_tests', '2010-03-09_ST-10g-3cm-a-FR_TRC11', 'ST-10g-3cm-a-FR-TRC11.DAT')
                ex_path_TRC12 = os.path.join(
                    simdb.exdata_dir, 'slab_tests', '2010-03-10_ST-10g-3cm-a-FR_TRC12', 'ST-10g-3cm-a-FR-TRC12.DAT')
                tests = [ex_path_TRC10, ex_path_TRC11, ex_path_TRC12]
                for ex_path in tests:
                    ex_run = ExRun(ex_path)
Exemplo n.º 6
            # experiments

            if test_series == 'ST-12c':
                # ST-12c-6cm-TU
                ex_path = os.path.join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'slab_tests',
                ex_run = ExRun(ex_path)
                            xlabel='$w_\mathrm{Mitte}$ [mm]',
                            ylabel='$F$ [kN]')

            if test_series == 'ST-10g':
                # ST-10a
                ex_path_TRC10 = os.path.join(
                    simdb.exdata_dir, 'slab_tests',
                ex_path_TRC11 = os.path.join(
                    simdb.exdata_dir, 'slab_tests',
                ex_path_TRC12 = os.path.join(
Exemplo n.º 7
    def plot_RxRz_interaction(self, save_fig_to_file=None, show_tension_only=False, add_max_min_RxRz_from_file=None, save_max_min_RxRz_to_file=None):
        '''plot the normal/shear-reaction forces as interaction diagram for all loading case combinations

        # get the list of all loading case combinations:
        lcc_list = self.lcc_list

        # run trough all loading case combinations:

        Rx_Ed_list = []  # normal reaction force (tangential to the shell geometry)
        Rz_Ed_list = []  # shear reaction force (radial to the shell geometry)
        for lcc in lcc_list:

            # get the ls_table object and retrieve its 'ls_class'
            # (= LSTable_ULS-object)
            ls_class = lcc.ls_table.ls_class

            # get Rx_Ed and Rz_Ed
            Rx_Ed = np.copy(getattr(ls_class, 'Rx'))
            Rz_Ed = np.copy(getattr(ls_class, 'Rz'))

            # add read in saved values to be superposed with currently read in values
            if add_max_min_RxRz_from_file != None:
                max_min_RxRz_arr = np.loadtxt(add_max_min_RxRz_from_file)
                max_Rx_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 0][:, None]
                min_Rx_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 1][:, None]
                max_Rz_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 2][:, None]
                min_Rz_Ed_arr = max_min_RxRz_arr[:, 3][:, None]

                # Rx_Ed
                cond_Rx_Ed_ge_0 = Rx_Ed >= 0.  # positive Rx value = shear force for the build-in srew
                bool_arr = cond_Rx_Ed_ge_0
                Rx_Ed[bool_arr] += max_Rx_Ed_arr[bool_arr]

                cond_Rx_Ed_lt_0 = Rx_Ed < 0.  # negative Rx value = compressive force in tangential direction at support (normal force)
                bool_arr = cond_Rx_Ed_lt_0
                Rx_Ed[bool_arr] += min_Rx_Ed_arr[bool_arr]

                # Rz_Ed
                cond_Rz_Ed_ge_0 = Rz_Ed >= 0.  # positive Rz value = compressive force in radial direction at the support
                bool_arr = cond_Rz_Ed_ge_0
                Rz_Ed[bool_arr] += max_Rz_Ed_arr[bool_arr]

                cond_Rz_Ed_lt_0 = Rz_Ed < 0.  # negative Rz value = pull-out force for the build-in srew
                bool_arr = cond_Rz_Ed_lt_0
                Rz_Ed[bool_arr] += min_Rz_Ed_arr[bool_arr]


        # stack the list to an array in order to use plot-function
        Rx_Ed_arr = hstack(Rx_Ed_list)
        Rz_Ed_arr = hstack(Rz_Ed_list)
        print 'Rz_Ed_arr.shape', Rz_Ed_arr.shape

        # get Rx_Rd, Rz_Rd
        Rx_Rd = getattr(ls_class, 'Rx_Rd')  # shear resistance
        Rz_Rd = getattr(ls_class, 'Rz_Rd')  # pull-out resistance

        # save min- and max-values to file in order to superpose them later
        if save_max_min_RxRz_to_file != None:

            # get maximum or minimum values for superposition depending on
            # weather Rx or Rz are positive or negative values

            # positive value for Rx
            max_Rx_Ed_arr = np.max(Rx_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # negative value for Rx
            min_Rx_Ed_arr = np.min(Rx_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # positive value for Rz
            max_Rz_Ed_arr = np.max(Rz_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # negative value for Rz
            min_Rz_Ed_arr = np.min(Rz_Ed_arr, axis=1)

            # stack as four column array
            max_min_RxRz_arr = np.hstack([max_Rx_Ed_arr[:, None], min_Rx_Ed_arr[:, None], max_Rz_Ed_arr[:, None], min_Rz_Ed_arr[:, None]])

            # save max and min values to file
            np.savetxt(save_max_min_RxRz_to_file, max_min_RxRz_arr)
            print 'max_min_RxRz_arr saved to file %s' % (save_max_min_RxRz_to_file)

        # plot
#        p.figure(facecolor='white')  # white background
        p.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(8, 5))

        p.plot(Rx_Ed_arr, Rz_Ed_arr, 'wo', markersize=5, markerfacecolor='gray')  # blue dots
        print 'Rx_Ed_arr', Rx_Ed_arr
        print 'Rz_Ed_arr', Rz_Ed_arr
        x = np.array([0, Rx_Rd])
        y1 = np.array([ -Rz_Rd, 0. ])

#        p.title('$RxRz$-Interaktionsdiagramm')

        ax = p.gca()
        if show_tension_only == False:
            p.axis([-10., 6, -6, 4.])  # set plotting range for axis
            ax.set_xticks([-10., 6])
            ax.set_yticks([-6., 4.])
            print 'show_tension_only == False'

        if show_tension_only == True:
#            ax.set_xticks([0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1., 1.2])
#            ax.set_yticks([140., 120, 100, 80., 60., 40., 20., 0.])
            p.axis([0., 1.05 * Rx_Rd, -1.2 * Rz_Rd, 0.])  # set plotting range for axis
            print 'show_tension_only == True'

        ax.spines['left'].set_position(('data', 0))
        ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', 0))

#        p.plot(x, y1, 'k--', linewidth=2.0)  # black dashed line

#        p.xlabel('$R_{x,Ed}$ [kN]                                             ', fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right')
#        p.ylabel('$R_{z,Ed}$ [kN]                                                              ', fontsize=14)


        # save figure as png-file
        if save_fig_to_file != None:
            print 'figure saved to file %s' % (save_fig_to_file)
            p.savefig(save_fig_to_file, format='png')
