def getLaTeXReport(self):
     table = LaTeX.ltxTable(2)
     table.addRow(["Total bp: ","{:,}".format(self.totalBp)])
     table.addRow(["Peak: ",str(self.peak)])
     table.addRow(["Mean base coverage: ", "{:.2f}".format(self.coverage)])
     table.addRow(["Unique good kmers: ","{:,}".format(self.unique_gkmers)])
     table.addRow(["BGI genome size estimation: ", "{:,}".format(int(round(self.bgi)))])
     table.addRow(["GSE kmers/peak: ","{:,}".format(self.kmersPerPeak)])
     tex = table.getText()
     img = LaTeX.ltxImage(self.genSizeHistoPlot)
     tex = tex + img.getText()
     return tex
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getLaTeXReport(self):
        txt = "\\section{Fastqc of " +self.status.replace("_"," ")+"}\n"
        table = False
        imgs = 0
        with open(self.outputFile) as reportReader:
            for line in reportReader:
                if "</h2>" in line and "Summary" not in line:
                    txt = txt + "\\subsection*{"+re.findall(r"]\">(.*?)</h2>",line)[0]+"}\n"
#                     if "Basic Statistics" in line:
#                         smallReport = FastqSmallReport.FastqSmallReport()
#                         smallReport.createSmallReport([self.forward], None)
#                         txt = txt + smallReport.getLaTeXReport()
#                         txt = txt + "\\\\"
                elif "<table>" in line:
                    xml = "<table>"
                    table = True
                elif "</table>" in line:
                    xml = xml + "</table>"
                    table = False
                    domTable = minidom.parseString(xml)
                    ltxTable = LaTeX.ltxTable(len(domTable.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes))
                    noOfRows = 0
                    for row in domTable.firstChild.childNodes:
                        cols = []
                        noOfRows = noOfRows + 1
                        if noOfRows > 15:
                        for col in row.childNodes:
                            cols.append(col.firstChild.nodeValue.replace("%"," percent"))
                        if "Filename" in cols[0]:
                    txt = txt + ltxTable.getText()
                    if noOfRows > 15:
                        txt = txt + "\\\\Total length of this table is "+ str(noOfRows) + ". The table is cut after 15 rows..."
                elif table == True:
                    xml = xml + line.strip()
                elif "<img class=\"indented\"" in line:
                    imgs = imgs +1
                    img = re.findall("src=\"(.*)\" alt=",line)[0]
                    ltxImg = LaTeX.ltxImage(os.path.dirname(self.outputFile) + "/" + img)
                    txt = txt + ltxImg.getText()
                    if imgs % 2 == 0:
                        txt = txt + "\\clearpage\n"
        return txt