Exemplo n.º 1
    propVector[od] = (10**(-10)) * Roots[od] / a
    tunnVector[od] = (10**(-10)) * (quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[od], R)) / a
    od = od + 2

print("Propagation 'k' vectors")
print("Tunneling 'K' vectors")

Bcoeff = np.zeros(S)
StateEnergy = np.zeros(S)

l = 0
while l < S:
    Bcoeff[l] = quantumFn.Beven(a * 10**(10), propVector[l], tunnVector[l])
    StateEnergy[l] = (V / (1.602 * 10**-19)) - quantumFn.energy(
        quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[l], R), R, V)
    l = l + 2
l = 1
while l < S:
    Bcoeff[l] = quantumFn.Bodd(a * 10**(10), propVector[l], tunnVector[l])
    StateEnergy[l] = (V / (1.602 * 10**-19)) - quantumFn.energy(
        quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[l], R), R, V)
    l = l + 2

z = 0
r1 = np.arange((-2 * a * 10**(10)), (-a * 10**(10)), 0.0001)
r2 = np.arange((-a * 10**(10)), (a * 10**(10)), 0.0001)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def main(self, btn):
        m = (9.11 * 10**(-31)) * float(self.Mass.text)
        V = (1.602 * 10**(-19)) * float(self.Depth.text)
        a = (10**(-10)) * float(self.hWidth.text)
        R = quantumFn.radius(m, a, V)
        x = 0
        i = 1
        j = 0

        while R > i * np.pi:
            i = i + 1
        while R > (1 + 2 * j) * np.pi / 2:
            j = j + 1
        S = i + j

        print(str(S) + " root(s) in total.")

        #Initializes the "x" coord of the even and odd roots
        evenRoot = np.zeros(i)
        oddRoot = np.zeros(j)
        #Used for indexing for the roots
        ie = 0
        jo = 0
        #This is an interative root finder
        #With an x0 used as an initial guess for the Newton function

        dx = 0.0001  #This value has to be smaller to resolve bigger
        x0 = 0.0000  #Scenarios!

        #Used the Even/Odd root functions to establish a function
        #With the radius as the parameter and "x" as a variable
        ERoot = quantumFn.Evenroot(R)
        ORoot = quantumFn.Oddroot(R)

        #Since there will always be one root, this while loop
        #Searches for the first even root, and then puts it into
        #The evenRoot array
        while np.absolute(ERoot(x0)) > 0.05:  #This value has to
            x0 = x0 + dx  #Be small to resolve
        print(x0)  #Smaller scenarios!
        evenRoot[ie] = newton(ERoot, x0)

        #If there is another even root, it will go into index 1
        #For the even root array
        #The next possible root will be when the radius is at least
        #pi/2, so that is why x0 jumps to that value
        ie = 1
        x0 = (1 + 2 * jo) * np.pi / 2

        #This loop will search for the remaining possible roots
        #It goes in the order of looking for an odd root
        #And then an even root.
        while x0 < R:
            while np.absolute(ORoot(x0)) > 0.05:
                x0 = x0 + dx
            oddRoot[jo] = newton(ORoot, x0)
            jo = jo + 1
            x0 = ie * np.pi  #Resets the initial guess to next possible value
            if x0 < R:
                while np.absolute(ERoot(x0)) > 0.05:
                    x0 = x0 + dx
                evenRoot[ie] = newton(ERoot, x0)
                ie = ie + 1
                x0 = (1 + 2 * jo) * np.pi / 2  #Resets again

        #Initialize the propagation and tunneling vectors
        #At this point I consolidate the even and odd roots
        #Into single arrays instead of having arrays for
        #Even and odd roots
        propVector = np.zeros(S)
        tunnVector = np.zeros(S)

        ev = 0
        od = 1
        Roots = np.zeros(S)
        #This is to define the vectors of each function
        while ev < S:
            Roots[ev] = evenRoot[int(ev / 2)]
            ev = ev + 2

        while od < S:
            Roots[od] = oddRoot[int(od / 2)]
            od = od + 2


        ev = 0
        od = 1

        while ev < S:
            propVector[ev] = (10**(-10)) * Roots[ev] / a
            tunnVector[ev] = (10**(-10)) * (quantumFn.radFunction(
                Roots[ev], R)) / a
            ev = ev + 2

        while od < S:
            propVector[od] = (10**(-10)) * Roots[od] / a
            tunnVector[od] = (10**(-10)) * (quantumFn.radFunction(
                Roots[od], R)) / a
            od = od + 2

        print("Propagation 'k' vectors")
        print("Tunneling 'K' vectors")

        Bcoeff = np.zeros(S)
        StateEnergy = np.zeros(S)

        l = 0
        while l < S:
            Bcoeff[l] = quantumFn.Beven(a * 10**(10), propVector[l],
            StateEnergy[l] = -1 * quantumFn.energy(
                quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[l], R), R, V)
            l = l + 2
        l = 1
        while l < S:
            Bcoeff[l] = quantumFn.Bodd(a * 10**(10), propVector[l],
            StateEnergy[l] = -1 * quantumFn.energy(
                quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[l], R), R, V)
            l = l + 2


        z = 0
        r1 = np.arange((-2 * a * 10**(10)), (-a * 10**(10)), 0.0001)
        r2 = np.arange((-a * 10**(10)), (a * 10**(10)), 0.0001)
        r3 = np.arange((a * 10**(10)), (2 * a * 10**(10)), 0.0001)
        color = ["r", "b", "g", "c", "m", "y", "k"]  #This is the color array

        c = 0
        while z < S:
            if c == 6:
                c = 0
            if z % 2 == 1:
                #Note that this file plots the density functions
                #Of the states
                plt1 = quantumFn.op1(Bcoeff[z], tunnVector[z], propVector[z],
                                     (a * 10**(10)))
                plt2 = quantumFn.op2(Bcoeff[z], propVector[z])
                plt3 = quantumFn.op3(Bcoeff[z], tunnVector[z], propVector[z],
                                     (a * 10**(10)))

                         plt1(r1) + StateEnergy[z], color[c], r2,
                         plt2(r2) + StateEnergy[z], color[c], r3,
                         plt3(r3) + StateEnergy[z], color[c])

                plt1 = quantumFn.ep1(Bcoeff[z], tunnVector[z], propVector[z],
                                     (a * 10**(10)))
                plt2 = quantumFn.ep2(Bcoeff[z], propVector[z])
                plt3 = quantumFn.ep3(Bcoeff[z], tunnVector[z], propVector[z],
                                     (a * 10**(10)))

                         plt1(r1) + StateEnergy[z], color[c], r2,
                         plt2(r2) + StateEnergy[z], color[c], r3,
                         plt3(r3) + StateEnergy[z], color[c])

            z = z + 1
            c = c + 1

        plt.xlabel("Distance (in Angstrom)")

        return plt.show()
Exemplo n.º 3
    propVector[od] = (10**(-10)) * Roots[od] / a
    tunnVector[od] = (10**(-10)) * (quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[od], R)) / a
    od = od + 2

print("Propagation 'k' vectors")
print("Tunneling 'K' vectors")

Bcoeff = np.zeros(S)
StateEnergy = np.zeros(S)

l = 0
while l < S:
    Bcoeff[l] = quantumFn.Beven(a * 10**(10), propVector[l], tunnVector[l])
    StateEnergy[l] = -1 * quantumFn.energy(quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[l], R),
                                           R, V)
    l = l + 2
l = 1
while l < S:
    Bcoeff[l] = quantumFn.Bodd(a * 10**(10), propVector[l], tunnVector[l])
    StateEnergy[l] = -1 * quantumFn.energy(quantumFn.radFunction(Roots[l], R),
                                           R, V)
    l = l + 2


z = 0
r1 = np.arange((-2 * a * 10**(10)), (-a * 10**(10)), 0.0001)