Exemplo n.º 1
 def correctData(fileToCorrect, OS, rot):
     offset = np.array([-4,-1, 0])
     rawdat, header = BiteplateUtils.loadTsv(fileToCorrect)
     numSensors = int(np.floor(rawdat.shape[1]/9))
     swapDat= rawdat.copy()
     for j in range(1,numSensors-1):
         #Position values swapped
         swapDat[:,5+9*j] = rawdat[:,6+9*j]
         swapDat[:,6+9*j] = rawdat[:,5+9*j]
         swapDat[:,7+9*j] = -rawdat[:,7+9*j]
         #Quaternion values swapped
         swapDat[:,9+9*j] = rawdat[:,10+9*j]
         swapDat[:,10+9*j] = rawdat[:,9+9*j]
         swapDat[:,12+9*j] = -rawdat[:,11+9*j]
     BPCorrect = swapDat
     for j in range(1,numSensors-1): 
         BPCorrect[:,5+9*j:8+9*j] = q.qvqc(rot,(swapDat[:,5+9*j:8+9*j]-OS))-offset
         BPCorrect[:,8+9*j:12+9*j] = q.correctQuat(swapDat[:,8+9*j:12*9+j], rot)
         BPCorrect[:,3+9*j] = j
     return BPCorrect, header
Exemplo n.º 2
 def correctData(fileToCorrect, OS, rot, resamp, freq):
     offset = np.array([-4,-1, 0])
     rawdat, header = BiteplateUtils.loadTsv(fileToCorrect)
     numSensors = int(np.floor((rawdat.shape[1]-3)/9))
     swapDat = rawdat.copy()
     BPCorrect = swapDat
     for j in range(1,numSensors): 
         BPCorrect[:,5+9*j:8+9*j] = q.qvqc(rot,(swapDat[:,5+9*j:8+9*j]-OS))-offset
         BPCorrect[:,8+9*j:12+9*j] = q.correctQuat(swapDat[:,8+9*j:12+9*j], rot)
         BPCorrect[:,3+9*j] = j
     if resamp:
         BPCorrect = BiteplateUtils.resample(BPCorrect, freq)
     return BPCorrect, header
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getRotation(bpfile,osCol, msCol):
        rawdat, header = BiteplateUtils.loadTsv(bpfile)
        os = rawdat[:,(osCol):(osCol+3)]
        ms = rawdat[:,(msCol):(msCol+3)]

        #We don't rearrange the columns anymore.
        #os = np.column_stack((os[:,1],os[:,0],-os[:,2]))
        #ms = np.column_stack((ms[:,1],ms[:,0],-ms[:,2]))
        MS = np.nanmean(ms,axis=0)
        OS = np.nanmean(os,axis=0)
        REF = np.array([0,0,0])
        ref_t = REF-OS
        ms_t = MS-OS
        z = np.cross(ms_t,ref_t)
        z = z/np.linalg.norm(z)
        y = np.cross(z,ms_t)
        y = y/np.linalg.norm(z)

        l1 = np.dot(y,ref_t)/np.linalg.norm(y)
        l2 = np.linalg.norm(ms_t)
        ref_tnew = np.array([0, abs(l1), 0])
        ms_tnew = np.array([-1*abs(l2), 0, 0])
        ref_ty = y*abs(l1)/np.linalg.norm(y)
        x1 = ms_t
        x2 = ms_tnew
        y1 = ref_ty
        y2 = ref_tnew
        norm1 = np.cross(x1,x2)
        norm1 = norm1/np.linalg.norm(norm1)
        norm2 = np.cross(y1,y2)
        norm2 = norm2/np.linalg.norm(norm2)
        f1 = np.cross(norm1,(x1+x2)/2)
        f1 = f1/np.linalg.norm(f1)
        f2 = np.cross(norm2, (y1+y2)/2)
        f2 = f2/np.linalg.norm(f2)
        axis = np.cross(f1,f2)
        axis = axis/np.linalg.norm(axis)
        r = np.linalg.norm(x1)*np.sin(np.arccos((np.dot(x1,axis))/(np.linalg.norm(x1)*np.linalg.norm(axis))))
        theta = np.arcsin((np.sqrt((x1[0]-x2[0])**2+(x1[1]-x2[1])**2+(x1[2]-x2[2])**2)/(2*r)))
            theta = np.pi-theta
        q0 = np.cos(theta);
        qx = np.sin(theta)*axis[0]
        qy = np.sin(theta)*axis[1]
        qz = np.sin(theta)*axis[2]
        qout = np.array([q0,qx,qy,qz])
        #Check your work!
        ms_new2 = q.qcvq(qout,(MS-OS))
        if((ms_new2[0,1]<0.000001) and (ms_new2[0,2]<0.000001)):
            qout = q.qconj(qout)
        return OS, qout