Exemplo n.º 1
def testRSA(rsaKey, numRuns):
    errors = 0
    for i in range(numRuns):
        m = random.randrange(0,255)
        mq = BaseFour(m)
        mqi = mq.getIntVal()
        c = rsaKey.encryptBaseTen(mqi)
        mpi = rsaKey.decryptBaseTen(c)
        mp = quaternary.intValToBaseFour(mpi)

        mf = quaternary.toDecimal(mp)
        #print 'Run  ' + str(i)
        #print 'm:   ' + str(m)
        #print 'mqi: ' + str(mqi)
        #print 'c:   ' + str(c)
        #print 'mpi: ' + str(mpi)

        #print 'mf:  ' + str(mf)
        if m != mf or mqi != mpi:
            print 'ERROR: m=' + str(m) + ', mf=' + str(mf)
            print 'ERROR: mqi=' + str(mqi) + ', mpi=' + str(mpi)
            #i = raw_input("")
            errors = errors + 1
        #print ''
    print "Test completed " + str(numRuns) + " runs with " + str(errors) + " errors"
    if errors > 0:
        print "RSA Key Values:"
        e,d,n = rsaKey.getKeys()
        print 'public key:  ' + str(e)
        print 'private key: ' + str(d)
        print 'mod: ' + str(n)
    print ''
    raw_input("Press enter to continue...")
def encrypt(fname,rsaKey,enableWrite,enableMessages):
    sTime = time.time()
    #Open and load image file
    im = Image.open(fname)
    pix = im.load()
    #Get image dimensions
    imgsize = im.size
    imgwidth = imgsize[0]
    imgheight = imgsize[1]
    #   Step 2 given
    #   -------------
    #   1)  x_0 = 2
    #   2)  rule: x_k = (5x_(k-1)+1)_base4
    #       k>1 is given (a param)
    #   3)  x_1 = (2*2+1) = 5 = 1(base4)
    #   4)  x_2 = (2*x_1+1) = (2*1+1) = 3(base4)
    #       ...
    #   n)  x_k = 2 <-Scrambled value
    A = [['' for x in range(imgheight)] for x in range(imgwidth)]
    tenpercent = imgwidth / 10
        print("Encrypting " + fname + "..."),
    for x in range(0, imgwidth):
            printPercentage(x, tenpercent)
        for y in range(0, imgheight):
           # print "[%d,%d]" % (x,y)
            rgb = pix[x,y]                          #Get array of RGB values - rgb[0] = red, etc
            avg = (rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3    #If we wanted to convert to greyscale
            r = BaseFour(rgb[0])
            g = BaseFour(rgb[1])
            b = BaseFour(rgb[2])
            rd = rsaKey.encryptBaseTen(r.getIntVal())
            gd = rsaKey.encryptBaseTen(g.getIntVal())
            bd = rsaKey.encryptBaseTen(b.getIntVal())
            rhex = hex(rd).replace('0x', '').strip("L")
            ghex = hex(gd).replace('0x', '').strip("L")
            bhex = hex(bd).replace('0x', '').strip("L")
            #if rhex == '':
            #    rhex = "0"
            #if ghex == '':
            #    ghex = "0"
            #if bhex == '':
            #    bhex = "0"
            #rgb_s = '%d/%d/%d' % (rd, gd, bd)
            rgb_h = '%s/%s/%s' % (rhex,ghex,bhex)
            A[x][y] = rgb_h

    #Save generated image to directory ./output/<filename>.jpg
    extension = '.enc'
    outputFolder = 'output/' 
    outFile = outputFolder + fname + extension
        if not os.path.exists(outputFolder):    #Create ./output/ directory if it doesn't exist already
        writeToFile(outFile, A, imgwidth, imgheight)    #Save to file
        eTime = time.time() - sTime
        print "Completed in " + str(eTime) + " s"
    return outFile