Exemplo n.º 1
	def prep_for_orders(self):
		"""Runs a set of prep functions for orders"""
		# player_q.mass_get_player_powers(self.cursor, self._players)
		mapper_q.get_terrain(self.cursor, 0, 0)
		# team_q.mass_get_team_deities(self.cursor, self._teams)
		team_q.mass_get_team_spells(self.cursor, self._teams)
		team_q.mass_get_team_techs(self.cursor, self._teams)
		# team_q.mass_get_team_resources(self.cursor, self._teams)
		team_q.mass_get_team_evolutions(self.cursor, self._teams)
		city_q.mass_get_city_buildings(self.cursor, self._cities)
		# city_q.mass_get_city_artefacts(self.cursor, self._cities)
		# city_q.mass_get_city_wonders(self.cursor, self._cities)
		# squad_q.mass_get_squads(self.cursor, self._armies)
		unit_q.mass_get_unit_equipment(self.cursor, self._units)
		for k, v in self._buildings.items():
			if v.upgrades > -1:
				if v.upgrades not in self._building_requirements:
					self._building_requirements[v.upgrades] = []
Exemplo n.º 2
def port_cities(cursor):
	output = []
	city_dict = city_q.get_live_cities(cursor)
	for k, c in city_dict.items():
		if not c.port: continue
		landlocked = True
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x - 10, c.y - 10) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x, c.y - 10) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x + 10, c.y - 10) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x - 10, c.y) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x + 10, c.y) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x - 10, c.y + 10) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x, c.y + 10) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked and mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x + 10, c.y + 10) == 0: landlocked = False
		if landlocked:
			output.append("%s (%d)" % (c.name, k))
	if output != []:
		output.insert(0, "[r]Landlocked ports[/r]")
	return "\n".join(output)
Exemplo n.º 3
def run(cursor):
	# Make mapper_q build the terrain dictionary
	mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, 0, 0)
	# Get a list of the continents so we can loop through them
	continent_list = []
	continent_x = []
	continent_y = []
	continent_names = []
	query = """SELECT id, x, y, name FROM map_continents"""
	try: cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	for row in cursor:
	for c in range(0, len(continent_list)):
		# Tile list is a list of all the tiles on that continent
		time_at_start = time.time()
		tile_list = explore_continent(continent_list[c], continent_x[c], continent_y[c])
		# print("Mapped %s to a length of %s in %s seconds" % (continent_names[c], len(tile_list), round(time.time() - time_at_start, 2)))
		insert_list = ["(%s, %s, %s)" % (t[0], t[1], continent_list[c]) for t in tile_list]
		if insert_list == []:
			print(database.shell_text("[r]Zero length insert_list for %s[/r]" % continent_names[c]))
		query = """INSERT INTO map_continent_tiles (x, y, continent) values %s;""" % ",".join(insert_list)
		try: cursor.execute(query)
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	print("Map preprocesses complete")
Exemplo n.º 4
def path(cursor, waypoints, move_speed="Marching", move_type="Medium foot", exception_in_timeout=False, timeout_limit=10000):
	# Build the terrain cache
	mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, 0, 0)
	# Too few waypoints?
	if len(waypoints) < 2:
		raise Exception("path_f.path() was called with less than 2 waypoints (%s)" % waypoints)
	# Needs to be a list for what we want to do
	if type(waypoints) == tuple:
		waypoints = list(waypoints)
	# Clean waypoints to make sure they're compatable of mod 10
	for i, w in enumerate(waypoints):
		x = w[0] - w[0]%10
		y = w[1] - w[1]%10
		waypoints[i] = (x, y)
	pathway_list = []
	for i in range(1, len(waypoints)):
		p = Pathway(waypoints[i-1], waypoints[i], move_speed, move_type, exception_in_timeout)
	for p in pathway_list:
	# If we've several then add them together
	if len(pathway_list) > 1:
		big_pathway = Pathway(waypoints[0], waypoints[-1], move_speed, move_type)
		for p in pathway_list:
			big_pathway += p
		return big_pathway
		return pathway_list[0]
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(cursor):
	output = []
	# Get city Id
	city_id = int(common.get_val('city', 1))
	if city_id < 1: return "No city selected"
	# Build city item
	the_city = city_q.get_one_city(cursor, city_id)
	the_team = team_q.get_one_team(cursor, the_city.team)
	tech_dict = tech_q.get_all_techs(cursor)
	<div style="padding:5px;">
	<span class="stitle">{name}</span><br />
	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
		<tr class="row2">
			name = the_city.name,
	terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_city.x, the_city.y)
	team_techs = the_team.get_techs(cursor)[0]
	techs = {}
	for k, v in team_techs.items():
		techs[tech_dict[k].name] = v
	for i, r in enumerate(sad_rules.res_list):
		supply = round(sad_rules.supply[r](city=the_city, terrain=terrain, techs=techs), 2)
		demand = round(sad_rules.demand[r](city=the_city, terrain=terrain, techs=techs), 2)
		<tr class="row{i}">
			i = i % 2,
			res = r,
			supply = supply,
			demand = demand,
	page_data['Title'] = "City trade (%s)" % the_city.name
	return "".join(output)
Exemplo n.º 6
def city_terrain(cursor, verbose):
	queries = []
	city_dict = city_q.get_live_cities(cursor)
	if verbose:
		it = cli_f.progressbar(city_dict.items(), "cities_check.city_terrain: ", 40, with_eta = True)
		it = city_dict.items()
	for k, c in it:
		t = mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x, c.y)
		if t != c.terrain:
			queries.append("UPDATE cities SET terrain = %d WHERE id = %d;" % (t, k))
	database.query(cursor, *queries)
Exemplo n.º 7
def water_cities(cursor):
	sea = []
	lakes = []
	city_dict = city_q.get_live_cities(cursor)
	for k, c in city_dict.items():
		t = mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, c.x, c.y)
		if t == 0:
			sea.append("%s (%d)" % (c.name, k))
		if t == map_data.terrain.index("lake"):
			lakes.append("%s (%d)" % (c.name, k))
	if sea != []:
		sea.insert(0, "[r]Sea based cities[/r]")
	if lakes != []:
		lakes.insert(0, "[r]Lake based cities[/r]")
	return "%s%s" % ("\n".join(sea), "\n".join(lakes))
Exemplo n.º 8
def prospective_founding_order(the_line, groups, debug=False):
	results = founding_order(the_line, groups, debug)
	if not the_line.block.msn_order:
		return order_block.fail(results, "Command not valid in live mode")
	results['queries'] = []
	results['cost'] = ""
	if results['success']:
		# X and Y
		x, y = groups['location'].split(',')
		x = int(x.strip())
		y = int(y.strip())
		# Header
		results['results'] = ["[b]Founded '%s' successfully[/b]" % groups['city_name']]
		# Terrain
		terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x, y)
		results['results'].append("Terrain: %s" % map_data.terrain[terrain].title())
		# Supplies
		supplies = []
		icon_size = map_data.map_image_size(int(groups['size']))/4
		for r, rx, ry in map_resources.data_list:
			dist = path_f.pythagoras((rx, ry), (x, y))
			if dist < icon_size:
		if len(supplies) > 1:
			results['results'].append("Supplies: %s" % ", ".join([resource_list.data_dict[s].name for s in supplies]))
		elif len(supplies) == 1:
			results['results'].append("Supply: %s" % ", ".join([resource_list.data_dict[s].name for s in supplies]))
		return results
		return results
Exemplo n.º 9
	def interactive_setup(self, cursor):
		map_area, target, men, budget, army = None, None, None, None, None
		temp_lines = self.content.split("\n")
		content = []
		monster_lookup	= self.the_world.monsters_lookup(lower=True)
		army_lookup		= self.the_world.armies_lookup_from_team(self.team)
		# Block matching
		i = 0
		while i < len(temp_lines):
			found = False
			for g, regex in self.greps.items():
				r = regex.search(temp_lines[i])
				if r != None:
					found = True
					if g == "map_area":	map_area = (int(r.groups()[0]), int(r.groups()[1]))
					elif g == "target":	target = r.groups()[0]
					elif g == "men":	men = int(r.groups()[0])
					elif g == "budget":	budget = float(r.groups()[0])
					elif g == "army":	army = r.groups()[0]
			# Strip this line and look at the next
			if found:
			# No match, must be part of the main content
			i += 1
		# Show this as an integer if possible
		if budget == int(budget): budget = int(budget)
		monster_id = monster_lookup[target.lower()]
		the_monster = self.the_world.monsters()[monster_id]
		army_id = army_lookup[army.lower()]
		the_army = self.the_world.armies()[army_id]
		# Apply multiplier for man count
		multiplier = 1
		# multiplier = (men - the_monster.min_men)/(the_monster.max_men - the_monster.min_men)
		# multiplier = min(1, max(multiplier, 0))
		multiplier *= (budget - the_monster.min_budget)/(the_monster.max_budget - the_monster.min_budget)
		multiplier = min(1, max(multiplier, 0))
		self.interactivity['multiplier'] = multiplier
		# Make sure they have monsters in this army
		self.try_query(monster_f.check_row_exists(army_id=the_army.id, monster_id=the_monster.id))
		# Query producing function
		self.interactivity['query_func'] = """
		amount = parseInt(score/100 * {amount});
		return "UPDATE army_monsters SET amount = amount + " + amount + " WHERE army = {army_id} AND monster = {monster_id};" +
		"\\nUPDATE team_resources SET amount = amount - {budget} WHERE team = {team} AND resource = {materials};";
			army_id = the_army.id,
			monster_id = the_monster.id,
			amount = the_monster.max_amount,
			budget = budget,
			team = self.team,
			materials = resource_list.data_dict_n['Materials'],
		self.interactivity['result_func'] = """
		amount = parseInt(score/100 * {amount});
		if (amount < 1)
			return "[o]{title}[/o]\\nYou captured no {monster}s";
			if (amount > 1)
				return "[o]{title}[/o]\\nYou captured " + amount + " {monster}s";
				return "[o]{title}[/o]\\nYou captured 1 {monster}";
			army_id = the_army.id,
			monster_id = the_monster.id,
			monster = the_monster.name,
			amount = the_monster.max_amount,
			title = self.title_name,
		# General info about the order context
		self.interactivity['pre_calculations'] = """
		Monster: <a href="web.py?mode=lore&amp;cat=monsters&page={monster_l}">{monster}</a>,
		Terrain: {terrain},
		Men: {men},
		Budget: {budget},
		Army: <a href="web.py?mode=edit_army&amp;army={army_id}">{army}</a>
			monster = target,
			monster_l = target.lower(),
			terrain = map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, map_area[0], map_area[1])],
			men = ('<span class="neg" style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>' % men if men < the_monster.min_men else men),
			budget = ('<span class="neg" style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>' % budget if budget < the_monster.min_budget else budget),
			army = the_army.name,
			army_id = the_army.id,
		self.interactivity['content'] = "<br />".join(content)
		self.interactivity['points'] = pages.get_plaintext(cursor, "monsters", "karithor", "gm", ['capture_points']).split("\n")
Exemplo n.º 10
def migration_order(the_line, groups, debug=False):
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line)
	city_dict		= the_line.the_world.cities_from_team(the_line.block.team)
	cities_lookup	= the_line.the_world.cities_lookup(lower=True)
	# Can we find the city?
	if groups['city'].lower() not in cities_lookup:
		return order_block.fail(results, "there is no city by the name of '%s'" % groups['city'])
		the_city = city_dict[cities_lookup[groups['city'].lower()]]
	the_team = the_line.the_world.teams()[the_line.block.team]
	# Target
		target = (int(groups['x']), int(groups['y']))
	except Exception as e:
		return order_block.fail(results, "%s was not moved because trying to read the target location produced an error: %s" % (groups['city_name'], e.args[0]))
	# Default result
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line, "%s could not be moved to %s because" % (the_city.name, str(target)))
	# First we check it's on the same continent, if it's not you can't migrate there
	our_continent		= path_f.get_continent(the_line.the_world.cursor, (the_city.x, the_city.y))
	target_continent	= path_f.get_continent(the_line.the_world.cursor, target)
	# Before we path, lets check that they can walk there
	if our_continent != target_continent:
		if target_continent == None:# or target_continent == -1:
			return order_block.fail(results, "the target is the ocean")
			return order_block.fail(results, "the target is on a different island")
	terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, target[0], target[1])
	if map_data.terrain[terrain] in ('lake', 'XYZ_1', 'XYZ_2', 'XYZ_3'):
		return order_block.fail(results, "you cannot migrate to that terrain (%s)" % map_data.terrain[terrain])
	# Pathing time!
	journey = path_f.path(
		waypoints=[(the_city.x, the_city.y), target],
	# Does this take more than a year?
	travel_time = journey.time_cost
	actual_target = target
	current_time = 0
	if journey.time_cost > 365:
		for s in journey.steps:
			if current_time + s['time_cost'] <= 365:
				actual_target = s['tile']
				current_time += s['time_cost']
		travel_time = current_time
	if actual_target != target:
		results['results'].append("%s migrated to %s, to migrate to %s will take another %s days" % (the_city.name, str(actual_target), str(target), (journey.time_cost - travel_time)))
		results['results'].append("%s migrated to %s" % (the_city.name, str(target)))
	# Get the query to make it happen
	results['queries'].extend(city_f.make_migration_query(the_city.id, actual_target, travel_time))
	return order_block.success(results)
Exemplo n.º 11
def check_army_bases(cursor, verbose):
	team_dict = team_q.get_all_teams(cursor)
	army_dict = army_q.get_armies_from_team_list(cursor, list(team_dict.keys()))
	city_dict = city_q.get_live_cities(cursor)
	relations = team_q.get_relations(cursor)# [Host][Visitor]
	# Build up a shortlist dict of cities by team
	city_by_team = {}
	for team_id, the_team in team_dict.items():
		if team_id not in city_by_team:
			city_by_team[team_id] = []
		for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
			if the_city.team == team_id or relations.get(the_city.team, {}).get(team_id, {}).get('border', team_dict[the_city.team].default_borders) >= team.border_states.index("Allied"):
	# Now to run through the armies and find their paths
	new_bases = set()
	# for i in progressbar(range(15), "Computing: ", 40):
	# for army_id, the_army in army_dict.items():
	if verbose:
		it = cli_f.progressbar(army_dict.items(), "military_check.check_army_bases: ", 40, with_eta = True)
		it = army_dict.items()
	for army_id, the_army in it:
		army_terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_army.x, the_army.y)
		for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
			if army_terrain < 1:
				if not the_city.port: continue
			the_city = city_dict[city_id]
			if the_city.dead > 0: continue
			dist = path_f.pythagoras((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y))
			if dist < 10:
				the_army.base = city_id
				the_army.distance = (dist/map_data.movement_speeds['Marching'])*10# Distance over speed in km, 1 distance unit is 10k
		# Extend the search a little
		if army_id not in new_bases:
			for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
				if army_terrain < 1:
					if not the_city.port: continue
				the_city = city_dict[city_id]
				dist = path_f.pythagoras((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y))
				if dist < 30:
					the_army.base = city_id
					the_army.distance = (dist/map_data.movement_speeds['Marching'])*10# Distance over speed in km, 1 distance unit is 10k
		# Extend the search a little
		if army_id not in new_bases:
			for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
				if army_terrain < 1:
					if not the_city.port: continue
				the_city = city_dict[city_id]
				dist = path_f.pythagoras((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y))
				if dist < 60:
					the_army.base = city_id
					the_army.distance = (dist/map_data.movement_speeds['Marching'])*10# Distance over speed in km, 1 distance unit is 10k
		# If we can't find an easy solution we start pathing
		if army_id not in new_bases:
			fastest_path = (-1, 9999999)
			for city_id in city_by_team[the_army.team]:
				the_city = city_dict[city_id]
				# Small cities won't support an army a long way away right?
				if the_city.size < 5000: continue
				# Is it a fleet?
				if army_terrain < 1:
					if not the_city.port: continue
					# Now lets try water
					dist = path_f.path(cursor, ((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y)), move_speed="Sailing", move_type="Sail")
					if dist.time_cost < fastest_path[1]:
						fastest_path = (city_id, dist.time_cost)
					# I'm sure there's a way to improve this...
					dist = path_f.path(cursor, ((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y)), move_speed="Marching", move_type="Medium foot")
					if dist.time_cost == 0:
					# if army_id == 960 and city_id == 1098:
					# 	print("")
					# 	print(dir(dist))
					# 	print(((the_army.x, the_army.y), (the_city.x, the_city.y)))
					# 	print(dist.time_cost)
					# 	print(dist.walk_distance)
					# 	print(len(dist.steps))
					# 	print("")
					if dist.time_cost < fastest_path[1]:
						fastest_path = (city_id, dist.time_cost)
			the_army.base = fastest_path[0]
			the_army.distance = fastest_path[1]
	# Reset all armies
	query = """UPDATE armies SET base = -1, distance = -1 WHERE garrison = 0;"""
	try: cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	for a in new_bases:
		query = """UPDATE armies SET base = %d, distance = %d WHERE id = %d;""" % (army_dict[a].base, army_dict[a].distance, a)
		try: cursor.execute(query)
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	# Garrisons automatically go to their city
	query = """UPDATE armies SET base = garrison, distance = 0 WHERE garrison > 0;"""
	try: cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
Exemplo n.º 12
def founding_order(the_line, groups, debug=False):
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line)
	all_cities				= the_line.the_world.cities()
	city_dict				= the_line.the_world.cities_from_team(the_line.block.team)
	cities_lookup			= the_line.the_world.cities_lookup(lower=True)
	the_team				= the_line.the_world.teams()[the_line.block.team]
	team_dict				= the_line.the_world.teams()
	dead_city = -1
	# Handles
	new_city_name = groups['city_name']
	supply_list_s = groups['city_list']
	size = int(groups['size'].replace(',', ''))
	if groups['city_type'] != None:
		city_type = groups['city_type'].lower().strip()
		city_type = None
	is_port, is_nomadic = False, False
	if city_type == "port":
		is_port = True
	elif city_type == "nomadic":
		is_nomadic = True
	# Get the location from the string
		x, y = groups['location'].split(',')
		x = int(x.strip())
		y = int(y.strip())
		terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x, y)
	except Exception as e:
		return order_block.fail(results, "%s was not founded because trying to read the location produced an error: %s" % (groups['city_name'], e.args[0]))
	# Rule checks
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line, "%s could not be founded at %s because" % (new_city_name, str((x, y))))
	# You can't build on water!
	if map_data.terrain[terrain] in ('water', 'lake', 'XYZ_1', 'XYZ_2', 'XYZ_3'):
		return order_block.fail(results, "you cannot build on that terrain (%s)" % map_data.terrain[terrain])
	# Does it already exist?
	if new_city_name.lower() in cities_lookup:
		existing_city = all_cities[cities_lookup[new_city_name.lower()]]
			if not existing_city.dead:
				return order_block.fail(results, "%s already exists (controlled by %s)" % (new_city_name, team_dict[existing_city.team].name))
				# Currently all dead cities need a GM to act
				return order_block.fail(results, "%s already exists as a dead city, contact Teifion to to fix it (ID:%d)" % (new_city_name, cities_lookup[new_city_name.lower()]))
				if all_cities[cities_lookup[new_city_name.lower()]].team == the_team.id:
					dead_city = cities_lookup[new_city_name.lower()]
					return order_block.fail(results, "%s already exists as a dead city, contact Teifion to to fix it (ID:%d)" % (new_city_name, cities_lookup[new_city_name.lower()]))
		except Exception as e:
	# Is it allowed to be a port?
	if is_port:
		if map_data.terrain[terrain] != "shore":
			is_port = False
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x-10, y-10) == 0: is_port = True
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x-10, y) == 0: is_port = True
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x-10, y+10) == 0: is_port = True
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x, y-10) == 0: is_port = True
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x, y+10) == 0: is_port = True
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x+10, y-10) == 0: is_port = True
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x+10, y) == 0: is_port = True
			if mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x+10, y+10) == 0: is_port = True
		if not is_port:
			return order_block.fail(results, "%s that is not next to the sea" % str((x, y)))
	# Supply list
	supply_dict_raw = {}
	if supply_list_s != None:
		supply_list_s = supply_list_s.split(",")
		for s in supply_list_s:
			sls = s.lower().strip()
			if sls in cities_lookup:
				supply_dict_raw[cities_lookup[sls]] = 9999999
		for c in city_dict.keys():
			supply_dict_raw[c] = 9999999
	# print("")
	# print(supply_dict_raw)
	if debug:
		results['debug'].append("First pass:"******"City ID %d was not in city_dict" % c)
			return order_block.fail(results, "One or more of the cities used as a source were not valid (ID: %d)" % c)

		the_city = city_dict[c]
		if the_city.dead > 0: continue
		if new_city_continent != path_f.get_continent(the_line.the_world.cursor, (the_city.x, the_city.y)):
			if not is_port or not the_city.port:
				if len(supply_dict_raw) == 1:
					if debug:
						results['debug'].append("Continent of target: %s" % new_city_continent)
						results['debug'].append("Continent of supply: %s" % path_f.get_continent(the_line.the_world.cursor, (the_city.x, the_city.y)))
					if not the_city.port and not is_port:
						return order_block.fail(results, "the city you supplied is on another contintent and neither this city nor the new one are a port")
					elif not the_city.port:
						return order_block.fail(results, "the city you supplied is on another contintent and the existing city is not a port")
					elif not is_port:
						return order_block.fail(results, "the city you supplied is on another contintent and the new city is not a port")
						raise Exception("No handle")	
				if not is_port:
					if debug:
						results['debug'].append("Skipped %s due to the new city being on another landmass and not a port" % (city_dict[c].name))
				elif not the_city.port:
					if debug:
						results['debug'].append("Skipped %s due to it not being a port" % (city_dict[c].name))
				# We need both to be a port if they're on different landmasses
			path_data = path_f.path(the_line.the_world.cursor, [(the_city.x, the_city.y), (x, y)],
				move_speed="Sailing", move_type="Sail")
			supply_dict[c] = path_data.time_cost
			if debug:
				results['debug'].append("Added %s to dict with %s (sailing)" % (city_dict[c].name, int(path_data.time_cost)))
		else:# Same continent
			path_data = path_f.path(the_line.the_world.cursor, [(the_city.x, the_city.y), (x, y)],
				move_speed="Colonists", move_type="Colonists")
			supply_dict[c] = path_data.time_cost
			if debug:
				results['debug'].append("Added %s to dict with %s (walking)" % (city_dict[c].name, int(path_data.time_cost)))
		# Work out if it's in range
		if supply_dict[c] > 182:# 6 months
			if debug:
				results['debug'].append("Removed %s from dict with, it took %s" % (city_dict[c].name, int(supply_dict[c])))
	if debug:
		results['debug'].append("\nCities in range:")
		for k, v in supply_dict.items():
			results['debug'].append("%s has %s to offer (travel time %s)" % (city_dict[k].name, city_dict[k].population, int(v)))
		# results['debug'].append("")
	cities_changed = True
	while cities_changed:
		if len(supply_dict) < 1:
			if groups['city_list'] == None:
				return order_block.fail(results, "the cities able to reach the new location were too far away or not large enough")
				return order_block.fail(results, "the cities able to reach the new location from the list provided were too far away or not large enough")
		cities_to_delete	= []
		cities_changed		= False
		city_count			= len(supply_dict)
		amount_per_city		= math.ceil(size/city_count)
		for c in supply_dict.keys():
			# Check the city size
			if city_dict[c].population < amount_per_city:
				# if debug: print("deleted %s (%s) pop:%s < %s" % (c, city_dict[c].name, supply_dict[c], amount_per_city))
				cities_changed = True
		for c in cities_to_delete:
	# Get cost
	results['cost'] = res_dict.Res_dict("Materials:%s" % (size/1000))
	# Check affordability
	affordability = the_team.resources.affordable(results['cost'])[0]
	if not affordability and "Materials" not in the_team.overbudget:
		return order_block.fail_cost(results)
	# Queries
	results['queries'].append("-- Founding %s at %s for team:%d" % (new_city_name, str((x, y)), the_team.id))
	if dead_city > 1: results['queries'].extend(city_f.make_remove_dead_city_query(dead_city))
		the_team.id, new_city_name, (x, y), is_port, is_nomadic, size, supply_dict.keys())
	# Apply cost
	for c in supply_dict.keys():
		city_dict[c].population -= (size/len(supply_dict))
	the_team.resources -= results['cost'].discrete()
	# Result
	results['results'].append("%s was successfully founded at %s at a size of %s" % (new_city_name, str((x, y)), size))
	return order_block.success(results)
Exemplo n.º 13
	def draw_city(self, cursor, city_id):
		city_is_special = False
		# Handles
		the_city = self.city_dict[city_id]
		the_team = self.team_dict[the_city.team]
		team_clean_name = the_team.clean_name()
		# Test for 1 icon	
		image_size = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.size)
		if image_size == 0:
			return ""
		my_left		= (the_city.x - self.left) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		my_top		= (the_city.y - self.top) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		# Check it's within the picture size of the map
		if (the_city.x - image_size/2) < self.left:		return ""
		if (the_city.x + image_size/2) > self.right:	return ""
		if (the_city.y - image_size/2) < self.top:		return ""
		if (the_city.y + image_size/2) > self.bottom:	return ""
		#	Mouseover
		# Name
		# clean_name = the_city.name.lower().replace(' ', '').replace("'", "")
		# clean_name = common.js_name(the_city.name.lower().replace(' ', '').replace("'", ''))
		clean_name = safe_re.sub("", the_city.name)
		# safe_re
		# Location
		city_x = the_city.x
		city_y = the_city.y
		if the_team.ir:
			city_title = ["<strong>Team</strong>: %s <span style='font-size:0.9em;'>(IR)</span><br />" % the_team.name]
			city_title = ["<strong>Team</strong>: %s<br />" % the_team.name]
		# Port
		if the_city.port == True:
			city_title.append('Is a port')
			city_title.append('Not a port')
		# Nomadic
		if the_city.nomadic == True:
			city_title.append('<br />Nomadic')
		# Walls
		team_logo = '%s_unwalled.png' % team_clean_name
		has_harbour_walls = False
		# Harbour walls id = 18
		if 18 in the_city.buildings_amount and the_city.buildings_amount[18] > 0:
			has_harbour_walls = True
			city_title.append('<br />Harbour walls')
		if the_city.walls != []:
			if len(the_city.walls) > 1:
				if has_harbour_walls:
					city_title.append('<br />%d walls' % (len(the_city.walls)-1))
					city_title.append('<br />%d walls' % len(the_city.walls))
				if not has_harbour_walls:
					city_title.append('<br />1 wall')
			team_logo = '%s_walled.png' % team_clean_name
		# Supply
		if the_city.supplies != []:
			supply_string = ", ".join([resource_list.data_list[s].name for s in the_city.supplies])
			city_title.append('<br />%s' % supply_string)
		# Terrain
		city_title.append('<br />Terrain type: %s' % map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, city_x, city_y)].title())
		# Area - Used for debugging overlap
		# area = image_size/2.5
		# area = area * area
		# city_title.append("<br />Area: %s" % area)
		# Overlap
		if the_city.overlap > 0:
			city_title.append('<br />Overlap: %s%%' % the_city.overlap)
		# Population
		if the_city.team not in self.personalise:
			city_title.append('<br />Size: %s' % common.approx(the_city.size))
			if the_city.slaves > 0:
				city_title.append('<br />Slaves: %s' % common.approx(the_city.slaves))
			city_title.append('<br />Population: %s' % common.number_format(the_city.population))
			if the_city.slaves > 0:
				city_title.append('<br />Slaves: %s' % common.number_format(the_city.slaves))
		# Artefact
		artefact_count = 0
		if city_id in self.cities_with_artefact:
			for a, the_artefact in self.artefact_dict.items():
				if the_artefact.city == city_id:
					artefact_count += 1
		if artefact_count > 0:
			city_is_special = True
			if artefact_count > 1:
				city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains %d artefacts</strong>' % artefact_count)
				city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains an artefact</strong>')
		# Wonder
		if city_id in self.cities_with_wonder:
			for w, the_wonder in self.wonder_dict.items():
				if the_wonder.city == city_id:
					if the_wonder.completed:
						city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains a wonder</strong>')
						city_is_special = True
						city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains an uncompleted wonder</strong>')
		# Description
		if the_city.description != '':
			city_title.append('<br />%s' % the_city.description.replace("\\", ""))
		# GM stuff
		if self.gm:
			city_title.append('<br />Image size: %s' % image_size)
		# Info only for the team map
		if the_city.team in self.personalise:
			city_title.append("<br />")
			# Buildings?
			# in_progress_dict, city_buildings = the_city.get_buildings()
			walls		= []
			buildings	= []
			in_progress = []
			for b, a in the_city.buildings_amount.items():
				if self.building_dict[b].wall == True: walls.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
				if self.building_dict[b].wall != True: buildings.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
			for b, p in the_city.buildings.items():
				if p > 0:
			if len(buildings) > 0:
				city_title.append("<br /><strong>Buildings</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(buildings))
			if len(walls) > 0:
				city_title.append("<br /><strong>Walls</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(walls))
			if len(in_progress) > 0:
				city_title.append("<br /><strong>In progress</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(in_progress))
		if the_city.founded == common.current_turn():
			new_city_style = "border: 1px solid #FFA;"
			city_title.append("<br />Founded: <strong>Turn %d</strong>" % the_city.founded)
		elif city_is_special:
			# new_city_style = "border: 2px dotted #FFF;"
			new_city_style = ""
			team_logo = '%s_special.png' % team_clean_name
			new_city_style = ""
			city_title.append("<br />Founded: Turn %d" % the_city.founded)
		# Land controlled?
		# control = ""
		# if the_city.team in self.personalise:
		# 	control_image_size = map_control_size(the_city.size)
		# 	if control_image_size == 0:
		# 		return ""
		# 	c_left		= (the_city.x - self.left) * 2.5 - (control_image_size/2.0)
		# 	c_top		= (the_city.y - self.top) * 2.5 - (control_image_size/2.0)
		# 	control = """<img class="city_icon" src="%(icon_path)scontrol.png" style="top:%(top)spx; left: %(left)spx;" width="%(image_size)s" height="%(image_size)s" />""" % {
		# 		"icon_path":	self.icon_path,
		# 		"top":			c_top,
		# 		"left":			c_left,
		# 		"image_size":	control_image_size,
		# 	}
		# # Output - Function float
		# output = """<img class="city_icon" id="{0[clean_name]}" src="{0[icon_path]}{0[team_logo]}" style="top:{0[top]}px; left:{0[left]}px;" width="{0[image_size]}" height="{0[image_size]}" onmouseover="$('#{0[clean_name]}_hover').fadeIn(250);" onmouseout="$('#{0[clean_name]}_hover').hide(250);"/>""".format({
		# 	"icon_path":	self.icon_path,
		# 	"clean_name":	clean_name,
		# 	"top": my_top,
		# 	"left": my_left,
		# 	"image_size": image_size,
		# 	"team_logo": team_logo,
		# })
		# Output - Fixed float
		output = """<img class="city_icon" id="{clean_name}" src="{icon_path}{team_logo}" style="top:{top}px; left:{left}px;{new_city}" width="{image_size}" height="{image_size}" onmouseover="$('#{clean_name}_hover').fadeIn(250);" onmouseout="$('#{clean_name}_hover').hide(250);"/>""".format(
			icon_path =		self.icon_path,
			clean_name =	clean_name,
			top =			my_top,
			left =			my_left,
			image_size =	image_size,
			team_logo =		team_logo,
			new_city =		new_city_style,
		if self.mouseover == 1:
			hover_top = my_top - 5
			hover_top = min(self.height*2.5 - 125, hover_top)
			hover_left = my_left + image_size + 20
			hover_left = max(hover_left, 5)
			if hover_left > ((self.width * 2.5) - 350):
				hover_left = my_left - 350
			# Floater
			self.append_last.append("""<div id="%(clean_name)s_hover" class="city_hover" style="top:%(hover_top)spx; left:%(hover_left)spx;"><div class="city_title">%(name)s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%(city_x)s,%(city_y)s</div>%(city_title)s</div>""" % {
				"name": the_city.name,
				"clean_name": clean_name,
				"hover_top": hover_top,
				"hover_left": hover_left,
				"city_x": the_city.x,
				"city_y": the_city.y,
				"city_title": "".join(city_title),
		# Now return it
		return "".join(output)
Exemplo n.º 14
	def draw_city(self, cursor, city_id):
		city_is_special = False
		# Handles
		the_city = self.city_dict[city_id]
		the_team = self.team_dict[the_city.team]
		# Test for 1 icon
		image_size = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.size)
		# Check it's within the picture size of the map
		if (the_city.x - image_size/2) < self.left:		return
		if (the_city.x + image_size/2) > self.right:	return
		if (the_city.y - image_size/2) < self.top:		return
		if (the_city.y + image_size/2) > self.bottom:	return
		output = {}
		# System type stuff
		output['pixel_x'] = (the_city.x - self.left) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		output['pixel_y'] = (the_city.y - self.top) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		# Owner
		output['team.id'] = the_team.id
		output['team.name'] = the_team.name
		# Key stats
		output['id'] = the_city.id
		output['name'] = the_city.name
		output['x'] = the_city.x
		output['y'] = the_city.y
		output['port'] = the_city.port
		output['nomadic'] = the_city.nomadic
		output['founded'] = the_city.founded
		# Walls
		output['harbour_walls'] = False
		if 18 in the_city.buildings_amount and the_city.buildings_amount[18] > 0:# Harbour walls id = 18
			output['harbour_walls'] = True
		output['wall_count'] = 0
		if the_city.walls != []:
			if len(the_city.walls) > 1:
				if output['harbour_walls']:
					output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls) - 1
					output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls)
			elif not output['harbour_walls']:
				output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls)
		# Supplies and Terrain
		output['supplies'] = the_city.supplies
		output['terrain'] = map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_city.x, the_city.y)].title()
		city_loc = (the_city.x - (the_city.x % 10), the_city.y - (the_city.y % 10))
		output['continent'] = path_f.get_map_continent_tiles(cursor).get(city_loc, -1)
		# Overlap
		output['supplies'] = the_city.overlap
		# Population
		if the_city.team not in self.personalise:
			output['size'] = common.napprox(the_city.size)
			output['slaves'] = common.napprox(the_city.slaves)
			output['size'] = the_city.size
			output['population'] = the_city.population
			output['slaves'] = the_city.slaves
		# Artefact
		artefact_count = 0
		if city_id in self.cities_with_artefact:
			for a, the_artefact in self.artefact_dict.items():
				if the_artefact.city == city_id:
					artefact_count += 1
		output['artefacts'] = artefact_count
		# Wonder
		output['wonder'] = "None"
		if city_id in self.cities_with_wonder:
			for w, the_wonder in self.wonder_dict.items():
				if the_wonder.city == city_id:
					if the_wonder.completed:
						output['wonder'] = "Complete"
						output['wonder'] = "Incomplete"
		# Description
		output['description'] = the_city.description
		# # Info only for the team map
		# if the_city.team in self.personalise:
		# 	walls		= []
		# 	buildings	= []
		# 	in_progress = []
		# 	for b, a in the_city.buildings_amount.items():
		# 		if self.building_dict[b].wall == True: walls.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 		if self.building_dict[b].wall != True: buildings.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 	for b, p in the_city.buildings.items():
		# 		if p > 0:
		# 			in_progress.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 	if len(buildings) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>Buildings</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(buildings))
		# 	if len(walls) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>Walls</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(walls))
		# 	if len(in_progress) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>In progress</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(in_progress))
		# Now return it
		return output
Exemplo n.º 15
def main(cursor):
	output = []
	city_list = (
	# Aracnia
	# Holm
	# Chiark (Crown)
	# Reeth (Dan)
	# Wetworks (Exion)
	# Cassel (HEM)
	# Sierlith (Luprasic)
	city_dict = city_q.get_all_cities(cursor)
	output.append("""<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
		<tr class="row2">
			<th colspan='2'>
			cols = "</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th colspan='2'>".join(sad_rules.res_list),
	for i, c in enumerate(city_list):
		the_city = city_dict[c]
		the_city.size = approx(the_city.size)
		terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_city.x, the_city.y)
		techs = {}
		cols = []
		for r in sad_rules.res_list:
			s = round(sad_rules.supply[r](city=the_city, terrain=terrain, techs=techs), 2)
			d = round(sad_rules.demand[r](city=the_city, terrain=terrain, techs=techs), 2)
			cols.append("<td style='text-align:center;'>%s</td>" % s)
			cols.append("<td style='text-align:center;'>%s</td>" % d)
		<tr class="row{i}">
			<td>{name} ({size}k)</td>
			i = i%2,
			name = the_city.name,
			size = int(the_city.size/1000),
			terrain = map_data.terrain[terrain].title(),
			cols = "".join(cols),
	return "".join(output)
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: ti_f.py Projeto: Teifion/Rob3
def cities(cursor, the_world, the_team):
	city_dict		= the_world.cities_from_team(the_team.id)
	building_dict	= the_world.buildings()
	output = []
	output.append("""<div class="ti_section" id="cities_div">
	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="width: 100%;">
		<tr class="row2">
			<th>City name</th>
	count = -1
	if len(city_dict) > 0:
		for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
			if the_city.dead > 0: continue
			count += 1
			# sad_rules.produce_wealth(the_world, the_city)
			artefacts = the_city.artefacts
			if len(artefacts) > 0:
				artefacts = len(artefacts)
				artefacts = ""
			# Growth
			growth_rate, growth_constant = city_rules.city_growth_rate(cursor, the_team, the_city, the_world)
			new_population = int((the_city.population * growth_rate) + growth_constant)
			growth_rate = round((growth_rate-1)*100,1)
			# Formatting
			if growth_rate == int(growth_rate): growth_rate = int(growth_rate)
			# Happiness
			happiness = city.happiness_str(the_city.happiness)
			if happiness == "Rebellious":
				happiness = '<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#A00;">Rebellious</span>'
			if happiness == "Utopian":
				happiness = '<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#0A0;">Utopian</span>'
			<tr class="row%(row)d" id="%(city_id)d">
				<td>%(terrain)s &nbsp; %(x)s, %(y)s</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">%(port)s</td>
				<!--<td style="text-align: center;">%(secret)s</td>-->
				<td style="text-align: center;">%(nomadic)s</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">%(artefact)s</td>
				<td>%(population)sk, &nbsp;&nbsp;
				<td>%(production)s + %(wealth)s = %(economy)s</td>
				<td style="padding: 0px;">
					<a href="#" id="city_%(city_id)s_building_show" onclick="$('#city_%(city_id)s_building_show').hide(); $('#city_%(city_id)s_buildings').show(); $('#city_%(city_id)s_building_hide').show(); return false;" class="block_link">Show buildings</a>
					<a href="#" id="city_%(city_id)s_building_hide" onclick="$('#city_%(city_id)s_building_show').show(); $('#city_%(city_id)s_buildings').hide(); $('#city_%(city_id)s_building_hide').hide(); return false;" class="block_link" style="display: none;">Hide buildings</a>
			""" % {	'row': (count % 2),
					'city_id': the_city.id,
					'name': the_city.name,
					'x': the_city.x,
					'y': the_city.y,
					"terrain":	map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_city.x, the_city.y)].title(),
					'port':		common.bstr(the_city.port),
					'secret':	common.bstr(the_city.secret),
					'artefact':	artefacts,
					'nomadic':	common.bstr(the_city.nomadic),
					'population':		round(the_city.population/1000.0,1),
					'new_population':	round(new_population/1000.0,1),
					"growth_rate":		growth_rate,
					"wealth":			int(the_city.wealth),
					'slaves':			the_city.slaves,
					"production":		int(team_rules.Materials(cursor, the_team, the_world=the_world, one_city_id=city_id)),
					"happiness":		happiness,
					"economy":			int(the_city.wealth + team_rules.Materials(cursor, the_team, the_world=the_world, one_city_id=city_id)),
			# City buildings
			output.append("<tr id='city_%s_buildings' style='display: none;'><td style='padding: 5px 20px 10px;' colspan='9'>" % the_city.id)
				<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:100%%;">
					<tr class="row2">
			count2 = -1
			buildings_progress, buildings_amount = the_city.get_buildings(cursor)
			for b, the_building in building_dict.items():
				if b not in buildings_progress and b not in buildings_amount:
				if buildings_progress.get(b, 0) > 0:
					percentage = float(buildings_progress.get(b, 0))/float(the_building.build_time)
					percentage = int(round(percentage*100))
				if buildings_amount.get(b, 0) > 0 and buildings_progress.get(b, 0) > 0:
					progress = "%s completed and 1 in progress at %s%%" % (buildings_amount[b], percentage)
				elif buildings_amount.get(b, 0) > 0 and buildings_progress.get(b, 0) == 0:
					progress = "%s completed" % (buildings_amount[b])
				elif buildings_amount.get(b, 0) == 0 and buildings_progress.get(b, 0) > 0:
					progress = "In progress at %s%%" % (percentage)
					# It's in both but at 0 and 0 so will get removed with the check
				count2 += 1
				<tr class="row%(count)s">
				</tr>""" % {
					"count":			count2%2,
					"building_name":	the_building.name,
					"progress":			progress,
			if artefacts != "":
				output.append("<tr><td colspan='2'>The artefact information is located in the <a href='#' onclick='switch_to_chosen();'>Chosen tab</a></td></tr>")
	return "".join(output)
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: ti_j.py Projeto: Teifion/Rob3
def cities(the_world, the_team):
	city_dict		= the_world.cities_from_team(the_team.id)
	building_dict	= the_world.buildings()
	artefact_dict	= the_world.artefacts()
	wonder_dict		= the_world.wonders()
	output = {}
	for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
		if the_city.dead > 0: continue
		artefacts = {}
		buildings = {}
		wonders = {}
		# City buildings
		buildings_progress, buildings_amount = the_city.get_buildings(the_world.cursor)
		for b, the_building in building_dict.items():
			if b not in buildings_progress and b not in buildings_amount:
			buildings[b] = {
				"building_id":			b,
				"completed":			buildings_amount.get(b, 0),
				"current_progress":		buildings_progress.get(b, 0),
		# Artefacts
		for artefact_id, the_artefact in artefact_dict.items():
			if the_artefact.city != city_id: continue
			artefacts[the_artefact.name] = {
				"name":			the_artefact.name,
				"description":	the_artefact.description,
		# Wonders
		for wonder_id, the_wonder in wonder_dict.items():
			if the_wonder.city != city_id: continue
			wonders[the_wonder.name] = {
				"name":				the_wonder.name,
				"description":		the_wonder.description,
				"progress":			the_wonder.completion,
				"needed_points":	the_wonder.point_cost,
				"needed_materials":	the_wonder.material_cost,
		# Growth
		growth_rate, growth_constant = city_rules.city_growth_rate(the_world.cursor, the_team, the_city, the_world)
		new_population = int((the_city.population * growth_rate) + growth_constant)
		growth_rate = (growth_rate-1)*100
		output[city_id] = {
			"city_id":			city_id,
			"name":				the_city.name,
			"x":				the_city.x,
			"y":				the_city.y,
			"terrain":			map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(the_world.cursor, the_city.x, the_city.y)].title(),
			"port":				the_city.port,
			"nomadic":			the_city.nomadic,
			"population":		the_city.population,
			"new_population":	new_population,
			"growth_rate":		growth_rate,
			"slaves":			the_city.slaves,
			"supply_good":		the_city.supply_good,
			"artefacts":		artefacts,
			"wonders":			wonders,
			"buildings":		buildings,
	return output
Exemplo n.º 18
	def map_terrain(self, cursor, colour_mode = False):
		output = []
		mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, 0, 0)
		terrain_grid = mapper_q.terrain_cache_dict
		# self.grid_size is the MAP UNITS size
		# self.pgrid_size is the PIXEL size
		self.pgrid_size = self.grid_size * 2.5
		font_size = 1
		if		self.grid_size == 10: font_size = 0.2
		elif	self.grid_size == 20: font_size = 0.6
		elif	self.grid_size == 30: font_size = 1
		elif	self.grid_size == 40: font_size = 1.1
		elif	self.grid_size == 60: font_size = 1.4
		elif	self.grid_size == 80: font_size = 1.7
		elif	self.grid_size == 100: font_size = 2.1
		for x in range(self.left, self.right, self.grid_size):
			for y in range(self.top, self.bottom, self.grid_size):
				scan_left	= x
				scan_right	= x+self.grid_size
				scan_top	= y
				scan_bottom	= y+self.grid_size
				# print "\n\n<!-- BLOCK %s - %s, %s - %s -->" % (scan_left, scan_right, scan_top, scan_bottom)
				current_terrain = ""
				for xx in range(scan_left, scan_right, 10):
					if current_terrain == "MIXED": break
					# print ""

					for yy in range(scan_top, scan_bottom, 10):
							this_terrain = map_data.terrain[terrain_grid[(xx, yy)]]
						except KeyError as e:
							this_terrain = "water"
						except Exception as e:
							raise e

						# print "<!-- %s, %s: %s -->" % (xx, yy, this_terrain)

						if current_terrain == "": current_terrain = this_terrain

						if current_terrain != this_terrain:
							current_terrain = "MIXED"

				terrain_colour = map_data.terrain_colour[current_terrain]

				if current_terrain == "water":
					current_terrain = ""
					if self.grid_size < 20:
						current_terrain = current_terrain[0:3]
						current_terrain = "<br />%s" % current_terrain

				if colour_mode and self.grid_size < 20:
					current_terrain = ""

				if colour_mode:
				<div class="edit_box" style="top:%(top)spx;left:%(left)spx;width:%(pgrid_size)spx;height:%(pgrid_size)spx;font-size:%(font_size)sem;border:2px solid %(terrain_colour)s" id="%(x)s_%(y)s" onclick="$(this).load('web.py', {'mode':'edit_map_ajax','x':'%(x)s','y':'%(y)s','grid':'%(grid_size)s','terrain':$('#terrain').val()});">
				</div>""" % {
					"x": x,
					"y": y,
					"left": int((x-self.left)*2.5),
					"top": int((y-self.top)*2.5),
					"pgrid_size": int(self.pgrid_size)-6,
					"grid_size": int(self.grid_size),
					"font_size": font_size,
					"current_terrain": current_terrain,
					"terrain_colour": terrain_colour,

				<div class="edit_box" style="top:%(top)spx;left:%(left)spx;width:%(pgrid_size)spx;height:%(pgrid_size)spx;font-size:%(font_size)sem;" id="%(x)s_%(y)s" onclick="$(this).load('web.py', {'mode':'edit_map_ajax','x':'%(x)s','y':'%(y)s','grid':'%(grid_size)s','terrain':$('#terrain').val()});">
				</div>""" % {
					"x": x,
					"y": y,
					"left": int((x-self.left)*2.5),
					"top": int((y-self.top)*2.5),
					"pgrid_size": int(self.pgrid_size),
					"grid_size": int(self.grid_size),
					"font_size": font_size,
					"current_terrain": current_terrain,

		return "".join(output)