Exemplo n.º 1
def answer_for_postcode(loc: Tuple):
    # Send API request
    res = query_geocode_api_coords(loc[0], loc[1])

    # Verify that we have at least one valid result
    if (not res or "results" not in res or not len(res["results"])
            or not res["results"][0]):
        return None

    # Grab top result from API call
    top = res["results"][0]
    # TODO: Fall back on lower-ranked results from the API
    # if the top result doesn't even contain a locality.

    # Extract address info from top result
    (street, num, locality, postcode,
     country_code) = _addrinfo_from_api_result(top)

    # Only support Icelandic postcodes for now
    if country_code == "IS" and postcode:
        pc = postcodes.get(int(postcode))
        pd = "{0} {1}".format(postcode, pc["stadur_nf"])
        (response, answer, voice) = gen_answer(pd)
        voice = "Þú ert í {0}".format(pd)
        return response, answer, voice
        return gen_answer("Ég veit ekki í hvaða póstnúmeri þú ert.")
Exemplo n.º 2
def answer_for_location(loc: Tuple):
    # Send API request
    res = query_geocode_api_coords(loc[0], loc[1])

    # Verify that we have at least one valid result
    if (
        not res
        or "results" not in res
        or not len(res["results"])
        or not res["results"][0]
        return None

    # Grab top result from API call
    top = res["results"][0]
    # TODO: Fall back on lower-ranked results from the API
    # if the top result doesn't even contain a locality.

    # Extract address info from top result
    street, num, locality, postcode, country_code = _addrinfo_from_api_result(top)

    descr = ""

    # Special handling of Icelandic locations since we have more info
    # about them and street/locality names need to be declined.
    if country_code == "IS":
        # We received a street name from the API
        if street:
            descr = street_desc(street, num, locality)
        # We at least have a locality (e.g. "Reykjavík")
        elif locality:
            descr = _locality_desc(locality)
        # Only country
            descr = country_desc("IS")
    # The provided location is abroad.
        sdesc = ("á " + street) if street else ""
        if num and street:
            sdesc += " " + num
        locdesc = (
            "{0} {1}".format(iceprep_for_placename(locality), locality)
            if locality
            else ""
        # "[á Boulevard St. Germain] [í París] [í Frakklandi]"
        descr = "{0} {1} {2}".format(sdesc, locdesc, country_desc(country_code)).strip()

    if not descr:
        # Fall back on the formatted address string provided by Google
        descr = "á " + top.get("formatted_address")

    answer = cap_first(descr)
    response = dict(answer=answer)
    voice = "Þú ert {0}".format(_addr4voice(descr))

    return response, answer, voice