Exemplo n.º 1
def question_choice(request, question):
    choices = []
    jstriggers = []

    cd = question.getcheckdict()
    key = "question_%s" % question.number
    key2 = "question_%s_comment" % question.number
    val = None
    possibledbvalue = get_value_for_run_question(get_runid_from_request(request), question.id)
    if key in request.POST:
        val = request.POST[key]
    elif not possibledbvalue == None:
        valueaslist = ast.literal_eval(possibledbvalue)
        val = valueaslist[0]
        if 'default' in cd:
            val = cd['default']
    for choice in question.choices():
        choices.append( ( choice.value == val, choice, ) )

    if question.type == 'choice-freeform':
        jstriggers.append('%s_comment' % question.number)

    return {
        'choices'   : choices,
        'sel_entry' : val == '_entry_',
        'qvalue'    : val or '',
        'required'  : True,
        'comment'   : request.POST.get(key2, ""),
        'jstriggers': jstriggers,
def question_choice(request, question):
    choices = []
    jstriggers = []

    cd = question.getcheckdict()
    key = "question_%s" % question.number
    key2 = "question_%s_comment" % question.number
    val = None
    possibledbvalue = get_value_for_run_question(
        get_runid_from_request(request), question.id)
    if key in request.POST:
        val = request.POST[key]
    elif not possibledbvalue == None:
        valueaslist = ast.literal_eval(possibledbvalue)
        val = valueaslist[0]
        if 'default' in cd:
            val = cd['default']
    for choice in question.choices():
            choice.value == val,

    if question.type == 'choice-freeform':
        jstriggers.append('%s_comment' % question.number)

    return {
        'choices': choices,
        'sel_entry': val == '_entry_',
        'qvalue': val or '',
        'required': True,
        'comment': request.POST.get(key2, ""),
        'jstriggers': jstriggers,
def question_range_or_number(request, question):
    cd = question.getcheckdict()
    rmin, rmax = parse_range(cd)
    rstep = parse_step(cd)
    runit = cd.get('unit', '')
    #try loading current from database before just setting to min
    possibledbvalue = get_value_for_run_question(get_runid_from_request(request), question.id)
    #you can't eval none nor can you eval empty
    if not possibledbvalue == None and len(possibledbvalue) > 0:
        valueaslist = ast.literal_eval(possibledbvalue)
        current = valueaslist[0]
        current = request.POST.get('question_%s' % question.number, rmin)   

    jsinclude = []
    if question.type == 'range':
        jsinclude = [settings.STATIC_URL+'range.js']

    return {
        'required' : True,
        'type': question.type,
        'rmin' : rmin,
        'rmax' : rmax,
        'rstep' : rstep,
        'runit' : runit,
        'current' : current,
        'jsinclude' : jsinclude
Exemplo n.º 4
def question_yesno(request, question):
    key = "question_%s" % question.number
    key2 = "question_%s_comment" % question.number
    val = request.POST.get(key, None)
    cmt = request.POST.get(key2, '')
    qtype = question.get_type()
    cd = question.getcheckdict()
    jstriggers = []

    if qtype == 'choice-yesnocomment':
        hascomment = True
        hascomment = False
    if qtype == 'choice-yesnodontknow' or 'dontknow' in cd:
        hasdontknow = True
        hasdontknow = False

    #try the database before reverting to default
    possiblevalue = get_value_for_run_question(get_runid_from_request(request), question.id)
    if not possiblevalue == None:
        #save process always listifies the answer so we unlistify it to put it back in the field
        valueaslist = ast.literal_eval(possiblevalue)
        if len(valueaslist) > 0:
            val = valueaslist[0]

    if not val:
        if cd.get('default', None):
            val = cd['default']

    checks = ''
    if hascomment:
        if cd.get('required-yes'):
            jstriggers = ['%s_comment' % question.number]
            checks = ' checks="dep_check(\'%s,yes\')"' % question.number
        elif cd.get('required-no'):
            checks = ' checks="dep_check(\'%s,no\')"' % question.number
        elif cd.get('required-dontknow'):
            checks = ' checks="dep_check(\'%s,dontknow\')"' % question.number

    return {
        'required': True,
        'checks': checks,
        'value': val,
        'qvalue': val,
        'hascomment': hascomment,
        'hasdontknow': hasdontknow,
        'comment': cmt,
        'jstriggers': jstriggers,
        'template': 'questionnaire/choice-yesnocomment.html',
Exemplo n.º 5
def question_open(request, question):
    key = "question_%s" % question.number
    value = question.getcheckdict().get('default', '')
    if key in request.POST:
        value = request.POST[key]
        #also try to get it from the database so we can handle back/forward in which post has been cleared
        possiblevalue = get_value_for_run_question(get_runid_from_request(request), question.id)
        if not possiblevalue == None:
            #save process always listifies the answer so we unlistify it to put it back in the field
            valueaslist = ast.literal_eval(possiblevalue)
            if len(valueaslist) > 0:
                value = valueaslist[0]
    return {
        'required': question.getcheckdict().get('required', False),
        'value': value,
def question_multiple(request, question):
    key = "question_%s" % question.number
    choices = []
    jstriggers = []
    counter = 0
    qvalues = []
    cd = question.getcheckdict()
    defaults = cd.get('default', '').split(',')
    possibledbvalue = get_value_for_run_question(
        get_runid_from_request(request), question.id)
    possiblelist = []
    if not possibledbvalue == None:
        possiblelist = ast.literal_eval(possibledbvalue)
    prev_vals = {}
    if question.type == 'choice-multiple-values':
        pl = []
        for choice_value, prev_value in possiblelist:
            prev_vals[choice_value] = str(prev_value)
        possiblelist = pl

#    print 'possible value is ', possibledbvalue, ', possiblelist is ', possiblelist

    for choice in question.choices():
        counter += 1
        key = "question_%s_multiple_%d" % (question.number, choice.sortid)
        if question.type == "choice-multiple-values":
            jstriggers.append("q%s_%s_box" % (question.number, choice.value))
            # so that the number box will be activated when item is checked

        #try database first and only after that fall back to post choices

#        print 'choice multiple checking for match for choice ', choice
        checked = ' checked'
        prev_value = ''
        qvalue = "%s_%s" % (question.number, choice.value)
        if key in request.POST or \
          (request.method == 'GET' and choice.value in defaults):
            value_key = "question_%s_%s_value" % (question.number,
            if value_key in request.POST:
                prev_value = request.POST[value_key]
        elif choice.value in possiblelist:
            # so that this choice being checked will trigger anything that depends on it -
            # for choice-multiple-values right now
            if choice.value in prev_vals.keys():
                prev_value = prev_vals[choice.value]
            checked = ''
        # bug: you can have one item checked from database and another from POST data


    extracount = int(cd.get('extracount', 0))
    if not extracount and question.type == 'choice-multiple-freeform':
        extracount = 1
    extras = []
    for x in range(1, extracount + 1):
        key = "question_%s_more%d" % (question.number, x)
        if key in request.POST:
        # right now does not retrieve extra fields from database
    return {
        "choices": choices,
        "extras": extras,
        "type": question.type,
        "template": "questionnaire/choice-multiple-freeform.html",
        "required": cd.get("required", False) and cd.get("required") != "0",
        "jstriggers": jstriggers,
        "qvalues": qvalues,
        "placeholder": cd.get('placeholder', ''),
Exemplo n.º 7
def question_multiple(request, question):
    key = "question_%s" % question.number
    choices = []
    jstriggers = []
    counter = 0
    qvalues = []
    cd = question.getcheckdict()
    defaults = cd.get('default','').split(',')
    possibledbvalue = get_value_for_run_question(get_runid_from_request(request), question.id)
    possiblelist = []
    if not possibledbvalue == None:
        possiblelist = ast.literal_eval(possibledbvalue)
    prev_vals = {}
    if question.type == 'choice-multiple-values':
        pl = []
        for choice_value, prev_value in possiblelist:
            prev_vals[choice_value] = str(prev_value)
        possiblelist = pl

#    print 'possible value is ', possibledbvalue, ', possiblelist is ', possiblelist

    for choice in question.choices():
        counter += 1
        key = "question_%s_multiple_%d" % (question.number, choice.sortid)
        if question.type == "choice-multiple-values":
            jstriggers.append("q%s_%s_box" % (question.number, choice.value))
            # so that the number box will be activated when item is checked
        #try database first and only after that fall back to post choices
#        print 'choice multiple checking for match for choice ', choice
        checked = ' checked'
        prev_value = ''
        qvalue = "%s_%s" % (question.number, choice.value)
        if key in request.POST or \
          (request.method == 'GET' and choice.value in defaults):
            value_key = "question_%s_%s_value" % (question.number, choice.value)
            if value_key in request.POST:
                prev_value = request.POST[value_key]
        elif choice.value in possiblelist:
            # so that this choice being checked will trigger anything that depends on it -
            # for choice-multiple-values right now
            if choice.value in prev_vals.keys():
                prev_value = prev_vals[choice.value]
            checked = ''
        # bug: you can have one item checked from database and another from POST data

        choices.append( (choice, key, checked, prev_value,) )

    extracount = int(cd.get('extracount', 0))
    if not extracount and question.type == 'choice-multiple-freeform':
        extracount = 1
    extras = []
    for x in range(1, extracount+1):
        key = "question_%s_more%d" % (question.number, x)
        if key in request.POST:
            extras.append( (key, request.POST[key],) )
            extras.append( (key, '',) )
        # right now does not retrieve extra fields from database
    return {
        "choices": choices,
        "extras": extras,
        "type": question.type,
        "template"  : "questionnaire/choice-multiple-freeform.html",
        "required" : cd.get("required", False) and cd.get("required") != "0",
        "jstriggers": jstriggers,
        "qvalues": qvalues