Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_09_load_params(self):
        control.pulseoptim: Hadamard gate (loading config from file)
        compare with result produced by pulseoptim method
        H_d = sigmaz()
        H_c = sigmax()

        U_0 = identity(2)
        U_targ = hadamard_transform(1)

        cfg = optimconfig.OptimConfig()
        cfg.param_fname = "Hadamard_params.ini"
        cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        cfg.pulse_type = "ZERO"
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, config=cfg)

        dyn = dynamics.DynamicsUnitary(cfg)
        dyn.target = U_targ
        dyn.initial = U_0
        dyn.drift_dyn_gen = H_d
        dyn.ctrl_dyn_gen = [H_c]
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, dynamics=dyn)
        n_ts = dyn.num_tslots
        n_ctrls = dyn.num_ctrls

        pgen = pulsegen.create_pulse_gen(pulse_type=cfg.pulse_type, dyn=dyn)
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, pulsegen=pgen)

        tc = termcond.TerminationConditions()
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, term_conds=tc)

        if cfg.optim_method == 'BFGS':
            optim = optimizer.OptimizerBFGS(cfg, dyn)
        elif cfg.optim_method == 'FMIN_L_BFGS_B':
            optim = optimizer.OptimizerLBFGSB(cfg, dyn)
        elif cfg.optim_method is None:
            raise errors.UsageError("Optimisation algorithm must be specified "
                                    "via 'optim_method' parameter")
            optim = optimizer.Optimizer(cfg, dyn)
            optim.method = cfg.optim_method
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, optim=optim)

        sts = stats.Stats()
        dyn.stats = sts
        optim.stats = sts
        optim.config = cfg
        optim.dynamics = dyn
        optim.pulse_generator = pgen
        optim.termination_conditions = tc

        init_amps = np.zeros([n_ts, n_ctrls])
        for j in range(n_ctrls):
            init_amps[:, j] = pgen.gen_pulse()
        result = optim.run_optimization()

        result2 = cpo.optimize_pulse_unitary(H_d,

                            err_msg="Pulses do not match")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_load_params(self):
        Optimise pulse for Hadamard gate by loading config from file
        compare with result produced by pulseoptim method
        H_d = sigmaz()
        H_c = sigmax()
        U_0 = identity(2)
        U_targ = hadamard_transform(1)

        cfg = optimconfig.OptimConfig()
        cfg.param_fname = "Hadamard_params.ini"
        cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 
        cfg.pulse_type = "ZERO"
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, config=cfg)

        dyn = dynamics.DynamicsUnitary(cfg)
        dyn.target = U_targ
        dyn.initial = U_0
        dyn.drift_dyn_gen = H_d
        dyn.ctrl_dyn_gen = [H_c]
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, dynamics=dyn)
        n_ts = dyn.num_tslots
        n_ctrls = dyn.num_ctrls
        pgen = pulsegen.create_pulse_gen(pulse_type=cfg.pulse_type, dyn=dyn)
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, pulsegen=pgen)
        tc = termcond.TerminationConditions()
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, term_conds=tc)
        if cfg.optim_method == 'BFGS':
            optim = optimizer.OptimizerBFGS(cfg, dyn)
        elif cfg.optim_method == 'FMIN_L_BFGS_B':
            optim = optimizer.OptimizerLBFGSB(cfg, dyn)
        elif cfg.optim_method is None:
            raise errors.UsageError("Optimisation algorithm must be specified "
                                    "via 'optim_method' parameter")
            optim = optimizer.Optimizer(cfg, dyn)
            optim.method = cfg.optim_method
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, optim=optim)
        sts = stats.Stats()
        dyn.stats = sts
        optim.stats = sts
        optim.config = cfg
        optim.dynamics = dyn
        optim.pulse_generator = pgen
        optim.termination_conditions = tc
        init_amps = np.zeros([n_ts, n_ctrls])
        for j in range(n_ctrls):
            init_amps[:, j] = pgen.gen_pulse()
        result = optim.run_optimization()
        result2 = cpo.optimize_pulse_unitary(H_d, list([H_c]), U_0, U_targ, 
                        6, 6, fid_err_targ=1e-10, 
                        amp_lbound=-1.0, amp_ubound=1.0,
        assert_almost_equal(result.final_amps, result2.final_amps, decimal=5, 
                            err_msg="Pulses do not match")
Exemplo n.º 3
def gen_optim_config(param_fname=None, parse_cl_args=True, verbosity=None):
    Create the optimiser objects and load the configuration.

    def printv(msg, verb_tresh=1):
        if verbosity and verbosity >= verb_tresh:

    cfg = optimconfig.OptimConfig()
    if parse_cl_args:
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
                description="Command line argument parser")
        parser.add_argument('-p', '--param_file', type=str, default="",
                            help="Parameters file name")
        parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', type=str, default="",
                            help="output sub directory")
        parser.add_argument('-j', '--job_id', type=int, default=0,
                            help="Job id (from bsub)")
        parser.add_argument('-i', '--job_idx', type=int, default=0,
                            help="Job index (from bsub batch array)")
        parser.add_argument('-I', '--idx_opt', type=str, default='',
                            help="Job index option (what to do with it)")
        parser.add_argument('-N', '--num_qubits', type=int, default=0,
                            help="Number of qubits")
        parser.add_argument('-u', '--init_amps', type=str, default=0,
                            help="File name of initial amplitudes")
        parser.add_argument('-m', '--num_tslots', type=int, default=0,
                            help="Number of timeslots")
        parser.add_argument('-T', '--evo_time', type=float, default=0,
                            help="Total evolution time")
        parser.add_argument('--evo_time_npi', type=int, default=0,
                            help="Total evolution time in mulitples of pi")
        parser.add_argument('--evo_time_npi_g0s', type=int, default=0,
                            help="Total evolution time in mulitples of pi "
                                "scaled by first coupling constant")
        parser.add_argument('-a', '--numer_acc', type=float, default=-1.0,
                                        help="Numerical accuracy")
        parser.add_argument('-e', '--fid_err_targ', type=float, default=0.0,
                                        help="Fidelity error target")
        parser.add_argument('-n', '--num_cpus', type=int, default=0,
                                        help="Fidelity error target")
        parser.add_argument('-M', '--mp_opt', type=str, default='',
                                        help="Multiprocessing option")
        parser.add_argument('--mem_opt', type=int, default=0,
                                        help="Memory optimising level")
        parser.add_argument('--pulse_scaling', type=int, default=0.0,
                                        help="Initial pulse scaling")
        parser.add_argument('--max_wall_time', type=int, default=0.0,
                                        help="Maximum simulation wall time")

        cfg.args = vars(parser.parse_args())
        cfg.args = None

    cfg.log_level = log_level

    cfg.use_param_file = True

    if parse_cl_args and len(cfg.args['param_file']) > 0:
        param_fname = cfg.args['param_file']
        cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), param_fname)
        if not os.path.isfile(cfg.param_fpath):
            raise ValueError("Commandline argument parameter "
                "file name '{}' does not exist.".format(param_fname))
            printv("Parameters will be read from:\n{}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
    elif param_fname is None:
        printv("No parameter file. Using defaults in code.")
        cfg.use_param_file = False
    elif os.path.abspath(param_fname):
        cfg.param_fname = os.path.basename(param_fname)
        cfg.param_fpath = param_fname
        param_fname = cfg.param_fname
        cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), param_fname)
        if (not os.path.isfile(cfg.param_fpath)):
            printv ("Default parameter file {} not present. "
                    "Using defaults in code.").format(param_fname)
            cfg.use_param_file = False
    cfg.param_fname = param_fname

    # Script operational parameters
    cfg.job_id = 0
    cfg.job_idx = 0
    cfg.verbosity = 0
    # Folder where output files will be stored
    # ~ can be used for home folder
    cfg.output_dir = "~quant_self_optim/output/default"
    # Used as part of output file name.
    cfg.output_base_name = 'general'
    # If True then the physics parameters are included in the output
    cfg.report_phys_params = True
    # True means print messages saved in output file as well as std_out
    cfg.double_print = True
    cfg.output_files = True
    cfg.plot_result = False
    cfg.plot_file_type = 'PNG'
    cfg.save_plots = False
    cfg.save_results = True
    # File extension for output file
    cfg.data_file_ext = "txt"
    # An extended file extension, which includes job_id and job_idx
    # when these are set by the job scheduler
    cfg.out_file_ext = "txt"

    # Optimizer config
    # Multi-var optimisation methdo
    cfg.optim_method = 'LBFGSB'
    # Pulse generator type
    # For other option see qutip.control.pulsegen.create_pulse_gen
    # Only the random types make sense with multiple repetitions
    cfg.p_type = 'RND'
    cfg.check_grad = False
    # If true then processing stats will be collected
    cfg.gen_stats = True
    # stats_type options: standard|local
    # local can be used with the pure_Choi_local FidelityComputer
    cfg.stats_type = 'standard'
    # If True then stats for each pulse optimisation will be reported
    cfg.report_stats = True
    # If True then the qutip OptimResult object is kept for each pulse
    # optimisation. By default they are not, so as to save RAM.
    cfg.keep_optim_result = False
    # Save pulse amplitdues to file (or not)
    cfg.save_initial_amps = False
    cfg.save_final_amps = False
    # fid_type options pure_Choi_local|pure_Choi_global|unit_global
    cfg.fid_type = 'pure_choi_local'
    # These will be used as bounds for the PulseGenerator and the Optimizer
    cfg.amp_lbound = -np.Inf
    cfg.amp_ubound = np.Inf
    # Number of repetions for each pulse optimisation
    cfg.num_reps = 2
    # Number of cpus to utilise
    cfg.num_cpus = 1
    # Multi-processing options:-
    #    <blank> - repetitions will be spread over available cpus
    #    num_tslots - scenarios with different num_tslots spread over cpus
    #    numer_acc_limit - automatic search numerical accuracy threshold
    cfg.mp_opt = ""
    # Maximum number of scenarios when mp_opt=numer_acc_limit
    cfg.max_mp_scens = np.inf
    # True implies that some external job scheduler is organising some
    # multi-processing using the job_idx to set parameter values
    # hence a fuller name will be in the output file.
    cfg.ext_mp = False
    # Number of threads given to each process
    # Effective only with large systems, > 6 qubits, and only really useful
    # on a large cluster
    cfg.num_threads = 1

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the config parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        printv("Loading config parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, config=cfg)

    if verbosity is None:
        verbosity = cfg.verbosity

    cfg.plot_file_ext = cfg.plot_file_type.lower()

    # override with command line params (if any)
    if parse_cl_args:
        if cfg.args['num_qubits'] > 0:
            cfg.num_qubits = cfg.args['num_qubits']
            printv("Using num_qubits={} from command line".format(
        if len(cfg.args['output_dir']) > 0:
            cfg.output_dir = cfg.args['output_dir']
            printv("Using output_dir '{}' from command line".format(
        if cfg.args['num_cpus'] > 0:
            cfg.num_cpus = cfg.args['num_cpus']
            printv("Using num_cpus={} from command line".format(cfg.num_cpus))

        if len(cfg.args['mp_opt']) > 0:
            cfg.mp_opt = cfg.args['mp_opt']
            printv("Using mp_opt={} from command line".format(cfg.mp_opt))

        if cfg.args['job_id'] > 0:
            cfg.job_id = cfg.args['job_id']

    if cfg.job_id:
        printv("Processing job ID: {}".format(cfg.job_id))
        if cfg.args['job_idx'] > 0:
            cfg.job_idx = cfg.args['job_idx']
        if cfg.job_idx:
            printv("Processing job array index: {}".format(cfg.job_idx))
            cfg.out_file_ext = "{}.{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.job_idx,
            cfg.plot_file_ext = "{}.{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.job_idx,
            cfg.out_file_ext = "{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.data_file_ext)
            cfg.plot_file_ext = "{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.plot_file_type)


    return cfg
Exemplo n.º 4
def gen_optim_objects(cfg, verbosity=None):
    Generate the optimiser objects based on the configuration

    if verbosity is None:
        verbosity = cfg.verbosity

    def printv(msg, verb_tresh=1):
        if verbosity and verbosity >= verb_tresh:

    dyn = dynamics.DynamicsUnitary(cfg)
    dyn.dense_oper = True
    dyn.memory_optimization = 1

    # Number of timeslots for the pulse discretisation
    dyn.num_tslots = 12
    # For a range of evo_time based on job_idx (cfg.idx_opt='num_tslots')
    # For a specific list of num_tslots values based on job_idx
    dyn.num_tslots_list = []
    # Or generate a range
    dyn.st_num_tslots = 10
    dyn.d_num_tslots = 5
    dyn.num_num_tslots = 10

    # Time allowed for the gate to evolve
    dyn.evo_time = 10.0
    # For a range of evo_time based on job_idx (cfg.idx_opt='evo_time'):
    # For a specific list of evo_time values based on job_idx
    dyn.evo_time_list = [7, 10, 12, 20]
    # Or generate a range
    dyn.st_evo_time = 0.2
    dyn.d_evo_time = 0.2
    dyn.num_evo_time = 50

    # Any number of qubits >= 3 can choosen.
    # However larger numbers take a lot of processing
    dyn.num_qubits = 3

    # Only CNOT implemented for target_type
    dyn.target_type = 'CNOT'
    # interact options: Ising|Heisenberg| or combinations of xyz
    dyn.interact = 'Ising'
    # topology options: chain|star|full|ring
    dyn.topology = 'chain'
    # ctrls_type options: combinations of xyz
    dyn.ctrls_type = 'XY'
    # If True then same coupling constant will be used for
    # all interactions between qubit pairs
    dyn.iso_coup = True
    # Coupling strength for each interaction
    # If a single float, then this will be used for all interactions
    # (single float list will be converted to float)
    # Otherwise
    # If iso_coup=True then should be one list item per iteracting pair
    # If iso_coup=False then should be blocks of list items per iteracting pair
    # e.g. for 4 qubit Heisenberg chain:
    # [g_0x, g_1x, g_2x, g_0y, g_1y, g_2y, g_0z, g_1z, g_2z]
    # Note that the number of interacting pairs is n-1 for chain and star,
    # n for ring, and n*(n-1)/2 for fully connected

    dyn.coup_const = [1.0]
    # Used to change the order of the qubits in the Hilbert space
    # The two qubit gate will always be between 0 and 1,
    # but the couplings will be permuted based on hspace_order
    dyn.hspace_order = []
    # When True the hspace_order will be automatically generated
    # based on the other attributes
    dyn.auto_hspace = False
    # Separation of the first and second qubits in the coupling Hilbert space
    # 0 implies adjacent, -1 implies random
    dyn.hspace_01_sep = 0
    # Index of the first qubit in the coupling Hilbert space
    # -1 implies random
    dyn.hspace_0_idx = 0

    # dynamical decoup attribs
    # These are the decoup amplitudes in the three axes
    dyn.decoup_x = 0.0
    dyn.decoup_y = 0.0
    dyn.decoup_z = 0.0
    # num_decoup_tslots = None means use the specific mask
    # num_decoup_tslots = 0 use all
    # num_decoup_tslots +ve is the number of tslots from start
    # num_decoup_tslots -ve is the number of zeros at the end
    dyn.num_decoup_tslots = 0
    dyn.decoup_tslots = []
    #dyn.decoup_tslot_mask = []

    if hasattr(cfg, 'args') and isinstance(cfg.args, argparse.ArgumentParser):
        parse_cl_args = True
        parse_cl_args = False

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the dynamics parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        printv("Loading dynamics parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, dynamics=dyn)

    if parse_cl_args:
        if cfg.args['num_qubits'] > 0:
            dyn.num_qubits = cfg.args['num_qubits']
            printv("num_qubits = {} from command line".format(dyn.num_qubits))

        # If job_idx is given, then use it to calculate some other parameter
        # (which supersedes all other settings)
        if cfg.job_idx and len(cfg.args['idx_opt']) > 0:
            cfg.ext_mp = True
            opt_str = cfg.args['idx_opt'].lower()
            if opt_str == 'evo_time':
                printv("basing evo_time on job_idx... ")
                num_evo_time = len(dyn.evo_time_list)
                if num_evo_time > 0:
                    printv("...using evo_time_list")
                    # get the evo time from the list
                    T_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % num_evo_time
                    dyn.evo_time = dyn.evo_time_list[T_idx]
                    printv("...using start and increment")
                    # calculate the evo_time from job_idx
                    T_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % dyn.num_evo_time
                    dyn.evo_time = (dyn.st_evo_time
                                    + dyn.d_evo_time*float(T_idx))
                printv("evo_time={} for job idx {}".format(dyn.evo_time,
            elif opt_str == 'num_tslots':
                printv("basing num_tslots on job_idx... ")
                num_nts = len(dyn.num_tslots_list)
                if num_nts > 0:
                    printv("...using num_tslots_list")
                    nts_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % num_nts
                    dyn.num_tslots = dyn.num_tslots_list[nts_idx]
                    printv("...using start and increment")
                    # calculate the num_tslots from job_idx
                    nts_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % dyn.num_num_tslots
                    dyn.num_tslots = (dyn.st_num_tslots
                                      + dyn.d_num_tslots*nts_idx)
                printv("num_tslots={} for job idx {}".format(dyn.num_tslots,
                raise ValueError("No option for idx_opt '{}' "
                                "in command line".format(opt_str))

        if cfg.args['evo_time'] > 0:
            dyn.evo_time = cfg.args['evo_time']
            printv("Using evo_time={} from command line".format(dyn.evo_time))

        if cfg.args['evo_time_npi'] > 0:
            dyn.evo_time = np.pi*cfg.args['evo_time_npi']
            printv("Using evo_time={} from command line evo_time_npi".format(
        if cfg.args['evo_time_npi_g0s'] > 0:
            dyn.evo_time = np.pi*cfg.args['evo_time_npi_g0s']/dyn.coup_const[0]
            printv("Using evo_time={} from command line "

        if cfg.args['num_tslots'] > 0:
            dyn.num_tslots = cfg.args['num_tslots']
            printv("Using num_tslots={} from command line".format(

        if cfg.args['mem_opt'] > 0:
            dyn.memory_optimization = cfg.args['mem_opt']
            printv("Using mem_opt={} from command line".format(


    if dyn.num_tslots == 0:
        dyn.num_tslots = dyn.num_qubits*4 + 8
        printv("num_tslots calculated and set to be {}".format(dyn.num_tslots))

    if len(dyn.coup_const) == 1:
        dyn.coup_const = dyn.coup_const[0]

    dyn.prop_computer = propcomp.PropCompFrechet(dyn)

    if dyn.dense_oper:
        dyn.oper_dtype = np.ndarray
        dyn.oper_dtype = Qobj

    # Pulse optimisation termination conditions
    # Create the TerminationConditions instance
    tc = termcond.TerminationConditions()
    # Target for the infidelity (1 - gate fidelity)
    tc.fid_err_targ = 1e-3
    # Sum of the gradients wrt optimisation parameters (timeslot amplitudes)
    tc.min_gradient_norm = 1e-30
    # Number of iterations of the algorithm
    tc.max_iter = 2400
    # Computation time (in seconds)
    tc.max_wall_time = 120*60.0
    # Relative change in fid_err between iterations
    tc.accuracy_factor = 1e5

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the termination condition parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        printv("Loading termination condition parameters from {}".format(
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, term_conds=tc)
    if parse_cl_args:
        if cfg.args['fid_err_targ'] > 0.0:
            tc.fid_err_targ = cfg.args['fid_err_targ']
            printv("fid_err_targ = {} from cmd line".format(tc.fid_err_targ))
        if cfg.args['max_wall_time'] > 0.0:
            tc.max_wall_time = cfg.args['max_wall_time']
            printv("max_wall_time = {} from cmd line".format(tc.max_wall_time))

    # Fidelity oomputer
    ft = cfg.fid_type.lower()
    if ft == 'pure_choi_local':
        dyn.fid_computer = FidCompPureChoiLocal(dyn)
    elif ft == 'pure_choi_global':
        dyn.fid_computer = FidCompPureChoiGlobal(dyn)
    elif ft == 'unit_global':
        dyn.fid_computer = fidcomp.FidCompUnitary(dyn)
        dyn.fid_computer.local = False
        raise errors.UsageError("Unknown fid type {}".format(cfg.fid_type))
    fid_comp = dyn.fid_computer
    # If True and optim dumping set to at least SUMMARY, then the
    # global fid will be added to the summary (when using pure_choi_local)
    fid_comp.dump_global_choi_fid = False
    # This is the maximum precsion that sub-system fidelities are 'measured'
    # see choi_closed_fidcomp.my_round for details
    # Zero implies full machine precision
    fid_comp.numer_acc = 0.0
    # These next parameters are used in the automatic search for the numerical
    # accuracy threshold
    # If numer_acc_exact==false, then numer_acc, st_numer_acc, end_numer_acc
    # will be treated as proportion of fid_err_targ (during config)
    fid_comp.numer_acc_exact = False
    fid_comp.st_numer_acc = 0.01
    fid_comp.end_numer_acc = 0.2
    # These proportions are used to determine the boundaries for the search
    # They are proportions of the number number of successful repeats
    # for the scenario.
    fid_comp.success_prop_uthresh = 0.95
    fid_comp.success_prop_lthresh = 0.01

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the pulse generator parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        printv("Loading fidcomp parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, obj=dyn.fid_computer,

    if parse_cl_args:
        if cfg.args['numer_acc'] >= 0.0:
            fid_comp.numer_acc = cfg.args['numer_acc']
            printv("numer_acc = {} from cmd line".format(fid_comp.numer_acc))

    if not fid_comp.numer_acc_exact:
        fid_comp.numer_acc = round_sigfigs(
                                fid_comp.numer_acc*tc.fid_err_targ, 6)
        fid_comp.st_numer_acc = round_sigfigs(
                                fid_comp.st_numer_acc*tc.fid_err_targ, 6)
        fid_comp.end_numer_acc = round_sigfigs(
                                fid_comp.end_numer_acc*tc.fid_err_targ, 6)

    # Pulse generator
    p_gen = pulsegen.create_pulse_gen(pulse_type=cfg.p_type, dyn=dyn)
    p_gen.all_ctrls_in_one = False
    p_gen.lbound = cfg.amp_lbound
    p_gen.ubound = cfg.amp_ubound
    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the pulse generator parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        printv("Loading pulsegen parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, pulsegen=p_gen)

    if not isinstance(p_gen, pulsegen.PulseGenCrab):
        if not (np.isinf(cfg.amp_lbound) or np.isinf(cfg.amp_ubound)):
            p_gen.scaling = cfg.amp_ubound - cfg.amp_lbound
            p_gen.offset = (cfg.amp_ubound + cfg.amp_lbound) / 2.0

    if parse_cl_args:
        if cfg.args['pulse_scaling'] > 0.0:
            p_gen.scaling = cfg.args['pulse_scaling']
            printv("p_gen.scaling = {} from cmd line".format(p_gen.scaling))

    # Create the Optimiser instance
    if cfg.optim_method is None:
        raise errors.UsageError("Optimisation method must be specified "
                                "via 'optim_method' parameter")

    om = cfg.optim_method.lower()
    if om == 'bfgs':
        optim = optimizer.OptimizerBFGS(cfg, dyn)
    elif om == 'lbfgsb':
        optim = optimizer.OptimizerLBFGSB(cfg, dyn)
        # Assume that the optim_method is valid
        optim = optimizer.Optimizer(cfg, dyn)
        optim.method = cfg.optim_method
    if cfg.verbosity > 1:
        printv("Created optimiser of type {}".format(type(optim)), 2)

    optim.config = cfg
    optim.dynamics = dyn
    optim.termination_conditions = tc
    optim.pulse_generator = p_gen
    optim.method_approach = 'DEF'
    optim.dumping = 'SUMMARY'

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the optimiser parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        printv("Loading optimiser parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, optim=optim)
    optim.termination_conditions = tc

    if cfg.gen_stats:
        # Create a stats object
        # Note that stats object is optional
        # if the Dynamics and Optimizer stats attribute is not set
        # then no stats will be collected, which could improve performance
        stats_type = 'standard'
            stats_type = cfg.stats_type.lower()
        if stats_type == 'local':
            sts = qsostats.StatsFidCompLocal()
            sts = stats.Stats()
        dyn.stats = sts
        optim.stats = sts

    return optim
Exemplo n.º 5
def gen_config(param_fname='unctrlsympl_params.ini'):
    Generate the configuration for the oscillator
    In general values from the parameter file overwrite those hardcoded
    and these in turn are overwritten by cmdline args

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Command line argument parser")
                        help="Parameters file name")
                        help="output sub directory")
                        help="Job id (from bsub)")
                        help="Job index (from bsub batch array)")
                        help="Job index option (what to do with it)")
    #parser.add_argument('-S', '--job_size', type=int, default=0,
    #                                help="Number of jobs in array")
                        help="Number of qubits")
                        help="File name of initial amplitudes")
                        help="Number of timeslots")
                        help="Total evolution time")
                        help="Total evolution time in mulitples of pi")
                        help="Total evolution time in mulitples of pi "
                        "scaled by first coupling constant")
                        help="Numerical accuracy")
                        help="Fidelity error target")
                        help="Fidelity error target")
                        help="Multiprocessing option")
                        help="Memory optimising level")
                        help="Initial pulse scaling")
                        help="Maximum simulation wall time")

    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    cfg = optimconfig.OptimConfig()
    cfg.log_level = log_level

    cfg.use_param_file = True

    if len(args['param_file']) > 0:
        param_fname = args['param_file']
        cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), param_fname)
        if not os.path.isfile(cfg.param_fpath):
            raise ValueError(
                "Commandline argument parameter "
                "file name '{}' does not exist.".format(param_fname))
            print("Parameters will be read from:\n{}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
    elif os.path.abspath(param_fname):
        cfg.param_fname = os.path.basename(param_fname)
        cfg.param_fpath = param_fname
        param_fname = cfg.param_fname
        cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), param_fname)
        if (not os.path.isfile(cfg.param_fpath)):
            print("Default parameter file {} not present. "
                  "Using defaults in code.").format(param_fname)
            cfg.use_param_file = False
    cfg.param_fname = param_fname

    # Script operational parameters
    cfg.job_id = 0
    cfg.job_idx = 0
    cfg.verbosity = 0
    cfg.output_dir = None
    cfg.output_base_name = 'general'
    cfg.double_print = True
    cfg.output_files = True
    cfg.plot_result = False
    cfg.plot_file_type = 'PNG'
    cfg.save_plots = False
    cfg.save_results = True
    cfg.data_file_ext = "txt"
    cfg.out_file_ext = "txt"

    # Optimizer config
    cfg.optim_method = 'LBFGSB'
    cfg.p_type = 'RND'
    cfg.check_grad = False
    cfg.gen_stats = True
    cfg.stats_type = 'standard'
    cfg.report_stats = True
    cfg.save_initial_amps = False
    cfg.save_final_amps = False
    cfg.fid_type = 'pure_choi_local'
    cfg.amp_lbound = -np.Inf
    cfg.amp_ubound = np.Inf
    cfg.num_reps = 2
    cfg.num_cpus = 1
    cfg.mp_opt = ""
    cfg.max_mp_scens = np.inf
    cfg.ext_mp = False
    cfg.num_threads = 1

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the config parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        print("Loading config parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, config=cfg)

    # override with command line params (if any)
    if args['num_qubits'] > 0:
        cfg.num_qubits = args['num_qubits']
        print("Using num_qubits={} from command line".format(cfg.num_qubits))
    if len(args['output_dir']) > 0:
        cfg.output_dir = args['output_dir']
        print("Using output_dir '{}' from command line".format(cfg.output_dir))
    if args['num_cpus'] > 0:
        cfg.num_cpus = args['num_cpus']
        print("Using num_cpus={} from command line".format(cfg.num_cpus))

    if len(args['mp_opt']) > 0:
        cfg.mp_opt = args['mp_opt']
        print("Using mp_opt={} from command line".format(cfg.mp_opt))

    cfg.plot_file_ext = cfg.plot_file_type.lower()
    if args['job_id'] > 0:
        cfg.job_id = args['job_id']

    if cfg.job_id:
        print("Processing job ID: {}".format(cfg.job_id))
        if args['job_idx'] > 0:
            cfg.job_idx = args['job_idx']
        if cfg.job_idx:
            print("Processing job array index: {}".format(cfg.job_idx))
            cfg.out_file_ext = "{}.{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.job_idx,
            cfg.plot_file_ext = "{}.{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.job_idx,
            cfg.out_file_ext = "{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.data_file_ext)
            cfg.plot_file_ext = "{}.{}".format(cfg.job_id, cfg.plot_file_type)

    if not cfg.output_dir:
        cfg.output_dir = cfg.target_id_text

    dyn = dynamics.DynamicsUnitary(cfg)
    dyn.dense_oper = True
    dyn.num_tslots_list = []
    dyn.st_num_tslots = 10
    dyn.d_num_tslots = 5
    dyn.num_num_tslots = 10

    dyn.evo_time = 10.0
    # For a specific list of evo_time values based on job_idx
    dyn.evo_time_list = [7, 10, 12, 20]
    # For a range of evo_time based on job_idx (idx_opt='evo_time')
    # Start evo_time
    dyn.st_evo_time = 0.2
    # Evo time step size
    dyn.d_evo_time = 0.2
    # Number of evo_time
    dyn.num_evo_time = 50
    dyn.num_qubits = 6

    dyn.target_type = 'CNOT'
    dyn.interact = 'Ising'
    dyn.topology = 'chain'
    dyn.ctrls_type = 'XY'
    dyn.coup_const = [1.0]
    # Used to change the order of the qubits in the Hilbert space
    # so that the two qubit gate will always be between 0 and 1,
    # but the couplings will be permuted based on hspace_order
    dyn.hspace_order = []
    # When True the hspace_order will be automatically generated
    # based on the other attributes
    dyn.auto_hspace = False
    # Separation of the first and second qubits in the coupling Hilbert space
    # 0 implies adjacent, -1 implies random
    dyn.hspace_01_sep = 0
    # Index of the first qubit in the coupling Hilbert space
    # -1 implies random
    dyn.hspace_0_idx = 0
    # If True then same coupling constant will be used for
    # all interactions between qubit pairs
    dyn.iso_coup = True

    # dynamical decoup attribs
    # These are the decoup amplitudes in the three axes
    dyn.decoup_x = 0.0
    dyn.decoup_y = 0.0
    dyn.decoup_z = 0.0
    # num_decoup_tslots = None means use the specific mask
    # num_decoup_tslots = 0 use all
    # num_decoup_tslots +ve is the number of tslots from start
    # num_decoup_tslots -ve is the number of zeros at the end
    dyn.num_decoup_tslots = 0
    dyn.decoup_tslots = []
    #dyn.decoup_tslot_mask = []

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the dynamics parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        print("Loading dynamics parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, dynamics=dyn)

    if args['num_qubits'] > 0:
        dyn.num_qubits = args['num_qubits']
        print("num_qubits = {} from command line".format(dyn.num_qubits))

    # If job_idx is given, then use it to calculate some other parameter
    # (which supersedes all other settings)
    if cfg.job_idx and len(args['idx_opt']) > 0:
        cfg.ext_mp = True
        opt_str = args['idx_opt'].lower()
        if opt_str == 'evo_time':
            print("basing evo_time on job_idx... ")
            num_evo_time = len(dyn.evo_time_list)
            if num_evo_time > 0:
                print("...using evo_time_list")
                # get the evo time from the list
                T_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % num_evo_time
                dyn.evo_time = dyn.evo_time_list[T_idx]
                print("...using start and increment")
                # calculate the evo_time from job_idx
                T_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % dyn.num_evo_time
                dyn.evo_time = dyn.st_evo_time + dyn.d_evo_time * float(T_idx)
            print("evo_time={} for job idx {}".format(dyn.evo_time,
        elif opt_str == 'num_tslots':
            print("basing num_tslots on job_idx... ")
            num_nts = len(dyn.num_tslots_list)
            if num_nts > 0:
                print("...using num_tslots_list")
                nts_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % num_nts
                dyn.num_tslots = dyn.num_tslots_list[nts_idx]
                print("...using start and increment")
                # calculate the num_tslots from job_idx
                nts_idx = (cfg.job_idx - 1) % dyn.num_num_tslots
                dyn.num_tslots = dyn.st_num_tslots + dyn.d_num_tslots * nts_idx
            print("num_tslots={} for job idx {}".format(
                dyn.num_tslots, cfg.job_idx))
            raise ValueError("No option for idx_opt '{}' "
                             "in command line".format(opt_str))

    if args['evo_time'] > 0:
        dyn.evo_time = args['evo_time']
        print("Using evo_time={} from command line".format(dyn.evo_time))

    if args['evo_time_npi'] > 0:
        dyn.evo_time = np.pi * args['evo_time_npi']
        print("Using evo_time={} from command line evo_time_npi".format(
    if args['evo_time_npi_g0s'] > 0:
        dyn.evo_time = np.pi * args['evo_time_npi_g0s'] / dyn.coup_const[0]
        print("Using evo_time={} from command line evo_time_npi_g0s".format(

    if args['num_tslots'] > 0:
        dyn.num_tslots = args['num_tslots']
        print("Using num_tslots={} from command line".format(dyn.num_tslots))

    if args['mem_opt'] > 0:
        dyn.memory_optimization = args['mem_opt']
        print("Using mem_opt={} from command line".format(


    if dyn.num_tslots == 0:
        dyn.num_tslots = dyn.num_qubits * 4 + 8
        print("num_tslots calculated and set to be {}".format(dyn.num_tslots))

    if len(dyn.coup_const) == 1:
        dyn.coup_const = dyn.coup_const[0]

    dyn.prop_computer = propcomp.PropCompFrechet(dyn)

    if dyn.dense_oper:
        dyn.oper_dtype = np.ndarray
        dyn.oper_dtype = Qobj

    # Create the TerminationConditions instance
    tc = termcond.TerminationConditions()
    tc.fid_err_targ = 1e-3
    tc.min_gradient_norm = 1e-30
    tc.max_iter = 2400
    tc.max_wall_time = 120 * 60.0
    tc.accuracy_factor = 1e5

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the termination condition parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        print("Loading termination condition parameters from {}".format(
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, term_conds=tc)
    if args['fid_err_targ'] > 0.0:
        tc.fid_err_targ = args['fid_err_targ']
        print("fid_err_targ = {} from command line".format(tc.fid_err_targ))
    if args['max_wall_time'] > 0.0:
        tc.max_wall_time = args['max_wall_time']
        print("max_wall_time = {} from command line".format(tc.max_wall_time))

    # Fidelity oomputer
    ft = cfg.fid_type.lower()
    if ft == 'pure_choi_local':
        dyn.fid_computer = FidCompPureChoiLocal(dyn)
    elif ft == 'pure_choi_global':
        dyn.fid_computer = FidCompPureChoiGlobal(dyn)
    elif ft == 'unit_global':
        dyn.fid_computer = fidcomp.FidCompUnitary(dyn)
        dyn.fid_computer.local = False
        raise errors.UsageError("Unknown fid type {}".format(cfg.fid_type))
    fid_comp = dyn.fid_computer
    fid_comp.numer_acc = 0.0
    fid_comp.numer_acc_exact = False
    fid_comp.st_numer_acc = 0.01
    fid_comp.end_numer_acc = 0.2
    fid_comp.success_prop_uthresh = 0.95
    fid_comp.success_prop_lthresh = 0.01

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the pulse generator parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        print("Loading fidcomp parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))

    if args['numer_acc'] >= 0.0:
        fid_comp.numer_acc = args['numer_acc']
        print("numer_acc = {} from command line".format(fid_comp.numer_acc))

    if not fid_comp.numer_acc_exact:
        fid_comp.numer_acc = round_sigfigs(
            fid_comp.numer_acc * tc.fid_err_targ, 6)
        fid_comp.st_numer_acc = round_sigfigs(
            fid_comp.st_numer_acc * tc.fid_err_targ, 6)
        fid_comp.end_numer_acc = round_sigfigs(
            fid_comp.end_numer_acc * tc.fid_err_targ, 6)

    # Pulse generator
    p_gen = pulsegen.create_pulse_gen(pulse_type=cfg.p_type, dyn=dyn)
    p_gen.all_ctrls_in_one = False
    p_gen.lbound = cfg.amp_lbound
    p_gen.ubound = cfg.amp_ubound
    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the pulse generator parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        print("Loading pulsegen parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, pulsegen=p_gen)

    if not isinstance(p_gen, pulsegen.PulseGenCrab):
        if not (np.isinf(cfg.amp_lbound) or np.isinf(cfg.amp_ubound)):
            p_gen.scaling = cfg.amp_ubound - cfg.amp_lbound
            p_gen.offset = (cfg.amp_ubound + cfg.amp_lbound) / 2.0

    if args['pulse_scaling'] > 0.0:
        p_gen.scaling = args['pulse_scaling']
        print("p_gen.scaling = {} from command line".format(p_gen.scaling))

    # Create the Optimiser instance
    if cfg.optim_method is None:
        raise errors.UsageError("Optimisation method must be specified "
                                "via 'optim_method' parameter")

    om = cfg.optim_method.lower()
    if om == 'bfgs':
        optim = optimizer.OptimizerBFGS(cfg, dyn)
    elif om == 'lbfgsb':
        optim = optimizer.OptimizerLBFGSB(cfg, dyn)
        # Assume that the optim_method is valid
        optim = optimizer.Optimizer(cfg, dyn)
        optim.method = cfg.optim_method
    if cfg.verbosity > 1:
        print("Created optimiser of type {}".format(type(optim)))

    optim.config = cfg
    optim.dynamics = dyn
    optim.termination_conditions = tc
    optim.pulse_generator = p_gen
    optim.method_approach = 'DEF'
    optim.dumping = 'SUMMARY'

    if cfg.use_param_file:
        # load the optimiser parameters
        # note these will overide those above if present in the file
        print("Loading optimiser parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
        loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, optim=optim)
    optim.termination_conditions = tc

    if cfg.gen_stats:
        # Create a stats object
        # Note that stats object is optional
        # if the Dynamics and Optimizer stats attribute is not set
        # then no stats will be collected, which could improve performance
        stats_type = 'standard'
            stats_type = cfg.stats_type.lower()
        if stats_type == 'local':
            sts = qsostats.StatsFidCompLocal()
            sts = stats.Stats()
        dyn.stats = sts
        optim.stats = sts

    # ****************************************************************
    # Define the physics of the problem

    print("Configuring drift...")
    #The 4 below are all Qobj
    #    Sx = sigmax()
    #    Sy = sigmay()
    #    Sz = sigmaz()
    #    Si = identity(2)

    nq = dyn.num_qubits
    # ***** Drift *****
    print("... for {} qubits".format(nq))

    H_d = qso.get_drift(dyn)
    print("Drift dims {}".format(H_d.dims))

    # Normalise based on ising chain
    H_d_ising_chain = qso.get_drift(dyn,
    norm_fact = H_d_ising_chain.norm() / H_d.norm()
    print("Normalising drift with factor {}".format(norm_fact))
    H_d = H_d * norm_fact

    # **** Controls ****
    H_c, Sx_cidx, Sy_cidx, Sz_cidx = qso.get_ctrls(dyn)
    n_ctrls = len(H_c)

    #t0 evo
    U_0 = qso.get_initial_op(dyn)

    #*** Target ****
    U_targ, U_local_targs = qso.get_target(dyn)

    sub_dims = []
    for k in range(len(U_local_targs)):

    #Enforcing all dimensions are correct for the qBranch code
    #Not all of these are needed, but this is safer
    for k in range(len(H_c)):
        H_c[k].dims = [sub_dims, sub_dims]
    H_d.dims = [sub_dims, sub_dims]
    U_0.dims = [sub_dims, sub_dims]
    U_targ.dims = [sub_dims, sub_dims]

    dyn.drift_dyn_gen = H_d
    dyn.ctrl_dyn_gen = H_c
    dyn.initial = U_0
    dyn.target = U_targ

    # These are the indexes to the controls on the three axes
    dyn.Sx_cidx = Sx_cidx
    dyn.Sy_cidx = Sy_cidx
    dyn.Sz_cidx = Sz_cidx

    fid_comp.U_local_targs = U_local_targs
    fid_comp.sub_dims = sub_dims
    fid_comp.num_sub_sys = len(U_local_targs)

    print("Num acc: {}".format(fid_comp.numer_acc))

    return optim
Exemplo n.º 6
# Create the OptimConfig object
cfg = optimconfig.OptimConfig()
cfg.param_fname = "coup_osc_param.ini"
cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), cfg.param_fname)
cfg.log_level = log_level
# Initial pulse type
# pulse type alternatives:
cfg.pulse_type = 'RNDWAVES'
cfg.amp_lbound = -5.0
cfg.amp_ubound = 5.0

# load the config parameters
# note these will overide those above if present in the file
print("Loading config parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, config=cfg)
# Update the log level, as this may have been changed in the config

# Create the dynamics object
dyn = dynamics.DynamicsSymplectic(cfg)
#dyn.prop_computer = propcomp.PropCompApproxGrad(dyn)
#dyn.fid_computer = fidcomp.FidCompTraceDiffApprox(dyn)
#dyn.fid_computer.epsilon = 0.1
#dyn.oper_dtype = Qobj

dyn.num_tslots = 200
dyn.evo_time = 10.0

# Physical parameters
dyn.coupling1 = 0.3
# Create the OptimConfig object
cfg = optimconfig.OptimConfig()
cfg.param_fname = "coup_osc_param.ini"
cfg.param_fpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), cfg.param_fname)
cfg.log_level = log_level
# Initial pulse type
# pulse type alternatives: 
cfg.pulse_type = 'RNDWAVES'
cfg.amp_lbound = -5.0
cfg.amp_ubound = 5.0
# load the config parameters
# note these will overide those above if present in the file
print("Loading config parameters from {}".format(cfg.param_fpath))
loadparams.load_parameters(cfg.param_fpath, config=cfg)
# Update the log level, as this may have been changed in the config

# Create the dynamics object
dyn = dynamics.DynamicsSymplectic(cfg)
#dyn.prop_computer = propcomp.PropCompApproxGrad(dyn)
#dyn.fid_computer = fidcomp.FidCompTraceDiffApprox(dyn)
#dyn.fid_computer.epsilon = 0.1
#dyn.oper_dtype = Qobj
dyn.num_tslots = 200
dyn.evo_time = 10.0

# Physical parameters
dyn.coupling1 = 0.3