Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_ComplexSingleApply(self):
        Composite system, operator on Hilbert space.
        tol = 1e-12
        rho_list = list(map(rand_dm, [2, 3, 2, 3, 2]))
        rho_input = tensor(rho_list)
        single_op = rand_unitary(3)

        analytic_result = rho_list
        analytic_result[1] = single_op * analytic_result[1] * single_op.dag()
        analytic_result[3] = single_op * analytic_result[3] * single_op.dag()
        analytic_result = tensor(analytic_result)

        naive_result = subsystem_apply(rho_input, single_op, [False, True, False, True, False], reference=True)
        naive_diff = (analytic_result - naive_result).data.todense()
        naive_diff_norm = norm(naive_diff)
            naive_diff_norm < tol,
            msg="ComplexSingle: naive_diff_norm {} " "is beyond tolerance {}".format(naive_diff_norm, tol),

        efficient_result = subsystem_apply(rho_input, single_op, [False, True, False, True, False])
        efficient_diff = (efficient_result - analytic_result).data.todense()
        efficient_diff_norm = norm(efficient_diff)
            efficient_diff_norm < tol,
            msg="ComplexSingle: efficient_diff_norm {} " "is beyond tolerance {}".format(efficient_diff_norm, tol),
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testExpandGate3toN_permutation(self):
        gates: expand 3 to 3 with permuTation (using toffoli)
        for _p in itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2]):
            controls, target = [_p[0], _p[1]], _p[2]
            controls = [1, 2]
            target = 0

            p = [1, 2, 3]
            p[controls[0]] = 0
            p[controls[1]] = 1
            p[target] = 2

            U = toffoli(N=3, controls=controls, target=target)
            ops = [basis(2, 0).dag(),  basis(2, 0).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == identity(2))

            ops = [basis(2, 1).dag(),  basis(2, 0).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == identity(2))

            ops = [basis(2, 0).dag(),  basis(2, 1).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == identity(2))

            ops = [basis(2, 1).dag(),  basis(2, 1).dag(), identity(2)]
            P = tensor(ops[p[0]], ops[p[1]], ops[p[2]])
            assert_(P * U * P.dag() == sigmax())
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: gates.py Projeto: fekad/qutip
def cnot(N=None, control=None, target=None):
    Quantum object representing the CNOT gate.

    cnot_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of CNOT gate

    >>> cnot()
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], \
shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
        [[ 1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j]]

    if not N is None and not control is None and not target is None:
        return gate_expand_2toN(cnot(), N, control, target)
        uu = tensor(basis(2), basis(2))
        ud = tensor(basis(2), basis(2, 1))
        du = tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2))
        dd = tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2, 1))
        Q = uu * uu.dag() + ud * ud.dag() + dd * du.dag() + du * dd.dag()
        return Qobj(Q)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_ComplexSuperApply(self):
        Superoperator: Efficient numerics and reference return same result,
        acting on non-composite system
        rho_list = list(map(rand_dm, [2, 3, 2, 3, 2]))
        rho_input = tensor(rho_list)
        superop = kraus_to_super(rand_kraus_map(3))

        analytic_result = rho_list
        analytic_result[1] = Qobj(vec2mat(superop.data.todense() *
        analytic_result[3] = Qobj(vec2mat(superop.data.todense() *
        analytic_result = tensor(analytic_result)

        naive_result = subsystem_apply(rho_input, superop,
                                       [False, True, False, True, False],
        naive_diff = (analytic_result - naive_result).data.todense()
        assert_(norm(naive_diff) < 1e-12)

        efficient_result = subsystem_apply(rho_input, superop,
                                           [False, True, False, True, False])
        efficient_diff = (efficient_result - analytic_result).data.todense()
        assert_(norm(efficient_diff) < 1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 5
def entangling_power(U):
    Calculate the entangling power of a two-qubit gate U, which
    is zero of nonentangling gates and 1 and 2/9 for maximally
    entangling gates.

    U : qobj
        Qobj instance representing a two-qubit gate.

    ep : float
        The entanglement power of U (real number between 0 and 1)


        Explorations in Quantum Computing, Colin P. Williams (Springer, 2011)

    if not U.isoper:
        raise Exception("U must be an operator.")

    if U.dims != [[2, 2], [2, 2]]:
        raise Exception("U must be a two-qubit gate.")

    a = (tensor(U, U).dag() * swap(N=4, targets=[1, 3]) *
         tensor(U, U) * swap(N=4, targets=[1, 3]))
    b = (tensor(swap() * U, swap() * U).dag() * swap(N=4, targets=[1, 3]) *
         tensor(swap() * U, swap() * U) * swap(N=4, targets=[1, 3]))

    return 5.0/9 - 1.0/36 * (a.tr() + b.tr()).real
Exemplo n.º 6
def _jc_liouvillian(N):
    from qutip.tensor import tensor
    from qutip.operators import destroy, qeye
    from qutip.superoperator import liouvillian
    wc = 1.0  * 2 * np.pi  # cavity frequency
    wa = 1.0  * 2 * np.pi  # atom frequency
    g  = 0.05 * 2 * np.pi  # coupling strength
    kappa = 0.005          # cavity dissipation rate
    gamma = 0.05           # atom dissipation rate
    n_th_a = 1           # temperature in frequency units
    use_rwa = 0
    # operators
    a  = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))
    # Hamiltonian
    if use_rwa:
        H = wc * a.dag() * a + wa * sm.dag() * sm + g * (a.dag() * sm + a * sm.dag())
        H = wc * a.dag() * a + wa * sm.dag() * sm + g * (a.dag() + a) * (sm + sm.dag())
    c_op_list = []

    rate = kappa * (1 + n_th_a)
    if rate > 0.0:
        c_op_list.append(np.sqrt(rate) * a)

    rate = kappa * n_th_a
    if rate > 0.0:
        c_op_list.append(np.sqrt(rate) * a.dag())

    rate = gamma
    if rate > 0.0:
        c_op_list.append(np.sqrt(rate) * sm)

    return liouvillian(H, c_op_list)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def testExpandGate2toNSwap(self):
        gates: expand 2 to N (using swap)

        a, b = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
        k1 = (a * basis(2, 0) + b * basis(2, 1)).unit()

        c, d = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
        k2 = (c * basis(2, 0) + d * basis(2, 1)).unit()

        N = 6
        kets = [rand_ket(2) for k in range(N)]

        for m in range(N):
            for n in set(range(N)) - {m}:

                psi_in = tensor([k1 if k == m else k2 if k == n else kets[k]
                                 for k in range(N)])
                psi_out = tensor([k2 if k == m else k1 if k == n else kets[k]
                                  for k in range(N)])

                targets = [m, n]
                G = swap(N, targets)

                psi_out = G * psi_in

                assert_((psi_out - G * psi_in).norm() < 1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 8
def cnot():
    Quantum object representing the CNOT gate.

    cnot_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of CNOT gate

    >>> cnot()
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], \
shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
        [[ 1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j]]

    uu = tensor(basis(2),basis(2))
    ud = tensor(basis(2),basis(2,1))
    du = tensor(basis(2,1),basis(2))
    dd = tensor(basis(2,1),basis(2,1))
    Q = uu * uu.dag() + ud * ud.dag() + dd * du.dag() + du * dd.dag()
    return Qobj(Q)
Exemplo n.º 9
def _subsystem_apply_reference(state, channel, mask):
    if isket(state):
        state = ket2dm(state)

    if isoper(channel):
        full_oper = tensor([channel if mask[j]
                            else qeye(state.dims[0][j])
                            for j in range(len(state.dims[0]))])
        return full_oper * state * full_oper.dag()
        # Go to Choi, then Kraus
        # chan_mat = array(channel.data.todense())
        choi_matrix = super_to_choi(channel)
        vals, vecs = eig(choi_matrix.full())
        vecs = list(map(array, zip(*vecs)))
        kraus_list = [sqrt(vals[j]) * vec2mat(vecs[j])
                      for j in range(len(vals))]
        # Kraus operators to be padded with identities:
        k_qubit_kraus_list = product(kraus_list, repeat=sum(mask))
        rho_out = Qobj(inpt=zeros(state.shape), dims=state.dims)
        for operator_iter in k_qubit_kraus_list:
            operator_iter = iter(operator_iter)
            op_iter_list = [next(operator_iter).conj().T if mask[j]
                            else qeye(state.dims[0][j])
                            for j in range(len(state.dims[0]))]
            full_oper = tensor(list(map(Qobj, op_iter_list)))
            rho_out = rho_out + full_oper * state * full_oper.dag()
        return Qobj(rho_out)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def testExpandGate1toN(self):
        gates: expand 1 to N
        N = 7

        for g in [rx, ry, rz, phasegate]:

            theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * 3.1415
            a, b = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
            psi1 = (a * basis(2, 0) + b * basis(2, 1)).unit()
            psi2 = g(theta) * psi1

            psi_rand_list = [rand_ket(2) for k in range(N)]

            for m in range(N):

                psi_in = tensor([psi1 if k == m else psi_rand_list[k]
                                 for k in range(N)])
                psi_out = tensor([psi2 if k == m else psi_rand_list[k]
                                  for k in range(N)])

                G = g(theta, N, m)
                psi_res = G * psi_in

                assert_((psi_out - psi_res).norm() < 1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 11
def controlled_gate(U, N=2, control=0, target=1, control_value=1):
    Create an N-qubit controlled gate from a single-qubit gate U with the given
    control and target qubits.

    U : Qobj
        Arbitrary single-qubit gate.

    N : integer
        The number of qubits in the target space.

    control : integer
        The index of the first control qubit.

    target : integer
        The index of the target qubit.

    control_value : integer (1)
        The state of the control qubit that activates the gate U.

    result : qobj
        Quantum object representing the controlled-U gate.

    if [N, control, target] == [2, 0, 1]:
        return (tensor(fock_dm(2, control_value), U) +
                tensor(fock_dm(2, 1 - control_value), identity(2)))
        U2 = controlled_gate(U, control_value=control_value)
        return gate_expand_2toN(U2, N=N, control=control, target=target)
Exemplo n.º 12
def choi_to_stinespring(q_oper, thresh=1e-10):
    # TODO: document!
    kU, kV = _generalized_kraus(q_oper, thresh=thresh)

    assert(len(kU) == len(kV))
    dK = len(kU)
    dL = kU[0].shape[0]
    dR = kV[0].shape[1]
    # Also remember the dims breakout.
    out_dims, in_dims = q_oper.dims
    out_left, out_right = out_dims
    in_left, in_right = in_dims

    A = Qobj(zeros((dK * dL, dL)), dims=[out_left + [dK], out_right + [1]])
    B = Qobj(zeros((dK * dR, dR)), dims=[in_left + [dK], in_right + [1]])

    for idx_kraus, (KL, KR) in enumerate(zip(kU, kV)):
        A += tensor(KL, basis(dK, idx_kraus))
        B += tensor(KR, basis(dK, idx_kraus))
    # There is no input (right) Kraus index, so strip that off.
    del A.dims[1][-1]
    del B.dims[1][-1]

    return A, B
Exemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self,N,state=None):
     #construct register intial state
     if state==None:
         reg=tensor([basis(2) for k in range(N)])
     if isinstance(state,str):
         reg=tensor([basis(2,state[k]) for k in state])
     Qobj.__init__(self, reg.data, reg.dims, reg.shape,
              reg.type, reg.isherm, fast=False)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, N, state=None):
        # construct register intial state
        if state is None:
            reg = tensor([basis(2) for k in range(N)])
        elif isinstance(state, str):
            state = _reg_str2array(state, N)
            reg = tensor([basis(2, k) for k in state])
            raise ValueError("state must be a string")

        Qobj.__init__(self, reg.data, reg.dims, reg.isherm)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, N, correct_global_phase=True,
                 sx=None, sz=None, sxsy=None):
        sx: Integer/List
            The delta for each of the qubits in the system.

        sz: Integer/List
            The epsilon for each of the qubits in the system.

        sxsy: Integer/List
            The interaction strength for each of the qubit pair in the system.

        super(SpinChain, self).__init__(N, correct_global_phase)

        self.sx_ops = [tensor([sigmax() if m == n else identity(2)
                               for n in range(N)])
                       for m in range(N)]
        self.sz_ops = [tensor([sigmaz() if m == n else identity(2)
                               for n in range(N)])
                       for m in range(N)]

        self.sxsy_ops = []
        for n in range(N - 1):
            x = [identity(2)] * N
            x[n] = x[n + 1] = sigmax()
            y = [identity(2)] * N
            y[n] = y[n + 1] = sigmay()
            self.sxsy_ops.append(tensor(x) + tensor(y))

        if sx is None:
            self.sx_coeff = [0.25 * 2 * np.pi] * N
        elif not isinstance(sx, list):
            self.sx_coeff = [sx * 2 * np.pi] * N
            self.sx_coeff = sx

        if sz is None:
            self.sz_coeff = [1.0 * 2 * np.pi] * N
        elif not isinstance(sz, list):
            self.sz_coeff = [sz * 2 * np.pi] * N
            self.sz_coeff = sz

        if sxsy is None:
            self.sxsy_coeff = [0.1 * 2 * np.pi] * (N - 1)
        elif not isinstance(sxsy, list):
            self.sxsy_coeff = [sxsy * 2 * np.pi] * (N - 1)
            self.sxsy_coeff = sxsy
Exemplo n.º 16
    def testExpandGate3toN(self):
        gates: expand 3 to N (using toffoli, fredkin, and random 3 qubit gate)

        a, b = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
        psi1 = (a * basis(2, 0) + b * basis(2, 1)).unit()

        c, d = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
        psi2 = (c * basis(2, 0) + d * basis(2, 1)).unit()

        e, f = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
        psi3 = (e * basis(2, 0) + f * basis(2, 1)).unit()

        N = 4
        psi_rand_list = [rand_ket(2) for k in range(N)]

        _rand_gate_U = tensor([rand_herm(2, density=1) for k in range(3)])

        def _rand_3qubit_gate(N=None, controls=None, k=None):
            if N is None:
                return _rand_gate_U
                return gate_expand_3toN(_rand_gate_U, N, controls, k)

        for g in [fredkin, toffoli, _rand_3qubit_gate]:

            psi_ref_in = tensor(psi1, psi2, psi3)
            psi_ref_out = g() * psi_ref_in

            for m in range(N):
                for n in set(range(N)) - {m}:
                    for k in set(range(N)) - {m, n}:

                        psi_list = [psi_rand_list[p] for p in range(N)]
                        psi_list[m] = psi1
                        psi_list[n] = psi2
                        psi_list[k] = psi3
                        psi_in = tensor(psi_list)

                        if g == fredkin:
                            targets = [n, k]
                            G = g(N, control=m, targets=targets)
                            controls = [m, n]
                            G = g(N, controls, k)

                        psi_out = G * psi_in

                        o1 = psi_out.overlap(psi_in)
                        o2 = psi_ref_out.overlap(psi_ref_in)
                        assert_(abs(o1 - o2) < 1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 17
def bell_state(state='00'):
    Returns the Bell state:

        |B00> = 1 / sqrt(2)*[|0>|0>+|1>|1>]
        |B01> = 1 / sqrt(2)*[|0>|0>-|1>|1>]
        |B10> = 1 / sqrt(2)*[|0>|1>+|1>|0>]
        |B11> = 1 / sqrt(2)*[|0>|1>-|1>|0>]

    Bell_state : qobj
        Bell state

    if state == '00':
        Bell_state = tensor(
            basis(2), basis(2))+tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2, 1))
    elif state == '01':
        Bell_state = tensor(
            basis(2), basis(2))-tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2, 1))
    elif state == '10':
        Bell_state = tensor(
            basis(2), basis(2, 1))+tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2))
    elif state == '11':
        Bell_state = tensor(
            basis(2), basis(2, 1))-tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2))

    return Bell_state.unit()
Exemplo n.º 18
def bell_state11():
    Returns the B11 Bell state:
    B11 : qobj
        B11 Bell state
    return B.unit()
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_QobjPermute():
    "Qobj permute"
    A = basis(5, 0)
    B = basis(5, 4)
    C = basis(5, 2)
    psi = tensor(A, B, C)
    psi2 = psi.permute([2, 0, 1])
    assert_(psi2 == tensor(C, A, B))

    A = fock_dm(5, 0)
    B = fock_dm(5, 4)
    C = fock_dm(5, 2)
    rho = tensor(A, B, C)
    rho2 = rho.permute([2, 0, 1])
    assert_(rho2 == tensor(C, A, B))

    for ii in range(3):
        A = rand_ket(5)
        B = rand_ket(5)
        C = rand_ket(5)
        psi = tensor(A, B, C)
        psi2 = psi.permute([1, 0, 2])
        assert_(psi2 == tensor(B, A, C))

    for ii in range(3):
        A = rand_dm(5)
        B = rand_dm(5)
        C = rand_dm(5)
        rho = tensor(A, B, C)
        rho2 = rho.permute([1, 0, 2])
        assert_(rho2 == tensor(B, A, C))
Exemplo n.º 20
def bell_state10():
    Returns the B10 Bell state:
    B10 : qobj
        B10 Bell state
    return B.unit()
Exemplo n.º 21
def _spin_hamiltonian(N):
    from qutip.tensor import tensor
    from qutip.operators import qeye, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz
    # array of spin energy splittings and coupling strengths. here we use
    # uniform parameters, but in general we don't have too
    h  = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N) 
    Jz = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    Jx = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    Jy = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * np.ones(N)
    # dephasing rate
    gamma = 0.01 * np.ones(N)

    si = qeye(2)
    sx = sigmax()
    sy = sigmay()
    sz = sigmaz()

    sx_list = []
    sy_list = []
    sz_list = []

    for n in range(N):
        op_list = []
        for m in range(N):

        op_list[n] = sx

        op_list[n] = sy

        op_list[n] = sz

    # construct the hamiltonian
    H = 0

    # energy splitting terms
    for n in range(N):
        H += - 0.5 * h[n] * sz_list[n]

    # interaction terms
    for n in range(N-1):
        H += - 0.5 * Jx[n] * sx_list[n] * sx_list[n+1]
        H += - 0.5 * Jy[n] * sy_list[n] * sy_list[n+1]
        H += - 0.5 * Jz[n] * sz_list[n] * sz_list[n+1]
    return H
Exemplo n.º 22
def gate_expand_1toN(U, N, target):
    Create a Qobj representing a one-qubit gate that act on a system with N

    U : Qobj
        The one-qubit gate

    N : integer
        The number of qubits in the target space.

    target : integer
        The index of the target qubit.

    gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of N-qubit gate.

    if N < 1:
        raise ValueError("integer N must be larger or equal to 1")

    if target >= N:
        raise ValueError("target must be integer < integer N")

    return tensor([identity(2)] * (target) + [U] +
                  [identity(2)] * (N - target - 1))
Exemplo n.º 23
def qeye(N):
    Identity operator

    N : int or list of ints
        Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints,
        then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
        ``dims`` property of the new Qobj are set to this list.

    oper : qobj
        Identity operator Qobj.

    >>> qeye(3)
    Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], \
shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 1.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  1.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  1.]]

    if isinstance(N, list):
        return tensor(*[identity(n) for n in N])
    N = int(N)
    if N < 0:
        raise ValueError("N must be integer N>=0")
    return Qobj(fast_identity(N), isherm=True, isunitary=True)
Exemplo n.º 24
def qpt(U, op_basis_list):
    Calculate the quantum process tomography chi matrix for a given 
    (possibly nonunitary) transformation matrix U, which transforms a 
    density matrix in vector form according to:

        vec(rho) = U * vec(rho0)


        rho = vec2mat(U * mat2vec(rho0))

    U can be calculated for an open quantum system using the QuTiP propagator

    E_ops = []
    # loop over all index permutations
    for inds in index_permutations([len(op_list) for op_list in op_basis_list]):
        # loop over all composite systems
        E_op_list = [op_basis_list[k][inds[k]] for k in range(len(op_basis_list))]

    EE_ops = [spre(E1) * spost(E2.dag()) for E1 in E_ops for E2 in E_ops]

    M = hstack([mat2vec(EE.full()) for EE in EE_ops])

    Uvec = mat2vec(U.full())

    chi_vec = la.solve(M, Uvec)

    return vec2mat(chi_vec)
Exemplo n.º 25
def concurrence(rho):
    Calculate the concurrence entanglement measure for
    a two-qubit state.

    rho : qobj
        Density matrix for two-qubits.

    concur : float

    if rho.dims != [[2, 2], [2, 2]]:
        raise Exception("Density matrix must be tensor product of two qubits.")

    sysy = tensor(sigmay(), sigmay())

    rho_tilde = (rho * sysy) * (rho.conj() * sysy)

    evals = rho_tilde.eigenenergies()

    # abs to avoid problems with sqrt for very small negative numbers
    evals = abs(sort(real(evals)))

    lsum = sqrt(evals[3]) - sqrt(evals[2]) - sqrt(evals[1]) - sqrt(evals[0])

    return max(0, lsum)
Exemplo n.º 26
def qubit_states(N=1, states=[0]):
    Function to define initial state of the qubits.

    N: Integer
        Number of qubits in the register.
    states: List
        Initial state of each qubit.

    qstates: Qobj
        List of qubits.
    state_list = []
    for i in range(N):
        if N > len(states) and i >= len(states):

    return tensor(alpha * basis(2, 0) + sqrt(1 - alpha**2) * basis(2, 1)
                  for alpha in state_list)
Exemplo n.º 27
def ghz_state(N=3):
    Returns the N-qubit GHZ-state.
    N : int (default=3)
        Number of qubits in state
    G : qobj
        N-qubit GHZ-state
    state=tensor([basis(2) for k in range(N)])+tensor([basis(2,1) for k in range(N)])
    return state/np.sqrt(2)
Exemplo n.º 28
def gate_expand_2toN(U, N, control=None, target=None, targets=None):
    Create a Qobj representing a two-qubit gate that act on a system with N

    U : Qobj
        The two-qubit gate

    N : integer
        The number of qubits in the target space.

    control : integer
        The index of the control qubit.

    target : integer
        The index of the target qubit.

    targets : list
        List of target qubits.

    gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of N-qubit gate.

    if targets is not None:
        control, target = targets

    if control is None or target is None:
        raise ValueError("Specify value of control and target")

    if N < 2:
        raise ValueError("integer N must be larger or equal to 2")

    if control >= N or target >= N:
        raise ValueError("control and not target must be integer < integer N")

    if control == target:
        raise ValueError("target and not control cannot be equal")

    p = list(range(N))

    if target == 0 and control == 1:
        p[control], p[target] = p[target], p[control]

    elif target == 0:
        p[1], p[target] = p[target], p[1]
        p[1], p[control] = p[control], p[1]

        p[1], p[target] = p[target], p[1]
        p[0], p[control] = p[control], p[0]

    return tensor([U] + [identity(2)] * (N - 2)).permute(p)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_isherm_skew():
    mul and tensor of skew-Hermitian operators report ``isherm = True``.
    iH = 1j * rand_herm(5)

    assert_(not iH.isherm)
    assert_((iH * iH).isherm)
    assert_(tensor(iH, iH).isherm)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def testSwapGate(self):
        gates: swap gate
        a, b = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
        psi1 = (a * basis(2, 0) + b * basis(2, 1)).unit()

        c, d = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
        psi2 = (c * basis(2, 0) + d * basis(2, 1)).unit()

        psi_in = tensor(psi1, psi2)
        psi_out = tensor(psi2, psi1)

        psi_res = swap() * psi_in
        assert_((psi_out - psi_res).norm() < 1e-12)

        psi_res = swap() * swap() * psi_in
        assert_((psi_in - psi_res).norm() < 1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_projection():
    Test Qobj: Projection operator
    for kk in range(10):
        N = 5
        K = tensor(rand_ket(N, 0.75), rand_ket(N, 0.75))
        B = K.dag()

        ans = K * K.dag()

        out1 = K.proj()
        out2 = B.proj()

        assert_(out1 == ans)
        assert_(out2 == ans)
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_composite_vec():
    Composite: Tests compositing states and density operators.
    k1 = rand_ket(5)
    k2 = rand_ket(7)
    r1 = operator_to_vector(ket2dm(k1))
    r2 = operator_to_vector(ket2dm(k2))

    r3 = operator_to_vector(rand_dm(3))
    r4 = operator_to_vector(rand_dm(4))

    assert composite(k1, k2) == tensor(k1, k2)
    assert composite(r3, r4) == super_tensor(r3, r4)
    assert composite(k1, r4) == super_tensor(r1, r4)
    assert composite(r3, k2) == super_tensor(r3, r2)
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_composite_oper():
    Composite: Tests compositing unitaries and superoperators.
    U1 = rand_unitary(3)
    U2 = rand_unitary(5)
    S1 = to_super(U1)
    S2 = to_super(U2)

    S3 = rand_super(4)
    S4 = rand_super(7)

    assert composite(U1, U2) == tensor(U1, U2)
    assert composite(S3, S4) == super_tensor(S3, S4)
    assert composite(U1, S4) == super_tensor(S1, S4)
    assert composite(S3, U2) == super_tensor(S3, S2)
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_BraType():
    "Qobj bra type"

    psi = basis(2, 1).dag()

    assert not psi.isket
    assert psi.isbra
    assert not psi.isoper
    assert not psi.issuper

    psi = tensor(basis(2, 1).dag(), basis(2, 0).dag())

    assert not psi.isket
    assert psi.isbra
    assert not psi.isoper
    assert not psi.issuper
Exemplo n.º 35
def simple(eflag=True,time=pi/dr):
    # evolve and system subject to the time-dependent hamiltonian
    c_op_list = []
    if eflag:
    output = []
    timelist = linspace(0,time,1000)
    rho0 = ps0 * ps0.dag()
    for tlist in chunks(timelist, 100):
        out = mesolve(Hs,rho0,tlist,c_op_list,[],args)
        output += out.states
        rho0 = output[-1]
    return output
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_KetType():
    "Qobj ket type"

    psi = basis(2, 1)

    assert_(not psi.isbra)
    assert_(not psi.isoper)
    assert_(not psi.issuper)

    psi = tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2, 0))

    assert_(not psi.isbra)
    assert_(not psi.isoper)
    assert_(not psi.issuper)
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_KetType():
    "Qobj ket type"

    psi = basis(2, 1)

    assert psi.isket
    assert not psi.isbra
    assert not psi.isoper
    assert not psi.issuper

    psi = tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(2, 0))

    assert psi.isket
    assert not psi.isbra
    assert not psi.isoper
    assert not psi.issuper
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_BraType():
    "Qobj bra type"

    psi = basis(2, 1).dag()

    assert_equal(psi.isket, False)
    assert_equal(psi.isbra, True)
    assert_equal(psi.isoper, False)
    assert_equal(psi.issuper, False)

    psi = tensor(basis(2, 1).dag(), basis(2, 0).dag())

    assert_equal(psi.isket, False)
    assert_equal(psi.isbra, True)
    assert_equal(psi.isoper, False)
    assert_equal(psi.issuper, False)
Exemplo n.º 39
Arquivo: states.py Projeto: maij/qutip
def qstate(string):
    r"""Creates a tensor product for a set of qubits in either
    the 'up' :math:`\lvert0\rangle` or 'down' :math:`\lvert1\rangle` state.

    string : str
        String containing 'u' or 'd' for each qubit (ex. 'ududd')

    qstate : qobj
        Qobj for tensor product corresponding to input string.

    Look at ket and bra for more general functions
    creating multiparticle states.

    >>> qstate('udu') # doctest: +SKIP
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], shape = [8, 1], type = ket
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 1.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]]
    n = len(string)
    if n != (string.count('u') + string.count('d')):
        raise TypeError('String input to QSTATE must consist ' +
                        'of "u" and "d" elements only')
        up = basis(2, 1)
        dn = basis(2, 0)
    lst = []
    for k in range(n):
        if string[k] == 'u':
    return tensor(lst)
Exemplo n.º 40
def dst_measurement(state1, state2, sample_size=1):
    """destructive swap test"""
    N = len(state1.dims[0])
    if len(state2.dims[0]) != N:
        raise ValueError("Dimensions of states dismatch.")

    statein = tensor(state1, state2)
    stateout = statein.transform(
        gate_sequence_product(bell_prep(N, True).propagators()))

    prob = com_measure(stateout)
    result_in_number = np.random.choice(4**N, sample_size, p=prob)
    mresult = [
        state_index_number(stateout.dims[0], result)
        for result in result_in_number
    return mresult  # raw output
Exemplo n.º 41
def concurrence(rho):
    Calculate the concurrence entanglement measure for a two-qubit state.

    state : qobj
        Ket, bra, or density matrix for a two-qubit state.

    concur : float


    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrence_(quantum_computing)

    if rho.isket and rho.dims != [[2, 2], [1, 1]]:
        raise Exception("Ket must be tensor product of two qubits.")

    elif rho.isbra and rho.dims != [[1, 1], [2, 2]]:
        raise Exception("Bra must be tensor product of two qubits.")

    elif rho.isoper and rho.dims != [[2, 2], [2, 2]]:
        raise Exception("Density matrix must be tensor product of two qubits.")

    if rho.isket or rho.isbra:
        rho = ket2dm(rho)

    sysy = tensor(sigmay(), sigmay())

    rho_tilde = (rho * sysy) * (rho.conj() * sysy)

    evals = rho_tilde.eigenenergies()

    # abs to avoid problems with sqrt for very small negative numbers
    evals = abs(sort(real(evals)))

    lsum = sqrt(evals[3]) - sqrt(evals[2]) - sqrt(evals[1]) - sqrt(evals[0])

    return max(0, lsum)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_molmer_sorensen(self):
     gate: test for the molmer_sorensen gate
     assert_allclose(molmer_sorensen(np.pi, targets=[0, 1]),
                     Qobj(-1j * np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                                          [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]),
                          dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]]),
     assert_allclose(molmer_sorensen(2 * np.pi, targets=[0, 1]),
                     Qobj(-np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                                     [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]),
                          dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]]),
         molmer_sorensen(np.pi / 2, N=4, targets=[1, 2]),
                 molmer_sorensen(np.pi / 2),
Exemplo n.º 43
def qstate(string):
    """Creates a tensor product for a set of qubits in either 
	the 'up' :math:`|0>` or 'down' :math:`|1>` state.
    string : str 
        String containing 'u' or 'd' for each qubit (ex. 'ududd')

    qstate : qobj
        Qobj for tensor product corresponding to input string.
    >>> qstate('udu')
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], shape = [8, 1], type = ket
    Qobj data = 
    [[ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 1.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]]
    n = len(string)
    if n != (string.count('u') + string.count('d')):
        raise TypeError(
            'String input to QSTATE must consist of "u" and "d" elements only')
        up = basis(2, 1)
        dn = basis(2, 0)
    lst = []
    for k in range(n):
        if string[k] == 'u':
    return tensor(lst)
Exemplo n.º 44
def state_number_qobj(dims, state):
    Return a Qobj representation of a quantum state specified by the state
    array `state`.

        >>> state_number_qobj([2,2,2], [1,0,1])
        Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], shape = [8, 1], type = ket
        Qobj data =
        [[ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 1.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]]
    return tensor([fock(dims[i], s) for i, s in enumerate(state)])
Exemplo n.º 45
    def TestRelaxationNoise(self):
        Test for the relaxation noise
        a = destroy(2)
        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=[1., 1., 1.], t2=None)
        noise_list = relnoise.get_noise(3)
        assert_(len(noise_list) == 3)
        assert_allclose(noise_list[1], tensor([qeye(2), a, qeye(2)]))

        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=None, t2=None)
        noise_list = relnoise.get_noise(2)
        assert_(len(noise_list) == 0)

        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=None, t2=[0.2, 0.7])
        noise_list = relnoise.get_noise(2)
        assert_(len(noise_list) == 2)

        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=[1., 1.], t2=[0.5, 0.5])
        noise_list = relnoise.get_noise(2)
        assert_(len(noise_list) == 4)
Exemplo n.º 46
def exper(eflag=True,cflag=True,time=pi/dr):

    # evolve and system subject to the time-dependent hamiltonian
    c_op_list = []
    gamma = 0.001
    if eflag:
    output = []
    timelist = linspace(0,time,1000)
    rho0 = p0 * p0.dag()
    for tlist in chunks(timelist, 100):
        out = mesolve(Ht,rho0,tlist,c_op_list,[],args)
        output += out.states
        if cflag:
            rho0 = correct(output[-1])
            rho0 = output[-1]
    return output
Exemplo n.º 47
Arquivo: states.py Projeto: maij/qutip
def bell_state(state='00'):
    Returns the selected Bell state:

    .. math::

        \lvert B_{00}\rangle &=
        \lvert B_{01}\rangle &=
        \lvert B_{10}\rangle &=
        \lvert B_{11}\rangle &=

    Bell_state : qobj
        Bell state
    if state == '00':
        Bell_state = tensor(basis(2), basis(2)) + tensor(
            basis(2, 1), basis(2, 1))
    elif state == '01':
        Bell_state = tensor(basis(2), basis(2)) - tensor(
            basis(2, 1), basis(2, 1))
    elif state == '10':
        Bell_state = tensor(basis(2), basis(2, 1)) + tensor(
            basis(2, 1), basis(2))
    elif state == '11':
        Bell_state = tensor(basis(2), basis(2, 1)) - tensor(
            basis(2, 1), basis(2))

    return Bell_state.unit()
Exemplo n.º 48
    def test_relaxation_noise(self):
        Test for the relaxation noise
        # only t1
        a = destroy(2)
        dims = [2] * 3
        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=[1., 1., 1.], t2=None)
        systematic_noise = Pulse(None, None, label="system")
        pulses, systematic_noise = relnoise.get_noisy_dynamics(
            dims=dims, systematic_noise=systematic_noise)
        noisy_qu, c_ops = systematic_noise.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=dims)
        assert_(len(c_ops) == 3)
        assert_allclose(c_ops[1].cte, tensor([qeye(2), a, qeye(2)]))

        # no relaxation
        dims = [2] * 2
        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=None, t2=None)
        systematic_noise = Pulse(None, None, label="system")
        pulses, systematic_noise = relnoise.get_noisy_dynamics(
            dims=dims, systematic_noise=systematic_noise)
        noisy_qu, c_ops = systematic_noise.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=dims)
        assert_(len(c_ops) == 0)

        # only t2
        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=None, t2=[0.2, 0.7])
        systematic_noise = Pulse(None, None, label="system")
        pulses, systematic_noise = relnoise.get_noisy_dynamics(
            dims=dims, systematic_noise=systematic_noise)
        noisy_qu, c_ops = systematic_noise.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=dims)
        assert_(len(c_ops) == 2)

        # t1+t2 and systematic_noise = None
        relnoise = RelaxationNoise(t1=[1., 1.], t2=[0.5, 0.5])
        pulses, systematic_noise = relnoise.get_noisy_dynamics(dims=dims)
        noisy_qu, c_ops = systematic_noise.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=dims)
        assert_(len(c_ops) == 4)
Exemplo n.º 49
def _spectrum_pi(H, wlist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, use_pinv=False):
    Internal function for calculating the spectrum of the correlation function

    L = H if issuper(H) else liouvillian(H, c_ops)

    tr_mat = tensor([qeye(n) for n in L.dims[0][0]])
    N = np.prod(L.dims[0][0])

    A = L.full()
    b = spre(b_op).full()
    a = spre(a_op).full()

    tr_vec = np.transpose(mat2vec(tr_mat.full()))

    rho_ss = steadystate(L)
    rho = np.transpose(mat2vec(rho_ss.full()))

    I = np.identity(N * N)
    P = np.kron(np.transpose(rho), tr_vec)
    Q = I - P

    spectrum = np.zeros(len(wlist))

    for idx, w in enumerate(wlist):
        if use_pinv:
            MMR = np.linalg.pinv(-1.0j * w * I + A)
            MMR = np.dot(Q, np.linalg.solve(-1.0j * w * I + A, Q))

        s = np.dot(tr_vec,
                   np.dot(a, np.dot(MMR, np.dot(b, np.transpose(rho)))))
        spectrum[idx] = -2 * np.real(s[0, 0])

    return spectrum
Exemplo n.º 50
Arquivo: states.py Projeto: maij/qutip
def state_number_qobj(dims, state):
    Return a Qobj representation of a quantum state specified by the state
    array `state`.


        >>> state_number_qobj([2, 2, 2], [1, 0, 1]) # doctest: +SKIP
        Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], \
shape = [8, 1], type = ket
        Qobj data =
        [[ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 1.]
         [ 0.]
         [ 0.]]

    dims : list or array
        The quantum state dimensions array, as it would appear in a Qobj.

    state : list
        State number array.

    state : :class:`qutip.Qobj.qobj`
        The state as a :class:`qutip.Qobj.qobj` instance.

    assert len(state) == len(dims)
    return tensor([fock(d, s) for d, s in zip(dims, state)])
Exemplo n.º 51
def qzero(N):
    Zero operator

    N : int or list of ints
        Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints,
        then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
        ``dims`` property of the new Qobj are set to this list.

    qzero : qobj
        Zero operator Qobj.


    if isinstance(N, list):
        return tensor(*[qzero(n) for n in N])
    N = int(N)
    if (not isinstance(N, (int, np.integer))) or N < 0:
        raise ValueError("N must be integer N>=0")
    return Qobj(sp.csr_matrix((N, N), dtype=complex), isherm=True)
Exemplo n.º 52
    def test_multi_qubits(self):
        N = 3
        H_d = tensor([sigmaz()]*3)
        H_c = []

        # test empty ctrls
        num_tslots = 30
        evo_time = 10
        test = OptPulseProcessor(N, H_d, H_c)
        test.add_ctrl(tensor([sigmax(), sigmax()]),

        # test periodically adding ctrls
        sx = sigmax()
        iden = identity(2)
        assert_(Qobj(tensor([sx, iden, sx])) in test.ctrls)
        assert_(Qobj(tensor([iden, sx, sx])) in test.ctrls)
        assert_(Qobj(tensor([sx, sx, iden])) in test.ctrls)
        test.add_ctrl(sigmax(), cyclic_permutation=True)
        test.add_ctrl(sigmay(), cyclic_permutation=True)

        # test pulse genration for cnot gate, with kwargs
        qc = [tensor([identity(2), cnot()])]
        test.load_circuit(qc, num_tslots=num_tslots,
                          evo_time=evo_time, min_fid_err=1.0e-6)
        rho0 = qubit_states(3, [1, 1, 1])
        rho1 = qubit_states(3, [1, 1, 0])
        result = test.run_state(
            rho0, options=Options(store_states=True))
        assert_(fidelity(result.states[-1], rho1) > 1-1.0e-6)

        # test save and read coeffs
        test2 = OptPulseProcessor(N, H_d, H_c)
        test2.drift = test.drift
        test2.ctrls = test.ctrls
        assert_(np.max((test.coeffs-test2.coeffs)**2) < 1.0e-13)
        result = test2.run_state(rho0,)
        assert_(fidelity(result.states[-1], rho1) > 1-1.0e-6)
Exemplo n.º 53
def ket(seq, dim=2):
    Produces a multiparticle ket state for a list or string,
    where each element stands for state of the respective particle.

    seq : str / list of ints or characters
        Each element defines state of the respective particle.
        (e.g. [1,1,0,1] or a string "1101").
        For qubits it is also possible to use the following conventions:
        - 'g'/'e' (ground and excited state)
        - 'u'/'d' (spin up and down)
        - 'H'/'V' (horizontal and vertical polarization)
        Note: for dimension > 9 you need to use a list.

    dim : int (default: 2) / list of ints
        Space dimension for each particle:
        int if there are the same, list if they are different.

    ket : qobj

    >>> ket("10")
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [1, 1]], shape = [4, 1], type = ket
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 1.]
     [ 0.]]

    >>> ket("Hue")
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], shape = [8, 1], type = ket
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.]
     [ 1.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]]

    >>> ket("12", 3)
    Quantum object: dims = [[3, 3], [1, 1]], shape = [9, 1], type = ket
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 1.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]]

    >>> ket("31", [5, 2])
    Quantum object: dims = [[5, 2], [1, 1]], shape = [10, 1], type = ket
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 1.]
     [ 0.]
     [ 0.]]
    if isinstance(dim, int):
        dim = [dim] * len(seq)
    return tensor([basis(dim[i], _character_to_qudit(x))
                   for i, x in enumerate(seq)])
Exemplo n.º 54
def spectrum_pi(H, wlist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, use_pinv=False):
    Calculate the spectrum corresponding to a correlation function
    :math:`\left<A(\\tau)B(0)\\right>`, i.e., the Fourier transform of the
    correlation function:

    .. math::

        S(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left<A(\\tau)B(0)\\right>
        e^{-i\omega\\tau} d\\tau.


    H : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        system Hamiltonian.

    wlist : *list* / *array*
        list of frequencies for :math:`\\omega`.

    c_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj`
        list of collapse operators.

    a_op : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        operator A.

    b_op : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        operator B.


    s_vec: *array*
        An *array* with spectrum :math:`S(\omega)` for the frequencies
        specified in `wlist`.


    L = H if issuper(H) else liouvillian_fast(H, c_ops)

    tr_mat = tensor([qeye(n) for n in L.dims[0][0]])
    N = prod(L.dims[0][0])

    A = L.full()
    b = spre(b_op).full()
    a = spre(a_op).full()

    tr_vec = transpose(mat2vec(tr_mat.full()))

    rho_ss = steadystate(L)
    rho = transpose(mat2vec(rho_ss.full()))

    I = np.identity(N * N)
    P = np.kron(transpose(rho), tr_vec)
    Q = I - P

    s_vec = np.zeros(len(wlist))

    for idx, w in enumerate(wlist):

        if use_pinv:
            MMR = numpy.linalg.pinv(-1.0j * w * I + A)
            MMR = np.dot(Q, np.linalg.solve(-1.0j * w * I + A, Q))

        s = np.dot(tr_vec, np.dot(a, np.dot(MMR, np.dot(b, transpose(rho)))))
        s_vec[idx] = -2 * np.real(s[0, 0])

    return s_vec
Exemplo n.º 55
 def set_up_ops(self, N):
     super(CircularSpinChain, self).set_up_ops(N)
     operator = tensor([sigmax(), sigmax()]) + tensor([sigmay(), sigmay()])
         Pulse(operator, [N-1, 0], spline_kind=self.spline_kind))
     self.pulse_dict["g" + str(N-1)] = len(self.pulses) - 1
Exemplo n.º 56
def test_QobjPermute():
    "Qobj permute"
    A = basis(3, 0)
    B = basis(5, 4)
    C = basis(4, 2)
    psi = tensor(A, B, C)
    psi2 = psi.permute([2, 0, 1])
    assert_(psi2 == tensor(C, A, B))

    psi_bra = psi.dag()
    psi2_bra = psi_bra.permute([2, 0, 1])
    assert_(psi2_bra == tensor(C, A, B).dag())

    A = fock_dm(3, 0)
    B = fock_dm(5, 4)
    C = fock_dm(4, 2)
    rho = tensor(A, B, C)
    rho2 = rho.permute([2, 0, 1])
    assert_(rho2 == tensor(C, A, B))

    for ii in range(3):
        A = rand_ket(3)
        B = rand_ket(4)
        C = rand_ket(5)
        psi = tensor(A, B, C)
        psi2 = psi.permute([1, 0, 2])
        assert_(psi2 == tensor(B, A, C))

        psi_bra = psi.dag()
        psi2_bra = psi_bra.permute([1, 0, 2])
        assert_(psi2_bra == tensor(B, A, C).dag())

    for ii in range(3):
        A = rand_dm(3)
        B = rand_dm(4)
        C = rand_dm(5)
        rho = tensor(A, B, C)
        rho2 = rho.permute([1, 0, 2])
        assert_(rho2 == tensor(B, A, C))

        rho_vec = operator_to_vector(rho)
        rho2_vec = rho_vec.permute([[1, 0, 2],[4,3,5]])
        assert_(rho2_vec == operator_to_vector(tensor(B, A, C)))

        rho_vec_bra = operator_to_vector(rho).dag()
        rho2_vec_bra = rho_vec_bra.permute([[1, 0, 2],[4,3,5]])
        assert_(rho2_vec_bra == operator_to_vector(tensor(B, A, C)).dag())

    for ii in range(3):
        super_dims = [3, 5, 4]
        U = rand_unitary(np.prod(super_dims), density=0.02, dims=[super_dims, super_dims])
        Unew = U.permute([2,1,0])
        S_tens = to_super(U)
        S_tens_new = to_super(Unew)
        assert_(S_tens_new == S_tens.permute([[2,1,0],[5,4,3]]))
Exemplo n.º 57
def gate_expand_3toN(U, N, controls=[0, 1], target=2):
    Create a Qobj representing a three-qubit gate that act on a system with N

    U : Qobj
        The three-qubit gate

    N : integer
        The number of qubits in the target space.

    controls : list
        The list of the control qubits.

    target : integer
        The index of the target qubit.

    gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of N-qubit gate.


    if N < 3:
        raise ValueError("integer N must be larger or equal to 3")

    if controls[0] >= N or controls[1] >= N or target >= N:
        raise ValueError("control and not target is None."
                         " Must be integer < integer N")

    if (controls[0] == target or controls[1] == target
            or controls[0] == controls[1]):

        raise ValueError("controls[0], controls[1], and target"
                         " cannot be equal")

    p = list(range(N))
    p1 = list(range(N))
    p2 = list(range(N))

    if controls[0] <= 2 and controls[1] <= 2 and target <= 2:
        p[controls[0]] = 0
        p[controls[1]] = 1
        p[target] = 2

    # N > 3 cases

    elif controls[0] == 0 and controls[1] == 1:
        p[2], p[target] = p[target], p[2]

    elif controls[0] == 0 and target == 2:
        p[1], p[controls[1]] = p[controls[1]], p[1]

    elif controls[1] == 1 and target == 2:
        p[0], p[controls[0]] = p[controls[0]], p[0]

    elif controls[0] == 1 and controls[1] == 0:
        p[controls[1]], p[controls[0]] = p[controls[0]], p[controls[1]]
        p2[2], p2[target] = p2[target], p2[2]
        p = [p2[p[k]] for k in range(N)]

    elif controls[0] == 2 and target == 0:
        p[target], p[controls[0]] = p[controls[0]], p[target]
        p1[1], p1[controls[1]] = p1[controls[1]], p1[1]
        p = [p1[p[k]] for k in range(N)]

    elif controls[1] == 2 and target == 1:
        p[target], p[controls[1]] = p[controls[1]], p[target]
        p1[0], p1[controls[0]] = p1[controls[0]], p1[0]
        p = [p1[p[k]] for k in range(N)]

    elif controls[0] == 1 and controls[1] == 2:
        #  controls[0] -> controls[1] -> target -> outside
        p[0], p[1] = p[1], p[0]
        p[0], p[2] = p[2], p[0]
        p[0], p[target] = p[target], p[0]

    elif controls[0] == 2 and target == 1:
        #  controls[0] -> target -> controls[1] -> outside
        p[0], p[2] = p[2], p[0]
        p[0], p[1] = p[1], p[0]
        p[0], p[controls[1]] = p[controls[1]], p[0]

    elif controls[1] == 0 and controls[0] == 2:
        #  controls[1] -> controls[0] -> target -> outside
        p[1], p[0] = p[0], p[1]
        p[1], p[2] = p[2], p[1]
        p[1], p[target] = p[target], p[1]

    elif controls[1] == 2 and target == 0:
        #  controls[1] -> target -> controls[0] -> outside
        p[1], p[2] = p[2], p[1]
        p[1], p[0] = p[0], p[1]
        p[1], p[controls[0]] = p[controls[0]], p[1]

    elif target == 1 and controls[1] == 0:
        #  target -> controls[1] -> controls[0] -> outside
        p[2], p[1] = p[1], p[2]
        p[2], p[0] = p[0], p[2]
        p[2], p[controls[0]] = p[controls[0]], p[2]

    elif target == 0 and controls[0] == 1:
        #  target -> controls[0] -> controls[1] -> outside
        p[2], p[0] = p[0], p[2]
        p[2], p[1] = p[1], p[2]
        p[2], p[controls[1]] = p[controls[1]], p[2]

    elif controls[0] == 0 and controls[1] == 2:
        #  controls[0] -> self, controls[1] -> target -> outside
        p[1], p[2] = p[2], p[1]
        p[1], p[target] = p[target], p[1]

    elif controls[1] == 1 and controls[0] == 2:
        #  controls[1] -> self, controls[0] -> target -> outside
        p[0], p[2] = p[2], p[0]
        p[0], p[target] = p[target], p[0]

    elif target == 2 and controls[0] == 1:
        #  target -> self, controls[0] -> controls[1] -> outside
        p[0], p[1] = p[1], p[0]
        p[0], p[controls[1]] = p[controls[1]], p[0]

    # N > 4 cases

    elif controls[0] == 1 and controls[1] > 2 and target > 2:
        #  controls[0] -> controls[1] -> outside, target -> outside
        p[0], p[1] = p[1], p[0]
        p[0], p[controls[1]] = p[controls[1]], p[0]
        p[2], p[target] = p[target], p[2]

    elif controls[0] == 2 and controls[1] > 2 and target > 2:
        #  controls[0] -> target -> outside, controls[1] -> outside
        p[0], p[2] = p[2], p[0]
        p[0], p[target] = p[target], p[0]
        p[1], p[controls[1]] = p[controls[1]], p[1]

    elif controls[1] == 2 and controls[0] > 2 and target > 2:
        #  controls[1] -> target -> outside, controls[0] -> outside
        p[1], p[2] = p[2], p[1]
        p[1], p[target] = p[target], p[1]
        p[0], p[controls[0]] = p[controls[0]], p[0]

        p[0], p[controls[0]] = p[controls[0]], p[0]
        p1[1], p1[controls[1]] = p1[controls[1]], p1[1]
        p2[2], p2[target] = p2[target], p2[2]
        p = [p[p1[p2[k]]] for k in range(N)]

    return tensor([U] + [identity(2)] * (N - 3)).permute(p)
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_CheckMulType():
    "Qobj multiplication type"
    # ket-bra and bra-ket multiplication
    psi = basis(5)
    dm = psi * psi.dag()
    assert dm.isoper
    assert dm.isherm

    nrm = psi.dag() * psi
    assert np.prod(nrm.shape) == 1
    assert abs(nrm)[0, 0] == 1

    # operator-operator multiplication
    H1 = rand_herm(3)
    H2 = rand_herm(3)
    out = H1 * H2
    assert out.isoper
    out = H1 * H1
    assert out.isoper
    assert out.isherm
    out = H2 * H2
    assert out.isoper
    assert out.isherm

    U = rand_unitary(5)
    out = U.dag() * U
    assert out.isoper
    assert out.isherm

    N = num(5)

    out = N * N
    assert out.isoper
    assert out.isherm

    # operator-ket and bra-operator multiplication
    op = sigmax()
    ket1 = basis(2)
    ket2 = op * ket1
    assert ket2.isket

    bra1 = basis(2).dag()
    bra2 = bra1 * op
    assert bra2.isbra

    assert bra2.dag() == ket2

    # bra and ket multiplication with different dims
    zero = basis(2, 0)
    zero_log = tensor(zero, zero, zero)
    op1 = zero_log * zero.dag()
    op2 = zero * zero_log.dag()
    assert op1 == op2.dag()

    # superoperator-operket and operbra-superoperator multiplication
    sop = to_super(sigmax())
    opket1 = operator_to_vector(fock_dm(2))
    opket2 = sop * opket1
    assert opket2.isoperket

    opbra1 = operator_to_vector(fock_dm(2)).dag()
    opbra2 = opbra1 * sop
    assert opbra2.isoperbra

    assert opbra2.dag() == opket2
Exemplo n.º 59
    def test_known_iscptp(self):
        Superoperator: ishp, iscp, istp and iscptp known cases.
        def case(qobj, shouldhp, shouldcp, shouldtp):
            hp = qobj.ishp
            cp = qobj.iscp
            tp = qobj.istp
            cptp = qobj.iscptp

            shouldcptp = shouldcp and shouldtp

            if (hp == shouldhp and cp == shouldcp and tp == shouldtp
                    and cptp == shouldcptp):

            fails = []
            if hp != shouldhp:
                fails.append(("ishp", shouldhp, hp))
            if tp != shouldtp:
                fails.append(("istp", shouldtp, tp))
            if cp != shouldcp:
                fails.append(("iscp", shouldcp, cp))
            if cptp != shouldcptp:
                fails.append(("iscptp", shouldcptp, cptp))

            raise AssertionError("Expected {}.".format(" and ".join([
                "{} == {} (got {})".format(fail, expected, got)
                for fail, expected, got in fails

        # Conjugation by a creation operator should
        # have be CP (and hence HP), but not TP.
        a = create(2).dag()
        S = sprepost(a, a.dag())
        case(S, True, True, False)

        # A single off-diagonal element should not be CP,
        # nor even HP.
        S = sprepost(a, a)
        case(S, False, False, False)

        # Check that unitaries are CPTP and HP.
        case(identity(2), True, True, True)
        case(sigmax(), True, True, True)

        # Check that unitaries on bipartite systems are CPTP and HP.
        case(tensor(sigmax(), identity(2)), True, True, True)

        # Check that a linear combination of bipartitie unitaries is CPTP and HP.
        S = (to_super(tensor(sigmax(), identity(2))) +
             to_super(tensor(identity(2), sigmay()))) / 2
        case(S, True, True, True)

        # The partial transpose map, whose Choi matrix is SWAP, is TP
        # and HP but not CP (one negative eigenvalue).
        W = Qobj(swap(), type='super', superrep='choi')
        case(W, True, False, True)

        # Subnormalized maps (representing erasure channels, for instance)
        # can be CP but not TP.
        subnorm_map = Qobj(identity(4) * 0.9, type='super', superrep='super')
        case(subnorm_map, True, True, False)

        # Check that things which aren't even operators aren't identified as
        # CPTP.
        case(basis(2), False, False, False)
Exemplo n.º 60
    def test_expand_operator(self):
        gate : expand qubits operator to a N qubits system.
        # oper size is N, no expansion
        oper = tensor(sigmax(), sigmay())
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(oper=oper, targets=[0, 1], N=2), oper)
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(oper=oper, targets=[1, 0], N=2),
                        tensor(sigmay(), sigmax()))

        # random single qubit gate test, integer as target
        r = rand_unitary(2)
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(r, 3, 0),
                        tensor([r, identity(2), identity(2)]))
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(r, 3, 1),
                        tensor([identity(2), r, identity(2)]))
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(r, 3, 2),
                        tensor([identity(2), identity(2), r]))

        # random 2qubits gate test, list as target
        r2 = rand_unitary(4)
        r2.dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]]
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(r2, 3, [2, 1]),
                        tensor([identity(2), r2.permute([1, 0])]))
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(r2, 3, [0, 1]),
                        tensor([r2, identity(2)]))
        assert_allclose(expand_operator(r2, 3, [0, 2]),
                        tensor([r2, identity(2)]).permute([0, 2, 1]))

        # cnot expantion, qubit 2 control qubit 0
            expand_operator(cnot(), 3, [2, 0]),
            Qobj([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]],
                 dims=[[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]]))

        # test expansion with cyclic permutation
        result = expand_operator(tensor([sigmaz(), sigmax()]),
                                 targets=[2, 0],
        mat1 = tensor(sigmax(), qeye(2), sigmaz())
        mat2 = tensor(sigmaz(), sigmax(), qeye(2))
        mat3 = tensor(qeye(2), sigmaz(), sigmax())
        assert_(mat1 in result)
        assert_(mat2 in result)
        assert_(mat3 in result)

        # test for dimensions other than 2
        mat3 = rand_dm(3, density=1.)
        oper = tensor([sigmax(), mat3])
        N = 4
        dims = [2, 2, 3, 4]
        result = expand_operator(oper, N, targets=[0, 2], dims=dims)
        assert_array_equal(result.dims[0], dims)
        dims = [3, 2, 4, 2]
        result = expand_operator(oper, N, targets=[3, 0], dims=dims)
        assert_array_equal(result.dims[0], dims)
        dims = [3, 2, 4, 2]
        result = expand_operator(oper, N, targets=[1, 0], dims=dims)
        assert_array_equal(result.dims[0], dims)