Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_k(self):
        lattice: Test the method Lattice1d.k().
        L = 7
        lattice_L123 = Lattice1d(num_cell=L,
                                 cell_site_dof=[2, 3])
        kq = lattice_L123.k()
        kop = np.zeros((L, L), dtype=complex)
        for row in range(L):
            for col in range(L):
                if row == col:
                    kop[row, col] = (L - 1) / 2
                        col] = 1 / (np.exp(2j * np.pi * (row - col) / L) - 1)

        kt = np.kron(kop * 2 * np.pi / L, np.eye(6))
        dim_H = [[2, 2, 3], [2, 2, 3]]
        kt = Qobj(kt, dims=dim_H)

        [k_q, Vq] = kq.eigenstates()
        [k_t, Vt] = kt.eigenstates()
        k_tC = k_t - 2 * np.pi / L * ((L - 1) // 2)
        # k_ts = [(i-(L-1)//2)*2*np.pi/L for i in range(L)]
        # k_w = np.kron((np.array(k_ts)).T, np.ones((1,6)))
        assert_((np.abs(k_tC - k_q) < 1E-13).all())
def test_Transformation4():
    "Transform 10-level imag to eigenbasis and back"
    N = 10
    H1 = Qobj(1j * (0.5 - scipy.rand(N, N)))
    H1 = H1 + H1.dag()
    evals, ekets = H1.eigenstates()
    Heb = H1.transform(ekets)        # eigenbasis (should be diagonal)
    H2 = Heb.transform(ekets, True)  # back to original basis
    assert_equal((H1 - H2).norm() < 1e-6, True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_Transformation4():
    "Transform 10-level imag to eigenbasis and back"
    N = 10
    H1 = Qobj(1j * (0.5 - scipy.rand(N, N)))
    H1 = H1 + H1.dag()
    evals, ekets = H1.eigenstates()
    Heb = H1.transform(ekets)  # eigenbasis (should be diagonal)
    H2 = Heb.transform(ekets, True)  # back to original basis
    assert_equal((H1 - H2).norm() < 1e-6, True)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_dispersion(self, knpoints=0):
        Returns dispersion relationship for the lattice with the specified
        number of unit cells with a k array and a band energy array.

        knxa : np.array
            knxA[j][0] is the jth good Quantum number k.

        val_kns : np.array
            val_kns[j][:] is the array of band energies of the jth band good at
            all the good Quantum numbers of k.
        # The _k_space_calculations() function is not used for get_dispersion
        # because we calculate the infinite crystal dispersion in
        # plot_dispersion using this coode and we do not want to calculate
        # all the eigen-values, eigenvectors of the bulk Hamiltonian for too
        # many points, as is done in the _k_space_calculations() function.
        if self.period_bnd_cond_x == 0:
            raise Exception("The lattice is not periodic.")
        if knpoints == 0:
            knpoints = self.num_cell

        a = 1  # The unit cell length is always considered 1
        kn_start = 0
        kn_end = 2*np.pi/a
        val_kns = np.zeros((self._length_of_unit_cell, knpoints), dtype=float)
        knxA = np.zeros((knpoints, 1), dtype=float)
        G0_H = self._H_intra
#        knxA = np.roll(knxA, np.floor_divide(knpoints, 2))

        for ks in range(knpoints):
            knx = kn_start + (ks*(kn_end-kn_start)/knpoints)

            if knx >= np.pi:
                knxA[ks, 0] = knx - 2 * np.pi
                knxA[ks, 0] = knx
        knxA = np.roll(knxA, np.floor_divide(knpoints, 2))

        for ks in range(knpoints):
            kx = knxA[ks, 0]
            H_ka = G0_H
            k_cos = [[kx]]
            for m in range(len(self._H_inter_list)):
                r_cos = self._inter_vec_list[m]
                kr_dotted = np.dot(k_cos, r_cos)
                H_int = self._H_inter_list[m]*np.exp(kr_dotted*1j)[0]
                H_ka = H_ka + H_int + H_int.dag()
            H_k = csr_matrix(H_ka)
            qH_k = Qobj(H_k)
            (vals, veks) = qH_k.eigenstates()
            val_kns[:, ks] = vals[:]
        return (knxA, val_kns)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def k(self):
        Returns the crystal momentum operator. All degrees of freedom has the
        cell number at their correspondig entry in the position operator.

        Qobj(ks) : qutip.Qobj
            The crystal momentum operator in units of 1/a. L is the number
            of unit cells, a is the length of a unit cell which is always taken
            to be 1.
        L = self.num_cell
        kop = np.zeros((L, L), dtype=complex)
        for row in range(L):
            for col in range(L):
                if row == col:
                    kop[row, col] = (L-1)/2
#                    kop[row, col] = ((L+1) % 2)/ 2
                    # shifting the eigenvalues
                    kop[row, col] = 1/(np.exp(2j * np.pi * (row - col)/L) - 1)
        qkop = Qobj(kop)
        [kD, kV] = qkop.eigenstates()
        kop_P = np.zeros((L, L), dtype=complex)
        for eno in range(L):
            if kD[eno] > (L // 2 + 0.5):
                vl = kD[eno] - L
                vl = kD[eno]
            vk = kV[eno]
            kop_P = kop_P + vl * vk * vk.dag()
        kop = 2 * np.pi / L * kop_P
        nx = self.cell_num_site
        ne = self._length_for_site
        k = np.kron(kop, np.eye(nx*ne))
        dim_H = [self.lattice_tensor_config, self.lattice_tensor_config]
        return Qobj(k, dims=dim_H)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _k_space_calculations(self, knpoints=0):
        Returns bulk Hamiltonian, its eigenvectors and eigenvectors of the
        space Hamiltonian at all the good quantum numbers of a periodic
        translationally invariant lattice.

        knxa : np.array
            knxA[j][0] is the jth good Quantum number k.

        qH_ks : np.ndarray of Qobj's
            qH_ks[j] is the Oobj of type oper that holds a bulk Hamiltonian
            for a good quantum number k.

        vec_xs : np.ndarray of Qobj's
            vec_xs[j] is the Oobj of type ket that holds an eigenvector of the
            Hamiltonian of the lattice.

        vec_kns : np.ndarray of Qobj's
            vec_kns[j] is the Oobj of type ket that holds an eigenvector of the
            bulk Hamiltonian of the lattice.
        if knpoints == 0:
            knpoints = self.num_cell

        a = 1  # The unit cell length is always considered 1
        kn_start = 0
        kn_end = 2*np.pi/a
        val_kns = np.zeros((self._length_of_unit_cell, knpoints), dtype=float)
        knxA = np.zeros((knpoints, 1), dtype=float)
        G0_H = self._H_intra
        vec_kns = np.zeros((knpoints, self._length_of_unit_cell,
                           self._length_of_unit_cell), dtype=complex)

        vec_xs = np.array([None for i in range(
                knpoints * self._length_of_unit_cell)])
        qH_ks = np.array([None for i in range(knpoints)])

        for ks in range(knpoints):
            knx = kn_start + (ks*(kn_end-kn_start)/knpoints)

            if knx >= np.pi:
                knxA[ks, 0] = knx - 2 * np.pi
                knxA[ks, 0] = knx
        knxA = np.roll(knxA, np.floor_divide(knpoints, 2))
        dim_hk = [self.cell_tensor_config, self.cell_tensor_config]
        for ks in range(knpoints):
            kx = knxA[ks, 0]
            H_ka = G0_H
            k_cos = [[kx]]
            for m in range(len(self._H_inter_list)):
                r_cos = self._inter_vec_list[m]
                kr_dotted = np.dot(k_cos, r_cos)
                H_int = self._H_inter_list[m]*np.exp(kr_dotted*1j)[0]
                H_ka = H_ka + H_int + H_int.dag()
            H_k = csr_matrix(H_ka)
            qH_k = Qobj(H_k, dims=dim_hk)
            qH_ks[ks] = qH_k
            (vals, veks) = qH_k.eigenstates()
            plane_waves = np.kron(np.exp(-1j * (kx * range(self.num_cell))),

            for eig_no in range(self._length_of_unit_cell):
                unit_cell_periodic = np.kron(
                    np.ones(self.num_cell), veks[eig_no].dag())
                vec_x = np.multiply(plane_waves, unit_cell_periodic)

                dim_H = [list(np.ones(len(self.lattice_tensor_config),
                                      dtype=int)), self.lattice_tensor_config]
                if self.is_real:
                    if np.count_nonzero(vec_x) > 0:
                        vec_x = np.real(vec_x)

                length_vec_x = np.sqrt((Qobj(vec_x) * Qobj(vec_x).dag())[0][0])
                vec_x = vec_x / length_vec_x
                vec_x = Qobj(vec_x, dims=dim_H)
                vec_xs[ks*self._length_of_unit_cell+eig_no] = vec_x.dag()

            for i in range(self._length_of_unit_cell):
                v0 = np.squeeze(veks[i].full(), axis=1)
                vec_kns[ks, i, :] = v0
            val_kns[:, ks] = vals[:]

        return (knxA, qH_ks, val_kns, vec_kns, vec_xs)