Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: api.py Projeto: cmak/reddit
    def POST_del(self, res, thing):
        '''for deleting all sorts of things'''
        thing._deleted = True

        # flag search indexer that something has changed

        #expire the item from the sr cache
        if isinstance(thing, Link):
            sr = thing.subreddit_slow
Exemplo n.º 2
def handle_vote(user, thing, dir, ip, organic, cheater=False):
    from r2.lib.db import tdb_sql
    from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
        v = Vote.vote(user, thing, dir, ip, organic, cheater=cheater)
    except (tdb_sql.CreationError, IntegrityError):
        g.log.error("duplicate vote for: %s" % str((user, thing, dir)))

    # keep track of upvotes in the hard cache by subreddit
    sr_id = getattr(thing, "sr_id", None)
    if (sr_id and dir > 0 and getattr(thing, "author_id", None) != user._id
            and v.valid_thing):
        now = datetime.now(g.tz).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
        g.hardcache.add("subreddit_vote-%s_%s_%s" % (now, sr_id, user._id),
                        time=86400 * 7)  # 1 week for now

    if isinstance(thing, Link):
        if v.valid_thing:

        #update the modified flags
        set_last_modified(user, 'liked')
        if user._id == thing.author_id:
            set_last_modified(user, 'overview')
            set_last_modified(user, 'submitted')
            #update sup listings
            sup.add_update(user, 'submitted')

            #update sup listings
            if dir:
                sup.add_update(user, 'liked')
            elif dir is False:
                sup.add_update(user, 'disliked')

    elif isinstance(thing, Comment):
        #update last modified
        if user._id == thing.author_id:
            set_last_modified(user, 'overview')
            set_last_modified(user, 'commented')
            #update sup listings
            sup.add_update(user, 'commented')
Exemplo n.º 3
def handle_vote(user, thing, dir, ip, organic, cheater = False):
    from r2.lib.db import tdb_sql
    from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
        v = Vote.vote(user, thing, dir, ip, organic, cheater = cheater)
    except (tdb_sql.CreationError, IntegrityError):
        g.log.error("duplicate vote for: %s" % str((user, thing, dir)))

    # keep track of upvotes in the hard cache by subreddit
    sr_id = getattr(thing, "sr_id", None)
    if (sr_id and dir > 0 and getattr(thing, "author_id", None) != user._id
        and v.valid_thing):
        now = datetime.now(g.tz).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
        g.hardcache.add("subreddit_vote-%s_%s_%s" % (now, sr_id, user._id),
                        sr_id, time = 86400 * 7) # 1 week for now

    if isinstance(thing, Link):
        if v.valid_thing:

        #update the modified flags
        set_last_modified(user, 'liked')
        if user._id == thing.author_id:
            set_last_modified(user, 'overview')
            set_last_modified(user, 'submitted')
            #update sup listings
            sup.add_update(user, 'submitted')

            #update sup listings
            if dir:
                sup.add_update(user, 'liked')
            elif dir is False:
                sup.add_update(user, 'disliked')

    elif isinstance(thing, Comment):
        #update last modified
        if user._id == thing.author_id:
            set_last_modified(user, 'overview')
            set_last_modified(user, 'commented')
            #update sup listings
            sup.add_update(user, 'commented')
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: vote.py Projeto: cmak/reddit
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, spam = False, organic = False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)
        #check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = list(rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == sub._id,
                                  rel.c._thing2_id == obj._id,
                                  data = True))
        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        #old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            #these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = (v.valid_thing
                             and (not spam)
                             and valid_thing(v, karma))
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_user
                            and v.valid_thing
                            and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
        #new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = ((not spam)
                                               and valid_thing(v, karma))
            v.valid_user = v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic


        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        update_score(obj, up_change, down_change,
                     v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
#         if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
#             if sub._id != obj.author_id:
#                 sr._incr('valid_votes', 1)

        #expire the sr
        if kind == 'link' and v.valid_thing: