Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr
        from r2.lib import promote

        #fetch parent links

        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped), data = True,
                           return_dict = True)

        #get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, 'sr_id'):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id

        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped),

        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user)) \
                        if c.user_is_loggedin else set()

        min_score = user.pref_min_comment_score

        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)

        profilepage = c.profilepage
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        focal_comment = c.focal_comment

        for item in wrapped:
            # for caching:
            item.profilepage = c.profilepage
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)

            if (item.link._score <= 1 or item.score < 3 or
                item.link._spam or item._spam or item.author._spam):
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if not hasattr(item, 'subreddit'):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if item.author_id == item.link.author_id:
                add_attr(item.attribs, 'S',
                         link = item.link.make_permalink(item.subreddit))
            if not hasattr(item, 'target'):
                item.target = None
            if hasattr(item, 'parent_id'):
                if cids.has_key(item.parent_id):
                    item.parent_permalink = '#' + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    parent = Comment._byID(item.parent_id)
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None

            item.can_reply = (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs)

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = (not profilepage and
                           (item._deleted or
                            (item._spam and
                             item.author != user and
                             not item.show_spam)))

            extra_css = ''
            if item.deleted:
                extra_css += "grayed"
                if not user_is_admin:
                    item.author = DeletedUser()
                    item.body = '[deleted]'

            if focal_comment == item._id36:
                extra_css += " border"

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = ((item.score < min_score) and
                             not (profilepage or
                                  item.deleted or

            item.editted = getattr(item, "editted", False)

            #will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)
            item.is_focal  = (focal_comment == item._id36)

            #will seem less horrible when add_props is in pages.py
            from r2.lib.pages import UserText
            item.usertext = UserText(item, item.body,
                                     editable = item.is_author,
                                     nofollow = item.nofollow,
                                     target = item.target,
                                     extra_css = extra_css)
        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def wrap_items(self, items):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr
        user = c.user if c.user_is_loggedin else None

        #get authors
        #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
        #comments and messages?
        aids = set(l.author_id for l in items
                   if hasattr(l, 'author_id') and l.author_id is not None)

        authors = {}
        cakes = {}
        friend_rels = None
        if aids:
            authors = Account._byID(aids, data=True,
                                    stale=self.stale) if aids else {}
            now = datetime.datetime.now(g.tz)
            cakes = {
                for a in authors.itervalues()
                if a.cake_expiration and a.cake_expiration >= now
            if user and user.gold:
                friend_rels = user.friend_rels()

        subreddits = Subreddit.load_subreddits(items, stale=self.stale)

        can_ban_set = set()
        can_flair_set = set()
        can_own_flair_set = set()
        if user:
            for sr_id, sr in subreddits.iteritems():
                if sr.can_ban(user):
                if sr.is_moderator_with_perms(user, 'flair'):
                if sr.link_flair_self_assign_enabled:

        #get likes/dislikes
            likes = queries.get_likes(user, items)
        except tdb_cassandra.TRANSIENT_EXCEPTIONS as e:
            g.log.warning("Cassandra vote lookup failed: %r", e)
            likes = {}
        uid = user._id if user else None

        types = {}
        wrapped = []

        modlink = {}
        modlabel = {}
        for s in subreddits.values():
            modlink[s._id] = '/r/%s/about/moderators' % s.name
            modlabel[s._id] = (
                _('moderator of /r/%(reddit)s, speaking officially') %

        for item in items:
            w = self.wrap(item)
            # add for caching (plus it should be bad form to use _
            # variables in templates)
            w.fullname = item._fullname
            types.setdefault(w.render_class, []).append(w)

            #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
            #comments and messages?
            w.author = None
            w.friend = False

            # List of tuples (see add_attr() for details)
            w.attribs = []

            w.distinguished = None
            if hasattr(item, "distinguished"):
                if item.distinguished == 'yes':
                    w.distinguished = 'moderator'
                elif item.distinguished in ('admin', 'special', 'gold',
                    w.distinguished = item.distinguished

                w.author = authors.get(item.author_id)
                if user and item.author_id in user.friends:
                    # deprecated old way:
                    w.friend = True

                    # new way:
                    label = None
                    if friend_rels:
                        rel = friend_rels[item.author_id]
                        note = getattr(rel, "note", None)
                        if note:
                            label = u"%s (%s)" % (_("friend"),
                    add_attr(w.attribs, 'F', label)

            except AttributeError:

            if (w.distinguished == 'admin' and w.author):
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'A')

            if w.distinguished == 'moderator':

            if w.distinguished == 'special':
                args = w.author.special_distinguish()
                if not args.get('kind'):
                    args['kind'] = 'special'
                add_attr(w.attribs, **args)

            if w.author and w.author._id in cakes and not c.profilepage:
                    label=(_("%(user)s just celebrated a reddit birthday!") % {
                        "user": w.author.name
                    link="/user/%s" % w.author.name,

            if hasattr(item, "sr_id") and item.sr_id is not None:
                w.subreddit = subreddits[item.sr_id]

            w.likes = likes.get((user, item))

            # update vote tallies
            compute_votes(w, item)

            w.score = w.upvotes - w.downvotes

            if w.likes:
                base_score = w.score - 1
            elif w.likes is None:
                base_score = w.score
                base_score = w.score + 1

            # store the set of available scores based on the vote
            # for ease of i18n when there is a label
            w.voting_score = [(base_score + x - 1) for x in range(3)]

            w.deleted = item._deleted

            w.link_notes = []

            if c.user_is_admin:
                if item._deleted:
                    w.link_notes.append("deleted link")
                if getattr(item, "verdict", None):
                    if not item.verdict.endswith("-approved"):

            if c.user_is_admin and getattr(item, 'ip', None):
                w.ip_span = ip_span(item.ip)
                w.ip_span = ""

            # if the user can ban things on a given subreddit, or an
            # admin, then allow them to see that the item is spam, and
            # add the other spam-related display attributes
            w.show_reports = False
            w.show_spam = False
            w.can_ban = False
            w.can_flair = False
            w.use_big_modbuttons = self.spam_listing

            if (c.user_is_admin or (user and hasattr(item, 'sr_id')
                                    and item.sr_id in can_ban_set)):
                if getattr(item, "promoted", None) is None:
                    w.can_ban = True

                ban_info = getattr(item, 'ban_info', {})
                w.unbanner = ban_info.get('unbanner')

                if item._spam:
                    w.show_spam = True
                    w.moderator_banned = ban_info.get('moderator_banned',
                    w.autobanned = ban_info.get('auto', False)
                    w.banner = ban_info.get('banner')
                    if ban_info.get('note', None) and w.banner:
                        w.banner += ' (%s)' % ban_info['note']
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True
                    if getattr(w, "author", None) and w.author._spam:
                        w.show_spam = "author"

                    if c.user == w.author and c.user._spam:
                        w.show_spam = False
                        w._spam = False
                        w.use_big_modbuttons = False

                elif (getattr(item, 'reported', 0) > 0
                      and (not getattr(item, 'ignore_reports', False)
                           or c.user_is_admin)):
                    w.show_reports = True
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True

            if (c.user_is_admin or (user and hasattr(item, 'sr_id') and
                                    (item.sr_id in can_flair_set or
                                     (w.author and w.author._id == user._id
                                      and item.sr_id in can_own_flair_set)))):
                w.can_flair = True

            w.approval_checkmark = None
            if w.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(w, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    approval_time = None
                    baninfo = getattr(w, "ban_info", None)
                    if baninfo:
                        approver = baninfo.get("unbanner", None)
                        approval_time = baninfo.get("unbanned_at", None)

                    approver = approver or _("a moderator")

                    if approval_time:
                        text = _("approved by %(who)s %(when)s ago") % {
                            "who": approver,
                            "when": timesince(approval_time)
                        text = _("approved by %s") % approver
                    w.approval_checkmark = text

        # recache the user object: it may be None if user is not logged in,
        # whereas now we are happy to have the UnloggedUser object
        user = c.user
        for cls in types.keys():
            cls.add_props(user, types[cls])

        return wrapped
Exemplo n.º 3
    def wrap_items(self, items):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr

        user = c.user if c.user_is_loggedin else None
        aids = set(l.author_id for l in items if hasattr(l, 'author_id')
                   and l.author_id is not None)

        authors = Account._byID(aids, data=True, stale=self.stale)
        now = datetime.datetime.now(g.tz)
        cakes = {a._id for a in authors.itervalues()
                       if a.cake_expiration and a.cake_expiration >= now}
        friend_rels = user.friend_rels() if user and user.gold else {}

        subreddits = Subreddit.load_subreddits(items, stale=self.stale)
        can_ban_set = set()
        can_flair_set = set()
        can_own_flair_set = set()
        if user:
            for sr_id, sr in subreddits.iteritems():
                if sr.can_ban(user):
                if sr.is_moderator_with_perms(user, 'flair'):
                if sr.link_flair_self_assign_enabled:

        #get likes/dislikes
            likes = queries.get_likes(user, items)
        except tdb_cassandra.TRANSIENT_EXCEPTIONS as e:
            g.log.warning("Cassandra vote lookup failed: %r", e)
            likes = {}

        types = {}
        wrapped = []

        modlink = {}
        modlabel = {}
        for s in subreddits.values():
            modlink[s._id] = '/r/%s/about/moderators' % s.name
            modlabel[s._id] = (_('moderator of /r/%(reddit)s, '
                                 'speaking officially') % {'reddit': s.name})

        for item in items:
            w = self.wrap(item)
            # add for caching (plus it should be bad form to use _
            # variables in templates)
            w.fullname = item._fullname
            types.setdefault(w.render_class, []).append(w)

            w.author = None
            w.friend = False

            # List of tuples (see add_attr() for details)
            w.attribs = []

            w.distinguished = None
            if hasattr(item, "distinguished"):
                if item.distinguished == 'yes':
                    w.distinguished = 'moderator'
                elif item.distinguished in ('admin', 'special',
                                            'gold', 'gold-auto'):
                    w.distinguished = item.distinguished

                w.author = authors.get(item.author_id)
                if user and item.author_id in user.friends:
                    # deprecated old way:
                    w.friend = True

                    # new way:
                    label = None
                    if friend_rels:
                        rel = friend_rels[item.author_id]
                        note = getattr(rel, "note", None)
                        if note:
                            label = u"%s (%s)" % (_("friend"), 
                    add_attr(w.attribs, 'F', label)

            except AttributeError:

            if (w.distinguished == 'admin' and w.author):
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'A')

            if w.distinguished == 'moderator':
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'M', label=modlabel[item.sr_id],
            if w.distinguished == 'special':
                args = w.author.special_distinguish()
                if not args.get('kind'):
                    args['kind'] = 'special'
                add_attr(w.attribs, **args)

            if w.author and w.author._id in cakes and not c.profilepage:
                    label=(_("%(user)s just celebrated a reddit birthday!") %
                           {"user": w.author.name}),
                    link="/user/%s" % w.author.name,

            if hasattr(item, "sr_id") and item.sr_id is not None:
                w.subreddit = subreddits[item.sr_id]

            w.likes = likes.get((user, item))

            # update vote tallies
            compute_votes(w, item)

            w.score = w.upvotes - w.downvotes

            if w.likes:
                base_score = w.score - 1
            elif w.likes is None:
                base_score = w.score
                base_score = w.score + 1

            # store the set of available scores based on the vote
            # for ease of i18n when there is a label
            w.voting_score = [(base_score + x - 1) for x in range(3)]

            w.deleted = item._deleted

            w.link_notes = []

            if c.user_is_admin:
                if item._deleted:
                    w.link_notes.append("deleted link")
                if getattr(item, "verdict", None):
                    if not item.verdict.endswith("-approved"):

            if c.user_is_admin and getattr(item, 'ip', None):
                w.ip_span = ip_span(item.ip)
                w.ip_span = ""

            # if the user can ban things on a given subreddit, or an
            # admin, then allow them to see that the item is spam, and
            # add the other spam-related display attributes
            w.show_reports = False
            w.show_spam    = False
            w.can_ban      = False
            w.can_flair    = False
            w.use_big_modbuttons = self.spam_listing

            if (c.user_is_admin
                or (user
                    and hasattr(item,'sr_id')
                    and item.sr_id in can_ban_set)):
                if getattr(item, "promoted", None) is None:
                    w.can_ban = True

                ban_info = getattr(item, 'ban_info', {})
                w.unbanner = ban_info.get('unbanner')

                if item._spam:
                    w.show_spam = True
                    w.moderator_banned = ban_info.get('moderator_banned', False)
                    w.autobanned = ban_info.get('auto', False)
                    w.banner = ban_info.get('banner')
                    if ban_info.get('note', None) and w.banner:
                        w.banner += ' (%s)' % ban_info['note']
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True
                    if getattr(w, "author", None) and w.author._spam:
                        w.show_spam = "author"

                    if c.user == w.author and c.user._spam:
                        w.show_spam = False
                        w._spam = False
                        w.use_big_modbuttons = False

                elif (getattr(item, 'reported', 0) > 0
                      and (not getattr(item, 'ignore_reports', False) or
                    w.show_reports = True
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True

            if (c.user_is_admin
                or (user and hasattr(item, 'sr_id')
                    and (item.sr_id in can_flair_set
                         or (w.author and w.author._id == user._id
                             and item.sr_id in can_own_flair_set)))):
                w.can_flair = True

            w.approval_checkmark = None
            if w.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(w, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    approval_time = None
                    baninfo = getattr(w, "ban_info", None)
                    if baninfo:
                        approver = baninfo.get("unbanner", None)
                        approval_time = baninfo.get("unbanned_at", None)

                    approver = approver or _("a moderator")

                    if approval_time:
                        text = _("approved by %(who)s %(when)s ago") % {
                                    "who": approver,
                                    "when": timesince(approval_time)}
                        text = _("approved by %s") % approver
                    w.approval_checkmark = text

        # recache the user object: it may be None if user is not logged in,
        # whereas now we are happy to have the UnloggedUser object
        user = c.user
        for cls in types.keys():
            cls.add_props(user, types[cls])

        return wrapped
Exemplo n.º 4
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr
        from r2.lib import promote
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # fetch parent links
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped), data=True, return_dict=True, stale=True)

        # get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, "sr_id"):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id

        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped), data=True, return_dict=False, stale=True)
        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)
        parent_ids = set(cm.parent_id for cm in wrapped if getattr(cm, "parent_id", None) and cm.parent_id not in cids)
        parents = {}
        if parent_ids:
            parents = Comment._byID(parent_ids, data=True, stale=True)

        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user)) if c.user_is_loggedin else set()

        min_score = user.pref_min_comment_score

        profilepage = c.profilepage
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        focal_comment = c.focal_comment

        for item in wrapped:
            # for caching:
            item.profilepage = c.profilepage
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)

            if item.link._score <= 1 or item.score < 3 or item.link._spam or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if not hasattr(item, "subreddit"):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if item.author_id == item.link.author_id and not item.link._deleted:
                add_attr(item.attribs, "S", link=item.link.make_permalink(item.subreddit))
            if not hasattr(item, "target"):
                item.target = None
            if item.parent_id:
                if item.parent_id in cids:
                    item.parent_permalink = "#" + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None

            item.can_reply = False
            if c.can_reply or (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs):
                age = c.start_time - item._date
                if age.days < g.REPLY_AGE_LIMIT:
                    item.can_reply = True

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = not profilepage and (
                item._deleted or (item._spam and item.author != user and not item.show_spam)

            extra_css = ""
            if item.deleted:
                extra_css += "grayed"
                if not user_is_admin:
                    item.author = DeletedUser()
                    item.body = "[deleted]"

            if focal_comment == item._id36:
                extra_css += " border"

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = (item.score < min_score) and not (profilepage or item.deleted or user_is_admin)

            item.editted = getattr(item, "editted", False)

            item.render_css_class = "comment %s" % CachedVariable("time_period")

            # will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)

            item.is_author = user == item.author
            item.is_focal = focal_comment == item._id36

            # will seem less horrible when add_props is in pages.py
            from r2.lib.pages import UserText

            item.usertext = UserText(
        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def wrap_items(self, items):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr
        user = c.user if c.user_is_loggedin else None

        #get authors
        #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
        #comments and messages?

        aids = set(l.author_id for l in items
                   if hasattr(l, 'author_id') and l.author_id is not None)

        authors = {}
        cup_infos = {}
        email_attrses = {}
        friend_rels = None
        if aids:
            authors = Account._byID(aids, True) if aids else {}
            cup_infos = Account.cup_info_multi(aids)
            if c.user_is_admin:
                email_attrses = admintools.email_attrs(aids, return_dict=True)
            if c.user.gold:
                friend_rels = c.user.friend_rels()

        subreddits = Subreddit.load_subreddits(items)

        if not user:
            can_ban_set = set()
            can_ban_set = set(id for (id, sr) in subreddits.iteritems()
                              if sr.can_ban(user))

        #get likes/dislikes
        likes = queries.get_likes(user, items)
        uid = user._id if user else None

        types = {}
        wrapped = []
        count = 0

        modlink = {}
        modlabel = {}
        for s in subreddits.values():
            modlink[s._id] = '/r/%s/about/moderators' % s.name
            modlabel[s._id] = (
                _('moderator of /r/%(reddit)s, speaking officially') %

        for item in items:
            w = self.wrap(item)
            # add for caching (plus it should be bad form to use _
            # variables in templates)
            w.fullname = item._fullname
            types.setdefault(w.render_class, []).append(w)

            #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
            #comments and messages?
            w.author = None
            w.friend = False

            # List of tuples (see add_attr() for details)
            w.attribs = []

            w.distinguished = None
            if hasattr(item, "distinguished"):
                if item.distinguished == 'yes':
                    w.distinguished = 'moderator'
                elif item.distinguished == 'admin':
                    w.distinguished = 'admin'

                w.author = authors.get(item.author_id)
                if user and item.author_id in user.friends:
                    # deprecated old way:
                    w.friend = True

                    # new way:
                    label = None
                    if friend_rels:
                        rel = friend_rels[item.author_id]
                        note = getattr(rel, "note", None)
                        if note:
                            label = "%s (%s)" % (_("friend"), note)
                    add_attr(w.attribs, 'F', label)

            except AttributeError:

            if (w.distinguished == 'admin' and w.author
                    and w.author.name in g.admins):
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'A')

            if w.distinguished == 'moderator':

            if False and w.author and c.user_is_admin:
                for attr in email_attrses[w.author._id]:
                    add_attr(w.attribs, attr[2], label=attr[1])

            if w.author and w.author._id in cup_infos and not c.profilepage:
                cup_info = cup_infos[w.author._id]
                label = _(cup_info["label_template"]) % \
                         'trophy:' + cup_info["img_url"],
                         link="/user/%s" % w.author.name)

            if hasattr(item, "sr_id") and item.sr_id is not None:
                w.subreddit = subreddits[item.sr_id]

            w.likes = likes.get((user, item))

            # update vote tallies
            compute_votes(w, item)

            w.score = w.upvotes - w.downvotes

            if w.likes:
                base_score = w.score - 1
            elif w.likes is None:
                base_score = w.score
                base_score = w.score + 1

            # store the set of available scores based on the vote
            # for ease of i18n when there is a label
            w.voting_score = [(base_score + x - 1) for x in range(3)]

            w.deleted = item._deleted

            w.link_notes = []

            if c.user_is_admin:
                if item._deleted:
                    w.link_notes.append("deleted link")
                if getattr(item, "verdict", None):
                    if not item.verdict.endswith("-approved"):

            w.rowstyle = getattr(w, 'rowstyle', "")
            w.rowstyle += ' ' + ('even' if (count % 2) else 'odd')

            count += 1

            if c.user_is_admin and getattr(item, 'ip', None):
                w.ip_span = ip_span(item.ip)
                w.ip_span = ""

            # if the user can ban things on a given subreddit, or an
            # admin, then allow them to see that the item is spam, and
            # add the other spam-related display attributes
            w.show_reports = False
            w.show_spam = False
            w.can_ban = False
            w.reveal_trial_info = False
            w.use_big_modbuttons = False

            if (c.user_is_admin or (user and hasattr(item, 'sr_id')
                                    and item.sr_id in can_ban_set)):
                if getattr(item, "promoted", None) is None:
                    w.can_ban = True

                ban_info = getattr(item, 'ban_info', {})
                w.unbanner = ban_info.get('unbanner')

                if item._spam:
                    w.show_spam = True
                    w.moderator_banned = ban_info.get('moderator_banned',
                    w.autobanned = ban_info.get('auto', False)
                    w.banner = ban_info.get('banner')
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True
                    if getattr(w, "author", None) and w.author._spam:
                        w.show_spam = "author"

                elif getattr(item, 'reported', 0) > 0:
                    w.show_reports = True
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True

        # recache the user object: it may be None if user is not logged in,
        # whereas now we are happy to have the UnloggedUser object
        user = c.user
        for cls in types.keys():
            cls.add_props(user, types[cls])

        return wrapped
Exemplo n.º 6
    def wrap_items(self, items):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr
        user = c.user if c.user_is_loggedin else None

        #get authors
        #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
        #comments and messages?

        aids = set(l.author_id for l in items if hasattr(l, 'author_id')
                   and l.author_id is not None)

        authors = {}
        cup_infos = {}
        email_attrses = {}
        friend_rels = None
        if aids:
            authors = Account._byID(aids, data=True, stale=self.stale) if aids else {}
            cup_infos = Account.cup_info_multi(aids)
            if c.user_is_admin:
                email_attrses = admintools.email_attrs(aids, return_dict=True)
            if user and user.gold:
                friend_rels = user.friend_rels()

        subreddits = Subreddit.load_subreddits(items, stale=self.stale)

        if not user:
            can_ban_set = set()
            can_ban_set = set(id for (id,sr) in subreddits.iteritems()
                              if sr.can_ban(user))

        #get likes/dislikes
            likes = queries.get_likes(user, items)
        except tdb_cassandra.TRANSIENT_EXCEPTIONS as e:
            g.log.warning("Cassandra vote lookup failed: %r", e)
            likes = {}
        uid = user._id if user else None

        types = {}
        wrapped = []
        count = 0

        modlink = {}
        modlabel = {}
        for s in subreddits.values():
            modlink[s._id] = '/r/%s/about/moderators' % s.name
            modlabel[s._id] = (_('moderator of /r/%(reddit)s, speaking officially') %
                        dict(reddit = s.name) )

        for item in items:
            w = self.wrap(item)
            # add for caching (plus it should be bad form to use _
            # variables in templates)
            w.fullname = item._fullname
            types.setdefault(w.render_class, []).append(w)

            #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
            #comments and messages?
            w.author = None
            w.friend = False

            # List of tuples (see add_attr() for details)
            w.attribs = []

            w.distinguished = None
            if hasattr(item, "distinguished"):
                if item.distinguished == 'yes':
                    w.distinguished = 'moderator'
                elif item.distinguished in ('admin', 'special'):
                    w.distinguished = item.distinguished

                w.author = authors.get(item.author_id)
                if user and item.author_id in user.friends:
                    # deprecated old way:
                    w.friend = True

                    # new way:
                    label = None
                    if friend_rels:
                        rel = friend_rels[item.author_id]
                        note = getattr(rel, "note", None)
                        if note:
                            label = u"%s (%s)" % (_("friend"), 
                    add_attr(w.attribs, 'F', label)

            except AttributeError:

            if (w.distinguished == 'admin' and w.author):
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'A')

            if w.distinguished == 'moderator':
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'M', label=modlabel[item.sr_id],
            if w.distinguished == 'special':
                args = w.author.special_distinguish()
                if not args.get('kind'):
                    args['kind'] = 'special'
                add_attr(w.attribs, **args)

            if False and w.author and c.user_is_admin:
                for attr in email_attrses[w.author._id]:
                    add_attr(w.attribs, attr[2], label=attr[1])

            if w.author and w.author._id in cup_infos and not c.profilepage:
                cup_info = cup_infos[w.author._id]
                label = _(cup_info["label_template"]) % \
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'trophy:' + cup_info["img_url"],
                         link = "/user/%s" % w.author.name)

            if hasattr(item, "sr_id") and item.sr_id is not None:
                w.subreddit = subreddits[item.sr_id]

            w.likes = likes.get((user, item))

            # update vote tallies
            compute_votes(w, item)

            w.score = w.upvotes - w.downvotes

            if w.likes:
                base_score = w.score - 1
            elif w.likes is None:
                base_score = w.score
                base_score = w.score + 1

            # store the set of available scores based on the vote
            # for ease of i18n when there is a label
            w.voting_score = [(base_score + x - 1) for x in range(3)]

            w.deleted = item._deleted

            w.link_notes = []

            if c.user_is_admin:
                if item._deleted:
                    w.link_notes.append("deleted link")
                if getattr(item, "verdict", None):
                    if not item.verdict.endswith("-approved"):

            w.rowstyle = getattr(w, 'rowstyle', "")
            w.rowstyle += ' ' + ('even' if (count % 2) else 'odd')

            count += 1

            if c.user_is_admin and getattr(item, 'ip', None):
                w.ip_span = ip_span(item.ip)
                w.ip_span = ""

            # if the user can ban things on a given subreddit, or an
            # admin, then allow them to see that the item is spam, and
            # add the other spam-related display attributes
            w.show_reports = False
            w.show_spam    = False
            w.can_ban      = False
            w.reveal_trial_info = False
            w.use_big_modbuttons = False

            if (c.user_is_admin
                or (user
                    and hasattr(item,'sr_id')
                    and item.sr_id in can_ban_set)):
                if getattr(item, "promoted", None) is None:
                    w.can_ban = True

                ban_info = getattr(item, 'ban_info', {})
                w.unbanner = ban_info.get('unbanner')

                if item._spam:
                    w.show_spam = True
                    w.moderator_banned = ban_info.get('moderator_banned', False)
                    w.autobanned = ban_info.get('auto', False)
                    w.banner = ban_info.get('banner')
                    if ban_info.get('note', None) and w.banner:
                        w.banner += ' (%s)' % ban_info['note']
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True
                    if getattr(w, "author", None) and w.author._spam:
                        w.show_spam = "author"

                elif getattr(item, 'reported', 0) > 0:
                    w.show_reports = True
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True

        # recache the user object: it may be None if user is not logged in,
        # whereas now we are happy to have the UnloggedUser object
        user = c.user
        for cls in types.keys():
            cls.add_props(user, types[cls])

        return wrapped
Exemplo n.º 7
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr, get_domain
        from r2.lib import promote
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable
        from r2.lib.pages import WrappedUser

        #fetch parent links
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped), data = True,
                           return_dict = True, stale=True)

        # fetch authors
        authors = Account._byID(set(l.author_id for l in links.values()), data=True, 
                                return_dict=True, stale=True)

        #get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, 'sr_id'):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id

        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped),
                                     data=True, return_dict=False, stale=True)
        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)
        parent_ids = set(cm.parent_id for cm in wrapped
                         if getattr(cm, 'parent_id', None)
                         and cm.parent_id not in cids)
        parents = {}
        if parent_ids:
            parents = Comment._byID(parent_ids, data=True, stale=True)

        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user)) \
                        if c.user_is_loggedin else set()

        min_score = user.pref_min_comment_score

        profilepage = c.profilepage
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        focal_comment = c.focal_comment
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        for item in wrapped:
            # for caching:
            item.profilepage = c.profilepage
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)

            if (item.link._score <= 1 or item.score < 3 or
                item.link._spam or item._spam or item.author._spam):
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if not hasattr(item, 'subreddit'):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if item.author_id == item.link.author_id and not item.link._deleted:
                add_attr(item.attribs, 'S',
                         link = item.link.make_permalink(item.subreddit))
            if not hasattr(item, 'target'):
                item.target = "_top" if cname else None
            if item.parent_id:
                if item.parent_id in cids:
                    item.parent_permalink = '#' + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None

            item.can_reply = False
            if c.can_reply or (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs):
                age = datetime.now(g.tz) - item._date
                if age.days < g.REPLY_AGE_LIMIT:
                    item.can_reply = True

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = (not profilepage and
                           (item._deleted or
                            (item._spam and
                             item.author != user and
                             not item.show_spam)))

            extra_css = ''
            if item.deleted:
                extra_css += "grayed"
                if not user_is_admin:
                    item.author = DeletedUser()
                    item.body = '[deleted]'

            if focal_comment == item._id36:
                extra_css += " border"

            if profilepage:
                item.link_author = WrappedUser(authors[item.link.author_id])

                item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
                if cname:
                    item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + 
                         get_domain(cname = (site == item.subreddit),
                                    subreddit = False))
                    if site != item.subreddit:
                        item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path

            item.full_comment_path = item.link.make_permalink(item.subreddit)

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = False
            if ((item.score < min_score) and not (profilepage or
                item.deleted or user_is_admin)):
                item.collapsed = True
                item.collapsed_reason = _("comment score below threshold")
            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id in c.user.enemies:
                if "grayed" not in extra_css:
                    extra_css += " grayed"
                item.collapsed = True
                item.collapsed_reason = _("blocked user")

            item.editted = getattr(item, "editted", False)

            item.render_css_class = "comment %s" % CachedVariable("time_period")

            #will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)
            item.is_focal  = (focal_comment == item._id36)

            item_age = c.start_time - item._date
            if item_age.days > g.VOTE_AGE_LIMIT:
                item.votable = False
                item.votable = True

            #will seem less horrible when add_props is in pages.py
            from r2.lib.pages import UserText
            item.usertext = UserText(item, item.body,
                                     editable = item.is_author,
                                     nofollow = item.nofollow,
                                     target = item.target,
                                     extra_css = extra_css)
        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr, get_domain
        from r2.lib import promote
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable
        from r2.lib.pages import WrappedUser

        #fetch parent links
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped),

        # fetch authors
        authors = Account._byID(set(l.author_id for l in links.values()),

        #get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, 'sr_id'):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id

        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped),
        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)
        parent_ids = set(
            cm.parent_id for cm in wrapped
            if getattr(cm, 'parent_id', None) and cm.parent_id not in cids)
        parents = {}
        if parent_ids:
            parents = Comment._byID(parent_ids, data=True, stale=True)

        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user)) \
                        if c.user_is_loggedin else set()

        min_score = user.pref_min_comment_score

        profilepage = c.profilepage
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        focal_comment = c.focal_comment
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        for item in wrapped:
            # for caching:
            item.profilepage = c.profilepage
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)

            if (item.link._score <= 1 or item.score < 3 or item.link._spam
                    or item._spam or item.author._spam):
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if not hasattr(item, 'subreddit'):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if item.author_id == item.link.author_id and not item.link._deleted:
            if not hasattr(item, 'target'):
                item.target = "_top" if cname else None
            if item.parent_id:
                if item.parent_id in cids:
                    item.parent_permalink = '#' + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(
                        item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None

            item.can_reply = False
            if c.can_reply or (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs):
                age = datetime.now(g.tz) - item._date
                if age.days < g.REPLY_AGE_LIMIT:
                    item.can_reply = True

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = (
                not profilepage and
                (item._deleted or
                 (item._spam and item.author != user and not item.show_spam)))

            extra_css = ''
            if item.deleted:
                extra_css += "grayed"
                if not user_is_admin:
                    item.author = DeletedUser()
                    item.body = '[deleted]'

            if focal_comment == item._id36:
                extra_css += " border"

            if profilepage:
                item.link_author = WrappedUser(authors[item.link.author_id])

                item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
                if cname:
                    item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + get_domain(
                        cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False))
                    if site != item.subreddit:
                        item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path

            item.full_comment_path = item.link.make_permalink(item.subreddit)

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = False
            if ((item.score < min_score)
                    and not (profilepage or item.deleted or user_is_admin)):
                item.collapsed = True
                item.collapsed_reason = _("comment score below threshold")
            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id in c.user.enemies:
                if "grayed" not in extra_css:
                    extra_css += " grayed"
                item.collapsed = True
                item.collapsed_reason = _("blocked user")

            item.editted = getattr(item, "editted", False)

            item.render_css_class = "comment %s" % CachedVariable(

            #will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)
            item.is_focal = (focal_comment == item._id36)

            item_age = c.start_time - item._date
            if item_age.days > g.VOTE_AGE_LIMIT:
                item.votable = False
                item.votable = True

            #will seem less horrible when add_props is in pages.py
            from r2.lib.pages import UserText
            item.usertext = UserText(item,
        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def wrap_items(self, items):
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr
        user = c.user if c.user_is_loggedin else None

        #get authors
        #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
        #comments and messages?

            aids = set(l.author_id for l in items)
        except AttributeError:
            aids = None

        authors = Account._byID(aids, True) if aids else {}
        # srids = set(l.sr_id for l in items if hasattr(l, "sr_id"))
        subdiggs = Subreddit.load_subreddits(items)

        if not user:
            can_ban_set = set()
            can_ban_set = set(id for (id,sr) in subdiggs.iteritems()
                              if sr.can_ban(user))

        #get likes/dislikes
        #TODO Vote.likes should accept empty lists
        likes = Vote.likes(user, items) if user and items else {}

        uid = user._id if user else None

        types = {}
        wrapped = []
        count = 0

        if isinstance(c.site, FakeSubdigg):
            mods = []
            mods = c.site.moderators
            modlink = ''
            if c.cname:
                modlink = '/about/moderators'
                modlink = '/r/%s/about/moderators' % c.site.name

            modlabel = (_('moderator of /r/%(digg)s, speaking officially') %
                        dict(digg = c.site.name) )

        for item in items:
            w = self.wrap(item)
            # add for caching (plus it should be bad form to use _
            # variables in templates)
            w.fullname = item._fullname
            types.setdefault(w.render_class, []).append(w)

            #TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
            #comments and messages?
            w.author = None
            w.friend = False

            # List of tuples (see add_attr() for details)
            w.attribs = []

            w.distinguished = None
            if hasattr(item, "distinguished"):
                if item.distinguished == 'yes':
                    w.distinguished = 'moderator'
                elif item.distinguished == 'admin':
                    w.distinguished = 'admin'

                w.author = authors.get(item.author_id)
                if user and item.author_id in user.friends:
                        # deprecated old way:
                        w.friend = True
                        # new way:
                        add_attr(w.attribs, 'F')

            except AttributeError:

            if (w.distinguished == 'admin' and
                w.author and w.author.name in g.admins):
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'A')

            if (w.distinguished == 'moderator' and
                getattr(item, "author_id", None) in mods):
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'M', label=modlabel, link=modlink)

            if (g.show_awards and w.author
                              and w.author.should_show_cup()):
                add_attr(w.attribs, 'trophy', label=
                    _("%(user)s recently won a trophy! click here to see it.")
                         % {'user':w.author.name},
                     link = "/user/%s" % w.author.name)

            if hasattr(item, "sr_id"):
                w.subdigg = subreddits[item.sr_id]

            vote = likes.get((user, item))
            if vote:
                w.likes = (True if vote._name == '1'
                             else False if vote._name == '-1'
                             else None)
                w.likes = None

            # update vote tallies
            compute_votes(w, item)
            w.score = w.upvotes - w.downvotes
            if w.likes:
                base_score = w.score - 1
            elif w.likes is None:
                base_score = w.score
                base_score = w.score + 1
            # store the set of available scores based on the vote
            # for ease of i18n when there is a label
            w.voting_score = [(base_score + x - 1) for x in range(3)]

            w.deleted = item._deleted

            w.rowstyle = getattr(w, 'rowstyle', "")
            w.rowstyle += ' ' + ('even' if (count % 2) else 'odd')

            count += 1

            if c.user_is_admin and getattr(item, 'ip', None):
                w.ip_span = ip_span(item.ip)
                w.ip_span = ""

            # if the user can ban things on a given subdigg, or an
            # admin, then allow them to see that the item is spam, and
            # add the other spam-related display attributes
            w.show_reports = False
            w.show_spam    = False
            w.can_ban      = False
            if (c.user_is_admin
                or (user
                    and hasattr(item,'sr_id')
                    and item.sr_id in can_ban_set)):
                w.can_ban = True
                if item._spam:
                    w.show_spam = True
                    ban_info = getattr(item, 'ban_info', {})
                    w.moderator_banned = ban_info.get('moderator_banned', False)
                    w.autobanned = ban_info.get('auto', False)
                    w.banner = ban_info.get('banner')

                elif getattr(item, 'reported', 0) > 0:
                    w.show_reports = True

        # recache the user object: it may be None if user is not logged in,
        # whereas now we are happy to have the UnloggedUser object
        user = c.user
        for cls in types.keys():
            cls.add_props(user, types[cls])

        return wrapped
Exemplo n.º 10
    def wrap_items(self, items):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr

        user = c.user if c.user_is_loggedin else None

        # get authors
        # TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
        # comments and messages?

        aids = set(l.author_id for l in items if hasattr(l, "author_id") and l.author_id is not None)

        authors = {}
        cup_infos = {}
        email_attrses = {}
        friend_rels = None
        if aids:
            authors = Account._byID(aids, True) if aids else {}
            cup_infos = Account.cup_info_multi(aids)
            if c.user_is_admin:
                email_attrses = admintools.email_attrs(aids, return_dict=True)
            if c.user.gold:
                friend_rels = c.user.friend_rels()

        subreddits = Subreddit.load_subreddits(items)

        if not user:
            can_ban_set = set()
            can_ban_set = set(id for (id, sr) in subreddits.iteritems() if sr.can_ban(user))

        # get likes/dislikes
        likes = queries.get_likes(user, items)
        uid = user._id if user else None

        types = {}
        wrapped = []
        count = 0

        modlink = {}
        modlabel = {}
        for s in subreddits.values():
            modlink[s._id] = "/r/%s/about/moderators" % s.name
            modlabel[s._id] = _("moderator of /r/%(reddit)s, speaking officially") % dict(reddit=s.name)

        for item in items:
            w = self.wrap(item)
            # add for caching (plus it should be bad form to use _
            # variables in templates)
            w.fullname = item._fullname
            types.setdefault(w.render_class, []).append(w)

            # TODO pull the author stuff into add_props for links and
            # comments and messages?
            w.author = None
            w.friend = False

            # List of tuples (see add_attr() for details)
            w.attribs = []

            w.distinguished = None
            if hasattr(item, "distinguished"):
                if item.distinguished == "yes":
                    w.distinguished = "moderator"
                elif item.distinguished == "admin":
                    w.distinguished = "admin"

                w.author = authors.get(item.author_id)
                if user and item.author_id in user.friends:
                    # deprecated old way:
                    w.friend = True

                    # new way:
                    label = None
                    if friend_rels:
                        rel = friend_rels[item.author_id]
                        note = getattr(rel, "note", None)
                        if note:
                            label = "%s (%s)" % (_("friend"), note)
                    add_attr(w.attribs, "F", label)

            except AttributeError:

            if w.distinguished == "admin" and w.author and w.author.name in g.admins:
                add_attr(w.attribs, "A")

            if w.distinguished == "moderator":
                add_attr(w.attribs, "M", label=modlabel[item.sr_id], link=modlink[item.sr_id])

            if False and w.author and c.user_is_admin:
                for attr in email_attrses[w.author._id]:
                    add_attr(w.attribs, attr[2], label=attr[1])

            if w.author and w.author._id in cup_infos and not c.profilepage:
                cup_info = cup_infos[w.author._id]
                label = _(cup_info["label_template"]) % {"user": w.author.name}
                add_attr(w.attribs, "trophy:" + cup_info["img_url"], label=label, link="/user/%s" % w.author.name)

            if hasattr(item, "sr_id") and item.sr_id is not None:
                w.subreddit = subreddits[item.sr_id]

            w.likes = likes.get((user, item))

            # update vote tallies
            compute_votes(w, item)

            w.score = w.upvotes - w.downvotes

            if w.likes:
                base_score = w.score - 1
            elif w.likes is None:
                base_score = w.score
                base_score = w.score + 1

            # store the set of available scores based on the vote
            # for ease of i18n when there is a label
            w.voting_score = [(base_score + x - 1) for x in range(3)]

            w.deleted = item._deleted

            w.link_notes = []

            if c.user_is_admin:
                if item._deleted:
                    w.link_notes.append("deleted link")
                if getattr(item, "verdict", None):
                    if not item.verdict.endswith("-approved"):

            w.rowstyle = getattr(w, "rowstyle", "")
            w.rowstyle += " " + ("even" if (count % 2) else "odd")

            count += 1

            if c.user_is_admin and getattr(item, "ip", None):
                w.ip_span = ip_span(item.ip)
                w.ip_span = ""

            # if the user can ban things on a given subreddit, or an
            # admin, then allow them to see that the item is spam, and
            # add the other spam-related display attributes
            w.show_reports = False
            w.show_spam = False
            w.can_ban = False
            w.reveal_trial_info = False
            w.use_big_modbuttons = False

            if c.user_is_admin or (user and hasattr(item, "sr_id") and item.sr_id in can_ban_set):
                if getattr(item, "promoted", None) is None:
                    w.can_ban = True

                ban_info = getattr(item, "ban_info", {})
                w.unbanner = ban_info.get("unbanner")

                if item._spam:
                    w.show_spam = True
                    w.moderator_banned = ban_info.get("moderator_banned", False)
                    w.autobanned = ban_info.get("auto", False)
                    w.banner = ban_info.get("banner")
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True
                    if getattr(w, "author", None) and w.author._spam:
                        w.show_spam = "author"

                elif getattr(item, "reported", 0) > 0:
                    w.show_reports = True
                    w.use_big_modbuttons = True

        # recache the user object: it may be None if user is not logged in,
        # whereas now we are happy to have the UnloggedUser object
        user = c.user
        for cls in types.keys():
            cls.add_props(user, types[cls])

        return wrapped
Exemplo n.º 11
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr
        from r2.lib import promote
        #fetch parent links
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped), data = True,
                           return_dict = True)

        #get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, 'sr_id'):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id

        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped),
        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)
        parent_ids = set(cm.parent_id for cm in wrapped
                         if getattr(cm, 'parent_id', None)
                         and cm.parent_id not in cids)
        parents = {}
        if parent_ids:
            parents = Comment._byID(parent_ids, data=True)

        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user)) \
                        if c.user_is_loggedin else set()

        min_score = user.pref_min_comment_score

        profilepage = c.profilepage
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        focal_comment = c.focal_comment

        for item in wrapped:
            # for caching:
            item.profilepage = c.profilepage
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)

            if (item.link._score <= 1 or item.score < 3 or
                item.link._spam or item._spam or item.author._spam):
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if not hasattr(item, 'subreddit'):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if item.author_id == item.link.author_id and not item.link._deleted:
                add_attr(item.attribs, 'S',
                         link = item.link.make_permalink(item.subreddit))
            if not hasattr(item, 'target'):
                item.target = None
            if item.parent_id:
                if item.parent_id in cids:
                    item.parent_permalink = '#' + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None

            item.can_reply = False
            if c.can_reply or (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs):
                age = c.start_time - item._date
                if age.days < g.REPLY_AGE_LIMIT:
                    item.can_reply = True

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = (not profilepage and
                           (item._deleted or
                            (item._spam and
                             item.author != user and
                             not item.show_spam)))

            extra_css = ''
            if item.deleted:
                extra_css += "grayed"
                if not user_is_admin:
                    item.author = DeletedUser()
                    item.body = '[deleted]'

            if focal_comment == item._id36:
                extra_css += " border"

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = ((item.score < min_score) and
                             not (profilepage or
                                  item.deleted or

            item.editted = getattr(item, "editted", False)

            #will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)
            item.is_focal  = (focal_comment == item._id36)

            #will seem less horrible when add_props is in pages.py
            from r2.lib.pages import UserText
            item.usertext = UserText(item, item.body,
                                     editable = item.is_author,
                                     nofollow = item.nofollow,
                                     target = item.target,
                                     extra_css = extra_css)
        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)