Exemplo n.º 1
def plot_model_fits(y, yhat, fitparams, err=None, palettes=[gpal, bpal], save=False, cdf=True, bw=.01):
    """ main plotting function for displaying model fit predictions over data
    sns.set(style='darkgrid', rc={'figure.facecolor':'white'}, font_scale=1.5)
    # extract model and fit info from fitparams
    nlevels = fitparams['nlevels']
    ssd, nssd, nss, nss_per, ssd_ix = fitparams.ssd_info
    quantiles = fitparams.quantiles

    # make colors and labels
    palettes = colors.get_cpals(aslist=True)[:nlevels]
    clrs = [pal(2) for pal in palettes]
    lbls = get_plot_labels(fitparams)
    f, axes = plt.subplots(nlevels, 3, figsize=(14, 5*nlevels), sharey=True)
    # make two dimensional for iterating 1st dim
    axes = axes.reshape(nlevels, 3)
    plot_acc = scurves
    if nssd==1:
        plot_acc = plot_accuracy
    y_dat = unpack_vector(y, fitparams, bw=bw)
    y_kde = unpack_vector(y, fitparams, bw=bw, kde=True)
    yhat_dat = unpack_vector(yhat, fitparams, bw=bw)
    if err is not None:
        y_err = unpack_vector(err, fitparams, bw=bw)
        sc_err = [e[0] for e in y_err]
        qp_err = [[e[1], e[2]] for e in y_err]
        sc_err, qp_err = [[None]*nlevels]*2

    for i, (ax1, ax2, ax3) in enumerate(axes):
        accdata = [y_dat[i][0], yhat_dat[i][0]]
        qpdata = [y_dat[i], yhat_dat[i]]
        plot_acc(accdata, err=sc_err[i], ssd=ssd[i], colors=clrs[i], labels=lbls[i], ax=ax1)
        plot_quantiles(qpdata, err=qp_err[i], quantiles=quantiles, colors=clrs[i], axes=[ax2,ax3], kde=y_kde[i], bw=bw)
    axes = format_axes(axes)
    if save:
        plt.savefig(fitparams['model_id']+'.png', dpi=600)
    if fitparams['fit_on']=='subjects' and save:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def plot_traces(self, style='HL', ax=None, label_x=True, save=False):

        cpals = get_cpals()
        sns.set(style='white', font_scale=1.5)
        if ax is None:
            f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 5))

        tr = self.onset
        titl = describe_model(self.depends_on)
        if style not in ['HL', 'HML']:
            gmu = [ggt.mean(axis=1) for ggt in self.go_traces]
            nmu = [ngt.mean(axis=1) for ngt in self.ng_traces]
            go_counts = [self.go_traces[i].shape[1]
                         for i in range(len(self.go_traces))]
            ng_counts = [self.ng_traces[i].shape[1]
                         for i in range(len(self.ng_traces))]
            go_lo_ri = randint(0, high=go_counts[0])
            go_hi_ri = randint(0, high=go_counts[-1])
            ng_lo_ri = randint(0, high=ng_counts[0])
            ng_hi_ri = randint(0, high=ng_counts[-1])
            ng_hi_ri = np.argmin(self.ng_traces[-1].iloc[-1, :])

            glow = self.go_traces[0].iloc[:, go_lo_ri].dropna().values
            #pd.concat(self.go_traces[1:3], axis=1).iloc[:,0]
            ghi = self.go_traces[-1].iloc[:, go_hi_ri].dropna().values

            nglow = self.ng_traces[0].iloc[:, ng_lo_ri].dropna().values
            nghi = self.ng_traces[-1].iloc[:, ng_hi_ri].dropna().values

            # return nglow, nghi
            gmu = [glow, ghi]
            nmu = [nglow, nghi]
            tr = [tr[0], tr[-1]]
            gc = ["#40ac5b", '#10ac1d']
            nc = ['#dc3c3c', '#d61b1b']
        #gc = cpals['gpal'](len(gmu))
        #nc = cpals['rpal'](len(nmu))

        gx = [tr[i] + np.arange(len(gmu[i])) * self.dt for i in range(len(gmu))]
        nx = [tr[i] + np.arange(len(nmu[i])) * self.dt for i in range(len(nmu))]
        ls = ['-', '-']
        for i in range(len(gmu)):
            ax.plot(gx[i], gmu[i], linestyle=ls[i], lw=1, color=gc[i])
            ax.fill_between(gx[i], gmu[i], y2=0, lw=1, color=gc[i], alpha=.25)
        for i in range(len(nmu)):
            ax.plot(nx[i], nmu[i], linestyle=ls[i], lw=1, color=nc[i])
            ax.fill_between(nx[i], nmu[i], y2=0, lw=1, color=nc[i], alpha=.25)

        ax.set_ylim(0, self.p['a'].max() * 1.01)
        ax.set_xlim(gx[-1].min() * .98, nx[0].max() * 1.05)
        if label_x:
            ax.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=26)
        ax.set_ylabel('$\\theta_{G}$', fontsize=30)

        if save:
            plt.savefig('_'.join([titl, self.decay, 'traces.png']), dpi=300)
            plt.savefig('_'.join([titl, self.decay, 'traces.svg']), format='svg', rasterized=True)
        return ax
Exemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/local/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from radd.tools import colors, analyze
from IPython.display import display, Latex
import warnings

warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module="matplotlib")
cdict = colors.get_cpals('all')
rpal = cdict['rpal']
bpal = cdict['bpal']
gpal = cdict['gpal']
ppal = cdict['ppal']
heat = cdict['heat']
cool = cdict['cool']
slate = cdict['slate']
sns.set(style='darkgrid', rc={'figure.facecolor':'white'}, font_scale=1.2)

def plot_model_fits(y, yhat, fitparams, err=None, palettes=[gpal, bpal], save=False, cdf=True, bw=.01):
    """ main plotting function for displaying model fit predictions over data
    sns.set(style='darkgrid', rc={'figure.facecolor':'white'}, font_scale=1.5)
    # extract model and fit info from fitparams
    nlevels = fitparams['nlevels']
    ssd, nssd, nss, nss_per, ssd_ix = fitparams.ssd_info