Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_list_anonymously_has_no_key(self, requests_mock: "Mocker_Type",
                                         root_url: str) -> None:
        url = urljoin(root_url, 'collections')

        # Don't really care about the response here, since we're just interested in the request
        # parameters. We test that this gives a valid response in a different test
        requests_mock.get(url, json={"collections": []})

        _ = Collection.list(profile="__anonymous__")

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        actual_url = history[0].url
        qs = parse_qs(urlsplit(actual_url).query)
        assert "key" not in qs
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_list_collections(self, collections):
     collections = Collection.list()
     assert len(collections) == 47
     assert isinstance(collections[0], Collection)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_list_collections(self) -> None:
     collections = Collection.list()
     assert isinstance(collections, list)
     assert isinstance(collections[0], Collection)