Exemplo n.º 1
    def create(unit_manager_obj, unit_description, local_state):
        """ PRIVATE: Create a new compute unit.
        # create and return pilot object
        computeunit = ComputeUnit()

        # Make a copy of the UD to work on without side-effects.
        ud_copy = copy.deepcopy(unit_description)

        # sanity check on description
        if  (not 'executable' in unit_description or \
             not unit_description['executable']   )  and \
            (not 'kernel'     in unit_description or \
             not unit_description['kernel']       )  :
            raise PilotException ("ComputeUnitDescription needs an executable or application kernel")

        # If staging directives exist, try to expand them
        if  ud_copy.input_staging:
            ud_copy.input_staging = expand_staging_directive(ud_copy.input_staging, logger)

        if  ud_copy.output_staging:
            ud_copy.output_staging = expand_staging_directive(ud_copy.output_staging, logger)

        computeunit._description = ud_copy
        computeunit._manager     = unit_manager_obj
        computeunit._worker      = unit_manager_obj._worker
        computeunit._uid         = ru.generate_id('unit.%(counter)06d', ru.ID_CUSTOM)
        computeunit._name        = unit_description['name']
        computeunit._local_state = local_state

        return computeunit
Exemplo n.º 2
    def create(unit_manager_obj, unit_description, local_state):
        """ PRIVATE: Create a new compute unit.
        # create and return pilot object
        computeunit = ComputeUnit()

        # Make a copy of the UD to work on without side-effects.
        ud_copy = copy.deepcopy(unit_description)

        # sanity check on description
        if  (not 'executable' in unit_description or \
             not unit_description['executable']   )  and \
            (not 'kernel'     in unit_description or \
             not unit_description['kernel']       )  :
            raise PilotException(
                "ComputeUnitDescription needs an executable or application kernel"

        # If staging directives exist, try to expand them
        if ud_copy.input_staging:
            ud_copy.input_staging = expand_staging_directive(
                ud_copy.input_staging, logger)

        if ud_copy.output_staging:
            ud_copy.output_staging = expand_staging_directive(
                ud_copy.output_staging, logger)

        computeunit._description = ud_copy
        computeunit._manager = unit_manager_obj
        computeunit._worker = unit_manager_obj._worker
        computeunit._uid = ru.generate_id('unit.%(counter)06d', ru.ID_CUSTOM)
        computeunit._name = unit_description['name']
        computeunit._local_state = local_state

        return computeunit
Exemplo n.º 3
    def stage_in(self, directives):
        """Stages the content of the staging directive into the pilot's
        staging area"""

        # Wait until we can assume the pilot directory to be created
        if self.state == NEW:
        elif self.state in [DONE, FAILED, CANCELED]:
            raise Exception("Pilot already finished, no need to stage anymore!")

        # Iterate over all directives
        for directive in expand_staging_directive(directives, logger):

            # TODO: respect flags in directive

            src_url = saga.Url(directive['source'])
            action = directive['action']

            # Convert the target url into a SAGA Url object
            tgt_url = saga.Url(directive['target'])
            # Create a pointer to the directory object that we will use
            tgt_dir_url = tgt_url

            if tgt_url.path.endswith('/'):
                # If the original target was a directory (ends with /),
                # we assume that the user wants the same filename as the source.
                tgt_filename = os.path.basename(src_url.path)
                # Otherwise, extract the filename and update the directory
                tgt_filename = os.path.basename(tgt_dir_url.path)
                tgt_dir_url.path = os.path.dirname(tgt_dir_url.path)

            # Handle special 'staging' scheme
            if tgt_dir_url.scheme == 'staging':

                # We expect a staging:///relative/path/file.txt URI,
                # as hostname would have unclear semantics currently.
                if tgt_dir_url.host:
                    raise Exception("hostname not supported with staging:// scheme")

                # Remove the leading slash to get a relative path from the staging area
                target = os.path.relpath(tgt_dir_url.path, '/')

                # Now base the target directory relative of the sandbox and staging prefix
                tgt_dir_url = saga.Url(os.path.join(self.sandbox, STAGING_AREA, target))

            # Define and open the staging directory for the pilot
            # We use the target dir construct here, so that we can create
            # the directory if it does not yet exist.
            target_dir = saga.filesystem.Directory(tgt_dir_url, flags=saga.filesystem.CREATE_PARENTS)

            if action == LINK:
                # TODO: Does this make sense?
                #log_message = 'Linking %s to %s' % (source, abs_target)
                #os.symlink(source, abs_target)
                logger.error("action 'LINK' not supported on pilot level staging")
                raise ValueError("action 'LINK' not supported on pilot level staging")
            elif action == COPY:
                # TODO: Does this make sense?
                #log_message = 'Copying %s to %s' % (source, abs_target)
                #shutil.copyfile(source, abs_target)
                logger.error("action 'COPY' not supported on pilot level staging")
                raise ValueError("action 'COPY' not supported on pilot level staging")
            elif action == MOVE:
                # TODO: Does this make sense?
                #log_message = 'Moving %s to %s' % (source, abs_target)
                #shutil.move(source, abs_target)
                logger.error("action 'MOVE' not supported on pilot level staging")
                raise ValueError("action 'MOVE' not supported on pilot level staging")
            elif action == TRANSFER:
                log_message = 'Transferring %s to %s' % (src_url, os.path.join(str(tgt_dir_url), tgt_filename))
                # Transfer the source file to the target staging area
                target_dir.copy(src_url, tgt_filename)
                raise Exception('Action %s not supported' % action)