Exemplo n.º 1
def add_score(request):
  if request.method != 'POST':
    players = Player.gql("WHERE owner = :owner AND active = True ORDER BY name", owner=request.user)
    return render_to_response(request, 'pingpong/addscore.html',
      { 'players': players, })
    mode = 'singles' # Used when we re-direct back to the main view
      # Find players. Save teams. Save game using a ranking system.
      t1p1 = get_object(Player, request.POST['t1p1'])
      t1p2 = get_object(Player, request.POST['t1p2'])
      t2p1 = get_object(Player, request.POST['t2p1'])
      t2p2 = get_object(Player, request.POST['t2p2'])
      t1s = float(request.POST['t1s'])
      t2s = float(request.POST['t2s'])
      t1 = db_create(Team, player1=t1p1, player2=t1p2, points=t1s)
      t2 = db_create(Team, player1=t2p1, player2=t2p2, points=t2s)
      game = db_create(Game, team1=t1, team2=t2)
      save_player_games(game, t1p1, t1p2, t2p1, t2p2, t1s, t2s)
      doubles = (t1p1 != None and t1p2 != None and t2p1 != None and t2p2 != None)
      if doubles:
        mode = 'doubles'
      ranking_system = DefaultRankingSystem()
      ranking_system.save_game(t1p1=t1p1, t1p2=t1p2, t2p1=t2p1, t2p2=t2p2, 
        t1s=t1s, t2s=t2s, t1=t1, t2=t2, game=game, doubles=doubles)
      response_dict = { 'status': True, 'message': 'Scores successfully saved.', 
        'mode': mode, 'game': str(game.key()) }
      logging.exception('There was a problem adding scores')
      response_dict = { 'status': False, 'message' : 'Hmmm... There was a problem saving your scores - please have another go.', 'mode': mode }
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_dict), mimetype='application/json')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def process_request(self, request):
        # Ignore port if it's 80 or 443
        if ':' in request.get_host():
            domain, port = request.get_host().split(':')
            if int(port) not in (80, 443):
                domain = request.get_host()
            domain = request.get_host().split(':')[0]

        # Try exact domain and fall back to with/without 'www.'
        site = Site.all().filter('domain =', domain).get()
        if not site:
            if domain.startswith('www.'):
                fallback_domain = domain[4:]
                fallback_domain = 'www.' + domain
            site = Site.all().filter('domain =', fallback_domain).get()

        # Add site if it doesn't exist
        if not site and getattr(settings, 'CREATE_SITES_AUTOMATICALLY', True):
            site = db_create(Site, domain=domain, name=domain)

        # Set SITE_ID for this thread/request
        if site:
            SITE_ID.value = str(site.key())
            SITE_ID.value = _default_site_id
Exemplo n.º 3
def settings(request):
  if request.method != 'POST':
    players = Player.gql("WHERE owner = :owner AND active = True ORDER BY name", owner=request.user)
    return render_to_response(request, 'pingpong/settings.html',
      { 'players': players, 'email': request.user.email })
    errors = {}
      # Save email address
      email = request.POST['email']
      if is_valid_email(email.strip()):
        user = request.user
        user.email = email.strip()
        errors['email'] = 'Invalid email address'

      # Add any new players
      new_players = request.POST['newplayers']
      if new_players:
        players = new_players.splitlines()
        for p in players:
          if len(p.strip()) > 0:
            db_create(Player, name=p.strip(), owner=request.user)

      # Update player names based on posted values
      for k, v in request.POST.items():
        if str(k).endswith('_player'): # Expected key format: <key>_player
          player = get_object(Player, str(k)[:-7])
          if player:
            if len(v.strip()) > 0:
              player.name = v # Value is the updated player name
              errors[str(k)[:-7]] = 'Invalid name'

      if len(errors) == 0:
        response_dict = { 'status': True, 'message': 'Settings successfully saved.' }
        response_dict = { 'status': False, 'message': 'Hmmm... There was a problem saving your settings - please have another go.',
          'errors': errors }
      return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_dict), mimetype='application/json')
      logging.exception('There was a problem saving settings')
      response_dict = { 'status': False, 'message': 'Hmmm... There was a problem saving your settings - please have another go.',
        'errors': errors }
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_dict), mimetype='application/json')
Exemplo n.º 4
def save_player_games(game, p1, p2, p3, p4, t1s, t2s):
  if p1 != None:
    db_create(PlayerGame, player=p1, game=game, date_played=game.date_played, won=game.won(p1),
              t1p1=p1, t1p2=p2, t2p1=p3, t2p2=p4, team1_points=t1s, team2_points=t2s)
  if p2 != None:
    db_create(PlayerGame, player=p2, game=game, date_played=game.date_played, won=game.won(p2),
              t1p1=p1, t1p2=p2, t2p1=p3, t2p2=p4, team1_points=t1s, team2_points=t2s)
  if p3 != None:
    db_create(PlayerGame, player=p3, game=game, date_played=game.date_played, won=game.won(p3),
              t1p1=p1, t1p2=p2, t2p1=p3, t2p2=p4, team1_points=t1s, team2_points=t2s)
  if p4 != None:
    db_create(PlayerGame, player=p4, game=game, date_played=game.date_played, won=game.won(p4),
              t1p1=p1, t1p2=p2, t2p1=p3, t2p2=p4, team1_points=t1s, team2_points=t2s)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_user(self, rpx_auth_info):
        """Creates user based on the RPX authentication info."""
        username = rpx_auth_info.get_user_name()

        user = dbutils.db_create(User, username=username, email=rpx_auth_info.get_email())
        if not user:
            raise Exception('Cannot create user (name = %s)' % username)
        self.logger.debug("RpxBackend: Created user(%s) as %s\r\n" % (user.username, str(user)))
        user.is_active = True
        user.is_staff = False
        user.is_superuser = False
        rpxdata = RpxData(key_name=self.create_rpx_key(rpx_auth_info.get_rpx_id()), user=user)
        self.logger.debug("RpxBackend: RpxData created\r\n")

        return user
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_profile(request, form_class=None, success_url=None,
    Create a profile for the current user, if one doesn't already
    If the user already has a profile, as determined by
    ``request.user.get_profile()``, a redirect will be issued to the
    :view:`profiles.views.edit_profile` view. If no profile model has
    been specified in the ``AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE`` setting,
    ``django.contrib.auth.models.SiteProfileNotAvailable`` will be
    **Optional arguments:**
        A dictionary of variables to add to the template context. Any
        callable object in this dictionary will be called to produce
        the end result which appears in the context.

        The form class to use for validating and creating the user
        profile. This form class must define a method named
        ``save()``, implementing the same argument signature as the
        ``save()`` method of a standard Django ``ModelForm`` (this
        view will call ``save(commit=False)`` to obtain the profile
        object, and fill in the user before the final save). If the
        profile object includes many-to-many relations, the convention
        established by ``ModelForm`` of using a method named
        ``save_m2m()`` will be used, and so your form class should
        also define this method.
        If this argument is not supplied, this view will use a
        ``ModelForm`` automatically generated from the model specified
        by ``AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE``.
        The URL to redirect to after successful profile creation. If
        this argument is not supplied, this will default to the URL of
        :view:`profiles.views.profile_detail` for the newly-created
        profile object.
        The template to use when displaying the profile-creation
        form. If not supplied, this will default to
        The profile-creation form.
    ``template_name`` keyword argument, or
        profile_obj = request.user.get_profile()
        if profile_obj:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('profiles_edit_profile'))
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
    # We set up success_url here, rather than as the default value for
    # the argument. Trying to do it as the argument's default would
    # mean evaluating the call to reverse() at the time this module is
    # first imported, which introduces a circular dependency: to
    # perform the reverse lookup we need access to profiles/urls.py,
    # but profiles/urls.py in turn imports this module.
    if success_url is None:
        success_url = reverse('profiles_profile_detail',
                              kwargs={ 'username': request.user.username })
    if form_class is None:
        form_class = utils.get_profile_form()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_class(data=request.POST, files=request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            profile_obj = db_create(Prayerprofile,
                fname       = form.cleaned_data['fname'],
                nickname    = form.cleaned_data['nickname'],
                gender      = form.cleaned_data['gender'],
                bday        = form.cleaned_data['bday'],
                location    = form.cleaned_data['location'],
                avatar      = form.cleaned_data['avatar'],
                date_updated= form.cleaned_data['date_updated'],
                date_joined = form.cleaned_data['date_joined'],
                privacy     = form.cleaned_data['privacy'],
                latest_news = form.cleaned_data['latest_news'],
                user = request.user
            if hasattr(form, 'save_m2m'):
            return HttpResponseRedirect(success_url)
        form = form_class()
    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {}
    context = RequestContext(request)
    for key, value in extra_context.items():
        context[key] = callable(value) and value() or value
    return render_to_response(template_name,
                              { 'form': form },
Exemplo n.º 7
    p.singles_last_movement = 0.0
    p.singles_ranking_points = 100.0

# Creating new PlayerGame entities for extant data
from ragendja.dbutils import db_create
from pingpong.models import Player, Team, Game, PlayerGame

for p in Player.all():
  # Find all teams where p is player1 (no gql OR operator)
  teams = Team.gql("WHERE player1 = :player", player=p)
  for t in teams:
    # Delete all games in which t played
    games = Game.gql("WHERE team1 = :team", team=t)
    for g in games:
      db_create(PlayerGame, player=p, game=g, date_played=g.date_played)
    games = Game.gql("WHERE team2 = :team", team=t)
    for g in games:
      db_create(PlayerGame, player=p, game=g, date_played=g.date_played)
  # Find all teams where p is player2 (no gql OR operator)
  teams = Team.gql("WHERE player2 = :player", player=p)
  for t in teams:
    # Delete all games in which t played
    games = Game.gql("WHERE team1 = :team", team=t)
    for g in games:
      db_create(PlayerGame, player=p, game=g, date_played=g.date_played)
    games = Game.gql("WHERE team2 = :team", team=t)
    for g in games:
      db_create(PlayerGame, player=p, game=g, date_played=g.date_played)

# Populating extant PlayerGame entities with new won property