Exemplo n.º 1
def correction(match, conn, chan, message):
    :type match: re.__Match
    :type conn: ralybot.client.Client
    :type chan: str
    groups = [b.replace("\/", "/") for b in re.split(r"(?<!\\)/", match.groups()[0])]
    find = groups[0]
    replace = groups[1]
    if find == replace:
        return "Really dude? You want me to replace {} with {}?".format(find, replace)

    for item in conn.history[chan].__reversed__():
        nick, timestamp, msg = item
        if correction_re.match(msg):
            # Don't correct corrections, it just gets really confusing.

        if find.lower() in msg.lower():
            if "\x01ACTION" in msg:
                msg = msg.replace("\x01ACTION", "").replace("\x01", "")
                mod_msg = ireplace(msg, find, "\x02" + replace + "\x02")
                message("Correction, * {} {}".format(nick, mod_msg))
                mod_msg = ireplace(msg, find, "\x02" + replace + "\x02")
                message("Correction, <{}> {}".format(nick, mod_msg))

            msg = ireplace(msg, find, replace)
            conn.history[chan].append((nick, timestamp, msg))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_ireplace():
    assert ireplace(test_ireplace_input, "fox", "cat") == "The quick brown cat cat cat jumped over the lazy dog"
    assert ireplace(test_ireplace_input, "FOX", "cAt") == "The quick brown cAt cAt cAt jumped over the lazy dog"
    assert ireplace(test_ireplace_input, "fox", "cat", 1) == "The quick brown cat fox FOX jumped over the lazy dog"
    assert ireplace(test_ireplace_input, "fox", "cat", 2) == "The quick brown cat cat FOX jumped over the lazy dog"