class Dummy(Symbol): """Dummy symbols are each unique, even if they have the same name: >>> from sympy import Dummy >>> Dummy("x") == Dummy("x") False If a name is not supplied then a string value of an internal count will be used. This is useful when a temporary variable is needed and the name of the variable used in the expression is not important. >>> Dummy() #doctest: +SKIP _Dummy_10 """ # In the rare event that a Dummy object needs to be recreated, both the # `name` and `dummy_index` should be passed. This is used by `srepr` for # example: # >>> d1 = Dummy() # >>> d2 = eval(srepr(d1)) # >>> d2 == d1 # True # # If a new session is started between `srepr` and `eval`, there is a very # small chance that `d2` will be equal to a previously-created Dummy. _count = 0 _prng = random.Random() _base_dummy_index = _prng.randint(10**6, 9*10**6) __slots__ = ('dummy_index',) is_Dummy = True def __new__(cls, name=None, dummy_index=None, **assumptions): if dummy_index is not None: assert name is not None, "If you specify a dummy_index, you must also provide a name" if name is None: name = "Dummy_" + str(Dummy._count) if dummy_index is None: dummy_index = Dummy._base_dummy_index + Dummy._count Dummy._count += 1 cls._sanitize(assumptions, cls) obj = Symbol.__xnew__(cls, name, **assumptions) obj.dummy_index = dummy_index return obj def __getstate__(self): return {'_assumptions': self._assumptions, 'dummy_index': self.dummy_index} @cacheit def sort_key(self, order=None): return self.class_key(), ( 2, (, self.dummy_index)), S.One.sort_key(), S.One def _hashable_content(self): return Symbol._hashable_content(self) + (self.dummy_index,)
def main(args): def worker_init_fn(worker_id): np.random.seed(args.random_seed + worker_id) n_gpu = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available(): n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() np.random.seed(args.random_seed) random.seed(args.random_seed) rng = random.Random(args.random_seed) torch.manual_seed(args.random_seed) if n_gpu > 0: torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.random_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.random_seed) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True if not os.path.exists(args.save_dir): os.mkdir(args.save_dir) ontology = json.load(open(args.ontology_data)) slot_meta, ontology = make_slot_meta(ontology) op2id = OP_SET[args.op_code] # print(op2id) tokenizer = BertTokenizer(args.vocab_path, do_lower_case=True) train_data_raw = prepare_dataset(data_path=args.train_data_path, tokenizer=tokenizer, slot_meta=slot_meta, n_history=args.n_history, max_seq_length=args.max_seq_length, op_code=args.op_code, turn_weight=args.turn_weight, seq_num=args.seq_num) train_data = MultiWozDataset(train_data_raw, tokenizer, slot_meta, args.max_seq_length, rng, ontology, args.word_dropout, args.shuffle_state, args.shuffle_p) print("# train examples %d" % len(train_data_raw)) dev_data_raw = prepare_dataset(data_path=args.dev_data_path, tokenizer=tokenizer, slot_meta=slot_meta, n_history=args.n_history, max_seq_length=args.max_seq_length, op_code=args.op_code) print("# dev examples %d" % len(dev_data_raw)) test_data_raw = prepare_dataset(data_path=args.test_data_path, tokenizer=tokenizer, slot_meta=slot_meta, n_history=args.n_history, max_seq_length=args.max_seq_length, op_code=args.op_code) print("# test examples %d" % len(test_data_raw)) model_config = BertConfig.from_json_file(args.bert_config_path) model_config.dropout = args.dropout model_config.attention_probs_dropout_prob = args.attention_probs_dropout_prob model_config.hidden_dropout_prob = args.hidden_dropout_prob model = SomDST(model_config, len(op2id), len(domain2id), op2id['update'], args.exclude_domain) if not os.path.exists(args.bert_ckpt_path): args.bert_ckpt_path = download_ckpt(args.bert_ckpt_path, args.bert_config_path, 'assets') ckpt = torch.load(args.bert_ckpt_path, map_location='cpu') model.encoder.bert.load_state_dict(ckpt) # re-initialize added special tokens ([SLOT], [NULL], [EOS])[1].normal_(mean=0.0, std=0.02)[2].normal_(mean=0.0, std=0.02)[3].normal_(mean=0.0, std=0.02) num_train_steps = int(len(train_data_raw) / args.batch_size * args.n_epochs) no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.bias', 'LayerNorm.weight'] enc_param_optimizer = list(model.encoder.named_parameters()) enc_optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ {'params': [p for n, p in enc_param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.01}, {'params': [p for n, p in enc_param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0} ] enc_optimizer = AdamW(enc_optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=args.enc_lr) enc_scheduler = WarmupLinearSchedule(enc_optimizer, int(num_train_steps * args.enc_warmup), t_total=num_train_steps) dec_param_optimizer = list(model.decoder.parameters()) dec_optimizer = AdamW(dec_param_optimizer, lr=args.dec_lr) dec_scheduler = WarmupLinearSchedule(dec_optimizer, int(num_train_steps * args.dec_warmup), t_total=num_train_steps) if n_gpu > 1: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) train_sampler = RandomSampler(train_data) train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_data, sampler=train_sampler, batch_size=args.batch_size, collate_fn=train_data.collate_fn, num_workers=args.num_workers, worker_init_fn=worker_init_fn) loss_fnc = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none") best_score = {'epoch': 0, 'joint_acc': float("-inf"), 'op_acc': 0, 'final_slot_f1': 0} for epoch in range(args.n_epochs): batch_loss = [] model.train() for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader): batch = [ if not isinstance(b, int) else b for b in batch] input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, state_position_ids, op_ids, \ domain_ids, gen_ids, max_value, max_update, turn_weights = batch if rng.random() < args.decoder_teacher_forcing: # teacher forcing teacher = gen_ids else: teacher = None domain_scores, state_scores, gen_scores = model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=segment_ids, state_positions=state_position_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, max_value=max_value, op_ids=op_ids, max_update=max_update, teacher=teacher) # print(op_ids.view(-1)) # print(gen_scores) loss_s = loss_fnc(state_scores.view(-1, len(op2id)), op_ids.view(-1)) loss_g = masked_cross_entropy_for_value(gen_scores.contiguous(), gen_ids.contiguous(), turn_weights, tokenizer.vocab['[PAD]']) # there are 30 slots loss_s = loss_s.reshape(turn_weights.size()[0], 30) * turn_weights.repeat_interleave(30).reshape( turn_weights.size()[0], 30) loss_s = loss_s.mean() loss = loss_s + loss_g if args.exclude_domain is not True: loss_d = loss_fnc(domain_scores.view(-1, len(domain2id)), domain_ids.view(-1)).mean() # print(turn_weights) # print(loss_s.size(), loss_d.size(), loss_g.size()) loss = loss + loss_d batch_loss.append(loss.item()) loss.backward() enc_optimizer.step() enc_scheduler.step() dec_optimizer.step() dec_scheduler.step() model.zero_grad() if step % 100 == 0: if args.exclude_domain is not True: print("[%d/%d] [%d/%d] mean_loss : %.3f, state_loss : %.3f, gen_loss : %.3f, dom_loss : %.3f" \ % (epoch + 1, args.n_epochs, step, len(train_dataloader), np.mean(batch_loss), loss_s.item(), loss_g.item(), loss_d.item())) else: print("[%d/%d] [%d/%d] mean_loss : %.3f, state_loss : %.3f, gen_loss : %.3f" \ % (epoch + 1, args.n_epochs, step, len(train_dataloader), np.mean(batch_loss), loss_s.item(), loss_g.item())) batch_loss = [] if (epoch + 1) % args.eval_epoch == 0: eval_res = model_evaluation(model, dev_data_raw, tokenizer, slot_meta, epoch + 1, args.op_code,mode="dev") if eval_res['joint_acc'] > best_score['joint_acc']: best_score = eval_res model_to_save = model.module if hasattr(model, 'module') else model save_path = os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'model_best.bin'), save_path) print("Best Score : ", best_score) print("\n") print("Test using best model...") best_epoch = best_score['epoch'] ckpt_path = os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'model_best.bin') model = SomDST(model_config, len(op2id), len(domain2id), op2id['update'], args.exclude_domain) ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location='cpu') model.load_state_dict(ckpt) model_evaluation(model, test_data_raw, tokenizer, slot_meta, best_epoch, args.op_code, is_gt_op=False, is_gt_p_state=False, is_gt_gen=False, save_dir=args.save_dir, mode="test")
for k, v in inputs_dict.items(): if torch.is_tensor(v): inputs_dict[k] = for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config=config) model.eval() # Wrap model in nn.DataParallel model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) with torch.no_grad(): _ = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) global_rng = random.Random() def ids_tensor(shape, vocab_size, rng=None, name=None): # Creates a random int32 tensor of the shape within the vocab size if rng is None: rng = global_rng total_dims = 1 for dim in shape: total_dims *= dim values = [] for _ in range(total_dims): values.append(rng.randint(0, vocab_size - 1))
def main(args): # ----- solver and variable declaration ----- (nb_slabs, capacity, max_capacity, weights, colors, loss, color_orders) =\ ReadData( nb_colors = len(color_orders) solver = pywrapcp.Solver('Steel Mill Slab') x = [solver.IntVar(0, nb_slabs - 1, 'x' + str(i)) for i in range(nb_slabs)] load_vars = [ solver.IntVar(0, max_capacity - 1, 'load_vars' + str(i)) for i in range(nb_slabs) ] # ----- post of the constraints ----- # Bin Packing. BinPacking(solver, x, weights, load_vars) # At most two colors per slab. for s in range(nb_slabs): solver.Add( solver.SumLessOrEqual([ solver.Max([solver.IsEqualCstVar(x[c], s) for c in o]) for o in color_orders ], 2)) # ----- Objective ----- objective_var = \ solver.Sum([load_vars[s].IndexOf(loss) for s in range(nb_slabs)]).Var() objective = solver.Minimize(objective_var, 1) # ----- start the search and optimization ----- assign_db = SteelDecisionBuilder(x, nb_slabs, weights, loss, load_vars) first_solution = solver.Assignment() first_solution.Add(x) first_solution.AddObjective(objective_var) store_db = solver.StoreAssignment(first_solution) first_solution_db = solver.Compose([assign_db, store_db]) print('searching for initial solution,', end=' ') solver.Solve(first_solution_db) print('initial cost =', first_solution.ObjectiveValue()) # To search a fragment, we use a basic randomized decision builder. # We can also use assign_db instead of inner_db. inner_db = solver.Phase(x, solver.CHOOSE_RANDOM, solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE) # The most important aspect is to limit the time exploring each fragment. inner_limit = solver.FailuresLimit(args.lns_fail_limit) continuation_db = solver.SolveOnce(inner_db, [inner_limit]) # Now, we create the LNS objects. rand = random.Random() rand.seed(args.lns_random_seed) local_search_operator = SteelRandomLns(x, rand, args.lns_fragment_size) # This is in fact equivalent to the following predefined LNS operator: # local_search_operator = solver.RandomLNSOperator(x, # args.lns_fragment_size, # args.lns_random_seed) local_search_parameters = solver.LocalSearchPhaseParameters( local_search_operator, continuation_db) local_search_db = solver.LocalSearchPhase(first_solution, local_search_parameters) global_limit = solver.TimeLimit(args.time_limit) print('using LNS to improve the initial solution') search_log = solver.SearchLog(100000, objective_var) solver.NewSearch(local_search_db, [objective, search_log, global_limit]) while solver.NextSolution(): print('Objective:', objective_var.Value(),\ 'check:', sum(loss[load_vars[s].Min()] for s in range(nb_slabs))) solver.EndSearch()
from snake_game import SnakeGame import pygame import time import random rand = random.Random() class SnakeGameGUI(SnakeGame): def __init__(self, headless_mode=False): super().__init__() self.BLUE = (0, 0, 255) self.PURPLE = (255, 0, 255) self.BLACK = (0, 0, 0) self.RED = (255, 0, 0) self.SQUARESIZE = 10 self.WIDTH = self.SQUARESIZE * self.width self.HEIGHT = self.SQUARESIZE * self.height self.SIZE = (self.WIDTH + 400, self.HEIGHT) if headless_mode == False: self.SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode(self.SIZE) pygame.init() def draw_board(self): myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 50) self.SCREEN.fill(self.BLACK) for i in range(self.height): for j in range(self.width): # check for head, body, food if self.board[i, j] == 1:
def test_contract_receive_channelnew_must_be_idempotent(): block_number = 10 pseudo_random_generator = random.Random() token_network_id = factories.make_address() token_id = factories.make_address() token_network_state = TokenNetworkState(token_network_id, token_id) payment_network_identifier = factories.make_payment_network_identifier() amount = 30 our_balance = amount + 50 channel_state1 = factories.make_channel(our_balance=our_balance) channel_state2 = copy.deepcopy(channel_state1) state_change1 = ContractReceiveChannelNew( factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_id, channel_state1, ) token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, token_network_state, state_change1, pseudo_random_generator, block_number, ) # change the existing channel payment_identifier = 1 message_identifier = random.randint(0, UINT64_MAX) channel.send_directtransfer( channel_state1, amount, message_identifier, payment_identifier, ) state_change2 = ContractReceiveChannelNew( factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_id, channel_state2, ) # replay the ContractReceiveChannelNew state change iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, token_network_state, state_change2, pseudo_random_generator, block_number, ) msg = 'the channel must not been overwritten' channelmap_by_id = iteration.new_state.channelidentifiers_to_channels assert channelmap_by_id[channel_state1.identifier] == channel_state1, msg channelmap_by_address = iteration.new_state.partneraddresses_to_channels partner_channels = channelmap_by_address[ channel_state1.partner_state.address] assert partner_channels[channel_state1.identifier] == channel_state1, msg
def test_routing_updates( token_network_state, our_address, ): open_block_number = 10 pseudo_random_generator = random.Random() pkey1, address1 = factories.make_privkey_address() pkey2, address2 = factories.make_privkey_address() pkey3, address3 = factories.make_privkey_address() amount = 30 our_balance = amount + 50 channel_state = factories.make_channel( our_balance=our_balance, our_address=our_address, partner_balance=our_balance, partner_address=address1, ) payment_network_identifier = factories.make_payment_network_identifier() # create a new channel as participant, check graph update channel_new_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelNew( transaction_hash=factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_identifier=token_network_state.address, channel_state=channel_state, ) channel_new_iteration1 = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier=payment_network_identifier, token_network_state=token_network_state, state_change=channel_new_state_change, pseudo_random_generator=pseudo_random_generator, block_number=open_block_number, ) graph_state = channel_new_iteration1.new_state.network_graph assert channel_state.identifier in graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants assert len(graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants) == 1 assert[our_address][address1] is not None assert len( == 1 # create a new channel without being participant, check graph update new_channel_identifier = factories.make_channel_identifier() channel_new_state_change = ContractReceiveRouteNew( transaction_hash=factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_identifier=token_network_state.address, channel_identifier=new_channel_identifier, participant1=address2, participant2=address3, ) channel_new_iteration2 = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier=payment_network_identifier, token_network_state=channel_new_iteration1.new_state, state_change=channel_new_state_change, pseudo_random_generator=pseudo_random_generator, block_number=open_block_number + 10, ) graph_state = channel_new_iteration2.new_state.network_graph assert channel_state.identifier in graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants assert new_channel_identifier in graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants assert len(graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants) == 2 assert[our_address][address1] is not None assert[address2][address3] is not None assert len( == 2 # close the channel the node is a participant of, check edge is removed from graph closed_block_number = open_block_number + 20 channel_close_state_change1 = ContractReceiveChannelClosed( transaction_hash=factories.make_transaction_hash(), transaction_from=channel_state.partner_state.address, token_network_identifier=token_network_state.address, channel_identifier=channel_state.identifier, closed_block_number=closed_block_number, ) channel_closed_iteration1 = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier=payment_network_identifier, token_network_state=channel_new_iteration2.new_state, state_change=channel_close_state_change1, pseudo_random_generator=pseudo_random_generator, block_number=closed_block_number, ) # Check that a second ContractReceiveChannelClosed events is handled properly # This might have been sent from the other participant of the channel # See issue #2449 channel_close_state_change2 = ContractReceiveChannelClosed( transaction_hash=factories.make_transaction_hash(), transaction_from=channel_state.our_state.address, token_network_identifier=token_network_state.address, channel_identifier=channel_state.identifier, closed_block_number=closed_block_number, ) channel_closed_iteration2 = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier=payment_network_identifier, token_network_state=channel_closed_iteration1.new_state, state_change=channel_close_state_change2, pseudo_random_generator=pseudo_random_generator, block_number=closed_block_number, ) graph_state = channel_closed_iteration2.new_state.network_graph assert channel_state.identifier not in graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants assert new_channel_identifier in graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants assert len(graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants) == 1 assert[address2][address3] is not None assert len( == 1 # close the channel the node is not a participant of, check edge is removed from graph channel_close_state_change3 = ContractReceiveRouteClosed( transaction_hash=factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_identifier=token_network_state.address, channel_identifier=new_channel_identifier, ) channel_closed_iteration3 = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier=payment_network_identifier, token_network_state=channel_closed_iteration2.new_state, state_change=channel_close_state_change3, pseudo_random_generator=pseudo_random_generator, block_number=closed_block_number + 10, ) # Check that a second ContractReceiveRouteClosed events is handled properly. # This might have been sent from the second participant of the channel # See issue #2449 channel_close_state_change4 = ContractReceiveRouteClosed( transaction_hash=factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_identifier=token_network_state.address, channel_identifier=new_channel_identifier, ) channel_closed_iteration4 = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier=payment_network_identifier, token_network_state=channel_closed_iteration3.new_state, state_change=channel_close_state_change4, pseudo_random_generator=pseudo_random_generator, block_number=closed_block_number + 10, ) graph_state = channel_closed_iteration4.new_state.network_graph assert channel_state.identifier not in graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants assert new_channel_identifier not in graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants assert len(graph_state.channel_identifier_to_participants) == 0 assert len( == 0
def addition(G, num_walks, walklength, walks, es, edge, ind): G.add_edge(*edge, weight=1) node_i = str(edge[0]) node_j = str(edge[1]) allwalks_i = helpers.scan( client=es, query={"query": { "match_phrase": { "wlks": { "query": node_i } } }}, index=ind, size=10000, scroll='1m') allwalks_i = list(allwalks_i) degree_i =[0]) degree_j =[1]) sampled_i = random.sample(allwalks_i, int(len(allwalks_i) / degree_i)) blk = [] if len(sampled_i) > 0: for wk in sampled_i: wk_id = int(wk['_id']) wk_pos = random.choice( es.termvectors(index=ind, doc_type='walk', id=wk_id, field_statistics=False, term_statistics=False, offsets=False, positions=True, fields=['wlks'])['term_vectors']['wlks'] ['terms'][node_i]['tokens'])['position'] wk_pos = wk_pos % 100 walks[wk_id][wk_pos + 1:] = random_walk(G, walklength - wk_pos - 1, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=edge[1]) action = { "_op_type": 'update', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": int(wk['_id']), "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": ' '.join((walks[wk_id])) } } } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) allwalks_j = helpers.scan( client=es, query={"query": { "match_phrase": { "wlks": { "query": node_j } } }}, index=ind, size=10000, scroll='1m') allwalks_j = list(allwalks_j) sampled_j = random.sample(allwalks_j, int(len(allwalks_j) / degree_j)) blk = [] if len(sampled_j) > 0: for wk in sampled_j: wk_id = int(wk['_id']) wk_pos = random.choice( es.termvectors(index=ind, doc_type='walk', id=wk_id, field_statistics=False, term_statistics=False, offsets=False, positions=True, fields=['wlks'])['term_vectors']['wlks'] ['terms'][node_j]['tokens'])['position'] wk_pos = wk_pos % 100 walks[wk_id][wk_pos + 1:] = random_walk(G, walklength - wk_pos - 1, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=edge[0]) action = { "_op_type": 'update', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": int(wk['_id']), "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": ' '.join((walks[wk_id])) } } } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) blk = [] if len(allwalks_i) == 0: print 'node addition' for kk in range(num_walks): random.seed(kk) walks.append( random_walk(G, walklength, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=edge[0])) action = { "_op_type": 'create', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": len(walks), "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": ' '.join((walks[-1])) } } } blk.append(action) if len(allwalks_j) == 0: print 'node addition' for kk in range(num_walks): random.seed(kk) walks.append( random_walk(G, walklength, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=edge[1])) action = { "_op_type": 'create', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": len(walks), "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": ' '.join((walks[-1])) } } } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) print 'updated!' return walks, G
def pre_mainloop(self): ## logging assert (len(self.log_filename) != 0 ) # 'log_filename' must not be empty string! logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) handler = logging.FileHandler(self.log_filename, 'w') handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.logger.addHandler(handler) self._nr_elements = 6 self._idx_backdoor = 5 self._init_classifier_output() self._classified_element = -1 self._classified_letter = -1 for s in self.desired_phrase: assert s in [l for ls in self.letter_set for l in ls] # invalid letters in desired phrase! self._spelled_phrase = "" self._spelled_letters = "" self._desired_letters = self.desired_phrase self._copyspelling_finished = False # if self.offline: # self.__idle() # In offline mode: set the first to-be-spelled letter self._spellerHeight = self.geometry[3] - self.letterbox_size[1] self._centerPos = (self.geometry[2] / 2., self._spellerHeight / 2.) self._nr_letters = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.letter_set)): self._nr_letters += len(self.letter_set[i]) self._current_level = 1 # Index of current level self._current_sequence = 0 # Index of current sequence self._current_stimulus = 0 # Index of current stimlus self._current_countdown = self.nCountdown self.random = random.Random(clock()) self._debug_classified = None ## init states: self._state_countdown = True if not self.countdown_level1: self._state_countdown = False self._state_trial = True else: #self._state_countdown = not self.offline self._state_trial = False self._state_classify = False self._state_feedback = False self._state_abort = False ## init containers for VE elements: self._ve_elements = [] ## oscillator state: if not self.use_oscillator: self.osc_color = self.bg_color self.osc_size = 0 ## call subclass-specific pre_mainloop: self.prepare_mainloop() ## build screen elements: self.__init_screen() if self.offline: self.__idle() if self.abort_trial: ''' Start listener for abort_trial event eg. ''' ## delay after play (might be useful for filters...) pygame.time.wait(int(self.wait_after_start * 1000))"waiting %d seconds after play." % self.wait_after_start) ## send start trigger: self.send_parallel(marker.RUN_START)"[TRIGGER] %d" % marker.RUN_START) ## error potential classifier: self._ErrP_classifier = None
spread_function_name = "monte_carlo" models = ["IC", "WC"] # output directories degree_dist_dir = "../experiments/datasets/degree_distributions/" datasets_dir = "../experiments/datasets/" ground_truth_dir = "../experiments/ground_truth/" # compute the ground truth for each seed set size for k in K: for dataset_name in dataset_names: max_trials = 100 G = load_graph(g_type=dataset_name) prng = random.Random(seed) if community: G_sampled1 = sampler.random_walk_sampling_with_fly_back( G, nodes / 2, 0.15, prng) G_sampled2 = sampler.random_walk_sampling_with_fly_back( G, nodes / 2, 0.15, prng) # compose two graphs together G_sampled = nx.compose(G_sampled1, G_sampled2) # while nodes in common keep sampling while len(G_sampled) < nodes and max_trials > 0: G_sampled1 = sampler.random_walk_sampling_with_fly_back( G, nodes / 2, 0.15, prng) G_sampled2 = sampler.random_walk_sampling_with_fly_back( G, nodes / 2, 0.15, prng) # compose two graphs together G_sampled = nx.compose(G_sampled1, G_sampled2)
def deletion(G, num_walks, walklength, walks, es, edge, ind): G.remove_edge(*edge) node_i = str(edge[0]) node_j = str(edge[1]) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) allwalks_i = helpers.scan(client=es, query={ "query": { "match_phrase": { "wlks": { "query": node_i + " " + node_j } } } }, index=ind, size=10000, scroll='1m') degree_i =[0]) degree_j =[1]) blk = [] for wk in allwalks_i: wk_id = int(wk['_id']) wk_pos = (es.termvectors(index=ind, doc_type='walk', id=wk_id, field_statistics=False, term_statistics=False, offsets=False, positions=True, fields=['wlks'])['term_vectors']['wlks'] ['terms'][node_i]['tokens'][0]['position']) change = int(wk_pos) % 100 #node deletion change if degree_i == 0 & change == 0: action = { "_op_type": 'delete', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": wk_id } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) blk = [] elif degree_i == 0 & change != 0: walks[wk_id][(change):] = random_walk(G, walklength - change, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=i[1]) action = { "_op_type": 'update', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": wk_id, "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": " ".join(walks[wk_id]) } } } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) blk = [] else: walks[wk_id][(change):] = random_walk(G, walklength - change, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=i[0]) action = { "_op_type": 'update', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": wk_id, "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": " ".join(walks[wk_id]) } } } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) blk = [] es.indices.refresh(index=ind) allwalks_j = helpers.scan(client=es, query={ "query": { "match_phrase": { "wlks": { "query": node_j + " " + node_i } } } }, index=ind, size=10000, scroll='1m') for wk in allwalks_j: wk_id = int(wk['_id']) wk_pos = (es.termvectors(index=ind, doc_type='walk', id=wk_id, field_statistics=False, term_statistics=False, offsets=False, positions=True, fields=['wlks'])['term_vectors']['wlks'] ['terms'][node_j]['tokens'][0]['position']) change = int(wk_pos) % 100 if degree_j == 0 & change == 0: action = { "_op_type": 'delete', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": wk_id } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) blk = [] elif degree_j == 0 & change != 0: walks[wk_id][int(change):] = random_walk(G, walklength - change, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=i[0]) action = { "_op_type": 'update', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": wk_id, "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": " ".join(walks[wk_id]) } } } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) blk = [] else: walks[wk_id][int(change):] = random_walk(G, walklength - change, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=i[1]) action = { "_op_type": 'update', "_index": ind, "_type": "walk", "_id": wk_id, "_source": { "doc": { "wlks": " ".join(walks[wk_id]) } } } blk.append(action) helpers.bulk(es, blk) es.indices.refresh(index=ind) blk = [] return walks, G
gamma = 0.0002 lembda = 0.0003 utility_matrix = np.zeros((no_of_users,no_of_movies)) user_lfm = np.random.random((no_of_users,no_of_latent_factors)) movie_lfm = np.random.random((no_of_movies,no_of_latent_factors)) df = pd.read_csv('ratings10k.csv', delim_whitespace=False, sep=',', header=None) df = df.drop(df.index[0]) df = df.values.tolist() # shuffle random.Random(4).shuffle(df) # random.Random(4).shuffle(df2) # divide in test and train train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2) def createUtilityMatrix(): for each in train: # creating rating matrix userId = int(int(each[0]) - 1) movieId = int(int(each[1]) - 1)
def get_random_string(seed): """Generates a random string based on the given seed""" choices = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation seed = seed.encode("utf-8") rand = random.Random(seed) return [rand.choice(choices) for i in range(16)]
def train(self, train_file, lexicon_file=None, freq_file=None, test_prop=0.1, output_importances=False, dump_model=False, cross_val_test=False, output_errors=False, ablations=None, dump_transformed_data=False, do_shuffle=True, conf=None): """ :param train_file: File with segmentations to train on in one of the two formats described in make_prev_next() :param lexicon_file: Tab delimited lexicon file with full forms in first column and POS tag in second column (multiple rows per form possible) :param freq_file: Tab delimited file with segment forms and their frequencies as integers in two columns :param conf: configuration file for training (by default: <MODELNAME>.conf) :param test_prop: (0.0 -- 0.99) Proportion of shuffled data to test on :param output_importances: Whether to print feature importances (only if test proportion > 0.0) :param dump_model: Whether to dump trained model to disk via joblib :param cross_val_test: Whether to perform cross-validation for hyper parameter optimization :param output_errors: Whether to output prediction errors to a file 'errs.txt' :param ablations: Comma separated string of feature names to ablate, e.g. "freq_ratio,prev_grp_pos,next_grp_pos" :param dump_transformed_data: If true, transform data to a pandas dataframe and write to disk, then quit (useful to train other approaches on the same features, e.g. a DNN classifier) :param do_shuffle: Whether training data is shuffled after context extraction but before test partition is created (this has no effect if training on whole training corpus) :return: None """ import timing pos_lookup = read_lex(self.short_pos,lexicon_file) self.read_conf_file(file_name=conf) self.pos_lookup = pos_lookup conf_file_parser = self.conf_file_parser letter_config = LetterConfig(self.letters, self.conf["vowels"], self.pos_lookup) np.random.seed(42) if lexicon_file is None: print("i WARN: No lexicon file provided, learning purely from examples") seg_table =,encoding="utf8").read() seg_table = seg_table.replace("\r","").strip() for c in self.conf["diacritics"]: # TODO: configurable diacritic removal pass #seg_table = seg_table.replace(c,"") seg_table = seg_table.split("\n") sys.stderr.write("o Encoding Training data\n") # Validate training data non_tab_lines = 0 non_tab_row = 0 for r, line in enumerate(seg_table): if line.count("\t") < 1: non_tab_lines += 1 non_tab_row = r if non_tab_lines > 0: sys.stderr.write("FATAL: found " + str(non_tab_lines) + " rows in training data not containing tab\n") sys.stderr.write(" Last occurrence at line: " + str(non_tab_row) + "\n") sys.exit() # Make into four cols: prev \t next \t current \t segmented (unless already receiving such a table, for shuffled datasets) if seg_table[0].count("\t") == 1: seg_table = make_prev_next(seg_table) # Ensure OOV symbol is in data seg_table = ["_\t_\t_\t_"] + seg_table data_y = [] words = [] all_encoded_groups = [] encoding_cache = {} non_ident_segs = 0 shuffle_mapping = list(range(len(seg_table))) zipped = list(zip(seg_table, shuffle_mapping)) # Shuffle table to sample across entire dataset if desired if do_shuffle and False: random.Random(24).shuffle(zipped) seg_table, shuffle_mapping = zip(*zipped) headers = bg2array("_________",prev_group="_",next_group="_",print_headers=True,is_test=1,grp_id=1,config=letter_config) word_idx = -1 bug_rows = [] freqs = defaultdict(float) total_segs = 0.0 flines =,encoding="utf8").read().replace("\r","").split("\n") if freq_file is not None else [] for l in flines: if l.count("\t")==1: w, f = l.split("\t") freqs[w] += float(f) total_segs += float(f) for u in freqs: freqs[u] = freqs[u]/total_segs # Don't use freqs if they're empty if len(freqs) == 0: sys.stderr.write("o No segment frequencies provided, adding 'freq_ratio' to ablated features\n") if ablations is None: ablations = "freq_ratio" else: if "freq_ratio" not in ablations: ablations += ",freq_ratio" step = int(1/test_prop) if test_prop > 0 else 0 test_indices = list(range(len(seg_table)))[0::step] if step > 0 else [] test_rows = [] for row_idx, row in enumerate(seg_table): is_test = 1 if row_idx in test_indices else 0 prev_group, next_group, bound_group, segmentation = row.split("\t") if bound_group != "|": if len(bound_group) != len(segmentation.replace("|","")): # Ignore segmentations that also normalize non_ident_segs += 1 bug_rows.append(row_idx) continue ### if dump_transformed_data: if is_test: test_rows.append(bound_group + "\t" + segmentation) ### word_idx += 1 words.append(bound_group) group_type = "_".join([x for x in [prev_group, next_group, bound_group] if x != ""]) if group_type in encoding_cache: # No need to encode, an identical featured group has already been seen encoded_group = encoding_cache[group_type] for c in encoded_group: c[headers.index("is_test")] = is_test # Make sure that this group's test index is correctly assigned else: encoded_group = bg2array(bound_group,prev_group=prev_group,next_group=next_group,is_test=is_test,grp_id=word_idx,config=letter_config,train=True,freqs=freqs) encoding_cache[group_type] = encoded_group all_encoded_groups += encoded_group data_y += segs2array(segmentation) sys.stderr.write("o Finished encoding " + str(len(data_y)) + " chars (" + str(len(seg_table)) + " groups, " + str(len(encoding_cache)) + " group types)\n") if non_ident_segs > 0: with open("bug_rows.txt",'w') as f: f.write("\n".join([str(r) for r in sorted([shuffle_mapping[x] for x in bug_rows])]) + "\n") sys.stderr.write("i WARN: found " + str(non_ident_segs) + " rows in training data where left column characters not identical to right column characters\n") sys.stderr.write(" Row numbers dumped to: bug_rows.txt\n") sys.stderr.write(" " + str(non_ident_segs) + " rows were ignored in training\n\n") data_y = np.array(data_y) cat_labels = ['group_in_lex','current_letter', 'prev_prev_letter', 'prev_letter', 'next_letter', 'next_next_letter', 'mns4_coarse', 'mns3_coarse', 'mns2_coarse', 'mns1_coarse', 'pls1_coarse', 'pls2_coarse', 'pls3_coarse', 'pls4_coarse', "so_far_pos", "remaining_pos","prev_grp_pos","next_grp_pos", "remaining_pos_mns1","remaining_pos_mns2", "prev_grp_first", "prev_grp_last","next_grp_first","next_grp_last"] num_labels = ['idx','len_bound_group',"current_vowel","prev_prev_vowel","prev_vowel","next_vowel","next_next_vowel", "prev_grp_len","next_grp_len","freq_ratio"] # Remove features switched off in .conf file for label in self.conf["unused"]: if label in cat_labels: cat_labels.remove(label) if label in num_labels: num_labels.remove(label) # Handle temporary ablations if specified in option -a if ablations is not None: if len(ablations) > 0 and ablations != "none": abl_feats = ablations.split(",") sys.stderr.write("o Ablating features:\n") for feat in abl_feats: found = False if feat in cat_labels: cat_labels.remove(feat) found = True elif feat in num_labels: num_labels.remove(feat) found = True if found: sys.stderr.write("\t"+feat+"\n") else: sys.stderr.write("\tERR: can't find ablation feature " + feat + "\n") sys.exit() data_x = pd.DataFrame(all_encoded_groups, columns=headers) ### if dump_transformed_data: data_x["resp"] = data_y import csv to_remove = ["is_test","grp_id"] # Columns to remove from transformed data dump out_cols = [col for col in headers if col not in to_remove] + ["resp"] # Add the response column as 'resp' data_x.iloc[data_x.index[data_x["is_test"] == 0]].to_csv("",sep="\t",quotechar="",quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,encoding="utf8",index=False,columns=out_cols) data_x.iloc[data_x.index[data_x["is_test"] == 1]].to_csv("",sep="\t",quotechar="",quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,encoding="utf8",index=False,columns=out_cols) # Dump raw test rows to compare gold solution with"","w",encoding="utf8") as gold: gold.write("\n".join(test_rows) + "\n") sys.stderr.write("o Wrote featurized train/test set and gold test to rftokenizer_*.tab\n") sys.exit() ### encoder = MultiColumnLabelEncoder(pd.Index(cat_labels)) data_x_enc = encoder.fit_transform(data_x) if test_prop > 0: sys.stderr.write("o Generating train/test split with test proportion "+str(test_prop)+"\n") data_x_enc["boundary"] = data_y strat_train_set = data_x_enc.iloc[data_x_enc.index[data_x_enc["is_test"] == 0]] strat_test_set = data_x_enc.iloc[data_x_enc.index[data_x_enc["is_test"] == 1]] cat_pipeline = Pipeline([ ('selector', DataFrameSelector(cat_labels)), ]) num_pipeline = Pipeline([ ('selector', DataFrameSelector(num_labels)) ]) preparation_pipeline = FeatureUnion(transformer_list=[ ("cat_pipeline", cat_pipeline), ("num_pipeline", num_pipeline), ]) sys.stderr.write("o Transforming data to numerical array\n") train_x = preparation_pipeline.fit_transform(strat_train_set) train_y = strat_train_set["boundary"] train_y_bin = np.where(strat_train_set['boundary'] == 0, 0, 1) if test_prop > 0: test_x = preparation_pipeline.transform(strat_test_set) test_y_bin = np.where(strat_test_set['boundary'] == 0, 0, 1) bound_grp_idx = np.array(strat_test_set['grp_id']) from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier d = DummyClassifier(strategy="most_frequent"),train_y_bin) pred = d.predict(test_x) print("o Majority baseline:") print("\t" + str(accuracy_score(test_y_bin, pred))) forest_clf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=250, max_features=None, n_jobs=3, random_state=42) if cross_val_test: # Modify code to tune hyperparameters/use different estimators from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV sys.stderr.write("o Running CV...\n") params = {"n_estimators":[300,400,500],"max_features":["auto",None]}#,"class_weight":["balanced",None]} grid = GridSearchCV(RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1,random_state=42,warm_start=True),param_grid=params,refit=False),train_y_bin) print("\nGrid search results:\n" + 30 * "=") for key in grid.cv_results_: print(key + ": " + str(grid.cv_results_[key])) print("\nBest parameters:\n" + 30 * "=") print(grid.best_params_) sys.exit() sys.stderr.write("o Learning...\n"), train_y_bin) if test_prop > 0: pred = forest_clf.predict(test_x) j=-1 for i, row in strat_test_set.iterrows(): j+=1 if row["idx"] +1 == row["len_bound_group"]: pred[j] = 0 print("o Binary clf accuracy:") print("\t" + str(accuracy_score(test_y_bin, pred))) group_results = defaultdict(lambda : 1) for i in range(len(pred)): grp = bound_grp_idx[i] if test_y_bin[i] != pred[i]: group_results[grp] = 0 correct = 0 total = 0 for grp in set(bound_grp_idx): if group_results[grp] == 1: correct +=1 total +=1 print("o Perfect bound group accuracy:") print("\t" + str(float(correct)/total)) errs = defaultdict(int) for i, word in enumerate(words): if i in group_results: if group_results[i] == 0: errs[word] += 1 if output_errors: print("o Writing prediction errors to errs.txt") with"errs.txt",'w',encoding="utf8") as f: for err in errs: f.write(err + "\t" + str(errs[err])+"\n") if output_importances: feature_names = cat_labels + num_labels zipped = zip(feature_names, forest_clf.feature_importances_) sorted_zip = sorted(zipped, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) print("o Feature importances:\n") for name, importance in sorted_zip: print(name, "=", importance) else: print("o Test proportion is 0%, skipping evaluation") if dump_model: joblib.dump((forest_clf, num_labels, cat_labels, encoder, preparation_pipeline, pos_lookup, freqs, conf_file_parser), self.lang + ".sm" + str(sys.version_info[0]), compress=3) print("o Dumped trained model to " + self.lang + ".sm" + str(sys.version_info[0]))
def _test_honeybadger(N=4, f=1, seed=None): sid = 'sidA' # Generate threshold sig keys sPK, sSKs = dealer(N, f + 1, seed=seed) # Generate threshold enc keys ePK, eSKs =, f + 1) rnd = random.Random(seed) #print 'SEED:', seed router_seed = rnd.random() sends, recvs = simple_router(N, seed=router_seed) B = N # 1 tx per node, per round badgers = [None] * N threads = [None] * N input_queues = [Queue() for _ in range(N)] # to submit lists of txes output_queues = [Queue() for _ in range(N)] # to read lists of txes for i in range(N): input_queues[i].put(['<[HBBFT Input %d]>' % i]) for i in range(N): badgers[i] = HoneyBadgerBFT(sid, i, B, N, f, sPK, sSKs[i], ePK, eSKs[i], sends[i], recvs[i], input_queues[i].get, output_queues[i].put, encode=repr, decode=ast.literal_eval, max_rounds=3) threads[i] = gevent.spawn(badgers[i].run) for i in range(N): input_queues[i].put(['<[HBBFT Input %d]>' % (i + 10)]) for i in range(N): input_queues[i].put(['<[HBBFT Input %d]>' % (i + 20)]) try: # Wait for each badger to finish running for i in range(N): threads[i].get() output_queues[i].put(StopIteration) outs = [tuple(output_queues[i]) for i in range(N)] # Consistency check assert len(set(outs)) == 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: gevent.killall(threads) raise
def main(_): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) bert_config = modeling.BertConfig.from_json_file(FLAGS.bert_config_file) validate_flags_or_throw(bert_config) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.output_dir) tokenizer = tokenization.FullTokenizer( vocab_file=FLAGS.vocab_file, do_lower_case=FLAGS.do_lower_case ) tpu_cluster_resolver = None if FLAGS.use_tpu and FLAGS.tpu_name: tpu_cluster_resolver = tf.contrib.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver( FLAGS.tpu_name, zone=FLAGS.tpu_zone, project=FLAGS.gcp_project ) is_per_host = tf.contrib.tpu.InputPipelineConfig.PER_HOST_V2 run_config = tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig( cluster=tpu_cluster_resolver, master=FLAGS.master, model_dir=FLAGS.output_dir, save_checkpoints_steps=FLAGS.save_checkpoints_steps, tpu_config=tf.contrib.tpu.TPUConfig( iterations_per_loop=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, num_shards=FLAGS.num_tpu_cores, per_host_input_for_training=is_per_host, ), ) train_examples = None num_train_steps = None num_warmup_steps = None if FLAGS.do_train: train_examples = read_squad_examples(input_file=FLAGS.train_file, is_training=True) num_train_steps = int(len(train_examples) / FLAGS.train_batch_size * FLAGS.num_train_epochs) num_warmup_steps = int(num_train_steps * FLAGS.warmup_proportion) # Pre-shuffle the input to avoid having to make a very large shuffle # buffer in in the `input_fn`. rng = random.Random(12345) rng.shuffle(train_examples) model_fn = model_fn_builder( bert_config=bert_config, init_checkpoint=FLAGS.init_checkpoint, learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate, num_train_steps=num_train_steps, num_warmup_steps=num_warmup_steps, use_tpu=FLAGS.use_tpu, use_one_hot_embeddings=FLAGS.use_tpu, ) # If TPU is not available, this will fall back to normal Estimator on CPU # or GPU. estimator = tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator( use_tpu=FLAGS.use_tpu, model_fn=model_fn, config=run_config, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, predict_batch_size=FLAGS.predict_batch_size, ) if FLAGS.do_train: # We write to a temporary file to avoid storing very large constant tensors # in memory. train_writer = FeatureWriter( filename=os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, "train.tf_record"), is_training=True ) convert_examples_to_features( examples=train_examples, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=FLAGS.max_seq_length, doc_stride=FLAGS.doc_stride, max_query_length=FLAGS.max_query_length, is_training=True, output_fn=train_writer.process_feature, ) train_writer.close()"***** Running training *****")" Num orig examples = %d", len(train_examples))" Num split examples = %d", train_writer.num_features)" Batch size = %d", FLAGS.train_batch_size)" Num steps = %d", num_train_steps) del train_examples train_input_fn = input_fn_builder( input_file=train_writer.filename, seq_length=FLAGS.max_seq_length, is_training=True, drop_remainder=True, ) estimator.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, max_steps=num_train_steps) if FLAGS.do_predict: eval_examples = read_squad_examples(input_file=FLAGS.predict_file, is_training=False) eval_writer = FeatureWriter( filename=os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, "eval.tf_record"), is_training=False ) eval_features = [] def append_feature(feature): eval_features.append(feature) eval_writer.process_feature(feature) convert_examples_to_features( examples=eval_examples, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=FLAGS.max_seq_length, doc_stride=FLAGS.doc_stride, max_query_length=FLAGS.max_query_length, is_training=False, output_fn=append_feature, ) eval_writer.close()"***** Running predictions *****")" Num orig examples = %d", len(eval_examples))" Num split examples = %d", len(eval_features))" Batch size = %d", FLAGS.predict_batch_size) all_results = [] predict_input_fn = input_fn_builder( input_file=eval_writer.filename, seq_length=FLAGS.max_seq_length, is_training=False, drop_remainder=False, ) # If running eval on the TPU, you will need to specify the number of # steps. all_results = [] for result in estimator.predict(predict_input_fn, yield_single_examples=True): if len(all_results) % 1000 == 0:"Processing example: %d" % (len(all_results))) unique_id = int(result["unique_ids"]) start_logits = [float(x) for x in result["start_logits"].flat] end_logits = [float(x) for x in result["end_logits"].flat] all_results.append( RawResult(unique_id=unique_id, start_logits=start_logits, end_logits=end_logits) ) output_prediction_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, "predictions.json") output_nbest_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, "nbest_predictions.json") output_null_log_odds_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, "null_odds.json") write_predictions( eval_examples, eval_features, all_results, FLAGS.n_best_size, FLAGS.max_answer_length, FLAGS.do_lower_case, output_prediction_file, output_nbest_file, output_null_log_odds_file, )
def start(self): rand = random.Random() self.__v = rand.choice([15]) self.__ang = 0 # TODO: random good angle
def __init__(self, args=None, topology=None, results=None, seed=None, load=None, policy=None, id_simulation=None): if args is not None and hasattr(args, 'mean_service_holding_time'): self.mean_service_holding_time = args.mean_service_holding_time else: self.mean_service_holding_time = 86400.0 # service holding time in seconds (54000 sec = 15 h) self.load = 0.0 self.mean_service_inter_arrival_time = 0.0 if args is not None and hasattr(args, 'load') and load is None: self.set_load(load=args.load) elif load is not None: # load through parameter has precedence over argument self.set_load(load=load) else: self.set_load(load=50) # num_seeds defines the number of seeds (simulations) to be run for each configuration if args is not None and hasattr(args, "num_seeds"): self.num_seeds = args.num_seeds else: self.num_seeds = 25 if args is not None and hasattr(args, "num_arrivals"): self.num_arrivals = args.num_arrivals else: self.num_arrivals = 10000 if args is not None and hasattr(args, "k_paths"): self.k_paths = args.k_paths else: self.k_paths = 5 if args is not None and hasattr(args, 'threads'): self.threads = args.threads else: self.threads = 6 if args is not None and hasattr(args, 'topology_file'): self.topology_file = args.topology_file self.topology_name = args.topology_file.split('.')[0] else: self.topology_file = "nobel-us.xml" #"nobel-us.xml" #"test-topo.xml" self.topology_name = 'nobel-us' # self.topology_file = "simple" # "nobel-us.xml" #"test-topo.xml" # self.topology_name = 'simple' if args is not None and hasattr(args, "resource_units_per_link"): self.resource_units_per_link = args.resource_units_per_link else: self.resource_units_per_link = 80 if args is not None and hasattr(args, "policy") and policy is None: self.policy = args.policy elif policy is not None: self.policy = policy # parameter has precedence over argument else: self.policy = 'SP' # shortest path by default if topology is not None: self.topology = topology if seed is not None: self.seed = seed self.rng = random.Random(seed) else: self.seed = 42 self.rng = random.Random(42) if results is not None: self.results = results else: self.results = [] # initiates with an empty local results vector if id_simulation is not None: self.id_simulation = id_simulation else: self.id_simulation = 0 self.track_stats_every = 100 # frequency at which results are saved self.plot_tracked_stats_every = 1000 # frequency at which results are plotted self.tracked_results = {} self.tracked_statistics = [ 'request_blocking_ratio', 'average_link_usage' ] for obs in self.tracked_statistics: self.tracked_results[obs] = [] = [] # event queue self._processed_arrivals = 0 self._rejected_services = 0 self.current_time = 0.0 self.output_folder = 'data' self.plot_formats = [ 'pdf' ] # you can configure this to other formats such as PNG, SVG
def test_multiple_channel_states( chain_state, token_network_state, our_address, ): open_block_number = 10 pseudo_random_generator = random.Random() pkey, address = factories.make_privkey_address() amount = 30 our_balance = amount + 50 channel_state = factories.make_channel( our_balance=our_balance, our_address=our_address, partner_balance=our_balance, partner_address=address, token_network_identifier=token_network_state.address, ) payment_network_identifier = factories.make_payment_network_identifier() channel_new_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelNew( factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_state.address, channel_state, ) channel_new_iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, token_network_state, channel_new_state_change, pseudo_random_generator, open_block_number, ) lock_amount = 30 lock_expiration = 20 lock_secret = sha3(b'test_end_state') lock_secrethash = sha3(lock_secret) lock = HashTimeLockState( lock_amount, lock_expiration, lock_secrethash, ) mediated_transfer = make_receive_transfer_mediated( channel_state=channel_state, privkey=pkey, nonce=1, transferred_amount=0, lock=lock, ) from_route = factories.route_from_channel(channel_state) init_target = ActionInitTarget( from_route, mediated_transfer, ) node.state_transition(chain_state, init_target) closed_block_number = open_block_number + 10 channel_close_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelClosed( factories.make_transaction_hash(), channel_state.partner_state.address, token_network_state.address, channel_state.identifier, closed_block_number, ) channel_closed_iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, channel_new_iteration.new_state, channel_close_state_change, pseudo_random_generator, closed_block_number, ) settle_block_number = closed_block_number + channel_state.settle_timeout + 1 channel_settled_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelSettled( factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_state.address, channel_state.identifier, settle_block_number, ) channel_settled_iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, channel_closed_iteration.new_state, channel_settled_state_change, pseudo_random_generator, closed_block_number, ) token_network_state_after_settle = channel_settled_iteration.new_state ids_to_channels = token_network_state_after_settle.channelidentifiers_to_channels assert len(ids_to_channels) == 1 assert channel_state.identifier in ids_to_channels # Create new channel while the previous one is pending unlock new_channel_state = factories.make_channel( our_balance=our_balance, partner_balance=our_balance, partner_address=address, ) channel_new_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelNew( factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_state.address, new_channel_state, ) channel_new_iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, token_network_state, channel_new_state_change, pseudo_random_generator, open_block_number, ) token_network_state_after_new_open = channel_new_iteration.new_state ids_to_channels = token_network_state_after_new_open.channelidentifiers_to_channels assert len(ids_to_channels) == 2 assert channel_state.identifier in ids_to_channels
def setUp(self): self.random = random.Random(42)
def test_channel_settle_must_properly_cleanup(): open_block_number = 10 pseudo_random_generator = random.Random() token_network_id = factories.make_address() token_id = factories.make_address() token_network_state = TokenNetworkState(token_network_id, token_id) payment_network_identifier = factories.make_payment_network_identifier() amount = 30 our_balance = amount + 50 channel_state = factories.make_channel(our_balance=our_balance) channel_new_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelNew( factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_id, channel_state, ) channel_new_iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, token_network_state, channel_new_state_change, pseudo_random_generator, open_block_number, ) closed_block_number = open_block_number + 10 channel_close_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelClosed( factories.make_transaction_hash(), channel_state.partner_state.address, token_network_id, channel_state.identifier, closed_block_number, ) channel_closed_iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, channel_new_iteration.new_state, channel_close_state_change, pseudo_random_generator, closed_block_number, ) settle_block_number = closed_block_number + channel_state.settle_timeout + 1 channel_settled_state_change = ContractReceiveChannelSettled( factories.make_transaction_hash(), token_network_id, channel_state.identifier, settle_block_number, ) channel_settled_iteration = token_network.state_transition( payment_network_identifier, channel_closed_iteration.new_state, channel_settled_state_change, pseudo_random_generator, closed_block_number, ) token_network_state_after_settle = channel_settled_iteration.new_state ids_to_channels = token_network_state_after_settle.channelidentifiers_to_channels assert channel_state.identifier not in ids_to_channels
def prepare_file_path_queue(self): """Generate more file paths to process. Result are saved in _file_path_queue.""" self._parsing_start_time = time.perf_counter() # If the file path is already being processed, or if a file was # processed recently, wait until the next batch file_paths_in_progress = self._processors.keys() now = timezone.utcnow() # Sort the file paths by the parsing order mode list_mode = conf.get("scheduler", "file_parsing_sort_mode") files_with_mtime = {} file_paths = [] is_mtime_mode = list_mode == "modified_time" file_paths_recently_processed = [] for file_path in self._file_paths: if is_mtime_mode: try: files_with_mtime[file_path] = os.path.getmtime(file_path) except FileNotFoundError: self.log.warning("Skipping processing of missing file: %s", file_path) continue file_modified_time = timezone.make_aware( datetime.fromtimestamp(files_with_mtime[file_path])) else: file_paths.append(file_path) file_modified_time = None # Find file paths that were recently processed to exclude them # from being added to file_path_queue # unless they were modified recently and parsing mode is "modified_time" # in which case we don't honor "self._file_process_interval" (min_file_process_interval) last_finish_time = self.get_last_finish_time(file_path) if (last_finish_time is not None and (now - last_finish_time).total_seconds() < self._file_process_interval and not (is_mtime_mode and file_modified_time and (file_modified_time > last_finish_time))): file_paths_recently_processed.append(file_path) # Sort file paths via last modified time if is_mtime_mode: file_paths = sorted(files_with_mtime, key=files_with_mtime.get, reverse=True) elif list_mode == "alphabetical": file_paths = sorted(file_paths) elif list_mode == "random_seeded_by_host": # Shuffle the list seeded by hostname so multiple schedulers can work on different # set of files. Since we set the seed, the sort order will remain same per host random.Random(get_hostname()).shuffle(file_paths) files_paths_at_run_limit = [ file_path for file_path, stat in self._file_stats.items() if stat.run_count == self._max_runs ] file_paths_to_exclude = set(file_paths_in_progress).union( file_paths_recently_processed, files_paths_at_run_limit) # Do not convert the following list to set as set does not preserve the order # and we need to maintain the order of file_paths for `[scheduler] file_parsing_sort_mode` files_paths_to_queue = [ file_path for file_path in file_paths if file_path not in file_paths_to_exclude ] for file_path, processor in self._processors.items(): self.log.debug( "File path %s is still being processed (started: %s)", processor.file_path, processor.start_time.isoformat(), ) self.log.debug("Queuing the following files for processing:\n\t%s", "\n\t".join(files_paths_to_queue)) for file_path in files_paths_to_queue: if file_path not in self._file_stats: self._file_stats[file_path] = DagFileStat( num_dags=0, import_errors=0, last_finish_time=None, last_duration=None, run_count=0) self._file_path_queue.extend(files_paths_to_queue)
def __init__(self, playable_encounter, encounter_display): self.rnd = random.Random() self.ended = False self.__inital_done = False self.encounter = playable_encounter self.display = encounter_display
def start(father="data/", changeRate=0.1, filename='twitter.txt'): fx = open(father + filename) fc = open(father + 'changey.txt', 'w') fy = open(father + 'y2.txt', 'w') biggestNode = 1 nowIter = 0 nodeSet = set() nodeSet2 = set() #1.- for line in fx.readlines(): lineArr = re.split(' |,|\t', line.strip()) lenth = len(lineArr) if (lenth < 2): break fc.write('%s %s\n' % (lineArr[0], lineArr[1])) nodeSet.add(int(lineArr[0])) nodeSet.add(int(lineArr[1])) nodeSet2.add(int(lineArr[0])) nodeSet2.add(int(lineArr[1])) nowIter += 1 biggestNode = max(nodeSet2) print "biggestNode=", biggestNode #2. fc.close() fc = open(father + 'changey.txt', 'r') removeSet = set() lenSet = int(len(nodeSet)) nowIter = 0 nodeSet = list(nodeSet) random.Random(0).shuffle(nodeSet) #delete randomly for nowIter in range(int(changeRate * lenSet)): node = random.Random().choice(nodeSet) removeSet.add(node) nodeSet2.remove(node) nodeSet.remove(node) print "len(removeSet)=", len(removeSet) # for line in fc.readlines(): lineArr = re.split(' |,|\t', line.strip()) # lenth = len(lineArr) if (lenth < 2): # break if int(lineArr[0]) not in removeSet and int( lineArr[1]) not in removeSet: fy.write('a%s a%s\n' % (lineArr[0], lineArr[1])) #print "removeSet=",removeSet fremove = open(father + 'remove.txt', 'w') for ra in removeSet: fremove.write('%s ' % ra) fremove.close() #3. #biggestNode=int(5000) newNode = int(biggestNode) # alllen, du, xDict = cal.start(father + filename) #alllen=11765;du=947; for j in range(int(changeRate * alllen)): newNode += 1 # i = 0 nowIter = 0 nodeSet2 = list(nodeSet2) random.Random(0).shuffle(nodeSet2) addset = set() while (i < du): nodeY = random.Random().choice(nodeSet2) if (nodeY not in addset): addset.add(nodeY) fy.write('a%s a%s\n' % (newNode, nodeY)) #print "i=",i,":",newNode,"+",nodeY," " i += 1 ff = open(father + 'connectY2.txt', 'w') for node in nodeSet2: ff.write('%s a%s\n' % (node, node)) ff.close() fy.close() fc.close() fx.close() return xDict
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np from nltk.cluster import KMeansClusterer import nltk import json import random from nltk.cluster.util import cosine_distance config = json.load(open('../config.json', 'r')) INPUT_DIR = config['INPUT_DIR'] OUTPUT_DIR = config['OUTPUT_DIR'] TWEET_DIR = config['TWEET_DIR'] NUM_CLUSTERS = config['NUM_CLUSTERS'] RNG = random.Random() RNG.seed(config['SEED']) events = open(INPUT_DIR + 'event_names.txt', 'r').read().splitlines() print('loading...') # use a joint sample of embeddings from each event to determine the cluster centroids def get_samples(): tweet_embeds = '' for event in events: embeds = np.load(TWEET_DIR + event + '/' + event + '_embeddings_partisan.npy') indices = np.load(TWEET_DIR + event + '/' + event + '_indices_among_embeddings_for_getting_topics.npy') embeds = embeds[indices, :] if len(tweet_embeds) == 0:
import random from eth_keys import keys from hexbytes import HexBytes from web3.datastructures import MutableAttributeDict from monitor.blocks import get_canonicalized_block, calculate_block_signature random_generator = random.Random(0) def random_hash(): return bytes(random_generator.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(32)) def random_address(): return bytes(random_generator.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(20)) def random_private_key(): return keys.PrivateKey(random_hash()) def random_step(): return random_generator.randint(0, 2**32) def make_block(*, block_hash=None, parent_hash=None, proposer_privkey=None, step=None): if proposer_privkey is None:
def Train(self): fixedRandomSeed = 0 trainToValidationChance = 0.2 includeEvaluationInValidation = True stepMultiplier = 1.0 stepCount = 1000 showInputs = False augmentationLevel = 0 detNMSThresh = 0.35 rpnNMSThresh = 0.55 trainDir = os.path.join(os.curdir, self.__mParams["train_dir"]) evalDir = os.path.join(os.curdir, self.__mParams["eval_dir"]) inModelPath = os.path.join(os.curdir, self.__mParams["input_model"]) os.makedirs(name=self.__mParams["output_dir"], exist_ok=True) outModelPath = os.path.join(self.__mParams["output_dir"], self.__mParams["model_name"] + ".h5") blankInput = True if "eval_dir" in self.__mParams: evalDir = os.path.join(os.curdir, self.__mParams["eval_dir"]) if "image_size" in self.__mParams: maxdim = self.__mParams["image_size"] if "train_to_val_ratio" in self.__mParams: trainToValidationChance = self.__mParams["train_to_val_ratio"] if "step_num" in self.__mParams: stepCount = self.__mParams["step_num"] if "show_inputs" in self.__mParams: showInputs = self.__mParams["show_inputs"] if "random_augmentation_level" in self.__mParams: augmentationLevel = self.__mParams["random_augmentation_level"] if "detection_nms_threshold" in self.__mParams: detNMSThresh = self.__mParams["detection_nms_threshold"] if "rpn_nms_threshold" in self.__mParams: rpnNMSThresh = self.__mParams["rpn_nms_threshold"] rnd = random.Random() rnd.seed(fixedRandomSeed) trainImagesAndMasks = {} validationImagesAndMasks = {} # iterate through train set imagesDir = os.path.join(trainDir, "images") masksDir = os.path.join(trainDir, "masks") # adding evaluation data into validation if includeEvaluationInValidation and evalDir is not None: # iterate through test set imagesValDir = os.path.join(evalDir, "images") masksValDir = os.path.join(evalDir, "masks") imageValFileList = [ f for f in os.listdir(imagesValDir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(imagesValDir, f)) ] for imageFile in imageValFileList: baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imageFile))[0] imagePath = os.path.join(imagesValDir, imageFile) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(masksValDir, baseName + ".png")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksValDir, baseName + ".png") elif os.path.exists( os.path.join(masksValDir, baseName + ".tif")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksValDir, baseName + ".tif") elif os.path.exists( os.path.join(masksValDir, baseName + ".tiff")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksValDir, baseName + ".tiff") else: sys.exit( "The image " + imageFile + " does not have a corresponding mask file ending with png, tif or tiff" ) if not os.path.isfile(imagePath) or not os.path.isfile( maskPath): continue validationImagesAndMasks[imagePath] = maskPath imageFileList = [ f for f in os.listdir(imagesDir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(imagesDir, f)) ] for imageFile in imageFileList: baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imageFile))[0] imagePath = os.path.join(imagesDir, imageFile) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".png")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".png") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tif")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tif") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tiff")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tiff") else: sys.exit( "The image " + imageFile + " does not have a corresponding mask file ending with png, tif or tiff" ) if not os.path.isfile(imagePath) or not os.path.isfile( maskPath): continue trainImagesAndMasks[imagePath] = maskPath # splitting train data into train and validation else: imageFileList = [ f for f in os.listdir(imagesDir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(imagesDir, f)) ] for imageFile in imageFileList: baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imageFile))[0] imagePath = os.path.join(imagesDir, imageFile) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".png")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".png") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tif")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tif") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tiff")): maskPath = os.path.join(masksDir, baseName + ".tiff") else: sys.exit( "The image " + imageFile + " does not have a corresponding mask file ending with png, tif or tiff" ) if not os.path.isfile(imagePath) or not os.path.isfile( maskPath): continue if rnd.random() > trainToValidationChance: trainImagesAndMasks[imagePath] = maskPath else: validationImagesAndMasks[imagePath] = maskPath if len(trainImagesAndMasks) < 1: sys.exit("Empty train image list") #just to be non-empty if len(validationImagesAndMasks) < 1: for key, value in trainImagesAndMasks.items(): validationImagesAndMasks[key] = value break # Training dataset dataset_train = mask_rcnn_additional.NucleiDataset() dataset_train.initialize(pImagesAndMasks=trainImagesAndMasks, pAugmentationLevel=augmentationLevel) dataset_train.prepare() # Validation dataset dataset_val = mask_rcnn_additional.NucleiDataset() dataset_val.initialize(pImagesAndMasks=validationImagesAndMasks, pAugmentationLevel=0) dataset_val.prepare() print("training images (with augmentation):", dataset_train.num_images) print("validation images (with augmentation):", dataset_val.num_images) config = mask_rcnn_additional.NucleiConfig() config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM = maxdim config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM = maxdim config.STEPS_PER_EPOCH = stepCount if stepMultiplier is not None: steps = int(float(dataset_train.num_images) * stepMultiplier) config.STEPS_PER_EPOCH = steps config.VALIDATION_STEPS = dataset_val.num_images config.DETECTION_NMS_THRESHOLD = detNMSThresh config.RPN_NMS_THRESHOLD = rpnNMSThresh config.MAX_GT_INSTANCES = 512 config.BATCH_SIZE = 5000 config.__init__() # Create model in training mode mdl = mrcnn_model.MaskRCNN(mode="training", config=config, model_dir=os.path.dirname(outModelPath)) if blankInput: mdl.load_weights(inModelPath, by_name=True, exclude=[ "mrcnn_class_logits", "mrcnn_bbox_fc", "mrcnn_bbox", "mrcnn_mask" ]) else: mdl.load_weights(inModelPath, by_name=True) allcount = 0 logdir = "logs/scalars/" + self.__mParams["model_name"] for epochgroup in self.__mParams["epoch_groups"]: epochs = int(epochgroup["epochs"]) if epochs < 1: continue allcount += epochs mdl.train(dataset_train, dataset_val, learning_rate=float(epochgroup["learning_rate"]), epochs=allcount, layers=epochgroup["layers"]) mdl.keras_model.save_weights(outModelPath)
def configuration_model_label_z_score_mixing_matrix(Data, runs=1000, label="type", shuffle_label=False, force_simple_graph=False, seed_config_mat=None, seed_label=None): r"""Creates a contact matrix based on the configuration model Creates a contact matrix with z-scores based on the chosen attribute. You can assume randomized attributes and/ or randomized degrees in the null model. Parameters ---------- Data: Data Data Object that contains Tij- and Metadata for a data set. runs: int The amount of times the function should be executed. It's a heuristic approach, so the more the runs the better might be the result label: str A string that tells the function for which attribute the contact matrix should be made. shuffle_label: bool Gives the option to extend the null model by randomizing the node attributes. force_simple_graph: bool Deletes parallel- and selfedges that can occur by using the networkx "configuration_model"-function if True. seed_config_mat : List, default None Allows to create reproducible configuration models for a reproducible output. This parameters is basically just for applying tests. seed_label : list, default None Allows to create reproducible "randomized" labels for a reproducible output. This parameters is basically just for applying tests. Returns ------- contact_matrix : list A matrixlike List of lists that contains the z-scores for a given attribute References ---------- .. [1] Génois, Mathieu & Zens, Maria & Lechner, Clemens & Rammstedt, Beatrice & Strohmaier, Markus. (2019). Building connections: How scientists meet each other during a conference. Examples --------- >>> contact_matrix = configuration_model_label_z_score_mixing_matrix(test_network, test_df, runs=1000, >>> label="Age", shuffle_label=True, >>> force_simple_graph=True) >>> print(contact_matrix) [[1.0320936930842797, -0.7717976357301974, -0.5], [-0.7717976357301974, -0.0667601413575786, -1.2927763604862383], [-0.5, -1.2927763604862383, 2.632147318581194]] See Also --------- face2face.statistics.null_modell.shuffle_label_z_score_mixing_matrix """ network = create_network_from_data(Data, replace_attr=True, label=label) mapping = mapping_function(Data, label) data_mixing_matrix = nx.assortativity.attribute_mixing_matrix( network, label, mapping=mapping) degree_sequence = [v[1] for v in] type_sequence = [network.nodes[n][label] for n in network.nodes] matrices = [] matrices_abs = [] for _ in range(runs): if seed_config_mat is None: null_model = nx.configuration_model(degree_sequence) else: null_model = nx.configuration_model(degree_sequence, seed=seed_config_mat[_]) if force_simple_graph: null_model = to_simple_graph(null_model) if shuffle_label: if seed_label is None: np.random.shuffle(type_sequence) else: random.Random(seed_label[_]).shuffle(type_sequence) for n, t in zip(null_model.nodes, type_sequence): null_model.nodes[n][label] = t matrices.append( nx.assortativity.attribute_mixing_matrix(null_model, label, mapping=mapping)) matrices_abs.append( nx.assortativity.attribute_mixing_matrix(null_model, label, mapping=mapping, normalized=False)) return (data_mixing_matrix - np.array(matrices).mean(axis=0))/np.array(matrices).std(axis=0), matrices, \ data_mixing_matrix, matrices_abs
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Random utils""" import random import numpy as np rng = random.Random() nprng = np.random.RandomState() def set_seeds(seed): """Sets the seeds of both random number generators used by Foolbox. Parameters ---------- seed : int The seed for both random number generators. """ rng.seed(seed) nprng.seed(seed)
#ATS:test(SELF, label="PolyClipper 2D (polygon) tests") import unittest from math import * import time from PolyhedronFileUtilities import * from Spheral2d import * from SpheralTestUtilities import fuzzyEqual # Create a global random number generator. import random rangen = random.Random() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make a square # 3 2 # |----| # | | # |----| # 0 1 square_points = vector_of_Vector() for coords in [(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10)]: square_points.append(Vector(*coords)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make a non-convex notched thingy. # 6 5 3 2 # |------------\ /-----------| # | \ / |