Exemplo n.º 1
	def mkrandlist(length,start=None,end=None):
		if not start and end:
			end= None
		if not start:
		for i in lzint(length):
			if start and end:
		return _k
Exemplo n.º 2
def random_comic():
    '''Opens a random comic.
    Without internet, it cycles only through the comics the user already has.
    if CONNECTED:        
        num = _randrange(1, int(MOST_RECENT))
        comics = get_comic_list()
        if len(comics) > 0:
            num = _randrange(0, len(comics) - 1)
            print('You don\'t have any comics on you,', end=' ')
            print('nor are you connected to the internet...')
Exemplo n.º 3
def atualizar_canos():
    canos = _.canos
    for i, (x, y) in enumerate(canos):
        x -= 1
        if x < -80:
            xmax = max(x for (x, _) in _.canos)
            x += xmax + 160
            y = _randrange(-100, 0, 10)
        canos[i] = (x, y)
Exemplo n.º 4
	def __init__(self, key=None):
		from random import seed as _seed
		from time import time as _time
		from random import randrange as _randrange
		if key == None:
			self.key = ''.join(chr(_randrange(97,123)) for i in range(100))
		elif not all(ord(i) in range(97,123) for i in key) or any(i.isdigit() for i in key):
			raise ValueError("Key must consist of lowercase alphabet characters")
			self.key = key
	def __init__(self, key=None):
		from random import seed as _seed
		from time import time as _time
		from random import randrange as _randrange
		if key == None:
			self.key = ''.join(chr(_randrange(97,123)) for i in range(100))
		elif not all(ord(i) in range(97,123) for i in key) or any(i.isdigit() for i in key):
			raise ValueError("Key must consist of lowercase alphabet characters")
			self.key = key
Exemplo n.º 6
def reiniciar():
    Reinicia as variáveis de estado que controlam o jogo.
    _.ativo = False
    _.morto = False
    _.flappy_x = _.largura_tela // 3
    _.flappy_y = _.altura_tela // 2
    _.velocidade = 0
    _.canos = [((i * 80) + _.largura_tela, _randrange(-100, 0, 10))
               for i in range(4)]
    _.score = 0
Exemplo n.º 7
    def select_model(self, **kwargs):
        Select a model to serve

        model_name : str
            The model identifier that is going to be served
        r = _random()
        if r > self.epsilon:
            # exploitation
            max_value = max(self._values)

            # Randomly pick among those that have highest value
            indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self._values) if x == max_value]
            r1 = _randrange(0, len(indices))
            return_index = indices[r1]
            # exploration
            return_index = _randrange(len(self._values))

        self._serve_counts[return_index] += 1
        return self._models[return_index]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def select_model(self, **kwargs):
        Select a model to serve

        model_name : str
            The model identifier that is going to be served
        r = _random()
        if r > self.epsilon:
            # exploitation
            max_value = max(self._values)

            # Randomly pick among those that have highest value
            indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self._values) if x == max_value]
            r1 = _randrange(0, len(indices))
            return_index = indices[r1]
            # exploration
            return_index = _randrange(len(self._values))

        self._serve_counts[return_index] += 1
        return self._models[return_index]
Exemplo n.º 9
def random_line(in_file):
    '''Given a file, returns a random line.'''
    in_file.seek(0, 2) # Initial seek. (for python 2 compatibility below)
    pos = _randrange(0, in_file.tell())  # Find a random position.
    in_file.seek(lseek(in_file, pos))  # Seek to the start of its line.
    return in_file.readline()
Exemplo n.º 10
 def random_ecosystem(self, dim):
     '''Creates a random configuration of the cells.'''
     func = lambda: True if _randrange(1, 12) == 1 else False
     return self.forge_ecosystem(dim, func)
Exemplo n.º 11
	def shuffle(self,rp=False):
		k = _dc(self)
		[_shuffle(k) for i in lzint(_randrange(100))]
		if rp:
		return lzlist(k)
Exemplo n.º 12
from copy import deepcopy as _dc
import time
from random import seed as _seed ,randrange as _randrange ,sample as _sample
from random import shuffle as _shuffle, choice as _choice, choices as _choices
from itertools import product as _product, permutations as _permutations
from itertools import combinations as _combinations,combinations_with_replacement as _combinations_with_replacement
from hashlib import sha512 as _sha512
from math import ceil as _mceil
from string import ascii_letters as _ascii_chars, digits as _digs
from re import search as _se, sub as _sub
del time

__all__ = ["lzlist","lzstr","lzdict","lzint","lzfloat"]
__author__  = "Matthew Lam"
__email__   = "*****@*****.**"
__version__ = "1.0.1"   
__license__ = "MIT"

class lzlist(list):
	def __init__(self, ip=[]):
		self.__copy = ip

	def __hash__(self):
		_h = _sha512()
		[_h.update(str(i).encode("utf-32")) for i in self]
		return int(_h.hexdigest(),16)

	def includes_type(self,tp):
		return any([i for i in self if isinstance(i,tp)])