def stage_page(): loop_count = 0 while True: loop_count += 1 # 探测 & 有羽毛 if explore and check_match([540, 880], [49, 157, 207]): click(540, 880, '点击探测', wait=5) # 选择已有关卡 elif check_match([460, 720], [247, 171, 77]): # 出击按钮 click(360, 720, '出击', wait=5) # 投放羽毛界面 elif check_match([450, 960], [255, 255, 255]): rx, ry = rdm(RX1, RX2), rdm(RY1, RY2) # 全地图范围 # rx, ry = rdm(280, 480), rdm(800, 880) # 指定地区 click(rx, ry, f'搜索 {rx} {ry}', wait=5) # 选择关卡 这里颠倒顺序因为无判断条件 else: click(320, stageY, f'选择关卡 {stage}', wait=3) # 确认进入战斗 退出本环节 if ui.battle(): # 底部蓝色蓄力条 global battleTm, roundCount'战斗开始!', 'r')) battleTm = Timer() # 开始战斗计时 roundCount += 1 break screen_capture() # 更新截图 if loop_count >= 100: raise
def generador_claves(p,q): n = p*q phi = (p-1)*(q-1) e = rdm(1,phi) g = M.gcd(e, phi) while g!= 1: e = rdm(1, phi) g = M.gcd(e, phi) d =M.inver(e,phi) return (n),(e),(d)
def give_birth(self, pop): # A woman can give birth if it has a partner, is over 20 and less than 35, if rdm(100) > pop.birth_prob: g = ['F', 'M'] gender = rdm(2) first_name = pop.names.get_randomFirst(gender) last_name = self.last_name.split( )[-1] + ' ' + self.partner.last_name.split()[-1] return Individual(first_name, last_name, 1, g[gender], pop.id_seq, self.area) else: return False
def __init__(self, name, price=10, weight=10, flammability=0.5): super().__init__(self) = name self.price = price self.weight = weight self.flammability = flammability self.identifier = rdm(1000000, 9999999)
def test_legal_names(self): '''To make sure our pruduct names are syntactically proper''' prods = generate_products() x = rdm(0, (len(prods) - 1)) word = prods[x] self.assertIn(word.split(' ')[0], ADJECTIVES) self.assertIn(word.split(' ')[1], NOUNS)
def __take_kick_1(self, con=None): logging.debug('status: %s\tfinger: %s\t; usage: %s/%s' % (self.status, self.finger, len(self.staticlist), len(self.conlist))) self.ilock.acquire() if con: self.conlist.append(con) con.mark = 0 self.finger -= 1 self.ilock.release() return self.finger if self.status <= 0: if self.__inilist(self.sqo, self.cif) != 1: self.ilock.release() raise RuntimeError('Cannot Initial the Pool!') if self.finger >= self.length: self.__batch_recovery() if self.finger >= self.length: for i in xrange(5): time.sleep(round(rdm(),1)) if self.finger < self.length: break if i >= 4: self.ilock.release() return None con = self.conlist.pop(0) self.finger += 1 self.ilock.release() return con
def biST(msg): #this function takes in a list of binary ascii code of strings out = [] for i in msg: if rdm() < f: out.append(str(int(0 == i))) else: out.append(str(i)) return out
def main(): verify_size=(300,100) font_lib=glob.glob('c:Windows\Fonts\\*.ttf')'RGB',verify_size,'white') draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img) global verify verify='' #噪点处理 def pointcolor(): return(rdm(100,150),rdm(100,150),rdm(100,150)) for w in xrange(300): for h in xrange(100): draw.point((w,h),fill=pointcolor()) img=img.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img) #加入验证字符 for i in range(1,5): text=random.choice(string.letters+'123456789') textcolor=(rmcolor()) font=ImageFont.truetype(random.choice(font_lib),rdm(70,90)) x=rdm(40,50) #随机字符位置 draw.text((x*i,10),fill=textcolor,text=text,font=font) verify+=text #随机划线 line_times=rdm(0,3) k=1 while k<=1: k+=1 draw.line(((rdm(0,300),rdm(0,100)),(rdm(0,300),rdm(0,100))),fill=rmcolor(),width=1)
def main(): verify_size=(300,100) font_lib=glob.glob('c:Windows\Fonts\\*.ttf')'RGB',verify_size,'white') draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img) global verify verify='' #噪点处理 def pointcolor(): return(rdm(100,150),rdm(100,150),rdm(100,150)) for w in xrange(300): for h in xrange(100): draw.point((w,h),fill=pointcolor()) img=img.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img) #加入验证字符 for i in range(1,5): text=random.choice(string.letters+'123456789') textcolor=(rmcolor()) font=ImageFont.truetype(random.choice(font_lib),rdm(70,90)) x=rdm(40,50) #随机字符位置 draw.text((x*i,10),fill=textcolor,text=text,font=font) verify+=text #随机划线 line_times=rdm(0,3) k=1 while k<=1: k+=1 draw.line(((rdm(0,300),rdm(0,100)),(rdm(0,300),rdm(0,100))),fill=rmcolor(),width=1)'F:\Trinick\Script\ShowMeTheCode\\010result.jpg')
def placeMine(self, i=None, j=None) : n, p = self.n, self.p mineToPlace = self.nMine def blankMatrice(n, p): matrice = [] for i in range(n): matrice.append([]) for j in range(p): matrice[i].append({ "value": 0, "visible": False, "flagged": False }) # state: 0 = invisible | 1 = visible return matrice def addToAdj(m, x, y): container = [-1, 0, 1] for k in container: for h in container: i = y+h j = x+k if ( 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < p and m[i][j]["value"] >= 0): m[i][j]["value"] += 1 return m self.m = blankMatrice(self.n, self.p) while mineToPlace > 0: x, y = rdm(self.n), rdm(self.p) if i == None: i = -1 j = -1 if not ( ( y-1 <= i <= y+1) and ( x-1 <= j <= x+1) ): # Quand la bombe est assez loin du curseur case = self.m[y][x] if case["value"] >= 0: case["value"] = -1 self.m = addToAdj(self.m, x, y) mineToPlace -= 1
def __init__(self, sym, level): self.sym = sym # Operand used in the equation self.level = level # The level of dificulty of the equation (1, 2 or 3) # Define the range of the 2 integer used in the equation if self.level == 1: self.a, self.b = 1, 10 elif self.level == 2: self.a, self.b = 10, 20 elif self.level == 3: self.a, self.b = 20, 30 # Calls the random.randint() method to intialise 2 randoms # integers within a range described in the "__init__" method self.rdm_0, self.rdm_1 = rdm(self.a, self.b), rdm(self.a, self.b) # Defines the operator used in the equation if self.sym == "+": self.answer = self.rdm_0 + self.rdm_1 elif self.sym == "-": self.answer = self.rdm_0 - self.rdm_1
def find_partner(self, pop): for person in pop.singles_list: age_gap = abs(person.age - self.age) if (person.area == self.area and person.gender != self.gender and person != self and age_gap <= 10 and person.age > 18 and self.age > 18): # candidate lives in the same area and is single if rdm(100) > pop.partner_prob: self.partner = person person.partner = self # print(self.full_name,"found",self.partner.full_name,"!!") return True return False
def pickRandom(l): if l is None: return None cnt = 0 cur = l while cur: cnt += 1 cur = idx = rdm(1, cnt) cnt = 0 while cnt < idx: res = l l = cnt += 1 return res
def __init__(self, start_indiviudals=50): self.people = [] self.singles_list = [] self.names = names() self.id_seq = 1 self.nr_people = 0 self.partner_prob = 95 self.birth_prob = 70 g = ['F', 'M'] for i in range(start_indiviudals): # Female is 0, Male is 1 gender = rdm(2) first_name = self.names.get_randomFirst(gender) last_name = self.names.get_randomLast() age = rdm(15, 50) new_person = Individual(first_name, last_name, age, g[gender], self.id_seq, rdm(n_areas)) self.people.append(new_person) self.singles_list.append(new_person) self.id_seq += 1 self.nr_people += 1
def aging(self, factor=1): for person in self.people: person.age += factor if person.age > 20 and person not in self.singles_list: self.singles_list.append(person) if person.age > 80 and rdm(100) > 75: # Person dies self.people.remove(person) try: self.singles_list.remove(person) except: pass self.nr_people -= 1 person.status = 'Dead' # print(person.full_name+'['+str('] has died...') if not isinstance(person.partner, str): person.partner.partner = 'None'
def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, age, gender, id_seq1, area=rdm(n_areas)): = id_seq1 self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.full_name = first_name + " " + last_name self.gender = gender self.age = age self.partner = 'None' self.area = area self.children = [] self.nr_children = 0 self.parent = [] self.status = 'Alive'
def __take_kick(self, con=None): if con: self.conlist.append(con) self.finger -= 1 return self.finger if self.status <= 0: if self.inilist(self.sqo, self.cif) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Cannot Initial the Pool!') self.ilock.acquire() if self.finger >= self.length: self.__batch_recovery() if self.__finger >= self.length: for i in xrange(5): time.sleep(round(rdm(), 1)) if self.finger < self.length: break if i >= 4: self.ilock.release() return None con = self.conlist.pop(0) self.finger += 1 self.ilock.release() return con
print('\n1)Facile') print('2)Moyen') print('3)Difficile') print('4)Personnalise') Diff=input() #On essaye de convertir Diff en Integer. Si ca marche pas, c'est que #le joueur a mis des lettres, et ca lui dit try: Diff=int(Diff) except Exception as e: print('Il semblerait que tu n\'ais pas renseigne un nombre...') continue if int(Diff)==1: nombremyst=rdm(1,100) Max='100 : ' elif int(Diff)==2: nombremyst=rdm(1,200) Max='200 : ' elif int(Diff)==3: nombremyst=rdm(1,400) Max='400 : ' elif int(Diff)==4: nbrmax=input('Quelle est la valeur maximale de ton nombre mystere ? ') nbrmax=nbrmax[:10] try: nbrmax=int(nbrmax) except Exception as e: print('Il semblerait que tu n\'ais pas renseigne un nombre...') continue
couleur='' chxcouleur = False while not chxcouleur: couleur=input('\nQuelle couleur choisis-tu ? Rouge/Noir ') couleur=fonctions.Minuscule(couleur) if couleur=='rouge' or couleur=='noir': chxcouleur=True else: print('La couleur specifiee n\'est pas valide !') coulleur=1 if couleur=='rouge': coulleur=1 else: coulleur=2 croupier=rdm(1,2) if coulleur==croupier: Argent=Argent+mise*3 print('\nGagne ! Tu as maintenant %s euros !'%Argent) else: boolfuite=False print('\nEt merde... T\'as perdu !!') while not boolfuite: fuite=input('\nTu veux tenter de te barrer ? (Oui/Non)') fuite=fonctions.Minuscule(fuite) if fuite!='oui' and fuite!='non': print('Ta reponse n\'est pas valide !') else: boolfuite=True if fuite=='oui':
def pointcolor(): return(rdm(100,150),rdm(100,150),rdm(100,150))
def relocate(self, new_area=rdm(n_areas)): return new_area
def get_randomLast(self): return self.last_names[rdm(self.nr_Lnames)]
def get_randomFirst(self, gender): # Female is 0, Male is 1 if gender: return self.first_namesM[rdm(self.nr_Fnames)].title() else: return self.first_namesF[rdm(self.nr_Fnames)]
ret[by:by+h, bx:bx+w, c] * (1.0 - fore_alpha(fy, h, fx, w)) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': back = cv2.imread("land.jpg") fore = cv2.imread("phppg.png", -1) sh = fore.shape b = np.full_like(fore, 255, np.uint8) bb = mix_image(b, fore, (0, 0)) cv2.imshow('fore', bb) cv2.imshow('back', back) from random import random as rdm w, h, d = back.shape for i in range(10): back = mix_image(back, fore, (w * 1.2 * (rdm() - 0.2),h * 1.2 * (rdm() - 0.2))) cv2.imshow('mixed', back) cv2.imwrite('mixed.png', back) cv2.waitKey(0)
if verbose: print "Size ratio: " + str(size_ratio) if verbose: print '--------------------------------------------------' export.append({ "id": assert_name, "pass": assert_pass, "str_to_test": str_to_test, "encrypted": encrypted, "decrypted": decrypted, "size_ratio": size_ratio }) test_quantity = int(sys.argv[1]) # test_quantity = 0 # print sys.argv while test_quantity > 0: test_quantity -= 1 assert_crypto(random_string(60), random_string(rdm(1, 10000)), random_string(rdm(1, 10000)), False) print "Tests results: " + str(asserts_total) + " total tests. " + str( asserts_passed) + ' passed, ' + str(asserts_failed) + ' failed.' try: if sys.argv[3] == "--save": f = open('lastUnitTestsResults.json', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(export)) f.close() print "Successfully exported as lastUnitTestsResults.json" except: pass
for c in range(0, 3): ret[by:by+h, bx:bx+w, c] = \ fore[fy:fy+h, fx:fx+w, c] * fore_alpha(fy, h, fx, w) +\ ret[by:by+h, bx:bx+w, c] * (1.0 - fore_alpha(fy, h, fx, w)) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': back = cv2.imread("land.jpg") fore = cv2.imread("phppg.png", -1) sh = fore.shape b = np.full_like(fore, 255, np.uint8) bb = mix_image(b, fore, (0, 0)) cv2.imshow('fore', bb) cv2.imshow('back', back) from random import random as rdm w, h, d = back.shape for i in range(10): back = mix_image(back, fore, (w * 1.2 * (rdm() - 0.2), h * 1.2 * (rdm() - 0.2))) cv2.imshow('mixed', back) cv2.imwrite('mixed.png', back) cv2.waitKey(0)
def random_string(count): ret = "" while len(ret) < count: ret += allowed[rdm(0, len(allowed) - 1)] return ret
vd_ball = sphere(display=scenev,pos=(0,0,0),radius = vrms/30, x_axis = curve(display=scenev, pos=[(-1.4*vrms,0,0), (1.4*vrms,0,0)], radius=vrms/100) y_axis = curve(display=scenev, pos=[(0,-1.4*vrms,0), (0,1.4*vrms,0)], radius=vrms/100) vv = vector(0, 0, 0) count=0 while true: t+=dt rate(10000) v_array+=q*E*dt/m pos_array+=v_array*dt outside=abs(pos_array)>=L if outside[N-1,0] or outside[N-1,1] or outside[N-1,2]: atoms[N-1].retain=0 pos_array[outside]=-pos_array[outside] vv+=vector(sum(v_array,0)/N) if int(t/dt)%2000==0: tau=t*N/(counter) print tau,vv/t*dt,q*E*tau/m vd_ball.pos=vv/t*dt for i in range(N): atoms_v[i].pos,atoms[i].pos=v_array[i],pos_array[i] if random.uniform(0,1)>prob:pass else: theta,phi=pi*rdm(),2*pi*rdm() v_array[i]=[vrms*sin(theta)*cos(phi), vrms*sin(theta)*sin(phi), vrms*cos(theta)]; counter += 1 atoms[N-1].retain=2000
import random as rdm print(rdm.random()) # 2 from random import randint as rdi, random as rdm print(rdi(5, 89)) print(rdm()) # Podemos importar todas as funções de um módulo utilizando o * from random import * # import random -> diferente, pois quando importa * não é necessário usar o nome do modulo separado por ponto print(random()) """ # Costumamos a utilizar tuple para colocar múltiplos imports de um mesmo módulo from random import (random as rdm, randint as rdi, shuffle as shf, choice as chc) print(rdm()) print(rdi(1, 55)) lista = [1, 2, 3, 4] shf(lista) print(lista) print(chc('Hello World'))
from random import random as rdm random = lambda digit: int(rdm() * digit) array = lambda size=10, digit=10: [random(digit) for e in range(size)] def test(Sort): arr = array(20, 1000) Sort().sort(arr) print(Sort.__name__, arr, sep='\t') class Sorter(object): def sort(arr): pass # 冒泡排序 class BubbleSort(Sorter): def sort(self, arr): for i in range(len(arr) - 1, 0, -1): for j in range(0, i): if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]: tmp = arr[j] arr[j] = arr[j + 1] arr[j + 1] = tmp # 选择排序 class SelectSort(Sorter):