Exemplo n.º 1
def dreamzPTSwap(func, priorFunc, X, XP, XT, args=None):
    TU = unique(XT)
    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    for i in range(len(TU) - 1, 0, -1):
        Tlow = TU[i - 1]
        Thigh = TU[i]
        betaLow = 1.0 / Tlow
        betaHigh = 1.0 / Thigh

        # pick chains with matching temperatures to swap
        idx = where(XT == Tlow)[0]
        j = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 1)[0]
        Plow = XP[j]
        idx = where(XT == Thigh)[0]
        i = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 1)[0]
        Phigh = XP[i]

        alpha = (Phigh - Plow) * (betaLow - betaHigh)
        if log(uniform()) < alpha:
            xx = copy(X[j])
            xxp = copy(XP[j])
            X[j] = X[i]
            XP[j] = XP[i]
            X[i] = xx
            XP[i] = xxp
    return X, XP
Exemplo n.º 2
def DEStep(func, priorFunc, \
                   X, XP, \
                   ncr=0, \
                   gamma=1.0, eps=1.e-6, e=0.05, \
                   fitVector=None, args=None):

    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(XP)
    XPNEW = copy(XP)
    XNEW = copy(X)
    if all(fitVector == None):
        parIndex = arange(ndim)
        parIndex = copy(fitVector)
    success = []
    idx = arange(nHist)
    mask = ones(nHist, dtype=bool)
    for i in range(nChains):
        Sample three indices at random.
        mask[i] = False  # ensure current chain is not included in selection
        r = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx[mask], 3)  # select random
        mask[i] = True  # restore current chain for future iterations
        Z0 = X[r[0]]
        Z1 = X[r[1]]
        Z2 = X[r[2]]
        Create an evolution vector from those samples.
        delta = Z2 - Z1
        Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
        x = copy(X[i])
        pp = copy(parIndex)
        if ncr > 0 and ncr < ndim:  # deal with limited number of crossovers
            pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, ncr)
        x[pp] = Z0[pp] + (1.0+normal(size=len(pp))*e)*gamma*delta[pp] + \
        pf = priorFunc(x)
        if ~isneginf(pf):
            if args == None:
                xp = func(x)
                xp = func(x, *args)
            xp = 0.  # doesn't matter
        Acceptance ratio setp. 
        alpha = xp + pf - XP[i]
        dice = log(uniform())
        if dice < alpha:
            XNEW[i] = x
            XPNEW[i] = xp + pf
            success += [1]
            success += [0]
    return XNEW, XPNEW, success
Exemplo n.º 3
def dreamzPTStep(func, priorFunc, \
                     X, XP, XT, Z, ZP, ZT, gamma=1.0, eps=1.e-6, e=0.05):
    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(ZP)
    #idx = arange(nHist)
    for i in range(nChains):
        Make a list of Z index values at the same temperature as X[i].
        idx = arange(nHist)[ZT==XT[i]]
        Sample two indices at random.
        r1, r2 = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 2) # select random
        Create an evolution vector from those samples.
        delta = Z[r2] - Z[r1]
        Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
        x = X[i] + (1.0+normal()*e)*gamma*delta + normal()*eps
        xp = func(x)
        Acceptance ratio setp. Notice the inclusion of temperature.
        pfi = priorFunc(X[i])
        pf = priorFunc(x)
        alpha = exp((xp - XP[i])/XT[i] \
                        + pf - pfi)
        if uniform() < alpha:
            X[i] = x
            XP[i] = xp
    return X, XP
Exemplo n.º 4
def takeAZStep(func, priorFunc, \
                   X, XP, Z, ZP, \
                   ncr, navg, \
                   gamma, eps, e, \
                   fitVector, args, plow, phigh, nHist, \
               parIndex, i):
    Sample two indices at random.
    #r = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 2*navg) # select random
    r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nHist, 2 * navg)
    Z1 = sum(Z[r[0:navg], :], axis=0)
    Z2 = sum(Z[r[navg:], :], axis=0)
    Create an evolution vector from those samples.
    delta = Z2 - Z1
    Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
    x = copy(X[i])
    pp = copy(parIndex)
    if ncr > 0 and ncr < ndim:  # deal with limited number of crossovers
        pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, ncr)
    x[pp] += (1.0+normal(size=len(pp))*e)*gamma*delta[pp] + \
    Try reflecting
    if plow != None and phigh != None:
        idx = (x > phigh)
        x[idx] = 2 * phigh[idx] - x[idx]
        idx = (x < plow)
        x[idx] = 2 * plow[idx] - x[idx]
    pf = priorFunc(x)
    if ~isneginf(pf):
        if args == None:
            xp = func(x)
            xp = func(x, *args)
        xp = 0.  # doesn't matter
    Acceptance ratio setp. 
    alpha = xp + pf - XP[i]
    dice = log(uniform())
    if dice < alpha:
        X[i] = x
        XP[i] = xp + pf
        psuccess = 1
        psuccess = 0
    return psuccess
def dreamzPTSwap(func, priorFunc, X, XP, XT, args=None):
    TU = unique(XT)
    ntemps = len(TU)
    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    #XNEW = copy(X)
    #XPNEW = copy(XP)
    for i in range(len(TU)-1,0,-1):
        Tlow = TU[i-1]
        Thigh = TU[i]
        betaLow = 1.0 / Tlow
        betaHigh = 1.0 / Thigh
        #tfactor = (Tlow - Thigh)/(Tlow*Thigh)

    # pick chains with matching temperatures to swap
        idx = where(XT == Tlow)[0]
        j = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 1)[0]
        Plow = XP[j]
        idx = where(XT == Thigh)[0]
        i = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 1)[0]
        Phigh = XP[i]

        pfi = priorFunc(X[i])
        pfj = priorFunc(X[j])

        alpha = (Phigh - Plow)*(betaLow - betaHigh) # how to use priors?
        if log(uniform()) < alpha:
            xx = copy(X[j])
            xxp = copy(XP[j])
            X[j] = X[i]
            XP[j] = XP[i]
            X[i] = xx
            XP[i] = xxp
            XNEW[i] = X[j]
            XNEW[j] = X[i]
            XPNEW[i] = XP[j]
            XPNEW[j] = XP[i]
    return X, XP
Exemplo n.º 6
    def evolve(i):
        Make a list of Z index values at the same temperature as X[i].
        thisTemp = XT[i]
        Sample indices at random. Take into account averaging.
        r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nn, 2 * navg) * nChains + i

        Z1 = sum(Z[r[0:navg], :], axis=0)
        Z2 = sum(Z[r[navg:], :], axis=0)
        Create an evolution vector from those samples.
        delta = Z2 - Z1
        Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
        x = copy(X[i])
        pp = copy(parIndex)
        if ncr > 0 and ncr < ndim:  # deal with limited number of crossovers
            pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, ncr)
        x[pp] += (1.0 + normal(size=len(pp)) * e) * gamma * delta[pp] + normal(
            size=len(pp)) * eps
        Try reflecting
        if plow != None and phigh != None:
            idx = (x > phigh)
            x[idx] = 2 * phigh[idx] - x[idx]
            idx = (x < plow)
            x[idx] = 2 * plow[idx] - x[idx]
        pf = priorFunc(x)
        if ~isneginf(pf):
            if args == None:
                xp = func(x)
                xp = func(x, *args)
            xp = 0.  # doesn't matter
        xp = xp + pf
        alpha = (xp - XP[i]) / XT[i]
        dice = log(uniform())
        successi = dice < alpha
        if successi:
            X[i] = x
            XP[i] = xp
        success[i] = int(successi)
Exemplo n.º 7
def dreamzStep(func, X, XP, Z, ZP, gamma=0.1, eps=1.e-6, e=0.05):
    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(ZP)
    idx = arange(nHist)
    for i in range(nChains):
        r1, r2 = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 2)
        delta = Z[r2] - Z[r1]
        x = X[i] + (1.0 + normal() * e) * gamma * delta + normal() * eps
        xp = func(x)
        alpha = exp(xp - XP[i])
        if uniform() < alpha:
            X[i] = x
            XP[i] = xp
    return X, XP
Exemplo n.º 8
def dreamPTSwap(func, X, XP, XT):
    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    XNEW = copy(X)
    XPNEW = copy(XP)
    i = sampleWithoutReplacement(range(1, nChains), 1)[0]
    j = i - 1
    betaLow = 1.0 / XT[j]
    betaHigh = 1.0 / XT[i]
    alpha = exp((XP[i] - XP[j]) * (betaHigh - betaLow))
    if uniform() < alpha:
        XNEW[i] = X[j]
        XNEW[j] = X[i]
        XPNEW[i] = XP[j]
        XPNEW[j] = XP[i]
    return XNEW, XPNEW
def dreamSwap(func, priorFunc, \
              X, XP, \
              fitVector=None, args=None):

    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(XP)
    XPNEW = copy(XP)
    XNEW = copy(X)
    if fitVector == None:
        parIndex = arange(ndim)
        parIndex = copy(fitVector)
    success = []
    idx = arange(nHist)
    mask = ones(nHist, dtype=bool)
    for i in range(nChains):
        Sample another index at random.
        mask[i] = False # ensure current chain is not included in selection
        r = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx[mask], 1) # select random
        mask[i] = True # restore current chain for future iterations
        Z1 = X[r[0],:]

        x = copy(X[i])
        pp = copy(parIndex)
        x[pp] = Z1[pp] + normal(size=len(pp))*eps
        pf = priorFunc(x)
        if ~isneginf(pf):
            if args == None:
                xp = func(x)
                xp = func(x, *args)
            xp = 0. # doesn't matter

        Acceptance ratio setp. 
        alpha = xp + pf - XP[i]
        dice = log(uniform())
        if dice < alpha:
            XNEW[i] = x
            XPNEW[i] = xp + pf
    return XNEW, XPNEW
Exemplo n.º 10
def dreamzPTStep(func, priorFunc, \
                     X, XP, XT, Z, ZP, ZT, \
                     ncr=0, navg=1, \
                     eps=1.e-6, e=0.05, \
                     fitVector=None, args=None, plow=None, phigh=None, thin=10):
    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(ZP)
    if all(fitVector == None):
        parIndex = arange(ndim)
        parIndex = copy(fitVector)
    #idx = arange(nHist)
    success = []
    idx = arange(nHist)
    #mask = zeros(nHist, dtype=bool)
    nn = nHist / nChains
    if any(fitVector != None):
        nfit = len(fitVector)
        nfit = ndim

    for j in range(thin):
        for i in range(nChains):
            nav = randint(1, navg + 1)
            if ncr > 0:
                #nc = np.random.randint(1,ncr+1)
                nc = ncrDraw(ncr, nfit)
                nc = nfit
            gamma = 2.38 / sqrt(2.0 * nc * nav)
            if uniform() < 0.1:  # 10% of the dreamz steps, hop between modes
                gamma = 1.0
            Make a list of Z index values at the same temperature as X[i].
            thisTemp = XT[i]
            Sample indices at random. Take into account averaging.
            r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nn, 2 * nav) * nChains + i
            Z1 = sum(Z[r[0:nav], :], axis=0)
            Z2 = sum(Z[r[nav:], :], axis=0)
            Create an evolution vector from those samples.
            delta = Z2 - Z1
            Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
            x = copy(X[i])
            pp = copy(parIndex)
            if nc > 0 and nc < ndim:  # deal with limited number of crossovers
                pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, nc)
            x[pp] += (1.0 + normal(size=len(pp)) *
                      e) * gamma * delta[pp] + normal(size=len(pp)) * eps
            Try reflecting
            if plow != None and phigh != None:
                idx = (x > phigh)
                x[idx] = 2 * phigh[idx] - x[idx]
                idx = (x < plow)
                x[idx] = 2 * plow[idx] - x[idx]

            pf = priorFunc(x)
            if ~isneginf(pf):
                if args == None:
                    xp = func(x) + pf
                    xp = func(x, *args) + pf
                alpha = (xp - XP[i]) / thisTemp
                dice = log(uniform())
                if dice < alpha:
                    X[i] = x
                    XP[i] = xp
                    if thisTemp == 1: success += [1]
                    if thisTemp == 1: success += [0]
                if thisTemp == 1: success += [0]

    return X, XP, success
Exemplo n.º 11
def dreamStep(func, priorFunc, \
                   X, XP, \
                   ncr=0, navg=1, \
                   gamma=1.0, eps=1.e-6, e=0.05, \
                   fitVector=None, args=None, violateDB=False):

    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(XP)
    XPNEW = copy(XP)
    XNEW = copy(X)
    if all(fitVector == None):
        parIndex = arange(ndim)
        parIndex = copy(fitVector)
    success = []
    #idx = arange(nHist)
    #mask = ones(nHist, dtype=bool)
    for i in range(nChains):
        Sample two indices at random.
        #if not violateDB: # violateDB may be desirable during burn-in
        #mask[i] = False # ensure current chain is not included in selection
        if violateDB:
            r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nHist, 2 * navg)
            r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nHist, 2 * navg, mask=[i])
        #r = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx[mask], 2*navg) # select random
        #mask[i] = True # restore current chain for future iterations
        Z1 = sum(X[r[0:navg], :], axis=0)
        Z2 = sum(X[r[navg:], :], axis=0)
        Create an evolution vector from those samples.
        delta = Z2 - Z1
        Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
        x = copy(X[i])
        pp = copy(parIndex)
        if ncr > 0 and ncr < ndim:  # deal with limited number of crossovers
            pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, ncr)
        x[pp] += (1.0+normal(size=len(pp))*e)*gamma*delta[pp] + \
        pf = priorFunc(x)
        if ~isneginf(pf):
            if args == None:
                xp = func(x)
                xp = func(x, *args)
            xp = 0.  # doesn't matter
        Acceptance ratio setp. 
        alpha = xp + pf - XP[i]
        dice = log(uniform())
        if dice < alpha:
            XNEW[i] = x
            XPNEW[i] = xp + pf
            success += [1]
            success += [0]
    return XNEW, XPNEW, success
Exemplo n.º 12
def dreamzStep(func, priorFunc, \
                   X, XP, Z, ZP, \
                   ncr=0, navg=1, \
                   gamma=1.0, eps=1.e-6, e=0.05, \
                   fitVector=None, args=None, plow=None, phigh=None):

    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(ZP)
    if all(fitVector == None):
        parIndex = arange(ndim)
        parIndex = copy(fitVector)
    success = []
    #idx = arange(nHist)
    for i in range(nChains):
        Sample two indices at random.
        r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nHist, 2 * navg)
        Z1 = sum(Z[r[0:navg], :], axis=0)
        Z2 = sum(Z[r[navg:], :], axis=0)
        Create an evolution vector from those samples.
        delta = Z2 - Z1
        Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
        x = copy(X[i])
        pp = copy(parIndex)
        if ncr > 0 and ncr < ndim:  # deal with limited number of crossovers
            pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, ncr)
        x[pp] += (1.0+normal(size=len(pp))*e)*gamma*delta[pp] + \
        Try reflecting
        if plow != None and phigh != None:
            idx = (x > phigh)
            x[idx] = 2 * phigh[idx] - x[idx]
            idx = (x < plow)
            x[idx] = 2 * plow[idx] - x[idx]
        pf = priorFunc(x)
        if ~isneginf(pf):
            if args == None:
                xp = func(x)
                xp = func(x, *args)
            xp = 0.  # doesn't matter
        Acceptance ratio setp. 
        alpha = xp + pf - XP[i]
        dice = log(uniform())
        if dice < alpha:
            X[i] = x
            XP[i] = xp + pf
            success += [1]
            success += [0]
    return X, XP, success
Exemplo n.º 13
def dreamzPTStep(func, priorFunc, \
                     X, XP, XT, Z, ZP, ZT, \
                     ncr=0, navg=1, \
                     gamma=1.0, eps=1.e-6, e=0.05, \
                     fitVector=None, args=None, plow=None, phigh=None):
    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(ZP)
    if fitVector == None:
        parIndex = arange(ndim)
        parIndex = copy(fitVector)
    #idx = arange(nHist)
    success = []
    idx = arange(nHist)
    #mask = zeros(nHist, dtype=bool)
    nn = nHist / nChains
    for i in range(nChains):
        Make a list of Z index values at the same temperature as X[i].
        thisTemp = XT[i]
        Sample indices at random. Take into account averaging.
        #mask[ZT == thisTemp] = True

        # The following approach is too slow!
        #r = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx[mask], 2*navg) # select random
        # restore mask

        #sdx = where(ZT==thisTemp)[0]

        #sdx = arange(i,nHist,nChains) # assumes 1 temperature per chain
        #nn = len(sdx)
        #r = sdx[sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nn, 2*navg)]
        r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nn,2*navg)*nChains + i

        #mask[ZT == thisTemp] = False # reset for future chain

        Z1 = sum(Z[r[0:navg],:], axis=0)
        Z2 = sum(Z[r[navg:],:], axis=0)
        Create an evolution vector from those samples.
        delta = Z2 - Z1
        Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
        x = copy(X[i])
        pp = copy(parIndex)
        if ncr > 0 and ncr < ndim: # deal with limited number of crossovers
            pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, ncr)
        x[pp] += (1.0+normal(size=len(pp))*e)*gamma*delta[pp] + normal(size=len(pp))*eps
        Try reflecting
        if plow != None and phigh != None:
            idx = (x > phigh) 
            x[idx] = 2*phigh[idx] - x[idx]
            idx = (x < plow)
            x[idx] = 2*plow[idx] - x[idx]

        pf = priorFunc(x)
        if ~isneginf(pf):
            if args == None:
                xp = func(x)
                xp = func(x, *args)
            xp = 0. # doesn't matter

        Acceptance ratio setp. Notice the inclusion of temperature.
        if ~isneginf(pf):
            #pfi = priorFunc(X[i])
            alpha = (xp - XP[i])/XT[i] \
                            + pf# - pfi
            dice = log(uniform())
            if dice < alpha:
                X[i] = x
                XP[i] = xp + pf
                if XT[i] == 1: success += [1]
                if XT[i] == 1: success += [0]
            if XT[i] == 1: success += [0]
    return X, XP, success
Exemplo n.º 14
def dreamzStep(func, priorFunc, \
                   X, XP, Z, ZP, \
                   ncr=0, navg=1, \
                   gamma=1.0, eps=1.e-6, e=0.05, \
                   fitVector=None, args=None, plow=None, phigh=None):

    nChains, ndim = shape(X)
    nHist = len(ZP)
    if fitVector == None:
        parIndex = arange(ndim)
        parIndex = copy(fitVector)
    success = []
    #idx = arange(nHist)
    XNEW = X * 0.0
    sfunc = partial(getLogProb, func, priorFunc, \
    for i in range(nChains):
        Sample two indices at random.
        #r = sampleWithoutReplacement(idx, 2*navg) # select random
        r = sampleIndexWithoutReplacement(nHist, 2*navg)
        Z1 = sum(Z[r[0:navg],:], axis=0)
        Z2 = sum(Z[r[navg:],:], axis=0)
        Create an evolution vector from those samples.
        delta = Z2 - Z1
        Differential evolution step: make a trial, new solution.
        x = copy(X[i])
        pp = copy(parIndex)
        if ncr > 0 and ncr < ndim: # deal with limited number of crossovers
            pp = sampleWithoutReplacement(parIndex, ncr)
        x[pp] += (1.0+normal(size=len(pp))*e)*gamma*delta[pp] + \
        Try reflecting
        if plow != None and phigh != None:
            idx = (x > phigh) 
            x[idx] = 2*phigh[idx] - x[idx]
            idx = (x < plow)
            x[idx] = 2*plow[idx] - x[idx]
        XNEW[i] = x

    pool = Pool(processes=2)   
    XPNEW = array(pool.map(sfunc, XNEW))
    #print XPNEW
    alpha = XPNEW - XP
    dice = log(uniform(size=nChains))
    success = dice < alpha
    XP[success] = XPNEW[success]
    X[success,:] = XNEW[success,:]
    success = list(success.astype(int))
    for i in range(nChains):
        alpha = XPNEW[i] - XP[i]
        dice = log(uniform())
        if dice < alpha:
            X[i] = x
            XP[i] = XPNEW[i]
            success += [1]
            success += [0]
    return X, XP, success