Exemplo n.º 1
def estimate_pi(n_trials):
    """Sample x,y ~ U(0,1) and test if x^2 + y^2 < 1."""
    n_hits_in_circle = 0
    for _ in range(n_trials):
        x, y = unif_rand(), unif_rand()
        f = circle_func(x, y)
        if f < 1:
            n_hits_in_circle += 1
    estimate = 4 * n_hits_in_circle / n_trials
    return estimate
def play_game():
    player_amt = -5  # player initially pays 5 units
    u = unif_rand()
    success_counter = 0
    payout = 1
    while u > 0.5:
        success_counter += 1
        payout = 2 * payout
        player_amt += payout
        u = unif_rand()
    return player_amt
def sample_die_from_unif(N=6):
    """Simulate an N-sided die."""
    u = unif_rand()
    x = u * N
    for n in range(1, N + 1):
        if x <= n:
            return n
Exemplo n.º 4
def simulate_game(max_iter):
    """Gambler wins with prob > 0 and the game stops when either:
        i) the gambler runs out of money, or
        ii) house runs out of money, or
        iii) max_iter reached.
        max_iter (int): upper bound on number of rounds in game.
        curr_iter (int): num iterations reached at end of game.
        "game" is synonymous with "trial".
    # hardcoded vals to make parallelization easier...
    curr_iter = 0
    # simulate game
    while gambler_limit and house_limit and curr_iter < max_iter:
        curr_iter += 1
        u = unif_rand()
        payout = 1 if u > gambler_win_prob else -1
        gambler_limit += payout
        house_limit += -payout
    return curr_iter
Exemplo n.º 5
def simulate_gambler(max_iter=1e6,
    """Gambler wins with prob > 0 and the game stops when either:
        i) the gambler runs out of money, or
        ii) house runs out of money, or
        iii) max_iter reached.
    curr_iter = 0
    gambler_val_path = [gambler_limit]  # cumulative win/loss each round
    while gambler_limit and house_limit and curr_iter < max_iter:
        curr_iter += 1
        u = unif_rand()
        payout = 1 if u > gambler_win_prob else -1
        gambler_limit += payout
        house_limit += payout
        gambler_val_path += [gambler_limit]
    return gambler_val_path, curr_iter
def est_sample(n_bernoulli):
    bernoulli_sum = np.sum([unif_rand() for _ in range(n_bernoulli)])
    s = (bernoulli_sum - (n_bernoulli / 2)) * (1 / (np.sqrt(n_bernoulli / 12)))
    return s
def estimate():
    x, y = unif_rand(), unif_rand()
    z = x**2 + y**2
    return z <= 1
def sample_pt(d=2):
    """Sample a d-dimensional point in the cube."""
    pt = [unif_rand() for _ in range(d)]
    return pt