Exemplo n.º 1
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        if new_loop:

            if loop_instance % 4 == 0:
                if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                    c = random_color(luminosity="dark")
                    self.kick_instrument.bg = c
                    self.snare_instrument.bg = c
                    self.kick_instrument.bg = color.BLACK
                    self.snare_instrument.bg = color.BLACK

            if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = random_color(luminosity="dark")
                self.snare_instrument.fg = random_color(luminosity="dark")

            elif self.cm.modifiers[2]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]
                self.snare_instrument.fg = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]

            elif self.cm.modifiers[3]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = color.RED
                self.snare_instrument.fg = color.BLUE

                self.kick_instrument.fg = color.PURPLE
                self.snare_instrument.fg = color.BLUE

        for track in self.tracks:
            track.update_at_progress(progress, new_loop, loop_instance)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, bird, hertz, cells):
        BirdLoop.__init__(self, bird, hertz, cells)
        self.front = geom.front_of_bird(bird)
        self.rear = geom.rear_of_bird(bird)

        self.front_clr = randomcolor.random_color(luminosity="light")
        self.rear_clr = randomcolor.random_color(luminosity="light")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        if new_loop:
            if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="light")
                self.background = self.foreground.copy()
                self.background.h += 0.5
                self.background = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                self.foreground = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]

            self.color_list = morph.transition_list(self.foreground,

        mode = self.step_mode(4)

        # _list defines what we loop over
        if mode == 3:
            _list = ice_geom.ICICLES
        elif mode == 2:
            _list = ice_geom.COLS
        elif mode == 1:
            _list = ice_geom.ROWS
        elif mode == 0:
            _list = ice_geom.SLICES
        # if mode == 4:
        #     _list = sheep.ALL
        # elif mode == 3:
        #     _list = [sheep.FACE, sheep.HEAD, sheep.EARS, sheep.THROAT, sheep.BREAST, sheep.SHOULDER, sheep.RACK, sheep.LOIN, sheep.LEG, sheep.BUTT, sheep.TAIL]
        # elif mode == 2:
        #     _list = sheep.FRONT_SPIRAL
        # elif mode == 1:
        #     _list = sheep.VSTRIPES
        # elif mode == 0:
        #     _list = sheep.HSTRIPES

        # Because progress will never actually hit 1.0, this will always
        # produce a valid list index
        to_light = int(progress * len(_list))

        for i in range(0, len(_list)):
            c = self.background
            if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
                c = color.BLACK

            if i <= to_light:
                x = i
                if len(_list) < len(self.color_list) / 2:
                    x = i * 2
                c_ix = x % len(self.color_list)

                if self.cm.modifiers[2] and (loop_instance % 2 == 0):
                    c_ix = len(self.color_list) - 1 - c_ix

                c = self.color_list[c_ix]

            el = _list[i]
            self.ss.both.set_cell(el, c)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, sheep_sides):
     looping_show.LoopingShow.__init__(self, sheep_sides)
     self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="light")
     self.background = self.foreground.copy()
     self.background.h += 0.5
     self.background.s += 0.5
     self.mode = 0           
Exemplo n.º 5
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        if new_loop:
            if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="light")
                self.background = self.foreground.copy()
                self.background.h += 0.5
                self.background = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                self.foreground = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]

            self.color_list = morph.transition_list(self.foreground, self.background, steps=16)

        mode = self.step_mode(4)

        # _list defines what we loop over
        if mode == 3:            
            _list = ice_geom.ICICLES
        elif mode == 2:            
            _list = ice_geom.COLS
        elif mode == 1:
            _list = ice_geom.ROWS
        elif mode == 0:
            _list = ice_geom.SLICES
        # if mode == 4:
        #     _list = sheep.ALL
        # elif mode == 3:
        #     _list = [sheep.FACE, sheep.HEAD, sheep.EARS, sheep.THROAT, sheep.BREAST, sheep.SHOULDER, sheep.RACK, sheep.LOIN, sheep.LEG, sheep.BUTT, sheep.TAIL]
        # elif mode == 2:
        #     _list = sheep.FRONT_SPIRAL
        # elif mode == 1:
        #     _list = sheep.VSTRIPES
        # elif mode == 0:
        #     _list = sheep.HSTRIPES

        # Because progress will never actually hit 1.0, this will always
        # produce a valid list index
        to_light = int(progress * len(_list))

        for i in range(0, len(_list)):
            c = self.background
            if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
                c = color.BLACK

            if i <= to_light:
                x = i
                if len(_list) < len(self.color_list) / 2:
                    x = i * 2
                c_ix = x % len(self.color_list)

                if self.cm.modifiers[2] and (loop_instance % 2 == 0):
                    c_ix = len(self.color_list) - 1 - c_ix

                c = self.color_list[c_ix]

            el = _list[i]
            self.ss.both.set_cell(el, c)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: areas.py Projeto: zrlram/leds
    def __init__(self, geometry):
        looping_show.LoopingShow.__init__(self, geometry)

        self.mode = 2
        self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="light")
        self.background = self.foreground.copy()
        self.background.h += 0.5
        self._list = []
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: areas.py Projeto: zrlram/leds
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

	# (loud, pitch) = self.audio.audio_input()

        if new_loop:
            #self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="light")
            self.foreground = random_color()
            self.background = self.foreground.copy()
            self.background.h += 0.5

            self.color_list = morph.transition_list(self.foreground, self.background, steps=16)


            # udpate mode every now and then
            if (loop_instance % 5 == 0):
                self.mode = (self.mode + 1) % 4
                print "Changing mode to %s" % self.mode

            if self.mode == 0:
                self._list = [[x for x in range(model.numLEDs)]]
            elif self.mode ==1:
                self._list = model.HOR_RINGS_TOP_DOWN
            elif self.mode ==2:
                self._list = model.HOR_RINGS_MIDDLE_OUT
            elif self.mode ==3:
                self._list = model.HOR_RINGS_TOP_DOWN
                self._list = [[x for x in range(model.numLEDs)]]

        # Because progress will never actually hit 1.0, this will always
        # produce a valid list index
        to_light = int(progress * len(self._list))

        for i in range(0, len(self._list)):
            c = self.background

            if i <= to_light:
                x = i
                if len(self._list) < len(self.color_list) / 2:
                    x = i * 2
                c_ix = x % len(self.color_list)

                #if self.cm.modifiers[2] and (loop_instance % 2 == 0):
                #    c_ix = len(self.color_list) - 1 - c_ix

                c = self.color_list[c_ix]

	    c.v = loud
            c = hsv_to_rgb(c.hsv)
            for i in self._list[i]:
                self.geometry.set_pixel(i, c)

Exemplo n.º 8
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):
        if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
            self.ss.party.set_cells(geom.ALL, geom.WHITE)
            self.ss.party.set_cells(geom.ALL, geom.DARK_RED)

        if new_loop:
            self.kick_instrument.fg = geom.PURPLE
            self.snare_instrument.fg = geom.BLUE

            if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]
                self.snare_instrument.fg = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]

            if self.cm.modifiers[2]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = random_color(luminosity="dark")
                self.snare_instrument.fg = random_color(luminosity="dark")

        for track in self.tracks:
            track.update_at_progress(progress, new_loop, loop_instance)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        if new_loop:
            #if self.mode==0:
            self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="light")
            self.background = self.foreground.copy()
            self.background.h += 0.5
            self.background.s += 0.2
                # TBD
                self.background = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                self.foreground = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]

            self.color_list = morph.transition_list(self.foreground, self.background, steps=16)

        #mode = self.step_mode(5)

        if self.mode == 1:
            _list = HOR_RINGS_TOP_DOWN
        elif self.mode == 0:
            _list = VERT_RINGS

        # Because progress will never actually hit 1.0, this will always
        # produce a valid list index
        to_light = int(progress * len(_list))

        for i in range(0, len(_list)):
            c = self.background

            if i <= to_light:
                x = i
                if len(_list) < len(self.color_list) / 2:
                    x = i * 2
                c_ix = x % len(self.color_list)

                #if self.cm.modifiers[2] and (loop_instance % 2 == 0):
                if (loop_instance % 2 == 0):
                   c_ix = len(self.color_list) - 1 - c_ix

                c = self.color_list[c_ix]

            el = _list[i]

            c = hsv_to_rgb(c.hsv)
            for i in el:
                self.geometry.set_pixel(i, c)

Exemplo n.º 10
    def next_frame(self):
        while True:


            pan = self.cm.show_target[0] * math.pi
            tilt = self.cm.show_target[1] * math.pi

            color = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]
            if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                color = random_color(luminosity="light");

            FOV_10.map_value(self.ss, pan, tilt, color, symmetry=self.cm.modifiers[1])

            # self.p.pan = self.cm.p_eye_pos[controls.PAN]
            # self.p.tilt = self.cm.p_eye_pos[controls.TILT]
            # self.b.pan = self.cm.b_eye_pos[controls.PAN]
            # self.b.tilt = self.cm.b_eye_pos[controls.TILT]

            yield 0.001
Exemplo n.º 11
    def next_frame(self):
        while True:


            pan = self.cm.show_target[0] * math.pi
            tilt = self.cm.show_target[1] * math.pi

            color = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]
            if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                color = random_color(luminosity="light")


            # self.p.pan = self.cm.p_eye_pos[controls.PAN]
            # self.p.tilt = self.cm.p_eye_pos[controls.TILT]
            # self.b.pan = self.cm.b_eye_pos[controls.PAN]
            # self.b.tilt = self.cm.b_eye_pos[controls.TILT]

            yield 0.001
Exemplo n.º 12
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        abs_pos = loop_instance + progress
        delta = abs_pos - self.last_abs_pos
        self.last_abs_pos = abs_pos

        if self.cm.modifiers[4]:
            # Do a sweeping was of color across the birds

            # Move the separater in the current direction using the current speed

            self.wash_pos += self.wash_speed * delta

            if self.wash_pos < 0:
                self.wash_pos = 0.0
            if self.wash_pos > (geom.NUM_BIRDS - 1):
                self.wash_pos = float(geom.NUM_BIRDS - 1)

            wpi = int(self.wash_pos)
            for ix, bird in enumerate(geom.BIRDS):
                if ix == wpi:
                    distance = self.wash_pos - wpi
                    # hsv = tween.hsvLinear(self.wash_a, self.wash_b, distance)
                    # clr = color.HSV(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2])
                    # clr = self.wash_a.morph_towards(self.wash_b, distance)
                    cutoff = distance * 30
                    for c_ix, c in enumerate(bird):
                        if (c_ix < cutoff) or (60 - c_ix) < cutoff:
                            self.ss.party.set_cell(c, self.wash_a)
                            self.ss.party.set_cell(c, self.wash_b)

                elif ix < self.wash_pos:
                    clr = self.wash_a
                    self.ss.party.set_cells(bird, clr)
                    clr = self.wash_b
                    self.ss.party.set_cells(bird, clr)

            # There is a chance of reversing the wash movement. Detect
            # quarter notes though
            q = math.floor(progress * 64.0)
            if q == 0.0 or q == 16.0 or q == 32.0 or q == 48.0:
                chance = 0.2 + 0.4 * (
                    (math.fabs(self.wash_speed) - self.min_speed) /
                    (self.max_speed - self.min_speed))
                if random.random() < chance:
                    self.wash_speed = -self.wash_speed

                    # If we reverse it, maybe we change the speed?
                    if random.random() < 0.9:
                        # Yes, change it. Increase or decrease equally
                        if random.random() < 0.5:
                            self.wash_speed = self.wash_speed / 1.3
                            self.wash_speed = self.wash_speed * 1.4

                        # Clamp the speed, respecting the sign
                        if math.fabs(self.wash_speed) < self.min_speed:
                            if self.wash_speed < 0.0:
                                self.wash_speed = -self.min_speed
                                self.wash_speed = self.min_speed
                        if math.fabs(self.wash_speed) > self.max_speed:
                            if self.wash_speed < 0.0:
                                self.wash_speed = -self.max_speed
                                self.wash_speed = self.max_speed

                #print "pos=%f speed=%f" % (self.wash_pos, self.wash_speed)

            # Enforce movement away from the ends
            if self.wash_pos == 0.0 and self.wash_speed < 0.0:
                self.wash_speed *= -1
            if self.wash_pos == geom.NUM_BIRDS - 1 and self.wash_speed > 0.0:
                self.wash_speed *= -1

            if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                self.ss.party.set_cells(geom.ALL, geom.WHITE)
                self.ss.party.set_cells(geom.ALL, geom.DARK_RED)

        if new_loop:

            # self.wash_a = color.HSV(0.0, 1.0, 0.5)
            # self.wash_b = color.HSV(0.5, 0.3, 0.5)

            if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = random_color(luminosity="dark")
                self.snare_instrument.fg = random_color(luminosity="dark")

            elif self.cm.modifiers[2]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]
                self.snare_instrument.fg = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                self.wash_a = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                self.wash_b = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]

            elif self.cm.modifiers[3]:
                self.kick_instrument.fg = geom.RED
                self.snare_instrument.fg = geom.BLUE
                self.wash_a = geom.RED
                self.wash_b = geom.BLACK

                self.kick_instrument.fg = geom.PURPLE
                self.snare_instrument.fg = geom.BLUE
                self.wash_a = geom.ROSE
                self.wash_b = geom.QUARTZ

        for track in self.tracks:
            track.update_at_progress(progress, new_loop, loop_instance)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        if new_loop:
            # The start of a loop has red at the left shoulder and
            # blue at the right flank
            if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                self.redColor = random_color()
                self.redPos = self.redColor.pos

                self.blueColor = self.redColor.copy()
                self.blueColor.h = self.blueColor.h + 0.3
                self.bluePos = self.blueColor.pos
                if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
                    # Use the chosen colors
                    self.redColor = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]
                    self.blueColor = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                    self.redPos = self.cm.chosen_colors_pos[0]
                    self.bluePos = self.cm.chosen_colors_pos[1]
                    # Just be red and blue cops
                    self.redColor = color.RGB(255,30,30)
                    self.blueColor = color.RGB(30,30,255);

                    self.redPos = eyes.EYE_COLOR_RED
                    self.bluePos = eyes.EYE_COLOR_BLUE

        # Panels
        # clear tham all
        if not self.cm.modifiers[2]:

        # mod 3 = reverse
        if not self.cm.modifiers[3]:
            if progress < 0.25: 
                # Red moving down right flank
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_FORWARD_R, FLANK_REAR_R, (progress / 0.25))
            elif progress < 0.5:
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_REAR_R, FLANK_REAR_L, (progress - 0.25) / 0.25)
            elif progress < 0.75:
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_REAR_L, FLANK_FORWARD_L, (progress - 0.50) / 0.25)
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_FORWARD_L, FLANK_FORWARD_R_WRAP, (progress - 0.75) / 0.25)
            if progress < 0.25: 
                # Red moving from rear R flank to front
                p = progress / 0.25
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_REAR_R, FLANK_FORWARD_R, p)
            elif progress < 0.5:
                p = (progress - 0.25) / 0.25
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_FORWARD_R_WRAP, FLANK_FORWARD_L, p)
            elif progress < 0.75:
                p = (progress - 0.50) / 0.25
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_FORWARD_L, FLANK_REAR_L, p)
                p = (progress - 0.75) / 0.25
                redPan = tween.linear(FLANK_REAR_L, FLANK_REAR_R, p)

        if redPan < 0:
            redPan += (2*math.pi)
        elif redPan > (2*math.pi):
            redPan -= (2*math.pi)

        bluePan = redPan + math.pi

        if bluePan < 0:
            bluePan += (2*math.pi)
        elif bluePan > (2*math.pi):
            bluePan -= (2*math.pi)

        FOV_10.map_value(self.ss, redPan, 0, self.redColor)
        FOV_10.map_value(self.ss, bluePan, 0, self.blueColor)

        # Eyes
        self.pe.pan = -90
        self.be.pan = -90;

        # mod 3 = reverse
        if not self.cm.modifiers[3]:
            if progress < 0.25: 
                # Red moving down right flank
                # Eyes off, getting ready for blue to hit the left shoulder
                self.pe.effect = self.closed
                self.be.effect = self.closed
                self.pe.tilt = self.pe_tilt_start
                self.be.tilt = self.be_tilt_start
                self.pe.color_pos = self.bluePos
                self.be.color_pos = self.bluePos

                self.pe.dimmer = 0.0
            elif progress < 0.5:
                # Tween from left to right
                self.pe.effect = None
                self.be.effect = None

                self.pe.tilt = tween.linear(self.pe_tilt_start, self.pe_tilt_end, (progress-0.25)/0.25)
                self.be.tilt = tween.linear(self.be_tilt_start, self.be_tilt_end, (progress-0.25)/0.25)

                self.pe.dimmer = 1.0
            elif progress < 0.75:
                # Reset eyes getting ready for red to hit
                self.pe.effect = self.closed
                self.be.effect = self.closed
                self.pe.tilt = self.pe_tilt_start
                self.be.tilt = self.be_tilt_start
                self.pe.color_pos = self.redPos
                self.be.color_pos = self.redPos

                self.pe.dimmer = 0.0
                # Tween from left to right
                self.pe.effect = None
                self.be.effect = None

                self.pe.tilt = tween.linear(self.pe_tilt_start, self.pe_tilt_end, (progress-0.75)/0.25)
                self.be.tilt = tween.linear(self.be_tilt_start, self.be_tilt_end, (progress-0.75)/0.25)

                self.pe.dimmer = 1.0

            # Reverse direction
            if progress < 0.25: 
                # Red moving from back of R flank to front
                # Reset eyes getting ready for red to hit
                self.pe.effect = self.closed
                self.be.effect = self.closed
                self.pe.tilt = self.pe_tilt_end
                self.be.tilt = self.be_tilt_end
                self.pe.color_pos = self.redPos
                self.be.color_pos = self.redPos

                self.pe.dimmer = 0.0

            elif progress < 0.5:
                # Red moving across breast from R to L 
                self.pe.effect = None
                self.be.effect = None

                p = (progress-0.25)/0.25
                self.pe.tilt = tween.linear(self.pe_tilt_end, self.pe_tilt_start, p)
                self.be.tilt = tween.linear(self.be_tilt_end, self.be_tilt_start, p)

                self.pe.dimmer = 1.0

            elif progress < 0.75:
                # Eyes off, getting ready for blue to hit the right shoulder
                self.pe.effect = self.closed
                self.be.effect = self.closed
                self.pe.tilt = self.pe_tilt_end
                self.be.tilt = self.be_tilt_end
                self.pe.color_pos = self.bluePos
                self.be.color_pos = self.bluePos

                self.pe.dimmer = 0.0

                # Tween from right to left using blue
                self.pe.effect = None
                self.be.effect = None

                p = (progress-0.75)/0.25
                self.pe.tilt = tween.linear(self.pe_tilt_end, self.pe_tilt_start, p)
                self.be.tilt = tween.linear(self.be_tilt_end, self.be_tilt_start, p)

                self.pe.dimmer = 1.0
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, sheep_sides):
     looping_show.LoopingShow.__init__(self, sheep_sides)
     self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="light")
     self.background = self.foreground.copy()
     self.background.h += 0.5
Exemplo n.º 15
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        if new_loop:
            if self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                self.foreground = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]
                self.background = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                if self.cm.modifiers[1] or (random.randrange(10) > 7) or (
                        not hasattr(self, "foreground")):
                    # Definitely need a new color
                    if random.randrange(10) > 7:
                        # Also reverse direction
                        self.cm.set_modifier(2, not self.cm.modifiers[2])

                    if self.cm.modifiers[4] or (not hasattr(
                            self, "foreground")):
                        # Two totally new colors
                        self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="dark")
                        self.background = self.foreground.copy()
                        if self.background.h < 0.5:
                            self.background.h += 0.5
                            self.background.h -= 0.5
                        # Keep old foreground
                        self.background = self.foreground
                        self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="dark")

        for ring in geom.RINGS:
            el_size = 1.0 / len(ring)

            # Debug ring 3 only
            # debug = el_size < 0.4
            # if debug:
            #     print

            for ix, el in enumerate(ring):
                partial = 1.0

                el_start = (ix * el_size) + 0.25
                if el_start >= 1.0:
                    el_start -= 1.0
                el_end = ((ix + 1) * el_size) + 0.25
                if el_end > 1.0:
                    el_end -= 1.0

                v = 0.0
                p = progress
                backwards = self.cm.modifiers[2]

                if backwards:
                    p = 1.0 - progress

                mode = self.step_mode(2)

                if mode == 0:
                    # A single edge that sweeps from 0 to full
                    if p >= el_end:
                        v = 1.0
                    elif p > el_start:
                        v = (p - el_start) / el_size
                    # else v stays at 0

                elif mode == 1:
                    # A 0.25 segment
                    v = self.calcV(el_start, el_end, p, 0.25, debug=False)
                    # if debug:
                    #     print "  %0.4f" % v

                clr = color.HSV(
                    *tween.hsvLinear(self.background, self.foreground, v))

                self.ss.party.set_cell(el, clr)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def control_modifiers_changed(self):
     if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
         # Only do randoms on change of the modifier
         self.wash_a = random_color(luminosity="dark")
         self.wash_b = random_color(luminosity="dark")
Exemplo n.º 17
    def update_at_progress(self, progress, new_loop, loop_instance):

        if new_loop:
            if not self.cm.modifiers[0]:
                self.foreground = random_color(luminosity="dark")
                self.background = self.foreground.copy()
                self.background.h += 0.5
                self.background = self.cm.chosen_colors[1]
                self.foreground = self.cm.chosen_colors[0]

            if self.cm.modifiers[2]:
                t = self.foreground
                self.foreground = self.background
                self.background = t
            # self.color_list = morph.transition_list(self.foreground, self.background, steps=16)

        mode = self.step_mode(5)

        # _list defines what we loop over
        if mode == 4:
            _list = geom.SPIRAL
        elif mode == 3:
            _list = geom.QUADRANTS
        elif mode == 2:
            _list = geom.RINGS
        elif mode == 1:
            _list = geom.VSTRIPES
        elif mode == 0:
            _list = geom.HSTRIPES
        # if mode == 4:
        #     _list = sheep.ALL
        # elif mode == 3:
        #     _list = [sheep.FACE, sheep.HEAD, sheep.EARS, sheep.THROAT, sheep.BREAST, sheep.SHOULDER, sheep.RACK, sheep.LOIN, sheep.LEG, sheep.BUTT, sheep.TAIL]
        # elif mode == 2:
        #     _list = sheep.FRONT_SPIRAL
        # elif mode == 1:
        #     _list = sheep.VSTRIPES
        # elif mode == 0:
        #     _list = sheep.HSTRIPES

        # Make sure it always has an even count
        if len(_list) % 2 == 1:
            _list = _list + [[]]

        # Because progress will never actually hit 1.0, this will always
        # produce a valid list index
        to_light = int(progress * len(_list))

        for i in range(0, len(_list)):
            # Determine a background
            c = self.background
            if self.cm.modifiers[1]:
                c = geom.DARK_RED

            # But possibly make it a lit color
            if i <= to_light:
                c = self.foreground

                # Don't like all this color morph stuff...
                # x = i
                # if len(_list) < len(self.color_list) / 2:
                #     x = i * 2
                # c_ix = x % len(self.color_list)

                # if self.cm.modifiers[2] and (loop_instance % 2 == 0):
                #     c_ix = len(self.color_list) - 1 - c_ix

                # c = self.color_list[c_ix]

            el = _list[i]

            if self.cm.modifiers[4]:
                el = _list[len(_list) - 1 - i]

            self.ss.both.set_cell(el, c)