Exemplo n.º 1
class UserConfig (object) :

    def __init__(self) :
        '''Intitate the whole class and create the object.'''

#        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        self.rapumaHome         = os.environ.get('RAPUMA_BASE')
        self.defaultUserHome    = os.environ.get('RAPUMA_USER')
        self.userConfFileName   = 'rapuma.conf'
        self.tools              = Tools()

        # Point to the right user config either server or desktop
        # The RAPUMA_USER setting should have the right path from
        # the mother script (rapuma)
        self.userConfFile       = os.path.join(self.defaultUserHome, self.userConfFileName)

        # Check to see if the file is there, then read it in and break it into
        # sections. If it fails, scream really loud!
        rapumaXMLDefaults = os.path.join(self.rapumaHome, 'config', 'rapuma.xml')
        if os.path.exists(rapumaXMLDefaults) :
            self.tools.sysXmlConfig = self.tools.xml_to_section(rapumaXMLDefaults)
        else :
            raise IOError, "Can't open " + rapumaXMLDefaults

        # Now make the users local rapuma.conf file if it isn't there
        if not os.path.isfile(self.userConfFile) :

        # Load the system.conf file into an object
        self.userConfig = ConfigObj(self.userConfFile, encoding='utf-8')

        # Log messages for this module
        self.errorCodes     = {
            '0000' : ['MSG', 'Placeholder message'],

############################ User Config Functions ############################

    def initUserHome (self) :
        '''Initialize a user config file on a new install or system re-init.'''

        # Create home folders
        if not os.path.isdir(self.defaultUserHome) :

        # Make the default global rapuma.conf for custom environment settings
        if not os.path.isfile(self.userConfFile) :
            self.userConfig = ConfigObj(self.tools.sysXmlConfig.dict(), encoding='utf-8')
            self.userConfig.filename = self.userConfFile
            self.userConfig['System']['initDate'] = self.tools.tStamp()

    def setSystemSettings (self, section, key, value) :
        '''Function to make system settings.'''

        oldValue = self.userConfig[section][key]
        if oldValue != value :
            self.userConfig[section][key] = value
            # Write out the results
            self.tools.terminal('\nRapuma user name setting changed from [' + oldValue + '] to [' + value + '].\n\n')
        else :
            self.tools.terminal('\nSame value given, nothing to changed.\n\n')
Exemplo n.º 2
class UserConfig(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Intitate the whole class and create the object."""

        self.rapumaHome = os.environ.get("RAPUMA_BASE")
        self.defaultUserHome = os.environ.get("RAPUMA_USER")
        self.userConfFileName = "rapuma.conf"
        self.tools = Tools()

        # Point to the right user config
        # Look for a web installation first, if not go to default
        # Note that a slash is put before var as it is off of root
        # That kind of stops this from being cross-platform
        rapumaWebConfig = os.path.join("/var", "lib", "rapuma", "config", self.userConfFileName)
        defaultConfig = os.path.join(self.defaultUserHome, self.userConfFileName)
        if os.path.exists(rapumaWebConfig):
            self.userConfFile = rapumaWebConfig
            self.userConfFile = defaultConfig

        # Check to see if the file is there, then read it in and break it into
        # sections. If it fails, scream really loud!
        rapumaXMLDefaults = os.path.join(self.rapumaHome, "config", "rapuma.xml")
        if os.path.exists(rapumaXMLDefaults):
            self.tools.sysXmlConfig = self.tools.xml_to_section(rapumaXMLDefaults)
            raise IOError, "Can't open " + rapumaXMLDefaults

        #        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # Now make the users local rapuma.conf file if it isn't there
        if not os.path.exists(self.userConfFile):

        # Load the Rapuma conf file into an object
        self.userConfig = ConfigObj(self.userConfFile, encoding="utf-8")

        # Initialize the user's home folders, like resources, etc

        # Log messages for this module
        self.errorCodes = {"0000": ["MSG", "Placeholder message"]}

    ############################ User Config Functions ############################

    def initUserHome(self):
        """Initialize a user config file on a new install or system re-init."""

        # Create home folders
        if not os.path.isdir(self.defaultUserHome):

        # Make the default global rapuma.conf for custom environment settings
        if not os.path.isfile(self.userConfFile):
            self.userConfig = ConfigObj(self.tools.sysXmlConfig.dict(), encoding="utf-8")
            self.userConfig.filename = self.userConfFile
            self.userConfig["System"]["initDate"] = self.tools.tStamp()

    def setSystemSettings(self, section, key, value):
        """Function to make system settings."""

        oldValue = self.userConfig[section][key]
        if oldValue != value:
            self.userConfig[section][key] = value
            # Write out the results
            self.tools.terminal("\nRapuma user name setting changed from [" + oldValue + "] to [" + value + "].\n\n")
            self.tools.terminal("\nSame value given, nothing to changed.\n\n")

    def makeHomeFolders(self):
        """Setup the default Rapuma resource folders."""

        #        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # We do not write out unless this flag is set
        confWriteFlag = False

        # Setup Resources section if needed
        if not self.userConfig.has_key("Resources"):
            self.tools.buildConfSection(self.userConfig, "Resources")

        # Get the user config project folder location (or set a default)
        if not self.userConfig["Resources"].has_key("projects") or not self.userConfig["Resources"]["projects"]:
            projects = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"), "Publishing")
            if not os.path.exists(projects):
            self.userConfig["Resources"]["projects"] = projects
            confWriteFlag = True
        elif not os.path.exists(self.tools.resolvePath(self.userConfig["Resources"]["projects"])):
                "\nERROR: Invalid projects folder path: "
                + self.userConfig["Resources"]["projects"]
                + "\n\nProcess halted.\n"
            projects = self.tools.resolvePath(self.userConfig["Resources"]["projects"])

        # Note: The following was commented because it no longer is necessary to load in locations
        # for various resouces. That will be dynamically. If the program ever reaches the point
        # where this would be good to have, it can be handled by a GUI. (djd - 20160223)

        #        # Get the user config Rapuma resource folder location
        #        if not self.userConfig['Resources'].has_key('rapumaResource') :
        #            # Check for pre-typo-fix value ('rapumaResouce') before creating new section
        #            if self.userConfig['Resources'].has_key('rapumaResouce') :
        #                self.userConfig['Resources'].rename('rapumaResouce', 'rapumaResource')
        #                confWriteFlag = True
        #            else:
        #                self.tools.buildConfSection(self.userConfig['Resources'], 'rapumaResource')
        #                confWriteFlag = True
        #        if len(self.userConfig['Resources']['rapumaResource']) > 0 :
        #            rapumaResource = self.userConfig['Resources']['rapumaResource']
        #        else :
        #            # This is the default location
        #            rapumaResource = os.path.join(site.USER_BASE, 'share', 'rapuma')
        #            self.userConfig['Resources']['rapumaResource'] = rapumaResource
        #            confWriteFlag = True

        #        # Make a list of sub-folders to make in the Rapuma resourcs folder
        #        resourceFolders = ['archive', 'backup', 'font', 'illustration', \
        #                            'macro','script', 'template']

        #        for r in resourceFolders :
        #            # Build the path and check if it can be made
        #            thisPath = os.path.join(rapumaResource, r)
        #            if not os.path.isdir(thisPath) :
        #                os.makedirs(thisPath)
        #            self.userConfig['Resources'][r] = thisPath
        #            confWriteFlag = True

        # Write out if needed
        if confWriteFlag:
        return True