Exemplo n.º 1
 def resample(self, new_cellsize, method='bilinear'):
     """ Resample the raster object to a new resolution
         new_cellsize: scalar, the resoltion of the new raster object
         method: string, one of the values including 'nearest', 'bilinear',
         'cubic', 'cubic_spline', 'lanczos', 'average', 'mode', 'gauss',
         'max', 'min', 'med', 'q1', 'q3' 
         Raster object
     from rasterio.enums import Resampling
     method_list = [
         'nearest', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubic_spline', 'lanczos',
         'average', 'mode', 'gauss', 'max', 'min', 'med', 'q1', 'q3'
     ind = method_list.index(method)
     upscale_factor = self.cellsize / new_cellsize
     ds_rio = self.to_rasterio_ds()
     new_shape = (1, int(ds_rio.height * upscale_factor),
                  int(ds_rio.width * upscale_factor))
     resampling_method = Resampling(ind)
     data = ds_rio.read(out_shape=new_shape, resampling=resampling_method)
     data = data[0]
     # scale image transform
     transform = ds_rio.transform * ds_rio.transform.scale(
         (ds_rio.width / data.shape[-1]), (ds_rio.height / data.shape[-2]))
     new_header = copy.deepcopy(self.header)
     new_header['cellsize'] = new_cellsize
     new_header['nrows'] = data.shape[0]
     new_header['ncols'] = data.shape[1]
     new_header['xllcorner'] = transform[2]
     new_header['yllcorner'] = transform[5] - data.shape[0] * new_cellsize
     obj_new = Raster(array=data, header=new_header)
     if hasattr(self, 'crs'):
         obj_new.crs = self.crs
     return obj_new
Exemplo n.º 2
def reproject(source,
    """Reproject a source raster to a destination raster.

    If the source and destination are ndarrays, coordinate reference
    system definitions and affine transformation parameters or ground
    control points (gcps) are required for reprojection.

    If the source and destination are rasterio Bands, shorthand for
    bands of datasets on disk, the coordinate reference systems and
    transforms or GCPs will be read from the appropriate datasets.

    source, destination: ndarray or Band
        The source and destination are 2 or 3-D ndarrays, or a single
        or multiple Rasterio Band object. The dimensionality of source
        and destination must match, i.e., for multiband reprojection
        the lengths of the first axes of the source and destination
        must be the same.
    src_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Source affine transformation. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from source if it is
        a rasterio Band. An error will be raised if this parameter is
        defined together with gcps.
    gcps: sequence of GroundControlPoint, optional
        Ground control points for the source. An error will be raised
        if this parameter is defined together with src_transform.
    src_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Source coordinate reference system, in rasterio dict format.
        Required if source and destination are ndarrays.
        Will be derived from source if it is a rasterio Band.
        Example: CRS({'init': 'EPSG:4326'})
    src_nodata: int or float, optional
        The source nodata value.Pixels with this value will not be
        used for interpolation. If not set, it will be default to the
        nodata value of the source image if a masked ndarray or
        rasterio band, if available.
    dst_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Target affine transformation. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from target if it is
        a rasterio Band.
    dst_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Target coordinate reference system. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from target if it
        is a rasterio Band.
    dst_nodata: int or float, optional
        The nodata value used to initialize the destination; it will
        remain in all areas not covered by the reprojected source.
        Defaults to the nodata value of the destination image (if set),
        the value of src_nodata, or 0 (GDAL default).
    resampling: int
        Resampling method to use.  One of the following:
            Resampling.max (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.min (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.med (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.q1 (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.q3 (GDAL >= 2.2)
        An exception will be raised for a method not supported by the running
        version of GDAL.
    init_dest_nodata: bool
        Flag to specify initialization of nodata in destination;
        prevents overwrite of previous warps. Defaults to True.
    kwargs:  dict, optional
        Additional arguments passed to transformation function.

    out: None
        Output is written to destination.
    if src_transform and gcps:
        raise ValueError("src_transform and gcps parameters may not"
                         "be used together.")

    # Resampling guard.
        if resampling == 7:  # gauss resampling is not supported
            raise ValueError


    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("resampling must be one of: {0}".format(", ".join(
            ['Resampling.{0}'.format(r.name) for r in SUPPORTED_RESAMPLING])))

    # If working with identity transform, assume it is crs-less data
    # and that translating the matrix very slightly will avoid #674
    eps = 1e-100
    if src_transform:
        src_transform = guard_transform(src_transform)
        # if src_transform is like `identity` with positive or negative `e`,
        # translate matrix very slightly to avoid #674 and #1272.
        if src_transform.almost_equals(
                identity) or src_transform.almost_equals(
                    Affine(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0)):
            src_transform = src_transform.translation(eps, eps)
    if dst_transform:
        dst_transform = guard_transform(dst_transform)
        if dst_transform.almost_equals(
                identity) or dst_transform.almost_equals(
                    Affine(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0)):
            dst_transform = dst_transform.translation(eps, eps)

    if src_transform:
        src_transform = guard_transform(src_transform).to_gdal()
    if dst_transform:
        dst_transform = guard_transform(dst_transform).to_gdal()

    # Passing None can cause segfault, use empty dict
    if src_crs is None:
        src_crs = {}
    if dst_crs is None:
        dst_crs = {}

    _reproject(source, destination, src_transform, gcps, src_crs, src_nodata,
               dst_transform, dst_crs, dst_nodata, resampling,
               init_dest_nodata, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
def reproject(source, destination=None, src_transform=None, gcps=None, rpcs=None,
              src_crs=None, src_nodata=None, dst_transform=None, dst_crs=None,
              dst_nodata=None, dst_resolution=None, src_alpha=0, dst_alpha=0,
              resampling=Resampling.nearest, num_threads=1,
              init_dest_nodata=True, warp_mem_limit=0, **kwargs):
    """Reproject a source raster to a destination raster.

    If the source and destination are ndarrays, coordinate reference
    system definitions and affine transformation parameters or ground
    control points (gcps) are required for reprojection.

    If the source and destination are rasterio Bands, shorthand for
    bands of datasets on disk, the coordinate reference systems and
    transforms or GCPs will be read from the appropriate datasets.

    source: ndarray or Band
        The source is a 2 or 3-D ndarray, or a single or a multiple
        Rasterio Band object. The dimensionality of source
        and destination must match, i.e., for multiband reprojection
        the lengths of the first axes of the source and destination
        must be the same.
    destination: ndarray or Band, optional
        The destination is a 2 or 3-D ndarray, or a single or a multiple
        Rasterio Band object. The dimensionality of source
        and destination must match, i.e., for multiband reprojection
        the lengths of the first axes of the source and destination
        must be the same.
    src_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Source affine transformation. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from source if it is
        a rasterio Band. An error will be raised if this parameter is
        defined together with gcps.
    gcps: sequence of GroundControlPoint, optional
        Ground control points for the source. An error will be raised
        if this parameter is defined together with src_transform or rpcs.
    rpcs: RPC or dict, optional
        Rational polynomial coefficients for the source. An error will
        be raised if this parameter is defined together with src_transform
        or gcps.
    src_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Source coordinate reference system, in rasterio dict format.
        Required if source and destination are ndarrays.
        Will be derived from source if it is a rasterio Band.
        Example: CRS({'init': 'EPSG:4326'})
    src_nodata: int or float, optional
        The source nodata value. Pixels with this value will not be
        used for interpolation. If not set, it will default to the
        nodata value of the source image if a masked ndarray or
        rasterio band, if available.
    dst_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Target affine transformation. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from target if it is
        a rasterio Band.
    dst_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Target coordinate reference system. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from target if it
        is a rasterio Band.
    dst_nodata: int or float, optional
        The nodata value used to initialize the destination; it will
        remain in all areas not covered by the reprojected source.
        Defaults to the nodata value of the destination image (if set),
        the value of src_nodata, or 0 (GDAL default).
    dst_resolution: tuple (x resolution, y resolution) or float, optional
        Target resolution, in units of target coordinate reference
    src_alpha : int, optional
        Index of a band to use as the alpha band when warping.
    dst_alpha : int, optional
        Index of a band to use as the alpha band when warping.
    resampling: int, rasterio.enums.Resampling
        Resampling method to use.
        Default is :attr:`rasterio.enums.Resampling.nearest`.
        An exception will be raised for a method not supported by the running
        version of GDAL.
    num_threads : int, optional
        The number of warp worker threads. Default: 1.
    init_dest_nodata: bool
        Flag to specify initialization of nodata in destination;
        prevents overwrite of previous warps. Defaults to True.
    warp_mem_limit : int, optional
        The warp operation memory limit in MB. Larger values allow the
        warp operation to be carried out in fewer chunks. The amount of
        memory required to warp a 3-band uint8 2000 row x 2000 col
        raster to a destination of the same size is approximately
        56 MB. The default (0) means 64 MB with GDAL 2.2.
    kwargs:  dict, optional
        Additional arguments passed to transformation function.

    destination: ndarray or Band
        The transformed narray or Band.
    dst_transform: Affine
        THe affine transformation matrix of the destination.

    # Only one type of georeferencing is permitted.
    if (src_transform and gcps) or (src_transform and rpcs) or (gcps and rpcs):
        raise ValueError("src_transform, gcps, and rpcs are mutually "
                         "exclusive parameters and may not be used together.")

    # Guard against invalid or unsupported resampling algorithms.
        if resampling == 7:
            raise ValueError("Gauss resampling is not supported")


    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError(
            "resampling must be one of: {0}".format(", ".join(
                ['Resampling.{0}'.format(r.name) for r in

    if destination is None and dst_transform is not None:
        raise ValueError("Must provide destination if dst_transform is provided.")

    # calculate the destination transform if not provided
    if dst_transform is None and (destination is None or isinstance(destination, np.ndarray)):
        src_bounds = tuple([None] * 4)
        if isinstance(source, np.ndarray):
            if source.ndim == 3:
                src_count, src_height, src_width = source.shape
                src_count = 1
                src_height, src_width = source.shape

            # try to compute src_bounds if we don't have gcps
            if not (gcps or rpcs):
                src_bounds = array_bounds(src_height, src_width, src_transform)
            src_rdr, src_bidx, _, src_shape = source

            # dataset.bounds will return raster extents in pixel coordinates
            # if dataset does not have geotransform, which is not useful here.
            if not (src_rdr.transform.is_identity and src_rdr.crs is None):
                src_bounds = src_rdr.bounds

            src_crs = src_crs or src_rdr.crs

            if isinstance(src_bidx, int):
                src_bidx = [src_bidx]

            src_count = len(src_bidx)
            src_height, src_width = src_shape
            gcps = src_rdr.gcps[0] if src_rdr.gcps[0] else None

        dst_height = None
        dst_width = None
        dst_count = src_count
        if isinstance(destination, np.ndarray):
            if destination.ndim == 3:
                dst_count, dst_height, dst_width = destination.shape
                dst_count = 1
                dst_height, dst_width = destination.shape

        left, bottom, right, top = src_bounds
        dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform(
            src_crs=src_crs, dst_crs=dst_crs, width=src_width, height=src_height,
            left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top,
            gcps=gcps, rpcs=rpcs, dst_width=dst_width, dst_height=dst_height,

        if destination is None:
            destination = np.empty((int(dst_count), int(dst_height), int(dst_width)),

    # Call the function in our extension module.
        source, destination, src_transform=src_transform, gcps=gcps, rpcs=rpcs,
        src_crs=src_crs, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_transform=dst_transform,
        dst_crs=dst_crs, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, dst_alpha=dst_alpha,
        src_alpha=src_alpha, resampling=resampling,
        init_dest_nodata=init_dest_nodata, num_threads=num_threads,
        warp_mem_limit=warp_mem_limit, **kwargs)

    return destination, dst_transform
Exemplo n.º 4
def reproject(source,
    """Reproject a source raster to a destination raster.

    If the source and destination are ndarrays, coordinate reference
    system definitions and affine transformation parameters or ground
    control points (gcps) are required for reprojection.

    If the source and destination are rasterio Bands, shorthand for
    bands of datasets on disk, the coordinate reference systems and
    transforms or GCPs will be read from the appropriate datasets.

    source, destination: ndarray or Band
        The source and destination are 2 or 3-D ndarrays, or a single
        or multiple Rasterio Band object. The dimensionality of source
        and destination must match, i.e., for multiband reprojection
        the lengths of the first axes of the source and destination
        must be the same.
    src_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Source affine transformation. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from source if it is
        a rasterio Band. An error will be raised if this parameter is
        defined together with gcps.
    gcps: sequence of GroundControlPoint, optional
        Ground control points for the source. An error will be raised
        if this parameter is defined together with src_transform.
    src_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Source coordinate reference system, in rasterio dict format.
        Required if source and destination are ndarrays.
        Will be derived from source if it is a rasterio Band.
        Example: CRS({'init': 'EPSG:4326'})
    src_nodata: int or float, optional
        The source nodata value.Pixels with this value will not be
        used for interpolation. If not set, it will be default to the
        nodata value of the source image if a masked ndarray or
        rasterio band, if available.
    dst_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Target affine transformation. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from target if it is
        a rasterio Band.
    dst_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Target coordinate reference system. Required if source and
        destination are ndarrays. Will be derived from target if it
        is a rasterio Band.
    dst_nodata: int or float, optional
        The nodata value used to initialize the destination; it will
        remain in all areas not covered by the reprojected source.
        Defaults to the nodata value of the destination image (if set),
        the value of src_nodata, or 0 (GDAL default).
    resampling: int
        Resampling method to use.  One of the following:
            Resampling.max (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.min (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.med (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.q1 (GDAL >= 2.2),
            Resampling.q3 (GDAL >= 2.2)
        An exception will be raised for a method not supported by the running
        version of GDAL.
    init_dest_nodata: bool
        Flag to specify initialization of nodata in destination;
        prevents overwrite of previous warps. Defaults to True.
    kwargs:  dict, optional
        Additional arguments passed to transformation function.

    out: None
        Output is written to destination.

    # Only one type of georeferencing is permitted.
    if src_transform and gcps:
        raise ValueError("src_transform and gcps parameters may not"
                         "be used together.")

    # Guard against invalid or unsupported resampling algorithms.
        if resampling == 7:
            raise ValueError("Gauss resampling is not supported")


    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("resampling must be one of: {0}".format(", ".join(
            ['Resampling.{0}'.format(r.name) for r in SUPPORTED_RESAMPLING])))

    # Call the function in our extension module.
    _reproject(source, destination, src_transform, gcps, src_crs, src_nodata,
               dst_transform, dst_crs, dst_nodata, False, resampling,
               init_dest_nodata, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
def reproject(source,
    Reproject a source raster to a destination raster.

    If the source and destination are ndarrays, coordinate reference
    system definitions and affine transformation parameters are required
    for reprojection.

    If the source and destination are rasterio Bands, shorthand for
    bands of datasets on disk, the coordinate reference systems and
    transforms will be read from the appropriate datasets.

    source: ndarray or rasterio Band
        Source raster.
    destination: ndarray or rasterio Band
        Target raster.
    src_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Source affine transformation.  Required if source and destination
        are ndarrays.  Will be derived from source if it is a rasterio Band.
    src_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Source coordinate reference system, in rasterio dict format.
        Required if source and destination are ndarrays.
        Will be derived from source if it is a rasterio Band.
        Example: CRS({'init': 'EPSG:4326'})
    src_nodata: int or float, optional
        The source nodata value.  Pixels with this value will not be used
        for interpolation.  If not set, it will be default to the
        nodata value of the source image if a masked ndarray or rasterio band,
        if available.  Must be provided if dst_nodata is not None.
    dst_transform: affine.Affine(), optional
        Target affine transformation.  Required if source and destination
        are ndarrays.  Will be derived from target if it is a rasterio Band.
    dst_crs: CRS or dict, optional
        Target coordinate reference system.  Required if source and destination
        are ndarrays.  Will be derived from target if it is a rasterio Band.
    dst_nodata: int or float, optional
        The nodata value used to initialize the destination; it will remain
        in all areas not covered by the reprojected source.  Defaults to the
        nodata value of the destination image (if set), the value of
        src_nodata, or 0 (GDAL default).
    resampling: int
        Resampling method to use.  One of the following:
    init_dest_nodata: bool
        Flag to specify initialization of nodata in destination;
        prevents overwrite of previous warps. Defaults to True.
    kwargs:  dict, optional
        Additional arguments passed to transformation function.

    out: None
        Output is written to destination.
    # Resampling guard.
        if resampling == 7:
            raise ValueError
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("resampling must be one of: {0}".format(", ".join([
            'Resampling.{0}'.format(k) for k in Resampling.__members__.keys()
            if k != 'gauss'

    # If working with identity transform, assume it is crs-less data
    # and that translating the matrix very slightly will avoid #674
    eps = 1e-100
    if src_transform and guard_transform(src_transform).is_identity:
        src_transform = src_transform.translation(eps, eps)
    if dst_transform and guard_transform(dst_transform).is_identity:
        dst_transform = dst_transform.translation(eps, eps)

    if src_transform:
        src_transform = guard_transform(src_transform).to_gdal()
    if dst_transform:
        dst_transform = guard_transform(dst_transform).to_gdal()

    # Passing None can cause segfault, use empty dict
    if src_crs is None:
        src_crs = {}
    if dst_crs is None:
        dst_crs = {}

    _reproject(source, destination, src_transform, src_crs, src_nodata,
               dst_transform, dst_crs, dst_nodata, resampling,
               init_dest_nodata, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 6
def reproject(
    Reproject a source raster to a destination raster.

    If the source and destination are ndarrays, coordinate reference
    system definitions and affine transformation parameters are required
    for reprojection.

    If the source and destination are rasterio Bands, shorthand for
    bands of datasets on disk, the coordinate reference systems and
    transforms will be read from the appropriate datasets.

    source: ndarray or rasterio Band
        Source raster.
    destination: ndarray or rasterio Band
        Target raster.
    src_transform: affine transform object, optional
        Source affine transformation.  Required if source and destination
        are ndarrays.  Will be derived from source if it is a rasterio Band.
    src_crs: dict, optional
        Source coordinate reference system, in rasterio dict format.
        Required if source and destination are ndarrays.
        Will be derived from source if it is a rasterio Band.
        Example: {'init': 'EPSG:4326'}
    src_nodata: int or float, optional
        The source nodata value.  Pixels with this value will not be used
        for interpolation.  If not set, it will be default to the
        nodata value of the source image if a masked ndarray or rasterio band,
        if available.  Must be provided if dst_nodata is not None.
    dst_transform: affine transform object, optional
        Target affine transformation.  Required if source and destination
        are ndarrays.  Will be derived from target if it is a rasterio Band.
    dst_crs: dict, optional
        Target coordinate reference system.  Required if source and destination
        are ndarrays.  Will be derived from target if it is a rasterio Band.
    dst_nodata: int or float, optional
        The nodata value used to initialize the destination; it will remain
        in all areas not covered by the reprojected source.  Defaults to the
        nodata value of the destination image (if set), the value of
        src_nodata, or 0 (GDAL default).
    resampling: int
        Resampling method to use.  One of the following:
    kwargs:  dict, optional
        Additional arguments passed to transformation function.

    out: None
        Output is written to destination.
    # Resampling guard.
        if resampling == 7:
            raise ValueError
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError(
            "resampling must be one of: {0}".format(", ".join(
                ['Resampling.{0}'.format(k) for k in
                 Resampling.__members__.keys() if k != 'gauss'])))

    if src_transform:
        src_transform = guard_transform(src_transform).to_gdal()
    if dst_transform:
        dst_transform = guard_transform(dst_transform).to_gdal()
